Changelog for python310-control-0.9.4-3.1.noarch.rpm :

* Sun Feb 04 2024 Ben Greiner - Add python-control-pr961-py312.patch for python 312 support gh#python-control/python-control#961- Use python-xdist: The tests grew over time and we have 4 flavors at the moment
* Mon Jan 29 2024 Ben Greiner - Use PyQt5 for tests with matplotlib-qt5 (Avoid choice with unsupported pyside6)
* Sun Jun 11 2023 Ben Greiner - Update to 0.9.4
* Sisotool: Fix Matplotlib deprecation of axis share handling by AATTbnavigator in #834
* Fix Interconnect name clobbering by AATThenklaak in #857
* Solve #862 and #864: bode_plot phase wrapping incorrect for multiple systems by AATThenklaak in #863
* Fix root_locus() handling of ax parameter by AATThenklaak in #871
* Small fixes based on Caltech CDS 112 course by AATTmurrayrm in [#849]
* Feature print zpk by AATThenklaak in #869
* Feature enable doctest by AATThenklaak in #868
* Optimization-based and moving horizon estimation by AATTmurrayrm in #877
* new examples for Simulink-like interconnection of digital and nonlinear systems by AATTsawyerbfuller in #882
* fix blank bode plot in rootlocus_pid_designer by AATTsawyerbfuller in #883
* bandwidth feature by AATTSCLiao47 in #889
* update nyquist_plot for DT transfer functions with poles at 0 and 1 by AATTsawyerbfuller in #885
* Add missing labels when returning TimeResponseData by AATTjoaoantoniocardoso in #892
* fix damp command natural frequency printout for discrete poles on real axis by AATTsawyerbfuller in #894
* Add H2 and Hinf synthesis examples by AATTjrforbes in #895
* warn if prewarp-frequency is not used by AATTsawyerbfuller in #900
* make _convert_to_statespace properly pass signal and system names by AATTsawyerbfuller in #884
* Change name of converted LinearIOSystems by AATTmurrayrm in #903
* add/cleanup documentation on simulation functions by AATTmurrayrm in #905
* fix up some warning messages due to converted systems by AATTmurrayrm in #907
* fix bdschur (see issue #911) by AATTmurrayrm in #912
* Thu Jan 26 2023 Ben Greiner - Avoid i586 segfaults with Qt5/Matplotlib:
* Remove i586 malloc workarounds for memory allocation
* Don\'t test balanced model reduction on 32-bit
* Sat Dec 31 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to 0.9.3.post2
* Improvements in optimal and flatsys modules, updated passivity module, gain scheduling support, bug fixes
* Handle t_eval for static systems in input_output_response by AATTmurrayrm in #743
* add GitHub URL for PyPi by AATTandriyor in #708
* Remove Deprecated API calls to Pytest, SciPy <1.3, Python 2 by AATTbnavigator in #745
* Add passivity module, ispassive function, and passivity_test. Introduces optional dependency cvxopt. by AATTMark-Yeatman in #739
* Slycot source uses setuptools_scm now by AATTbnavigator in #751
* Passivity indices and support for discrete time systems. by AATTMark-Yeatman in #750
* Switch CI to mambaforge and conda-forge channel by AATTbnavigator in #757
* Fix timebase bug in InterconnectedSystem (issue #754) by AATTmurrayrm in #755
* fix issue with slycot balred change in state by AATTbnavigator in [#762]
* Build system and test suite update by AATTbnavigator in #759
* fix control.matlab.lsim bug for discrete time system by AATTmurrayrm in #765
* Add B-splines and solve_flat_ocp to flatsys by AATTmurrayrm in [#763]
* CI: switch slycot and cvxopt installation order by AATTmurrayrm in [#769]
* Fixed a couple of typos in documentation by AATTfredrhen in #775
* Allow new matplotlib 3.6 error message in kwargs tests by AATTbnavigator in #777
* Move sys._update_params(params) before TimeResponseData return when nstate == 0 by AATThyumo in #774
* Update by AATTbnavigator in #779
* Improve compatibility of state space representation using LaTeX by AATTgonmolina in #780
