Changelog for
hawk2-2.6.4+git.1702030539.5fb7d91b-150000.3.42.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Dec 11 2023 Update to version 2.6.4+git.1702030539.5fb7d91b:
* Enable HttpOnly secure flag by default (bsc#1216508)
* Enforce CSRF in errors_controller.rb (bsc#1216571)
* Fix mime type issue in MS windows (bsc#1215438)
* Parametrize CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin header (bsc#1213454)
* Tests: upgrate tests for ruby3.2 (tumbleweed) (bsc#1215976)
* Upgrade for ruby3.2 (tumbleweed) (bsc#1215976)
* Forbid special symbols in the category (bsc#1206217)
* Fix the sass-rails version on ~5.0 (bsc#1208533)
* Don\'t delete the private key if the public key is missing (bsc#1207930)
* make-sle155-compatible.patch . No bsc, it\'s for backwards compatibility.
* Mon Dec 11 2023 Update to version 2.6.4+git.1702030539.5fb7d91b:
* Enable HttpOnly secure flag by default (bsc#1216508)
* Enforse CSRF in errors_controller.rb (bsc#1216571)
* Fix mime type issue in MS windows (bsc#1215438)
* Parametrize CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin header (bsc#1213454)
* Tests: upgrate tests for ruby3.2 (tumbleweed) (bsc#1215976)
* Upgrade for ruby3.2 (tumbleweed) (bsc#1215976)
* Forbid special symbols in the category (bsc#1206217)
* Fix the sass-rails version on ~5.0 (bsc#1208533)
* Don\'t delete the private key if the public key is missing (bsc#1207930)
* make-sle155-compatible.patch . No bsc, it\'s for backwards compatibility.
* Tue Feb 21 2023 Update sass-ansible dependency in the hawk2.spec:
* Unable to activate sass-rails-5.1.0 (bsc#1208533)
* Tue Nov 08 2022 Update to version 2.6.4+git.1667244108.7a0cffe:
* Fix detection of partial upgrade (bsc#1196673,bsc#1203367)
* Improve handling of unmatched paths (bsc#1199258)
* Set HttpOnly by HAWK_COOKIE_HTTP_ONLY=true (bsc#1198647)
* Fri Apr 09 2021 Update to version 2.6.4:
* Fix wizards ui (bsc#1184274)
* Wed Mar 03 2021 Update to version 2.6.3:
* Remove hawk_invoke and use capture3 instead of runas (bsc#1179999)(CVE-2020-35459)
* Remove unnecessary chmod (bsc#1182166)(CVE-2021-25314)
* Sanitize filename to contains whitelist of alphanumeric (bsc#1182165)
* Thu Feb 18 2021 Update to version 2.6.0:
* Use fullpath of binary (bsc#1181436)
* remove %x (bsc#1182163)
* Wed Jan 20 2021 Update to version 2.4.0+git.1611141202.2fe6369e:
* Improve further mechanism of controllers to system commands.
* drop patch 0001-Improve-controllers.patch since merged upstream (CVE-2020-35458)
* Tue Dec 15 2020 Update to version 2.3.0+git.1603969748
* fix bsc#1179998. Handle better input on app controllers (CVE-2020-35458)
* Mon Nov 09 2020 Update to version 2.2.0+git.1603969748.10468582:
* Fix server error after authentication if a resource has the same name as a node (bsc#1163381)
* Allow also users in haclient to view history explorer (jsc#SLE-7358)
* Thu Jul 16 2020 Update to version 2.1.2+git.1594886920.d00b94aa:
* update puma rubygem to 4.3.5 requirement for for disabling TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 (jsc#SLE-6965)
* add functional tests in docker
* various refactoring and cleanup
* Thu Mar 26 2020 Update to version 2.1.1+git.1585233369.bea4326a:
* drop patch 0001-Fix-nameless-cluster-display-bsc-1137891.patch
* drop patch 0002-Fix-acl_version-check-bsc-1089802.patch
* drop patch 0003-Fix-cib.xml-parsing-for-acl_version-bsc-1158681.patch
* drop patch hawk2-nodev.patch
* Implement mechanism to switch binaries in case (bsc#1165587)
* Low: Fix omission of built-in stonith attributes (bsc#1165587)
* Refactor: Obtain the Pacemaker daemon directory during initialization
* Work around the removal of Dir::Tmpname#make_tmpname (bsc#1162221)
* Fix cib.xml parsing for acl_version (bsc#1158681)
* Fix boot.rb
* Fix Rails.groups issue when requiring the Gemfile
* Remove Number Precision since it\'s handled by sassc-rails
* Dev: Fix sass-rails version
* Add application/x-bzip2 mime type (bsc#1098637)
* Fix Sass version for Travis build
* Fix mime type issue in MS windows (bsc#1098637)
* preserve CIB_server et al environment variables (connect to remote)
* Fix nameless cluster display (bsc#1137891)
* High: Enable invoking new daemon names via hawk_invoke
* High: Handle new daemon names in CrmConfig
* Dev: Update Dashboard and fix compatibility issue
* Dev: Fix provisioning on remote libvirt
* Dev: Disable Nagios client provisioning
* Dev: Update Readme
* Dev: Add webui keys for testing masterless
* Dev: Fix loading yaml from the pillars
* Dev: Clean up the yaml config
* Dev: skip installing grafana for now
* Dev: get pillars from vagrant.sls
* Dev: Fix missing dep
* Dev: Read pillars from vconf.yml
* Dev: Fix master config
* Dev: Allow configuring vagrant through external conf
* Dev: avoid using global variables
* Dev: Clean up config
* Dev: Change to yaml config
* Dev: Fix Master config
* Dev: Install master using bootstrap script
* Dev: Update Vagrantfile
* Dev: accept all incoming public keys from minions
* Dev: instruct the minion to look for a master
* Dev: Update to working bootstrap script
* Dev: Create pillar defaults
* Dev: Sync salt root and pillar with nfs and fix path in salt/etc/minion
* dev: Use Prometheus Formula for configuring prometheus.yml
* Dev: Configure installation repo using the Formula
* Dev: Adapt Pillar data to changes in Formula
* Dev: install prometheus server packages
* Dev: Disable legacy provisioning
* Have to use NFS v3 over UDP for it to work
* connect_via_ssh only if VM_HOST is set
* Dev: Fixing the prometheus Pillar
* Dev: Disabling Nagios provisioning
* Dev: Change to forked Prometheus formula
* Dev: Use the Prometheus formula and configure it using pillars
* Dev: configure salt to use Gitfs backend
* Dev: Install necessary packages for gitfs
* Dev: Fix constant name conflict
* Dev: exclude minion_id file from sync
* Dev: Add configure_minion method and use minion_id
* Dev: Remove vagrant triggers from Vagrantfile
* Dev: Remove Virtualbox provider config
* Dev: Fix minion config file paths
* Dev: Sync Pillar directory
* Dev: Rename salt directory to avoid confusion
* Dev: Deploy Grafana\'s Datasource and HA Dashboard
* Dev: Configure Grafana datasource
* Dev: Disable bundler-audit
* Dev: Continue when errors with Vagrant Triggers
* Update SUSE\'s Copyright
* Dev: Scrap data from all the nodes and not only localhost
* Dev: Configure Grafana and change serving port
* Dev: Configure prometheus for using pacemaker-exporter
* Dev: fix pacemaker-exporter systemd issue
* Dev: Install godep and fix pacemaker_exporter build
* Dev: Install packages and configure go
* Dev: Use requisites for managing dependencies
* Dev: Use Salt to configure public ip for nagios
* Dev: Restart apache using apachectl
* Dev: Remove accidental log file addition
* Dev: Restart gracefully nagios and apache2 services
* Dev: Clean up Nagios scripts
* Dev: Restart Nagios and apache2 after config
* Dev: Fix typo in
* Dev: Rename Nagios scripts
* Dev: Configure the before destroy trigger to run on the host instead of the guest
* Dev: Fix Nagios server local hostname
* Dev: Parse nagios_nrpe script with Jinja
* Dev: Salt config for Nagios
* Dev: require vagrant 2.1.0
* Dev: Add public_ip files to .gitignore
* Dev: Save guests public ips
* Dev: Disable firewalld using Salt
* Dev: Support external config for vagrant and Salt
* Doc: Add Lukas Krause to Authors list and sort Alphabetically
* Dev: Fix incorrect disk size for DRBD disk
* High: Set secure flag to enforce https (bsc#1090657)
* Medium: Improve hawk-server side cookie handling (bsc#1090667)
* Medium: Set Symmetrical to False when score is Serialize (bsc#1085515)
* Medium: Make resource stop/start icon dependent on target-role (bsc#1076421)
* Dev: Update box to leap 15.0 version 1.0.7
* Dev: Use latest bootstrap script that support Leap 15
* Api: Fix undefined method `get_cib\' for #
* Api: Add necessary headers for cross-origin resource sharing
* Api: Add the options method to the /register endpoint
* Api: Add advance resource type(group|clone|master|bundle) in resource route(fate#323437)
* Dev: Ignore byebug_history file
* Dev: Start server using hawk binary instead
* Dev: Load byebug in dev env
* Dev: Install byebug by default
* Dev: Disable hawk-dev-backend service
* Dev: Enabling hawk dev services
* Dev: Update dev env using salt
