Changelog for tmt+all-1.32.1-1.fc39.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Mar 28 2024 Martin Hoyer - 1.32.1- rpm .spec file version bump- Update pytest on c9s when using site-packages
* Wed Mar 27 2024 Martin Hoyer - 1.32.0- Support Alpine Linux `apk` package manager- Update the `reportportal` plugin- Allow `keep-git-metadata` to be used without url- Use `TMT_REPORT_ARTIFACTS_URL` in Polarion report plugin- Prepare dist-git sources using `rpmbuild -bp`- Add support for `zcrypt` to Beaker plugin- Introduce ansible-lint to format ansible files- Add support for linking artifacts from the report- Document test tags and mark beakerlib integration- Clarify that plan context is not applied to plan- Increase the default test `duration` a bit- Update pre-commit checks- Fix typos in the `tmt try` help message examples- Add new environment variable for test iteration identifier- Select no tests if `modified-only` returns nothing (#2761)- Debug output for `discover -h fmf --modified-only`- Finish unit testing of HW transformations in mrack plugin- Run `/plans/install/docs` in core `packit` jobs- Extract \"package manager\" functionality into plugins (#2557)- Allow commands whose output is not logged unless they fail- Move `/tests/run/shell` to `/plans/provision/local`- Include a simple config for the `polarion` plugin- Cover `report/junit` with `pyright`- Implement the new test check `watchdog`- Support `disk.driver` hw requirement for `mrack`- Cover `tmt.hardware` with `pyright` check- Bootstrap unit tests for Beaker XML transformation of HW requirements- Add support for emulated TPM into virtual provision plugin- Set default formatting of Pint units to use symbols, not names (#2736)- Disable IPv6 for /plans/provision/virtual in CI- Add support for `disk.driver` hardware requirement- Remove now unnecessary `NON_KVM_ADDITIONAL_WAIT` from testcloud- Support `disk.model-name` hw requirement for `mrack`- Include `context` in the test `metadata.yaml` file- Pass `domain_configuration` to testcloud\'s `wake()`- Document how to enable verbose/debug logging- Disable password authentication when using keys- Fix /plans/provision/virtual to set correct PROVISION_
* variable- Log the beaker job whiteboard- /usr/sbin/sestatus instead of /usr/bin/sestatus (#2720)- Set acl permissions on the `workdir` root- Extend the `duration` for time-demanding tests- Add support for `disk.model-name` hardware requirement- Move deferred user stories into a separate section- Mark test check tests with more fitting provision tags- Add `Environment` and `FmfContext` among loggable types- Bump supported Artemis API versions to 0.0.69- \"Show default\" flag was dropped from CLI option initialization- Convert environment handling into a dict-like class (#2612)- Enable `additional_coverage` tests for pull requests (#2700)- Add essential requirements to checks- Remove mention about the full test suite from docs- Use the `PROVISION_HOW` variable in `provision` plans (#2688)- Properly detect if test is enabled somewhere- Check for files in `rpm-ostree install` script- Collect test/test check results in test invocation (#2608)- Test the `become` key under `virtual` provision- Introduce \"topology\" addresses for guests (#2670)- Make checks smarter about environments in which they should not run (#2686)- Cover report/display and report/html with pyright (#2682)- Cover `tmt.templates` with `pyright`- Allow custom boot/connect timeouts for testcloud VMs- Underline `try` menu keys- Drop two no longer used methods from prepare step- Enable the full test execution using a label (#2683)- Support URL as post-install-script for Artemis plugin- Fix dmesg check test for recent Fedoras
* Tue Feb 06 2024 Michal Hlavinka - 1.31.0- Simple ReST renderer for CLI help texts (#2574)- Generate plugin documentation from their sources (#2549)- Fix environment from command line updated twice (#2614)- Introduce a new prepare plugin for common features (#2198)- Remove `xfail` for the `multidict` issue on `rawhide`- Prevent catching avc denials from previous tests- Remove an obsolete workaround for `centos-stream-8`- Enable the `/tests/discover/libraries` test (#2222)- Add documentation on tmt & regular expressions- Fix expansion of envvar starting with `AATT` in fmf nodes- Add the `zcrypt` adapter specification- Allow urllib3 2.x- Enable `/plans/provision/virtual` for pull requests (#2558)- Remove the dns failures workaround- Fix reporting of schema errors without the `$id` key- AVC check now saves a timestamp on guest instead of using runner\'s time- Add check to prevent `tmt try` deleting imported libraries- Reduce usage of locks in the `testcloud` plugin- Add support for envvars import and export to Polarion- Use enumeration to implement action handling- Handle the `ctrl-d` shortcut in `tmt try`- Run tests with `interactive` mode during `tmt try`- Fix `tmt import --dry` and Polarion import file name- Document that `name` is supported in `--filter` search (#2637)- Refactor running of interactive commands (#2554)- Create container images from the latest non-dev copr build- Fail `dmesg` check if it contains `Call Trace` or `segfault`- Mention the reboot timeout variable in the release notes- Bump the default reboot timeout to 10 minutes- Allow change of the default reboot timeout via environment variable- Introduce essential requirements- Allow `--update-missing` to change the default `how` value- Document the new `become` feature- Raise an error when loading pre-1.24 `tests.yaml`- Support terminating process running test via its test invocation (#2589)- Fix `egrep` warning in `/plans/install/docs`- Test framework may provide additional test requirements- Improve logging of AVC check plugin and its test- Cleanup logging in `tmt.utils.create_file()`- Drop connection closed messages from test output- Recommend `qemu-kvm-core` for `provision-virtual`- Fix `/tests/plan/import` to not use special ref (#2627)- Improve imported plan modification test to verify the order as well (#2618)- Retry the `git clone` action multiple times- Simplify the debuginfo installation test- Support `` in `mrack` plugin- Support running all or selected steps `--again`- Allow hardware requirements limit acceptable operators- Fix inheritance of some keys in provision step data- Run a callback when command process starts- Add support for hard reboot to Beaker provision plugin- Make collected requires/recommends guest-aware- Copy top level `main.fmf` during testdir pruning- Add support for Artemis API v0.0.67- Add support for `cpu.flag` hardware requirement- Use a different pidfile location for the full test- Clear test invocation data path use and derived paths- Add support for disallowing plugins via command line- Use constraint classes specific for particular value type- Making rhts metric value optional.