Changelog for perl-Net-Twitter-4.01043-bp155.2.1.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Jan 18 2018 updated to 4.01043 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Twitter/Changes 4.01043 2018-01-17 - deprecation notice: Twitter::API is the new Net::Twitter - deprecated update_with_media - doc and build updates - remove debugger breakpoint (Oof!)
* Mon Oct 09 2017 updated to 4.01042 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Twitter/Changes 4.01042 2017-02-06 - deprecated contributors/contributees - Fixed: follow_suggestions and follow_suggestions_for were reversed - fix \"overwriting a accessor\" warnings under Moose 2.2004 #70 - build changes: keep dist.ini, create Makefile.PL (ether)
* Mon Nov 21 2016 updated to 4.01041 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Twitter/Changes 4.01041 2016-11-19 - hack dist.ini to get POD and README back into the distribution O_o 4.01040 2016-11-19 - added trait WrapResult (returns both the HTTP response, with rate limit accessors, and the decoded JSON response) - rename placeholder :category to :slug with backwards compatibility to match Twitter\'s documentation - add attachment_url parameter to update method - add links to Twitter API docs
* Sat Nov 19 2016 updated to 4.01030 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Twitter/Changes 4.01030 2016-11-18 - cleaned up Net::Twitter::Error and documented stack_trace and stack_frame methods - Add method upload_status (ghathwar on Github)
* Mon Apr 04 2016 updated to 4.01020 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Twitter/Changes
* Sun Apr 19 2015 updated to 4.01010 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Twitter/Changes 4.01010 2014-03-25 - Replace missing POD file 4.01009 2015-03-24 - Added Application-Only Authentication via trait AppAuth 4.01008 2015-01-19 - Added REST API mithods muting, create_mute, destroy_mute (Ashley Willis) 4.01007 2015-01-07 - Added REST API method lookup_statuses (thanks SocialFlow) - Typo fixes (thanks Zaki Mughal) - Bumped IO::Socket::SSL requirement to 2.005; recent versions seem to fix an issue with stalled connections. 4.01006 2014-11-17 - Default `ssl => 1` - Added `mutes` (AATTpjcj on Github) 4.01005 2014-08-12 - Added upload_media for multi-image support (AATTghathwar) 4.01004 2014-04-11 - PUT requires paramters in the message body, now (Samuel Kaufman) 4.01003 2014-03-12 - Net::Twitter::Error\'s twitter_error_text excludes stack trace line number 4.01002 2014-01-16 - Fix POD bugs 4.01001 2014-01-16 - Warn if ssl option to new is not passed (deprecation cycle) 4.01000 2013-11-19 - Add API method retweeters_ids - Fix update_with_media with utf8 status (RT#72814) - Expand Carp::Clan list (should resolve RT#77306) - Remove reliance on MooseX::Aliases (issue #35) - Use Class::Load to replace deprecated Class::Mop method (issue #35) - Add missing dependency: LWP::Protocol::https (issue #25) - Fix OAuth failure for UTF8 params (issue #21) 4.00007 2013-08-12 - Support for HTTP method PUT (sartak) - example improvements (clmh) 4.00006 2013-05-30 - Spelling error fixed (spazmAATTgithub) - Added path_suffix parameter to twitter_api_method (sartak) - tidy + pod fix (sartak) 4.00005 2013-04-25 - Added list_ownerships (eleniS no Github) - Removed Makefile.PL (cruft - using Module::Build, now) 4.00004 - Dependecy Net::HTTP fixed in 6.06 (30 second timeout in OAuth requests) 4.00003 - Fixed URI argument encoding (v1.1 is more stringent) 4.00002 2013-02-23 - Removed Test::NoWarnings to accommodate HTTP::Request::Common 6.03 - Added method twitter_error_code to Net::Twitter::Error 4.00001 2013-02-21 - First general release with Twitter API v1.1 support - Twitter::Manual::MigratingToV1_1 4.00000_03 2013-02-19 - Fixed: needed skip directives for dzil\'s AutoPrereqs plugin - Stripped version numbers---let dzil put them in 4.00000_02 2013-02-19 - use Dist::Zilla instead of Module::Install 4.00000_01 2013-01-28 - Added Twitter API version 1.1 support 3.18004 2012-10-15 - Allow extra parameters to get_auth
*_url methods (this accommodates Twitter\'s optional force_login and screen_name parameters to those endpoints. 3.18003 2012-06-27 - Use path statuses/mentions, not statuses/replies
* Tue Apr 24 2012 update to 3.18002:
* added API method subscriptions; list_subscriptions is now all_subscriptions with alias list_subscriptions
* deprecated TwitterVision API support
* added API method members_destroy_all with alias remove_list_members
* added deprecation warning for \'trends\'; calls trends_location(1), instead
* Sun Oct 02 2011 now also requires MooseX::Aliases- update to 3.18001:
* fixed: AutoCursor: + no behavior change when user passes \"cursor\" arg + work with InflateObjects trait
* synthetic ags use (-) prefix: -authenticate, -since, -legacy_lists_api
* replaced JSON::Any with JSON- changes from 3.18000_01:
* added update_with_media
* added get_privacy_policy and get_tos API methods
* added get_languages and get_settings API methods
* added contributors and contributees API methods
* added geo_search, geo_search, similar_places, and add_place API methods
* friends/followers API methods deprecated
* implemented the
* Lists API in the API::REST trait
* replaced MX:MultiInitArg::Trait with MX:Aliases
* fixed bad whatis entry (patch from debian, closes RT#67203)
* use Digest::SHA instead of Digest::SHA1 (patch from debian, closes RT#67202)
* Fri Jun 03 2011 Disable pod tests for now until upstream package is fixed.
* Fri Apr 01 2011 update to 3.17001:
* fixed intermittent bug in AutoCursor (result of Class::MOP anon class caching)- changes from 3.17000:
* production release with new AutoCursor trait
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