Changelog for postgresql-c++-devel-7.2.4-6.i386.rpm :
Thu Nov 6 13:00:00 2003 PLD Team All persons listed below can be reached at AATTpld.org.pl
$Log: postgresql.spec,v $ Revision 2003/11/06 05:47:19 kloczek - release 6, - SECURITY FIXES: Two bugs were discovered that lead to a buffer overflow in PostgreSQL versions 7.2.x and 7.3.x prior to 7.3.4, in the abstract data type (ADT) to ASCII conversion functions. It is believed that, under the right circumstances, an attacker may use this vulnerability to execute arbitrary instructions on the PostgreSQL server.
Revision 2003/10/14 17:57:54 kloczek - release 5, - importand fix for upgrade: move %trigger script to %post.
Revision 2003/09/03 13:07:08 kloczek - release 4, - added %triggerin script for add missing default PG_DB_CLUSTERS=\"/var/lib/pgsql\" in /etc/sysconfig/postgresql on upgrade from previous versions for allow smooth upgrade.
Revision 2003/08/14 03:01:24 kloczek - reelase 3: enable NLS support.
Revision 2003/08/13 04:20:41 kloczek - added no_libs patch: prevent linking with libresolv, libbind, libsocket (added correct checking in ac level for this libraries), - added man pages level 7 to client subpackage.
Revision 2003/08/13 03:46:07 kloczek - release 2.
Revision 2003/05/08 16:36:41 djrzulf - added pgcrypto module, please FINISH this spec (i don\'t know what do with files at TODO) - Release 1.1, - when it will be finished, bounce to release 2 and STBR for general updates,
Revision 2003/02/18 08:21:43 qboosh - missing dir
Revision 2003/02/05 09:41:47 wrobell - ver. 7.2.4 /bugfix release/
Revision 2003/02/04 15:05:59 qboosh - added geo_ops patch from RH - fix for polygon() issue - \"cash_out\" issue NOT fixed and unlikely to be in 7.2.x (it refers to MANY functions) - added acfix needed for ac 2.57, harmless with 2.53a - release 2, STBR to ra/updates/security
Revision 1.169 2002/10/03 09:42:50 wrobell - ver. 7.2.3
Revision 1.168 2002/08/24 20:29:58 kloczek - merge translations from TurboLinux.
Revision 1.167 2002/08/24 19:56:30 kloczek - updated to 7.2.2: security fixes.
Revision 1.166 2002/06/27 08:51:39 kloczek - release 9, - change run levels: run postgresql on 84 level (before apache) and stop on 25 (after apache) - it is neccessary if localy runed apache uses mod_log_psql module.
Revision 1.165 2002/05/30 18:09:24 wrobell - added documentation for python-postgresql package - new doc scheme - rel. 8
Revision 1.164 2002/05/21 23:14:32 kloczek perl -pi -e \"s/^automake -a -c -f --foreing/\\%\\{__automake\\}/; \\ s/^automake -a -c -f/\\%\\{__automake\\}/; \\ s/^autoconf/\\%\\{__autoconf\\}/\"
Revision 1.163 2002/05/09 22:24:18 qboosh - one more fix in postgresql.init: initialize defaults before reading service config, so init script won\'t fail if config file is present but some variable is not set - release 7
Revision 1.162 2002/05/02 16:51:16 kloczek - merge translations from KSI.
Revision 1.161 2002/05/02 16:27:45 qboosh - changed \'su postgres\' to \'su - postgres\' before initdb in postgresql.init - now it works when \'postgresql start\' is called with $PWD inaccessible by postgres user (fix by mw) - release 6
Revision 1.160 2002/04/27 13:56:12 aflinta - added encoding selection to init script - release 5
Revision 1.159 2002/04/13 17:07:56 kloczek - release 4: rebuild against python 2.2.1.