- Ignore tarballs and generated man page- Cover `tmt.libraries` with `pyright` checks- Parallelize the `provision` step- Let `click` know about the maximal output width- Cover `tmt.identifier` with `pyright` checks- Extend `duration` of `/tests/core/escaping` a bit- Move docs templates into their own directory- Drop no longer needed `tmt.utils.copytree()`- Drop no longer used `tmt.utils.listify()`- Provision plugins use `` instead of `self.get()`- Prepare and finish plugins use instead of self.get()- Fix tmt.utils.format to allow int and float values- Move code-related pages under new `code` directory- Warn on test case not found in Polarion during report- Bump pre-commit linters- When cloning a logger, give it its own copy of labels- Add a `Toolbelt Catalog` entry for `tmt`- Enable the `avc` check for all `tmt` tests- Fix dmesg check test on Fedora rawhide & newer
* Fri Dec 08 2023 Petr Šplíchal - 1.30.0- Make `arch` field unsupported in the spec- Introduce `tty` test attribute to control terminal environment- Ensure the imported plan\'s `enabled` key is respected- Add support for user defined templates (#2519)- Update the common schema for the `check` key- Create a `checks` directory to store avc/dmesg checks- Correctly update environment from importing plan- Implement `tmt try` for interactive sessions- Use a shorter time for `podman stop` (#2480)- Add the `redis` server as a multihost sync example- Improve documentation of test checks- Adjust the format of Polarion test run title- Run all available tests only upon a user request- Rename `name` to `how` in test check specification (#2527)- Link `inheritance` and `elasticity` from the guide- Add the `fips` field for the `polarion` report- Cover `tmt.cli` with `pyright` (#2520)- Custom soft/hard reboot commands for the connect provision plugin- Add `--feeling-safe` for allowing possibly dangerous actions- Update docs for the `polarion` report plugin- Move test-requested reboot handling into test invocation class- Add `-i` to select an image in beaker and artemis- Document how to use `yaml` anchors and aliases- Simplify log decolorizers to support pickleable trees- Add description field to polarion report plugin- Make check plugin class generic over check class (#2502)- Increase verbosity of Artemis provisioning errors- Add more distros to the `mrack` config- Move the `contact` key to the `Core` class- Bump tmt in lint pre-commit check to 1.29.0- Add Python 3.12 to the test matrix- Move `mrack` configs into `tmt+provision-beaker`- Allow running upgrade from the current repository- Fix remote nested library fetch and add test- Cover tmt.options with pyright- Cover tmt.checks, tmt.frameworks and tmt.log with pyright- Cover tmt.result with pyright checks- Store fmf `context` in results for each test- Add networks to the podman provision plugin (#2419)- Add a dedicated exit code when all tests reported `skip` result- Move invocation-related fields out of `Test` class- Remove expected fail from `/tests/pip/install/full`- Convert test execution internals to use \"invocation\" bundle (#2469)- Introduce a separate page `Code` for code docs- Add code documentation generated from docstrings- Fix possible unbound variable after import-under-try- Add `pyright` as a `pre-commit` check- Add a helper for nonconflicting, multihost-safe filenames- Add the `whiteboard` option for `beaker` provision- Support timestamped logging even on the terminal- Enable pyupgrade `UP` ruff rule- Fix `UP035` deprecated-import violations- Fix `UP034` extraneous-parentheses violation- Fix `UP033` lru-cache-with-maxsize-none violations- Fix `UP032` f-string violations- Fix `UP013` convert-typed-dict-functional-to-class- Fix `UP009` utf8-encoding-declaration violations- Fix `UP006` non-pep585-annotation violations- Try several times to build the `become` container (#2467)- Add .py file extension to docs scripts (#2476)- Add a link to the Testing Farm documentation- Use `renku` as the default theme for building docs- Properly normalize the test `path` key- Add an `adjust` example for enabling custom repo- Drop special normalization methods- Disable `dist-git-init` in the `distgit` test (#2463)
* Mon Nov 06 2023 Lukáš Zachar - 1.29.0- Add page `Releases` to highlight important changes- Update and polish hardware requirement docs- Refactor generating of stories and lint check docs- Add support for pruning test directories- Download all sources for `dist-git-source`- Source plan environment variables after `prepare` and `execute` steps- Framework is not consulted on results provided by tmt-report-result- Run scripts with `sudo` when `become` is on- Add `retry` for pulling images in the `podman` plugin- Add hardware schema for GPU- Change the default test pidfile directory to `/var/tmp`- Add `device` key into the `hardware` specification- Update code and test coverage for the `check` key- Document case-insensitive context dimension values- Fix use of the `-name` suffix in system HW requirement- Correct parsing when called as `rhts`- Reconcile HW requirements with virtual\'s own options- Move the `README` content into `docs/overview`- Make `BasePlugin` generic over step data class- Use `UpdatableMessage` for execute/internal progress bar- Drop an empty line from the pull request template- Add `runner` property to run with test runner facts- Export sources of an `fmf` node- Bump pre-commit linters to newer versions- Append the checklist template to new pull requests- Extend tmt-reboot to allow reboot from outside of the test process- Allow optional doc themes- Use consistent style for multiword test names- Show `check` results in the `html` report- Update `where` implementation, docs & test coverage (#2411)- Document difference between key, field and option- Rename multiword keys to use dashes in export and serialization- Allow Path instance to be used when constructing commands- Switch `Logger.print()` to output to stdout- Replace Generator type annotation with Iterator (#2405)- Refactor data container helpers- When merging fmf and CLI, use shared base step data- Fix installing package from the command line- Add support for checks to have their data packages- Switch `tmt.identifier` from using `fmf.log`- Hide test/plan/story internal fields from export- Fix full test suite after recent packaging changes- Update the list of code owners- Include the `fmf` root in the tarball as well
