Changelog for anaconda-11.0.5-2.ML5.x86_64.rpm :
* Sat Oct 06 2007 Eddy Nigg - Fix locations for glib2 and gtk2 * Tue Apr 25 2006 Eddy Nigg - Adjust packages for StartCom Linux 5.0.x * Tue Apr 11 2006 Eddy Nigg - Rebuild for StartCom Linux 5.0.x * Tue Mar 14 2006 Paul Nasrat 11.0.5-1- Fix import for rescue mode * Tue Mar 14 2006 Chris Lumens 11.0.4-1- Remove Amharic and Thai from lang-table * Mon Mar 13 2006 Jeremy Katz - 11.0.3-1- Check for none in size test (clumens, #185172)- Fix hard drive install (clumens)- Don\'t clobber network on upgrade (pnasrat, #183203)- Fix some simple syntax errors (#185275)- Allow 128M PE sizes (#185272) * Thu Mar 09 2006 Jeremy Katz - 11.0.2-1- adjust blkid location- don\'t try to download packages being erased (clumens, #184531)- don\'t show group selection on upgrade (pnasrat, #184528)- don\'t make file conflicts kill upgrades (pnasrat, #184461) * Wed Mar 08 2006 Jeremy Katz - 11.0.2-1- error handling on fs label reading (#184412)- add sis190 driver- remove no-longer shipped lvm2-cluster on upgrade (pjones) * Tue Mar 07 2006 Jeremy Katz - 11.0.1-1- Fix text display for rescue CD isolinux- Fix usb-storage not showing up by default (#181739) * Tue Mar 07 2006 Jeremy Katz - 11.0.0-1- Really fix the file contexts on the directories (#182252)- More fixing for Xen kernel naming- Branched, turn off betanag * Mon Mar 06 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.17-1- fix traceback in size check- disable size check on upgrade (clumens, #184112)- try to catch more failures to read repo metadata (clumens)- only do runlevel 5 if graphical install (dcantrel, #184013)- adjust to new xen kernel package naming- add \'vesa\' flag to force the use of the vesa driver- more meaningful error messages on conflicts (pnasrat)- ensure some dirs are labelled correct (#182252) * Fri Mar 03 2006 Paul Nasrat - 10.92.16-1- Support Everything/globs in ks (pnasrat, clumens, #177621)- Allow changes if not enough disk space (clumens, #183878)- Set controlling tty in rescue mode (dcantrel,#182222)- Sort list of languages (dcantrel) * Fri Mar 03 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.15-1- conditional code is now in yum (pnasrat)- sort network devices smarter (clumens, #166842)- select needed fs entries (#183271)- more serbian fixes (#182591) * Tue Feb 28 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.14-1- fix traceback in pkgorder- don\'t display xen - make partitioning type combo wider (dcantrel)- handle Serbian locales properly (#182591) * Mon Feb 27 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.12-1- Dependency whiteout to fix ordering (clumens)- Fix swap on RAID in kickstart (#176537)- Add keymap overrides- Fix segfault with USB CD/DVD drives (#182589) * Fri Feb 24 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.11-1- fix traceback with segv handler (pjones)- various language fixes (dcantrel)- be clearer about askmethod (#182535) * Thu Feb 23 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.10-1- more bogl removal (dcantrel)- make the exception dumping less braindead about things we don\'t want dumped (clumens)- add backtrace handler to anaconda (pjones)- fix warnings with new yum in pkgorder- make conditional packages on deps work (pnasrat)- suppress some warnings (dcantrel)- text mode language fixes (dcantrel) * Thu Feb 23 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.9-1- Fix text mode traceback (dcantrel)- Skip a few more things in traceback dumps- Attempt to fix pkgorder so that we require less CDs for \"normal\" installs * Wed Feb 22 2006 David Cantrell 10.92.8-1- Removed obsolete bogl code (katzj)- Removed unused code in upgrade.py (pnasrat)- Check version and packages to upgrade (pnasrat)- Removed old IDE RAID code from isys (katzj)- Various traceback fixes- Don\'t use underline in device names for hotkeys in bootloader gui (pjones)- Mount /selinux in rescue mode (katzj) * Tue Feb 21 2006 Chris Lumens 10.92.7-1- Give Language a default display_mode (dcantrel)- Get languages that need a default from localeInfo (dcantrel) * Tue Feb 21 2006 Chris Lumens 10.92.6-1- Set a default language on text mode CJK installs (dcantrel, #180417)- Fix case-sensitive matching of devices (notting, #182231)- Be smarter about required media (pnasrat)- Set MTU in the loader (katzj)- Add dev package to remove blacklist (katzj, #181593)- Try to mount device as ext3 in hard drive installs (katzj)- Sanity check unknown package & group names (pnasrat)- Reboot after writing exception dump (#181745)- Confirm in interactive kickstart installs (#181741)- Fix showing kickstart package selection again- Don\'t traceback if we find a %include file that doesn\'t exist yet (#181760)- Skip partitioning if logvol or raid is given in ks (#181806)- Initialize UTC checkbox (#181737) * Tue Feb 14 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.5-1- Fix traceback in language group selection- No remote save traceback button if not network (clumens)- More fixes for minstg2.img (clumens)- Disable next/back while installing packages (dcantrel)- Bump minimum amounts for install, graphical and early swap- Enable Arabic for text mode (notting) * Tue Feb 14 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.4-1- improve globbing for xen guest kernels- Don\'t add a kernel if one is already selected. * Mon Feb 13 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.3-1- Don\'t debug log about missing help text (clumens)- Reduce deps for pkgorder- Updated kickstart docs (clumens) * Mon Feb 13 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.2-1- more x86_64 xen guest fixing * Mon Feb 13 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.1-1- try to fix x86_64 xen guest * Sun Feb 12 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.0-1- Fix length of package name in text install (dcantrel, #180469)- Various minor cleanups- Support conditional packages for langsupport (pnasrat, #178029) * Thu Feb 09 2006 Chris Lumens 10.91.19-1- Fix loader typo. * Thu Feb 09 2006 Chris Lumens 10.91.18-1- Add iscsi support (Patrick Mansfield )- Allow retry if CD image isn\'t found on NFS server (#109051, dcantrel)- Fix location of video modes data files- Add x86_64 kernel-xen-guest (katzj)- Better loader debugging support (katzj) * Wed Feb 08 2006 Paul Nasrat - 10.91.17-1- Handle bind mounts correctly (#160911, dcantrel)- Upgrade package black list and make upgrades work- Disable repo conf for now - loader debuginfo- kickstart - suggest fix (#174597, clumens) * Mon Feb 06 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.16-1- fix writing out instdata for root password, etc (#180310) * Mon Feb 06 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.15-1- Remove debugging code that broke showing the Xen option on the task screen- More sqlite files (#171232)- Fix traceback for new method pirut depends on- Ensure /dev/root exists (Patrick Mansfield)- Force buttonbar on main screen active in congrats (dcantrel, #179924)- Always pass loglevel (dcantrel)- BR libXt-devel (dcantrel)- Don\'t try to make /dev/mapper devs (pjones)- More consistency in dev naming for dmraid (pjones)- Start of iscsi patches (Patrick Mansfield)- Fix pre-existing RAID chunksize reading (#178291) * Fri Feb 03 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.14-1- Handle reiserfs labels (dcantrel, #125939)- Skip