Changelog for libsmbclient-devel-2.2.8a-1.i586.rpm :
Mon Apr 7 14:00:00 2003 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at

$Log: samba.spec,v $
Revision 2003/04/07 17:29:19 misi3k
- security update to 2.2.8a
- bug:

Revision 2003/03/15 22:50:32 misi3k
- openssl 0.9.6i

Revision 1.135 2003/03/15 18:19:38 misi3k
- %%install fix
- rel 2

Revision 1.134 2003/03/15 17:48:47 misi3k
- secuirty update to 2.2.8
Bug: A buffer overrun condition exists in the SMB/CIFS packet fragment
re-assembly code in smbd which would allow an attacker to cause smbd
to overwrite arbitrary areas of memory in its own process address
space. This could allow a skilled attacker to inject binary specific
exploit code into smbd.

Revision 1.133 2003/02/28 10:08:54 trojan
- massive attack: perl -pi -e \"s/^#+\\%\\{/#\\%\\%\\{/\"

Revision 1.132 2003/02/14 10:43:19 qboosh
- moved /etc/samba dir to -common

Revision 1.131 2003/02/13 14:05:24 juandon
- force to use openssl >= 0.9.7, idea by kloczek

Revision 1.130 2002/12/12 10:37:31 orzech
- commented out new manpages - those prgs are not ready yet

Revision 1.129 2002/12/12 09:00:20 orzech
- up to 2.2.7a (LFS support & minor bugfixes)
- added missing manpages
- adapterized

Revision 1.128 2002/12/10 17:21:10 wiget
- typo reported by Piotr Zalewski
- release 3

Revision 1.127 2002/12/10 11:52:22 qboosh
- pl description for cups-backend-smb

Revision 1.126 2002/12/10 11:25:55 wiget
- separate smbspool to cups-backend-smb subpackage
- added findsmb to client subpackage
- added tdbbackup to main package
- release 2

Revision 1.125 2002/12/02 22:09:00 ankry
- pl Summary/description fixes
- adapterized

Revision 1.124 2002/12/02 11:06:26 ankry
- massive cleaning

Revision 1.123 2002/11/20 20:25:38 kloczek
- updated to 2.2.7: security fix that could potentially allow an attacker
to gain root access on the target machine
(look at:

Revision 1.122 2002/11/18 08:52:08 kloczek
- release 2: merge translations from MIZI.

Revision 1.121 2002/11/17 12:48:53 misiek
- lmhosts readable for everyone

Revision 1.120 2002/10/21 14:22:42 kloczek
- upated to 2.2.6: bug fixes.

Revision 1.119 2002/10/15 09:57:24 orzech
- swat is ipv4 only
- rel7, STBR

Revision 1.118 2002/09/11 15:16:15 areq
- fix %doc

Revision 1.117 2002/07/20 17:54:50 blues
- cleanups in numbers of patches
- activated acl\'s - not tested, my mashine is suffering from heat...

Revision 1.116 2002/07/18 15:17:02 marcus
-i fixed libmbclient, rel.6.

Revision 1.115 2002/07/18 08:56:14 kloczek
- bump release to 5.

Revision 1.114 2002/06/23 21:04:09 kloczek
- merge translation from TurboLinux.

Revision 1.113 2002/06/23 20:31:28 baseciq
- rel 1 / stbr -> test

Revision 1.112 2002/06/21 09:32:07 ggodlewski
- updated to 2.2.5
- s/\\/home\\/samba/\\/home\\/services\\/samba/

Revision 1.111 2002/06/13 14:23:48 tiwek
- added CIFS Extenstions patch
- release 2

Revision 1.110 2002/06/13 00:13:08 undefine
- standarize pam modules -> pam_smbpass to pam-pam_smbpass

Revision 1.109 2002/06/07 09:35:39 blues
- few more docs
- updated DESTDIR-fix patch - forgetten commit
STBR now..

Revision 1.108 2002/06/05 12:29:49 kloczek
- merge translations drom KSI, Conectiva, Kondtra and adapterize spec file.

Revision 1.107 2002/06/04 09:07:57 blues
- added DESTDIR fix patch

Revision 1.106 2002/06/04 08:39:42 blues
- place pid in /var/run

Revision 1.105 2002/06/04 08:14:43 blues
- fix lock dir - samba looks for lock in strange place...

Revision 1.104 2002/06/03 20:56:55 blues
- release 1 - it works for me, why not use it?
- fixed libsmbclient descriptions
STBR, I think

Revision 1.103 2002/05/25 17:13:49 misiek
- fix libsmbclient requires

Revision 1.102 2002/05/21 23:14:40 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/^automake -a -c -f --foreing/\\%\\{__automake\\}/; \\
s/^automake -a -c -f/\\%\\{__automake\\}/; \\

Revision 1.101 2002/05/21 11:32:59 kloczek
- release 0.4,
- rename libsmbclient{,-devel} to -n libsmbclient{,-devel},
- use new %doc packing automation.

Revision 1.100 2002/05/21 09:43:40 mkochano
- Kurwama�

Revision 1.99 2002/05/21 09:10:14 mkochano
- Create /usr/lib.