* Wed Oct 11 2023 Petr Šplíchal - 1.28.2- Build man page during the `release` action
* Wed Oct 11 2023 Petr Šplíchal - 1.28.1- Remove the `.dev0` suffix from the spec `Version`
* Fri Oct 06 2023 Petr Šplíchal - 1.28.0- Update the `release` action with `hatch` changes- Fix the multihost web test to work with container- Add `skip` as a supported custom result outcome- Add docs for the new `--update-missing` option- Remove irrelevant mention of `rhel-8` in the spec- Record start/end time & duration of test checks- Add `--update-missing` to update phase fields only when not set by fmf- Add --skip-prepare-verify-ssh and --post-install-script to artemis plugin (#2347)- Force tmt-link pre-commit to use fmf 1.3.0 which brings new features (#2376)- Add logging of applied adjust rules- Handle all context dimension values case insensitive- Hide `OPTIONLESS_FIELDS` from `tmt plan show`- Add context into the `html` report- Display test check results in `display` report output- Fix creation of guest data from plugin options- Allow wider output- Beaker plugin is negating Beaker operators by default- Include link to the data directory in the html report- Teach logging methods to handle common types- Move the copr repository to the `teemtee` group- Add a new `cpu` property `stepping` to hardware- Extract beakerlib phase name to a failure log- Always show the real beaker job id- Create a production copr build for each release- AVC denials check for tests (#2331)- Add nice & colorfull help to \"make\" targets- Include more dependencies in the dev environment- Stop using the `` file- Replace `opt()` for `--dry/--force` with properties- Update build names for copr/main and pull requests- Use `hatch` and `pyproject`, refactor `tmt.spec`- Use dataclass for log record details instead of typed dict- Refactor html report plugin to use existing template rendering- Narrow type of hardware constraint variants- Refactor parameters of `Plan._iter_steps()`- Use `format_value()` instead of `pprint()`- Use the minimal plan to test imported plan execution- Refactor exception rendering to use generators- Add the `export` callback for fields (#2288)- Update a verified-by link for the beaker provision- Multi-string help texts converted to multiline strings- Make the upload to PyPI working again- Hide command event debug logs behind a log topic (#2281)- Replace `pkg_resources` with `importlib.resources`- Wrap `click.Choice` use with `choices` parameter- Lower unnecessary verbosity of podman commands- Move check-related code into `tmt.checks`- Disable `systemd-resolved` to prevent dns failures- Adjust test coverage for deep beakerlib libraries- Document migration from provision.fmf to tmt (#2325)- Remove TBD of initiator context for Packit- Fix output indentation of imported plans- Copr repo with a group owner requires quotes
* Wed Sep 06 2023 Petr Šplíchal - 1.27.0-1- Use `testcloud` domain API v2- Bootstrap before/after test checks (#2210)- Separate value formatting from key/value nature of tmt.utils.format()- Render `link` fields in tmt stories and specs- Render default friendly command for guest execution- Use consistently plural/singular forms in docs- Make file/fmf dependencies hashable- Rewrite git url for discover fmf: modified-only- Refactor Artemis and Beaker provision tests to make room for HW- Adjust imported plan to let its adjust rules make changes- Get Ansible logging on par with general command execution- Support Click versions newer than 8.1.4- Teach tmt test create to link relevant issues (#2273)- Add story describing CLI for multiple phases- When rendering exception, indetation was dropping empty lines- Expose tmt version as an environment variable- Fix handling of integers and hostname in Beaker plugin- Fix bug where polarion component is misinterpreted as list- Refactor recording of CLI subcommand invocations (#2188)- Put `--help` at the end of the CLI in the step usage- Extend the expected `pip install` fail to `f-39`- Make `tmt init` add .fmf directory into git index- Fix guest data show() and how it displays hardware requirements- Add lint check for matching guests, roles and where keys- Add -e/--environment/--environment-files to plan show/export- No more need to install `pre-commit` using `pip`- Ensure that step phases have unique names- Verbose regular expression for linter descriptions- Initial draft of hardware requirement helpers- Simplify the reportportal plugin test using `yq`- Add dynamic ref support to library type dependency- Remove `epel-8` and `python-3.6` specifics- Use the latest `sphinx-rtd-theme` for docs building- Full `pip install` expected to fail on `Rawhide`- Add missing name attribute to report plugins schema- Add missing arguments in polarion report schema- Extend sufficiently the full test suite duration- Add support for log types to Artemis plugin- Fix `tmt run --follow`, add test coverage for it- Remove the temporary hotfix for deep libraries
* Mon Jul 31 2023 Lukáš Zachar - 1.26.0- Do not throw an exception on missing mrack.log- Allow injecting credentials for git clone- Exception in web_link() when node root is missing- Rewrite url in git_clone- Add support for rendering error tracebacks- ReST export plugin should accept --template option- Add `role` to the Beaker provision plugin schema- Fix test checking custom destination for libraries- Create plans to cover individual step features (#2216)- Add cache_property for things that are generated but not often- Simplify public git conversion with a declarative list- Spec-based container becomes generic over input/output specs- Clean up logging in `tmt.utils.create_directory()`- Move test framework code into distinct framework classes- Add template option to polarion report- Group discover/fmf options, improve wording a bit- Record tmt command line in tmt log- Add note about dynamic ref to the plan import spec- Use the `Deprecated` class for deprecated options- Remove `python3-mrack-beaker` from `BuildRequires`- Switch discover/fmf to our field() implementation- Lock the `click` version < 8.1.4- Refine examples of plans > discover > fmf- Override packit actions for `propose_downstream`