* Fix interconnect type conversion bug for StateSpace systems by AATTmurrayrm in #788
* fix _isstatic() to use nstates==0 by AATTmurrayrm in #790
* fix error when an IOSystem is combined with a TransferFunction system by AATTsawyerbfuller in #793
* check for and fix mutable keyword defaults by AATTmurrayrm in #794
* Fixes for bugs found by pylint by AATTroryyorke in #795
* Support Python 3.11 and drop Python 3.7 by AATTbnavigator in #796
* Fix find_eqpt when y0 is None by AATTadswid in #798
* Preserve signal names upon conversion to discrete-time by AATTsawyerbfuller in #797
* Update benchmarks to help with optimal control tuning by AATTmurrayrm in #800
* Update optimal.rst by AATThtadashi in #802
* Add collocation method for optimal control problems by AATTmurrayrm in #799
* Update README.rst by AATTsawyerbfuller in #810
* Update docstring for impulse for discrete sys by AATTsawyerbfuller in #812
* Enable scalar division of state-space objects by AATTroryyorke in [#811]
* fix gain handling in rlocus and sisotool by AATTsawyerbfuller in [#809]
* Removed epsilon perturbation value in solve_passivity_LMI. Fix associated unit test. by AATTMark-Yeatman in #814
* docstring improvements by AATTsawyerbfuller in #804
* add zpk() function by AATTmurrayrm in #816
* Fix readthedocs to use pip-based install by AATTmurrayrm in #817
* Relax comparison of floats in tests by AATTbnavigator in #818
* Add test matrix against operating environments by AATTmurrayrm in [#821]
* Update find_eqpts to handle discrete time systems by AATTmurrayrm in #824
* Small fixes and tweaks by AATTmurrayrm in #826
* update docs to use use numpydoc + linkcode by AATTmurrayrm in #828
* Add gain scheduling to create_statefbk_iosystem() by AATTmurrayrm in #827
* continuous time system support for create_estimator_iosystem by AATTmurrayrm in #829
* Small docstring fixes for release by AATTmurrayrm in #832- Drop control-pr777-mpl36.patch, upstreamed
* Fri Dec 23 2022 Ben Greiner - Add control-pr777-mpl36.patch gh#python-control/python-control#777
* Sun May 29 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to 0.9.2
* Improvements in I/O systems, stochastic systems, optimization-based control, Nyquist plots
* Round to nearest integer decade for default omega vector by AATTbnavigator in #688
* Fix in documentation of ss2tf by AATTmiroslavfikar in #695
* Interpret str-type args to interconnect as non-sequence by AATTroryyorke in #698
* Fixes to various optimization-based control functions by AATTmurrayrm in #709
* I/O system enhancements by AATTmurrayrm in #710
* Optimal control enhancements by AATTmurrayrm in #712
* Keyword argument checking by AATTmurrayrm in #713
* Stochastic systems additions by AATTmurrayrm in #714
* Updated system class functionality by AATTmurrayrm in #721
* Bug fix and improvements to Nyquist plots by AATTmurrayrm in #722
* Add linform to compute linear system L-infinity norm by AATTroryyorke in #729
* Improvements to Nichols chart plotting by AATTroryyorke in #723
* Add envs to gitignore by AATTs35t in #731
* Fix README.rst for twine by AATTmurrayrm in #738- Drop 688.patch fixed upstream
* Sat Feb 12 2022 Ben Greiner - skip segfaulting test on i586
* Thu Feb 10 2022 Guillaume GARDET - Backport patch to fix build on aarch64:
* 688.patch
* Fri Dec 31 2021 Ben Greiner - Require Python >= 3.7: Disable Leap backport build. It keeps failing due to unresolvable PyVirtualDisplay. We officially do not support Python 3.6 in upstream anymore.
* Fri Dec 31 2021 Ben Greiner - Update to version 0.9.1
* Version 0.9.1 is a minor release that includes new functionality for discrete time systems (dlqr, dlqe, drss), flat systems (optimization and constraints), a new time response data class, and many individual improvements and bug fixes.
