Changelog for
389-ds-base-snmp- :
* Thu Mar 11 2021 Mark Reynolds
- Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1930188 - crash in sync_repl when a MODRDN create a cenotaph
* Mon Mar 01 2021 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1929067 - PKI instance creation failed with new 389-ds-base build
* Mon Feb 15 2021 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1924130 - RHDS11: “write” permission of ACI changes ns-slapd’s behavior on search operation(remove patch as it breaks DogTag, will add this patch back after DogTag is fixed)
* Wed Feb 10 2021 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1924130 - RHDS11: “write” permission of ACI changes ns-slapd’s behavior on search operation(part 2)
* Tue Feb 02 2021 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1924130 - RHDS11: “write” permission of ACI changes ns-slapd’s behavior on search operation- Resolves: Bug 1916677 - A failed re-indexing leaves the database in broken state.- Resolves: Bug 1912822 - sync_repl: when completing an operation in the pending list, it can select the wrong operation
* Wed Jan 13 2021 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1903539 - cn=monitor is throwing err=32 with scope: -s one- Resolves: Bug 1893870 - PR_WaitCondVar() issue causes replication delay when clock jumps backwards
* Thu Jan 07 2021 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1890118 - SIGFPE crash in rhds disk monitoring routine- Resolves: Bug 1904991 - 389-ds:1.4/389-ds-base: information disclosure during the binding of a DN- Resolves: Bug 1627645 - ldif2db does not change exit code when there are skipped entries
* Wed Dec 16 2020 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1879386 - cli dsconf replication monitor fails to retrieve database RUV - consumer (Unavailable) State (green) Reason (error (0)- Resolves: Bug 1904991 - Unexpected info returned to ldap request- Resolves: Bug 1843838 - heap-use-after-free in slapi_be_getsuffix- Resolves: Bug 1903133 - Server-Cert.crt created using dscreate has Subject:CN =localhost instead of hostname.
* Wed Dec 09 2020 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1879386 - cli dsconf replication monitor fails to retrieve database RUV- Resolves: Bug 1887449 - Sync repl: missing update because operation are erroneously stated as nested- Resolves: Bug 1887415 - Sync repl - if a series of updates target the same entry then the cookie get wrong changenumber- Resolves: Bug 1851978 - SyncRepl plugin provides a wrong cookie
* Thu Dec 03 2020 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1843517 - Using ldifgen with --start-idx option fails with unsupported operand- Resolves: Bug 1801086 - [RFE] Generate dsrc file using dsconf- Resolves: Bug 1843838 - heap-use-after-free in slapi_be_getsuffix
* Wed Nov 25 2020 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1859219 - rfc2307 and rfc2307bis compat schema- Resolves: Bug 1843604 - reduce the cost of allocation/free when open/close a connection- Resolves: Bug 1898850 - Entries conflict not resolved by replication
* Thu Nov 19 2020 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1859227 - create keep alive entry after on line init- Resolves: Bug 1888863 - group rdn with leading space char and add fails error 21 invalid syntax and delete fails error 32- Resolves: Bug 1859228 - do not add referrals for masters with different data generation
* Mon Oct 26 2020 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1887415 - Sync repl - if a serie of updates target the same entry then the cookie get wrong changenumber- Resolves: Bug 1859225 - suffix management in backends incorrect
* Mon Oct 26 2020 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1862529 - Rebase 389-ds-base-1.4.3 in RHEL 8.4- Resolves: Bug 1859301 - Misleading message in access log for idle timeout- Resolves: Bug 1889782 - Missing closing quote when reporting the details of unindexed/paged search results- Resolves: Bug 1862971 - dsidm user status fails with Error: \'nsUserAccount\' object has no attribute \'is_locked\' - Resolves: Bug 1859878 - Managed Entries configuration not being enforced- Resolves: Bug 1851973 - Duplicate entryUSN numbers for different LDAP entries in the same backend- Resolves: Bug 1851967 - if dbhome directory is set online backup fails- Resolves: Bug 1887449 - Sync repl: missing update because operation are erroneously stated as nested- Resolves: Bug 1887415 - Sync repl - if a serie of updates target the same entry then the cookie get wrong changenumber- Resolves: Bug 1851978 - SyncRepl plugin provides a wrong cookie- Resolves: Bug 1843604 - reduce the cost of allocation/free when open/close a connection- Resolves: Bug 1872930 - dscreate: Not possible to bind to a unix domain socket- Resolves: Bug 1861504 - ds-replcheck crashes in offline mode- Resolves: Bug 1859282 - remove ldbm_back_entry_release - Resolves: Bug 1859225 - suffix management in backends incorrect- Resolves: Bug 1859224 - remove unused or unnecessary database plugin functions- Resolves: Bug 1859219 - rfc2307 and rfc2307bis compat schema- Resolves: Bug 1851975 - Add option to reject internal unindexed searches- Resolves: Bug 1851972 - Remove code duplication from the BDB backend separation work- Resolves: Bug 1850275 - Add new access log keywords for time spent in work queue and actual operation time- Resolves: Bug 1848359 - Add failover credentials to replication agreement - Resolves: Bug 1837315 - Healthcheck code DSBLE0002 not returned on disabled suffix