* Mon Jul 10 2023 Lukáš Zachar - 1.25.0- Test for pruning needs VM- Internal anonymous git:// access is deprecated- Beakerlibs pruning and merge- Add dynamic ref evaluation support to plan import- Replace self.opt() when looking for debug/verbose/quiet setting- Reimplement the `ReportPortal` plugin using API- Make `Step` class own export of step data (#2040)- Make relevancy/coverage linters to not re-read fmf files- Add a single `tmpdir` fixture for all Python versions- Replace named tuples with data classes- Replace `/` in safe name, and fix prepare step to use safe names- Do not export fmf id\'s ref when it\'s the default branch- Move the sync libraries into a separate section- Allow running next plan in queue when one fails to complete- Fix a too strict check for the detected library- Convert provision plugins\' step data to our field implementation- Convert execute plugins to `tmt.utils.field()` for options- Cache that beakerlib/library repo is missing- Use code-block directive for examples and code blocks- Add the `show()` method for guest data packages- Turn fmf context into a fancy dict- Enable ruff checks for mutable dataclass field defaults- Create option metavar from listed choices- Document how to modify imported plans- Recommend needs a different option for `dnf5`- Ask ruff to show what it fixed- Bumps supported Artemis API to 0.0.58- Use `--version` to gather the package_manager fact- Use f-strings where possible- Bump pre-commit hooks to latest version- Fix ruff RUF010: Use f-strings conversion flags- Fix py<38 mypy type:ignore being on wrong line- Move isort to ruff- Enable passing Pylint checks- Fix ruff RSE102: Unnecessary parentheses on exception- Fix ruff PIE: flake8-pie errors- Remove duplicates from ruff rules selection- Fix ruff SIM: flake8-simplify errors- Fix ruff RET: flake8-return errors- Fix ruff PT: flake8-pytest-style errors- Fix ruff UP: pyupgrade errors- Fix ruff N: pep8-naming errors- Fix ruff RUF005: collection-literal-concatenation- Fix ruff B: flake8-bugbear errors- Fix flake8 C405: unnecessary literal set- Fix flake8 C401: unnecessary generator set- Fix flake8 C416: unnecessary comprehension- Fix flake8 C408: unnecessary collection calls- Polarion report set to UTC timezone- Add `Organize Data` as a new tmt guide chapter- Fix emptiness check of /var/tmp/tmt in /tests/status/base- Allow modification of imported plans- Raise error if malformed test metadata is given- Ensure test with empty custom results ends as an ERROR- Fix /tests/status/base when /var/tmp/tmt is empty- Remove `pytest.ini` from the `Makefile` targets- Bad source path for local libraries file require- Remove useless loop.cycle() from the HTML report- Implement basic filtering for the HTML report- Cleanup of \"logging function\" types- Do not patch verbosity in discover for --fmf-id- Drop enum from HW hypervisor and boot method constraints- Fix enforcement of workdir root in full workdir root test- Narrow type of file & library dependencies- Make web-link test play nicely with custom SSH host config- Use serialization callbacks for last script fields- Save click context in click context object- Add the `envvar` argument to `utils.field()`- Improve structure of the packit config a bit- Update release instructions with simplified steps- Sync changelog when creating downstream release
* Fri Jun 09 2023 Petr Šplíchal - 1.24.1-1- Revert the `Source0` url to the original value- Use correct url for the release archive, fix docs
* Wed Jun 07 2023 Petr Šplíchal - 1.24.0-1- Do not display guest facts when showing a plan- Add new guide/summary for multihost testing- Define a \"plugin registry\" class- Hide `facts` in the `virtual` provision plugin- Cache resolved linters- Improve documentation of lint checks (#2089)- A custom wrapper for options instead of click.option()- Identify incorrect subcommand after a correct one- Remove one extra space between AATT and decorator name- Assign envvars to Polarion report arguments- Expose \"key address\" to normalization callbacks (#1869)- Move export of special test/plan/story fields to their respective classes- Expose guest topology to tests and scripts (#2072)- Enable building downstream release using Packit- Add sections for environment variable groups- Add default envvar to plugin options- Load env TMT_WORKDIR_ROOT when running tmt status (#2087)- Opportunistically use \"selectable\" entry_points.- Explicitly convert tmpdir to str in Move pytest.ini contents to pyproject.toml.- Rename Require
* classes to Dependency
* (#2099)- Expose fmf ID of tests in results- Use the `tmt-lint` pre-commit hook- Turn finish step implementation to queue-based one (#2110)- Convert base classes to data classes (#2080)- Crashed prepare and execute steps propagate all causes- Support exceptions with multiple causes- Make \"needs sudo\" a guest fact (#2096)- Test data path must use safe guest/test names- Support for multi case import from Polarion and Polarion as only source (#2084)- Fix search function in docs- Make tmt test wrapper name unique to avoid race conditions- Change link-polarion argument default to false- Add export plugin for JSON (#2058)- Handle el6 as a legacy os too in virtual provision- Hint beakerlib is old when result parsing fails- Revert \"Fix dry mode handling when running a remote plan\"- Set a new dict instance to the Plan class- Replaces \"common\" object with logger in method hint logging- Parallelize prepare and execute steps- Formalizing guest \"facts\" storage- Support urllib3 2.x and its allowed_methods/method_whitelist- Require setuptools