Revision 1.158 2002/04/11 12:23:48 wrobell - use pyrequires_eq macro - rel. 3 - stb
Revision 1.157 2002/04/03 05:56:12 kloczek - updated to 7.2.1 (bugfix version), - rmoved oudated contribfixes patch.
Revision 1.156 2002/03/25 11:52:16 mis - added pg_ctl-nopsql.patch which fixes server start on properly configured postgresql installations
Revision 1.155 2002/03/18 07:12:40 wrobell - python subpackage group changed to Libraries/Python - rel. 7 - stb
Revision 1.154 2002/03/10 09:01:37 djrzulf - back to previous version,
Revision 1.152 2002/03/06 20:48:27 misiek - disable make check on ppc
Revision 1.151 2002/03/01 01:41:49 kloczek - added python-mx-DateTime to Requires list for python subpackage (fixed http://bugs.pld.org.pl/?bug=108).
Revision 1.150 2002/02/28 21:59:20 kloczek - relase 6.
Revision 1.149 2002/02/28 17:15:06 filon - there are no doc/internals.ps * files (nor anywere else)
Revision 1.148 2002/02/25 14:38:16 wrobell - added warning about upgrade from version before 7.2 - rel. 5 - stb
Revision 1.147 2002/02/23 04:25:49 kloczek - adapterized.
Revision 1.146 2002/02/22 23:29:37 kloczek - removed all Group fields translations (oure rpm now can handle translating Group field using gettext).
Revision 1.145 2002/02/21 03:39:48 kloczek - release 4: added contribfixes patch stolen from rawhide.
Revision 1.144 2002/02/20 14:39:58 wrobell - remove duplicate --with-perl
Revision 1.143 2002/02/20 13:20:19 qboosh - don\'t allow server upgrade if old databases exist, for PL/ * modules, rpm should be fixed - release 3 - needs testing
Revision 1.142 2002/02/20 12:11:52 qboosh - moved postgres home to /home/services/postgres
Revision 1.141 2002/02/20 11:41:17 qboosh - proper -clients descriptions (en,pl only)
Revision 1.140 2002/02/15 01:42:54 wrobell - translate missing main package descriptions to pl
Revision 1.139 2002/02/13 19:49:36 qboosh - removed one dummy Requires, added version to Prereq: -clients
Revision 1.138 2002/02/13 14:30:14 wrobell - what to do? what more?
Revision 1.137 2002/02/13 11:28:13 wrobell - removed module-datetime subpackage /disappeared between 7.0.3 and 7.1.3 for postgresql sources/ - adapterized - nfy
Revision 1.136 2002/02/12 19:56:58 wrobell - rename postgresql-python package to python-postgresql - nfy
Revision 1.135 2002/02/11 06:40:30 kloczek - added two subpackages module-pl{python,perl}, - updated %files list, - seems odbc header files disapear (commnented), - spec adapterized, - \"make check\" in %install is back (disable rpath was solve bugs on checking postgresql), - more macros.
Revision 1.134 2002/02/10 22:00:41 pawelk dont use rpath sice it makes \'make check\' allways fail
Revision 1.133 2002/02/09 15:39:46 kloczek - commet cheking in %build (seems checking suit is broken), - addedd --enable-unicode-conversion, --enable-depend, --with-perl to configure parameters.
Revision 1.132 2002/02/07 10:44:02 filon - patch pg_ctl-silent is not obsolette - re-added it and updated for 7.2
Revision 1.131 2002/02/07 06:50:32 kloczek - start upgrade to 7.2, - removed obsoleted patches.
Revision 1.130 2002/02/04 05:26:50 kloczek - release 15: rebuild against python 2.2.
