Changelog for
grafana-6.7.4-9.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Sep 05 2022 Add CVE-2021-39226.patch (bsc#1191454, CVE-2021-39226)
* snapshot authentication bypass
* Mon Apr 11 2022 Bump Go to 1.16 (bsc#1193597, CVE-2021-44716)
* Fix Go net/http: limit growth of header canonicalization cache.
* Thu Apr 15 2021 Add CVE-2021-27358.patch (bsc#1183803, CVE-2021-27358)
* Prevent unauthenticated remote attackers from causing a DoS through the snapshots API.
* Tue Nov 24 2020 Fix bsc#1178243 CVE-2020-24303 by adding 25401-Fix-XSS-vulnerability-with-series-overrides.patch
* Thu Sep 24 2020 BuildRequire go1.14 explicitly
* Wed Jul 29 2020 Add recompress source service- Add go_modules source service to create vendor.tar.gz containing 3rd party go modules.- Adjust spec to work for Grafana-6.7.4- Adjust Makefile to work for Grafana-6.7.4- Remove CVE-2019-15043.patch (merged upstream)- Remove CVE-2020-13379.patch (merged upstream)- Remove 0001-fix-XSS-vulnerabilities-in-dashboard-links.patch (merged upstream)- Remove 0002-CVE-2020-12052-bsc1170657-XSS-annotation-popup-vulnerability.patch (merged upstream)- Remove systemd-notification.patch (merged upstream)- Update to version 6.7.4 (bsc#1172450, CVE-2018-18623, CVE-2018-18624, CVE-2018-18625, bsc#1174583, CVE-2020-11110)
* Security: Urgent security fix for stored XSS- Update to version 6.7.3
* Admin: Fix Synced via LDAP message for non-LDAP external users. [#23477]
* Alerting: Fix notifications for alerts with empty message in Google Hangouts notifier. [#23559]
* AuthProxy: Fix bug where long username could not be cached. [#22926]
* Dashboard: Fix saving dashboard when editing raw dashboard JSON model. [#23314]
* Dashboard: Try to parse 8 and 15 digit numbers as timestamps if parsing of time range as date fails. [#21694]
* DashboardListPanel: Fix problem with empty panel after going into edit mode (General folder filter being automatically added) . [#23426]
* Data source: Handle datasource withCredentials option properly. [#23380]
* Security: Fix annotation popup XSS vulnerability [#23813]
* Security: Fix XSS vulnerability in table panel [#23816]
* Server: Exit Grafana with status code 0 if no error. [#23312]
* TablePanel: Fix XSS issue in header column rename (backport). [#23814]
* Variables: Fix error when setting adhoc variable values. [#23580]- Update to version 6.7.2
* BackendSrv: Adds config to response to fix issue for external plugins that used this property . [#23032]
* Dashboard: Fix issue with saving new dashboard after changing title . [#23104]
* DataLinks: make sure we use the correct datapoint when dataset contains null value.. [#22981]
* Plugins: Fix issue for plugins that imported dateMath util . [#23069]
* Security: Fix for dashboard snapshot original dashboard link could contain XSS vulnerability in url. [#23254]
* Variables: Fix issue with too many queries being issued for nested template variables after value change. [#23220]
* Plugins: Expose promiseToDigest. [#23249]
* Reporting: Fix issue updating a report created by someone else (Enterprise)- Update to version 6.7.1
* Azure: Fix dropdowns not showing current value. [#22914]
* BackendSrv: only add content-type on POST, PUT requests. [#22910]
* Panels: Fix size issue with panel internal size when exiting panel edit mode. [#22912]
* Reporting: fixes migrations compatibility with mysql (Enterprise)
* Reporting: Reduce default concurrency limit to 4 (Enterprise)- Update to version 6.7.0
* AzureMonitor: support workspaces function for template variables. [#22882]
* SQLStore: Add migration for adding index on annotation.alert_id. [#22876]
* TablePanel: Enable new units picker . [#22833]
* AngularPanels: Fix inner height calculation for angular panels. [#22796]
* BackendSrv: makes sure provided headers are correctly recognized and set. [#22778]
* Forms: Fix input suffix position (caret-down in Select) . [#22780]
* Graphite: Fix issue with query editor and next select metric now showing after selecting metric node [#22856]
* Rich History: UX adjustments and fixes. [#22729]
* Slack: Removed _Mention_ setting and instead introduce _Mention Users_, _Mention Groups_, and _Mention Channel_.
* Alerting: Reverts the behavior of `diff` and `percent_diff` to not always be absolute.
* API: Include IP address when logging request error. [#21596]
* Alerting: Support passing tags to Pagerduty and allow notification on specific event categories [#21335]
* Chore: Remove angular dependency from backendSrv. [#20999]
* CloudWatch: Surround dimension names with double quotes. [#22222]
* CloudWatch: updated metrics and dimensions for Athena, DocDB, and Route53Resolver. [#22604]
* Cloudwatch: add Usage Metrics. [#22179]
* Dashboard: Adds support for a global minimum dashboard refresh interval. [#19416]
* DatasourceEditor: Add UI to edit custom HTTP headers. [#17846] Elastic: To get fields, start with today\'s index and go backwards. [#22318]
* Explore: Rich history. [#22570]
* Graph: canvas\'s Stroke is executed after loop. [#22610]
* Graphite: Don\'t issue empty \"select metric\" queries. [#22699]
* Image Rendering: Store render key in remote cache to enable renderer to callback to public/load balancer URL when running in HA mode. [#22031]
* LDAP: Add fallback to search_base_dns if group_search_base_dns is undefined [#21263]
* OAuth: Implement Azure AD provide. [#20030]
* Prometheus: Implement region annotation. [#22225]
* Prometheus: make \\$\\_\\_range more precise. [#21722]
* Prometheus: Do not show rate hint when increase function is used in query. [#21955]
* Stackdriver: Project selector. [#22447]
* TablePanel: display multi-line text. [#20210]
* Templating: Add new global built-in variables. [#21790]
* Reporting: add concurrent render limit to settings (Enterprise)
* Reporting: Add rendering timeout in settings (Enterprise)
* API: Fix redirect issues. [#22285]
* Alerting: Don\'t include image_url field with Slack message if empty. [#22372]
* Alerting: Fix bad background color for default notifications in alert tab . [#22660]
* Annotations: In table panel when setting transform to annotation, they will now show up right away without a manual refresh. [#22323]
* Azure Monitor: Fix app insights source to allow for new timeFrom and timeTo. [#21879]
* BackendSrv: Fix POST body for form data. [#21714]
* CloudWatch: Credentials cache invalidation fix. [#22473] CloudWatch: Expand alias variables when query yields no result [#22695]