* Thu May 11 2023 Lukáš Zachar - 1.23.0-1- Add `Artemis` to the `provision` documentation- Add artemis\'s user defined watchdog specification- Add support for require of files and directories- Expose test serial number as an environment variable- Print only failed objects when linting in hook- Refactored metadata linting- Request newer os image and python version for docs- Explore all available plugins only once- Add test start/end timestamps into results- Implement `deprecated` for obsoleted options- Unify results examples in test and plan specification- Convert gitlab private namespace into dist-git url- Shorter Nitrate summary name- Correct the path of Ansible playbook- Refactor logging during plugin discovery, using tmt\'s logging- Improve names and docs around CLI context in Common classes- Fix ruamel.yaml type waivers that mypy sometimes ignores- Drop some no longer valid TODO comments- Replace \'--t\' by \'-t\' when creating a new plan with template- Add a new cpu property `flag` to the hardware spec- Fix duplicate export for Polarion hyperlinks- Option to list locally cached images for testcloud- Log out testcloud version in virtual provision- Use yq instead of grep when testing YAML content- Don\'t use specific addresses in virtual provision- Polish workdir pruning - pathlib transition & logging- Support for fuzzy matching subcommand- Add new link relation `test-script` definition- Remove `group` from the `multihost` specification- Move \"show exception\" code to utils- Add missing support for 0.0.55 and 0.0.48 API- Add type annotations to tmt.steps.STEPS/ACTIONS- Support logging \"topics\" to allow lower unnecessary verbosity- Add support for right-padding of logging labels- Move tools config to `pyproject.toml`, add Ruff- Example to parametrize test selection via envars- Merge run_command() and _run_command() into Install beakerlib into images used in test/full- Don\'t run `ShellCheck` on tests & decrease severity- Support multiline strings for option help texts- Fix tests run only in full testsuite
* Fri Apr 14 2023 Petr Šplíchal - 1.22.0-1- Change help text of the `tmt --root` option- Add support for `results.json` in custom results- Proper support for the test `duration` format- Prepend \'/\' to custom test result name if missing- Document necessary packages for pip install on Ubuntu- Tag cloud resources to `tmt` in Testing Farm- Display guest multihost name even in dry run (#1982)- Pass the `arch` option to the Beaker provider- Use `job-id` instead of `guestname` in Beaker class- Adjust the fix for the default branch handling- Add support to get `ref` under the git worktree- Fix dry mode handling when running a remote plan- Enable the external `polarion` plugin tests- Extract \"run a command\" functionality into a stand-alone helper- Increase minimal severity of `ShellCheck` defects- Display guest full name in `display` plugin report- Push using `sudo rsync` when necessary- Avoid warning from installing tmt as pre-commit- Add test checking repeated test execution results- Freeze the `yq` version to fix `el8` installation- Update the `CODEOWNERS` file with more granularity- Document current workaround for running scripts- Install `beakerlib` before the `ShellCheck`- Rename `Guest.full_name` to `Guest.multihost_name`- Display guest full name in `html` plugin report- Add test for template-based export plugin- Add `kickstart` to the `artemis` provision plugin- Extract just tar files in dist-git-source- Add missing fields to custom results test- Add shell linter `Differential ShellCheck`- Always try to run dhclient in cloud-init in virtual provision- Fix polarion report pruning and add or fix arguments- Run `chcon` only if SELinux fs supported- Require `beaker` provision in `tmt-all`- Adjust the new `mrack` plugin spec, test and plan- Add `beaker` provision plugin using `mrack`- Adjust pip install to always upgrade to the latest- Move `testcloud` url guessing logic out of `tmt`- Hotfix Ubuntu with virtual provision- Detect correct category when export to nitrate- Add an entrypoint for interactive `tmt` sessions- Fix internal handling of the `where` key- Move logging labels to the beginning of lines- Refactor CLI error reporting to improve readability- Remove no longer needed cast around our custom Click context- Display guest full name when showing its details- Add `kickstart` section as a new specification key- Add more controls for output colorization- Rephrase `results.yaml` documentation and examples- Fix `get_bootstrap_logger` name and docstring typo- Expose guest info in results- Enable `root` login and disable default `core` for rhcos- Sanitize plan/test/story names before filtering- Set default user `core` for rhcos in testcloud- Remove no longer used \"err\" parameter of logging methods- testcloud: Raise default limits- Update log key content of results.yaml examples (#1834)- Include guest name in execute phase data paths- Adds \"bootstrap logger\" for logging before CLI options are recognized (#1839)- Export `TMT_TEST_NAME` and `TMT_TEST_METADATA` (#1888)- List supported operators in hardware requirement docs (#1867)- Build tmt usable in inner guests for tests/full- Target test-complement for tests/full- Tag tests which are affected by how=full- Use PROVISION_METHODS in tests- Report individual test results in tests/full- Use Require
* classes for collection & installation of plugin requirements (#1766)- Disable tracebacks if default branch is not found- Assign a data path and serial number to each test in discover (#1876)- Convert log path for results:custom- Allow report result for itself in results:custom- Support to import Makefile having \'\\\\\
\'- Require `pylero` for the `polarion` subpackage- Fix forgotten guest when Artemis provisioning times out- Turn `tests.yaml` into a list of tests- Simplify the `Result` class implementation- Use `Path` instead of `os.path` in export code- Use `Path` when working with logfile path- Fix use of old `os.path.symlink()` in discover/shell- Add /root/.local/bin to PATH on Centos Stream 8 in CI- Install jq/yq for more readable tests in tmt test suite- Fix Common class ignoring other branches of multiple inheritance tree- Use Path instead of os.path in prepare/install plugin- Convert path-like strings to `pathlib.Path` objects- Change `Plugin.go()` to accept logger and extra environment- Artemis API version may contain multiple integers- Add logging `labels` used for prefixing messages- Adds \"full name\" guest property for multihost logging
