Changelog for
libsnmp40-32bit-5.9.4-150300.15.11.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Oct 17 2023 Update to net-snmp-5.9.4 (bsc#1214364). add (rename):
* net-snmp-5.9.4-add-lustre-fs-support.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.4-add-netgroups-functionality.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.4-fix-create-v3-user-outfile.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.4-fixed-python2-bindings.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.4-fix-Makefile.PL.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.4-modern-rpm-api.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.4-net-snmp-config-headercheck.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.4-perl-tk-warning.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.4-pie.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.4-snmpstatus-suppress-output.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.4-socket-path.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.4-subagent-set-response.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.4-suse-systemd-service-files.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.4-testing-empty-arptable.patch delete (now part of v5.9.4):
* net-snmp-5.9.3-disallow_SET_requests_with_NULL_varbind.patch delete (rename):
* net-snmp-5.9.1-add-lustre-fs-support.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-fix-Makefile.PL.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-modern-rpm-api.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-net-snmp-config-headercheck.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-perl-tk-warning.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-snmpstatus-suppress-output.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-socket-path.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-subagent-set-response.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-suse-systemd-service-files.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-testing-empty-arptable.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-velocity-mib.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.3-fix-create-v3-user-outfile.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.3-pie.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.3-fixed-python2-bindings.patch- Removing legacy MIBs used by Velocity Software (jira#PED-6416).- Re-add support for hostname netgroups that was removed accidentally and previously added with FATE#316305 (bsc#1207697). \'AATThostgroup\' can be specified for multiple hosts- Hardening systemd services setting \"ProtectHome=true\" caused home directory size and allocation to be listed incorrectly (bsc#1206044). add (rename):
* net-snmp-5.9.4-harden_snmpd.service.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.4-harden_snmptrapd.service.patch delete (rename):
* net-snmp-5.9.3-harden_snmpd.service.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.3-harden_snmptrapd.service.patch
* Mon Jan 09 2023 Hardening systemd services setting \"ProtectHome=true\" caused home directory size and allocation to be listed incorrectly (bsc#1206044). add:
* net-snmp-5.9.3-harden_snmpd.service.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.3-harden_snmptrapd.service.patch delete:
* net-snmp-5.9.1-harden_snmpd.service.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-harden_snmptrapd.service.patch
* Thu Jan 05 2023 Fixed NULL pointer exception issue when handling ipDefaultTTL or pv6IpForwarding (bsc#1205148, CVE-2022-44793, bsc#1205150, CVE-2022-44792). add:
* net-snmp-5.9.3-disallow_SET_requests_with_NULL_varbind.patch- Enable AES-192 and AES-256 privacy protocol (bsc#1206828).
* Thu Oct 06 2022 update to 5.9.3 (bsc#1201103, jsc#SLE-11203): - security: - These two CVEs can be exploited by a user with read-only credentials: - CVE-2022-24805 A buffer overflow in the handling of the INDEX of NET-SNMP-VACM-MIB can cause an out-of-bounds memory access. - CVE-2022-24809 A malformed OID in a GET-NEXT to the nsVacmAccessTable can cause a NULL pointer dereference. - These CVEs can be exploited by a user with read-write credentials: - CVE-2022-24806 Improper Input Validation when SETing malformed OIDs in master agent and subagent simultaneously - CVE-2022-24807 A malformed OID in a SET request to SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB::vacmAccessTable can cause an out-of-bounds memory access. - CVE-2022-24808 A malformed OID in a SET request to NET-SNMP-AGENT-MIB::nsLogTable can cause a NULL pointer dereference - CVE-2022-24810 A malformed OID in a SET to the nsVacmAccessTable can cause a NULL pointer dereference. - Fixed library versioning bug found in 5.9.2. - Library version change to libsnmp40.- Moved logrotate files from user specific directory /etc/logrotate.d to vendor specific directory /usr/etc/logrotate.d.- Fixed python2 backward compability. add:
* net-snmp-5.9.3-fixed-python2-bindings.patch- Migration to /usr/etc: Saving user changed configuration files in /etc and restoring them while an RPM update.- Change to use systemd service files directly from net-snmp package. add:
* net-snmp-5.9.1-suse-systemd-service-files.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-harden_snmpd.service.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-harden_snmptrapd.service.patch remove:
* snmpd.service
* snmptrapd.service