Revision 1.98 2002/05/21 08:50:02 mkochano
- What a bright idea: %define libdir %{_sysconfdir}...

Revision 1.97 2002/05/21 08:41:45 mkochano
- Corrected requirement.

Revision 1.96 2002/05/20 23:13:15 mkochano
- Release 0.3.
- Added libsmbclient{,-devel} subpackages. I think we\'ll be able to
build konqueror with samba support now.

Revision 1.95 2002/05/20 12:34:24 pioklo
- remove outdated patch7 ,rel 0.2 ,STBR -> test

Revision 1.94 2002/05/20 09:09:45 pioklo

- up to 2.2.4
- remove outdated patch vfs modules (patch10)
- remove patch srv_spoolss (patch6)
- relase 0.1
- need test , compile ok

Revision 1.93 2002/04/21 09:59:42 misiek
- argh, don\'t apply v6 patch when without ipv6

Revision 1.92 2002/04/21 09:58:57 misiek
- conditional ipv6 support (disabled by default for now)

Revision 1.91 2002/04/18 15:34:13 misiek
- include docs

Revision 1.90 2002/04/18 15:16:44 misiek
- updated to 2.2.3a + fixed quotas on 2.4.x

Revision 1.89 2002/04/17 21:08:11 hunter
-- patch for vfs external modules.

Revision 1.88 2002/04/16 19:19:33 marcus
- changed %%make to everything

Revision 1.87 2002/04/15 16:45:20 misiek
- updated to 2.2.3a but requires testing

Revision 1.86 2002/04/14 20:13:05 undefine
- release 4 to rebuild with fixed smb.init

Revision 1.85 2002/04/12 13:45:08 qboosh
- removed make_
* from base (they are in -common); release 3

Revision 1.84 2002/02/23 04:32:22 kloczek
- adapterized.

Revision 1.83 2002/02/22 23:29:42 kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (oure rpm now can handle translating
Group field using gettext).

Revision 1.82 2002/02/15 09:38:05 qboosh
- added (conditional) LDAP support

Revision 1.81 2002/02/08 18:51:49 blues
- release 2
- adapterized
- added conditional start od winbindd

Revision 1.80 2002/02/03 18:46:58 marcus
- winbindd added, STBR

Revision 1.79 2002/02/03 12:52:04 marcus
- updated to 2.2.3 (fixed some memory leaks and fixed Win2000 support)
- rc-script need update for winbindd

Revision 1.78 2002/01/18 08:38:08 qboosh
- s/Administacyjne/Administracyjne/

Revision 1.77 2002/01/18 02:14:51 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/pld-list\\\\\"

Revision 1.76 2002/01/05 23:01:27 serek
- now :-) builds.

Revision 1.75 2002/01/05 22:55:01 serek
- now builds.

Revision 1.74 2001/12/07 21:12:45 mkochano
- /etc/pam.d/
* marked with %%config(noreplace).
- Release++ (I\'m too lazy to write here new release number for each
spec. Sorry).

Revision 1.73 2001/11/24 01:26:38 kloczek
- added samba-swat to Provides, Obsolets in swat subpackage for allow upgrade
from RH version.

Revision 1.72 2001/10/11 14:06:05 qboosh
- missing pl summary, BuildRequires: autoconf

Revision 1.71 2001/10/08 08:50:31 marcus
- reverted and fixed gzipping %%doc (thanks to qboosh)

Revision 1.70 2001/10/07 20:04:34 marcus
- removed gzipping %doc (using rpm automation)

Revision 1.69 2001/10/05 19:14:35 baggins
- release 4
- more debug 0 suckage

Revision 1.68 2001/10/03 01:12:47 baggins
- release 3
- added samba-debug-0-suxorz.patch, some messages should not be at level 0

Revision 1.67 2001/07/28 21:37:30 blues
- typo: %s/sever\"/server\"/

Revision 1.66 2001/07/26 05:42:23 saq
- reverting last change: removing new macros from %p{re,ost}{,un}

Revision 1.64 2001/07/20 20:37:19 migo
- s/linuxow/linuksow/

Revision 1.63 2001/07/14 23:55:13 kloczek
- release 2: rebuild again on openssl 0.9.6a.

Revision 1.62 2001/07/12 13:31:19 kloczek
- updated to 2.2.1a.

Revision 1.61 2001/07/11 22:09:14 lukasz
-fixed doc section

Revision 1.60 2001/07/11 18:47:40 lukasz
- updated to 2.2.1

Revision 1.59 2001/06/24 14:34:55 lukasz
- 2.2.0a (fixed security bug)

Revision 1.58 2001/05/10 07:33:10 misiek
- added missing BuildRequires: openssl-devel >= 0.9.6a
- release 2

Revision 1.57 2001/04/18 01:03:11 misiek

Revision 1.56 2001/04/18 00:36:42 misiek
2.2.0 (testing package release)

Revision 1.55 2001/04/13 00:53:54 kloczek
- release 29: rebuild against readline 4.2.

Revision 1.54 2001/04/09 08:08:48 mkochano
- Release 28.
- Rebuilt with corrected logrotate script (/usr/bin/killall -> /bin/killall).