* Api: Add \'param/meta/op\' in resource return value(fate#323437) To show the parameters/attributes/operations of this ra
* Api: Add \'script\' in resource return value(fate#323437) To show the class/provider/type of this ra
* Api: Add \'belong\' in resource return value(fate#323437)
* Api: primitive resource\'s type should always be primitive(fate#323437)
* Api: Add \'attributes\' and \'utilization\' in node return value(fate#323437)
* Api: Add cors preflight check and enable options method in routes(fate#323437)
* Api: instance variable should not use here(fate#323437) will cause NoMethodError
* Api: get right status when resource is started(fate#323437)
* Api: change to_hash function more dynamic(fate#323437)
* Api: implement show method in controller(fate#323437)
* Api: return nil if elem is nil(fate#323437) in some case, param in determine_online_status_fencing is nil, this will cause NoMethodError
* Testing: Add validation test for order model
* Testing: Enhance colocation validation tests a little
* Dev: Prevent error through strip! method on empty score
* Testing: Add ID to colocation validation test
* Testing: Add validation test for colocation model
* Dev: Create validation class for colocation and order model
* Medium: Fix acl_version check (bsc#1089802)
* Dev: Move colocation validation to constraint model
* High: Fetch correct meta data (bsc#1092122)
* Medium: Fix history explorer views (bsc#1093420)
* High: Update links to release notes and documentation (bsc#1089709)
* High: Return after redirect in reports (bsc#1090562)
* Dev: Remove json extension from javascript delete operations
* Medium: Comply routes\' id with resources\' ID (bsc#1092108)
* Testing: Add tag to tests where cluster env is needed
* Testing: Create helper for dummy yaml store
* Testing: Add rspec fixtures and test api endpoints with valid token
* Api: Implement basic structure for each endpoint (fate#323437)
* Api: Fix typo (fate#323437)
* Api: Clean up status structure (fate#323437)
* Api: Create models\' super class (fate#323437)
* Api: Render basic response from /status (fate#323437)
* Api: Refactor status.rb (fate#323437)
* Api: Refactor api models (fate#323437)
* Api: Set current_user during authentication (fate#323437)
* Api: Implement models\' logic (fate#323437)
* Api: Add models\' structure (fate#323437)
* Api: Refactor checking expiry method (fate#323437)
* Api: Fix Struct class name (fate#323437)
* Api: convert expiry date to unix timestamp (fate#323437)
* Api: Send back the expiry date as well (fate#323437)
* Api: Fix missing token issue (fate#323437)
* Api: Improve error response (fate#323437)
* Api: Handle authentication cases (fate#323437)
* Api: Add expiration check for api tokens (fate#323437)
* Dev: Ignore VS code trash folder
* Api: Ignore the (fate#323437)
* Testing: Test fake authentication token
* Api: Check if the store exists when auth (fate#323437)
* Api: Use Yaml store for now (fate#323437)
* Api: clean up api controller (fate#323437)
* Api: Add register action (fate#323437)
* Api: Add registration route (fate#323437)
* Testing: Test authentication token
* Api: Implement the structure of http token auth (fate#323437)
* Api: Create api_controller.rb (fate#323437)
* Testing: testing the api endpoints routing
* Testing: Add a cluster_env tag
* Api: Create the actions for each controller (fate#323437)
* Api: Create the Api file structure (fate#323437)
* Api: Add the status resource routes (fate#323437)
* Api: Add basic api token comparison for authentication (fate#323437)
* Api: Add validation for existing yaml store and api tokens
* Low: Update copyright year in branding
* Api: Use Yaml store for now (fate#323437)
* Api: clean up api controller (fate#323437)
* Api: Add register action (fate#323437)
* Api: Add registration route (fate#323437)
* Dev: Clean up vagrant file and hawkdev state file
* Dev: Change hacluster user\'s shell in Vagrantfile
* Dev: Bump version Vagrant box to 1.1.14
* High: Replace Promoted/Running in dashboard with asterisk icon to avoid overflow issues
* Dev: Some minor style nits
* High: Better guest node detection / display (bsc#1074856)
* High: Calculate guest node state correctly (bsc#1074856)
* Doc: Fix syntax errors in README
* Doc: Update screenshots in README
* Doc: Translate README from asciidoc to markdown
* Dev: Disable bundle feature configuration using Salt
* Dev: Update ruby to 2.5
* Dev: update Hawk\'s readme
* Dev: Remove Chef provisioning scripts
* Testing: Test authentication token
* Api: Implement the structure of http token auth (fate#323437)
* Api: Create api_controller.rb (fate#323437)
* Testing: testing the api endpoints routing
* Testing: Add a cluster_env tag
* Api: Create the actions for each controller (fate#323437)
* Api: Create the Api file structure (fate#323437)
* Api: Add the status resource routes (fate#323437)
* Dev: Remove vagrant cloud url since it\'s fetched correctly in Vagrant 2
* Dev: Bump Vagrant box version to 1.1.12
* Dev: Clarify wording in testing doc
* Use Promotable etc. (bsc#1085318) (bsc#1085343)
* Enable node events for remote/guest nodes (fate#324558)
* Low: Drop errors heading in status to align with dashboard
* Add minimal bundle model object (fate#324558)
* UI: Implement icons in left navigation and modify js code
* UI: Remove test code
* UI: Implement code for active tab based on the current URl
* UI: Merge access control menu into configuration menu
* UI: Implement collapsible side navebar
* Dev: Force vagrant to download boxes from vagrant cloud instead of atlas
* High: Fix remote nodes iteration (bsc#1080439)
* Dev: Fix the state of containers
* Dev: Fix the state of bundle resources
* Dev: fetch primitive resource for bundles
* Dev: append port-mapping and storage-mappping to arrays instead of objects
* Dev: Fetch the storage element from the cib
* Dev: Fetch the docker/rkt, network elements from the cib
* Dev: Define the basic JSON structure for the bundle
* Dev: Nest the bundle object inside resources
* Dev: Configure a dummy resource for testing bundle feature
* Dev: Fix apparmor issue for apache bundle
* Dev: Add the bundle support in the cib\'s model
* Dev: Check if the feature is supported by the current pacemaker version
* Dev: Configure the bundle using crmsh on the webui machine
* Dev: Configure the docker host for testing the bundle feature
* Dev: Fix remote nodes iteration (bsc#1080439)
* Dev: update the box version with the latest build by packer
* Dev: solve broken requirement in hawkdev/init.sls
* Remove non-used state files from init.sls
* Dev: Remove state files used by packed to build the base image
* Dev: remove accidentally created files
* Dev-env: Remove Salt bootstrap scripts since Salt is already installed
* Dev-env: Update the vagrant box with the image built with packer
* Dev: Update salt bootstrap script
* High: Support guest nodes (bsc#1074856)
* dev: Move to box 1.0.6
* Ensure certificate/key is group readable (bsc#1071481)
* Test: fix yet another typo
* Test: Check for the Travis env variable
* Dev: Fix typo
* Dev: Skip running the test for #acl_enabled? in Travis
* Test: Add test suit for (bsc#1069296)
* Dev: Fix acl_enabled? (bsc#1069296)
* Dev: Correct path to Cluster configuration page
* Test: run rspec tests in Travis
* Test: Run rspec tests in test container
* Dasherize available languages map
* Test: Add model test for Profile
* Dev: Add scripts for running the test suite in a container
* Dev: Dev: Handle redirection correctly after renaming resources (bsc#1068942)
* Dev: Handle redirection correctly after renaming constraints (bsc#1068942)
* Dev: Dev: split rename action for constraints to edit/update (bsc#1068942)
* Dev: Refactor resouces.js (bsc#1068942)
* Dev: Change the rename path for resources (#bsc#1068942)
* Dev: split rename action to edit/update (bsc#1068942)
* Fix node/resource event injection in simulator (bsc#1069217)
* Dev: Add public key to the vagrant env
* Dev: Check data-wizard-enable to disable/enable related options
* Dev: disabled click when wizard apply successfully
* Permit parameter conversion in history upload dialog
* Dev: Use /bin/bash in shebang for generate-ssl-cert script
* Dev: Set target-role default value to Stopped
* Dev: Remove the jQuery element\'s key from the attlist-mapping
* Dev: Convert string keys to symboles in Ticket\'s creation page.
