Changelog for liberasurecode-devel-1.4.0-3.8.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Jan 12 2017 Update RPM group and summaries.
* Wed Jan 11 2017 Add partial-disable-simd.patch Some libraries like python-PyECLib fail in OBS during the tests. This can be because in OBS SSE2, SSE3 and other SIMD extensions are not properly addressed by QEMU. This patch remove some SIMD extensions, maintaining MMX+SSE for x86_64 systems.- Add buildreuired for pkg-config
* Sat Jan 07 2017 update to 1.4.0: . Added support for ISA-L Cauchy . Added get_version functionality to library . Fixed reconstruct to return an error when memory allocation failed . Fixed posix_memalign error handling . Fixed the internal version number. It was inadvertently skipped in 1.3.0. . Fixed error handling on gf_ivnert_matrix in isa-l backend . Added get_by_desc return value handling to get_fragment_size . Other minor fixes and updates
* Mon Oct 10 2016 update to 1.2.0: . Add functionality to enable consumers to check which backends are present on a system . Fix segfault when fragment index is out of range . Add fragment metadata checksumming support
* Mon Feb 29 2016 update to 1.1.0
* Fix for a segfault related to Jerasure uninit() function that is being looked up by the jerasure EC backend (Issue#19)
* Split helpers.h include for backward compatibility
* Create header symlinks in std locations for backward compat (<= 1.0.8)
* Eliminate erasurecode_stdinc.h dependency on log.h
* Move fragment_header defn to main erasurecode header
* doxygen documentation fixes
* Minor bugfixes including removing offending MAJOR/MINOR version macros
* Enforce upper limit 32 on the number of erasure coding fragments (#data + #chunks) < 32
* Introduce \'liberasurecode_rs_vand\', a native, software-based Reed-Soloman Vandermonde backend
* Properly set W in the new internal RS backend. Without this change, the fragment length passed up is incorrect.
* Remove all GPLv3 m4 references for CPUID checks
* Properly dedupe fragments in fragments_to_string() function
* Prevent backends from reconstructing an index when it is not missing, ie, is available
* Make ./configure to obey CFLAGS
* Add missing pkg-config templates
* Remove autoconf installed files from git control
* Fix get_supported_flags() arguments
* Properly detect 64-bit architecture.
* Add -f argument to autoreconf to regenerate aclocal macros
* Silent autoconf warning for ac_cv_sizeof_long
* Fix C++ build issues (add missing cplusplus macros definitions)
* Make liberasurecode header installs to a specific include directory
* Fix \'make test\' to properly run null and installed backend tests.
* Fix a uint < 0 warning reported by Clang
* Fix memory leak in alg_sig init
* Fix decode when m > k and all parities are chosen as input to decode- run tests
* Thu Jul 23 2015 Initial package (1.0.7)