* Fri Feb 03 2023 Lukáš Zachar - 1.21.0-1- Fix tmt-reboot without custom command- Fix test /discover/libraries- Add serialization callbacks to data class fields- Use own private key for `provision.virtual`- Adds a template-backed export plugin- Polarion export fix component upload bug and upload id first- Convert story ReST export to use a Jinja2 template- Convert export-related code to plugins per format- Do not clone the whole remote plan in dry mode- Hardcode tmt git URL so test won\'t fail for PRs- Add py.typed marker for 3rd party type annotations- Fixes isort 5.10.1 installation issue- Improve logging by `tmt.utils.wait()`- Check packages are installed via debuginfo-install- Always ignore failures for recommended packages- Merge report plugins options into step data fields- Dynamically find the current Fedora release- Suggest using a pull request checklist template- Include a simple Python code among the examples- Apply normalization callback when updating data with CLI input- Bump pre-commit linters - Flake8, Mypy, JSON schema, YAML lint & pygrep- Use base implementation of provision plugin requirements- Relay \'interactive\' value for podman call- Update Fedora versions in `upgrade` tests- Apply `ShellScript` for the custom reboot command- Update the `shell` discover specification- Enable to sync git repo to SUT in `shell` discover- Increase the default `utils.format()` indent a bit- Define pull request Copr build job in Packit config- Decouple logging from objects and base classes- Enable `url` and `ref` as `shell` discover options- Export `TMT_TREE` in other steps as well- Add a new key `system` to the `hardware` spec- Remove default for the dynamic `ref` evaluation- Schema update and test for order in discover step- Merge report plugins options into step data fields- Add a test for hardware schema coverage- Better type annotations of prepare/install scripts- Move `jinja2` require to the main `tmt` package- Define the new context dimension `initiator`- Respect `TMT_WORKDIR_ROOT` variable in `testcloud`- Annotate commands, command line elements and shell scripts- Adjust the `reportportal` plugin implementation- Implement the `reportportal` report plugin- Require the latest `testcloud` package- Define `srpm_build_deps` in the packit config- Include the new web link in verbose `show` mode- Add a clickable web link to test to polarion export- Enhance `Links` to allow checking for any links at all- Drop various guest `wake()` methods in favor of parent class- Catch `SystemExit` during module discovery
* Thu Dec 08 2022 Lukáš Zachar - 1.20.0-1- Do not prune `html` and `junit` reports- Skip extending fmf context if cli context missing- Connect needs is_ready property as well- Cover with pre-commit Python checks- Do not leak \"private\" fields into export- Set guest hostname in testcloud provision- Capture provision error when login is used- Support `TMT_WORKDIR_ROOT` environment variable- Support step data definitions carrying CLI options- Adds flake8 coverage for bin/ directory- Prune irrelevant files during the `finish` step- Add junit plugin schema- Support to import empty key from Makefile- Deleting unsed and duplicite part of finish step- Support absolute paths in HTML reports- Capture exceptions when getting `image_url`- Enable verbose output for `provision` & `prepare`- Add support for Artemis v0.0.47 upcoming release- Remove unused variables- Initial support for passing ssh options from cli- Update specification of the `where` multihost key- Add a simple test demonstrating the upgrade testing- Use custom subclass of click.Context for better annotations- Extend the `duration` for tests using containers- Change common class constructors to use keyword arguments only- Make packit build with the next version- Add basic test coverage for `tmt story export`- Fix export of the story `priority` field- Read source from correct directory if ref is used
* Wed Nov 09 2022 Lukáš Zachar - 1.19.0-1- Protect args in rsync call- Set tree root for the default plan tree as well- Properly set the `tmt` script shebang on `rhel-8`- Use image exists to check for container image- Updates docs with example on `adjust` & `prepare+`- Fix test duration enforcement- Skip missing debuginfo packages in `recommend`- Explicitly document extending the plan environment- Fix ownership of a tmp directory propagated to container- Support fetching remote repo for `shell` discover- Fix default `framework`, remove old execution methods- Add support for Artemis v0.0.46 upcoming release- Handle an fmf fetch error in remote plan clone- Do not truncate `RunError` output in verbose mode- Warn user about data erasing after prepare step- Formalize `data` package passed to the `Result` class- Change order of plugin and guest classes in files- Add `compatible` as a new hardware specification key- Add `tpm` as a new hardware specification key- Move the hardware specification into a separate page- Improve fmf-id processing- Add test for TTY state in test environment- Login after each test using the `--test` parameter- Mention version where important features were added- Handle dist-git-sources for gitlab- Fix getting CentOS via --how virtual- Capture uncaught exceptions when using testcloud- Update the overview of essential classes- When following command line --how, do not iterate over step data- Convert utils\' Run unit tests to class-less tests- Enable variable expansion for dynamic references- Support beaker libraries as recommended packages- Add `SpecBasedContainer.to_minimal_spec()` method (#1637)- Enable context based plan parametrization- Coverage for tests defined under ``- Fix `/tests/run/shell` access permission problem- Add step data classes for provisioning and report- Adjust support for the dynamic `ref` evaluation- Add support for dynamic `ref` evaluation- Add a test for fmf id parsing and normalization- Fix NO_COLOR not being honored by executed command output- Moves common command options into one place- Log full chain of exceptions, not just the first cause- Drop deprecated PluginIndex- Add message to failure tags in junit report- Update the pip installation plan- Remove pointless reimport of tmt.base in discover steps- Do not use f-string as a docstring- Fix use of variable before assignment in `Plan.go`- Fix variable redefinition in `discover/`- Fix guest distro detection, do not throw results away- Fix a typo in `cpu.sockets` hardware requirement- Make links relative for report html- Review all uses of `type: ignore` and link relevant issues- Enhance ClickOptionDecorator type to announce identity- Update `/tests/execute/upgrade/override` duration- Review all uses of `Any` and link relevant issues- Annotate all `cast()` calls with respective issues- Move the `Result` class into a separate file- Unblock mypy\'s follow-import setting- Use set comprehension instead of list-in-set sequence- Use `enumerate()` instead of `range(len())`- Use dict comprehension instead of tuple-in-list-in-dict- Replace two more list comprehensions with generators- Replace GeneralError\'s \"origin\" with Python\'s \"raise from\"- Fix normalization of the `Plan.context` key- Adds a missing import to polarion plugin- Update all linters to their most recent versions- Define CPU HW components with more granularity- Adjust the support for importing remote plans- Add import plan feature and tests- Add type annotations to ``- Fix test depending on ordering of elements in junit XML- Adds type annotations to `tmt` itself- Remove custom yet same implementation of step\'s show()- Make sure `repo_copy` is gone before `make srpm`