* Dev: Move RSC_DEFAULTS/OP_DEFAULTS to tableless.rb for maintain purpose
* Dev: Use \"overflow: inherit\" to avoid dropdown creates scrollbar
* Dev: Use \'M\'/\'S\' tooltip stand for Master/Slave role
* Dev: Change monitor in oplist for Master/Slave resource
* Dev: add default value and longdesc for timeout option
* Dev: add longdesc for enabled in operation defaults
* Dev: interval-origin should just in operation defaults
* Dev: 0 instead of INFINITY means disabled for migration-threshold
* Dev: In wizards, replace chaotic boolean value of params
* Dev: Let error message shown in group/clone/master page
* Dev: Strip redundant error messages(from errors.messages[:id])
* Dev: Let error message shown in location/colocation/order page
* Dev: Convert hash\'s key to symbol
* Dev: Make sure no errors before crm configure verify
* Dev: Required param\'s value shouldn\'t be blank
* Dev: Move get_meta_data function to util and do some replaces
* Dev: Wizards resource params missing default value
* Dev: Required param should not be removed
* Dev: Replace type=\"string\" to \'type=\"text\" in ra\'s meta-data If don\'t do this, the default value of params will lost after from xml to json
* Dev: Check whether param\'s value is blank
* Show descriptions in cluster config (bsc#1054027)
* Tue Dec 17 2019 Added patches: - Fix the acl_version method when parsing the cib.xml (bsc#1158681)
* 0003-Fix-cib.xml-parsing-for-acl_version-bsc-1158681.patch
* Mon Jul 15 2019 Added patches: - Fix display in case of nameless cluster (bsc#1137891)
* 0001-Fix-nameless-cluster-display-bsc-1137891.patch - Fix utility method for checking ACL version in Hawk (bsc#1089802)
* 0002-Fix-acl_version-check-bsc-1089802.patch- Added build dependency nodejs10
* Fri May 18 2018 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1526638315.05cdaf9d:
* High: Return after redirect in reports (bsc#1090562)
* Medium: Comply routes\' id with resources\' ID (bsc#1092108)
* High: Update links to release notes and documentation (bsc#1089709)
* Medium: Fix history explorer views (bsc#1093420)
* High: Fetch correct meta data (bsc#1092122)
* Mon Apr 30 2018 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1525082027.af7afec4:
* Low: Update copyright year in branding
* Medium: Implement Hawk\'s cluster API (fate#323437)
* Wed Mar 28 2018 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1522277768.8e5a2060:
* High: Better guest node detection / display (bsc#1074856)
* High: Calculate guest node state correctly (bsc#1074856)
* Use Promotable etc. (bsc#1085318) (bsc#1085343)
* Enable node events for remote/guest nodes (fate#324558)
* Add minimal bundle model object (fate#324558)
* Low: Drop errors heading in status to align with dashboard
* Wed Feb 21 2018 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1519229624.7c397acb:
* Medium: Support Pacemaker Container Bundle feature (fate#324558)
* Medium: Improved navigational structure in Hawk 2 (fate#323418)
* Wed Feb 14 2018 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1518590724.856b089e:
* High: Fix remote nodes iteration (bsc#1080439)
* Fri Jan 12 2018 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1515768475.ff6e103b:
* High: Support guest nodes (bsc#1074856)
* Wed Dec 06 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1512558762.84542abc:
* Ensure certificate/key is group readable (bsc#1071481)
* Fri Dec 01 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1512139291.a886c8b1:
* Disabled click when wizard apply successfully
* Check data-wizard-enable to disable/enable related options
* Correct path to Cluster configuration page
* Fix acl_enabled? (bsc#1069296)
* Wed Nov 29 2017 Fix incorrect virtus dependency
* Thu Nov 23 2017 Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)
* Thu Nov 23 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1511437564.94d31646:
* Fix resources and constraints renaming (bsc#1068942)
* Fix node/resource event injection in simulator (bsc#1069217)
* Wed Nov 15 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1510742499.03cc2be8:
* Switch to ruby 2.5 (bsc#1068183)
* Permit parameter conversion in history upload dialog
* Tue Nov 07 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1510051134.341d508e:
* Show descriptions in cluster config (bsc#1054027)
* Fix systemd installation for hawk-backend.service
* Thu Sep 21 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1505978451.64a32626:
* Link error to report creation (bsc#1056483)
* Low: Show cluster name in status title
* Show revoke action for locally granted tickets (bsc#1059662)
* Wed Sep 20 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1505902130.031a9f76:
* Medium: Get post-expression value of ip resource for booth (bsc#1059492)
* Only trigger attrlist click if paired with a SELECT element (bsc#1053456)
* Mon Sep 18 2017 Require timezone data to be present during build
* Mon Sep 18 2017 Loosen BR for nodejs to enable nodejs8
* Thu Sep 14 2017 add some BR to help the scheduler
* Thu Sep 14 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1505201925.7f077708:
* Use hawk-apiserver as proxy
* Remove hawk_monitor and related dependencies
* Tue Sep 12 2017 minimize the packages we really need for this package: - adds hawk2-nodev.patch - use %{rubygem } syntax for BuildRequires/Requires - reorder requires to match the Gemfile - drop unused BR for nokogiri - run \"bundle.%{rb_ruby_suffix} exec bin/rails version\" to verify that we have everything needed for the Gemfile
* Fri Sep 08 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1504876724.75e1a8b2:
* Require Rails 5.1
* Thu Aug 31 2017 Require hawk-apiserver (fate#323437)
* Wed Aug 30 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1504122466.88c339b3:
* Upgrade to Rails 5
* Drop support for bundling rubygems (fate#321115)
* Move hawk data files out of /srv/www (fate#321020)
* Remove the Strange char in Dashboard (bsc#1037430)
* Add have-watchdog to list of readonly options
* UI: Move sidebar down slightly when batch mode is enabled
* UI: Fix typo in template.rb
* Low: tools: crmd and pengine executables have moved to %_libdir/pacemaker
* Medium: Don\'t offset failure time by 10 minutes in notification (bsc#1056483)- Remove 0001-Don-t-drop-any-gems-from-bundle.patch- Remove json-1.8.1.gem- Remove rake-10.1.0.gem- Remove rake-10.4.2.gem
* Mon Jul 24 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1500894042.99eca950:
* generate-ssl-cert: Make sure commonName isn\'t too long (bsc#1046820)
* Fri Jun 02 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1496403895.2d3dbf1f:
* Add have-watchdog to list of readonly options (bsc#1042361)
* UI: Move sidebar down slightly when batch mode is enabled (bsc#1042360)
* Wed May 10 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1494403016.19b2aada:
* Fix systemd usage (bsc#1038400)
* Fri Apr 28 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1493374455.0363b9be:
* UI: Improve layout of Show/Edit/Graph buttons (bsc#1036761)
* Fri Apr 28 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1493367682.5e6c2dc5:
* UI: Add filter, link and ticket buttons. (bsc#1036738)
* UI: Add search box for cluster table (bsc#1036738)
* Tue Apr 25 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1493122558.004910fa:
* Bug: Use cib_id parameter if provided (bsc#1029532)
* Update translations
* Thu Apr 20 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1492690749.6147693e:
* UI: Display output from wizard in modal (fate#320866)
* Tue Apr 11 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1491892871.5d65a24d:
* Updated multi-cluster dashboard (bsc#1029532)
* Fix sidebar in low resolutions (bsc#1031816)
* Fri Mar 31 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1490950724.558e8212:
* Escape body attrs correctly (bsc#1031822)
* Wed Mar 15 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1489564721.15ee423b:
* UI: Remove trailing brackets (bsc#1029271)
