Changelog for ruby2.5-rubygem-devise-4.4.1-bp154.1.20.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Feb 08 2018 updated to version 4.4.1 see installed [#]## 4.4.1 - 2018-01-23
* bug fixes
* Ensure Gemspec is loaded as utf-8. (by AATTsegiddins)
* Fix `ActiveRecord` check on `Confirmable`. (by AATTtegon)
* Fix `signed_in?` docs without running auth hooks. by (AATTmachty)
* Tue Jan 16 2018 Updated to version 4.4.0
* enhancements
* Add `frozen_string_literal` pragma comment to all Ruby files. (by AATTpat)
* Use `set_flash_method!` instead of `set_flash_method` in `Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController#failure`. (by AATTsaichander17)
* Clarify how `store_location_for` modifies URIs. (by AATTolivierlacan)
* Move `failed_attempts` increment into its own function. by (AATTmobilutz)
* Add `autocomplete=\"email\"` to email fields. by (AATTMikeRogers0)
* Add the ability to change the default migrations path introduced in Rails 5.0.3. (by AATTalexhifer)
* Delete unnecessary condition for helper method. (by AATTdavydovanton)
* Support `id: :uuid` option for migrations. (by AATTfilip373)
* bug fixes
* Fix syntax for MRI 2.5.0. (by AATTpat)
* Validations were being ignored on singup in the `Trackable#update_tracked_fields!` method. (by AATTAshleyFoster)
* Do not modify options for `#serializable_hash`. (by AATTguigs)
* Email confirmations were being sent on sign in/sign out for application using `mongoid` and `mongoid-paperclip` gems. This is because previously we were checking if a model is from Active Record by checking if the method `after_commit` was defined - since `mongoid` doesn\' have one - but `mongoid-paperclip` gem does define one, which cause this issue. (by AATTfjg)
* Tue Jan 09 2018 updated to version 4.4.0 see installed [#]## Unreleased [#]## 4.4.0 - 2017-12-29
* enhancements
* Add `frozen_string_literal` pragma comment to all Ruby files. (by AATTpat)
* Use `set_flash_method!` instead of `set_flash_method` in `Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController#failure`. (by AATTsaichander17)
* Clarify how `store_location_for` modifies URIs. (by AATTolivierlacan)
* Move `failed_attempts` increment into its own function. by (AATTmobilutz)
* Add `autocomplete=\"email\"` to email fields. by (AATTMikeRogers0)
* Add the ability to change the default migrations path introduced in Rails 5.0.3. (by AATTalexhifer)
* Delete unnecessary condition for helper method. (by AATTdavydovanton)
* Support `id: :uuid` option for migrations. (by AATTfilip373)
* bug fixes
* Fix syntax for MRI 2.5.0. (by AATTpat)
* Validations were being ignored on singup in the `Trackable#update_tracked_fields!` method. (by AATTAshleyFoster)
* Do not modify options for `#serializable_hash`. (by AATTguigs)
* Email confirmations were being sent on sign in/sign out for application using `mongoid` and `mongoid-paperclip` gems. This is because previously we were checking if a model is from Active Record by checking if the method `after_commit` was defined - since `mongoid` doesn\' have one - but `mongoid-paperclip` gem does define one, which cause this issue. (by AATTfjg)
* Tue May 23 2017 updated to version 4.3.0 see installed [#]## 4.3.0 - 2017-05-14
* Enhancements
* Dependency support added for Rails 5.1.x.
* Thu Mar 16 2017 updated to version 4.2.1 see installed
* Sat Jul 02 2016 updated to version 4.2.0 see installed [#]## Unreleased [#]## 4.2.0 - 2016-07-01
* removals
* Remove the deprecated `Devise::ParameterSanitizer` API from Devise 3. Please use the `#permit` and `#sanitize` methods over `#for`.
* Remove the deprecated OmniAuth URL helpers. Use the fully qualified helpers (`user_facebook_omniauth_authorize_path`) over the scope based helpers ( `user_omniauth_authorize_path(:facebook)`).
* Remove the `Devise.bcrypt` method, use `Devise::Encryptor.digest` instead.
* Remove the `Devise::Models::Confirmable#confirm!` method, use `confirm` instead.
* Remove the `Devise::Models::Recoverable#reset_password!` method, use `reset_password` instead.
* Remove the `Devise::Models::Recoverable#after_password_reset` method.
* bug fixes
* Fix an `ActionDispatch::IllegalStateError` when testing controllers with Rails 5 rc 2(by AATThamadata).
* Use `ActiveSupport.on_load` hooks to include Devise on `ActiveRecord` and `Mongoid`, avoiding autoloading these constants too soon (by AATTlucasmazza, AATTrafaelfranca).
* enhancements
* Display the minimum password length on `registrations/edit` view (by AATTYanchek99).
* You can disable Devise\'s routes reloading on boot by through the `reload_routes = false` config. This can reduce the time taken to boot the application but it might trigger some errors if you application (mostly your controllers) requires that Devise mappings be loaded during boot time (by AATTsidonath).
* Added `Devise::Test::IntegrationHelpers` to bypass the sign in process using Warden test API (by AATTlucasmazza).
* Define `inspect` in `Devise::Models::Authenticatable` to help ensure password hashes aren\'t included in exceptions or otherwise accidentally serialized (by AATTtkrajcar).
* Add missing support of `Rails.application.config.action_controller.relative_url_root` (by AATTkosdiamantis).
* deprecations
* `Devise::TestHelpers` is deprecated in favor of `Devise::Test::ControllerHelpers` (by AATTlucasmazza).
* The `sign_in` test helper has changed to use keyword arguments when passing a scope. `sign_in :admin, users(:alice)` should be rewritten as `sign_in users(:alice), scope: :admin` (by AATTlucasmazza).
* The option `bypass` of `Devise::Controllers::SignInOut#sign_in` method is deprecated in favor of `Devise::Controllers::SignInOut#bypass_sign_in` method (by AATTulissesalmeida).
* Sat May 21 2016 updated to version 4.1.1 see installed
* Tue Apr 19 2016 updated to version 4.0.0 see installed
* Tue Feb 02 2016 updated to version 3.5.6 see installed [#]## 3.5.6 - 2016-01-02
* bug fixes
* Fix type coercion of the rememberable timestamp stored on cookies.
* Mon Jan 25 2016 updated to version 3.5.5 see installed [#]## 3.5.5 - 2016-22-01
* bug fixes
* Bring back remember_expired? implementation
* Ensure timeouts are not triggered if remember me is being used
* Thu Jan 21 2016 updated to version 3.5.4 see installed
* Sat Dec 12 2015 updated to version 3.5.3 see installed [#]## Unreleased [#]## 3.5.3 - 2015-12-10
* bug fixes
* Fix password reset for records where `confirmation_required?` is disabled and `confirmation_sent_at` is nil. (by AATTandygeers)
* Allow resources with no `email` field to be recoverable (and do not clear the reset password token if the model was already persisted). (by AATTseddy, AATTstanhu)
* enhancements
* Upon setting `Devise.send_password_change_notification = true` a user will receive notification when their password has been changed.
* Tue Aug 11 2015 updated to version 3.5.2 see installed [#]## 3.5.2 - 2015-08-10
* enhancements
* Perform case insensitive basic authorization matching
* Big fixes
* Do not use digests for password confirmation token
* Fix infinite redirect in Rails 4.2 authenticated routes
* Autoload Devise::Encryptor to avoid errors on thread-safe mode
* Thu May 28 2015 updated to version 3.5.1 see installed
* Tue Feb 10 2015 updated to version 3.4.1
* Mon Oct 13 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging