Changelog for php-ldap-4.2.2-12.i386.rpm :
Mon Dec 9 19:00:00 2002 Joe Orton 4.2.2-12
- backport \"ini dir scanning\" patch from CVS HEAD; /etc/php.d/
are now loaded at startup; each subpackage places an ini file
in that directory rather than munging /etc/php.ini in post/postun.
- default config changes: enable short_open_tag; remove settings for
php-dbg extension

Tue Dec 3 19:00:00 2002 Joe Orton 4.2.2-11
- own the /usr/lib/php4 directory (#73894)
- reinstate dropped patch to unconditionally disable ZTS

Sun Dec 1 19:00:00 2002 Joe Orton 4.2.2-10
- remove ldconfig invocation in post/postun
- fixes for #73516 (partially), #78586, #75029, #75712, #75878

Tue Nov 5 19:00:00 2002 Joe Orton 4.2.2-9
- fixes for libdir=/usr/lib64, based on SuSE\'s patches.
- add build prereqs for zlib-devel, imap-devel, curl-devel (#74819)
- remove unpackaged files from install root
- libtoolize; use configure cache to speed up build

Sun Sep 22 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.2-8.0.6
- PHP cannot determine which UID is being used, so safe
mode restrictions were always applied. Fixed. (#74396)

Mon Sep 2 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.2-8.0.4
- zts support seems to crash out httpd on a
* sighup
ie service httpd start;
apachectl restart ; (ok)
apachectl restart ; (httpd segv\'s and collapses)
removed --enable-experimental-zts which this seems related to.
- Small patch added because some places need to know that they
aren\'t using the ZTS API\'s (dumb)

Sun Sep 1 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.2-8.0.3
- fixup /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf to limit largest amount
of data accepted (#73254) Limited to 512K (which seems a
little excessive but anyway,..)
Note: php.conf is part of the srpm sources not part of the
php codebase.
- ditched extrenious --enable-debugger (was for php-dbg)
- When upgrading we tend not to modify /etc/php.ini if it exists,
instead we create php.ini.rpmnew. Modified the post scripts to
edit php.ini.rpmnew if it exists, so that people can copy
over the php.ini.rpmnew as php.ini knowing that it will
be an edited version, consistant with what modules they
installed #72033

Sat Aug 31 20:00:00 2002 Joe Orton 4.2.2-8.0.2
- require httpd-mmn for module ABI compatibility

Thu Aug 29 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.2-8.0.1
- URLS would drop the last arguments #72752
These were supposed to help provide multibyte language
support, however, they cause problems. Removed. Maybe in
a later errata when they work.
- added small patch to php_variables.c that allows
$_GET[] to initialise properly when
--enable-mbstr-enc-trans is disabled.
- Be consistant with errata naming (8.0.x)

Mon Aug 26 20:00:00 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai 4.2.2-11
- rebuild

Wed Aug 21 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.2-10
- Beat down the requirement list to something a little
more sane

Tue Aug 13 20:00:00 2002 Bill Nottingham 4.2.2-9
- trim manual language lists

Sun Aug 11 20:00:00 2002 Gary Benson 4.2.2-8
- rebuild against httpd-2.0.40

Fri Aug 9 20:00:00 2002 Elliot Lee 4.2.2-7
- rebuilt with gcc-3.2 (we hope)

Tue Aug 6 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.2-6
- Where multiple cookies are set, only the last one
was actually made. Fixes #67853

Sun Aug 4 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.2-5
- Shuffled the php/php-devel package file manifest
with respect to PEAR (PHP Extension and Application
Repository) #70673

Thu Aug 1 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.2-4
- #67815, search path doesn\'t include the pear directory
- pear not being installed correctly. Added --with-pear=

Mon Jul 22 20:00:00 2002 Tim Powers 4.2.2-2
- build using gcc-3.2-0.1

Sun Jul 21 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.2-1
- Yippie 8/ another security vunerability (see for details)

Tue Jul 16 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.1-9
- Reminder to self that mm was pushed out because it\'s
NOT thread safe.
- Updated the manuals (much to Bills horror)

Mon Jul 15 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.1-8
- php.ini alteration to fit in with the install/uninstall
of various php rpm based installable modules

Sun Jul 14 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.1-8
- php -v showing signs of deep unhappiness with the world
added --enable-experimental-zts to configure to make it
happy again (yes I know experimental sounds \'dangerous\'
it\'s just a name for an option we need)

Thu Jul 11 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.1-7
- #68715, Wrong name for Mysql Module in php.ini. Fixed.

