Changelog for
compat-dapl-1.2.5-2.0.7-2.SEL5_2.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon May 26 2008 Eddy Nigg
- Rebuild for StartCom Linux 5.0.x
* Fri Apr 04 2008 Doug Ledford - 2.0.7-2- Need a new brew build in order to get the filelist correct in the errata- Related: bz428197
* Wed Apr 02 2008 Doug Ledford - 2.0.7-1- Update to same dapl versions as OFED 1.3 final bits- Upstream modified dapl-1.2 and dapl-2.0 to coexist, so undo the changes we made in order for them to coexist in our package- Related: bz428197
* Tue Jan 29 2008 Doug Ledford - 2.0.3-3- Make dapl-1.2 and dapl-2.0 devel environments coexist, and make dapl-1.2 the default lib so that unported apps continue to build, and ported apps build properly by adding -L/usr/lib64/dat -ldat to their LDFLAGS.
* Tue Jan 15 2008 Doug Ledford - 2.0.3-2- Import upstream package, gut spec file, copy over dapl spec from openib spec- Merge dapl 1.2 and 2.0 support into a single rpm- Related: bz428197
* Tue Nov 20 2007 Arlin Davis - 2.0.3- DAT/DAPL Version 2.0.3 Release 1
* Tue Oct 30 2007 Arlin Davis - 2.0.2- DAT/DAPL Version 2.0.2 Release 1
* Wed Sep 19 2007 Arlin Davis - 2.0.1-1- OFED 1.3-alpha, co-exist with DAT 1.2 library package.
* Wed Mar 07 2007 Arlin Davis - 2.0.0.pre- Initial release of DAT 2.0 APIs, includes IB extensions