* Dashboard: Fix bug with NaN in alerting. [#22053]
* Explore: Fix display of multiline logs in log panel and explore. [#22057]
* Heatmap: Legend color range is incorrect when using custom min/max [#21748]
* Security: Fix XSS issue in dashboard history diff. [#22680]
* StatPanel: Fix base color being used for null values. [#22646]- Update to version 6.6.2
* Data proxy: Log proxy errors using Grafana logger. [#22174]
* Metrics: Add gauge for requests currently in flight. [#22168]
* AATTgrafana/ui: Fix displaying of bars in React Graph. [#21968]
* API: Fix redirect issue when configured to use a subpath. [#21652]
* API: Improve recovery middleware when response already been written [#22256]
* Auth: Don\'t rotate auth token when requests are cancelled by client [#22106]
* Elasticsearch: Fix auto interval for date histogram in explore logs mode. [#21937]
* Image Rendering: Fix PhantomJS compatibility with es2016 node dependencies. [#21677]
* Links: Assure base url when single stat, panel and data links are built. [#21956]
* Loki, Prometheus: Fix PromQL and LogQL syntax highlighting. [#21944]
* OAuth: Enforce auto_assign_org_id setting when role mapping enabled using Generic OAuth. [#22268]
* Prometheus: Updates explore query editor to prevent it from throwing error on edit. [#21605]
* Server: Reorder cipher suites for better security. [#22101]
* TimePicker: fixing weird behavior with calendar when switching between months/years. [#22253]- Update to version 6.6.1
* Annotations: Change indices and rewrites annotation find query to improve database query performance. [#21915]
* Azure Monitor: Fix Application Insights API key field to allow input. [#21738]
* BarGauge: Fix so we properly display the \"no result\" value when query returns empty result. [#21791]
* Datasource: Show access (Browser/Server) select on the Prometheus datasource. [#21833]
* DatasourceSettings: Fix issue navigating away from data source settings page. [#21841]
* Graph Panel: Fix typo in thresholds form. [#21903]
* Graphite: Fix issue with functions with multiple required params and no defaults [#21814]
* Image Rendering: Fix render of graph panel legend aligned to the right using Grafana image renderer plugin/service. [#21854]
* Metrics: Adds back missing summary quantiles. [#21858]
* OpenTSDB: Adds back missing ngInject to make it work again. [#21796]
* Plugins: Fix routing in app plugin pages. [#21847]
* Prometheus: Fix default step value for annotation query. [#21934]
* Quota: Makes LDAP + Quota work for the first login of a new user. [#21949]
* StatPanels: Fix change from singlestat to Gauge / BarGauge / Stat where default min & max (0, 100) was copied . [#21820]
* TimePicker: Should display in kiosk mode. [#21816]
* grafana/toolkit: Fix failing linter when there were lint issues. [#21849]- Update to version 6.6.0
* CloudWatch: Add DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) metrics & dimensions. [#21644]
* CloudWatch: Auto period snap to next higher period. [#21659]
* Template variables: Add error for failed query variable on time range update. [#21731]
* XSS: Sanitize column link. [#21735]
* Elasticsearch: Fix adhoc variable filtering for logs query. [#21346]
* Explore: Fix colors for log level when level value is capitalised. [#21646]
* Explore: Fix context view in logs, where some rows may have been filtered out. [#21729] Loki: Fix Loki with repeated panels and interpolation for Explore. [#21685]
* SQLStore: Fix PostgreSQL failure to create organisation for first time. [#21648]
* PagerDuty: Change `payload.custom_details` field in PagerDuty notification to be a JSON object instead of a string.
* Security: The `[security]` setting `cookie_samesite` configured to `none` now renders cookies with `SameSite=None` attribute.
* Graphite: Add Metrictank dashboard to Graphite datasource
* Admin: Show name of user in users table view. [#18108]
* Alerting: Add configurable severity support for PagerDuty notifier. [#19425]
* Alerting: Add more information to webhook notifications. [#20420]
* Alerting: Add support for sending tags in OpsGenie notifier. [#20810]
* Alerting: Added fallbackText to Google Chat notifier. [#21464]
* Alerting: Adds support for sending a single email to all recipients in email notifier. [#21091]
* Alerting: Enable setting of OpsGenie priority via a tag. [#21298]
* Alerting: Use fully qualified status emoji in Threema notifier. [#21305]
* Alerting: new min_interval_seconds option to enforce a minimum evaluation frequency. [#21188]
* CloudWatch: Calculate period based on time range. [#21471]
* CloudWatch: Display partial result in graph when max DP/call limit is reached. [#21533]
* CloudWatch: ECS/ContainerInsights metrics support. [#21125]
* CloudWatch: Upgrade aws-sdk-go. [#20510]
* DataLinks: allow using values from other fields in the same row (cells). [#21478]
* Editor: Ignore closing brace when it was added by editor. [#21172]
* Explore: Context tooltip to copy labels and values from graph. [#21405]
* Explore: Log message line wrapping options for logs. [#20360]
* Forms: introduce RadioButtonGroup. [#20828]
* Frontend: Changes in Redux location should not strip subpath from location url. [#20161]
* Graph: Add fill gradient option to series override line fill. [#20941]
* Graphite: Add metrictank dashboard to Graphite datasource. [#20776]
* Graphite: Do not change query when opening the query editor and there is no data. [#21588]
* Gravatar: Use HTTPS by default. [#20964]
* Loki: Support for template variable queries. [#20697]
* NewsPanel: Add news as a builtin panel. [#21128]
* OAuth: Removes send_client_credentials_via_post setting. [#20044]
* OpenTSDB: Adding lookup limit to OpenTSDB datasource settings. [#20647]
* Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Adds support for region annotations. [#20752]
* Prometheus: Field to specify step in Explore. [#20195]
* Prometheus: User metrics metadata to inform query hints. [#21304]
* Renderer: Add user-agent to remote rendering service requests. [#20956]
* Security: Add disabled option for cookie samesite attribute. [#21472]
* Stackdriver: Support meta labels. [#21373]
* TablePanel, GraphPanel: Exclude hidden columns from CSV. [#19925]
* Templating: Update variables on location changed. [#21480]
* Tracing: Support configuring Jaeger client from environment. [#21103]
* Units: Add currency and energy units. [#20428]
* Units: Support dynamic count and currency units. [#21279]