Thu Jun 27 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.1-6
- SNMP fixup

Wed Jun 26 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.1-5
- Ah,.. seems httpd2 has been renamed to just plain
ol\' httpd. Fixed spec file to suit.
- ucd-snmp changed to net-snmp overnight...
temporarily disabled snmp while I work out the
impact of this change and if it is safe

Tue Jun 25 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.1-4
- openldap 2.1.x problem solved by Nalin. Sure the ldap
API didn\'t change,... . Added TSRMLS_FETCH()
to ldap_rebind_proc().
- Removed the php-dbg package as thats going to be provided

Thu Jun 20 20:00:00 2002 Tim Powers 4.2.1-3
- automated rebuild

Sun Jun 9 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.1-2
- Actually mm is now a dead project. Removed permently.

Mon May 27 20:00:00 2002 Gary Benson 4.2.1-2
- change paths for httpd-2.0
- add the config file
- disable mm temporarily

Sat May 25 20:00:00 2002 Tim Powers 4.2.1-1
- automated rebuild

Tue May 21 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.2.1-0
- Initial pristine build of php-4.2.1
- Minor patch to get around a 64 bitism
- Added in the dgb debugging hooks

Ditched the 4.1.1 sources for 4.2.1

Sat Apr 13 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.1.2-6
- %post for mysql has zlib in it?!? Bad cut/paste. Fixed.
- Added missing trigger entries to php.ini-dist
- Bumped release number.

Fri Apr 12 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.1.2-6
- Oh joyous. buildconf doesn\'t correctly rebuild a
configure script, consequently we get lex checking errors
Strictly speaking this is autoconf\'s fault. Tweeked.

Sat Apr 6 20:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.1.2-6
- Added in hook for the rather useful dbg addin
May not be able to provide a dbg rpm accomplyment
to php for the official release but at least it\'ll
make it easy to drop in at a later date.

Sun Mar 24 19:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.1.2-5
- Accepted patches from Konstantin Riabitsev
for the php.ini file which fix this damnable .dll/.so
- Fixes for the modules. Every dll name is now prepended by php_,
so the modules were NEVER enabled. Also, there is no longer
php_mysql.dll or php_odbc.dll. Added workarounds for that.
- Jumped a number (-4) because of intresting after effects
in the build system.

Mon Mar 11 19:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.1.2-3
- Fix for crashing bug (#60855)

Mon Mar 4 19:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.1.2-2
- Forgot the -with-png-dir=/usr config
option (#55248)

Sun Mar 3 19:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.1.2-2
- Minor patch for figuring out where the blasted
mysql.sock named socket lives. (grumble)
- Added in --enable-exif. It\'s there for people who
asked for it but I ain\'t supporting it if it
- Tweak the default php.ini file to turn off file upload by default
and to tweak the default path for loadable modules

Wed Feb 27 19:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.1.2-1
- Jumped to 4.1.2 for security...

Tue Feb 12 19:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.1.1-4
- Added multibyte input/ouput support
- Added in a couple of BuildReq\'s
- Because db1,2,3 are ditched in the next RHAT release and only
db4 exists, I\'ve purposly NOT put in the db4-devel BuildReq
as thers no way to differentiate this build for a 7.X and
the new release.