more steps in root mode (Jasper Hartline)- Update driver list for current kernels- Don\'t put mapper/ in the swap label (pjones)- Set file contexts on blkid.tab * (pjones)- Increase logical volume label field to 32 chars (dcantrel, #174661)- More exception trimming (clumens)- Fix args to writeConfiguration (clumens, #179928)- Fix format strings in label device, proper max for swap labels (pjones)- Make task definition more dynamic- Add a hack to remove the xen group if we\'re running on xen (#179387) * Thu Feb 02 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.13-1- Speed up timezone screen (clumens)- Make kickstart interactive mode work (clumens)- Fix package selection screen (clumens)- Add sqlite to traceonly to help http/ftp memory usage- Write out repo config (pnasrat)- Fix colors on boot splashes (#178033)- Select lang groups before going to the screen (#178673)- Clean up handling of grub vs no boot loader (#159658) * Thu Feb 02 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.12-1- improves %packages section some more (clumens)- give a better error on kickstart lvm syntax errors (clumens)- display vncconnect error messages (clumens)- make swap labels shorter for cciss (dcantrel, #176074)- Make /dev/root for mkinitrd (#171662)- Use pirut stuff for graphical group selection * Tue Jan 31 2006 Paul Nasrat - 10.91.11-1- Factor some yum stuff into yum- Text Clarification (#178105)- Don\'t use install only pkgs (#179381)- Various dmraid and bootloader fixes (pjones) * Tue Jan 31 2006 Peter Jones - 10.91.10-1- add dmraid device renaming support for kickstart (pjones)- fix paths for expat (clumens)- remove unused functions (clumens) * Mon Jan 30 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.9-1- Skip partition and bootloader screens if requested for textmode (dcantrel, #178739)- Don\'t create /etc/X11/X symlink (dcantrel, #179321)- Add ethiopic fonts- Fix traceback in upgrade examine (clumens)- Free up depsolving storage (pnasrat)- Fix group selection screen that I mistakenly removed (oops)- Remove some dead pieces (pnasrat, katzj) * Thu Jan 26 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.8-1- Remove rpm whiteout (clumens, #178540)- Fix text in upgrade continue button (dcantrel, #178096)- Make %packages in anaconda-ks.cfg shorter (pnasrat)- Fix text-mode drawing (clumens, #178386)- Release notes viewer fixes (dcantrel)- Reset -> reboot (dcantrel, #178566)- Create ia64 images again (prarit, #175632)- Make sure boot loader screen gets skipped (clumens, #178815)- Don\'t ask about VNC in kickstart- Don\'t ask for keyboard under Xen if it fails- Add more basic \"task\" selection screen- Text mode group selection is better now- Remove some dead code- Require squashfs-tools (clumens)- Fix rescue mode (dcantrel)- Don\'t have devices disappear out from under us (Patrick Mansfield) * Fri Jan 20 2006 David Cantrell - 10.91.7-1- Save state when moving back to \"upgrade or install\" window (#178095).- Eject CD when in kickstart and given --eject parameter (clumens, #177554).- Translate combo box and comments (clumens, #178250).- Disable backend debugging mode for writeKS().- Added a PYTHONSTARTUP file to autoload readline, etc. (pjones).- Write %packages section in template kickstart file (clumens, pnasrat). * Wed Jan 18 2006 David Cantrell - 10.91.6-1- i18n fixes (katzj) * Wed Jan 18 2006 David Cantrell - 10.91.5-1- i386 and ppc rescue image script fixes (jkeating)- fix kickstart package deselection (clumens, #177530)- fix header download issues (pnasrat, #177596)- interface improvements on scp exception dialog (clumens, #177738)- rescue image additions (pjones, dcantrell, #155399)- misc kickstart fixes (clumens, #178041, #177519)- fix fetching repo data on http installs (clumens, #178001)- add gdk-pixbuf handler for XPM images (#177994)- timezone screen fixes (clumens, #178140)- add LSI mptsas driver to module-info (#178130)- dmraid fixes for kickstart installs (pjones)- add srAATTLatn to lang-table (katzj, #175611) * Wed Jan 11 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.4-1- Add xen kernels * Wed Jan 11 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.3-1- remove some unneeded bits from the ppc boot.iso to make it smaller- fix some text display (notting, #177537)- Misc kickstart fixes (clumens) * Tue Jan 10 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.2-1- fix hard drive installs (pjones) * Tue Jan 10 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.1-1- more ppc rescue image (jkeating)- actually commit the dmraid fix (pjones) * Mon Jan 09 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.0-1- tweaked selection stuff a little to be the same code as pirut- tweak exception window to have an image and be better sized (dcantrell)- write out RAID device name (clumens)- scroll group list properly (dcantrell)- fix ppc rescue image (jkeating)- dmraid detection fix (pjones) * Fri Jan 06 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.25-1- no srAATTLatn yet since the po files haven\'t been added * Fri Jan 06 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.24-1- move a11y stuff earlier- fix the text mode progress bar (pnasrat, #176367)- fix ppc drive unreadable warnings (#176024)- add serbian locales (#175611)- preserve review checkbox between combo box selections (dcantrell, #176212)- quote ethtool args (#176918)- various spacing cleanups (dcantrell)- a few fixes to the group selector (dcantrell)- don\'t try to make the timezone widget bigger than screen (clumens, #176025)- fix rescue mode traceback (clumens)- fix message wording on package retry (clumens, #155884)- quiet debug spew in anaconda.log (clumens, #171663)- add ppc rescue script from jkeating (#177003) * Tue Dec 20 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.23-1- more pkgorder fixes (pnasrat)- fix some debug spew (notting)- segfaults in the loader should at least give us a stacktrace to work from- fix some padding on the network screen * Mon Dec 19 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.22-1- add more encoding modules to traceonly (clumens, #175853)- Fix text installs (pnasrat, #175773)- Fix for yum API changes (pnasrat)- Don\'t install the smp kernel even if NX is available- Adjust to be more dynamic about colors with syslinux-splash\'s- Use the selected language for default keyboard layout (clumens, #172266)- Better naming for psuedo-filesystems in /etc/fstab (dcantrel, #176149)- Clean up image handling for new graphics- Don\'t do the splashscreen stuff anymore. If the window is too slow to appear, we should fix that instead * Thu Dec 15 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.21-1- fix pkgorder for new group code- fix ub vs usb-storage- remove some redundant code (clumens) * Thu Dec 15 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.20-1- Fixes for new timezone stuff (pnasrat)- Fix transaction sorting (pnasrat)- Enable dmraid by default * Wed Dec 14 2005 Chris Lumens 10.90.19-1- Use system-config-date for timezone selection UI (#155271).- Work on vnc+shell spawning (dcantrell).- Whiteout fixes (pnasrat, katzj).- Progress bar fixes (katzj).