Revision 1.53 2001/04/07 10:34:53 misiek
adapterized; added defattr; moved doc to common subpackage; stb

Revision 1.52 2001/04/07 01:34:35 martii
- release 27
- samba divided into server, common and client - please verify this is my first spec ...

Revision 1.51 2001/01/03 14:07:01 zagrodzki
- release 26
- added awk_path.patch

Revision 1.50 2000/12/31 16:26:08 jajcus
- Release: 25
- fix of nmbd packet source address selection

Revision 1.49 2000/11/05 20:25:08 kloczek
- release 24: fixed init script (misiek).

Revision 1.48 2000/11/04 13:14:05 kloczek
- release 23,
- merged patches from RH (autoconf, smbadduser, nocups),
- use new rpm automation,
- spec adapterized,
- fixes for standarize %post/%preun.

Revision 1.47 2000/11/04 12:21:59 bszx
- rc-inetd restart/stop changed into rc-inetd reload

Revision 1.46 2000/10/20 23:24:49 misiek

Revision 1.45 2000/10/14 21:30:08 mkochano
- Release 13.
- Added used to convert /etc/passwd to /etc/smbpasswd.

Revision 1.44 2000/07/13 23:21:18 baggins
- release 12
- rebuild with ncurses 5.1

Revision 1.43 2000/07/13 11:23:42 mkochano
- Fixed bug in \'post\' section.

Revision 1.42 2000/06/09 07:23:59 kloczek
- added using %%{__make} macro.

Revision 1.41 2000/05/05 15:06:00 mis
- Group: synced with PLD groups

Revision 1.40 2000/04/01 11:15:40 zagrodzki
- changed all BuildRoot definitons
- removed all applnkdir defs
- changed some prereqs/requires
- removed duplicate empty lines

Revision 1.39 2000/03/28 16:55:06 baggins
- translated kloczkish into english

Revision 1.38 2000/03/23 14:23:14 kloczek
- release 10,
- added nsl patch for linking samba binaries with libnsl (from rawhide),
- added smbprint patch with fixes paths in smbprint script,
- new init script rc-scripts 0.2.0 compliant,
- added %triggerpostun for samba < 1.9.18p7 and samba < 2.0.5a-3 (from RH
- build against readline 4.1,
- removved bogus stripping fron %install.

Revision 1.37 2000/02/14 08:49:52 waszi
- fixed symlinks

Revision 1.36 2000/02/03 08:53:47 waszi
- another small changes (pam.d or init.d)

Revision 1.35 2000/02/02 11:05:20 waszi
- small fixes in permissions for pam.d or init.d

Revision 1.34 1999/11/29 04:44:20 kloczek
- release 3,
- added manpages_PLD_fixes patch.

Revision 1.33 1999/11/28 17:29:44 kloczek
- added glibc21 patch from rawhide.

Revision 1.32 1999/11/27 00:26:36 kloczek
- added fix_link_libs patch which fix link libraries list for each binary
(now each binaries depends on only neccessary libraries),
- fixed init script:
- now this is /bin/sh script,
- added reload target,
- added making /etc/security in %install,
- added /var/log/archiv/samba directory for archiving by logrotate old log
giles (modified samba.logrotate for this).

Revision 1.31 1999/11/26 18:54:28 kloczek
- added /etc/security/blacklist.samba file.

Revision 1.30 1999/11/26 17:33:02 jajcus
- some (not so pretty) fixes, so package compiles

Revision 1.29 1999/11/26 13:52:19 kloczek
- added DESTDIR style %install (DESTDIR patch),
- cuted %%changelog,
- added noreplace for sysconfig file for samba,
- fiew files separated into Source# files.

Revision 1.28 1999/11/25 13:45:04 pius
- added swat.inetd
- added \'Requires: rc-inted, inetdaemon\' to swat subpackage
- added %%post{un} scripts for swat subpackage

Revision 1.27 1999/11/25 05:27:45 kloczek
- more doc (added sample config files),
- standarized %post,
- added stripping binaries,
- changed permission on init script to 754,
- some cosmetic changes.

Revision 1.26 1999/11/24 09:51:51 wiget
- added more documentations
- some cleanups

Revision 1.25 1999/11/24 09:04:09 kloczek
- release 2 (in rawhide is 1),
- build against ncurses 5.0,
- more rpm macros,
- %description reformatings and reorders,
- adapter(ized).

Revision 1.24 1999/11/23 23:58:41 wiget
- updated to 2.0.6

Revision 1.23 1999/10/29 22:51:31 wiget
- enable pam support
- added translations from Mandrake

Revision 1.22 1999/08/05 21:58:23 waszi
upgraded to 2.0.5a

Revision 1.21 1999/07/28 13:31:10 baggins
- stripping binaries

Revision 1.20 1999/07/21 14:33:43 baggins
- fixed %install
- added samba.pamd

Revision 1.19 1999/07/20 12:48:10 wiget
- switch to rpm 3.0.2

Revision 1.18 1999/07/18 14:53:24 baggins
- fixed bogus Group: field