Changelog for apache-commons-codec-javadoc-1.15-150200.3.6.4.noarch.rpm :

* Thu May 05 2022 Do not alias the artifact to itself
* Tue Oct 27 2020 Update to 1.15
* Fix: MurmurHash3: Ensure hash128 maintains the sign extension bug.
* Update: Base32/Base64/BCodec: Added strict decoding property to control handling of trailing bits. Default lenient mode discards them without error. Strict mode raise an exception.
* Update: Base32/Base64 Input/OutputStream: Added strict decoding property to control handling of trailing bits. Default lenient mode discards them without error. Strict mode raise an exception.
* Update: Update tests from JUnit 4.12 to 4.13.
* Add: Base16Codec and Base16Input/OutputStream.
* Add: Hex encode/decode with existing arrays.
* Update: Update actions/checkout from v1 to v2.3.2.
* Update: Update actions/setup-java from v1.4.0 to v1.4.1.- Remove timeout.patch
* Tue Jun 02 2020 Update to version 1.14
* Release 1.14 - 2019-12-30 - Fix: Hex: Allow encoding read-only ByteBuffer. - Fix: Hex: Only use an available ByteBuffer backing array if the length equals the remaining byte count. - Update: MurmurHash3: Deprecate hash64 methods and hash methods accepting a String that use the default encoding. - Fix: BaseNCodec to expand buffer using overflow conscious code. - Fix: Base32/64: Fixed decoding check that all the final trailing bits to discard are zero. - Add: Add MurmurHash3.hash128x64 methods to fix sign extension error during seeding in hash128 methods. - Add: Add MurmurHash3.hash32x86 methods and IncrementalHash32x86 to fix sign extension error in hash32 methods. - Fix: Allow repeat calls to MurmurHash3.IncrementalHash32.end() to generate the same value. - Add: Add RandomAccessFile digest methods #31. - Add: Add Path APIs to org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils similar to File APIs. - Add: Add SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256 to DigestUtils for Java 9 and up. - Add: Add missing note in javadoc when sign extension error is present #34. - Fix: Reliance on default encoding in MurmurHash2 and MurmurHash3. - Update: Don\'t reload standard Charsets in org.apache.commons.codec.Charsets. - Update: Deprecate Charset constants in org.apache.commons.codec.Charsets in favor of java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.
* Release 1.13 - 2019-07-20 - Fix: ColognePhonetic handles x incorrectly. - Fix: ColognePhonetic does not treat the letter H correctly. - Fix: Reject any decode request for a value that is impossible to encode to for Base32/Base64 rather than blindly decoding. - Add: MurmurHash2 for 32-bit or 64-bit value. - Add: MurmurHash3 for 32-bit or 128-bit value. - Update: Broken direct java.nio.ByteBuffer support in org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex.
* Release 1.12 - 2019-02-04 - Fix: B64 salt generator: Random -> ThreadLocalRandom. - Fix: Wrong value calculated by Cologne Phonetic if a special character is placed between equal letters. - Update: Update from Java 6 to Java 7. - Add: Add Percent-Encoding Codec (described in RFC3986 and RFC7578). - Fix: ColognePhoneticTest.testIsEncodeEquals missing assertions. - Add: Add SHA-3 methods in DigestUtils.
* Mon Mar 25 2019 Remove pom parent, since we don\'t use it when not building with maven
* Fri Feb 15 2019 Update to version 1.11
* New features: + Add Automatic-Module-Name manifest entry for Java 9. Fixes CODEC-242. + Add BaseNCodec.encode(byte[], int, int) input with offset and length parameters for Base64 and Base32. Fixes CODEC-202. + Add convenience API org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex. .encodeHexString(byte[]|ByteBuffer, boolean). Fixes CODEC-224. + Add convenience method decodeHex(String). Fixes CODEC-203. + Add DigestUtils.getDigest(String, MessageDigest). Fixes CODEC-210. + Add faster CRC32 implementation. Fixes CODEC-205. + Add HmacAlgorithms.HMAC_SHA_224 (Java 8 only). Fixes CODEC-217. + Add APIs to MessageDigestAlgorithm. Fixes CODEC-206. + Add support for CRC32-C. Fixes CODEC-171. + Add support for XXHash32. Fixes CODEC-241. + BaseNCodecOutputStream only supports writing EOF on close(). Fixes CODEC-183. + Create a minimal Digest command line utility: org.apache.commons.codec.digest.Digest. Fixes CODEC-212. + Fluent interface for DigestUtils. Fixes CODEC-220. + Fluent interface for HmacUtils. Fixes CODEC-222. + Make some DigestUtils APIs public. Fixes CODEC-208. + Support java.nio.ByteBuffer in DigestUtils. Fixes CODEC-193. + Support java.nio.ByteBuffer in org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex. Fixes CODEC-194. + Support JEP 287: SHA-3 Hash Algorithms. Fixes CODEC-213. + Support SHA-224 in DigestUtils on Java 8. Fixes CODEC-195.