Thu Feb 7 19:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.1.1-3
- Added calendar, dbx, dio and mcal support into the build

Wed Feb 6 19:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.1.1-2
- Reformatted the spec file to be something more pretty to read
- Some wassak upstream changed the default php.ini file to
winblows format (.dll) which broke the extension munching
altered the post scripts to accomodate (#59195)
- Added in --enable-gd-native-ttf (#55199)

Mon Jan 28 19:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.1.1-1
- Added in patch for DOM(xml)

Sun Jan 27 19:00:00 2002 Philip Copeland 4.1.1-0
- Rather than write a new spec file, borrowed the one from 4.0.6-13
Initial build of 4.1.1 (note db2 is now obsoleted)
Added --enable-memory-limit

Ditched the 4.0.x sources for 4.1.1

Tue Dec 4 19:00:00 2001 Philip Copeland 4.0.6-13
- Minor tweak to the configure script to allow it to search fo the libxml
installation in both
*/include/libxml/tree.h and

Mon Nov 19 19:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai 4.0.6-12
- rebuild for Raw Hide, building snmp again

Mon Nov 19 19:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai 4.0.6-11
- don\'t build the snmp module
- don\'t activate the module for Apache when we install it into the buildroot

Sun Nov 18 19:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- link the IMAP module with c-client.a

Thu Nov 15 19:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai 4.0.6-10
- use shared expat for XML support, add buildprereq on expat-devel
- update to latest manuals from the web site
- /usr/share/php -> /usr/share/pear
- miscellaneous cleanups

Mon Nov 12 19:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- remove explicit dependency on krb5-libs

Thu Nov 8 19:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- enable transparent session id support, configure freetype and gmp extensions
(suggestion and patch Jason Costomiris)

Sun Sep 16 20:00:00 2001 Tim Powers 4.0.6-9
- rebuilt against newer posgresql libs

Tue Sep 11 20:00:00 2001 Tim Powers
- rebuild with new gcc and binutils

Sun Aug 26 20:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- add patch from pzb at to fix the ZVAL_TRUE and ZVAL_FALSE macros

Thu Aug 16 20:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- enable bzip2 extension
- enable curl extension
- enable use of mm
- clean up use of libtool (#51958)

Thu Aug 9 20:00:00 2001 Tim Powers
- only english in php-manuals, space constraints

Wed Aug 8 20:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- include /usr/lib/php/build instead of /usr/lib/php4/build (#51141)

Sun Aug 5 20:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- add build deps on pam-devel, pspell-devel, gdbm-devel (#49878)
- add some conditional logic if %{oracle} is defined (from Antony Nguyen)

Sun Jul 8 20:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- don\'t obsolete subpackages we ended up not merging

Sun Jul 1 20:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- cleanups
- add manuals in multiple languages (using ko instead of kr for Korean)
- merge all of the manuals into a single -manual subpackage
- use libtool to install binary files which libtool builds
- don\'t strip any binaries; let the buildroot policies take care of it

Wed Jun 27 20:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- update to 4.0.6 (preliminary)

Sun Jun 24 20:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- enable ttf in the build because the gd support needs it
- add -lfreetype to the LIBS for the same reason

Tue Jun 5 20:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- rebuild in new environment

Tue May 15 20:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- actually use two source trees to build things
- add %post and %postun scriptlets to run ldconfig

Mon May 14 20:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- quote part of the AC_ADD_LIBRARY macro to make newer autoconf happy

Sun May 13 20:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- fix error in %install
- depend on the imap-devel which supplies linkage.c
- modify trigger to disable php versions less than 4.0.0 instead of 3.0.15
- enable DOM support via libxml2 (suggested by Sylvain Berg�)
- build the OpenSSL extension again

Sun May 6 20:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- enable pspell extensions
- update to 4.0.5

Sun Apr 29 20:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- build the ODBC extension

Sun Apr 29 20:00:00 2001 Bill Nottingham
- build on ia64

Thu Mar 1 19:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- rebuild in new environment

Thu Feb 22 19:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- obsolete the old phpfi (PHP 2.x) package

Wed Feb 7 19:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- add a commented-out curl extension to the config file (part of #24933)
- fix the PEAR-installation-directory-not-being-eval\'ed problem (#24938)
- find the right starting point for multipart form data (#24933)