* Wed Aug 05 2020 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1841086 - SSL alert: The value of sslVersionMax \"TLS1.3\" is higher than the supported version- Resolves: Bug 1800529 - Memory leaks in disk monitoring- Resolves: Bug 1748227 - Instance name length is not enforced- Resolves: Bug 1849418 - python3-lib389 pulls unnecessary bash-completion package
* Fri Jun 26 2020 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1806978 - ns-slapd crashes during db2ldif- Resolves: Bug 1450863 - Log warning when tuning of nsslapd-threadnumber above or below the optimal value- Resolves: Bug 1647017 - A distinguished value of a single valued attribute can be missing in an entry- Resolves: Bug 1806573 - Dsctl healthcheck doesn\'t work when using instance name with \'slapd-\'- Resolves: Bug 1807773 - dsctl healthcheck : typo in DSREPLLE0002 Lint error suggested resolution commands- Resolves: Bug 1843567 - Healthcheck to find notes=F- Resolves: Bug 1845094 - User/Directory Manager can modify Password Policy attribute \"pwdReset\"- Resolves: Bug 1850275 - Add new access log keywords for time spent in work queue and actual operation time- Resolves: Bug 1442386 - Recreating an index while changing case will create an indexfile with the old name (different case) and after restart the indexfile is abandoned- Resolves: Bug 1672574 - nsIndexIDListScanLimit accepts any value- Resolves: Bug 1800529 - Memory leaks in disk monitoring
* Fri Jun 05 2020 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1835619 - Healthcheck with --json option reports \"Object of type \'bytes\' is not JSON serializable\" when mapping tree is deleted - Resolves: Bug 1836428 - Directory Server ds-replcheck RFE to add a timeout command-line arg/value to wait longer when connecting to a replica server- Resolves: Bug 1843090 - abort when a empty valueset is freed- Resolves: Bug 1843156 - Prevent unnecessarily duplication of the target entry- Resolves: Bug 1843157 - Check for clock errors and time skew- Resolves: Bug 1843159 - RFE AD filter rewriter for ObjectCategory- Resolves: Bug 1843162 - Creating Replication Manager fails if uid=repman is used- Resolves: Bug 1816851 - Add option to healthcheck to list all the lint reports- Resolves: Bug 1748227 - Instance name length is not enforced- Resolves: Bug 1748244 - dscreate doesn\'t sanitize instance name
* Mon May 11 2020 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1833350 - Remove cockpit dependancies that are breaking builds
* Mon May 11 2020 Mark Reynolds - Bump version to Resolves: Bug 1833350 - Rebase 389-ds-base for RHEL 8.3- Resolves: Bug 1728943 - [RFE] Advance options in RHDS Disk Monitoring Framework- Resolves: Bug 1775285 - [RFE] Implement the Password Policy attribute \"pwdReset\"- Resolves: Bug 1638875 - [RFE] extract key/certs pem file into a private namespace- Resolves: Bug 1758478 - AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow in ldap_utf8prev- Resolves: Bug 1795943 - Port from legacy tools package- Resolves: Bug 1798394 - Port dbgen from legacy tools package- Resolves: Bug 1800529 - Memory leaks in disk monitoring- Resolves: Bug 1807419 - Unable to create a suffix with countryName either via dscreate or the admin console- Resolves: Bug 1816848 - Database links: get_monitor() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given- Resolves: Bug 1816854 - Setting nsslapd-allowed-sasl-mechanisms truncates the value- Resolves: Bug 1816857 - Searches on cn=config takes values with spaces and makes multiple attributes out of them- Resolves: Bug 1816859 - lib389 - Replace exec() with setattr()- Resolves: Bug 1816862 - Memory leak in indirect COS- Resolves: Bug 1829071 - Installation of RHDS 11 fails on RHEL8 server with IPv6 disabled- Resolves: Bug 1833515 - set \'nsslapd-enable-upgrade-hash: off\' as this raises warnings in IPA- Resolves: Bug 1790986 - cenotaph errors on modrdn operations- Resolves: Bug 1769734 - Heavy StartTLS connection load can randomly fail with err=1- Resolves: Bug 1758501 - LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks in changelog5_init and perfctrs_init