* grafana/toolkit: Add option to override webpack config. [#20872]
* grafana/ui: ConfirmModal component. [#20965]
* grafana/ui: Create Tabs component. [#21328]
* grafana/ui: New table component. [#20991]
* grafana/ui: New updated time picker. [#20931]
* White-labeling: Makes it possible to customize the footer and login background (Enterprise)
* API: Optionally list expired API keys. [#20468]
* Alerting: Fix custom_details to be a JSON object instead of a string in PagerDuty notifier. [#21150]
* Alerting: Fix image rendering and uploading timeout preventing to send alert notifications. [#21536]
* Alerting: Fix panic in dingding notifier. [#20378]
* Alerting: Fix template query validation logic. [#20721]
* Alerting: If no permission to clear history, keep the historical data. [#19007]
* Alerting: Unpausing a non-paused alert rule should not change status to Unknown. [#21375]
* Api: Fix returned message when enabling, disabling and deleting a non-existing user. [#21391]
* Auth: Rotate auth tokens at the end of requests. [#21347]
* Azure Monitor: Fix error when using azure monitor credentials with log analytics and non-default cloud. [#21032]
* CLI: Return error and aborts when plugin file extraction fails. [#20849]
* CloudWatch: Multi-valued template variable dimension alias fix. [#21541]
* Dashboard: Disable draggable panels on small devices. [#20629]
* DataLinks: Links with \\${\\_\\_value.time} do not work when clicking on first result. [#20019]
* Explore: Fix showing of results in selected timezone (UTC/local). [#20812]
* Explore: Fix timepicker when browsing back after switching datasource. [#21454]
* Explore: Sync timepicker and logs after live-tailing stops. [#20979]
* Graph: Fix when clicking a plot on a touch device we won\'t display the annotation menu. [#21479]
* OAuth: Fix role mapping from id token. [#20300]
* Plugins: Add appSubUrl string to config pages. [#21414]
* Provisioning: Start provision dashboards after Grafana server have started. [#21564]
* Render: Use https as protocol when rendering if HTTP2 enabled. [#21600]
* Security: Use same cookie settings for all cookies. [#19787]
* Singlestat: Support empty value map texts. [#20952]
* Units: Custom suffix and prefix units can now be specified, for example custom currency & SI & time formats. [#20763]
* grafana/ui: Do not build grafana/ui in strict mode as it depends on non-strict libs. [#21319]- Update to version 6.5.3
* API: Validate redirect_to cookie has valid (Grafana) url. [#21057]
* AdHocFilter: Shows SubMenu when filtering directly from table. [#21017]
* Cloudwatch: Fix crash when switching from cloudwatch data source. [#21376]
* DataLinks: Sanitize data/panel link URLs. [#21140]
* Elastic: Fix multiselect variable interpolation for logs. [#20894]
* Prometheus: allow user to change HTTP Method in config settings. [#21055]
* Prometheus: Prevents validation of inputs when clicking in them without changing the value. [#21059]
* Rendering: Fix panel PNG rendering when using sub url and serve_from_sub_path = true. [#21306]
* Table: Matches column names with unescaped regex characters. [#21164]- Update to version 6.5.2
* Alerting: Improve alert threshold handle dragging behavior. [#20922]
* AngularPanels: Fix loading spinner being stuck in some rare cases. [#20878]
* CloudWatch: Fix query editor does not render in Explore. [#20909]
* CloudWatch: Remove illegal character escaping in inferred expressions. [#20915]
* CloudWatch: Remove template variable error message. [#20864]
* CloudWatch: Use datasource template variable in curated dashboards. [#20917]
* Elasticsearch: Set default port to 9200 in ConfigEditor. [#20948]
* Gauge/BarGauge: Added support for value mapping of \"no data\"-state to text/value. [#20842]
* Graph: Prevent tooltip from being displayed outside of window. [#20874]
* Graphite: Fix error with annotation metric queries. [#20857]
* Login: Fix fatal error when navigating from reset password page. [#20747]
* MixedDatasources: Do not filter out all mixed data sources in add mixed query dropdown. [#20990]
* Prometheus: Fix caching for default labels request. [#20718]
* Prometheus: Run default labels query only once. [#20898]
* Security: Fix invite link still accessible after completion or revocation. [#20863]
* Server: Fail when unable to create log directory. [#20804]
* TeamPicker: Increase size limit from 10 to 100. [#20882]
* Units: Remove SI prefix symbol from new milli/microSievert(/h) units. [#20650]- Update to version 6.5.1
* CloudWatch: Region template query fix. [#20661]
* CloudWatch: Fix annotations query editor loading. [#20687]
* Panel: Fix undefined services/dependencies in plugins without `/AATTngInject
*/`. [#20696]
* Server: Fix failure to start with \"bind: address already in use\" when using socket as protocol. [#20679]
* Stats: Fix active admins/editors/viewers stats are counted more than once if the user is part of more than one org. [#20711]- Update to version 6.5.0
* CloudWatch: Add curated dashboards for most popular amazon services. [#20486]
* CloudWatch: Enable Min time interval. [#20260]
* Explore: UI improvements for log details. [#20485]
* Server: Improve grafana-server diagnostics configuration for profiling and tracing. [#20593]
* BarGauge/Gauge: Add back missing title option field display options. [#20616]
* CloudWatch: Fix high CPU load. [#20579]
* CloudWatch: Fix high resolution mode without expression. [#20459]
* CloudWatch: Make sure period variable is being interpreted correctly. [#20447]
* CloudWatch: Remove HighResolution toggle since it\'s not being used. [#20440]
* Cloudwatch: Fix LaunchTime attribute tag bug. [#20237]
* Data links: Fix URL field turns read-only for graph panels. [#20381]
* Explore: Keep logQL filters when selecting labels in log row details. [#20570]
* MySQL: Fix TLS auth settings in config page. [#20501]
* Provisioning: Fix unmarshaling nested jsonData values. [#20399]
* Server: Should fail when server is unable to bind port. [#20409]
* Templating: Prevents crash when \\$\\_\\_searchFilter is not a string. [#20526]
* TextPanel: Fix issue with template variable value not properly html escaped [#20588]
* TimePicker: Should update after location change. [#20466]
* CloudWatch: use GetMetricsData API for all queries
* CloudWatch: The GetMetricData API does not return metric unit, so unit auto detection in panels is no longer supported.
* CloudWatch: The `HighRes` switch has been removed from the query editor.