* Removed feature: + Drop obsolete Ant build. Fixes CODEC-223.
* Changes: + Base32.decode should support lowercase letters. Fixes CODEC-234. + HmacUtils.updateHmac calls reset() unnecessarily. Fixes CODEC-221. + Soundex should support more algorithm variants. Fixes CODEC-233.
* Fixed bugs: + Base32.HEX_DECODE_TABLE contains the wrong value 32. Fixes CODEC-200. + Base64.encodeBase64String could better use newStringUsAscii (ditto encodeBase64URLSafeString). Fixes CODEC-145. + BaseNCodec: encodeToString and encodeAsString methods are identical. Fixes CODEC-144. + Bug in HW rule in Soundex. Fixes CODEC-199. + Charsets Javadoc breaks build when using Java 8. Fixes CODEC-207. + Don\'t deprecate Charsets Charset constants in favor of Java 7\'s java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets. Fixes CODEC-219. + Fix minor resource leaks. Fixes CODEC-225. + Javadoc for SHA-224 DigestUtils methods should mention Java 1.8.0 restriction instead of 1.4.0. Fixes CODEC-209. + StringUtils.equals(CharSequence cs1, CharSequence cs2) can fail with String Index OBE. Fixes CODEC-231. + StringUtils.newStringxxx(null) should return null, not NPE. Fixes CODEC-229. + URLCodec is neither immutable nor threadsafe. Fixes CODEC-232. + URLCodec.WWW_FORM_URL should be private. Fixes CODEC-230.- Generate the Ant build file and use it- Add an option --with tests and don\'t run tests by default. This diminshes the number of dependencies and speeds-up the build.
* Tue Feb 05 2019 Clean-up the spec file
* Tue May 15 2018 Build with source and target 8 to prepare for a possible removal of 1.6 compatibility- Run fdupes on documentation
* Fri Sep 29 2017 Don\'t condition the maven defines on release version, but on _maven_repository being defined
* Thu Sep 07 2017 Build with java source and target versions 1.6
* fixes build with jdk9
* Fri May 19 2017 Fix build with new javapackages-tools
* Wed Mar 18 2015 Fix build with new javapackages-tools
* Fri Dec 05 2014 Update to version 1.10 New features: + Add Daitch-Mokotoff Soundex Issue: CODEC-192. + QuotedPrintableCodec does not support soft line break per the \'quoted-printable\' example on Wikipedia Issue: CODEC-121. + Make possible to provide padding byte to BaseNCodec in constructor Issue: CODEC-181. Fixed Bugs: + Added clarification to Javadoc of Base64 concerning the use of the urlSafe parameter Issue: CODEC-185. + Added clarification to the Javadoc of Base[32|64]OutputStream that it is mandatory to call close() Issue: CODEC-191. + Add support for HMAC Message Authentication Code (MAC) digests Issue: CODEC-188. + Beider Morse Phonetic Matching producing incorrect tokens Issue: CODEC-187. + NullPointerException in DoubleMetaPhone.isDoubleMetaphoneEqual when using empty strings Issue: CODEC-184. + Fix Javadoc 1.8.0 errors Issue: CODEC-180. + Fix Java 8 build Javadoc errors Issue: CODEC-189. Changes: + Deprecate Charsets Charset constants in favor of Java 7\'s java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets Issue: CODEC-178. + Update from commons-parent 34 to 35 Issue: CODEC-190.- Use javapackages-tools instead of java-devel- Remove gpg_verify usage; let obs handle it