Changelog for otb-devel-8.1.2-lp156.2.4.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Jul 26 2023 Dirk Stoecker - update to 8.1.2 Release notes:
* Sat Jul 16 2022 Stefan Brüns - Update to OTB version 8.0.1 Full release notes at: Drop obsolete patches:
* otb-6.6.1-reproducible.patch
* fix_non_git_usage.patch
* Tue Aug 24 2021 Dirk Stoecker - update to 7.3.0
* a refactoring of the ResetMarging application: the application now supports two interfaces to set the input region, with a ROI and with a margin on each side.
* support for thermal noise removal in S1 products in SARCalibration. OTB is now able to read and use the noise LUTs from Sentinel 1 products
* the version of DiapOTB used in the packages has been updated to 1.0.1.
* a bugfix for the KNN classifier (the number of neighbors was always 32).
* Thu Jan 21 2021 Guillaume GARDET - insighttoolkit version 5 is not yet supported, so explicit it in spec See:
* Fri Oct 09 2020 Guillaume GARDET - Update to OTB version 7.2.0 Full release notes at:
* Wed Apr 01 2020 Guillaume GARDET - Update to OTB version 7.1.0 Full release notes at: Main changes are:
* Features added:
* !681: ENH: allow HTTP GDAL datasets by Laurențiu Nicola
* !673: Smoothing application enhancement by Cédric Traizet
* !655: BUG: migrate to QOpenGLWidget by Victor Poughon
* !644: Fast nlmeans filter by Carole Amiot
* !642: Resolve ExtractROI: keep GCPs by Guillaume Pasero
* !628: Added \'double\' application parameter type. by guillaume pernot
* !618: Integration of the multiImageFileWriter in the application engine by Cédric Traizet
* Bugs fixed:
* !701: Error when opening ENVI datasets by Cédric Traizet
* !699: Fix listview parameter in TrainImagesClassifier
* !679: COMP: Remove RemoteSensingRegion assignment operator by Laurențiu Nicola
* !678: BUG: Fix warnings and possible UB in `VariadicInputsImageFilter::SetInputsImpl` by Laurențiu Nicola
* !677: Fix debian build by Cédric Traizet
* !674: BUG: Fix nodata handling in StreamingStatisticsMapFromLabelImageFilter by Laurențiu Nicola
* !667: Short Integer overflow in tests by Cédric Traizet
* !662: Update netcdf version in Superbuild to 4.7.3 by Cédric Traizet
* !660: COMP: Fix Variadic Input Image Filters for g++8.2.0 by Luc Hermitte
* !658: Allow UserValue modification from within application\'s DoExecute by guillaume pernot
* !656: input centroid should not be mandatory in TrainVectorClassifier and TrainImagesClassifier by Cédric Traizet
* !655: BUG: migrate to QOpenGLWidget by Victor Poughon
* !654: Missing RAM parameter in StereoRectificationGridGenerator application by Julien Michel
* !653: Warning cleaning by Guillaume Pasero
* !649: Resolve \\Mosaic do not work anymore with rgb mode\\ by Rémi Cresson
* !647: Fixed lookup table stacking order by guillaume pernot
* !646: removed duplicate Scene.png by guillaume pernot
* !641: FIX PCA transformation matrix computation by Cédric Traizet
* !640: Fixed lost reference of \\buffer\\ in VectorPrediction update mode by guillaume pernot
* !637: BUG: better check for TIXML_USE_STL by Victor Poughon
* !636: Fix gcc8 compilation by guillaume pernot
* !634: COMP: Added gcc9 support for ITK by guillaume pernot
* !633: Added otb_opencv_api.h in packages by guillaume pernot
* !626: FIX: check that input image is not null by Rémi Cresson
* !624: Fix GEOS errors from self intersecting polygons in and fix OPENCV path in debian CI build by Cédric Traizet
* !617: TEST: Force ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS=4 by guillaume pernot
* !616: TEST: rename ToulousePoints-examples.shp to toulousepoints_examples.shp by guillaume pernot
* !613: Additional tests for the ExtractROI application by Cédric Traizet
* !606: Check band index on each pixel by guillaume pernot
* Refactoring updates
* Documentation updates
* Tue Nov 19 2019 Dirk Stoecker - update to OTB version 7.0.0
* Documentation:
* The Cookbook has been refactored !