* API: Add `createdAt` and `updatedAt` to api/users/lookup. [#19496]
* API: Add createdAt field to /api/users/:id. [#19475]
* Admin: Adds setting to disable creating initial admin user. [#19505]
* Alerting: Include alert_state in Kafka notifier payload. [#20099]
* AuthProxy: Can now login with auth proxy and get a login token. [#20175]
* AuthProxy: replaces setting ldap_sync_ttl with sync_ttl. [#20191]
* AzureMonitor: Alerting for Azure Application Insights. [#19381]
* Build: Upgrade to Go 1.13. [#19502]
* CLI: Reduce memory usage for plugin installation. [#19639]
* CloudWatch: Add ap-east-1 to hard-coded region lists. [#19523]
* CloudWatch: ContainerInsights metrics support. [#18971]
* CloudWatch: Support dynamic queries using dimension wildcards [#20058]
* CloudWatch: Stop using GetMetricStatistics and use GetMetricData for all time series requests [#20057]
* CloudWatch: Convert query editor from Angular to React [#19880]
* CloudWatch: Convert config editor from Angular to React [#19881]
* CloudWatch: Improved error handling when throttling occurs [#20348]
* CloudWatch: Deep linking from Grafana panel to CloudWatch console [#20279]
* CloudWatch: Add Grafana user agent to GMD calls [#20277]
* Dashboard: Allows the d-solo route to be used without slug. [#19640]
* Elasticsearch: Adds support for region annotations. [#17602]
* Explore: Add custom DataLinks on datasource level (like tracing links). [#20060]
* Explore: Add functionality to show/hide query row results. [#19794]
* Explore: Synchronise time ranges in split mode. [#19274]
* Explore: UI change for log row details . [#20034]
* Frontend: Migrate DataSource HTTP Settings to React. [#19452]
* Frontend: Show browser not supported notification. [#19904]
* Graph: Added series override option to have hidden series be persisted on save. [#20124]
* Graphite: Add Metrictank option to settings to view Metrictank request processing info in new inspect feature. [#20138]
* LDAP: Enable single user sync. [#19446]
* LDAP: Last org admin can login but wont be removed. [#20326]
* LDAP: Support env variable expressions in ldap.toml file. [#20173]
* OAuth: Generic OAuth role mapping support. [#17149]
* Prometheus: Custom query parameters string for Thanos downsampling. [#19121]
* Provisioning: Allow saving of provisioned dashboards. [#19820]
* Security: Minor XSS issue resolved by angularjs upgrade from 1.6.6 -> 1.6.9. [#19849]
* TablePanel: Prevents crash when data contains mixed data formats. [#20202]
* Templating: Introduces \\$\\_\\_searchFilter to Query Variables. [#19858]
* Templating: Made default template variable query editor field a textarea with automatic height. [#20288]
* Units: Add milli/microSievert, milli/microSievert/h and pixels. [#20144]
* Units: Added mega ampere and watt-hour per kg. [#19922]
* Enterprise: Enterprise without a license behaves like OSS (Enterprise)
* API: Added dashboardId and slug in response to dashboard import api. [#19692]
* API: Fix logging of dynamic listening port. [#19644]
* BarGauge: Fix so that default thresholds not keeps resetting. [#20190]
* CloudWatch: Fix incorrect casing of Redshift dimension entry for service class and stage. [#19897]
* CloudWatch: Fixing AWS Kafka dimension names. [#19986]
* CloudWatch: Metric math broken when using multi template variables [#18337]
* CloudWatch: Graphs with multiple multi-value dimension variables don\'t work [#17949]
* CloudWatch: Variables\' values surrounded with braces in request sent to AWS [#14451]
* CloudWatch: Cloudwatch Query for a list of instances for which data is available in the selected time interval [#12784]
* CloudWatch: Dimension\'s positioning/order should be stored in the json dashboard [#11062]
* CloudWatch: Batch CloudWatch API call support in backend [#7991]
* ColorPicker: Fix issue with ColorPicker disappearing too quickly. [#20289]
* Datasource: Add custom headers on alerting queries. [#19508] plugins in alpine. [#20214]
* Elasticsearch: Fix template variables interpolation when redirecting to Explore. [#20314]
* Elasticsearch: Support rendering in logs panel. [#20229]
* Explore: Expand template variables when redirecting from dashboard panel. [#19582]
* OAuth: Make the login button display name of custom OAuth provider. [#20209]
* ReactPanels: Adds Explore menu item. [#20236]
* Team Sync: Fix URL encode Group IDs for external team sync. [#20280]- Update to version 6.4.5
* CloudWatch: Fix high CPU load [#20579]- Update to version 6.4.4
* MySQL: Fix encoding in connection string [#20192]
* DataLinks: Fix blur issues. [#19883]
* LDAP: try all LDAP servers even if one returns a connection error. [#20077]
* LDAP: No longer shows incorrectly matching groups based on role in debug page. [#20018]
* Singlestat: Fix no data / null value mapping . [#19951]- Update to version 6.4.3
* Alerting: All notification channels should send even if one fails to send. [#19807]
* AzureMonitor: Fix slate interference with dropdowns. [#19799]
* ContextMenu: make ContextMenu positioning aware of the viewport width. [#19699]
* DataLinks: Fix context menu not showing in singlestat-ish visualisations. [#19809]
* DataLinks: Fix url field not releasing focus. [#19804]
* Datasource: Fix issue where clicking outside of some query editors required 2 clicks. [#19822]
* Panels: Fix default tab for visualizations without Queries Tab. [#19803]
* Singlestat: Fix issue with mapping null to text. [#19689]
* AATTgrafana/toolkit: Don\'t fail plugin creation when git config is not set. [#19821]
* AATTgrafana/toolkit: TSLint line number off by 1. [#19782]- Update to version 6.4.2
* CloudWatch: Changes incorrect dimension wmlid to wlmid . [#19679]
* Grafana Image Renderer: Fix plugin page. [#19664]
* Graph: Fix auto decimals logic for y axis ticks that results in too many decimals for high values. [#19618]
* Graph: Switching to series mode should re-render graph. [#19623]
* Loki: Fix autocomplete on label values. [#19579]
* Loki: Removes live option for logs panel. [#19533]
* Profile: Fix issue with user profile not showing more than sessions sessions in some cases. [#19578]
* Prometheus: Always sort results in Panel by query order. [#19597]
* Show SAML login button if SAML is enabled. [#19591]
* SingleStat: Fix $__name postfix/prefix usage. [#19687]
* Table: Proper handling of json data with dataframes. [#19596]
* Units: Fix wrong id for Terabits/sec. [#19611]- Update to version 6.4.1
* Provisioning: Fix issue where empty nested keys in YAML provisioning caused server crash, [#19547]- Update to version 6.4.0
* Build: Upgrade go to 1.12.10. [#19499]
* DataLinks: Suggestions menu improvements. [#19396]
* Explore: Take root_url setting into account when redirecting from dashboard to explore. [#19447]
* Explore: Update broken link to logql docs. [#19510]
* Logs: Adds Logs Panel as a visualization. [#19504]
* Reporting: Generate and email PDF reports based on Dashboards (Enterprise)
* CLI: Fix version selection for plugin install. [#19498]
* Graph: Fix minor issue with series override color picker and custom color. [#19516]
* Splunk plugin needs to be updated when upgrading from 6.3 to 6.4
* Azure Monitor: Remove support for cross resource queries (#19115)\". [#19346]
* Graphite: Time range expansion reduced from 1 minute to 1 second. [#19246]
* grafana/toolkit: Add plugin creation task. [#19207]
* Alerting: Prevents creating alerts from unsupported queries. [#19250]
* Alerting: Truncate PagerDuty summary when greater than 1024 characters. [#18730]
* Cloudwatch: Fix autocomplete for Gamelift dimensions. [#19146]
* Dashboard: Fix export for sharing when panels use default data source. [#19315]
* Database: Rewrite system statistics query to perform better. [#19178]
* Gauge/BarGauge: Fix issue with [object Object] in titles . [#19217]
* MSSQL: Revert usage of new connectionstring format introduced by #18384. [#19203]
* Multi-LDAP: Do not fail-fast on invalid credentials. [#19261]
* MySQL, Postgres, MSSQL: Fix validating query with template variables in alert. [#19237]
* MySQL, Postgres: Update raw sql when query builder updates. [#19209]
* MySQL: Limit datasource error details returned from the backend. [#19373]
* Reporting: Created scheduled PDF reports for any dashboard (Enterprise).