Revision 1.129 2002/01/18 02:14:38 kloczek perl -pi -e \"s/pld-list\\AATTpld.org.pl/feedback\\AATTpld.org.pl/\"
Revision 1.128 2001/12/28 17:02:38 filon - fixed typo in files - release 14
Revision 1.127 2001/12/11 15:23:41 aflinta - added conditional build for JDBC driver _with_jdb, but NFY
Revision 1.126 2001/12/10 15:58:36 aflinta - moved libpgtcl.so from tcl-devel to tcl package file is needed by pgaccess - rel 13, STBR
Revision 1.125 2001/12/02 16:31:28 filon - release 12, of course
Revision 1.124 2001/12/02 16:29:26 filon - added pg_ctl-silent patch, which makes pg_ctl silent also when starting with existing pidfile, it removes annoying and messing startup message (\'another postmaster ...\') and it does no harm, it is handled by init script - release 11
Revision 1.123 2001/12/01 14:11:31 mkochano - Release 11. - Corrected check for subsys lock: s/postmaster/postgresql/ in %%post and %%preun.
Revision 1.122 2001/11/26 12:43:41 wrobell - use standard python macros (building requires rpm-pythonprov) - rel. 10, stbr
Revision 1.121 2001/11/22 21:45:39 filon - fix + cosmetics in postgresql.init (one more time) - release 9
Revision 1.120 2001/11/22 15:07:59 filon - fixed postgresql.init, now will not show FAIL when succesfully started - release 8
Revision 1.119 2001/11/13 13:41:44 mis - added missing pgdb module to python subpackage; release 7
Revision 1.118 2001/10/27 21:43:56 kloczek - two typos.
Revision 1.117 2001/10/27 20:25:52 kloczek - merge translations from CNV.
Revision 1.116 2001/10/25 21:13:20 zagrodzki - added ssl support in init files
Revision 1.115 2001/10/11 09:03:18 qboosh - adapterized, remaining pl translations, BuildRequires: automake
Revision 1.114 2001/10/01 14:24:06 mkochano - Release 5. - Main (server) package: Prereq: postgresql-clients. rc-script\'s start command requires pg_ctl and pg_ctl requires ,,postmaster\'\' and ,,psql\'\'.
Revision 1.113 2001/09/18 15:04:27 baggins - fixed build in non-standart prefix
Revision 1.112 2001/09/05 18:37:45 kloczek - release 4: do not perform tests in %install on sparc * and alpha (on sparc seems testins is broken because result testing is compared with expected results on solaris and one test fail).
Revision 1.111 2001/09/04 20:47:02 kloczek - release 3.
Revision 1.110 2001/09/04 17:37:56 pawelk added defattr to backend-devel stbr
Revision 1.109 2001/08/31 17:54:39 pawelk - added \"make check\" to build section - added subpackage \"backend-devel\" with headers not included in oteher packages - STBR
Revision 1.108 2001/08/31 14:36:28 kloczek - BuildRequires: python-devel >= 2.1.1.
Revision 1.107 2001/08/22 16:08:29 wrobell - rebuilded with python 2.1.1 - rel. 2, stb.
Revision 1.106 2001/08/19 01:22:11 kloczek - updated to 7.1.3, - added ac_fixes patch and remove private copy libtool.m4 from config/.
Revision 1.105 2001/07/29 21:41:27 blues - release 7 - added postgresql-clients to postgresql requires. It contains psql file, which is needed to init database and show initd-script status. Maybe move it to libs package would be better?
Revision 1.104 2001/07/26 05:42:22 saq - reverting last change: removing new macros from %p{re,ost}{,un}
Revision 1.102 2001/07/03 15:02:13 zagrodzki - release 6 (for rebuild)
Revision 1.101 2001/06/18 04:45:16 kloczek - release 5: added python-PyGreSQL to Obsoletes for python subpackage.
Revision 1.100 2001/06/06 17:49:24 kloczek - release 4: set TMPDIR before every su call and separater restart, reload in init script (misiek).
Revision 1.99 2001/05/31 16:21:15 wrobell - modified sysconfig file (options default to \'no\'), rel. up, STB
Revision 1.98 2001/05/29 16:43:23 wrobell - fixed python module \'install\' section and file list - more python macros - builds with Python 2.1 - release up
Revision 1.97 2001/05/29 01:24:48 kloczek - updated to 7.1.2.
