Changelog for storm-1.0.5-2.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Sep 21 2017 Update to upstream version 1.0.5 (bsc#1059463, CVE-2017-9799)
* 1.0.5:
* [STORM-2657] - Update SECURITY.MD
* [STORM-2231] - NULL in DisruptorQueue while multi-threaded ack
* [STORM-2660] - The Nimbus storm-local directory is relative to the working directory of the shell executing \"storm nimbus\"
* [STORM-2674] - NoNodeException when ZooKeeper tries to delete nodes
* [STORM-2677] - consider all sampled tuples which took greater than 0 ms processing time
* [STORM-2682] - Supervisor crashes with NullPointerException
* [STORM-2695] - BlobStore uncompress argument should be Boolean
* [STORM-2705] - DRPCSpout sleeps twice when idle
* 1.0.4:
* STORM-2627: Update docs for storm.zookeeper.topology.auth.scheme
* STORM-2597: Don\'t parse passed in class paths
* STORM-2524: Set Kafka with storm-kafka
* STORM-2448: Add in Storm and JDK versions when submitting a topology
* STORM-2511: Submitting a topology with name containing unicode getting failed
* STORM-2498: Fix Download Full File link
* STORM-2486: Prevent cd from printing target directory to avoid breaking classpath
* STORM-1114: Race condition in trident zookeeper zk-node create/delete
* STORM-2429: Properly validate supervisor.scheduler.meta
* STORM-2194: Stop ignoring socket timeout error from executor
* STORM-2450: Write resources into correct local director
* STORM-2414: Skip checking meta\'s ACL when subject has write privileges for any blobs
* STORM-2038: Disable symlinks with a config option
* STORM-2038: No symlinks for local cluster
* STORM-2403: Fix KafkaBolt test failure: tick tuple should not be acked
* STORM-2361: Kafka spout - after leader change, it stops committing offsets to ZK
* STORM-2296: Kafka spout - no duplicates on leader changes
* STORM-2387: Handle tick tuples properly for Bolts in external modules
* STORM-2345: Type mismatch in ReadClusterState\'s ProfileAction processing Map
* STORM-2104: New Kafka spout crashes if partitions are reassigned while tuples are in-flight
* STORM-2396: setting interrupted status back before throwing a RuntimeException
* STORM-2395: storm.cmd supervisor calls the wrong class name
* STORM-2385: pacemaker_state_factory.clj does not compile on branch-1.0.x
* STORM-2389: Avoid instantiating Event Logger when topology.eventlogger.executors=0
* STORM-2386: Fail-back Blob deletion also fails in BlobSynchronizer.syncBlobs
* STORM-2360: Storm-Hive: Thrift version mismatch with storm-core
* STORM-2372: Pacemaker client doesn\'t clean up heartbeats properly
* STORM-2326: Upgrade log4j and slf4j
* STORM-2350: Storm-HDFS\'s listFilesByModificationTime is broken
* 1.0.3:
* STORM-2197: NimbusClient connectins leak due to leakage in ThriftClient
* STORM-2321: Handle blobstore zk key deletion in KeySequenceNumber.