* harden_snmpd.service.patch
* harden_snmptrapd.service.patch- Refactor and remove obsolete patches to work with version number 5.9.3: add:
* net-snmp-5.9.3-pie.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.3-fix-create-v3-user-outfile.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-add-lustre-fs-support.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-fix-Makefile.PL.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-modern-rpm-api.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-net-snmp-config-headercheck.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-perl-tk-warning.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-snmpstatus-suppress-output.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-socket-path.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-subagent-set-response.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-testing-empty-arptable.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-velocity-mib.patch remove:
* net-snmp-5.9.1-pie.patch
* net-snmp-5.9.1-fix-create-v3-user-outfile.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-add-lustre-fs-support.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-Fix-Makefile.PL.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-modern-rpm-api.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-net-snmp-config-headercheck.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-perl-tk-warning.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-snmpstatus-suppress-output.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-socket-path.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-subagent-set-response.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-testing-empty-arptable.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-velocity-mib.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-fix-create-v3-user-outfile.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-pie.patch
* net-snmp-4.7.2-systemd.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-build-with-openssl-1.1.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-fix-agentx-freezing-on-timeout.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-fix-missing-mib-hrStorage-indexes.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-fix-snmpd-crashing-when-an-agentx-disconnects.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-fix-snmp_pdu_parse-incomplete.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-fix-subagent-data-corruption.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-helpers-table-skip-if-next-handler-called.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-host-mib-skip-autofs-entries.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-make-extended-mib-read-only.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-netgroups.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-Remove-U64-typedef.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-snmptrapd-add-forwarder-info.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-swintst_rpm-Protect-against-unspecified-Group-name.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-ucd-snmp-mib-add-64-bit-mem-obj.patch
* net-snmp-python3.patch
* Wed Mar 09 2022 Decouple snmp-mibs from net-snmp version to allow major version upgrade (bsc#1196955).
* Thu Dec 23 2021 Fix LFH violation during v3 user creation (bsc#1181591). Add net-snmp-5.7.3-fix-create-v3-user-outfile.patch
* Wed Dec 22 2021 Fix hrStorage autofs objects timeout problems (bsc#1179699, bsc#1145864). Add net-snmp-5.7.3-host-mib-skip-autofs-entries.patch Add net-snmp-5.7.3-fix-missing-mib-hrStorage-indexes.patch- Fix NSS mounted volumes in hrStorageDescr (bsc#1100146). Add net-snmp-5.7.3-recognize-nss-pools-and-nss-volumes-oes.patch- Fix subagent crash at save_set_var() (bsc#1178021). Add net-snmp-5.7.3-subagent-set-response.patch- Fix subagent data corruption (bsc#1178351, bsc#1179009). Add net-snmp-5.7.3-fix-subagent-data-corruption.patch
* Mon Dec 20 2021 Fix output for high memTotalReal RAM values (bsc#1152968). Add net-snmp-5.7.3-ucd-snmp-mib-add-64-bit-mem-obj.patch
* Fri Dec 17 2021 Make extended MIB read-only (bsc#1174961, CVE-2020-15862). Add net-snmp-5.7.3-make-extended-mib-read-only.patch
* Fri Jul 05 2019 Add Lustre filesystem support (bsc#1140341, jsc#SLE-6120). Add net-snmp-5.7.3-add-lustre-fs-support.patch- Add info about the original agent which triggered the trap. When the trap is forwarded there was no info about the original agent (bsc#1116807). Add net-snmp-5.7.3-snmptrapd-add-forwarder-info.patch- Fix missing sysconfig files creation (bsc#1108471).
* Tue Oct 09 2018 Fix remote DoS in agent/helpers/table.c (bsc#1111122, CVE-2018-18065) Add net-snmp-5.7.3-helpers-table-skip-if-next-handler-called.patch- swintst_rpm: Protect against unspecified Group name (bsc#1102775) Add net-snmp-5.7.3-swintst_rpm-Protect-against-unspecified-Group-name.patch- Add tsm and tlstm MIBs and the USM security module. (bsc#1081164)- Fix agentx freezing on timeout (bsc#1027353) Add net-snmp-fix-agentx-freezing-on-timeout.patch
* Mon Jun 18 2018 Create /var/agentx via systemd tmpfiles in case of rollback, snapshots and transactional updates [bsc#1098032]
* Wed Apr 18 2018 Fix permissions on unit files wrt bsc#1087977- Use %license (boo#1082318)
* Mon Apr 16 2018 Remove executable flags from systemd service files (bsc#1089295).