Revision 1.96 2001/05/25 14:35:15 wrobell - release up due to postgresql.init modification
Revision 1.95 2001/05/22 09:06:50 wiget switch to new conditional builds macros (bcond_on_ -> _with_/bcond_off_ -> _without_); no release changes only simple s/// perfored
Revision 1.94 2001/05/11 05:12:00 misiek - python subpackage is back
Revision 1.93 2001/05/10 14:06:49 baggins - updated to 7.1.1
Revision 1.92 2001/05/09 00:14:05 kloczek - release 2: rebuild against openssl 0.9.6a.
Revision 1.91 2001/05/06 17:47:24 baggins - %%files updated to 7.1, should be ready for testing
Revision 1.90 2001/04/20 15:03:23 mkierus - change BuildRequires perl-lib-devel to perl-devel
Revision 1.89 2001/04/19 21:26:08 misiek nfy
Revision 1.88 2001/04/18 13:06:53 misiek started update to 7.1. NFY
Revision 1.87 2001/04/17 12:19:06 baggins - release 9 - rebuild with perl 5.6.1
Revision 1.86 2001/04/13 15:09:55 wiget patch to build with readline 4.2
Revision 1.85 2001/04/13 14:10:38 wiget rebuild with readline 4.2; release 8
Revision 1.84 2001/02/19 17:34:19 kloczek - release 7.
Revision 1.83 2001/02/19 17:23:13 qboosh - spec simplified, some fixes in pl translations - s/DIABLE/DISABLE/ in init and sysconfig files
Revision 1.82 2001/02/01 16:27:34 kloczek - Requires for rc-scripts changed to Prereq.
Revision 1.81 2001/01/25 20:03:47 misiek Massive attack. We use -O0 instead -O flags while debug enabled.
Revision 1.80 2000/12/23 00:48:46 michuz - changed %%{!?debug:...}%%{?debug...} to %%{?debug:...}%%{!?debug...} (now it\'s more C like)
Revision 1.79 2000/12/13 17:56:38 kloczek - release 5.
Revision 1.78 2000/12/11 12:53:04 mis - build cond macros -> bcond_ *[on|off] convention
Revision 1.77 2000/12/09 17:55:14 jajcus - file owners fixed (semi-automatically) (no special user (like http/news) should own his home directory nor files it doesn\'t create)
Revision 1.76 2000/11/28 11:36:51 kloczek - release 4: rebuild against perl 5.6.
Revision 1.75 2000/11/20 10:46:34 mis - added pgsql_disable_ * macros for disabling locale and multibyte support - removed non-existing --enable-unicode-conversion option
Revision 1.74 2000/11/17 11:30:14 wrobell - enable support for locales and multibyte databeses
Revision 1.73 2000/11/17 08:00:47 kloczek - release 3: rebuild against tcl/tk 8.3.2.
Revision 1.72 2000/11/14 06:11:19 kloczek - again fix in %install.
Revision 1.71 2000/11/14 00:45:07 kloczek - fix installing desktop and pixmap for pgaccess.
Revision 1.70 2000/11/13 21:35:56 kloczek - typo (s/_applnkdir_/_applnkdir/).
Revision 1.69 2000/11/13 17:03:15 kloczek - release 2: fixed %%{_includedir}/pgsql/{dynloader,os}.h (was symlinks to nowhere).
Revision 1.68 2000/11/06 00:14:11 kloczek - updated to 7.0.3.
Revision 1.67 2000/10/20 13:03:14 baggins - fix perl install when _prefix != /usr
Revision 1.66 2000/10/10 14:51:48 mis - pgaccess: added \".\" -> lib symlink instead of patching N files - added missing modules/ and sql/ to postgresql subpackage
Revision 1.65 2000/10/09 15:40:43 mis - fixed pgaccess requirements - moved libpgtcl.so symlink to tcl subpackage because pgaccess loads pgtcl library using this symlink - added missing libpgtcl.h to tcl-devel
Revision 1.64 2000/10/06 18:31:37 mis - added pgaccess subpackage - removed modules from postgresql-libs - added log file - disable locale and multibyte support. This slows down postgres to much, so IMHO should\'t be enabled by default (TODO: make rpm macros for enable/disable these features) - cosmeticts
Revision 1.63 2000/09/30 16:34:54 kloczek - bump release 18 for allow upgrade from RH.
