Changelog for libblockdev-crypto-3.1.0-2.fc40.i686.rpm :

* Thu Jan 25 2024 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.0-2- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jan 19 2024 Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.0-1- tests: Skip some checks for btrfs errors with btrfs-progs 6.6.3 (vtrefny)- Fix missing progress initialization in bd_crypto_luks_add_key (vtrefny)- fs: Report reason for open() and ioctl() failures (tbzatek)- utils: Add expected printf string annotation (tbzatek)- lvm-dbus: Avoid using already-freed memory (tbzatek)- lvm-dbus: Fix leaking error (tbzatek)- python: Add a deepcopy function to our structs (vtrefny)- tests: Remove unreliable nvme attribute checks (tbzatek)- tests: Use BDPluginSpec constructor in LVM DBus plugin tests (vtrefny)- tests: Avoid setting up intermediary loop device for the nvme target (tbzatek)- tests: Default to /tmp for create_sparse_tempfile() (tbzatek)- part: Fix potential double free when getting parttype (vtrefny)- Mark NVDIMM plugin as deprecated since 3.1 (vtrefny)- tests: Remove some obsolete rules to skip tests (vtrefny)- fs: Add support for getting filesystem min size for NTFS and Ext (vtrefny)- fs: Fix allowed UUID for generic mkfs with VFAT (vtrefny)- fs: Add a generic function to check for fs info availability (vtrefny)- fs: Add a function to check label format for F2FS (vtrefny)- swap: Add support for checking label and UUID format (vtrefny)- ci: Remove the custom version command for Packit (vtrefny)- ci: Manually prepare spec file for Packit (vtrefny)- overrides: Remove unused \'sys\' import (vtrefny)- Add BDPluginSpec constructor and use it in plugin_specs_from_names (vtrefny)- Sync spec with downstream (vtrefny)- ci: Add an action to compile libblockdev with different compilers (vtrefny)
* Fri Oct 13 2023 Vojtech Trefny - 3.0.4-1- tests: Fix \"invalid escape sequence \'\\#\'\" warning from Python 3.12 (vtrefny)- tests: Fail early when recompilation fails in library_test (vtrefny)- lvm-dbus: Replace g_critical calls with bd_utils_log_format (vtrefny)- Use log function when calling a plugin function that is not loaded (vtrefny)- logging: Default to DEBUG log level if compiled with --enable-debug (vtrefny)- nvme: Rework memory allocation for device ioctls (tbzatek)- packit: Add configuration for downstream builds (vtrefny)- fs: correct btrfs set label description (jvanderwaa)- fs: Disable progress for ntfsresize (vtrefny)- part: Do not open disk read-write for read only operations (vtrefny)- ci: Bump actions/checkout from v3 to v4 (vtrefny)- plugins: btrfs: use g_autofree where possible for g_free (jvanderwaa)- plugins: use g_autofree for free\'ing g_char\'s (jvanderwaa)- spec: Move obsoleted devel subpackages to libblockdev-devel (vtrefny)- spec: Obsolete vdo plugin packages (vtrefny)
* Wed Sep 06 2023 Vojtech Trefny - 3.0.3-2- Obsolete vdo plugin packages (#2237477)
* Thu Aug 31 2023 Vojtech Trefny - 3.0.3-1- crypto: Correctly convert passphrases from Python to C (vtrefny)- tests: Minor NVMe HostNQN fixes (tbzatek)- nvme: Generate HostID when missing (tbzatek)- Always use \"--fs ignore\" with lvresize (mvollmer)- nvme: Use interim buffer for nvme_get_log_sanitize() (tbzatek)- fs: Fix memory leak (vtrefny)- fs: Fix leaking directories with temporary mounts (vtrefny)- tests: Specificy required versions when importing GLib and BlockDev introspection (biebl)- tests: Replace deprecated unittest assert calls (vtrefny)
* Thu Jul 20 2023 Vojtech Trefny - 3.0.2-1- fs: Avoid excess logging in extract_e2fsck_progress (vtrefny)- loop: Report BD_LOOP_ERROR_DEVICE on empty loop devices (tbzatek)- lib: Silence the missing DEFAULT_CONF_DIR_PATH (tbzatek)- fs: Document that generic functions can mount filesystems (vtrefny)- fs: Use read-only mount where possible for generic FS functions (vtrefny)- docs: Fix test quotation (marecki)- fs: Fix unused error in extract_e2fsck_progress (vtrefny)- Use ntfsinfo instead of ntfscluster for faster bd_fs_ntfs_get_info (amubtdx)- Restrict list of exported symbols via -export-symbols-regex (biebl)- Fix formatting in NEWS.rst (vtrefny)
* Tue Jul 04 2023 Python Maint - 3.0.1-2- Rebuilt for Python 3.12
* Tue Jul 04 2023 Vojtech Trefny - 3.0.1-1- fs: Simplify struct BDFSInfo (tbzatek)- boilerplate_generator: Annotate stub func args as G_GNUC_UNUSED (tbzatek)- crypto: Remove stray struct redefinition (tbzatek)- loop: Remove unused variable (tbzatek)- build: Exit before AC_OUTPUT on error (tbzatek)- loop: define LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE is not defined (giulio.benetti)- Make the conf.d directory versioned (vtrefny)- configure: Fix MAJOR_VER macro (vtrefny)- spec: Add dependency on libblockdev-utils to the s390 plugin (vtrefny)- nvme: Mark private symbols as hidden (tbzatek)- dist: Sync spec with downstream (vtrefny)- misc: Update steps and Dockerfile for Python documentation (vtrefny)- fs: Add missing copy and free functions to the header file (vtrefny)- lvm: Add bd_lvm_segdata_copy/free to the header file (vtrefny)- loop: Remove bd_loop_get_autoclear definition (vtrefny)- lvm: Fix declaration for bd_lvm_vdolvpoolname (vtrefny)- lvm: Make _vglock_start_stop static (vtrefny)- vdo_stats: Remove unused libparted include (vtrefny)
* Thu Jun 29 2023 Python Maint - 3.0-2- Rebuilt for Python 3.12
* Fri Jun 23 2023 Vojtech Trefny - 3.0-1- Libblockdev 3.0 release