* API: Readonly datasources should not be created via the API. [#19006]
* Alerting: Include configured AlertRuleTags in Webhooks notifier. [#18233]
* Annotations: Add annotations support to Loki. [#18949]
* Annotations: Use a single row to represent a region. [#17673]
* Auth: Allow inviting existing users when login form is disabled. [#19048]
* Azure Monitor: Add support for cross resource queries. [#19115]
* CLI: Allow installing custom binary plugins. [#17551]
* Dashboard: Adds Logs Panel (alpha) as visualization option for Dashboards. [#18641]
* Dashboard: Reuse query results between panels . [#16660]
* Dashboard: Set time to to 23:59:59 when setting To time using calendar. [#18595]
* DataLinks: Add DataLinks support to Gauge, BarGauge and stat panel. [#18605]
* DataLinks: Enable access to labels & field names. [#18918]
* DataLinks: Enable multiple data links per panel. [#18434]
* Elasticsearch: allow templating queries to order by doc_count. [#18870]
* Explore: Add throttling when doing live queries. [#19085]
* Explore: Adds ability to go back to dashboard, optionally with query changes. [#17982]
* Explore: Reduce default time range to last hour. [#18212]
* Gauge/BarGauge: Support decimals for min/max. [#18368]
* Graph: New series override transform constant that renders a single point as a line across the whole graph. [#19102]
* Image rendering: Add deprecation warning when PhantomJS is used for rendering images. [#18933]
* InfluxDB: Enable interpolation within ad-hoc filter values. [#18077]
* LDAP: Allow an user to be synchronized against LDAP. [#18976]
* Ldap: Add ldap debug page. [#18759]
* Loki: Remove prefetching of default label values. [#18213]
* Metrics: Add failed alert notifications metric. [#18089]
* OAuth: Support JMES path lookup when retrieving user email. [#14683]
* OAuth: return GitLab groups as a part of user info (enable team sync). [#18388]
* Panels: Add unit for electrical charge - ampere-hour. [#18950]
* Plugin: AzureMonitor - Reapply MetricNamespace support. [#17282]
* Plugins: better warning when plugins fail to load. [#18671]
* Postgres: Add support for scram sha 256 authentication. [#18397]
* RemoteCache: Support SSL with Redis. [#18511]
* SingleStat: The gauge option in now disabled/hidden (unless it\'s an old panel with it already enabled) . [#18610]
* Stackdriver: Add extra alignment period options. [#18909]
* Units: Add South African Rand (ZAR) to currencies. [#18893]
* Units: Adding T,P,E,Z,and Y bytes. [#18706]
* Alerting: Notification is sent when state changes from no_data to ok. [#18920]
* Alerting: fix duplicate alert states when the alert fails to save to the database. [#18216]
* Alerting: fix response popover prompt when add notification channels. [#18967]
* CloudWatch: Fix alerting for queries with Id (using GetMetricData). [#17899]
* Explore: Fix auto completion on label values for Loki. [#18988]
* Explore: Fix crash using back button with a zoomed in graph. [#19122]
* Explore: only run queries in Explore if Graph/Table is shown. [#19000]
* MSSQL: Change connectionstring to URL format to fix using passwords with semicolon. [#18384]
* MSSQL: Fix memory leak when debug enabled. [#19049]
* Provisioning: Allow escaping literal \'$\' with \'$\\$\' in configs to avoid interpolation. [#18045]
* TimePicker: Fix hiding time picker dropdown in FireFox. [#19154]
* Various breaking changes in the annotations HTTP API for region annotations.- Update to version 6.3.7
* CloudWatch: Fix high CPU load [#20579]- Update to version 6.3.6
* Metrics: Adds setting for turning off total stats metrics. [#19142]
* Database: Rewrite system statistics query to perform better. [#19178]
* Explore: Fix error when switching from prometheus to loki data sources. [#18599]- Update to version 6.3.5
* Dashboard: Fix dashboards init failed loading error for dashboards with panel links that had missing properties. [#18786]
* Editor: Fix issue where only entire lines were being copied. [#18806]
* Explore: Fix query field layout in splitted view for Safari browsers. [#18654]
* LDAP: multildap + ldap integration. [#18588]
* Profile/UserAdmin: Fix for user agent parser crashes grafana-server on 32-bit builds. [#18788]
* Prometheus: Prevents panel editor crash when switching to Prometheus data source. [#18616]
* Prometheus: Changes brace-insertion behavior to be less annoying. [#18698]- Update to version 6.3.4
* Annotations: Fix failing annotation query when time series query is cancelled. [#18532]
* Auth: Do not set SameSite cookie attribute if cookie_samesite is none. [#18462]
* DataLinks: Apply scoped variables to data links correctly. [#18454]
* DataLinks: Respect timezone when displaying datapoint\'s timestamp in graph context menu. [#18461]
* DataLinks: Use datapoint timestamp correctly when interpolating variables. [#18459]
* Explore: Fix loading error for empty queries. [#18488]
* Graph: Fix legend issue clicking on series line icon and issue with horizontal scrollbar being visible on windows. [#18563]
* Graphite: Avoid glob of single-value array variables . [#18420]
* Prometheus: Fix queries with label_replace remove the \\$1 match when loading query editor. [#18480]
* Prometheus: More consistently allows for multi-line queries in editor. [#18362]
* TimeSeries: Assume values are all numbers. [#18540]- Update to version 6.3.2
* Gauge/BarGauge: Fix issue with lost thresholds and an issue loading Gauge with avg stat. [#18375]- Update to version 6.3.1
* PanelLinks: Fix crash issue with Gauge & Bar Gauge panels with panel links (drill down links). [#18430]- Update to version 6.3.0
* OAuth: Do not set SameSite OAuth cookie if cookie_samesite is None. [#18392]
* PanelLinks: Fix render issue when there is no panel description. [#18408]
* Auth Proxy: Include additional headers as part of the cache key. [#18298]
* OAuth: Fix \"missing saved state\" OAuth login failure due to SameSite cookie policy. [#18332]
* cli: fix for recognizing when in dev mode.. [#18334]
* Build grafana images consistently. [#18224]
* Docs: SAML. [#18069]
* Permissions: Show plugins in nav for non admin users but hide plugin configuration. [#18234]
* TimePicker: Increase max height of quick range dropdown. [#18247]
* DataLinks: Fix incorrect interpolation of \\${\\_\\_series_name} . [#18251]
* Loki: Display live tailed logs in correct order in Explore. [#18031]
* PhantomJS: Fix rendering on Debian Buster. [#18162]