- Depsolving speedups (katzj). * Mon Dec 12 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.18-1- Handle monitor configuration in kickstart via \"monitor\" keyword instead of \"xconfig\" consistently (clumens)- Fix joe as nano (#175479)- Try to get hard drive installs working again- First steps towards using ub- Fix depcheck progress bar to actually give progress. * Sun Dec 11 2005 Peter Jones - 10.90.17-1- Full dmraid support. (still disabled by default) * Sat Dec 10 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.16-1- Ensure upgrades to depsolve and remove db locks (pnasrat)- Tweak for improved and sortable groups/categories- Put back basic text-mode package selection (#175443) * Thu Dec 08 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.15-1- Fix various typos in the new group selection code (clumens)- Support bytesPerInode on RAID (Curtis Doty, #175288)- Stub some more for the loader to fix line-drawing chars again- Handle file read failures better (pnasrat)- Initial support for upgrades again (pnasrat)- Minor padding tweaks to the UI * Thu Dec 08 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.14-1- Fix up for moved x locale data- Remove vnc hack now that VNC knows where to look for fonts- Don\'t go to text mode for no mouse (notting)- Update to work with yum 2.5.0 cvs snap- New package selection code- Add new chinese font back now that we\'re using squashfs (#172163)- The return of locale-archive usage * Mon Dec 05 2005 Chris Lumens 10.90.13-1- Reword media check dialog (dcantrell, #174530).- gcc41 compile fixes (pjones).- Add genhomedircon, setfiles, and /etc/shells for selinux. * Thu Dec 01 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.12-1- some release notes viewer fixing (dcantrell)- allow %pre scripts in an %include (clumens, #166100)- fix the squashfs stuff to actually work- hack around slang not initializing utf8 mode so that we have line drawing chars (#174761) * Thu Dec 01 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.11-1- reworded media check prompt (dcantrell, #174472)- let\'s try squashfs... * Wed Nov 30 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.10-1- Don\'t split transactions on not split install types (pnasrat, #174033)- Fix None vs \"\" for vncpasswd in test mode (Patrick Mansfield)- Make release notes viewer as large as the screen (dcantrell)- Allow system-logos instead of fedora-logos for the package name- Try to build SELinux policy so that things work with selinux 2.x policy (#174563) * Tue Nov 29 2005 Chris Lumens 10.90.9-1- Another stab at including email.Utils everywhere (#173169).- Remove unneeded isys.sync calls (pjones).- Fix /dd.ig in initrd (Dan Carpenter).- Report no DNS servers if a hostname used (pnasrat, #168957).- Fix ppc32 from CD (katzj, #174135).- Don\'t look for hdlist when booting CD1 and using FTP/HTTP (katzj).- Fullscreen release notes viewer (dcantrell). * Mon Nov 21 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.8-1- don\'t load pcspkr on ppc to avoid crashes on the g5 * Sun Nov 20 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.7-1- fix backwards whiteout handling (#173738)- fix bug in depsolver which would bring in a package for an already satisfied dep * Sat Nov 19 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.6-1- fix removal of packages to not traceback- fix anaconda.dmraid logging (clumens) * Fri Nov 18 2005 Paul Nasrat - 10.90.5-1- Disable sqlite cache for pkgorder- Fix for new selinux context types (katzj)- vnc parameter handling (clumens)- Add ellipsis (notting) * Thu Nov 17 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.4-1- don\'t traceback on unresolvable deps (#173508)- fix pkg.arch for %packages- another hack for vnc- debug prints to log.debug (#173533) * Thu Nov 17 2005 Paul Nasrat - 10.90.3-1- Add group processing to buildinstall- Add createrepo requires * Thu Nov 17 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.2-1- more pkgorder fixing (clumens)- fix cd installs to not fall into the \"not a real install method\" case :) * Thu Nov 17 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.1-1- add handling for dmraid/nodmraid- fix removals of packages which have already been removed- turn off dmraid by default- fix pkgorder (clumens) * Thu Nov 17 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.0- more tree build fixes- fix group removal - non iso install fixes (clumens)- pkgorder fixing (clumens)- dmraid support (pjones)- crude language support group hack * Wed Nov 16 2005 Chris Lumens Fix indentation. * Wed Nov 16 2005 Paul Nasrat - 10.89.20-1- Restore YumSorter for pkgorder- Single anaconda installer yum class- Switching CD method * Wed Nov 16 2005 Jeremy Katz - be explict about pango-devel being needed * Wed Nov 16 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.19-1- Fix vt switching with modular X- Lots of CD install fixes (clumens, pnasrat)- Clean up exception dump stuff- Some more steps towards dm-raid support (pjones)- Log info messages * Wed Nov 16 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.18-1- remove new chinese font since its too big for cramfs (#172163)- Fix typo in trimpciids (notting)- Don\'t build locale-archive for now since its too big for cramfs * Tue Nov 15 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.17-1- missed an x lib somehow * Tue Nov 15 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.16-1- lots of updates for modular X- allow a shell on tty1 if using vnc- various fixes for cd/install method stuff (pnasrat, clumens, katzj)- install smp kernel if NX present (#172345)- work with multiple videoaliases files (notting) * Tue Nov 15 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.15-1- fix up for new selinux policy * Mon Nov 14 2005 Paul Nasrat 10.89.14-1- Move sorter for CD/pkgorder into yuminstall- Add support for ub devices (katzj) * Mon Nov 14 2005 Paul Nasrat 10.89.13-1- Reinstate image based install methods (excluding hd for now)- Clean up install method classes- device-mapper support (pjones)- Log warning on no network link (katzj)- Clean up error handling for pkgorder (clumens) * Fri Nov 11 2005 Chris Lumens 10.89.12-1- Add buildreq for yum (katzj)- Fix loader log levels (katzj)- Add more libraries for dogtail (katzj) * Thu Nov 10 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.11-1- Fix stdout logging to print stuff (clumens)- Start of some sorting/splitting stuff for CDs (pnasrat) - Make missing modules lower priority- Look for xen devices- Add some of the necessary requirements to try to get dogtail working (#172891) * Thu Nov 10 2005 Chris Lumens 10.89.10-1- Add e2fsprogs-libs to the install images. * Wed Nov 09 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.9-1- Create interface earlier to prevent kickstart traceback (clumens)- Logging fixes, everything should be in the logfile (clumens)- Get rid of help which is irrelevant- Clean up loader log levels * Tue Nov 08 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.8-1- Fix backwards message on upgrade (#172030)- New chinese fonts (#172163)- Don\'t try to update a progress window that\'s already popped (clumens, #172232)- Fix snack deprecation warnings (clumens, #172232)- Get rid of some cruft in traceback dumps (clumens)- Add a method to check for \"real\" consoles, add xen console to the list of weird stuff- Basic support for transaction errors other than tracebacks...- Fix a kickstart traceback for authconfig- Add xenblk and xennet to module-info * Mon Nov 07 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.7-1- More detailed error logging (pnasrat)- Add bnx2 driver (pjones)- Various kickstart fixes (clumens, #172356)- Fix shadow password convert (clumens) * Sat Oct 29 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.6-1- Make char devices slightly later to avoid tracebacks during tree compose- Extract kernel-xen-guest for vmlinuz and initrd in images/xen- Kickstart fix (clumens)- Add some support for xen xvd blockdevs- Select kernel-xen-guest as appropriate- Ensure proper arch of glibc is selected (#171997)- Select all proper multilib parts of a package (#171026) * Fri Oct 28 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.5-1- Another fix for kickstart + help hiding- Fix finding of kernel type- Make synaptics device nodes before X starts (clumens)- Use nofb by default- Add pycairo stuff (clumens)- Set minimum displayed log level to WARNING, everything is still in the logfiles (clumens)- Try to clean up syslog (clumens)- Allow installation of hypervisor + xen host kernel by booing with \'xen0\' on the installer command line- Fix x86_64 traceback * Tue Oct 25 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.4-1- changed the wrong field in lang-table * Tue Oct 25 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.3-1- don\'t do xsetroot anymore- allow retrieving updates.img with updates=(http|ftp)://host/path/to.img (clumens)- some upd-instroot fixes (clumens)- only get yum filelists when needed (pnasrat)- clean up exception scp\'ing (clumens)- don\'t write empty authconfig line (clumens, #171558)- make kickstart errors report line number of error (clumens)- select most appropriate kernel (kernel-smp, etc)- ensure we get a boot loader package installed- minor fix for ia64 image creation- tweaks to backend setup - don\'t have help as visible in the glade file so we don\'t have the pane appear when doing a kickstart install- use pl2 keymap for Polish (3171583)- allow passing product information with env vars to help live cd * Fri Oct 21 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.2-1- fix references to second stage module stuff that caused breakage * Fri Oct 21 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.1-1- fix for mkcramfs -> mkfs.cramfs- Use minstg2.img instead of netstg2.img/hdstg2.img in the loader * Fri Oct 21 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.0-1- Fix SELinux policy loading (clumens)- Fix translation import for kickstart (laroche)- Add yumcache (pnasrat)- Upgrade blacklisting (pnasrat)- Clean up exception copying (clumens)- Improve text mode exception dialog too (clumens)- Don\'t allow bootable partitions on XFS- Some speed improvements, progress bars, etc for package stuff (pnasrat)- Clean up image creation, move all modules to initrd.img. * Sat Oct 15 2005 Jeremy Katz - fix typo causing traceback (pnasrat)- Create character device nodes to fix synaptics (clumens) * Thu Oct 13 2005 Jeremy Katz - Handle missing metadata (pnasrat)- Give indication of kickstarts scriptlets running (#170017)- Fix a traceback with RAID (#170189)- Fix an FTP install traceback (#170428)- Clean up floppy stuff (clumens)- Clean up some warnings (clumens)- Make IDE device node creation cleaner- Change location of modes data files * Tue Oct 11 2005 Chris Lumens Fix requirements for s390, s390x, ppc64.- Fix typo in scripts/upd-instroot. * Sat Oct 08 2005 Chris Lumens Deal with new load_policy. (katzj)- Create an SELinux config. (katzj)- Use rhpxl instead of rhpl for X configuration.- Use pykickstart. * Thu Oct 06 2005 Chris Lumens Add yuminstall (katzj, #169228)- Skip bootloader screen unless modifying partitions (katzj, #169817)- Don\'t skip manual partitioning on custom (katzj, #169001)- Partitioning UI fixes (katzj)- Don\'t overwrite empty strings in ksdata with None.- Move kickstart file handling into pykickstart package.- Kickstart LVM and RAID partitioning fixes. * Sat Oct 01 2005 Chris Lumens More kickstart script fixes. * Wed Sep 28 2005 Chris Lumens kickstart script fixes * Sun Sep 25 2005 Jeremy Katz - single ppc boot images stuff from dwmw2 (pnasrat, #166625)- ppc netboot stuff from dwmw2 (pnasrat, #165239)- fix some of the yum backend for yum changes- Add a button to the traceback dialog to allow saving via scp (clumens)- Don\'t load the parallel port module (#169135)- Fix group deselection to not remove everything- Move repo setup and group selection earlier (pnasrat) * Wed Sep 21 2005 Jeremy Katz - Some kickstart %packages fixes (clumens)- Don\'t copy null bytes into syslog (clumens)- New exception dialog (clumens)- Fix a traceback (pnasrat)- FTP/HTTP installation might now work (pnasrat)- Very basic group selection in the UI * Tue Sep 20 2005 Jeremy Katz - fix a silly typo that would cause tracebacks- Look for help in /tmp/updates too (#168155)- Add skge driver (#168590)- Some fixes to hopefully get x86_64 trees working * Sat Sep 17 2005 Jeremy Katz - Fix segfaults with nfs mounting- Start of url install methods (pnasrat)- Basic package/group selection is back in kickstart- Macro magic fixups- Use onboot by default for network devices in kickstart * Fri Sep 16 2005 Jeremy Katz - Run pre scripts for kickstart (clumens)- Another tree fix- Handle NULL for device->driver from kudzu (notting)- Clean up internal mount stuff to be more extend-able * Thu Sep 15 2005 Jeremy Katz - Fix runlevel setting (pnasrat)- More dead stuff fixing. * Wed Sep 14 2005 Jeremy Katz - Fix pcmcia import traceback- Some more kickstart fixing (clumens)- Make SELinux/firewall defaults be done by the objects, not in the UI - This fixes booting with selinux=0, policy load failure, etc- Allow sparse updates.img with yum, urlgrabber and rpmUtils too- Some dead code removal- PCMCIA for the loader again (notting)- install.log tweaking * Tue Sep 13 2005 Jeremy Katz - Add back genhdlist to try to fix multiarch composes (pnasrat)- Really fix disabling of upgrades- Some typo fixes for X configuration and post-install config- Remove some dead code related to boot disks, using fdisk/fdasd, X configuration, pcmcia- Move ppc X stuff to rhpl (clumens)- Fix some kickstart stuff (clumens)- Fix RPM logging output -> the log file- Use gtkhtml2 for release notes * Sat Sep 10 2005 Jeremy Katz - more X fixage- build against new kudzu that doesn\'t segfault :) * Sat Sep 10 2005 Jeremy Katz - More typo fixes (notting)- Fix rhpl requires * Sat Sep 10 2005 Jeremy Katz - Fix typo that broke image building.- Start of getting post-install stuff working (pnasrat) * Sat Sep 10 2005 Chris Lumens logging fix when running in test mode * Sat Sep 10 2005 Bill Nottingham adapt to new X driver model in kudzu and associated rhpl changes- pcitable/modules.pcimap/modules.usbmap are no longer used in probing; remove support for them and add modules.alias usage- Turn off help (katzj)- Kickstart fixes (clumens) * Thu Sep 08 2005 Paul Nasrat yum backend selinux file_context - Start using new kickstart code (clumens)- Error handling and messages for kickstart (clumens)- Partitioning kickstart fixups (clumens) * Fri Sep 02 2005 Paul Nasrat Yum backend work (macro support, whitelist)- qla2100 (katzj, #167065)- Kickstart Parser (clumens)- authconfig handling changes (clumens)- Autopartitiong Traceback fix (katzj) * Sat Aug 27 2005 Jeremy Katz - More work from pnasrat on getting the yum backend working- Don\'t set some irrelevant network TYPE= (#136188, #157193)- New and improved autopartitioning screen * Sat Aug 20 2005 Paul Nasrat Working towards new backend architecture * Fri Aug 19 2005 Chris Lumens Rebuild for new cairo.