* The Software guide has been removed, most of its content has been migrated to the Cookbook.
* New applications:
* ZonalStatistics : Object based statistics computation
* TrainVectorRegression , TrainImagesRegression , VectorRegression and ImageRegression : Refactoring of the regression framework, based on the classification framework.
* LocalRxDetection and EndmemberNumberEstimation: Hyperspectral image processing.
* Other changes includes:
* The minimum CMake version required to compile OTB is now 3.10.2 .
* The Mosaic Remote Module has been moved inside the OTB.
* The Python wrapper support logging.
* Python 2 is not supported by the wrapper anymore
* The Java wrapper has been removed.
* Support for GDAL 3.X has been added, support for GDAL 1.X has been removed.
* Support for OpenCV 4 has been added.
* OTB has a new continuous integration system.
* New SAR sensor Model : CosmoSkymed
* A generic functorImageFilter has been added.
* Drop obsolete patch: otb-fix_VERSION_file_install.patch
* Cleanup spec file a lot
* Thu Oct 31 2019 Antoine Belvire - Add otb-6.6.1-reproducible.patch: Make build more reproducible.
* Mon Aug 12 2019 Stefan Brüns - Use openCV <= 3.x, otb is not yet compatible with openCV 4
* Tue Jul 23 2019 Dirk Stoecker - enforce GDAL2 when using OTB
* Mon Jul 08 2019 Dirk Stoecker - require GDAL < 3 for build
* Sat Jul 06 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Avoid name repetition in summary.- Remove redundancies from descriptions.- Adjust RPM groups.- Limit fdupes to only run on the /usr subvolume.
* Tue Mar 26 2019 Guillaume GARDET - Monteverdi needs otb-qt
* Thu Dec 13 2018 Guillaume GARDET - Add patch to fix installation path of VERSION file:
* otb-fix_VERSION_file_install.patch
* Thu Dec 13 2018 Guillaume GARDET - Update to 6.6.1:
* Bugs fixed: - 314: Add lib openMP to packages - 305: BUG: compat of QgisDescriptor with old params - 304: BUG: Quick fix for Mellin test - 303: BUG: missing ComplexImage params in QGis wrapper - 302: TEST: use different test output names - 301: ENH: initialize the number of openMP threads after any modification by command line - 300: PKG: enable diapotb in SuperBuild with RemoteModules - 297: COMP: fix compilation of examples with clang 7 - 296: Integrate diapotb as official remote module - 294: PKG: declare libomp as system lib in macOS package - 293: COMP: fix OverlapSave filter on Windows - 292: FFTW upgrade - 287: Filtering warnings for clang7 - 288: BUG: #1761: make sure OpenMP runtime is loaded by the main executable - 285: SuperBuild: the Ossim issue 2354 now affects all platforms - 284: COMP: fix ossim to build with clang7 - 283: OpenMP fixes - 282: DOC: suggested changes to the documentation - 279: BUG: #1623: fix doxygen search bar - 278: BUG #1757 fix installation of Siftfast - 277: Resolve \\ - 280: Bump GRM version to integrate fix for #1750 - 274: BUG: #1734: warn users when producing an ENVI dataset with positive Y spacing - 272: BUG: #1753: adding options OTB_USE_MPI and OTB_USE_SPTW for superbuild - 271: Monteverdi: fix band numbering in color setup widget - 270: BUG: #1691: clarifications on binary packages - 266: BUG: #1734: replace envi format with TIF - 265: Resolve \\ - 263: BUG: update hdf5 url - 262: Composite application bugfix - 252: Resolve \\ - 250: BUG: fix ITK version number for packaging - 248: Resolve \\ - 247: Resolve \\ - 239: ENH: Update superbuild to ITK 4.13.1 so that it builds with gcc 8 - 238: Typo in cookbook - 232: BUG: #1582: detect empty training data - 225: WRG: fix warnings declaration shadows a previous local seen with gcc 8 - 219: Warnings fixes (clang and OSSIM) - 218: Resolve \\ - 217: DOC: dmci edits to cookbook and installation tex file - 216: Resolve \\ - 206: Some warning fixes - 205: Resolve \\ - 204: Resolve \\ - 203: Resolve \\ - 201: Resolve \\ - 196: Resolve \\ - 195: Resolve \\ - 186: PKG: install openCV libraries to lib - 182: Resolve \\ - 181: Resolve \\ - 180: Resolve \\ - 178: Resolve \\ - 175: #1611 - Document ParameterType_Bool - 170: WRG: add missing overrides - 169: Resolve \\ - 168: Resolve \\ - 159: BUG: Improve Convert and DynamicConvert mask handling (fix #1647) - 157: Resolve \\ - 155: BUG: Be compliant with new cmake policy CMP0072 with cmake \\u003e 3.11 - 145: Resolve \\ - 142: BUG: fix issue #1639 Update UserValue flag in QtWidgetParameterList - 139: SuperBuild: Upgrade to OpenCV 3.4.1 - 137: DOC: Set of proposed edits to the documentation - 126: BUG: Remove workaround for QT bug 22829 - 124: Document third party environment variables
* Small patches made: - 207: DOC: add missing packages needed to compile otb with superbuild on ubuntu 18.04 - 140: DOC: Minor fixes in Software Guide
* Other changes: - 253: BUG: clear temporary validation filename when validation ratio is set to 0 - 245: ENH: update phenotb remote module git tag - 234: BUG: fix qt5 compilation on ubuntu 18.04 - 228: Document output of training applications - 208: More warning fixes for Shark - 185: DOC: update list of contributors - 177: Remove mantis 1427 workaround - 156: BUG fix issue 1656 related to eratic behavior of cmake configuration - 127: COMP: fix gcc 7 \'defined\' warnings
* Thu Nov 29 2018 Guillaume GARDET - Increase required RAM in _constraints to avoid OOM errors
* Mon Aug 06 2018 Update License (CeCILL v2.0 => Apache v2.0) see
* Fri Jul 20 2018 Add patch to fix lib64 handling:
* otb-fix_lib64_handling.patch
* Wed Jul 18 2018 Enable openMP
* Wed Jun 27 2018 Upgrade to 6.6.0 version
* Features added: - 4: Dimensionality reduction algorithms - 5: Enhance otb sar sensor model adapter - 7: Enhance cookbook extended filename section - 8: App engine flags - 12: Complex image integration - 15: Parameter bool - 22: Register Pipeline Services (ProcessObjects and DataObjects) - 24: Handle extended filename for DataSource class - 25: Data augmentation - 26: Update Shark Random Forest implementation - 29: ApplicationEngine new services - 33: Multi writer - 34: Stop button for graphic applications - 53: Resolve \"add Wrapper/QGIS to generate qgis descriptors for processing plugin\" - 63: Background value for VectorDataToLabelImageFilter - 71: New Itk modules
* Bugs fixed: - 11: Resolve \"Compilation error in Debug in ossimSarSensorModel\" - 13: Resolve \"Inconsistent behaviour of geom file loading\" - 19: Splitting cxx file for InputImageParameter - 27: Remove README (copy/paste error) from MPIConfig module - 30: Fix clang missing override warnings - 32: Bugfix RAM parameter not used - 35: WIP: Bugfix writer box - 38: Support GDAL Python binding for release 6.4 - 39: Resolve \"API change in HoughTransform2DLinesImageFilter (itk 4.13)\" - 40: Resolve \"Python3 OTB application bindings available in the OTB package don\'t work on Linux\" - 41: Resolve \"OTB Python code in the CookBook is not compatible with Python3\" - 43: Resolve \"Remove deprecated instructions to compile Monteverdi\" - 44: Resolve \"Fix some warnings with gcc 7.3 and clang 5.0\" - 45: Resolving ExtractROI default behavior bug - 47: Resolve \"skipcarto not working in Orthorectification?