* Mon Oct 10 2022 Petr Šplíchal - 1.18.0-1- Fix recommended packages handling for rpm-ostree- Add EFI configuration to the `tmt-reboot` script- Fix adjust for precommit test- Fix provision for coreos image- Emit only non-default keys when constructing a test from `execute`- Add flake8 config file for easier integration with IDEs- Multiple scripts for CLI prepare -h shell- Allow mypy to cover the whole tmt.plugins and tmt.steps- Add typing for `steps/execute/`- Fix name & default value of polarion\'s upload field- Fixes enhancing of environment by local\'s guest implementation- Ignore plan -n when searching for upgrade path- Document & correct use of class conversion methods- Print fmf tree location when schema unit test fails- Custom results implementation- Refactors internal link handling and storage- Allow mypy to cover whole tmt.steps.prepare- Add typing for `steps/execute/`- Use workdir with safe names without special chars- Adjust support for installing remote packages- Support to install package from URL- Make sure short option \'-x\' is covered- Add Polarion as a source for test case import- Print path to the used ssh identity- Add typing for `steps/prepare/`- Use generator instead of list comprehension with any/all- Fixes handling of default of --key in connect plugin- Update test data for the debuginfo install test- Add a helper for importing a member from a module- Fix plan schema to allow custom context dimensions- Allow mypy to cover whole Remove support for the obsoleted `detach` executor- Add typing for `steps/discover/`- Fix importing for pylero- Allow mypy to cover whole tmt.steps.provision- Replace blank \"type: ignore\" with more specific waivers- Use the `SerializableContainer` for plugins\' data- Enhance SerializableContainer with default key value inspection- Moves validation and normalization mixins to utils
* Mon Sep 05 2022 Lukáš Zachar - 1.17.0-1- Unify Polarion case searching- Error out if reboot timeout is exceeded- Initialize workdir thread-safe- Add support for remote playbooks in prepare- Add plan schema for errata and minute plugins- Correct rhts command names in stories file- Print escaped command suitable for manual debugging- Fix report plugin not getting arguments from fmf file- Less eager to disable nitrate case during export- Move `tag` and `tier` to common core attributes- Use `/bin/bash` instead of `/bin/sh` for execute- Reorder step and their base plugin classes- Fix prepare/multihost docs to match implementation- Teach schema validation tests to peek into other trees- Clarify motivation for creating `id` during export- Add link-polarion option and fix link searching bug- Ignore race in last-run symlink creation- Fix polarion tcmscaseid search- Force order of clean operations- Convert status/clean argument to option- Report enabled plans/tests/stories via option- Hint user if \'tmt init\' creates nested root- Require `libvirt-daemon-config-network` as well- Add type annotation for /steps/prepare/ Encapsulate created file within script\'s dataclass- Adds normalization layer to base classes based on fmf- Fixes data class used for local guest creation- Fixes Artemis guest data class link- Making tests/full more usable- Add typing for tmt/steps/provision/ Add typing for tmt/steps/provision/ Add typing for tmt/steps/provision/ Remove unused keys parameter from wake() methods- Adds types describing tmt constructs when as stored in raw fmf data- Typing /steps/provision/ Allow raising an exception on validation errors- Inject logger object to base node classes inheritance- Fixes use of SSH keys in testcloud and connect plugins- Annotate tmt.steps.provision- Ask mypy to show error codes in its messages- Testcloud expects disk and memory to be int- Do not inherit classes from object- Use keyword-only init in base fmf-backed classes- Use decorator to register plugin methods- Demonstrate inheritance on a virtual test example- Add a simple hint how to write user messages- Add typing for `steps/finish/`- Remove unneeded parameters for step load/save (#1428)- Normalize step data to be always stored a list internally- Display test/plan/story name in parametrized schema tests- Allow numbers and booleans to be values of environment- Give a reasonable error for old data format- Add typing for tmt/steps/finish/ add typing for steps/discover/ Adds a fmf node validation layer to core classes (Test/Plan/Story)- Add missing keys `role` and `where` to schemas- Extend plan schema with all known step plugin schemas- Correcting rhts aliases & adding rhts opt.- Adds a generic \"wait for condition\" primitive- Disallow push/pull/execute if guest is unavailable- Rename \"default how\" step attribute to enhance its visibility- Use textwrap.dedent() to unindent docstrings
* Wed Aug 03 2022 Lukáš Zachar - 1.16.0-1- Reboot has to check for boot time- Fix path inside pre-commit test- Cut circular dependency of libraries- Update \'Develop\' section of contribution docs- Precommit hooks to call tmt
* lint- Schema loading helpers- Package schemas in subdirectories too- Implement reboot reconnect timeout configuration- Add missing report specifications/docs- Print result for execute -v- Correct import assumption about script- Ask mypy to check whole package- Fixing the directory name escaping in \'cd\' command- Add polarion report plugin- Add schemas for plans- Write extra-nitrate as soon as possible- Retry git clone without --depth=1 if it failed- Support to lint attribute \'id\'- Do not apply test command filter in upgrade- Fix typing issues- Refactor location and signature of Phase\'s go() method- Simplify abort handling- Backwards compatibility for rstrnt-abort- Add type annotations for tmt/ Add typing for tmt/ add typing for steps/discover/ Convert guest implementations to use serializable container for load/save- Detect plugins by entry_point as well- Add typing for `steps/execute/`- Add typing for `tmt/`- Remove duplicated dist-git-source/dist-git-type- Add typing for `steps/report/`- Add typing for `steps/report/`- add typing for steps/report/ Add typing for steps/report/ tmt-file-submit is a bash script- Add type annotations for tmt/ Backwards compatibility for `rstrnt-report-log`- Support conditional requires with `pip` as well- Remove duplicated short option in tmt lint- Adjust the `rstrnt-report-result` implementation- Backwards compatibility for `rstrnt-report-result`- Set the `1777` permision for `/var/tmp/tmt`- Adjust the fix for the `rpm-ostree` intallation- Fix package installation using `rpm-ostree`- Handle empty fmf file as an empty dictionary- Fix distgit testsuite after tmt packaging change
