Changelog for libscintilla5-5.3.2-bp155.1.6.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Dec 26 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 5.3.2: - Add SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL to change text without causing unchanged prefix and suffix to be marked as modified in change history. - Draw background colour for EOL annotations with standard and boxed visuals. - Add SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXTFULL to support 64-bit document positions on Win32 replacing SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT which is not safe for huge documents. Feature #1455. - Send SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED for SCI_AUTOCSHOW triggering insertion because of SCI_AUTOCSETCHOOSESINGLE mode. Feature #1459. - Change \'paragraph up\' commands SCI_PARAUP and SCI_PARAUPEXTEND to go to the start position of the paragraph containing the caret. Bug #2363. - Change release compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. - On Qt, implement SCI_SETRECTANGULARSELECTIONMODIFIER for all platforms. - On Qt, allow string form XPM images for SCI_REGISTERIMAGE.- Minor refreshing of scintilla-shared.patch to apply cleanly.
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to versoin 5.3.1:
* Added SCI_STYLESETINVISIBLEREPRESENTATION to make it easier to edit around invisible text (Feature #1453).
* Removed NotifyLexerChanged notification from DocWatcher. This is a private interface but could be used by independent platform layers and was exposed by ScintillaDocument in the Qt implementation of ScintillaEdit.
* Draw lines more consistently in SC_PHASES_TWO and SC_PHASES_ONE modes by clipping drawing to just the line rectangle.
* Draw SC_MARK_BAR markers underneath other markers as they often cover multiple lines for change history and other markers mark individual lines.
* Enlarge point and point top indicators and scale to be larger with larger text.
* Suppress change history background line shading when printing. Bug #2358.
* Make SCI_LINESCROLL more accurate when width of space not integer (Bug #2357).
* On GTK, fix bug where there were too many or too few lines when wrapping (Bug #2349).
* Fri Sep 09 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 5.3.0:
* Added change history which can display document changes (modified, saved, ...) in the margin or in the text.
* Add SC_MARK_BAR marker and INDIC_POINT_TOP indicator.
* Improve drawing of rounded rectangles on Direct2D.
* Line state optimized to avoid excess allocations by always allocating for every line.
* Add SC_FOLDACTION_CONTRACT_EVERY_LEVEL option to contract every level for SCI_FOLDALL [Bug #2340].
* Enable multiline regex for gcc and clang when REGEX_MULTILINE
* defined [Bug #2338].
* Stop including STYLE_CALLTIP when calculating line height [Bug [#2341]].
* Fix incorrect display of selection when printing in some modes [Bug #2335].
* Fix crash on Qt when showing autocompletion and the caret isn\'t on a screen.- Update so versions to match upstream\'s.
* Wed Jul 13 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 5.2.4:
* Fix hiding selection when selection layer is SC_LAYER_UNDER_TEXT. Bug #2334.
* Fix bad background colour for additional, secondary, and inactive selections when printing. Bug #2335.
* Fix failures on GTK with non-UTF-8 text when multi-threading due to character set conversion code that was not thread-safe.
* Fix crash when printing on Win32 in bidirectional mode with a non-empty selection.
* Wed Jun 22 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 5.2.3:
* Improve performance of SCI_FOLDALL(SC_FOLDACTION_EXPAND) by not lexing whole document as it does not depend on folding structure.
* Fix partial updates and non-responsive scroll bars on Xorg. This defers scroll bar changes to an idle task so could affect applications that depend on the scroll position being updated. Bug #2322, Bug #2196, Bug #2312.
* Fix problem with horizontally inverted glyphs with buffered drawing and WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL set on Win32 GDI. Feature #1435.
* For Qt 6, fix \"modified\" signal when text is null but length non-0. Bug #2328.
* Fix pink selection background when printing by making it completely transparent.
* Sun May 01 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 5.2.2:
* Add SCI_GETSTYLEINDEXAT API to return styles over 127 as positive integers. Feature #1431.
* On GTK, scroll horizontally with shift + scroll wheel.
