Changelog for gdm-Xnest- :
Thu Sep 18 14:00:00 2003 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at

$Log: gdm.spec,v $
Revision 2003/09/18 20:16:42 kloczek
- release 13: fixed Requires rule in Xnest subpackage.

Revision 2003/08/31 21:17:50 kloczek
- release 12,
- SECURITY FIX: CAN-2003-0547
GDM before, when using the \"examine session errors\" feature,
allows local users to read arbitrary files via a symlink attack on the
~/.xsession-errors file.

Revision 2002/10/27 17:28:30 misto
- FIXED gdm-am_fixes.patch - corrected Session/Default.
Now, it\'s possible to login using default session type.
- STBR - release 11

Revision 1.67 2002/10/02 13:10:19 krzak
release 10

Revision 1.66 2002/10/02 01:07:33 kloczek
- release 9: fixed gdm.conf: added \"vt9\" to X serwer parameters for run gdm
always on vt9.

Revision 1.65 2002/08/18 12:14:49 blues
- release 8 - license fix; STBR

Revision 1.64 2002/08/16 13:21:25 kloczek
- merge trnslations from Kondara and KSI,
- minor changes in %install.

Revision 1.63 2002/08/06 13:24:50 qboosh
- BR: libglade-gnome-devel; new %%doc; more specific Requires

Revision 1.62 2002/06/23 20:52:50 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/^gettextize --copy --force/\\%%\\{__gettextize\\}/\"

Revision 1.61 2002/06/23 20:32:24 kloczek
- perl -pi -e \"s/^libtoolize --copy --force/\\%\\{__libtoolize\\}/\"

Revision 1.60 2002/05/21 23:13:07 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/^automake -a -c -f --foreing/\\%\\{__automake\\}/; \\
s/^automake -a -c -f/\\%\\{__automake\\}/; \\

Revision 1.59 2002/05/17 14:28:59 michuz
- fixed omf filse location
- release++

Revision 1.58 2002/04/25 16:21:39 arturs
fixed a small typo

Revision 1.57 2002/04/14 23:12:01 alchemyx
- fixed gdm.conf - now you can reconfigure gdm safely
- added new logo to gdm.conf
- release 6, STBR

Revision 1.56 2002/04/14 22:42:17 alchemyx
- added gdm-pld-logo.png

Revision 1.55 2002/04/07 20:06:25 alchemyx
- removed default listening on port 6000
- release 5, STBR

Revision 1.54 2002/03/29 12:41:36 alchemyx
- updated init script (prio 99)
- release 4, STBR

Revision 1.53 2002/03/24 23:28:17 kloczek
- perl -pi -e \"s/^automake -a -c$/automake -a -c -f/\"

Revision 1.52 2002/02/22 23:28:56 kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (our rpm now can handle translating
Group field using gettext).

Revision 1.51 2002/02/19 03:26:44 kloczek
- release 3.

Revision 1.50 2002/02/18 19:28:54 gotar
- %desc

Revision 1.49 2002/02/05 09:37:00 kloczek
- adapterized.

Revision 1.48 2002/02/05 00:50:57 alchemyx
- added patch so /var/lib/gdm can be 770 root.xdm
- changed /var/lib/gdm permissions to 770 root.xdm
- removed restarting of gdm, instead just printing out info
- release 2, STB

Revision 1.47 2002/02/04 17:10:24 alchemyx
- GDM requires having xdm.xdm on /var/lib/gdm
- Release 2, STB

Revision 1.46 2002/02/02 08:06:24 kloczek
- --disable-console-helper

Revision 1.45 2002/02/02 07:57:20 kloczek
- updated to,
- added Xnest subpackage whch adds Xnest support for gdm,
- added am_fixes patch which now after regenerate ac/am/lt/gt files allow DESTDIR
style install,
- added --with-xinerama=yes --with-xdmcp=yes --with-tcp-wrappers=yes
--enable-console-helper to ./configure parameters,
- remove xdm group from from executables and %config files),
- merged translations from Conectiva.

Revision 1.44 2002/01/18 02:13:01 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/pld-list\\\\\"

Revision 1.43 2001/12/07 21:12:45 mkochano
- /etc/pam.d/
* marked with %%config(noreplace).
- Release++ (I\'m too lazy to write here new release number for each
spec. Sorry).