* STORM-2324: Fix deployment failure if resources directory is missing in topology jar
* STORM-2335: Fix broken Topology visualization with empty \':transferred\' in executor stats
* STORM-2336: Close Localizer and AsyncLocalizer when supervisor is shutting down
* STORM-2338: Subprocess exception handling is broken in on Windows environment
* STORM-2337: Broken documentation generation for and
* STORM-2325: Logviewer doesn\'t consider \'storm.local.hostname\'
* STORM-1742: More accurate \'complete latency\'
* STORM-2176: Workers do not shutdown cleanly and worker hooks don\'t run when a topology is killed
* STORM-2293: hostname should only refer node\'s \'storm.local.hostname\'
* STORM-2246: Logviewer download link has urlencoding on part of the URL
* STORM-1906: Window count/length of zero should be disallowed
* STORM-1841: Address a few minor issues in windowing and doc
* STORM-2268: Fix integration test for Travis CI build
* STORM-2283: Fix DefaultStateHandler kryo multithreading issues
* STORM-2264: OpaqueTridentKafkaSpout failing after STORM-2216
* STORM-2276: Remove twitter4j usages due to license issue ( is catalog X)
* STORM-2095: remove any remaining files when deleting blobstore directory
* STORM-2222: Repeated NPEs thrown in nimbus if rebalance fails
* STORM-2251: Integration test refers specific version of Storm which should be project version
* STORM-2234: heartBeatExecutorService in shellSpout don\'t work well with deactivate
* STORM-2216: Favor JSONValue.parseWithException
* STORM-2208: HDFS State Throws FileNotFoundException in Azure Data Lake Store file system (adl://)
* STORM-2213: ShellSpout has race condition when ShellSpout is being inactive longer than heartbeat timeout
* STORM-2210: remove array shuffle from ShuffleGrouping
* STORM-2052: Kafka Spout - New Client API - Performance Improvements
* storm-2205: Racecondition in getting nimbus summaries while ZK connections are reconnected
* STORM-2198: perform RotationAction when stopping HdfsBolt
* STORM-2196: A typo in RAS_Node::consumeCPU
* STORM-2189: RAS_Node::freeCPU outputs incorrect info
* STORM-2184: Don\'t wakeup KafkaConsumer on shutdown
* STORM-2185: Storm Supervisor doesn\'t delete directories properly sometimes
* STORM-2175: fix double close of workers
* STORM-2018: Supervisor V2
* STORM-2145: Leave leader nimbus\'s hostname to log when trying to connect leader nimbus
* STORM-2127: Storm-eventhubs should use latest amqp and eventhubs-client versions
* STORM-2040: Fix bug on assert-can-serialize
* STORM-2017: ShellBolt stops reporting task ids
* STORM-2119: bug in log message printing to stdout
* STORM-2120: Emit to _spoutConfig.outputStreamId
* STORM-2101: fixes npe in compute-executors in nimbus
* STORM-2090: Add integration test for storm windowing
* STORM-2003: Make sure config contains TOPIC before get it
* STORM-1567: in defaults.yaml \'topology.disable.loadaware\' should be \'topology.disable.loadaware.messaging\'
* STORM-1987: Fix TridentKafkaWordCount arg handling in distributed mode.
* STORM-1969: Modify HiveTopology to show usage of non-partition table.
* STORM-1849: HDFSFileTopology should use the 3rd argument as topologyName
* STORM-2086: use DefaultTopicSelector instead of creating a new one
* STORM-2079: Unneccessary readStormConfig operation
* STORM-2081: create external directory for storm-sql various data sources and move storm-sql-kafka to it
* STORM-2070: Fix sigar native binary download link
* STORM-2056: Bugs in logviewer
* STORM-1646: Fix ExponentialBackoffMsgRetryManager test
* STORM-2039: Backpressure refactoring in worker and executor
* STORM-2064: Add storm name and function, access result and function to log-thrift-access
* STORM-2063: Add thread name in worker logs
* STORM-2042: Nimbus client connections not closed properly causing connection leaks
* STORM-2032: removes warning in case more than one metrics tuple is received
* STORM-1594: org.apache.storm.tuple.Fields can throw NPE if given invalid field in selector
* STORM-1995: downloadChunk in nimbus.clj should close the input stream- Removed documentation files that no longer exist in 1.0.5 from spec- Added comment about storm-kit to spec
* Fri May 12 2017 clean up doc installation and permission madness (bsc#1037405) (bsc#1048688, FATE#323204)
* Thu May 04 2017 remove duplicate file list
* Thu Mar 23 2017 Removed obsolete storm-wrapper
* Wed Feb 15 2017 Converted from binary tarball to Tetra based build from source
* Fri Jan 06 2017 Initial package