* TimePicker: Fix style issue for custom range popover. [#18244]
* Timerange: Fix a bug where custom time ranges didn\'t respect UTC. [#18248]
* remote_cache: Fix redis connstr parsing. [#18204]
* Alerting: Add tags to alert rules. [#10989]
* Alerting: Attempt to send email notifications to all given email addresses. [#16881]
* Alerting: Improve alert rule testing. [#16286]
* Alerting: Support for configuring content field for Discord alert notifier. [#17017]
* Alertmanager: Replace illegal chars with underscore in label names. [#17002]
* Auth: Allow expiration of API keys. [#17678]
* Auth: Return device, os and browser when listing user auth tokens in HTTP API. [#17504]
* Auth: Support list and revoke of user auth tokens in UI. [#17434]
* AzureMonitor: change clashing built-in Grafana variables/macro names for Azure Logs. [#17140]
* CloudWatch: Made region visible for AWS Cloudwatch Expressions. [#17243]
* Cloudwatch: Add AWS DocDB metrics. [#17241]
* Dashboard: Use timezone dashboard setting when exporting to CSV. [#18002]
* Data links. [#17267]
* Elasticsearch: Support for visualizing logs in Explore . [#17605]
* Explore: Adds Live option for supported data sources. [#17062]
* Explore: Adds orgId to URL for sharing purposes. [#17895]
* Explore: Adds support for new loki \'start\' and \'end\' params for labels endpoint. [#17512]
* Explore: Adds support for toggling raw query mode in explore. [#17870]
* Explore: Allow switching between metrics and logs . [#16959]
* Explore: Combines the timestamp and local time columns into one. [#17775]
* Explore: Display log lines context . [#17097]
* Explore: Don\'t parse log levels if provided by field or label. [#17180]
* Explore: Improves performance of Logs element by limiting re-rendering. [#17685]
* Explore: Support for new LogQL filtering syntax. [#16674]
* Explore: Use new TimePicker from Grafana/UI. [#17793]
* Explore: handle newlines in LogRow Highlighter. [#17425]
* Graph: Added new fill gradient option. [#17528]
* GraphPanel: Don\'t sort series when legend table & sort column is not visible. [#17095]
* InfluxDB: Support for visualizing logs in Explore. [#17450]
* Logging: Login and Logout actions (#17760). [#17883]
* Logging: Move log package to pkg/infra. [#17023]
* Metrics: Expose stats about roles as metrics. [#17469]
* MySQL/Postgres/MSSQL: Add parsing for day, weeks and year intervals in macros. [#13086]
* MySQL: Add support for periodically reloading client certs. [#14892]
* Plugins: replace dataFormats list with skipDataQuery flag in plugin.json. [#16984]
* Prometheus: Take timezone into account for step alignment. [#17477]
* Prometheus: Use overridden panel range for \\$\\_\\_range instead of dashboard range. [#17352]
* Prometheus: added time range filter to series labels query. [#16851]
* Provisioning: Support folder that doesn\'t exist yet in dashboard provisioning. [#17407]
* Refresh picker: Handle empty intervals. [#17585]
* Singlestat: Add y min/max config to singlestat sparklines. [#17527]
* Snapshot: use given key and deleteKey. [#16876]
* Templating: Correctly display __text in multi-value variable after page reload. [#17840]
* Templating: Support selecting all filtered values of a multi-value variable. [#16873]
* Tracing: allow propagation with Zipkin headers. [#17009]
* Users: Disable users removed from LDAP. [#16820]
* SAML: Add SAML as an authentication option (Enterprise)
* AddPanel: Fix issue when removing moved add panel widget . [#17659]
* CLI: Fix encrypt-datasource-passwords fails with sql error. [#18014]
* Elasticsearch: Fix default max concurrent shard requests. [#17770]
* Explore: Fix browsing back to dashboard panel. [#17061]
* Explore: Fix filter by series level in logs graph. [#17798]
* Explore: Fix issues when loading and both graph/table are collapsed. [#17113]
* Explore: Fix selection/copy of log lines. [#17121]
* Fix: Wrap value of multi variable in array when coming from URL. [#16992]
* Frontend: Fix for Json tree component not working. [#17608]
* Graphite: Fix for issue with alias function being moved last. [#17791]
* Graphite: Fix issue with seriesByTag & function with variable param. [#17795]
* Graphite: use POST for /metrics/find requests. [#17814]
* HTTP Server: Serve Grafana with a custom URL path prefix. [#17048]
* InfluxDB: Fix single quotes are not escaped in label value filters. [#17398]
* Prometheus: Correctly escape \'|\' literals in interpolated PromQL variables. [#16932]
* Prometheus: Fix when adding label for metrics which contains colons in Explore. [#16760]
* SinglestatPanel: Remove background color when value turns null. [#17552]- Update to version 6.2.5
* Grafana-CLI: Wrapper for `grafana-cli` within RPM/DEB packages and config/homepath are now global flags. [#17695]
* Panel: Fully escape html in drilldown links (was only sanitized before). [#17731]
* Config: Fix connectionstring for remote_cache in defaults.ini. [#17675]
* Elasticsearch: Fix empty query (via template variable) should be sent as wildcard. [#17488]
* HTTP-Server: Fix Strict-Transport-Security header. [#17644]
* TablePanel: fix annotations display. [#17646]- Update to version 6.2.4
* Grafana-CLI: Fix receiving flags via command line . [#17617]
* HTTPServer: Fix X-XSS-Protection header formatting. [#17620]- Update to version 6.2.3
* AuthProxy: Optimistic lock pattern for remote cache Set. [#17485]
* HTTPServer: Options for returning new headers X-Content-Type-Options, X-XSS-Protection and Strict-Transport-Security. [#17522]
* Auth Proxy: Fix non-negative cache TTL. [#17495]
* Grafana-CLI: Fix receiving configuration flags from the command line. [#17606]
* OAuth: Fix for wrong user token updated on OAuth refresh in DS proxy. [#17541]
* remote_cache: Fix redis. [#17483]- Update to version 6.2.2
* Security: Prevent CSV formula injection attack when exporting data. [#17363]
* CloudWatch: Fix error when hiding/disabling queries. [#17283]
* Database: Fix slow permission query in folder/dashboard search. [#17427]
* Explore: Fix updating time range before running queries. [#17349]
* Plugins: Fix plugin config page navigation when using subpath. [#17364]- Update to version 6.2.1
* CLI: Add command to migrate all data sources to use encrypted password fields . [#17118]
* Gauge/BarGauge: Improvements to auto value font size . [#17292]
* Auth Proxy: Resolve database is locked errors. [#17274]