- Add support for ksdevice=bootif (Alex Kiernan, #166135).- Fix /dev/tty3 logging problems.- Add support for Pegasos machines (dwmw2, #166103).- Switch to Sazanami font (#166045).- Fix for autopart not in lvm (msw). * Tue Aug 16 2005 Chris Lumens Remove dead --ignoredeps code (katzj, #165224).- New logging system with log levels and remote logging capabilities.- Fix typo in network code (pnasrat, #165934).- Fix buffer overrun in md5sum code (Dustin Kirkland).- Add mptspi and mptfc drivers (katzj).- Timestamp fixes (dgregor, #163875). * Fri Jul 22 2005 Chris Lumens Remove firewall configuration screen. Open SSH by default and set SELinux to enforced. * Thu Jul 21 2005 Paul Nasrat Ensure boot flag only on correct partition on pmac (#157245)- Plug in yum for nfs:/ by default- Include sungem_phy for pmac * Thu Jul 14 2005 Chris Lumens Fix pygtk bug on progress bars.- Bump ia64 boot.img size (katzj, #162801).- Fix for clearpart --none (katzj, #162445).- yum dependancy fixes (pnasrat).- name.arch fix for kickstart (pnasrat).- Fix multiple NICs in kickstart config files (#158556). * Fri Jul 08 2005 Paul Nasrat Select kernel-devel (katzj #160533)- Fixups for ia64 images from prarit (katzj #162072)- Include yum libraries in stage2- Remove gzread.py (clumens) * Thu Jun 30 2005 Chris Lumens Mount \"auto\" filesystems on upgrade (#160986).- Add cairo for new pango/gtk (katzj).- Delete labels on swap and ext3 partitions before formatting.- Remove langsupport keyword from kickstart. * Tue Jun 21 2005 Bill Nottingham - fix genhdlist * Sat Jun 18 2005 Jeremy Katz - Fix release notes for ftp installs (#160262)- Fix fd leak in edd support (Jon Burgess, #160693)- Fix typo breaking pseries console (pnasrat, #160573)- Allow ignoring packages without specifying the arch (clumens, #160209)- Add gpart (clumens, #55532)- Some warning fixes.- Use full bterm font if available (#159505)- Fix quoting of pvs in anaconda-ks.cfg (#159193)- Fix segfault on upgrades- String tweaks (clumens, #159044, #156408)- Don\'t traceback on preexisting RAID (clumens, #159079, #159182)- Fix display size of PVs (clumens, #158696)- Don\'t consider drives without free space for partitions (pjones)- Langsupport fixes (clumens, #154572, #158389)- Hack around usb-storage slowness at finding devices that leads to the reload not occurring- Handle FC3 swap label format and convert to right format (#158195)- Only set things up to change the default kernel if we\'re booting us (#158195)- Fix deps on upgrades (#157754)- Try to keep install screen from moving with length of strings- Fix autopart problem leaving some freespace the size of where you started your partition growing- Allow excluding name.arch in kickstart (Dave Lehman, #158370)- Don\'t spew an error if essid or wepkey isn\'t set (#158223)- Add megaraid and other new drivers (#157420) - Left pad RAID uuid (clumens, #136051)- synaptics tweak (pnasrat)- Fix telnetd to use devpts instead of legacy ptys (#124248) * Fri May 20 2005 Jeremy Katz - Handle longer arch strings (notting)- Fix traceback in network screen (#158134)- Include synaptics for X config (pnasrat)- Magic boot for mac vs mac64 on disc1/dvd (pnasrat)- Bump point at which we use graphical stage2 for http/ftp (#157274)- Use uuid in mdadm.conf, stop using copy of md.h (#136051)- Support deletion of bootloader entries in text mode (#125358)- Support RAID /boot on pSeries along with handling of multiple PReP partitions (Dustin Kirkland) * Wed May 18 2005 Jeremy Katz - add arch to buildstamp (notting, #151927)- Fix am.po format strings * Wed May 18 2005 Jeremy Katz - Fix execcon used for anaconda (pjones)- Fix traceback on tui netstg2.img install (#157709)- Fix various splittree bugs (clumens, #157722, #157721, #157723)- Blacklist perl.i386 on x86_64 to be removed on upgrade (pnasrat, #156658)- Fix drive sorting (clumens)- Remove %installclass support for kickstart since it\'s never worked (#149690)- Fix name.arch in packages (pnasrat)- Remove bogus pre-existing RAID info on kickstart installs (clumens, #88359)- Pretend to have nano in the rescue environment- Don\'t load stage2.img into RAM for rescue mode if booted with \'linux text\' (#155398) * Fri May 06 2005 Jeremy Katz - and fix pkgorder for the gfs stuff * Fri May 06 2005 Jeremy Katz - Better handling of the langsupport group (clumens)- Don\'t install the gfs stuff for all kernel variants, that brings in kernel-smp on an everything install (#156849)- Don\'t grow a partition beyond the largest freespace on a drive- HFS+ support- Pull in more selinux policy files to try to get /home labeled right- Fix typo causing segfault (pnasrat) * Wed May 04 2005 Jeremy Katz - Try to use the fb res on pmac- Always reset terminal attrs on ppc (notting, #156411)- Remove bogus preexisting LVM info when doing kickstart installs (clumens, #156283) * Tue May 03 2005 Jeremy Katz - Beep on CD insertion, not after- Fix language support selection (clumens)- Fix nfsiso (clumens)- Misc X config fixes for ppc. Boot with \"usefbx\" to use fbdev instead again (#149188) * Fri Apr 29 2005 Jeremy Katz - Fix bind mounts (clumens, #151458)- Fix hard drive installs (clumens)- Re-add bluecurve icons- Attempt to fix Chinese * Fri Apr 29 2005 Peter Jones - Fix mediacheck calls from cdinstall.c, and make mediacheck.c include its own header so typechecking works. * Thu Apr 28 2005 Jeremy Katz - Don\'t spam about package downloads in cmdline mode (#155250)- Apply jnovy\'s patch to fix space calculations for > 2 TB devices (#155709)- Set default font for CJK better (clumens, #156052)- Add --label for part in kickstart (clumens, #79832)- Ensure decimal IP addrs (#156088)- Apply patch from Joe Pruett for rpmarch= fixes (#101971)- Don\'t set SUPPORTED unnecessarily (#115847)- Give more room for cyl #s (#119767)- Bump size of diskboot.img- Add back button for required media message (#114770)- Fix lvs showing up with a mountpoint of 0 (#153965)- Nuke some debug code- Don\'t try to unmount (tmpfs) /dev- Write a minimal mtab to avoid fsck/mount complaints (pjones) * Thu Apr 28 2005 Jeremy Katz - Only select kernel-smp that matches the arch of kernel (#149618)- Apply the read of Dustin Kirkland\'s checkpoint fragment sum patch- Fix order of retry/reboot (#155884)- Probe macio (pnasrat, #154846) * Wed Apr 27 2005 Chris Lumens Beep at CD prompt and on install completion (katzj, #109264, #116681).- Add kernel-smp-devel and kernel-hugemem-devel to exclude list (katzj).- Fix buffer overflow when CD/DVD images are several directories deep (#154715).- Fix media check (pjones).- Set language on CD and no pass installs (#149688).- Fix disappearing button bar (#151837).- Upgrade PReP on iSeries (pnasrat). * Fri Apr 22 2005 Chris Lumens Allow mediacheck in kickstart (katzj, #116429)- Check for a drive being selected in autopart (katzj, #124296)- Fix traceback in language selection screen (#155103)- Mark \"Downloading\" for translation (katzj, #155214)- Applied Dustin Kirkland\'s checkpoint fragment sum patch for mediacheck.- Make anaconda-ks.cfg ro (pnasrat)- Ensure there are <= 27 RAID members (katzj, #155509)- Fix fsoptions for preexisting partitions in kickstart (#97560). * Sat Apr 16 2005 Chris Lumens Decode source URL for writing to anaconda-ks.cfg (#154149).