Changelog for copr-frontend-fedora-1.199-1.fc37.noarch.rpm :

* Wed Apr 05 2023 Jiri Kyjovsky 1.199-1- Bump version for release mess
* Tue Apr 04 2023 Jiri Kyjovsky 1.198-1- Don\'t 500 for KRB5_USER_DENYLIST_PATTERNS=None- Explicitly ask which user checks the permissions- Make sure user can build in the project before uploading- Change the whooshee packages field to IDLIST- Run copr-frontend update-indexes daily
* Wed Mar 22 2023 Jiri Kyjovsky 1.197-1- Allow automation (cron) to remove builds- Allow specifying a KRB5 user denylist- Fix broken rubygem rebuild page.- Restrict forking of large projects- Define some copr-specific environment variables- Remove libmodulemd1 dependency- Fix sorting by build time
* Tue Feb 07 2023 Jakub Kadlcik 1.196-1- rawhide_to_release usable index- rawhide_to_release: don\'t repeatedly query for CoprChroot- rawhide_to_release: avoid sqlalchemy warning- faster rawhide_to_release query- anitya: re-submit already built packages if version is higher- anitya: re-try downloads from datagrepper- anitya: fix joins on the expensive query- anitya: skip also \"post\" releases- anitya: dump updated packages to log- anitya: skip-pre-release versions earlier- anitya: skip re-building if already being built- assign anityia builds with packages ASAP
* Wed Jan 25 2023 Pavel Raiskup 1.195-1- anitya: ignore pre-release tarballs sooner- anitya: ignore alpha versions- fix the \"Modules:\" web-UI form widget- ignore anitya BadRequest rebuild attempts
* Tue Jan 24 2023 Jakub Kadlcik 1.194-1- Don\'t resubmit anitya builds for pre-release versions- Anytia query using sqlalchemy- Anitya builds handled on background- Pypi anitya buils respects spec generator option- Allow uploading artificial payload in custom webhook- Fix traceback for non-existing tasks- Fix typo in basearch example value- Fix batches race logic by adding locks- wTForms validate function now expect additional parameter- Change order of RPM build logs- Update alembic migration template- Drop the unneeded marshmallow dependency- Fix APIv3 additional_modules CoprChroot option- Customizable group link to FAS- Don\'t depend on flask-restful- Fix homepage user count- Add command for managing warning banner- More understandable module hotfixes description- Don\'t let PR builds affect status badges- Add hover for table rows- Frontend: fix a jinja2 traceback when displaying a nonexisting batch- Add openeuler logo- Disable appstream by default- Use SPDX license
* Wed Nov 30 2022 Pavel Raiskup 1.193-1- fix get-tasks traceback when repos are not set
* Sat Nov 26 2022 Jakub Kadlcik 1.192-1- allow arbitrary creation of :pr: directories- custom repositories with custom webhook- move to GitHub home page- use shlex.quote instead of pipes.quote- add route for a new distgit dispatcher- expand repos for custom SRPM- process external repos for custom build- support LDAP groups for Kerberos users- add version to the bitbucket webhook tag name- loosen the rules of package matching in webhook tags- add optional argument pkg_name to webhooks API- no delay after large SRPM upload- name the import log \"import.log\" in web-UI- show import log to everyone, not just admin- log webhook calls- cache the queue sizes for one minute- log commands
* Tue Sep 20 2022 Jakub Kadlcik 1.191-1- show timeout in the build detail page- disable Edit button in the project settings when chroot unchecked- fix FTBFS issues for F37/Rawhide- match OS logos by their OS family- show the batch ID (if assigned) in the build detail- add link to /user/repositories/ on the user detail page- stg frontend instance should link to stg FAS instance- add page for exploring projects- remove APIv2 code
* Tue Aug 16 2022 Jiri Kyjovsky 1.190-1- Create field for packit_forge_project when creating build
* Tue Aug 16 2022 Jiri Kyjovsky 1.189-1- check packit_forge_project option in build_options for builds- add packit_forge_projects_allowed for Copr projects- remove leading and trailing whitespace from StringField
* Tue Jul 26 2022 Jakub Kadlcik 1.188-1- Add support for pyp2spec generator- Add API support for runtime_dependencies- Runtime_dependencies may be separated by a newline- Pagure-events: don\'t submit builds for disabled projects