Mon Jan 29 19:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- aaarrgh, the fix breaks something else, aaarrgh; revert it (#24933)
- terminate variable names at the right place (#24933)

Fri Jan 19 19:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- tweak the fix some more

Wed Jan 17 19:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- extract stas\'s fix for quoting problems from CVS for testing
- tweak the fix, ask the PHP folks about the tweak
- tweak the fix some more

Tue Jan 16 19:00:00 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai
- merge mod_php into the main php package (#22906)

Thu Dec 28 19:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- try to fix a quoting problem

Tue Dec 19 19:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- update to 4.0.4 to get a raft of bug fixes
- enable sockets
- enable wddx

Thu Nov 2 19:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- rebuild in updated environment

Wed Nov 1 19:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- add more commented-out modules to the default config file (#19276)

Tue Oct 31 19:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- fix not-using-gd problem (#20137)

Mon Oct 16 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- update to 4.0.3pl1 to get some bug fixes

Fri Oct 13 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- build for errata

Tue Oct 10 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- update to 4.0.3 to get security fixes integrated
- patch around problems configuring without Oracle support
- add TSRM to include path when building individual modules

Thu Sep 7 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- rebuild in new environment
- enable OpenSSL support

Tue Sep 5 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- update to 4.0.2, and move the peardir settings to configure (#17171)
- require %{version}-%{release} for subpackages
- add db2-devel and db3-devel prereqs (#17168)

Tue Aug 22 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- rebuild in new environment (new imap-devel)

Tue Aug 15 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- fix summary and descriptions to match the specspo package

Tue Aug 8 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- hard-code the path to apxs in build_ext() (#15799)

Mon Jul 31 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- add \".\" to the include path again, which is the default

Tue Jul 18 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- enable PEAR and add it to the include path
- add the beginnings of a -devel subpackage

Tue Jul 11 20:00:00 2000 Prospector
- automatic rebuild

Thu Jul 6 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- tweaks to post and postun from Bill Peck

Wed Jul 5 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- fixes from Nils for building the MySQL client
- change back to requiring 4.2.2 instead of 4.2.2-12

Fri Jun 30 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- update to 4.0.1pl2
- enable MySQL client
- move the php.ini file to /etc

Thu Jun 29 20:00:00 2000 Nils Philippsen
- build_ext defines HAVE_PGSQL so in fact contains symbols
- post/un scripts tweak php.ini correctly now

Tue Jun 27 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- update to 4.0.1
- refresh manual

Sun Jun 25 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- rebuild against new krb5 package

Sun Jun 18 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- rebuild against new db3 package

Fri Jun 16 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- Fix syntax error in post and preun scripts.
- Disable IMAP, LDAP, PgSql in the standalone version because it picks up
the extensions.

Thu Jun 15 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- Unexclude the Sparc arch.
- Exclude the ia64 arch until we get a working Postgres build.
- Stop stripping extensions as aggressively.
- Start linking the IMAP module to libpam again.
- Work around extension loading problems.
- Reintroduce file-editing post and preun scripts for the mod_php extensions
until we come up with a better way to do it.

Sun Jun 4 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- ExcludeArch: sparc for now

Sat Jun 3 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- add Obsoletes: phpfi, because their content handler names are the same
- add standalone binary, rename module packages to mod_php
- FHS fixes

Mon May 22 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- change license from \"GPL\" to \"PHP\"
- add URL: tag
- disable mysql support by default (license not specified)

Sun May 21 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- update to PHP 4.0.0
- nuke the -mysql subpackage (php comes with a bundled mysql client lib now)

Mon May 15 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- link IMAP module against GSS-API and PAM to get dependencies right
- change most of the Requires to Prereqs, because the post edits config files
- move the PHP
* module back to the right directory
- fix broken postun trigger that broke the post
- change most of the postuns to preuns in case php gets removed before subpkgs

Wed May 10 20:00:00 2000 Trond Eivind Glomsr�d
- rebuilt against new postgres libraries