- Add kernel-xen?-devel to the exclude list (katzj, #154819).- Fix text wrapping (#153071, #154786).- Various UI fixes.- Select language packages for all selected languages (#153748, #154181). * Thu Apr 14 2005 Peter Jones - revert last week\'s nptl hack in upd-instroot * Thu Apr 14 2005 Peter Jones - Cut summaries off to avoid layout problems (katzj, #154459)- Add script to update loader in initrd (katzj)- Typo fixes in upgrade.py (katzj, #154522)- Fix rescue mode network enabling (katz, #153961)- Add libaudit to the graphical stage2 file list, for Xorg- Various language fixes (clumens, #152404) * Tue Apr 12 2005 Peter Jones - Typo fixes in gui.py (menthos, #154324)- Don\'t try to do early swap in test mode, and use yesno not okcancel (msw)- If the install language is an unknown locale, use en_US.UTF_8- Fix upgrade to make devices available in the changeroot * Fri Apr 08 2005 Peter Jones - put ncurses in the net images, too.- (notting) put redhat-artwork in the GR images. * Fri Apr 08 2005 Peter Jones - put readline in the net images- fix linxuthreads warnings in upd-instroot- (clumens) fix build-locale-archive * Thu Apr 07 2005 Elliot Lee - Deal with GUI-mode language traceback * Thu Apr 07 2005 Elliot Lee - Deal with text-mode language traceback- (clumens) Don\'t set SYSFONTACM * Thu Apr 07 2005 Peter Jones - Don\'t remove libraries in stage2 that don\'t match the one from linuxthreads/ * Wed Apr 06 2005 Peter Jones - Use linuxthreads libraries even if they\'re not the default, unless explicitly told to use nptl * Wed Apr 06 2005 Chris Lumens - Make sure $LANG is set right for the second stage.- Fix kickstart traceback trying to skip a nonexistant step.- Import encodings.idna (sopwith, #153754).- Fix image building problems.- Fix kickstart traceback when using shortened forms of language names (#153656). * Tue Apr 05 2005 Chris Lumens - Add locale information for \'C\' to fix RPM building. * Sun Apr 03 2005 Jeremy Katz - fix makefile deps to fix build * Sat Apr 02 2005 Chris Lumens - Set default language for /etc/sysconfig/i18n (#149688).- Make sure hostname option isn\'t greyed out if using static IP (#149116).- Remove unused packages, python library bits, and locale info (katzj).- Add missing Indic font packages (katzj).- Various language fixups. * Thu Mar 31 2005 Jeremy Katz - try not using maxcpus=1 for arches which still had it- don\'t use the reserved variable name str (sopwith)- various language fixups (clumens) * Wed Mar 30 2005 Jeremy Katz - tree build fix * Wed Mar 30 2005 Jeremy Katz - dead files can\'t really be installed (aka, fix the build) * Wed Mar 30 2005 Chris Lumens - Adjust pcmcia module loading for new in-kernel ds (pjones, #151235)- Make the rescue images identify which arch they\'re for (pjones, #151501)- Delete LV snapshots before the parent LV (pjones, #151524)- Check various forms of a language nick.- Allow setting MTU on the command line (katzj, #151789)- Remove dead code in config file handling and sparc booting (katzj)- Product name and path simplification (katzj)- Fixes for lang-table format change (katzj, clumens) * Fri Mar 25 2005 Bill Nottingham - fix typo in partedUtils.py * Thu Mar 24 2005 Jeremy Katz - Switch theme to clearlooks- Add new Solaris partition id- Mark some more strings for translation- Fix xfs fs creation (Lars Hamann, #151378) * Wed Mar 23 2005 Chris Lumens - Add libgcc for images.- Rewrite language handling.- Fix readImageFromFile deprecation warning (katzj).- Don\'t hide groups which just have metapkgs (katzj, #149182).- Load SELinux booleans (katzj, #151896). * Tue Mar 22 2005 Chris Lumens - Try harder on the libstdc++ include.- Fix /etc/resolv.conf fir interactive kickstart installs (#151472). * Mon Mar 21 2005 Jeremy Katz - Fix beta nag translation- Fix button growing (clumens, #151208)- Add libstdc++ for images (clumens)- Clean up congrats screen (clumens, #149526)- Fix CD ejecting in loader (pnasrat, #151232)- Exclude Xen kernels from everything install (#151490)- Add reserve_size for ppc to leave room on disc1 (#151234)- Add some more locales * Mon Mar 14 2005 Jeremy Katz - fix swap detection on upgrade (pjones)- don\'t use os.read to make a buffer of \'\\x00\' (pjones)- move availRaidLevels to raid.py from fsset.py (pjones)- fix Xvnc parameters (clumens, #150498)- unmount loopback-mounted ISO images to free loop0 (clumens, #150887)- fix warnings about gtk.TRUE and gtk.FALSE, partly based on a patch from Colin Charles. (pjones)- sqlite3->sqlite (pnasrat)- support longer package names in hdlist (pnasrat, #146820)- Fix handling of --debug (Ingo Pakleppa, #150920, #150925)- Fix for font location changes (#150889)- More cjk text shuffling (#149039) * Mon Mar 07 2005 Peter Jones - supress lvm fd warning messages- fewer log messages when growing partitions- clamp LVs to pesize during grow * Mon Mar 07 2005 Jeremy Katz - urlgrabber stuff is in its own package now * Sun Mar 06 2005 Peter Jones - Empty blacklist in upgrade.py (notting, #142893)- Add new font package names (katzj)- Yet another fix of autopart with lvm (pjones) * Tue Mar 01 2005 Peter Jones - gcc4 fixes (clumens, pjones)- build C files with -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 (pjones) * Mon Feb 28 2005 Chris Lumens - - Don\'t write out filesystems to fstab we haven\'t mounted (katzj, #149091).- Deal with multiple Apple Bootstrap partitions (pnasrat).- Set hostname sensitivity UI bug.- Eject CD when failing (pnasrat, #147272).- Better handling of Apple Bootstrap throughout (pjones).- Do ethtool setup everywhere (pnasrat, #145522).- Fix \"debug\" command line arg (pjones).- Import new libkrb5support library (#149856).- Add -once to ensure Xvnc exits (katzj, #137337). * Sun Feb 20 2005 Jeremy Katz - revert some of the ppc changes so that lvm is used (nasrat)- Try to fix bogl stuff some more (#149039)- x86_64 install fixes (#149040) * Sun Feb 20 2005 Peter Jones - get rid of lilo- make grub work with raid1 /boot and /root * Sat Feb 19 2005 Paul Nasrat - Pull in translations- s390 linuxrc silence nonexistant group warnings (karsten)- ppc mac autopartitioning and G5 boot.iso (#121266) and (#149081) * Sat Feb 12 2005 Jeremy Katz - fix x86_64 installs for bad urlgrabber import- Fix traceback with no %post (clumens)- Put hostname in the text entry (clumens, #132826) * Tue Feb 08 2005 Jeremy Katz - Remove some old cruft- Fix-up for new module naming in gnome-python2-canvas 2.9.x - Add needed requirements for rpm 4.4- Fix segfault when rpm tries to write to non-existent fd during transaction ordering- Support --erroronfail as an option for %pre/%post (clumens, #124386) * Tue Feb 08 2005 Jeremy Katz - Use rhpl.archscore to fix iseries upgrades (pnasrat, #146915)- Only configure ksdevice if no --device (pnasrat, #138852)- Don\'t redraw help if disasbled on next button click (clumens, #145691)- Fix exception in exception handler (msw)- Rebuild for new librpm * Fri Feb 04 2005 Chris Lumens - Support setting fs options in kickstart via --fsoptions (#97560)- Fix tracebacks * Wed Feb 02 2005 Jeremy Katz - Fix some bugs in the reduce-font changes- Fix urlgrabber import- Remove langsupport screen, base additional language support off of groups selected * Wed Feb 02 2005 Jeremy Katz - Fix deprecation