* Fix crash with unexpected right-to-left text on GTK. Bug [#2309].
* Fix position of end-of-line annotation when fold display text is visible. Bug #2320.
* On Direct2D, support per-monitor text rendering parameters. Feature #1432.
* Thu Feb 24 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 5.2.1:
* Enable multi-threaded layout on GTK.
* Fix pixmap leak on GTK. Bug #2317.
* Fix re-entrant painting on GTK to maintain update region.
* Thu Feb 17 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Revert to defining tar_ver macro literally to allow source_validator and similar services to work with sources.
* Mon Feb 14 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 5.2.0:
* Add multithreaded layout to significantly improve performance for very wide lines. Feature #1427.
* Made compatible with Qt 6.
* Fix potential issue with length of buffer for string returning APIs in ScintillaEdit on Qt.
* Fix inaccurate scroll bar when there are annotations and wrapping of inserted or deleted text changes number of screen lines. Feature #1422.
* Allow choice of object file directory with makefile by setting DIR_O. Bug #2306.
* On GTK, use fractional positioning to help Chinese characters in monospaced fonts line up better with roman characters. Bug [#2310].- Rebase scintilla-shared.patch to apply cleanly.- Ensure consistent definitions between packager defined macros, with less possibility for mismatch.
* Fri Dec 24 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 5.1.5:
* ScintillaEditPy, Python bindings for Qt using PySide, has been removed.
* When calling SCI_GETTEXT, SCI_GETSELTEXT, and SCI_GETCURLINE with a NULL buffer argument to discover the length that should be allocated, do not include the terminating NUL in the returned value.
* Fix assertion failure with autocompletion list when order is SC_ORDER_CUSTOM or SC_ORDER_PERFORMSORT and the list is empty. Bug #2294.
* On GTK using Wayland, display autocompletion with window on a secondary monitor. Bug #2296, Bug #2261.
* Fri Nov 19 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 5.1.4:
* Add DEL to standard set of space characters for word operations.
* Add CARETSTYLE_CURSES to draw more than 1 caret on curses terminal.
* On GTK, fix primary selection paste within same instance. Bug [#2287].
* On GTK, fix potential crash when closing Scintilla instances due to releasing global settings object.
* GetLineEndTypesSupported returns LineEndType, not int.
* Thu Oct 21 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 5.1.3:
* Fix bug with SCI_STYLESETCHECKMONOSPACED on Cocoa that led to incorrect layout with overlapping text.- Changes from version 5.1.2:
* Add SCI_STYLESETCHECKMONOSPACED which can be used to optimize fonts that are monospaced over the ASCII graphics characters.
* Add SC_ELEMENT_FOLD_LINE to set the colour of fold lines. Add SC_ELEMENT_HIDDEN_LINE to show where lines are hidden. Feature [#1241], Feature #382, Feature #203.
* Add SCI_SETCARETLINEHIGHLIGHTSUBLINE to highlight just the subline containing the caret instead of the whole document line. Feature #841.
* Allow SCI_HIDELINES to hide the first line or all lines which can be useful for filtered views.
* Make negative settings for extra ascent and descent safer by ensuring calculated ascent and thus line height is at least 1 pixel.
* Fix display of fold lines when wrapped so they are only drawn once per line, not on each subline.
* Fix crash with too many subexpressions in regular expression search with SCFIND_CXX11REGEX. Bug #2281.
* On GTK, fix the line spacing so that underscores and accents are visible for some fonts such as DejaVu Sans Mono 10.
* On GTK, respond to changes in system font scaling by clearing any cached layout data.
* Wed Jul 28 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 5.1.1:
* In DBCS encodings, treat valid DBCS lead byte followed by invalid trail byte as single byte. Feature #1408.
* Searching was optimized for documents that contain mostly ASCII text and is often 2-3 times faster. Feature #1381.
* Word searching behaves more consistently at start and end of document.
* Add SCI_ALLOCATELINES to allocate indices to hold some number of lines. This can decrease reallocation overhead when the application can count or estimate the number of lines in huge files. Feature #1370.