* UI: Implement language list button and documentation, github and website link in footer
* Tue Feb 28 2017 Update to version 2.1.0+git.1488276154.57dd3268:
* Add fencing topology support (fate#321133)
* Add documentation for fencing topology (fate#321133)
* UI: Revise copy for login screen
* UI: Anchor backlinks to correct tab
* UI: Fix footer position issues
* UI: Fix missing alerts attribute controls
* Check and warn re: DRBD disk/connection status (fate#322043)
* UI: Show recent event = running (master) as info, not danger
* Increase size of eventcontrol markers (bsc#1001357)
* Show transition node as DC for clarity (bsc#1010843)
* Reports: Display times as UTC as consistently as possible (bsc#1010831)
* Mon Feb 06 2017 Always bundle gems for hawk- Add 0001-Don-t-drop-any-gems-from-bundle.patch
* Mon Dec 05 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1480940121.2c59e4e:
* Doc: Add missing link to HA quick guide
* UI: Show local doc links as large buttons
* Wed Nov 30 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1480523437.b6a234a:
* UI: Every help entry needs a :html entry as well
* Thu Nov 17 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1479373464.68754a3:
* Dashboard: Try persisted session before login (bsc#1009880)
* Group: Don\'t duplicate object list on errors (bsc#1009748)
* Reports: Show diff from the past, not to the future (bsc#1010602)
* Sat Nov 12 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1478971272.e716a0b:
* UI: Fix typos in RC description for m/s (bsc#1009867)
* UI: Hide ACL in mainnav if offline (bsc#1009869)
* Batch Mode: Handle CSRF token (bsc#1009866)
* Persist session across cluster nodes using attrd_updater (bsc#1009880)
* Installation and Setup Quick Start (bsc#1006831)
* Thu Nov 03 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1478179791.a7b6c5e:
* UI: Use Recent events for both resources and nodes (bsc#1008268)
* Cib: Add only node name to feature set map (bsc#1008321)
* Wed Nov 02 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1478101560.4ab8817:
* High: Catch div by 0 when utilization attribute has no value set (bsc#1008104)
* UI: Clearer error when creating group with no children (bsc#1006169)
* UI: Fix issues with larger markers (bsc#1001357)
* Mon Oct 10 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1476083916.a1e9463:
* Allow use of spring 2.0.0
* Tue Oct 04 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1475584027.541506e:
* Add preference to disable STONITH warning
* Support for configuring event-based alerts (fate#321118)
* Increase size of eventcontrol markers (bsc#1001357)
* Fix crash when redirecting after editing missing object for tags and templates
* Fix crash when creating alert with recipients (fate#321118)
* Fix incorrect paths in systemd script
* Install sysconfig script for hawk
* Don\'t try to start hawk via bundle unless gems are bundled
* Set verify_mode: none to workaround puma bug in 3.6.0 (bsc#1002369)
* Mon Aug 22 2016 Detect service status before upgrade (bsc#993055)
* Fri Aug 19 2016 Enable hawk service if upgrading from Hawk 1 (bsc#993055)
* Tue Aug 16 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1471356649.a5ecac4:
* Skip authenticity token for cib#show to enable dashboard (bsc#989794)
* Fri Aug 12 2016 Be stricter about requiring web-console 2, not 3
* Tue Aug 09 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1470723261.8166faf:
* Update translations (bsc#984336)
* Sat Jul 30 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1469920946.db7b726:
* Expose OPTIONS route for /cib/ (bsc#989794)
* DOC: Update README and generate table of content (#69)
* Run puma via bundle exec to locate gems correctly
* Wed Jul 13 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1468428505.0135e38:
* Don\'t use Rails titleize method in wizards (bsc#987696)
* Update translations (bsc#984336)
* Pass correct context to grant/revoke popup (bsc#987860)
* Tue Jul 12 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1468326669.6b3a189:- Drop merged patches:
* Remove 0001-Set-Content-Security-Policy-to-frame-ancestors-self-.patch
* Remove 0002-Call-correct-method-to-revoke-ticket-bsc-987860.patch
* Tue Jul 12 2016 Call correct method to revoke ticket (bsc#987860)- Add 0002-Call-correct-method-to-revoke-ticket-bsc-987860.patch
* Tue Jul 05 2016 Set Content-Security-Policy to frame-ancestors \'self\' (bsc#984619)- Add 0001-Set-Content-Security-Policy-to-frame-ancestors-self-.patch
* Sun Jun 12 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1465754567.b838c7a:
* Update translations (bsc#984336)
* Wed Jun 08 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1465200752.ce534f0:
* Cib: Fix broken instance assignment (bsc#983202)
* UI: Make configuration graph clickable (bsc#983169)
* UI: Make clicking a graph open it in a separate tab/window (bsc#983169)
* UI: Fix tabs in edit view
* UI: Show child count and clone type in status Type column
* UI: Format tabs in location constraints like status / edit configuration pages
* UI: Fix incorrect overflows on panels
* Fri Jun 03 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1464959248.4c8523a:
* Handle agent names containing underscores (bsc#982503)
* UI: Fix hidden language selector (bsc#982582)
* Cib: Fix crash when adding resource failures (bsc#983028)
* Add links to help screen
* Change circle in status page to medium
* UI: Reduce movement when switching agent
* UI: Nicer formatting in command log
* UI: Reports: Add buttons to zoom in and out of the event timeline
* UI: Fix broken tabs after adding zoom in/out buttons
* UI: Add titles to prev/next transition buttons
* UI: Show node in transition popup
* Wed Jun 01 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1464769312.daad221:
* Wizard: Fix wizard listing when running as less privileged user (bsc#981583)
* Fri May 27 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1464213601.5005ce3: + Controller: Fix 500 error when create fails + UI: Highlight master instances in location list + UI: Limit tag operations to those that actually work on tags + Set per-resource maintenance instead of is-managed (bsc#981659)
* Wed May 25 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1464164578.80eba76: + UI: Show resource / node count in status tabs + UI: Fix tickets display in status view (bsc#981552) + Group: Enforce target-role after create/update (bsc#968876)
* Mon May 23 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1463943986.78a1933: + Dashboard: Cycle through node list if credentials are set + Dashboard: Improved display of multiple errors + Cib: Show error if in partition without quorum (bsc#980919) + Cib: Show quorum error before fencing errors + Cib: Update cluster status when pushing errors + UI: Move panels in Edit Configuration into proper tabs + UI: Show which node is DC + UI: Status: Pagination and smartDisplay + UI: Remove Hawk icon from navbar + UI: Status: Remove sort and search controls since they are broken (bsc#980993) + UI: Fix font weight in dashboard + UI: Allow renaming constraints (bsc#981006) + UI: Allow renaming tags (bsc#981006) + UI: Show resource type in Edit Resource view + UI: Add tabs in Status view for each tag + UI: Fix outdated title formatting + UI: Clean up and fix column sorting in Edit Configuration (bsc#979311) + UI: Fix ugly footer on small screens + UI: Status: No title even when no errors
* Mon May 09 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1462794622.796a8a6: + Cib: Warn if partial cluster upgrade detected (fate#320759) + Change title from Simulator to Batch Mode + Try to use fonts available on Linux by default + Dashboard: Improved responsive grid layout
* Fri Apr 22 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1461322965.7f27886: + UI: Revised primitive attribute loading to avoid ugly bounce + UI: Avoid using spinner placeholders + Call correct rake when running gettext:pack / assets:precompile