\" - 48: Resolve \"SampleSelection strategy \"byclass\", csv parser not working\" - 52: Resolve \"Mention CCLA and ICLA in\" - 58: Resolve \"General log information appear several time in composite applications\" - 65: Use OGRSpatialReference class to compare projref - 67: Packaging install fonts - 70: Resolve : Application can\'t be launch through monteverdi - 73: Resolve \"wrong default RGB composition for Pleiades image\" - 78: Fix installation of GDAL bindings in standalone packages - 79: BUG: #1567: fix compilation with GDAL 2.3.0 - 80: OpenGL problem in monteverdi - 81: Solve drag and drop issue - 82: Resolve \"Error during OTB SuperBuild compilation on Ubuntu 16.04\" - 83: Fix itk packaging - 86: Solve linking problem due to ABI change - 94: BUG: change ParameterFile ext to None - 95: BUG: #1580: update tag for FFSforGMM - 96: Cookbook fixes for release 6.6 - 108: Update FindQwt - 114: Resolve \"Remove QT4 patch directory in the superbuild?\" - 116: Monteverdi Delete Layer - 120: Resolve \"monteverdi and mapla segfault at startup\" - 134: Shark and OpenMP
* Small patches made: - 50: TEST: fix ingroup test and doxygen section - 54: Fix warnings on develop build - 55: Update contribution guide with a new label (patch) - 56: DOC: Complex types from MR !12 are not listed in cli help - 61: ENH: Support Geopackage OGR driver - 69: COMP: missing parenthesis in packaging script - 74: Review: add Wrapper/QGIS to generate qgis descriptors for processing plugin\" - 76: DOC: allow the configure step to print detected Qt5 version - 84: PKG: small exception for check on /usr path with libdrm - 85: PKG: disable dl test for python wrappings (GDAL) - 97: Fonts download - 100: Update shark version - 101: Fix GDALAdapters test - 103: ENH: add an editorconfig file for IDE code formatting - 124: Document third party environment variables - 129: Update screenshots in Monteverdi Cookbook section with wrong RGB color composition - 135: COMP: handle Shark dependency to openmp using REQUIRED_FLAGS
* Other changes: - 1: DOC: Add CONTRIBUTING and PSC docs - 2: DOC: try to add bug label in the gitlab template - 3: Qt4to5 - 10: Update to explain how to register branches for dashboard testing. - 14: Dogfooding PolygonClassStatistics application - 16: Param dict python - 18: Contrast enhancement corrections - 20: Refactor logging for the whole library - 21: New rules for Merge Request acceptance (PSC meeting 2018-02-22) - 28: Review OTB application recipe - 42: LogSetupInformation in CreateInstance is too invasive - 49: Command line options for Monteverdi - 51: Resolve \"Add in that only compilation fixes are allowed in develop branch\" - 93: ENH: install share dir share/OTB-X.Y -> share/otb - 99: Update tag for FFSforGMM - 104: Update SoftwareGuide - 110: BUG: #1607 - remove inline declaration - 117: On Revert shark - 119: Monteverdi black screen after app execution - 121: Resolve \"Cannot launch monteverdi if .ini config file is invalid\"- Remove upstreamed patch:
* fix_build_with_gdal_2.3.0.patch
* Mon May 14 2018 Add patch to be able to use GDAL 2.3.0:
* fix_build_with_gdal_2.3.0.patch
* Thu Mar 01 2018 Fix source URL to not break on new upstream release- Fix build for Leap 42.3
* Sun Feb 11 2018 Upgrade to 6.4.0 version + Changes - changes-104: Refactor OTB-applications input/output string/filename lists (adopted, merged) - 110: Histogram Equalization - 117: Merge Convert and Rescale applications - 118: Enable use of ossimSarSensorModel through geom file - 119: Install ossimPlugins headers related to ossimSarSensorModel - 120: Replacing itk::TimeProbe - 122: Positive spacing enforcement - 123: Improve OTB Applications documentation (part 2) - 124: Add GSL to Superbuild - 126: Support python 2.7 and 3 wrappings + Bugfixes:
* Orfeo Toolbox (OTB)
* 0001508: ExtractROI does not work with
* 0001509: Patch to fix spelling errors in 6.4.0-rc1
* 0001482: In 6.2, otbcli_Convert with MPI produces invalid tiff files
* 0001507: Segmentation segfault
* 0001488: OTB apps sometime do not appear in the widget
* 0001501: Does Java wrapping works on Windows?
