Changelog for amarok-debugsource-2.9.75git.20230408T114133~7098c192a6- :

* Thu Mar 14 2024 Christophe Marin - Require a phonon-vlc backend that was built with Qt5
* Tue Feb 20 2024 Christophe Marin - Remove the taglib-extras dependency, it fails to build with taglib 2 and will be dropped.- Add patch to support taglib 2:
* 0001-Use-non-deprecated-TagLib-functions-fix-build-with-T.patch
* Sat Apr 08 2023 Switch from tar_scm to obs_scm- Update to version 2.9.75git.20230408T114133~7098c192a6:
* Do not attempt to re-seed the global QRandomGenerator (boo#1210220)
* Thu Mar 23 2023 Update to version 2.9.75git.20230322T021226~4f7c3aff99:
* Force scheme where KIO copies local files
* cmake: adjust configure file definition position ...
* Edit some NULLs to nullptrs.
* MusicDNSAudioDecoder: add support for ffmpeg 5.0
* Small improvements to de-deprecation changeset.
* Fix remaining cases of iterator problems.
* Fix a crash.
* Require Qt 5.15+
* Cleanup deprecated code.
* cmake: Require C++14
* Shorten onPressAndHold delay
* Enable dragging tracks from the album context applet.
* Add C++ functions for providing selected URL lists.
* Remove Tokens from layout first to avoid bug.
* Fix an old typo causing a missing icon.
* Fix crash when filtering collections.
* Fix path for qca dep
* Use normal KMessageBox method instead of util one
* Mon Nov 14 2022 Update to version 2.9.75git.20221114T020258~457db492b4:
* Use VERSION_LESS to compare versions, not STRLESS
* remove test for ecm version which breaks on 5.100 and just depend on newer ecm version
* Install translations
* Added mandatory AppStream metadata
* Remove CTest/CDash config again
* KDE CI: fix phonon reference
* Use non-deprecated KDEInstallDirs variables
* Complete port away from QTEST_KDEMAIN
* Use more nullptr
* Mark include directories for libraries as SYSTEM
* Port away from deprecated KMessageBox::sorry
* Change org.kde.amarok.desktop in order to use \"true\" instead of \"True\"
* Sat Oct 01 2022 Christophe Giboudeaux - Use FFmpeg 4 to build amarok on Tumbleweed. The FFmpeg 5 port needs more work.
* Wed Sep 21 2022 Christophe Giboudeaux - Don\'t require QtWebEngine unconditionally
* Thu Jun 23 2022 Update to version 2.9.75git.20220614T014846~dc55a00143:
* Mark Amarok as a single main window program- Update translations- Rebase flac_mimetype_bnc671581.diff
* Thu Feb 24 2022 Update to version 2.9.75git.20220224T114455~9300034c57:
* Add DBus service file to actually make it activatable (boo#1200767)
* No need to link to KF5::KIONTLM
* Thu Jan 06 2022 Update to version 2.9.75git.20220102T131246~92aa01de32:
* cmake: drop the recently removed upnpcollection
* Remove upnpcollection plugin
* Add -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII and fix compilation
* Fixed non-resuming playback on startup
* Enable new Gitlab CI
* Add include of algorithm for std::sort and std::stable_sort
* Replace functions deprecated in Qt 5.9 and earlier
* Update Readme
* Wed Sep 08 2021 Update to version 2.9.75git.20210830T182443~10309f00af:
* Set Attributes before constructing the Application
* Port away from KRandom, bump Qt req. ver. to 5.10- Rebase 0001-Work-around-QTBUG-75797-for-openQA.patch- Update translations
* Fri Jul 02 2021 Update to version 2.9.75git.20210626T134054~59b22189f6:
* Scan history of played tracks till find a playble track (kde#438651)
* Prevent Signal from kRichTextEdit during deletion
* Prevent Amarok from stalling if the standard playing mode is used and next (or previous) file does not exist
* Update IRC network
* Drop unused KF5NotifyConfig
* Fix crash when reloading scriptable services
* Replace deprecated toList() with values()
* Add .gitlab-ci.yml
* Drop all the amarok-neon packaging bits
* Fix disambiguation found by gettext 0.21
* Wed Feb 24 2021 Update to version 2.9.70git.20210220T172242~b94c362c1d:
* replace QModelIndex.child to remove deprecated functions from Qt 5.8
* Replace functions deprecated in Qt 5.7 and earlier
* Properly use KLocalizedString for dynamic placeholder replacement
* typo fixes
* Use more secure URL
* Don\'t use deprecated headers
* Add CMake module used by release script
* Bump plugin version to 74 in preparation for 2.9.71
* Add multiplier 2 to the size of generated play-pause button and volume dial pixmaps.
* Smoothen the rendering of play/pause button, volume dial and main toolbar\'s previous and next buttons on scaled UIs- Update translations