Changelog for
expat-1.95.7-1.i586.rpm :
Wed Oct 22 14:00:00 2003 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at
$Log: expat.spec,v $
Revision 2003/10/22 20:30:20 kloczek
- reelase 1 for Ra.
Revision 1.36 2003/10/22 20:22:38 kloczek
- updated to 1.95.7: improvents(hashlookups) and bug fixes,
- removed obsoleted gcc3-c++ patch.
Revision 1.35 2003/09/27 09:17:46 kloczek
- disable build static subpackage (static subpackage added to Obsoletes).
Revision 1.34 2003/06/27 17:27:17 kloczek
- unifications and cleanups.
Revision 1.33 2003/06/19 11:41:36 kloczek
- fixes in URL and Source url.
Revision 1.32 2003/06/15 15:18:56 kloczek
- unification in SF download URLs (use only).
Revision 1.31 2003/05/17 22:57:07 kloczek
- added full regenerate ac/lt build suit (added ac_fixes patch).
Revision 1.30 2003/03/11 12:23:26 qboosh
- added fix to allow including expat.h from C++ programs using gcc3
- release 2
Revision 1.29 2003/02/25 12:13:30 qboosh
- working Source URL
Revision 1.28 2003/01/28 12:19:31 trojan
- updated 1.95.6