warnings for pygtk 2.5 (clumens)- Fix bootloader --location=none (clumens, #146448)- Use urlgrabber (clumens)- Create reduced bogl font at upd-instroot time to include more characters (#92146, #140208)- Allow passing --src-discs=0 to get no srpm discs from splittree (based on patch from Armijn Hemel, #119070)- Mount pseudo-fs\'s with a more descriptive device name (#136820)- Minor tweaks to completion message (#138688) * Tue Jan 25 2005 Peter Jones - Hopefully fix LVM size bug (#145183)- Support multiple iso sets in the same directory (#146053) * Wed Jan 19 2005 Chris Lumens - - Fix partitioning bugs (#101432, #137119)- Support --bytes-per-inode on a per-partition basis (#57550) * Thu Jan 13 2005 Jeremy Katz - Fix some tracebacks with the new glade code- Use busybox ash instead of ash for netstg2.img/hdstg2.img- Initialize terminals to avoid color palette change from bterm (pjones, #137849) * Thu Jan 13 2005 Jeremy Katz - Handle /sbin/lvm not existing anymore- Allow installclasses to turn off showing the upgrade option- Ensure that Core exists in your comps file (#143930)- Don\'t fall back to text mode if we fail to start graphics in test mode- Display better error messages for HTTP/FTP errors (clumens, #144546)- Switch main UI to use glade, set up infrastructure for use of glade- Remove some old code- Add buildprereq for intltool (fixed for b.g.o 163981) * Wed Jan 05 2005 Jeremy Katz - Fix some typos (#143257, #144006)- Fix from Matthew Miller for multiple dns servers (#84409)- Fix formatting of fcp disks (#144199)- Include a README for x86_64 images (clumens, #143366)- Make an x86_64 rescue image (clumens, #143366)- Add libXfixes for new gtk2 * Thu Dec 23 2004 Jeremy Katz - Use tmpfs not ramfs for /dev- Blacklist \"root\" as a VG name (#142785)- Better error message if swap can\'t be mounted (clumens, #143000)- Some fixes to the new /dev handling in init- Make more certain hwaddr gets written out (#143535)- Handle new swap label format (#143447)- Let the user know they\'re in rescue mode earlier (clumens, #136171) * Mon Dec 20 2004 Jeremy Katz - Better error handling on device creation (#142273)- Reset package selection to defaults if selected (#142415)- LVM on RAID1 fix (nasrat, #141781)- Add support for biosdev in driverdisk from Rez Kabir (#142738)- Some more SX8 fixes- Create /dev as a tmpfs (#141570)- Remove some old code- Improve quoting of fstype in anaconda-ks.cfg (Danen Brücker) * Wed Dec 08 2004 Jeremy Katz - Write out wepkey better (#140645)- Try to skip source isos with nfsiso (#106017)- Don\'t traceback for bad/missing / in fstab (nasrat, #141174)- Include pesize in generated ks.cfg (#141370)- Loop less on shutdown- Better handling of partial volume groups (#139058) * Tue Nov 30 2004 Jeremy Katz - CTCPROT fix (karsten, #133088)- Fix LVM partitions becoming negative sized (nasrat, #141268)- Fix removal/editing of zfcp devices in gui (#140559)- Fix segfault (#140541, #140876)- Fix handling of pre-existing parts on disks that we then ignore (#131333) * Tue Nov 23 2004 Jeremy Katz - Update python version in urllib hack- /init in initramfs instead of /linuxrc- Improved ppc console detection (nasrat, #134397)- Better handling of going back when out of space (#133773)- Better handling of LVM failures (#134263)- Set a default when boot loader to upgrade is indeterminate (#139603)- No more diet on i386 * Tue Nov 16 2004 Jeremy Katz - Create initramfs images instead of initrds for boot media- Remove some old code in a few places- Allow passing --notksdevice in network lines of a ks.cfg to avoid confusion with multiple network lines and a ksdevice= (#136903)- Allow going back to change the network device if ksdevice= is passed and isn\'t correct (#136903)- Fix for console= to automatically imply serial as needed (#137971) * Mon Nov 15 2004 Jeremy Katz - Do some more unmounts if we run out of space (#133773)- Fix for obsoletes E being long (nasrat, #138485)- Make serial imply nofb (#134167)- Set fstype to vfat if user selected /boot/efi in the mountpoint dropdown (#138580)- Copy the X log to the installed system- Add fix from HJ Lu to fix hang with no bootloader install (#138932)- Fix splittree error msg (nasrat, #139391)- Ignore IBM *STMF disks (#137920) * Mon Nov 08 2004 Jeremy Katz - whrandom is deprecated in python 2.4, use random instead- fix some syntax errors- fallback to English for languages that can\'t do text-mode (#138308)- More CTCPROT/PORTNAME tweaks (karsten) * Sun Nov 07 2004 Jeremy Katz - Switch to python 2.4- Clean up warning on network screen from pygtk- Parse pxelinux IPAPPEND for loader network info, patch from Bastien Nocera (#134054)- Clean up handling of binaries busybox should override- Do misc package selection earlier so we know all the CDs needed when confirming the install (#122017)- Mark some strings for translation (#137197)- Don\'t reference boot disks in boot loader screen (#135851)- Add hardware address information to network screen (#131814)- Fix exception handling in label reading * Thu Nov 04 2004 Jeremy Katz - Fix traceback with CJK upgrades (#137345)- Allow 128 bit WEP keys (#137447)- Fix race condition with X client startup (krh, #108777)- Fix segfault in hd kickstart install (twaugh, #137533)- Better handling of errors reading labels (#137846)- Try harder to find LCS interface names (karsten)- Improve CTCPROT handling (karsten)- Fix traceback going back in rescue mode network config (#137844)- Don\'t use busybox shutdown, poweroff, reboot (#137948)- Set permissions on anaconda logs- Make autopartioning better with native storage on legacy iSeries- Sync onboot behavior of gui/text network screens (#138011)- Load some drivers later to try to avoid having FC disks be sda- Sizes in ks.cfg need to be an integer (#138109) * Wed Oct 27 2004 Jeremy Katz - Pull in firefox on upgrade if mozilla/netscape were installed (#137244)- Fix s390 tracebacks (#130123, #137239) * Wed Oct 27 2004 Jeremy Katz - Handle our LVM autopart lines slightly better (#137120)- Use busybox sleep for s390 since sleep requires librt again (#131167)- Handle onboot in ks.cfg properly in the loader (#136903)- Punjabi shouldn\'t try to do text mode (#137030)- Add sgiioc4 driver for Altix CD installs (#136730)- pci.ids trimming (notting) * Thu Oct 21 2004 Jeremy Katz - Create a netboot.img again for ppc64 (#125129) * Thu Oct 21 2004 Jeremy Katz - Lowercase OSA addresses from the parm file too (karsten) * Wed Oct 20 2004 Jeremy Katz - Lowercase OSA addresses to make the kernel happy (#133190)- Don\'t hard code the VG name used for auto-partitioning to avoid colliding with existing ones- Make sure that we don\'t do runlevel 5 if people don\'t have X, etc installed (#135895)- Update for new Indic font filenames * Tue Oct 19 2004 Jeremy Katz - Fix traceback with %post logging (Gijs Hollestelle, #136154)- When using a local stage2.img for FTP/HTTP install, give an error earlier if you point at an invalid tree (#135603, #117155, #120101)- Add a trailing newline to /etc/sysconfig/kernel- Try to fix the icon theme- Rebuild against new dietlibc, hopefully fixes CJK text installs * Mon Oct 18 2004 Jeremy Katz - Fix font size to fit on disk display better (#135731)- Write out part lines for autopart lvm correctly (#135714)- Remove empty row in drive order for boot loader (#135944)- Replace % in URLs to avoid format