Changelog for did-0.19-1.fc35.noarch.rpm :

* Tue Jan 18 2022 Lukáš Zachar - 0.19-1- Install all required packages during docs building- Adjust code style to be pep8 compatible- Update docs for contributors, enable pre-commit- Add basic support for Zammad- Check if the GitHub credential token is valid- Fix jira issues search when user `login` provided- Add minor clarification note about token name- Split jira token expiration into two options- Adjust the support for Jira Personal Access Tokens- Support Personal Access Token in the Jira plugin- Return all the bugzilla results from a search- Install fresh sphinx when building readthedocs- Adjust the paging support for the GitHub plugin- Add pagination support for GitHub, fixes #247- Adjust the new plugin for reporting bodhi updates- Add a new plugin with support for Bodhi updates- Use user email for searching updated jira issues- Adjust the switch from fiscal to calendar year- Switch from fiscal year to natural year- Update docs for gitlab, github and confluence- Give a better message upon jira search failure- Raise the number of github issues fetched per page
* Mon Apr 19 2021 Petr Šplíchal - 0.18-1- Support custom xmlrpc endpoint for MoinMoin wiki- Adjust the approved merge requests for gitlab- Add search for approved merge requests in gitlab- Enable copr builds from master, simplify tests- Add \"no prefix\" rule to commit message suggestions- Simplify packit config, enable epel-8 for testing- Do not use interpolation for ConfigParser- Expand tilde in config path values- Fix a typo in the README format section- Update test data for the gerrit plugin- Adjust password file support for jira & confluence- Add password file options for jira and confluence
* Mon Jul 13 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.17-1- Prevent exploring tests under the tmt directory- Run unit tests always under the English locale- Enable basic smoke test against github in packit- Disable test for the redmine plugin- Update test data for the redmine plugin- Update test data for the sentry plugin- Update test data for the gerrit plugin- Use calendar year quarters by default [fix #223]- Merge the improved Jira search [#198]- Adjust improved Jira search using scriptrunner- Use scriptrunner issueFunction to speed up things- Simplify Packit config (copr_build no more needed)- Update test data for the sentry plugin- Implement Jira issue comparison to prevent dupes- Do not break sorting on merge- Add default command into the info log [fix #217]- Enable Python 3.8 in Travis, update metadata