* Tue Jun 21 2022 Jakub Kadlcik 1.187-1- Start logging important events- Change logging formatter to show also flask.g.user- APIv3 support for chroot_denylist- Restrict the CoprDir names to :custom:- Don\'t require trailing slash in APIv3 /package/list- Don\'t hide CoprDir buttons in Builds web-ui- New command \'copr-frontend chroots-template\'- More understandable Pagure badges- Detect ClientDisconnected errors
* Mon Apr 04 2022 Pavel Raiskup 1.186-1- support for api_3 gssapi login- the /pending-jobs/ is now a streamed page- a bit more optimized /pending-jobs/ route- web-UI: make sure that background builds are more visible- build \"is_background\" info in the api_3 calls- indicate low priority builds in status overview
* Fri Mar 18 2022 Pavel Raiskup 1.185-1- added support for resetting fields in chroots over the API- get-chroot - return modules as a list- add a link to comps.xml documentation into the chroot edit form- user-friendly error for devel stack(s) when there is a database problem- optimize the SQL for the /pending/ routes a bit- a new route /pending/all/ giving a rough stats- cache the number of currently processed batches to speedup the overall web-UI- speed-up the models.Batch related routes- don\'t use redis as a middleman when updating hitcounter stats- use standard backend auth for updating stats- hitcounter: don\'t return 201 when there is an exception- add API routes for editing module list in chroot
* Wed Feb 02 2022 Silvie Chlupova 1.184-1- sort chroot-histogram graphs by number of builds- use dist-git method for builds by default- fix size of graphs on status page- limit max number of packages per request- paginate packages list in APIv3- don\'t query all packages when empty list is specified- webhook rebuilds are background jobs now- re-enabled chroots should reset final_prunerepo_done- fix import order reported by pylint- print human-readable validation errors in APIv3- basic build tagging- use new Fedora chroot icon- use official EPEL log for chroot icon- PyLint fixes for fix ./ script for coverage args- don\'t insert+commit in create_after event- build PyPI only for python3 by default- describe advanced searching possibilities- limit RubyGems and PyPI package names length- Disable coverage analysis during RPM build- 2029379 - workaround GitHub caching proxy- drop duplicit \"group\" table join- add \"My Projects\" button to the homepage- api monitor page to contain pkg_version
* Wed Nov 10 2021 Silvie Chlupova 1.183-1- ACR toggle - handle NO_VALUE specially too- Fixup ACR handling- \"Rebuild All\" form to respect chroot denylist- \"rebuild all packages\" from successful builds- Large project modification timeout fix- Homepage redesign- Speedup BuildChroot removals- Add BuildChroot(s) to Build ASAP if package is known- APIv3 /monitor route- Single before_request hook- Checkpoint measurement helpers- Assure error_handler error is 500- Handle CoprDir.get_by_copr consistently- Search by attributes using the input value- Print searched string with attributes- Add dropdown with hints for searching- Support searching by attributes and improve searching overall- Openid,login by email: guide user, don\'t do infinite loop- Conscious language (group blacklist -> denylist)- Conscious language (chroot blacklist -> denylist)- Change prompt from $ to #> in Quick Enable box- Accept admin permissions for Copr build- Explain what fedora-review project is
* Fri Oct 01 2021 Pavel Raiskup 1.182-1- fixup SubqueryPaginator for older sqlalchemy versions
* Thu Sep 30 2021 Silvie Chlupova 1.181-1- frontend: better not found message for not existing chroot- frontend: avoid additional query for main_dir.full_name- frontend: add index for combination of and build.copr_id- frontend: move the subquery hack into paginator- frontend: speedup for listing builds via APIv3- frontend: add a warning about the server-side pagination- frontend: web-ui: paginate monitor page for more than 1000 packages- backend: don\'t unnecessarily split the web-ui monitor route- frontend: web-ui: sync package list with build list- frontend: web-ui: server-side pagination for too-many-packages- frontend: web-ui: server-side pagination for too-many-builds- frontend: speedup ///builds/ route- frontend: log pending build records only when debugging- frontend: drop LegacyApiError exception- frontend: remove all APIv1 code- Add API entrypoint for regenerating repos- frontend: fix rawhide_to_release/brach_fedora commands
