Changelog for man-config-1.5m2-2.i586.rpm :
Sun Sep 7 14:00:00 2003 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at

$Log: man.spec,v $
Revision 1.77 2003/09/07 11:16:53 kloczek
- updated to 1.5m2: bug fixes,
- SECIRITY FIX: format string bug fix (added fmntbug patch
Based on
man contain a format string vulnerability. The vulnerability
occurs when man uses an optional catalog file, supplied by the
NLSPATH/LANG environmental variables,
- added nls-codesets patch which fixes proper
*.cat generation
without locale-archive (patch by Jakub Bogusz).

Revision 1.76 2003/08/09 18:12:27 kloczek
- %config and %verifi rules cleanups and unifications.

Revision 1.75 2003/08/02 15:36:45 kloczek
- added missing -f to mv and rm parameters.

Revision 1.74 2003/06/27 17:27:22 kloczek
- unifications and cleanups.

Revision 1.73 2003/03/11 22:31:37 qboosh
- switched to primary site
- localized man updates, get from Source3 only mans not found in sources
- release 2

Revision 1.72 2003/03/11 21:29:15 kloczek
- merge segv patch from RH (fix segfault when running \'man --\'),
- merge translations from MIZI.

Revision 1.71 2003/03/11 21:15:21 kloczek
- updated to 1.5l,
- security fixes:
Fixed a bug which results in arbitrary code execution upon reading
a specially formatted man file. The basic problem is, upon finding
a string with a quoting problem, the function my_xsprintf in util.c
will return \"unsafe\" (rather than returning a string which could
be interpreted by the shell). This return value is passed directly to
system(3) - meaning if there is any program named `unsafe`, it will execute
with the privs of the user.
- updated %files (more translations).

Revision 1.70 2003/03/01 10:12:41 juandon
- added pmake.patch

Revision 1.69 2003/02/25 20:48:04 radek
- added the 3p section for perl modules\' documentation
- release 4

Revision 1.68 2003/01/17 13:14:05 ankry
- added obsoletes for man-
* packages from Freshmeat Linux; rel. 3

Revision 1.67 2002/12/29 16:16:06 adgor
- Fixed %install (/home -> /home/services)

Revision 1.66 2002/12/14 00:28:22 ankry
- adapterized man.spec openoffice.spec wxGTK.spec

Revision 1.65 2002/12/07 15:33:07 orzech
- /home/httpd -> /home/services/httpd

Revision 1.64 2002/07/30 17:52:57 qboosh
- added ja,ru locales
- release 2

Revision 1.63 2002/07/29 22:22:20 ankry
- updated to 1.5k
- removed obsolete -msgs.patch
- added -gencat_glibc.patch to fix cat file generation on glibc
[ glibc\'s gencat needs proper locale to be set before use ]
- new %%doc
- add forgotten(?) %%doc files
- release 1

Revision 1.62 2002/06/17 06:21:32 kloczek
- merge translations from KSI and Conectiva.

Revision 1.61 2002/06/15 11:49:41 ankry
- removed %%lang(en), ranamed zh_
- release 8

Revision 1.60 2002/03/21 06:58:52 orzech
- rel 7, STBR

Revision 1.59 2002/03/12 16:01:17 orzech
- man: man-config subpackage, Req: man-config
- pinfo: Req: man-config
- XFree86: Req: man-config (for xman)

Revision 1.58 2002/03/06 00:02:55 qboosh
- FHS 2.2: /usr/local/share/man back to /usr/local/man
- release 6

Revision 1.57 2002/02/22 23:29:14 kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (oure rpm now can handle translating
Group field using gettext).

Revision 1.56 2002/01/18 02:13:48 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/pld-list\\\\\"

Revision 1.55 2001/11/22 06:57:16 ankry
- added zsoelim as link to soelim (it exists in man_db; xman requires it)
- release 5

Revision 1.54 2001/11/02 22:10:50 ankry
- updated pl man page for man
- added BuildRequires: less (otherwise package contents - man.conf, man.1 -\\
is dependent on the build system configuration
- release 4

Revision 1.53 2001/10/20 14:25:44 kloczek
- release 3.

Revision 1.52 2001/10/16 23:38:07 ankry
- fixed section names in Polish man-pages

Revision 1.51 2001/10/15 21:52:43 qboosh
- updated to 1.5i2, removed obsolete mansect patch, updated almost all other
- merged sec patch into security patch (changing the same fragment)
- FHS: moved /var/man2html to /var/cache/man2html, fixed owner (not nobody!)
- fixed and updated %%files, added dir for hr

Revision 1.50 2001/10/03 14:32:34 qboosh
- release 30: s/makewhatis\\.cron/makewhatis/

Revision 1.49 2001/09/27 19:51:38 qboosh
- ugh, added fixes for using glibc catopen to nls-priority patch
- added fixes for many typos to locales patch
- fixed --debug
- release 29

Revision 1.48 2001/09/24 22:37:18 qboosh
- added nls-priority patch: try to use locale variables with gettext-like
priorities (LANG < LC_MESSAGES < LC_ALL)
Does somebody want to add (full) gettext support? :)
- release 28

Revision 1.47 2001/09/22 20:27:22 qboosh
- release 27: Prereq: fileutils (because of rm)

Revision 1.46 2001/09/14 05:28:02 ankry
- added directories for Chinese
- increased revision to 26

Revision 1.45 2001/09/13 21:03:37 ankry
- added dirs for Hungarian (hu) and Indonesian (id)

Revision 1.44 2001/05/10 12:30:08 inglod
Add Requires gzip

Revision 1.43 2001/05/02 21:51:23 qboosh
- adapterized and made spec %%debug ready or added using %%rpm
*flags macros

Revision 1.42 2001/04/30 16:05:21 kloczek
- added using %%{rpmcflags} macro.