Revision 1.62 2000/09/30 16:32:04 kloczek - release 10, - adapterized and added uing rpm new automation suit.
Revision 1.61 2000/09/26 13:55:25 dobrek - changed permitions for %{_libdir}/pgsql directory from 644 to 755
Revision 1.60 2000/08/31 12:23:29 kloczek - fixed init script (s/POSTGRES_\\$DATA_DIR/\\$POSTGRES_DATA_DIR/).
Revision 1.59 2000/08/25 02:08:21 kloczek - start prepare release 9, - added \"Requires: %%{name} = %%{version}\" for module-datetime and module-plpgsql subpackages (using modules subpackages without server is not good thing(tm)), - changed group for python subpackege to Development/Languages/Python.
Revision 1.58 2000/08/24 13:34:52 kloczek - release 8.
Revision 1.57 2000/08/24 13:13:27 wrobell - template dir is owned by root, not postgres use
Revision 1.56 2000/08/22 23:23:36 kloczek - spec adapterized, - added no_libnsl patch with disable checking for libnsl - now postgresql binaries are not linked with this library. NOTE: package relaeased ad 7 but still not solved correct linking shared libraries in c++ subpackages (not linked with libstdc++).
Revision 1.55 2000/08/20 16:17:15 kloczek - added misiing Bequires rules in subpackages, - added c++, c++-devel abd c++- static subpackages (not fixed yet correct linking fith libstdc++), - reordered some subpackages in spec.
Revision 1.54 2000/08/20 15:05:22 wrobell - added module-plpgsql and module-pltcl packages with procedural languages
Revision 1.53 2000/08/10 18:31:37 wrobell - added postgresql-module-datetime package
Revision 1.52 2000/07/25 18:03:00 kloczek - added to Obsoletes postgresql-test.
Revision 1.51 2000/07/25 16:35:55 kloczek - added Obsoletes: postgresql-server for main package.
Revision 1.50 2000/07/24 10:56:28 kloczek - move man pages level 3 to perl subpackage, - remove duplicated header iodbc files from devel, - removed port header files (this unused - only one file from this subdirectory is copied to os.h).
Revision 1.49 2000/07/24 10:45:50 kloczek - relaease 6, - added subpackage eith python interface to postgres, - new (real) DESTDIR patch wich simplify %install.
Revision 1.48 2000/07/13 23:19:58 baggins - release 2 - rebuild with ncurses 5.1
Revision 1.47 2000/07/05 22:43:18 kloczek - fix typo for non x86 arch (s/target_cpu/_target_cpu/).
Revision 1.46 2000/07/05 14:35:35 wrobell - changed release to 1
Revision 1.45 2000/07/05 12:36:05 wrobell - up to 7.0.2 - NFY
Revision 1.44 2000/06/09 07:23:51 kloczek - added using %%{__make} macro.
Revision 1.43 2000/06/07 04:36:12 kloczek - spec adapterized.
Revision 1.42 2000/05/07 13:03:10 kloczek - fix in %pre.
Revision 1.41 2000/05/07 10:35:09 kloczek - release 6, - merged patches from rawhide (alpha, sparc64, armlinux), - spec adapterized.