string weirdness (#135929)- Bind mount /dev for rescue mode (#135860)- Fix Dutch and Danish keyboard defaults (#135839)- add s2io 10GbE driver * Fri Oct 15 2004 Jeremy Katz - Add fonts for ta, gu, bn, hi, pa (#119283)- Re-enable bterm for testing (#113910)- Fix segfault when using biospart with a ks hdinstall. Patch from Rez Kabir (#135609)- Write out /etc/sysconfig/kernel for use with new-kernel-pkg changes (#135161)- Fix telnet logins for s390 (karsten)- Hardcode LCS as eth instead of tr (karsten) * Wed Oct 13 2004 Jeremy Katz - Only use \"our\" LVM partitions with auto-partitioning (#135440)- Remove localboot option from syslinux.cfg for diskboot.img (#135263)- Handle the great input method switch on upgrade (#129218)- Don\'t save the hwaddr for qeth (#135023)- Add rhgb boot loader arguments in postinstall (msw)- Reverse Norwegian blacklisting (#129453) (notting)- Add sata_nv, sata_sx4, ixgb, ahci, sx8 modules to the initrd (notting) * Fri Oct 08 2004 Jeremy Katz - s390/s390x: Fix traceback with unpartitioned disks (karsten)- improve fit of bengali network screen (#134762)- don\'t allow formatting of a pre-existing partition without also mounting it (#134865)- Don\'t show \"0\" as a mountpoint for an LV that\'s not being mounted (#134867)- Add prelink config bits (#117867)- Sort packages in text package group details (#123437)- Don\'t traceback on upgrade if /dev/mapper/control exists (#124092) * Wed Oct 06 2004 Jeremy Katz - Fix creation of scsi device nodes (#134709)- Fix multiple kickstart scriptlets with different interpreters (#134707) * Tue Oct 05 2004 Jeremy Katz - Some zfcp fixes- Don\'t traceback if we have a %include inside a scriptlet (#120252)- Fix SELinux for text-mode ftp/http installs (#134549) * Tue Oct 05 2004 Mike McLean - add command line options to pkgorder (mikem) * Tue Oct 05 2004 Jeremy Katz - Handle 32 raid devs (#134438)- Fix LCS PORTNAME (#134487)- Add logging of kickstart scripts with --log to %post/%pre- Copy /tmp/anaconda.log and /tmp/syslog to /var/log/anaconda.log and /var/log/anaconda.syslog respectively (#124370)- Fix Polish (#134554)- Add arch-specific package removal (#133396)- Include PPC PReP Boot partition in anaconda-ks.cfg (#133934)- Fix changing of VG name going through to boot loader setup (#132213)- Add support for > 128 SCSI disks (#134575) * Sat Oct 02 2004 Jeremy Katz - add kickstart zfcp configuration (#133288, #130070)- Use NFSv3 for NFS installs. Fixes NFSISO installs from DVD (#122032)- Fix megaraid_mbox module name (#134369)- Another uninitialized fix (#133996)- Add the zh_CN font (#133330) * Fri Oct 01 2004 Jeremy Katz - translation updates- Install compat-arch-support by default (#133514)- Warn if an older version is chosen for upgrading if product is RHEL (#134523)- Fix traceback on upgrade with possible lvm1 (#134258)- Make changing the DNS server work (#122554)- More fixes from pnasrat for arch handling on upgrade * Fri Oct 01 2004 Paul Nasrat - Fix missing rpm.ts (#133045) * Thu Sep 30 2004 Jeremy Katz - Don\'t ask about mouse type on remote X display (#133902)- Label swap filesystems (#127892)- Fix possible crash on hd kickstart installs (#133996)- Improve multiarch upgrade (#133045)- Avoid changing the default language when selecting additional language support (#134040)- Remove spurious blank option in upgrade combo (#134058)- Fix driver disk hang (#131112, #122952)- Fix detection of unformatted dasd (#130123) * Tue Sep 28 2004 Jeremy Katz - Fix traceback from auto-partitioning if you don\'t have enough space (#131325)- Update FCP config for adding SCSI LUNs (#133290) * Tue Sep 28 2004 Jeremy Katz - Fix driver disk segfault when using a partition (#133036)- Let driver disk images on ext2 partitions work- Fix nonet/nostorage- Allow name.arch syntax in ks.cfg (#124456)- Fix traceback unselecting last language (#133164)- Skip version 0 swap (#122101)- Handle /dev being present in device names of ks.cfg (#121486)- Use no instead of no-latin1 for Norwegian keyboard (#133757)- include other dm modules (#132001) * Sat Sep 25 2004 Jeremy Katz - fix megaraid module name (notting)- don\'t prompt for a driver disk on pSeries boxes with just virtual devices (#135292)- don\'t use PROBE_LOADED for cd probe (#131033)- i2o devices don\'t use a \"p\" separator (#133379)- switch back zh_CN font to default (#133330)- add 3w-9xxx to modules.cgz (#133525)- fix showing of freespace (#133425) * Thu Sep 23 2004 Jeremy Katz - fix going back unmount of /dev/pts (#133301)- fix SRPMs disc (#122737)- add localboot option to isolinux.cfg (#120687)- fix tree build on ia64 and x86_64- fix a syntax error for text mode selinux config * Wed Sep 22 2004 Jeremy Katz - some fixes for Arabic (#122228)- support using ksdevice=macaddr (#130605)- add an images/pxeboot directory on ia64 * Wed Sep 22 2004 Jeremy Katz - improve handling of non-physical consoles on some ppc and ia64 machines- add Bengali(India) and Gujarati to the lang-table (#126108)- add support for setting the CTC protocol on s/390 (#132324, #132325)- don\'t offer to do vnc if we don\'t have active nwtorking (#132833)- various typo/grammar fixes- add support for \'nostorage\' and \'nonet\' command line options to avoid auto-loading just network or storage devices- fix editing of pre-existing lvm (#132217)- fix going back from the partitions list on a driver disk (#132096)- don\'t show login error if silent errors (#132673) * Fri Jun 04 2004 Jeremy Katz - require system-logos and anaconda-help, obsolete anaconda-images * Sat May 01 2004 Jeremy Katz - Update description, remove prereq on stuff that was only needed for reconfig mode * Tue Feb 24 2004 Jeremy Katz - buildrequire libselinux-devel * Thu Nov 06 2003 Jeremy Katz - require booty (#109272) * Wed Oct 09 2002 Jeremy Katz - back to mainstream rpm instead of rpm404 * Tue Sep 10 2002 Jeremy Katz - can\'t buildrequire dietlibc and kernel-pcmcia-cs since they don\'t always exist * Thu Aug 22 2002 Jeremy Katz - added URL * Fri May 24 2002 Jeremy Katz - add require and buildrequire on rhpl * Wed Apr 03 2002 Michael Fulbright - added some more docs * Fri Feb 22 2002 Jeremy Katz - buildrequire kernel-pcmcia-cs as we\'ve sucked the libs the loader needs to there now * Thu Feb 07 2002 Michael Fulbright - goodbye reconfig * Thu Jan 31 2002 Jeremy Katz - update the BuildRequires a bit * Fri Jan 04 2002 Jeremy Katz - ddcprobe is now done from kudzu * Thu Jul 19 2001 Jeremy Katz - own /usr/lib/anaconda and /usr/share/anaconda * Fri Jan 12 2001 Matt Wilson - sync text with specspo * Fri Aug 11 2000 Matt Wilson - build on alpha again now that I\'ve fixed the stubs * Thu Aug 10 2000 Michael Fulbright - new build * Sat Aug 05 2000 Florian La Roche - allow also subvendorid and subdeviceid in trimpcitable * Sat Jul 15 2000 Matt Wilson - moved init script for reconfig mode to /etc/init.d/reconfig- move the initscript back to /etc/rc.d/init.d- Prereq: /etc/init.d * Thu Feb 03 2000 Michael Fulbright - strip files- add lang-table to file list * Wed Jan 05 2000 Michael Fulbright - added requirement for rpm-python * Mon Dec 06 1999 Michael Fulbright - rename to \'anaconda\' instead of \'anaconda-reconfig\' * Fri Dec 03 1999 Michael Fulbright - remove ddcprobe since we don\'t do X configuration in reconfig now * Tue Nov 30 1999 Michael Fulbright - first try at packaging reconfiguration tool