* Thu Apr 07 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1460021004.dc75922: + UI: Correct font-awesome icon asset paths (bsc#974435) + Improved hawk 1 package obsoletion statement
* Sat Apr 02 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1459616683.31efac7: + Reports: Allow generating reports on offline nodes + UI: Add clear state operation for nodes + UI: Status: Always show migrate option + Model: Fix missing fence operation for nodes (bsc#973722) + UI: Status: Refresh CIB after user changes (bsc#973723) + UI: Fix partial CIB refresh by removing monitor epoch (bsc#973723) + UI: Only overwrite CIB if epoch is newer
* Thu Mar 31 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1459374052.159281a: + Cib: Save fence history in node data (bsc#968055) + Wizard: Need admin rights if non-local call + UI: Status: Display constraints for resource + UI: Status: Display migration status for resources + UI: Status: Make remote node indicator a small icon + Remove use of Hashie
* Mon Mar 21 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1458543074.dc9aa66: + UI: Updated EventControl (bsc#970280) + History: Show timezone for report dates + History: Fix tab memory between transitions
* Fri Mar 18 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1458303640.7745849: + UI: Use EventControl in history explorer (bsc#970280) + Wizard: Fix broken file system category by dehumanizing category names for ids + Wizard: Allow more actions without requiring admin access + Simulator: Ignore error RC from crm_simulate if nothing is written to stderr + Wizard: Nicer category icons + Reports: Less verbose version string + Deflate assets in production
* Wed Mar 09 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1457531142.ac2dc9f: + UI: Fix broken dashboard remove button (bsc#970289)
* Thu Mar 03 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1456998191.16a7222: + Enable use of Puma 3+
* Wed Mar 02 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1456913361.8ae2d27: + Load reports in the background to enable cancel (bsc#878819) + Cib: Avoid crash if corosync is offline (bsc#968239) + Wizard: Avoid printing login message if set (bsc#969069) + Wizard: Don\'t require password for an extended set of crm commands + Reports: Add Download/Delete buttons to report view + UI: Update favicon
* Tue Feb 23 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1456226540.23c625f: + UI: Fix spurious error after creating resources + Model: Override child meta attributes correctly (bsc#967800) + UI: Calculate CIB hash correctly
* Mon Feb 22 2016 Replace hawk with hawk2 (fate#320561)
* Fri Feb 19 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1455729634.14c4a76: + Replace Simulator with Batch Mode (fate#318298) (fate#317834) (fate#318314) + Add copy shortcut to Primitive/Template + UI: Create primitive in group directly (fate#318318) + UI: Remove any use of external fonts + UI: Fix broken confirmation dialogs + UI: Fix batch mode resetting when opening dialog + UI: Don\'t set background when highlighting + UI: Add disconnect status + UI: Better navigation buttons for edit/show/graph pages
* Mon Feb 08 2016 Update to version 2.0.0+git.1454943728.a962a79: + Release v2.0.0 + UI: Use title case in sidebar menu + UI: Add Rename and drop List from edit pages (fate#318316)
* Sat Feb 06 2016 Update to version 1.0.1+git.1454694176.4f9f2b5: + UI: Add option to show CIB as XML (fate#319665) + Node utilization edit support (fate#320420) + Resource utilization edit support (fate#320420) + UI: Improved show/hide tickets in status + UI: Improved dashboard mouse over popup + UI: Clean up some detail views + Doc: Updated README + Don\'t spam command log with show xml calls + Switch icon for command log
* Tue Feb 02 2016 Update to version 1.0.1+git.1453970823.70b8dcb: + UI: Update font awesome to 4.5.0 + Enable migrate/cleanup with node argument (bsc#958386) + Skip broken wizards without crashing
* Sat Dec 05 2015 Update to version 1.0.1+git.1449317258.6ecc8dd: + UI: Fix missing info about extra operation values and help text (bsc#957992) (bsc#957997)
* Thu Dec 03 2015 Update to version 1.0.1+git.1449142434.d79ea19: + UI: Prevent default action on deleting constraint (bsc#957760) + UI: Fix failed submit from wizard
* Wed Dec 02 2015 Update to version 1.0.1+git.1449052401.725ce5f: + UI: Link constraint edit form back buttons to the Add constraint page + UI: Make colocation advanced section toggleable + UI: Wizard: Add advanced params with value + UI: Fix wizard tabs markup and remove confusing verify pill + UI: Retain param values when going back from verify in wizard + UI: Wizard: Validate resource IDs + UI: Keep group children in defined order when displaying (bsc#957169) + Model: Enable saving changes to group children (bsc#957169) + Reports: Add cancel button to report collection UI (bsc#878819) + UI: Improved colocation and order constraint editors + UI: Fix lost parameters after failed validation in create primitive (bsc#956452) + Model: Basic validation for new resources/constraints using a temporary shadow CIB + UI: Show error message as graph image if generation fails + UI: Unify rightbar help display across all pages + UI: Keep boolean style depending on configured value + Fix UI glitches from low decimal precision in Sass + UI: Dashboard: Replace Advanced config with port only + UI: Add simple mode for location constraint editor (bsc#953829) + UI: Fall back to english text if no translation is available + Command Log: Add timestamp to each log entry + Model: Unified common ID handling for records + UI: Add improved help text for Primitive / Template + UI: Fix incorrect layout for ticket new/edit + Fix missing flash after edit of group/clone/ms resources + UI: Separated meta attribute mappings from general form help text + Precompile and minify assets when packaging (bsc#951364) + Model: Prefer uname over id to avoid making illegal numeric ids + UI: Use node ID in URI, not name + UI: Handle missing information for tickets + Events: Get rid of moment.js deprecation warning + Cib: Add listing of remote nodes to mini output + Status: Revised status view and confirmation dialogs + Status (nodes): Use body CIB for node list + Status: Update tables at the correct time + UI: Single ajax update on status change (bsc#951364) + UI: Implement ticket listing using ajax (bsc#951364) + Status: Better handling of long resource names in status view + Status: Cleaned up and improved detail views + Status: Fix broken confirmation dialogs + Status: Show ticket status even if no local constraint is defined + Cib: Implement running_on for resources in model + Status: Show more details for tickets + Add elsewhere status for tickets (bsc#952861) + Layout: Put simulator and flashes in container + Modified simulator styling + Status: Clean up URLs in ticket UI + Add Cib meta and edit routes + Model: List all children in Resource.all + Model: Enable editing node attributes + UI: Revised footer / meta data display + UI: Add new Cib edit and show views + UI: Add new node edit view + Clearer titles for ACL Roles and Targets pages + UI: Fix non-circular status circle + UI: Reorganize sidebar + Controller: Include templates in complete resource listing + UI: Link back button in edit forms to Cib edit view + UI: Link graph view to Cib edit view + UI: Add templates to the add a resource screen + Cib: Add more Cib metadata to details pane + Cib: Cleaned up constraints data in cib + Status: Revised status UI + Status: Fix case of template listing + Colocation: Re-enable configuring node attribute for colocations + Cib: Clean up old-style ruby code + Controller: Clean up TicketsController + CibController: Return error message for json + Cib: Fix bug in previous clean-up + Status: Don\'t include constraints in tags + Status: Handle multiple levels of nesting in resources + Status: Filter out tags without resources from status + UI: Fix simulator header for rightbar layout + Cib: Find current cib even if parameter name is :id, not :cib_id + UI: Improved modal for agent info + Routing: Reorganize UI to fix routing issues + Command Log: Log simulator commands into separate command log (bsc#950618) + UI: Add create shortcut to resource/constraint edit screens + Status: Add Recent events for nodes and resources + Status: Include children in recent events + UI: Better icons for configuration edit screens + UI: Add hawk logo to top bar + UI: Hide timeout warning if user is navigating away + Fix hang checking schema version + UI: Fix issue with agents that have no description (bsc#956463)