Revision 1.41 2001/03/14 23:48:42 kloczek
- release 14.

Revision 1.40 2001/03/14 23:39:37 qboosh
- added dirs for bg,ja,pt_BR,ru,sv in /var/cache/man
- generate big part of %%files automagically

Revision 1.39 2001/03/13 20:11:11 misiek
fixed bug which caused pinfo to fail when working with manuals; rel 23; stb

Revision 1.38 2001/02/27 10:04:41 wiget
more %%config(noreplace)

Revision 1.37 2001/02/26 22:24:50 qboosh
- more FHS: /usr/local/man -> /usr/local/share/man
- added /var/cache/man/whatis to package
- Requires: mktemp >= 1.5-8 (makewhatis uses mktemp -d)
- release 21

Revision 1.36 2001/02/23 17:11:34 qboosh
- oops. uncommented back %%clean section

Revision 1.35 2001/02/22 19:35:29 kloczek
- release 20,
- merge bunch patches from rawhide (few is security class),
- spec adapterized.

Revision 1.34 2001/02/22 17:22:10 qboosh
- skip empty lines and comments when searching \".so file\"
- don\'t add \"(nlu+10\" - GNU roff doesn\'t understand it
- added rest of /var/cache/man/
* directories to package
- release 5

Revision 1.33 2001/01/25 20:03:24 misiek
Massive attack. We use -O0 instead -O flags while debug enabled.

Revision 1.32 2000/12/23 00:48:45 michuz
- changed %%{!?debug:...}%%{?debug...} to %%{?debug:...}%%{!?debug...}
(now it\'s more C like)

Revision 1.31 2000/12/11 16:38:51 kloczek
- release 4,
- use new rpm automation and simplificattions in %install.

Revision 1.30 2000/12/11 08:26:45 qboosh
- locales patch

Revision 1.29 2000/07/14 15:50:48 zagrodzki
- requires: /bin/awk

Revision 1.28 2000/07/14 15:47:06 zagrodzki
- release 3
- updated man-makewhatis.patch (/bin/awk)

Revision 1.27 2000/06/09 07:23:25 kloczek
- added using %%{__make} macro.

Revision 1.26 2000/05/29 20:39:41 kloczek
- updated to 1.5h1,
- added seurity patch (from rawhide) and removed outdated loop patch,
- spec adapterized.

Revision 1.25 2000/05/16 17:11:28 zagrodzki
Requires: less

Revision 1.24 2000/04/01 11:14:53 zagrodzki
- changed all BuildRoot definitons
- removed all applnkdir defs
- changed some prereqs/requires
- removed duplicate empty lines

Revision 1.23 2000/03/28 16:54:41 baggins
- translated kloczkish into english

Revision 1.22 2000/01/29 19:11:54 kloczek
- release 9,
- fixed makewhatis scriptsts (now not depends on bash),
- spec adapterized.

Revision 1.21 1999/11/15 14:46:39 siewca
dded msafer option as a default when invoking troff or groff.

Revision 1.20 1999/09/25 16:14:37 kloczek
- added missing %patch6.

Revision 1.19 1999/09/25 16:12:09 kloczek
- release 7,
- new fhs patch,
- added loop patch from rawhide (fixed man2html loop on terminfo.5),
- new makewhatis dayly and weekly scripts (also from rawhide).

Revision 1.18 1999/07/12 23:06:07 kloczek
- added using CVS keywords in %changelog (for automating them).

Fri May 7 14:00:00 1999 Artur Frysiak
- FHS 2.0 compilant changes.

Wed Apr 28 14:00:00 1999 Artur Frysiak
- upgraded to 1.5g
- rewrited man-man2html.patch
- replacement in files
- gzipped man pages and docs

Sun Dec 20 13:00:00 1998 Marek Obuchowicz
- fixed permissions
- little spec modifications

Thu Sep 17 14:00:00 1998 Wojtek �lusarczyk
- updated to 1.5f
(based on Konrad St�pie� spec file),
- fixed pl translation.

Mon Sep 14 14:00:00 1998 Wojtek �lusarczyk
- build against GNU libc-2.1,
- restricted files permissions,
- macro %%{name} in all Sources,
- macro %%config %%verify(not size mtime md5) for /etc/man.config.

Wed Aug 26 14:00:00 1998 Konrad Stepien
- Reconfig to include international locales and man pages,
- Removed -D_GNU_SOURCE flag,
- Fix %install, to not install man2html
- \"install -d\" instead \"mkdir -p\" in %install,
- few simplification in %install,
- added pl translation,
- start at RH spec.

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