* Database: Retry transaction if sqlite returns database is locked error. [#17276]
* Explore: Fix filtering query by clicked value when a Prometheus Table is clicked. [#17083]
* Singlestat: Fix issue with value placement and line wraps. [#17249]
* Tech: Update jQuery to 3.4.1 to fix issue on iOS 10 based browsers as well as Chrome 53.x. [#17290]- Update to version 6.2.0
* BarGauge: Fix for negative min values. [#17192]
* Gauge/BarGauge: Fix for issues editing min & max options. [#17174]
* Search: Make only folder name only open search with current folder filter. [#17226]
* AzureMonitor: Revert to clearing chained dropdowns. [#17212]
* Data source plugins that process hidden queries need to add a \"hiddenQueries: true\" attribute in plugin.json. [#17124]
* Plugins: Support templated urls in plugin routes. [#16599]
* Packaging: New MSI windows installer package\\
*. [#17073]
* Dashboard: Fix blank dashboard after window resize with panel without title. [#16942]
* Dashboard: Fix lazy loading & expanding collapsed rows on mobile. [#17055]
* Dashboard: Fix scrolling issues for Edge browser. [#17033]
* Dashboard: Show refresh button in first kiosk(tv) mode. [#17032]
* Explore: Fix empty result from data source should render logs container. [#16999]
* Explore: Filter query by clicked value when clicking in a Prometheus Table [#17083]
* Explore: Makes it possible to zoom in Explore/Loki/Graph without exception. [#16991]
* Gauge: Fix orientation issue after switching from BarGauge to Gauge. [#17064]
* GettingStarted: Fix layout issues in getting started panel. [#16941]
* InfluxDB: Fix HTTP method should default to GET. [#16949]
* Panels: Fix alert icon position in panel header. [#17070]
* Panels: Fix panel error tooltip not showing. [#16993]
* Plugins: Fix how datemath utils are exposed to plugins. [#16976]
* Singlestat: fixed centering issue for very small panels. [#16944]
* Search: Scroll issue in dashboard search in latest Chrome. [#17054]
* Gauge: Adds background shade to gauge track and improves height usage. [#17019]
* RemoteCache: Avoid race condition in Set causing error on insert. . [#17082]
* Admin: Add more stats about roles. [#16667]
* Alert list panel: Support variables in filters. [#16892]
* Alerting: Adjust label for send on all alerts to default . [#16554]
* Alerting: Makes timeouts and retries configurable. [#16259]
* Alerting: No notification when going from no data to pending. [#16905]
* Alerting: Pushover alert, support for different sound for OK. [#16525]
* Auth: Enable retries and transaction for some db calls for auth tokens. [#16785]
* AzureMonitor: Adds support for multiple subscriptions per data source. [#16922]
* Bar Gauge: New multi series enabled gauge like panel with horizontal and vertical layouts and 3 display modes. [#16918]
* Build: Upgrades to golang 1.12.4. [#16545]
* CloudWatch: Update AWS/IoT metric and dimensions. [#16337]
* Config: Show user-friendly error message instead of stack trace. [#16564]
* Dashboard: Enable filtering dashboards in search by current folder. [#16790]
* Dashboard: Lazy load out of view panels . [#15554]
* DataProxy: Restore Set-Cookie header after proxy request. [#16838]
* Data Sources: Add pattern validation for time input on data source config pages. [#16837]
* Elasticsearch: Add 7.x version support. [#16646]
* Explore: Adds reconnect for failing data source. [#16226]
* Explore: Support user timezone. [#16469]
* InfluxDB: Add support for POST HTTP verb. [#16690]
* Loki: Search is now case insensitive. [#15948]
* OAuth: Update jwt regexp to include `=`. [#16521]
* Panels: No title will no longer make panel header take up space. [#16884]
* Prometheus: Adds tracing headers for Prometheus datasource. [#16724]
* Provisioning: Add API endpoint to reload provisioning configs. [#16579]
* Provisioning: Do not allow deletion of provisioned dashboards. [#16211]
* Provisioning: Interpolate env vars in provisioning files. [#16499]
* Provisioning: Support FolderUid in Dashboard Provisioning Config. [#16559]
* Security: Add new setting allow_embedding. [#16853]
* Security: Store data source passwords encrypted in secureJsonData. [#16175]
* UX: Improve Grafana usage for smaller screens. [#16783]
* Units: Add angle units, Arc Minutes and Seconds. [#16271]
* CloudWatch: Fix query order not affecting series ordering & color. [#16408]
* CloudWatch: Use default alias if there is no alias for metrics. [#16732]
* Config: Fix bug where timeouts for alerting was not parsed correctly. [#16784]
* Elasticsearch: Fix view percentiles metric in table without date histogram. [#15686]
* Explore: Prevents histogram loading from killing Prometheus instance. [#16768]
* Graph: Allow override decimals to fully override. [#16414]
* Mixed Data Source: Fix error when one query is disabled. [#16409]
* Search: Fix search limits and add a page parameter. [#16458]
* Security: Responses from backend should not be cached. [#16848]
* Gauge Panel: The suffix / prefix options have been removed from the new Gauge Panel (introduced in v6.0). [#16870]- Update to version 6.1.6
* Security: Bump jQuery to 3.4.0 . [#16761]
* Playlist: Fix loading dashboards by tag. [#16727]- Update to version 6.1.4
* DataPanel: Added missing built-in interval variables to scopedVars. [#16556]
* Explore: Adds maxDataPoints to data source query options . [#16513]
* Explore: Recalculate intervals on run query. [#16510]
* Heatmap: Fix for empty graph when panel is too narrow (#16378). [#16460]
* Heatmap: Fix auto decimals when bucket name is not number. [#16609]
* QueryInspector: Now shows error responses again. [#16514]- Update to version 6.1.3
* Graph: Fix auto decimals in legend values for some units like `ms` and `s`. [#16455]
* Graph: Fix png rendering with legend to the right. [#16463]
* Singlestat: Use decimals when manually specified. [#16451]
* Fix broken UI switches: Default Data Source switch, Explore Logs switches, Gauge option switches. [#16303]- Update to version 6.1.2
* Graph: Fix series legend color for hidden series. [#16438]
* Graph: Fix tooltip highlight on white theme. [#16429]
* Styles: Fix menu hover highlight border. [#16431]
* Singlestat Panel: Correctly use the override decimals. [#16413]- Update to version 6.1.1
* Graphite: Editing graphite query function now works again. [#16390]
* Playlist: Kiosk & auto fit panels modes are working normally again . [#16403]