* Wed Nov 25 2015 Update to version 1.0.1+git.1448454104.9e71083: + Model: Require Invoker properly (bsc#956446) + Fix \'illegal argument Symbol to Attribute constructor\' error (bsc#956446) + Location: Fix constraint bug after error (bsc#953847) + Show name of currently logged in user + Clean up command log entries + ACL: Fix ACL enabled check + Dashboard: Update epoch tracking correctly + Colocation: Don\'t crash on missing node-attr + Model: Fix removal of last item in attrlist + Cib: Support optional mini query parameter
* Thu Nov 19 2015 Update to version 1.0.1+git.1447941962.3d88e5f: + Enable 404 page in production (bsc#953846) + Location: Fix crash on empty create (bsc#953847) + Status: Rename name column to ID (bsc#953158) + Location: Add support for resource-discovery (bsc#952191)
* Tue Nov 17 2015 Disable rubygem bundling
* Mon Nov 16 2015 Clean up package description (bsc#952794)
* Mon Nov 09 2015 Update to version 1.0.1+git.1447036244.df8e574: + Update translations + Enable access logging (bsc#950572) + Wizard: GFS2 is supported in SLE12+ + Swap certificate and private key if inverted (bsc#954159) + Fix back link in templates + Reflect actual language choice in profile view + Calling crm script would fail for users other than hacluster + Narrow the range of commands hawk_invoke accepts + redirect unknown routes to root + properly format form error messages + disable showColumns for all bootstrap-tables + Handle cloned groups when calculating resource locations + Dashboard: More resilient cluster copy + Dashboard: Force a refresh after a connection failure + Cib: Link to configuration screen from STONITH error message + Status: Don\'t show error when leaving status page + Show node ID on details pane + Wizard: Parameter example is not a placeholder value + Dashboard: Revised rendering with resource labels + Status: Escape quotes in tooltip
* Wed Nov 04 2015 Update to version 1.0.1+git.1446573432.048f37e: + Cib: Handle multiple nest levels in mini (bsc#953417) + Location: Fix rule_elem typo (bsc#953419) + Fix RecordNotFound error
* Fri Oct 30 2015 Update to version 1.0.1+git.1446137442.d9c6c0e: + Simulator: Fix ticket simulation (bsc#952489)
* Wed Oct 28 2015 Update to version 1.0.1+git.1446048276.98c4de1 (bsc#952441): + Fix help text for clone / multi-state (bsc#952439) + Dashboard: Fix ownership of dashboard config (bsc#952442) + Dashboard: Fix bad error message
* Tue Oct 27 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1445930333.51d3703: + Report: Enable uploading gzipped archives (bsc#952136)
* Thu Oct 22 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1445537620.7637b7f: + Dashboard: Blinkenlights display for dashboard (bsc#951584) + Command Log: Tag simulated commands (bsc#950618)
* Wed Oct 21 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1445441661.907341b: + View: Fix overlapping growl notifications (bsc#950626) + Cib: Patch remote node state from resource (bsc#949240) + Cib: Don\'t try to read CIB XML if cluster is not running + Dashboard: Fix adding/removing clusters + Status: Show unclean status as error
* Mon Oct 19 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1445271072.1114d0a: + Wizard: Disable apply button correctly (bsc#950617) + Wizard: Allow resubmit if password is edited (bsc#950605) + Wizard: Strip Password: prompt from stderr output (bsc#950605) + Ticket: Use correct ID and disable ticket grant/revoke in simulator (bsc#950624) (bsc#950630) + Ticket: Display Ticket ID in tables (bsc#950624) + Ticket: Add Details pane for tickets + Status: Add edit link to resources and tickets (bsc#950599) + Wizard: Only allow CIB-only wizards in simulator mode (bsc#950630) + Add wizard application to command log (bsc#950588) + View: Show validation tooltip (bsc#950465) + Improved quoting for wizard parameters in command log (bsc#950588)
* Thu Oct 15 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1444948199.57048c0: + Add missing descriptions for clone/multistate resource options + Require fast_gettext >= 0.9.2
* Thu Oct 15 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1444890849.7fa23f3: + Don\'t insert nil as error in Record, and don\'t crash if error is nil (bsc#950325) + Command Log: Hide some invocations from log (bsc#950329) + New favicon
* Tue Oct 13 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1444693784.7d65d43: + Don\'t crash if tagged resource is stateless (bsc#950072) + Status: Filter out tagged records that aren\'t resources (bsc#950072) + Rails complains if we don\'t skip the CORS after_filter (bsc#950070) + after-filters don\'t work on live controllers (bsc#950070) + Add missing OPTIONS route for /monitor (bsc#950070)
* Mon Oct 12 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1444651897.824bd0b: + Status: Fix state calculation for multi-state resources (fate#318288) + Status: Display resource action dropdown above table + Status: Fix promote/demote actions + Relax gettext_i18n_rails dependency
* Mon Oct 12 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1444641059.112bbcf: + Status: Fixed nested resources view (fate#318286) + Fix bug in parameter shortdesc display for certain agents + Status: Fix display of tag resources (fate#318288) + Status: Fix state calculation for tags + Status: Display clones in resources list + Status: Fixed display of state for m/s
* Thu Oct 08 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1444318089.6dd31cf: + Cib: More informative error message when node is unclean (fate#318287) + Cib: Make standby a separate state variable so the indicators work properly (fate#318297) (fate#318296) (fate#318288) + Report: Show last diff on last transition + Report: diff: Don\'t show error unless there actually was an error + Resources: Fix agent link for non-templates + Resources: Use running_on property to determine location + Resources: Show instance and failure information on resource details page (fate#318287) + Status: Disable pagination for tickets and nodes (fate#318295) + Status: Hide tickets table when there are no tickets + Node: Split utilization lines correctly (#58)
* Wed Oct 07 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1444236681.45aa654: + move simulator panel to the top + rearrange input elements in simulator panel + remember state of simulator toggle on page reloads + Report: Convert problematic characters to _ for download + Report: Better graph styling with img-thumbnail + Report: Handle report filenames containing spaces
* Wed Oct 07 2015 Make gem bundling conditional on SLE or openSUSE (bsc#949046)