Revision 1.40 2000/04/25 16:16:48 baggins - release++ - FHS 2.1, /var/state -> /var/lib
Revision 1.39 2000/04/18 12:26:01 zagrodzki - replaced \"cat /etc/groups | grep\" with getgid - replaced \"cat /etc/passwd | grep\" with id
Revision 1.38 2000/04/18 08:28:42 zagrodzki
- redirection \"&>\" is not ksh-compatible
Revision 1.37 2000/04/01 11:15:35 zagrodzki - changed all BuildRoot definitons - removed all applnkdir defs - changed some prereqs/requires - removed duplicate empty lines
Revision 1.36 2000/03/28 16:55:04 baggins - translated kloczkish into english
Revision 1.35 2000/03/28 13:09:10 baggins - release ++ - updated init script to rc-scripts 0.2.0
Revision 1.34 2000/03/20 15:13:04 wrobell - install all header files; they are required by executor/spi.h and commands/trigger.h
Revision 1.33 2000/03/17 12:06:30 wrobell - fix for perl module install
Revision 1.32 2000/02/09 14:26:05 smyda
- removed initdb from spec (add to postgresql.init) - fix in perl section - checking in group, passwd if exist postgres
Revision 1.31 1999/12/30 05:50:50 wiget - added more BuildRequires: rules
Revision 1.30 1999/12/09 19:19:57 baggins - release 2 - fixed broken initscript (& in wrong place)
Revision 1.29 1999/12/06 13:29:07 waszi - small fixes
Revision 1.28 1999/12/05 19:55:45 kloczek - updated to 6.5.3, - updated perl patch for new version, - pass LDFLAGS=\"-s\" in %build into ./configure enviroment instead strip binaries in %install, - added stripping shared libraries, - test reformatings, - added restrt postgresql database daemon on upgrade in %post, - added %post/%postun wit runing /sbin/ldconfig for libs, tcl, and odb subpackades, - s,/etc,%%{_sysconfdir}, - fiew other cosmetic changes (removed comented out data subpackage)
Revision 1.27 1999/12/05 17:56:59 waszi - added support fo /etc/sysconfig/postgresql - fixed %%post
Revision 1.26 1999/12/05 15:54:40 waszi - some cleanups
Revision 1.25 1999/11/30 09:10:27 waszi - small fixes
Revision 1.24 1999/09/11 13:59:12 misiek - fixed requires (PR#49)
Revision 1.23 1999/09/09 18:50:58 bonkey - changed stripping of all files in %{_bindir} into stripping only binary ones.
Revision 1.22 1999/07/18 14:53:24 baggins - fixed bogus Group: field
Revision 1.21 1999/07/12 23:06:12 kloczek - added using CVS keywords in %changelog (for automating them).
Wed Mar 24 13:00:00 1999 Jacek Smyda [6.4.2-7] - correct dir for perl
Fri Mar 5 13:00:00 1999 Tomasz K�oczko [6.4.2-6] - changed ermission on rc script to 754, - /sbin/ldconfig emoved from Prereq list, - removed man group from man pages.
Fri Mar 5 13:00:00 1999 Jacek Smyda - add polish group names - correct install perllocal.pod
Wed Mar 3 13:00:00 1999 Jacek Smyda - correct group name
Thu Feb 25 13:00:00 1999 Jacek Smyda - gzip man pages
Thu Feb 18 13:00:00 1999 Jacek Smyda - Remove template database from data package and init after install
Sun Jan 17 13:00:00 1999 Jacek Smyda - added translations for pl - new package: perl, doc, odbc - finally v6.4.2 - removed tcl interface
Sat Oct 10 14:00:00 1998 Cristian Gafton - strip all binaries - use defattr in all packages - updated pgaccess to version 0.90 - /var/lib/pgsql/pg_pwd should not be 666
Sun Jun 21 14:00:00 1998 Jeff Johnson - create %{_libdir}/pgsql (like %{_includedir}/pgsql) - resurrect libpq++.so * - fix name problem in startup-script (problem #533)
Fri Jun 19 14:00:00 1998 Jeff Johnson - configure had \"--prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr\" - move all include files below %{_includedir}/pgsql. - resurrect perl client file lists.
Tue May 5 14:00:00 1998 Prospector System - translations modified for de, fr, tr