* Wed Aug 25 2021 Pavel Raiskup 1.180-1- use the same repofile for all Fedora versions including Rawhide- don\'t traceback for \"module exists\" error- fixup logging of info messages- don\'t depend on python-six, drop __future__ imports- move package non-denylisted chroots to general information- show more of general package information on package detail page- update main.ini and rpkg.conf.j2 for rpkg 3.0 compatibility- make template caching configurable- log basic request information for each traceback- do not cache last build badge- drop user proxy concept, we don\'t use it- generate webhook secrets using APIv3
* Tue Jun 15 2021 Pavel Raiskup 1.179-1- add support for optional namespaces in DistGit instances- add a \"storage statistics\" link to footer- fix the copr logo so it contains updated \"fedora\" font- index the CoprChroot.deleted field to speedup API/UI- a new admin command for prolonging unnoticed chroots- properly notify all not-deleted chroots- storage waste - drop upload temporary directories even upon source failure- automatically request PR CoprDirs removal using a new action type- colorize CoprDir-buttons on builds page, notifying users which of them will be removed soon- fix build-listing for copr-dirs, show all builds by default again- forked source builds now have forked source_status, too- fixed the comps file hyperlink in web-UI form- packaging - don\'t install test files (not used at runtime)- allow user to disable generating appstream metadata (admin action is no longer needed)- provide ENVRA build results via APIv3 (for particular build ID)- review.txt link is now shown only for proper chroots- add a logo for the OpenMandriva chroots- the default value for MockChroot.comment should be none- pruner: allow pruning also the finalized chroots- invent a new FE-BE API version constant, guarding against incompatible FE/BE installations- a new knob for turning a profiler on (devel setup)- newly we show two latest blog post articles
* Fri Apr 30 2021 Jakub Kadlcik 1.178-1- frontend: oops, forgot to change these two instances- frontend: show deletion tooltip in project overview
* Fri Apr 30 2021 Pavel Raiskup 1.177-1- fix chroot disabling in project settings- not display EOL warning for per-project disabled chroots
* Tue Apr 27 2021 Jakub Kadlcik 1.176-1- frontend: fix tests that fail in Fedora Rawhide chroots- frontend: create project for Fedora Review- frontend: memory_analyzer route module- frontend: fix unrelated pylint warnings- frontend: use correct auto_prune default when creating via API- frontend: better test the branch-fedora command- frontend: print forking stats for rawhide-to-release- frontend: rawhide-to-release fix for deactivated chroots- frontend: clone all CoprChroot attributes when forking- frontend: simplified Build.state logic, and better log- frontend: avoid NULLed source_status- frontend: don\'t create builds if there are no active chroots- frontend: hide deactivated chroots in the project overview- frontend: traceback for outdated-chroots flash message- frontend: make the [modified] chroot clickable- frontend: fix Jinja traceback on nulled buildroot_pkgs- frontend: catch tracebacks when rendering invalid modules- frontend: update FAS links to use the new site- frontend: fix unrelated pylint warnings- frontend: introduce ChrootDeletionStatus- frontend: delete data for unclicked chroots after few days- frontend: assure unique Copr name for group/user in DB- frontend: test that we can set these options via API- frontend: drop an unused knob- GitLab moved their webhook settings to a different page.- frontend: fix createrepo scope for chroot enable- frontend: fix already defined method name- frontend: add base form for creating and modifying projects- frontend: move tests to proper class- frontend: explain what actions are- frontend: use Builds instead of Tasks in stats/- backend, frontend, keygen, distgit: keep cca 3 months of logs- frontend: test API for \'copr modify\'- fronted: stats - sort chroots by name