* Sat Jul 02 2022 Lukáš Zachar - 1.15.0-1- Require fresh testcloud with coreos support- Bad substitution in tmt-reboot- Ignore \"certificate verify failed\" error when handling retries- Cache content of each loaded environment file- Initial polarion support for test export- Fixes names of Artemis API versions- Convert FmfIdType from TypedDict to a dataclass- Add CoreOS support to the testcloud provision- Run containers with root user- Retry getting environment file- Test import --general is default now- Add typing for steps/finish/ Enhance tmt.utils.retry_session with timeout support- Adjust the `rpm-ostree` install implementation- Add support for the `rpm-ostree` package manager- Add `environment-file` to possible Plan keys- Avoid Library url conflict if repo doesn\'t exist- Check changes are pushed before export nitrate- Add typing for Unbundle template from the report.html plugin- Rename `uuid` to `identifier` to prevent conflicts- Use `must` for all mandatory spec requirements- Fail import for packages starting with minus sign- Adds support for newer Artemis API versions- Disable the extra verbose progress in testcloud- Refactor internal executor scripts- Adds \"missing\" imports to help IDEs follow objects- Add typing for steps/ Implement the test `result` attribute- Add typing for plugins/ Detect legacy relevancy during import as well- Implement the new user story key `priority`- Implement new class `SerializableContainer`- Add schema for stories- Add typing for steps/prepare/ Add typing for steps/prepare/ Require fmf >= 1.1.0 (we need validation support)- Package fmf root into the source tarball as well- Add JSON Schema for tests- Exclude namespaced backup in beakerlib- Use --depth=1 when cloning git repos by default- Handle missing nitrate user during export- Removes unused GuestContainer.container_id attribute- Every subpackage must require the main tmt package- Introduce dataclasses as a requirement- Avoid re-using image/instance for different values by testcloud plugin- Add typing for Except nitrate xmlrpc issues during import- Exclude beakerlib\'s backup dir from guest.pull()- Increase `duration` for the reboot-related tests- Several release-related tests and docs adjustments
* Mon Jun 06 2022 Petr Šplíchal - 1.14.0-1- Command \'tmt clean\' should not run rsync at all- Dist-git-source for Discover (fmf, shell)- Adjust the new `id` key implementation- Add a new core key `id` for unique identifiers- Recommend qemu emulators for other architectures- Copy the whole git repo only if necessary- Reveal hidden errors during `testcloud` booting- Use time for timeout handling in Guest.reconnect()- Split `Guest` class to separate SSH-capable guests- Explicitly set the docs language in the config- Kill the running test when rebooting- Extend the reboot timeout to allow system upgrades- Allow selecting tasks directly from upgrade config- Adjust the new `upgrade` execute plugin- Allow specifying command for reboot- Implement upgrade execute plugin- Buildrequire python3-docutils, append plan adjust- Implement `tmt tests export --nitrate --link-runs`- Detect component from general plan during import- Adjust the support for steps in standalone mode- Add results method to ExecutePlugin- Implement a common ancestor for Action and Plugin- Allow abstractly excluding steps from runs- Correctly handle tests --name \'.\' shortcut- Rename WorkdirType to WorkdirArgumentType- Fix workdir parameter type for tmt.utils.Common- Allows importing jira issues as link-relates- Enables mypy coverage for empty-ish Python files- Adds type annotations to tmt.templates- Prevent infinite recursion if --id is set- Enable mypy check for Artemis provision plugin- Adjust provision dry mode propagation, add a test- Introduce new _options attribute to Common class- Add specification for remote plans referencing- Bootstrap type annotations- Execute script should not be used with discover- Add the `arch` key to the hardware specification- Fix pip install instructions- Disable network access when building in copr- Ignore list for dist-git-source- Remove the obsoleted `detach` execute method- Fix login during `execute` and `prepare` step- Import from Makefile with missing build target
* Mon May 02 2022 Petr Šplíchal - 1.13.0-1- Add multiarch support to testcloud provision- Consistent summary for test export --nitrate- Allow dry mode for tests export --nitrate- Add a nice provisioning progress to Artemis plugin- Add support for the `where` keyword to `execute`- Adjust support for export of multiple tests- Add support for exporting multiple tests- Basic multihost test for the httpd web server- Update multihost specification with guest groups- Add a provision plugin for Artemis- Fix exclude option in fmf discover- Reduce the number of execute calls for reboot- Add support for reboot in interactive mode
* Mon Apr 04 2022 Petr Šplíchal - 1.12.0-1- Add a command to setup shell completions- Use /tmp instead of /run/user/ if not available- Use separate examples in the test specification- Add more story examples, simplify examples export- Story.example can hold list of strings- Fix traceback when connect plugin is used without hostname.- Adjust disabled shell expansion in Disable shell expansion in by default- Build `epel9` packages, update install docs- Adjust the full test wrapper and document it- Test which compiles tmt and runs its testsuite- Add --exclude search option- Correct regex for require read from metadata file- Update document for creating virtual environment- Option to export fmf-id from run discover -h fmf- Allow import from restraint\'s metadata file (#1043)- Do not disable building for power arch on Fedora- Update documentation for plan parametrization- Make .vscode ignored by git- Drops basestring and unicode built-ins from utils- Fix timeout behaviour in testcloud plugin- Fixes possible test of None-ish CWD when running a command- Remove workdir only when its defined- Adjust the new `tmt plan export` feature- New feature: tmt plan export