Revision 1.42 2001/11/26 08:47:13 kloczek
- updated to

Revision 1.41 2001/11/26 07:45:04 saq
- fixed the patch
- logfile\'s permissions are 640, not 660
- release 2, STBR

Revision 1.40 2001/11/05 12:03:32 kura
- updated to (STBR)

Revision 1.39 2001/10/16 19:21:02 kura
- updated to (STBR)
- added -I/usr/X11R6/include/libglade-1.0 to CFLAGS (for some reason gdm
can\'t find these headers)

Revision 1.38 2001/09/24 12:50:31 qboosh
- Prereq: /sbin/chkconfig; call chkconfig --del only on remove, not upgrade

Revision 1.37 2001/09/22 12:39:28 saq
- updated to
- minor fixes

Revision 1.36 2001/08/17 12:39:50 kura
- updated to

Revision 1.35 2001/07/26 05:42:07 saq
- reverting last change: removing new macros from %p{re,ost}{,un}

Revision 1.33 2001/07/03 22:16:00 kloczek
- updated to 2.2.3,
- added scrollkeeper support,
- added --all-name --with-gnome to %%find_lang parameters and updated %files
for this,
- install in proper paths desktop files (using %%{_applnkdir} macro).

Revision 1.32 2001/06/27 10:13:55 wrobell
- fixed file list
- added configuration file
- rel++, stb

Revision 1.31 2001/06/16 02:12:16 kloczek
- release 2 (Epoch: 1),
- added xdmcp patch (from CNV) with security fix (create files with 0660
mode, not 0666).

Revision 1.30 2001/06/04 13:38:12 kloczek
- updated to

Revision 1.29 2001/05/31 23:50:40 kura
- release 2
- added some buildrequires

Revision 1.28 2001/05/28 12:22:04 wrobell
- updated for gdm 2.2.2

Revision 1.27 2001/05/02 16:29:02 qboosh
- adapterized and made spec %%debug ready or added using %%rpm
*flags macros

Revision 1.26 2001/02/02 17:50:33 kloczek
- perl -pi -e \"s/^\\%\\{_datadir\\}\\/pixmaps/\\%\\{_pixmapsdir\\}/\"

Revision 1.25 2000/12/28 23:11:55 wrobell
- i18n patch is applied now

Revision 1.24 2000/12/21 21:39:56 wrobell
- patches from helixcode added, please note:
- xdmcp patch is merged
- Russian locales removed from configure part of i18n patch
- something I forgot about (I have big headache now, don\'t touch me!)
- permisions for /var/lib/gdm and binaries fixed

Revision 1.23 2000/12/09 17:55:14 jajcus
- file owners fixed (semi-automatically)
(no special user (like http/news) should own his home directory nor
files it doesn\'t create)

Revision 1.22 2000/11/27 22:57:16 misiek
using update-db is obsolete; removed

Revision 1.21 2000/11/25 00:16:20 wrobell
- adapterized
- release up

Revision 1.20 2000/06/09 07:54:41 kloczek
- more %%{__make} macros.

Revision 1.19 2000/06/09 07:22:50 kloczek
- added using %%{__make} macro.

Revision 1.18 2000/05/25 22:00:32 bonkey
- added /etc/rc.d/init.d/gdm support
- release++

Revision 1.17 2000/05/18 21:48:36 kloczek
- spec adapterized.

Revision 1.16 2000/05/01 21:02:34 mkochano
- Removed \'BuildRequires: (XFree86|glib)-devel\' from packages which have
\'BuildRequires: gtk+-devel\'. They were redundant, beacuse \'gtk+-devel\' says
what it needs using \'Requires\'. BTW, awk rules :)

Revision 1.15 2000/04/25 16:16:48 baggins
- release++
- FHS 2.1, /var/state -> /var/lib

Revision 1.14 2000/04/01 11:14:26 zagrodzki
- changed all BuildRoot definitons
- removed all applnkdir defs
- changed some prereqs/requires
- removed duplicate empty lines

Revision 1.13 2000/03/28 16:54:17 baggins
- translated kloczkish into english

Revision 1.12 2000/02/27 13:39:22 mkochano
- More \'BuildRequires\'.

Revision 1.11 2000/02/14 16:09:53 mkochano
- Uses inittab to start gdm in runlevel 5 instead of /etc/rc.d/init.d/gdm. X
server can\'t be started before virtual consoles.

Revision 1.10 2000/02/13 00:10:20 mkochano
- Updated to 2.0beta4.
- Uses group and user \'xdm\' instead of \'gdm\'.
- Added initd script.
- Adds and deletes \'xdm\' group and user if necessary.
- Obsoletes \'xdm\', \'kdm\' and \'wdm\'.
- Polish description (how to translate \'Display Manager\' into polish?).

Revision 1.9 1999/07/20 12:50:07 baggins
- updated to 2.0.0

Revision 1.8 1999/07/20 11:04:33 baggins
- fixed usage of macros
- added/removed neccesary/obsolete patches
- FHS 2.0 compliance where needed
- gzipping docs where needed

Revision 1.7 1999/07/12 23:05:56 kloczek
- added using CVS keywords in %changelog (for automating them).