* 0001495: Crash when setting Orthorectification input field
* 0001489: BandMath and BandMathX are missing important documentation on expression syntax
* 0001479: Monteverdi try to create overviews with /vsicurl file
* 0001502: OTB configuration step does not properly check for c++14 availability
* 0001497: Some optional parameters are ON by default in otbgui
* 0001483: Monteverdi shows a pop up terminal on windows
* 0001496: Monteverdi \'build overviews\' pop-up trigger condition is unclear or incorrect
* 0001494: Segmentation app shows \'Select parameters\' instead of \'Running\'
* 0001492: Monteverdi 6.2 is missing some French translations
* 0001499: OSSIMAdapters fails to build with OSSIM 2.2.0 (error: \'class ossimRpcSolver\' has no member named \'createRpcProjection\')
* 0001498: ExtractROI Channel list empty when application is chained in memory
* 0001476: Python wrapping not working with Python >= 3.
* 0001504: OTB does not compile with ITK last stable release 4.13
* 0001503: Fix new coverity issues in release 6.4 + Documentation
* 0001500: Application example in OTB software guide is confusing + OTB-applications
* 0001481: KMeansClassification application should be compiled only if OTB_USE_SHARK=ON- Packaging : + Move to normalized group Productivity/Scientific/Other + Remove remove_string_literals.patch merged upstream + Remote Module temporalgapfilling : change to tar.xz format Pick git clone as expected hash 4fc4a71 + Double escape macros in comment + Fix some spurious executable bits in .desktop and .xpm + Build also python3
* Sun Jan 07 2018 Disable MPI since OTB apps will not start easily (since it does not find libmpi
* in libdir)
* Tue Nov 21 2017 Enable remote module OTBTemporalGapFilling- Fix MPI find for Tumbleweed
* Thu Nov 16 2017 Add _constraints to avoid build failure due to low memory workers
* Tue Nov 07 2017 Enable MPI and SPTW support
* Tue Oct 31 2017 Update to 6.2.0:
* Better help, doc and logs
* Improvements and refactoring of several applications
* Improved build, superbuild, and packages- Remove obsolete patch:
* qwt-find.patch- Add a new patch:
* remove_string_literals.patch : Fix build on GCC 4.8
* Wed Jun 28 2017 Enable openCV- Bump libversion from 5 to 6 and use a define for the lib version to ease next updates
* Tue Jun 27 2017 Update to 6.0.0- Fix build by adding \'-std=c++11\' flag to cmake
* Tue May 02 2017 Dirk Stöcker - 5.10.1- Update to 5.10.1
* Sun Jan 22 2017 Angelos Tzotsos - 5.8.0- Update to 5.8.0
* Wed Oct 05 2016 Angelos Tzotsos - 5.6.1- Enabled internal OTB Ice by adding GLEW
* Mon Oct 03 2016 Angelos Tzotsos - 5.6.1- Update to 5.6.1
* Fri Feb 26 2016 Angelos Tzotsos - 5.2.1- Update to 5.2.1
* Fri Jan 01 2016 Use url for source- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner- Use cmake macros
* Wed Dec 30 2015 Angelos Tzotsos - 5.2.0- Fixed attributes of otb-bin files
* Sat Dec 26 2015 Angelos Tzotsos - 5.2.0- Update to 5.2.0
* Sat Aug 15 2015 Angelos Tzotsos - 5.0.0- Update to 5.0.0
* Fri Feb 27 2015 Angelos Tzotsos - Renamed package to otb
* Wed Jan 14 2015 Angelos Tzotsos - 4.2.1- Update to 4.2.1