Changelog for rkward-0.7.2-bp154.1.33.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Jul 04 2021 Pierre Bonamy - Patch (patch-fix-crash-ggplot2.diff) fixing a severe issue when using ggplot2, see
* Wed Oct 21 2020 Wolfgang Bauer - upstream release 0.7.2- New features and improvements
* Script preview keeps vertical scroll position when updating
* Add function rk.home() for retrieving application paths, similar to R.home()
* Add menu option to switch application language
* Remove direct dependency on libintl
* Add \"Check installation\" wizard to test for several common basic installation issues all in one place
* Add rkward internal package location to end of library search path, to make it accessible to
* Add menu action to open any supported file type, directly
* Support using QWebEngine instead of QtWebKit (still supported)
* elements in plugins may now also contain clickable links, including rkward://-scheme links
* The new code hinting features from version 0.7.1 are now also available in the console
* On unix-systems, RKWard can now be run without installation
* Kate addons are now supported within RKWard. Intially, search-in-files, snippets, and projects are loaded by default
* Python development scripts have been ported to python3- Bug fixes
* Fix some problems with plot preview in wizard-type plugins
* Fix several small memory leaks
* Clean some logged warnings and potential issues during R backend shutdown
* Fixed: Avoid shortcut clash with kate part by removing conflicting (default) shortcuts, automatically- Recommend kate-plugins that are usable in rkward now- Build with QtWebEngine (instead of QtWebKit) on architectures and distributions where it is available (in a new enough version)- Remove no longer available NO_R_XML cmake option
* Mon May 25 2020 Wolfgang Bauer - upstream release 0.7.1b
* Workaround to avoid bug in R 4.0.0 when using for loop on top level context (kde#421958)
* Fixed: Hang when opening an empty workplace (kde#420888)
* Fixed: Crash when mousing over code preview window with focus-follows-mouse enabled (kde#420588)- Update URL- Run spec-cleaner
* Fri Jan 24 2020 Wolfgang Bauer - upstream release 0.7.1- New features and improvements
* Code hinting in script editor windows has been reworked, and now also completes argument names
* Instead of installing rkward R packages at build time, install them at runtime, when needed
* Add new commandline option \"–r-executable=auto\" for auto-detection of R installation
* element in save file mode gains checkbox to control overwriting of existing files
* Add command-line option –autoreuse to avoid shipping two separate .desktop files
* - New plugin element for selecting arbitrary string values (otherwise almost identical to )- can be set to accept the same object several times. Used in scatterplot plugin.- New R function rk.embed.device() for manually embedding graphics devices in RKWard- Fixed: R backend would exit immediately, without meaningful error message, if there is an error in .Rprofile (or Fixed: Installing suggested packages from the package installation dialog was broken- Fixed: Selecting a mirror via the \"R packages\" settings page would not work when prompted for package installation form the backend- Remove support for compiling RKWard in a single process (threaded) variant. This was not used / tested since RKWard 0.5.5- Shortcuts for the \"Run ...\" actions have been changed for better cross-platform compatibility- The script editor\'s \"Run line\" and \"Run selection\" actions have been merged- Add UI for configuring default graphics device, and embedding of standard graphics devices.- New RKWard native on-screen device (RK()). This is the default on-screen device in RKWard, now.- New R function rk.without.plot.history() for turning off plot history, temporarily- Add command line option --backend-debugger