*New features:
* Add optimization to flat systems trajectory generation (#569 by murrayrm)
* Return a discrete time system with drss() (#589 by bnavigator)
* A first implementation of the singular value plot (#593 by forgi86)
* Include InfValue into settling min/max calculation for step_info (#600 by bnavigator)
* New time response data class (#649 by murrayrm)
* Check for unused subsystem signals in InterconnectedSystem (#652 by roryyorke)
* New PID design function built on sisotool (#662 by sawyerbfuller)
* Modify discrete-time contour for Nyquist plots to indent around poles (#668 by sawyerbfuller)
* Additional I/O system type conversions (#672 by murrayrm)
* Remove Python 2.7 support and leverage AATT operator (#679 by bnavigator)
* Discrete time LQR and LQE (#670 by sawyerbfuller, murrayrm)
*Improvements, bug fixes:
* Change step_info undershoot percentage calculation (#590 by juanodecc)
* IPython LaTeX output only generated for small systems (#607 by roryyorke)
* Fix warnings generated by sisotool (#608 by roryyorke)
* Discrete time LaTeX repr of StateSpace systems (#609 by bnavigator)
* Updated to remove warning by sisotool() with rlocus_grid=True (#616 by nirjhar-das)
* Refine automatic contour determination in Nyquist plot (#620 by bnavigator)
* Fix damp method for discrete time systems with a negative real-valued pole (#647 by vincentchoqueuse)
* Plot Nyquist frequency correctly in Bode plot in Hz (#651 by murrayrm)
* Return frequency response for 0 and 1-state systems directly (#663 by bnavigator)
* Fixed prewarp not working in c2d and sample_system, margin docstring improvements (#669 by sawyerbfuller)
* Improved lqe calling functionality (#673 by murrayrm)
* Vectorize FRD feedback function (#680 by bnavigator)
* BUG: extrapolation in ufun throwing errors (#682 by miroslavfikar)
* Allow use of SciPy for LQR, LQE (#683 by murrayrm)
* Improve forced_response and its documentation (#588 by bnavigator)
* Add documentation about use of axis(\'equal\') in pzmap, rlocus (#685 by murrayrm)
*Additional changes:
* Replace Travis badge with GHA workflows, add PyPI and conda badges (#584 by bnavigator)
* Don\'t install toplevel benchmarks package (#585 by bnavigator)
* LTI squeeze: ndarray.ndim == 0 is also a scalar (#595 by bnavigator)
* xfail testmarkovResults until #588 is merged (#601 by bnavigator)
* Remove from readme.rst that you need a fortran compiler (#602 by sawyerbfuller)
* Remove statement that slycot only on linux (#603 by sawyerbfuller)
* Allow float precision in result assertions (#615 by bnavigator)
* Improved unit test coverage for root_locus: dtime and sisotool (#617 by bnavigator)
* Add DefaultDict for deprecation handling (#619 by bnavigator)
* Documentation updates (#633 by murrayrm)
* Various docstring edits + fixed plot legends on cruise control example (#643 by billtubbs)
* Ease test tolerance on timeseries (#659 by bnavigator)
* Use conda-forge for numpy (CI fix) (#667 by bnavigator)
* Fix doc escape (#674 by bnavigator)
* Remove duplicate Slycot error handling, require Slycot >=0.4 (#678 by bnavigator)
* Sun Mar 21 2021 Ben Greiner - Update to version 0.9.0
* Version 0.9.0 of the Python Control Toolbox (python-control) contains a number of enhanced features and changes to functions. Some of these changes may require modifications to existing user code and, in addition, some default settings have changed that may affect the appearance of plots or operation of certain functions.
* Significant new additions including improvements in the I/O systems modules that allow automatic interconnection of signals having the same name (via the interconnect function), generation and plotting of describing functions for closed loop systems with static nonlinearities, and a new optimal control module that allows basic computation of optimal controls (including model predictive controllers). Some of the changes that may break use code include the deprecation of the NumPy matrix type (2D NumPy arrays are used instead), changes in the return value for Nyquist plots (now returns number of encirclements rather than the frequency response), switching the default timebase of systems to be 0 rather than None (no timebase), and changes in the processing of return values for time and frequency responses (to make them more consistent). In many cases, the earlier behavior can be restored by calling use_legacy_defaults(\'0.8.4\'). New Features:
* Optimal control module, including rudimentary MPC control (#549 by murrayrm)
* Describing functions plots (#521 by murrayrm)
* MIMO impulse and step response (#514 by murrayrm)
* I/O system improvements:
* linearize() retains signal names plus new interconnect() function (#497 by murrayrm)
* Add summing junction + implicit signal interconnection (#517 by murrayrm)
* Implementation of initial_phase, wrap_phase keywords for bode_plot (#494 by murrayrm)
* Added IPython LaTeX representation method for StateSpace objects (#450 by roryyorke)
* New dynamics() and output() methods in StateSpace (#566 by sawyerbfuller)
* FRD systems can now be created from a discrete time LTI system (#568 by bnavigator)
* Cost and constraints are now allowed for flatsys.point_to_point() (#569 by murrayrm)
* Thu Jan 21 2021 Benjamin Greiner - Skip python36 because of scipy 1.6.0