* Wed Oct 07 2015 Bundle gems in SLE 12 SP1 (bsc#949046)- Remove build dependency on quiet_assets- Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1444137703.9beb93e: + Update ACL enablement message (bsc#946041) + Fix possible race condition in CrmEvents + enable view for editing location constraints + Changelog: Fix incorrect bug reference (bnc#917428) + Location rules: Score quoting and extra space in : + Record: Better escaping for fetching xml records + Resource: Include tags in listing + Cib: Inject cib into record + Status: Removed tabs, added tickets and removed constraints + Resources: Cleaned help texts and removed backups + Ticket: Added standby and granted attributes + Resource: Added state and managed attributes + Resource: Added nested resources for status view + Footer: Partial fix for ui glitch + Dashboard: Don\'t redundantly show tickets as info notices + Simulator: Fix ticket name listing after Cib change + Reimplement /monitor as a Live controller (bsc#947748) + History: Don\'t crash on reports with no transitions + Report: Improved from/to date inference + Location: Initialize with an empty rule + Fix issues with running hawk in offline mode (bsc#947818) + Reports: Improved available information for reports + Report: Dropdown lists in transition navigation + Cib: Fix bug in offline? + Location: operator must be set + CrmEvents: Preserve log if not too big + Report: Don\'t confuse errors with transitions + Report: Fix incorrect nesting of node/resource events + Location: Fix destroy action without content + Location: Better defaults for new/empty rule + Invoker: Slightly less inscrutable error message + Monitor: Implement /monitor as live controller (bsc#947748) + Service: 16 threads, 1 process, SIGKILL after timeout + Monitor: Refresh on monitor event + Dashboard: Use /monitor for great success + Resource: Added actions for the resources + Resource: Made the node for migrate and cleanup optional + Colocation: Hide node attribute option (bsc#943591) + ACLs: Small tweak to the enabled? message (bsc#946041) + Refer to ACL Targets, not Users (bsc#946085) + Add help text for ACL Role/Target + Fixed ACL handling (bsc#946229) (bsc#946247) + Cib: all resources now have a :state + Updated crmsh mode for highlight.js + Resource: Cleanup managed + Model: Use the current_cib in resources as much as possible + Invoker: Make logged load updates actual shell commands + Log cibadmin --replace to command log + Basic help text for Cluster Configuration + use MutationObserver to fix the footer issue + Fix the simulator creation redirect flow + Status: Update status circle + fix pull_right icon_tags next to icon_texts in FF + Resource: Added all required actions + Tag: Use validates...presence for array attributes + make the footer on login page sticky
* Fri Sep 18 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1442580882.11cc227: + Status: Some reordering and sizing of list items + Reports: Implement generating, uploading, downloading and deleting reports + Report: Show timestamp for transition in tooltip (fate#318281) + Update note on bindfs in README + Sort roles before users (bsc#946053) + Reports: Fix null derefence + Fall back to session storage if cache is disabled (may hit 4k limit) + Change /agent route to handle agents with colon or slash in the name + Fix potential null dereference in wizattrlist + Implement operation editing for primitives and templates (fate#318281) + Redirect to templates list after deleting a template
* Tue Sep 15 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1442306372.6b81608: + Primitive: Display template clazz, provider and type correctly + CrmConfig: Default value in help text [fix translation] (bsc#889767) + Commands: Hide command log when shadow CIB is active + Relax version requirement for spring
* Mon Sep 14 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1442143739.2d5ab0e: + Simulator: Implement result dialog and simulator controller + Vendor: Add highlight.js + hawk_invoke: Allow simulator to run as hacluster + Stylesheets: Fixed bootstrap imports + Stylesheets: Updated to latest bootstrap-table version + Views: Added listings and fixed confirm dialogs + Added kramdown markdown processor + Listings: Integrated listings for resources and constraints + Attrlist: Removed value preselection + Wizards: Redesigned wizard selection + Assets: Fixed confirm dialogs + Wizards: Fixed stylesheets for general listing + Help: Moved help texts around + Template: Added more flexible attributes and parameters + Primitives: Integrated template behavior into primitives + WIP: Add /commands view (fate#318290) + Explorer: Default to last hour + View: Tags: Fix tags listing
* Mon Sep 07 2015 Add dependency on kramdown for parsing markdown (bsc#944755)
* Fri Sep 04 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1441319582.8c8d426: + Integrate documentation for add resource + Template: Fix broken implementation of crm ra classes + add steps to README Hacking section + Revert broken rewrite in Template + Add agents view to display information about resource agents + Enable showing agent for appropriate resources in resource view + Details view for resources + Add help text for resource templates (bsc#944043) + Add help text for meta attributes + Minor fixes to the wizard param view + CrmConfig: Show default value (if any)
* Mon Aug 31 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1441003128.fa0ca82: + Order: Fix validation of score/kind + Colocation: Fix shell_syntax generation for colocation constraints (bsc#940194) + Location: Fix CLI syntax generation for location constraints (bsc#940194) + location: fix validation for location rules + Fix more references to Multi-state resources (bsc#940193) + One more reference to Multi-state (bsc#940193) + Template: Don\'t include hidden clazz/providers in list + Primitive/Template: Fix class/provider/type selector + Update to Bootstrap 3.3.5 to fix modal page shift bug (twbs/bootstrap#13103) + Graph: Show loading placeholder while generating graph + Constraints: Show score as separate column + Constraints: Fix display of tickets + Wizard: cache list of wizards with 2 hour expiry + Clearer category for legacy wizards (fate#318211) + Dashboard: Set panel frame color based on status
* Wed Aug 26 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1440623163.e6e2342: + Primitive: Remove debug inspect (bsc#940194) + CrmScript: error output is not line-by-line, report as a single error notification
* Wed Aug 26 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1440604736.8fb27d9: + Dashboard: Add details pane, now at feature parity with old UI (bsc#808703) + Cib: Remove tags and constraints from mini CIB + Status: Show tickets in constraints list + Stylesheets: Fixed multiple alert boxes + CrmScript: Pass data to crm via tempfile + CrmScript: Handle output from script correctly + Wizard: Implemented views for wizards (fate#318482) (fate#318211) (fate#318281) + Status: Clone resources may not have a default instance (bsc#938798)
* Tue Aug 25 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1440497150.ec9656c: + Wizard: html-escape descriptions since they may contain <, >, etc., and simple_format would strip them + Wizard: AATTloaded should not be an accessible attribute + Wizard: Reworked wizard model structure + Wizard: Improved client-side validation for wizards + Wizard: Fix styling of generated form controls + Wizard: Improved handling for substeps + Config: Require fileutils in puma.rb + Create Node model objects via Cib to get correct node state (fate#318281) + Node: Hide fence control if STONITH is disabled + View: Very basic implementation of resources and constraints tabs in status display + Show all resources, not just groups + Don\'t hide the help text on mouseleave + Explorer: Report::Upload now saves report correctly + Render graph as svg instead of png- Add provides for ha-cluster-webui (bsc#942723)
* Fri Aug 14 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1439476251.f3c7344: + Wizard: Better formatting for longdesc + Wizard: Improved help display + Model: Fix display of operation errors (bsc#938702) + Model: Show description of rc for failed operation + CrmScript: Fix invocation of splitline
* Wed Aug 12 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1439303419.9ae3a70: + hawk_invoke: Allow hawk to invoke crm report (bsc#941308)
* Thu Aug 06 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1438843863.671db31: + Relax requirement for js-routes
* Wed Aug 05 2015 Provide new hawk UI as a new package (bsc#940628)