* Thu Feb 01 2018 Fix RPM group for shlib subpackage.
* Wed Jan 24 2018 Properly conditionalize the py2 build
* Wed Jan 24 2018 Add patch from Fedora to support natively systemd:
* net-snmp-5.7.2-systemd.patch- Drop the check phase as whole 90% of the tests fail it makes more sense to run them somewhere localy
* Mon Jan 22 2018 Take systemd service files from fedora to replace sysV scripts- Also convert the sysconfig files to match fedora ones, they get bit more terse but it works seamlessly with systemd
* Fri Jan 19 2018 Format with spec-cleaner- Drop sle11 support as it fails to build anyway for ages- Rename python packages to be python-%{name} with obsoletes
* Use new singlespec macros
* Add patch converting the py files to python3/2 compat mode net-snmp-python3.patch- Run full autoreconf instead of partial- Build with threads by building few targets first
* Mon Dec 11 2017 Add net-snmp-5.7.3-modern-rpm-api.patch: Supprt modern RPM (>= 4.6) API. In RPM 4.14, the RPM 4.4 compatibility APIs are being removed.
* Thu Nov 23 2017 Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)
* Tue Jun 13 2017 Fix build with OpenSSL 1.1 (bsc#1042664): + Add net-snmp-5.7.3-build-with-openssl-1.1.patch, cumulated squash-patch from the following upstream commits: bbed6b86e70b5a3c54f14992696f2308a8d79511 14bb72fd12bf5b68662893f7d8afbc4a8d52a6c8 9641b472ef01208f92631016e91b0a4a518163f0 e4c6937483d4a680570cec05388d2e4b291868a6 b906c60c8a436d7360267a6d242526b33a9aaac8
* Sat May 21 2016 Fix build with perl 5.24.0: + Add net-snmp-5.7.3-Fix-Makefile.PL.patch: Fix build system recursiely loading Makefile.Pl and destroying its internas. See + net-snmp-5.7.3-Remove-U64-typedef.patch: The U64 typedef conflicts with a typedef in a Perl header file. Hence remove the U64 typedef from the Net-SNMP header files. Backported from upstream commit 477b4307ef1.
* Tue Mar 15 2016 make snmpd and snmptrapd log message destination configurable for syslog or a dedicated log file. (bsc#695677)- make snmpd and snmptrapd listening address(es) configurable via the sysconfig file.
* Mon Feb 15 2016 fix build with GNU grep 2.23, use grep -a to force text matching
* Thu Sep 03 2015 reenabled md5 and des, as some tools build against it and need the methods :(
* Thu Aug 13 2015 added net-snmp-5.7.3-fix-snmp_pdu_parse-incomplete.patch: to fix an incompletely initialized vulnerability within the snmp_pdu_parse() function of snmp_api.c. (bnc#940188, CVE-2015-5621)
* Mon Aug 03 2015 Disable MD5 authentication method, disable DES support (if something breaks, tell me)
* Wed Jul 22 2015 Request pkgconfig(libssl) instead of openssl-devel to support using LibreSSL as well.
* Tue Jul 14 2015 update to upstream version 5.7.3- remove patch that is now present in the upstream release:
* net-snmp-5.7.2-fix-snmptrapd-remote-denial-of-service.patch- rename patches to new version number 5.7.3: delete:
* net-snmp-5.7.2-fix-snmpd-crashing-when-an-agentx-disconnects.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.2-net-snmp-config-headercheck.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.2-perl-tk-warning.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.2-pie.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.2-socket-path.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.2-testing-empty-arptable.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.2-velocity-mib.patch add:
* net-snmp-5.7.3-fix-snmpd-crashing-when-an-agentx-disconnects.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-net-snmp-config-headercheck.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-perl-tk-warning.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-pie.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-socket-path.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-testing-empty-arptable.patch
* net-snmp-5.7.3-velocity-mib.patch- add build requirement \'procps\' to fix a net-snmp-config error (bsc#935863)- enable DTLS and TLS support (FATE#318789) new binary \'snmptls\' was added- add support for hostname netgroups (FATE#316305) \'AATThostgroup\' can be specified for multiple hosts
* net-snmp-5.7.3-netgroups.patch- suppress network statistics output in snmpstatus (FATE#316289) \'-Sn\' don\'t print any info about the network \'-Si\' don\'t print the operational status of network interfaces
* net-snmp-5.7.3-snmpstatus-suppress-output.patch
* Sun Nov 30 2014 also stop snmptrapd on removal