* Add SCI_AUTOCSETOPTIONS to allow choosing a non-resizeable autocompletion list on Win32. Feature #1284.- Minor rebase of scintilla-shared.patch to apply cleanly.
* Sun Jun 27 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 5.1.0:
* Add SciFnDirectStatus, a direct access function which also returns status. It can be retrieved with SCI_GETDIRECTSTATUSFUNCTION. This can avoid calling SCI_GETSTATUS after every API to determine failure so can improve performance.
* Add more type-safe wrappers to the API. These are defined in include/ScintillaCall.h and implemented in call/ScintillaCall.cxx. ScintillaCall throws Scintilla::Failure exceptions when a call fails.
* Add APIs for setting appearance (traditional blob or plain text) and colour of representations and support setting a representation for the \"\\r\
\" line end sequence.
* Add SCI_REPLACERECTANGULAR to insert text like a rectangular paste.
* Fixed bug with SCI_GETLASTCHILD. Bug #2260.
* Fixed gcc link-time-optimization (LTO) compilation. Bug #2259.- Refresh scintilla-shared.patch to apply against updated version.- Install license file using %license.- Drop fdupes form BuildRequires: no longer needed.- Minor specfile cleanups.
* Mon Sep 11 2017 Fix RPM groups and compact package descriptions.
* Thu Jul 27 2017 Update to version 3.7.5:
* Added a caret line frame as an alternative visual for highlighting the caret line.
* Added \"Reverse Selected Lines\" feature.
* SciTE adds \"Select All Bookmarks\" command.
* SciTE adds a save.path.suggestion setting to suggest a file name when saving an unnamed buffer.
* Updated case conversion and character categories to Unicode 9.
* The Baan lexer recognizes numeric literals in a more compliant manner including hexadecimal numbers and exponentials.
* The Bash lexer recognizes strings in lists in more cases. Bug [#1944].
* The Fortran lexer recognizes a preprocessor line after a line continuation &. Bug #1935.
* The Fortran folder can fold comments. Bug #1936.
* The PowerShell lexer recognizes escaped quotes in strings. Bug [#1929].
* The Python lexer recognizes identifiers more accurately when they include non-ASCII characters.
* The Python folder treats comments at the end of the file as separate from the preceding structure.
* The YAML lexer recognizes comments in more situations and styles a \"...\" line like a \"---\" line. Bug #1931.
* Update scroll bar when annotations added, removed, or visibility changed. Feature #1187.
* Canceling modes with the Esc key preserves a rectangular selection. Bug #1940.
* Builds are made with a sorted list of lexers to be more reproducible. Bug #1946.
* SciTE examines at most 1 MB of a file to automatically determine indentation for to avoid a lengthy pause when loading very large files.
* SciTE user interface uses lighter colours and fewer 3D elements to match current desktop environments.
* SciTE sets buffer dirty and shows message when file deleted if load.on.activate on.
* SciTE on Windows Find strip Find button works in incremental no-close mode. Bug #1926.- Drop reproducible.patch: fixed upstream.- Rebase scintilla-shared.patch for update; make it work with -p1 for use with quilt.
* Sat May 20 2017 Add reproducible.patch to have constant link-order and make build fully reproducible
* Tue Jul 12 2016 Version update to 3.6.6:
* Various small bugfixes- Remove support for older distros that are marked as dead- Update shared patch to set properly cflags:
* scintilla-shared.patch
* Sun Apr 10 2016 Update to 3.6.4
* avoids some folding bugs by automatically unfolding and improves clipboard robustness on Win32.
* Sat Jan 30 2016 Update to 3.6.3
* No changelog available
* Fri Nov 20 2015 Update to 3.6.2
* No changelog available
* Mon Mar 23 2015 Update to version 3.5.4
* No changelog available- Build with gtk3 support for openSUSE > 13.1- Bump so version to 3- Add glib2-devel require; new upstream dependency- Update scintilla-shared.patch- Remove redundant %clean section- Enable parallel building with %{?_smp_mflags}