Mon May 8 20:00:00 2000 Preston Brown
- php3 .so modules moved to /usr/lib/php3 from /usr/lib/apache (was incorrect)

Sun Apr 9 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- make subpackages require php = 4.2.2 (bug #10671)

Wed Apr 5 20:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- update to 3.0.16

Thu Mar 2 19:00:00 2000 Cristian Gafton
- fixed the post script to work when upgrading a package
- add triggere to fix the older packages

Mon Feb 28 19:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- update to 3.0.15
- add build-time dependency for openldap-devel
- enable db,ftp,shm,sem support to fix bug #9648

Thu Feb 24 19:00:00 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai
- add dependency for imap subpackage
- rebuild against Apache 1.3.12

Wed Feb 23 19:00:00 2000 Preston Brown
- don\'t include old, outdated manual. package one from the php distribution.

Mon Jan 31 19:00:00 2000 Cristian Gafton
- rebuild to fix dependency problem

Thu Jan 13 19:00:00 2000 Preston Brown
- added commented out mysql module, thanks to Jason Duerstock
( Uncomment to build if you have mysql installed.

Wed Jan 12 19:00:00 2000 Preston Brown
- rely on imap-devel, don\'t include imap in src.rpm (#5099).
- xml enabled (#5393)

Mon Nov 1 19:00:00 1999 Preston Brown
- added post/postun sections to modify httpd.conf (#5259)
- removed old obsolete faq and gif (#5260)
- updated manual.tar.gz package (#5261)

Wed Oct 6 20:00:00 1999 Matt Wilson
- rebuilt for sparc glibc brokenness

Thu Sep 23 20:00:00 1999 Preston Brown
- --with-apxs --> --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs (# 5094)
- ldap support (# 5097)

Wed Sep 22 20:00:00 1999 Preston Brown
- fix cmdtuples for postgresql, I had it slightly wrong

Mon Aug 30 20:00:00 1999 Bill Nottingham
- subpackages must obsolete old stuff...

Sat Aug 28 20:00:00 1999 Preston Brown
- added -DHAVE_PGCMDTUPLES for postgresql module (bug # 4767)

Thu Aug 26 20:00:00 1999 Preston Brown
- name change to php to follow real name of package
- fix up references to php3 to refer to php
- upgrade to 3.0.12
- fixed typo in pgsql postun script (bug # 4686)

Sun Jun 13 20:00:00 1999 Preston Brown
- upgraded to 3.0.9
- fixed postgresql module and made separate package
- separated manual into separate documentation package

Sun May 23 20:00:00 1999 Preston Brown
- upgraded to 3.0.8, which fixes problems with glibc 2.1.
- took some ideas grom Gomez\'s RPM.

Mon May 3 20:00:00 1999 Preston Brown
- hacked in imap support in an ugly way until imap gets an official
shared library implementation

Thu Apr 15 20:00:00 1999 Preston Brown
- pick up php3.ini

Tue Mar 23 19:00:00 1999 Preston Brown
- build against apache 1.3.6

Sat Mar 20 19:00:00 1999 Cristian Gafton
- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 2)

Sun Mar 7 19:00:00 1999 Preston Brown
- upgraded to 3.0.7.

Tue Feb 23 19:00:00 1999 Preston Brown
- Injected new description and group.

Sat Feb 6 19:00:00 1999 Preston Brown
- upgrade to php 3.0.6, built against apache 1.3.4

Sun Oct 11 20:00:00 1998 Cristian Gafton
- rebuild for apache 1.3.3

Wed Oct 7 20:00:00 1998 Preston Brown
- updated to 3.0.5, fixes nasty bugs in 3.0.4.

Sat Sep 26 20:00:00 1998 Cristian Gafton
- updated to 3.0.4 and recompiled for apache 1.3.2

Wed Sep 2 20:00:00 1998 Preston Brown
- improvements; builds with apache-devel package installed.

Mon Aug 31 20:00:00 1998 Preston Brown
- Made initial cut for PHP3.