* Wed Aug 05 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1438696250.7574201: + Util: Remove PerRequestCache, use Rails.cache instead + Don\'t cache ACL enabled check (possibly slower, but safer)
* Tue Aug 04 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1438678796.97668bf: + hawk_invoke: Fix bug in allow_root call (fate#318281) + Gemfile: Relax web-console requirement + Gemfile: Relax puma version requirement + View: Add well with step description + Naming of master/slave resources (switch to \"multi-state resources\") (bsc#940193) (bsc#940205)
* Fri Jul 10 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1436521428.f08859d: + Add a :nostonith status code + Config: Enable gzip compression + Model: New Wizard model + Model: Don\'t use PTY to implement wizard backend, add support for running as root (fate#318281) + Status: Started to rebuild the status page + Status: Display error messages on status page correctly + Status: Synced icons correct with previous commits + Nodes: Moved the actions to a proper place within table view + Navigation: Reordered menu entries + Assets: Stretch responsive image to full width + Dashboard: Add multi-cluster dashboard + CrmScript: Utility for executing cluster scripts. + Monitor: Only update on epoch change + Views: Removed development navigation + View: Cleaner page render by setting image size + View: Add categories for wizards (fate#318211) + View: In-progress view for new wizards + View: 4-3-2 layout in dashboard + View: Fix location of flash in withrightbar layout + View: Rebalance withrightbar layout + View: Rebalance large screen layout to match withrightbar + View: Display indicators for verify / apply steps
* Fri Jul 03 2015 Update to version 1.0.0~alpha1+git.1435942029.3ca7b05: + New redesigned user interface (fate#318281) + Redesigned status page (fate#318296) + Search for resources (fate#318295) + Manage resources directly on status screen (fate#318288) + Improved error message handling (fate#318287) + Redesigned navigation structure (fate#318285) + Redesigned login page (fate#318282) + Model: Updated and integrated model for tags (fate#318319) + Model: Add Cluster model for dashboard (bsc#808703) + Initial version of revamped cluster dashboard using new UI (fate#318281) + Dashboard: Better status display (including tickets) + Locale: Just forget the browser locale settings + Config: Hawk is not thread-safe: Configure a single thread by default (bsc#934749) + Scripts: Send SIGINT to stop puma + Scripts: Update the sysvinit scripts for hawk to use puma
* Fri Jun 26 2015 Require dejavu so graphviz works correctly (bsc#931950)
* Thu Jun 11 2015 Update to version 0.7.0+git.1434033948.69e3e11: + Build: Reduce ruby_parser requirement to be >= 3.6.6, < 4.0 + Service: Reduce number of threads to 1 since the old app is not thread safe (bsc#934749)
* Thu Jun 11 2015 Update to version 0.7.0+git.1433982319.3b31e49: + Build: Fix GEM_PATH
* Mon Jun 08 2015 Update to version 0.7.0+git.1433775810.76d9c05: + Build: Update Gemfile to include dependencies for new UI + Reports: use crm report to generate and pass -Q for improved generation speed + Controller: Always render graph png and but show errors as flash (bsc#931837)
* Fri May 15 2015 Require rake only in openSUSE 13.1 and earlier
* Sun May 03 2015 Make more transitive gem requires explicit to resolve ambiguities
* Fri May 01 2015 Update to version 0.7.0+git.1430487883.d57df13: + Wizard: Split cLVM wizard in two (bsc#924420) + Build: Add --local flag to bundle install when bundling gems + Build: Require mail 2.6 to resolve build ambiguity
* Sun Apr 26 2015 Update to version 0.7.0+git.1430078135.9e13c3c: + Controller: Use sanitize() to enable HTML in the primitive editing flash + Model: Fix use of AATTerrors before it is created in CibObject + Model: Add model object for CIB tags + Model: Add AATTtags list in Cib object, feature check for tags support + Model: Store template reference and node id in Cib elements + Wizard: First version of MariaDB wizard (fate#318550) + Model: No need to feature-check when getting tags from CIB + Model: Improving the Tag model object + CibController: Add tags to output + Wizard: Remove GFS2 wizard (bsc#923964) + Wizard: Reorder wizards in the UI + Gemfile: Require sprockets ~> 3.0 + Vagrant: Install a dummy index.html for the clustered web servers
* Thu Apr 02 2015 Update to version 0.7.0+git.1427954675.b847dc9: + GUI: Fix error display css + GUI: Redirect to new after creating, add link to edit created resource (bsc#921762) + Wizard: Add sbd_device as explicit parameter (bsc#924407) + Wizard: Remove cmirrord from cLVM wizard (bsc#924414) + Wizard: Fix check for CIB write access (bsc#924429)
* Wed Mar 25 2015 Depend strictly on supported versions of rubygems
* Wed Mar 25 2015 Depend on exact tilt version required (1.4)
* Thu Mar 19 2015 Add build dependency on git
* Thu Mar 19 2015 Update to version 0.7.0+git.1426755371.189d4a2: + Rely on hawk to pull in production dependencies + Reorder dependency install to avoid tilt trap + Rails 4: Fix use of AATTerrors hash vs. array
* Wed Mar 18 2015 Update to version 0.7.0+git.1426677126.2ef8f08: + Vagrant: Increase development worker:thread count to 2:2 + Build: Update rpm/hawk.spec
* Wed Mar 18 2015 Make dependency on tilt >= 1.4, < 2.0
* Tue Mar 17 2015 Update to version 0.7.0+git.1426603924.3cb835b: + Vagrant: Reduce number of workers in dev mode + Misc: Reduce number of server workers/threads + Chef: Fix spelling + Vagrant: retain insecure key
* Tue Mar 17 2015 Extended _service file to get changes generated as well- Update to version 0.7.0+git.1426595507.808c2cc: + Removed active record related files + Fixed paths in systemd service template + We don\'t want to load all rails components + Fixed error messages within forms + Removed redundant repo addition + Updated submodule references
* Mon Mar 16 2015 Removed as it\'s not used anymore- Create the sysconfig directory for the SSL certs- Get rid of hawk_ruby_abi in favor of default ruby abi
* Wed Mar 11 2015 Update to git#25ecd9f - Misc: Run ExecStartPre= as root to generate certificate
* Fri Mar 06 2015 Update to git#4717cb9 - Misc: Correct path to SSL certificate
* Thu Mar 05 2015 Update to git#ecf0fd4 - Build: Allow bundling web-console 2.1.0
* Thu Mar 05 2015 Update to git#062915d - Fixed path for pregenerating ssl certs - Build: Add a fillup template for hawk - Integrated puma as a lighttpd replacement (fate#317078) - Moved monitor functionality into a controller - Build: Update spec file
* Thu Feb 19 2015 Update to git#eb17098 - Wizard: Fix incorrect step index display (bnc#889907) - GUI: Refer to peinputs by the full name to avoid confusion with pe-warn files (bnc#917131) - GUI: Handle uncompressed peinput files correctly (bnc#917131) - Restructuring for rails upgrade to version 4.2.0 - Disable forgery protection, else gettext wont work - Added quiet_assets to development - Moved rpm related stuff into subfolder - Misc: Remove references to individual rubygems in the README (rather than trying to keep the list up-to-date) - Build: Update spec file for Rails 4 - Wizard: Detect missing secret key base - Tools: Drop extraneous groups when becoming haclient in hawk_invoke
* Fri Jan 16 2015 Wizard: Clarify netmask format- Wizard: Fix bug in virtual-ip workflow- Wizard: Fix bug in sbd workflow- Wizard: Fix bug in filesystem workflow- Wizard: Fix bugs in SAP workflows
* Fri Jan 09 2015 Wizard: Initial workflow for Oracle DB (fate#318152)- Wizard: Create workflow for creating a Virtual IP resource.- Wizard: Create workflow for creating a filesystem resource.- Wizard: Add initial DRBD workflow- Wizard: Translate crmsh clvm template to hawk wizard- Wizard: Add initial GFS2 wizard- Wizard: Initial workflow for SBD- Wizard: Add initial DB2 HADR wizard (fate#318155)- Wizard: Initial workflow for DB2 (fate#318154)- Wizard: More modern example filesystems- Misc: application_controller: rescue_action_without_handler is deprecated