Changelog for
helvum-0.4.0-bp155.1.7.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Feb 13 2023 Adam Mizerski
- update to 0.4.0 - Improvements - The graphview no longer renders content outside the visible area and uses less CPU drawing, which should improve performance greatly. - The graphview can now be zoomed. Zooming is possible via two-finger-gesture, CTRL+Scrolling, and a zoom widget in the header bar. - The graphview now has a fixed size, and the view is initially centered in middle. - Labels on nodes and ports now may use multiple lines when too long, and very long labels will be ellipsized. A new tooltip is displayed when hovering a label, which displays the full name and is never ellipsized. - The label for a node now prefers displaying the node.description property over the node.nick property of a pipewire node, which is usually more human-readable and helpful, and also matches the behaviour of other tools. - Fixes - Helvum should build again with pipewire versions 0.3.64 and 0.3.65 due to an updated pipewire dependency.
* Wed Feb 02 2022 Adam Mizerski - update to 0.3.4 - Update glib dependency, which fixes a SIGSEGV when using glib as a log backend and the output is being captured by systemd.
* Fri Jan 28 2022 Adam Mizerski - update to 0.3.3 - An appstream metadata file was added and is installed to the metainfo directory - gtk4-update-icon-cache instead of the gtk3 variant is used during post-install - The application id was changed to `org.pipewire.Helvum` - Bash build scripts were removed and their work is done directly via meson instead - The upstream URL has changed to
* Mon Dec 06 2021 William Franco Abdul Hai - Fixes: - Changed location of hicolor folder to properly display app icon.
* Tue Nov 30 2021 Adam Mizerski - update to 0.3.2 - Changes: - Links where the endpoint is left of the start point and on the same height now have a slight vertical component in their curve so they don\'t appear as a single line - Links now use a gray instead of black color for better constrast - Fixes: - Build scripts now use bash instead of sh, as they were already using bash features before, which could lead to problems where sh is not a symlink to bash - Also, from now on, releases will have a source tarball with vendored cargo dependencies attached, so that releases can be built offline easier.
* Fri Oct 01 2021 Update to version 0.3.1: - Add meson as new primary buildsystem - Add application icon and symbolic icon - Add .desktop file
* Sun Aug 08 2021 Update to version 0.3.0: - Improvements - Links that are currently inactive are drawn using a dashed line - New nodes are positioned with some spacing to the window border - Links can now be created by dragging a port to another in both directions - Fixes - The build no longer fails with pipewire >= 0.3.32
* Mon Jun 14 2021 Adam Mizerski - new package; version 0.2.1