* QueryEditors: Toggle edit mode now always work on slower computers. [#16394]- Update to version 6.1.0
* CloudWatch: Fix for dimension value list when changing dimension key. [#16356]
* Graphite: Editing function arguments now works again. [#16297]
* InfluxDB: Fix tag names with periods in alert evaluation. [#16255]
* PngRendering: Fix for panel height & title centering . [#16351]
* Templating: Fix for editing query variables. [#16299]
* Prometheus: adhoc filter support [#8253]
* Permissions: Editors can become admin for dashboards, folders and teams they create. [#15977]
* Alerting: Don\'t include non-existing image in MS Teams notifications. [#16116]
* Api: Invalid org invite code [#10506]
* Annotations: Fix for native annotations filtered by template variable with pipe. [#15515]
* Dashboard: Fix for time regions spanning across midnight. [#16201]
* Data Source: Handles nil jsondata field gracefully [#14239]
* Data Source: Empty user/password was not updated when updating data sources [#15608]
* Elasticsearch: Fix using template variables in the alias field. [#16229]
* Elasticsearch: Fix incorrect index pattern padding in alerting queries. [#15892]
* Explore: Fix for Prometheus autocomplete not working in Firefox. [#16192]
* Explore: Fix for url does not keep query after browser refresh. [#16189]
* Gauge: Interpolate scoped variables in repeated gauges [#15739]
* Graphite: Fix issue with using series ref and series by tag. [#16111]
* Graphite: Fix variable quoting when variable value is numeric. [#16149]
* Heatmap: Fix Y-axis tick labels being in wrong order for some Prometheus queries. [#15932]
* Heatmap: Negative values are now displayed correctly in graph & legend. [#15953]
* Heatmap: legend shows wrong colors for small values [#14019]
* InfluxDB: Always close request body even for error status codes. [#16207]
* ManageDashboards: Fix for checkboxes not appearing properly Firefox . [#15981]
* Playlist: Leaving playlist now always stops playlist . [#15791]
* Prometheus: fixes regex ad-hoc filters variables with wildcards. [#16234]
* TablePanel: Column color style now works even after removing columns. [#16227]
* TablePanel: Fix for white text on white background when value is null. [#16199]- Update to version 6.0.2
* Alerting: Fix issue with AlertList panel links resulting in panel not found errors. [#15975]
* Dashboard: Improved error handling when rendering dashboard panels. [#15970]
* LDAP: Fix allow anonymous server bind for ldap search. [#15872]
* Discord: Fix discord notifier so it doesn\'t crash when there are no image generated. [#15833]
* Panel Edit: Prevent search in VizPicker from stealing focus. [#15802]
* Data Source admin: Fix url of back button in data source edit page, when root_url configured. [#15759]- Update to version 6.0.1
* Metrics: Fix broken usagestats metrics for /metrics [#15651]
* Dashboard: append &kiosk to the url in Kiosk mode [#15765]
* Dashboard: respect header in kiosk=tv mode with autofitpanels [#15650]
* Image rendering: Fix image rendering issue for dashboards with auto refresh. [#15818]
* Dashboard: Fix only users that can edit a dashboard should be able to update panel json. [#15805]
* LDAP: fix allow anonymous initial bind for ldap search. [#15803]
* UX: ixed scrollbar not visible initially (only after manual scroll). [#15798]
* Data Source admin TestData [#15793]
* Dashboard: Fix scrolling issue that caused scroll to be locked to bottom. [#15792]
* Explore: Viewers with viewers_can_edit should be able to access /explore. [#15787]
* Security fix: limit access to org admin and alerting pages. [#15761]
* Panel Edit minInterval changes did not persist [#15757]
* Teams: Fix bug when getting teams for user. [#15595]
* Stackdriver: fix for float64 bounds for distribution metrics [#14509]
* Stackdriver: no reducers available for distribution type [#15179]- Update to version 6.0.0
* Dashboard: fixes click after scroll in series override menu [#15621]
* MySQL: fix mysql query using \\_interval_ms variable throws error [#14507]
* Influxdb: Add support for alerting on InfluxDB queries that use the non_negative_difference function [#15415]
* Alerting: Fix percent_diff calculation when points are nulls [#15443]
* Alerting: Fix handling of alert urls with true flags [#15454]
* AzureMonitor: Enable alerting by converting Azure Monitor API to Go [#14623]
* Security: Fix CSRF Token validation for POSTs [#1441]
* Internal Metrics Edition has been added to the build_info metric. This will break any Graphite queries using this metric. Edition will be a new label for the Prometheus metric. [#15363]
* Gauge: Fix issue with gauge requests being cancelled [#15366]
* Gauge: Accept decimal inputs for thresholds [#15372]
* UI: Fix error caused by named colors that are not part of named colors palette [#15373]
* Search: Bug pressing special regexp chars in input fields [#12972]
* Permissions: No need to have edit permissions to be able to \"Save as\" [#13066]
* Alerting: Adds support for Google Hangouts Chat notifications [#11221]
* Elasticsearch: Support bucket script pipeline aggregations [#5968]
* Influxdb: Add support for time zone (`tz`) clause [#10322]
* Snapshots: Enable deletion of public snapshot [#14109]
* Provisioning: Provisioning support for alert notifiers [#10487]
* Explore: A whole new way to do ad-hoc metric queries and exploration. Split view in half and compare metrics & logs.
* Auth: Replace remember me cookie solution for Grafana\'s builtin, LDAP and OAuth authentication with a solution based on short-lived tokens [#15303]
* Search: Fix for issue with scrolling the \"tags filter\" dropdown, fixes [#14486]
* Prometheus: fix annotation always using 60s step regardless of dashboard range [#14795]
* Annotations: Fix creating annotation when graph panel has no data points position the popup outside viewport [#13765]
* Piechart/Flot: Fix multiple piechart instances with donut bug [#15062]
* Postgres: Fix default port not added when port not configured [#15189]
* Alerting: Fix crash bug when alert notifier folders are missing [#15295]
* Dashboard: Fix save provisioned dashboard modal [#15219]
* Dashboard: Fix having a long query in prometheus dashboard query editor
* blocks 30% of the query field when on OSX and having native scrollbars [#15122]
* Explore: Fix issue with wrapping on long queries [#15222]
* Explore: Fix cut & paste adds newline before and after selection [#15223]
* Dataproxy: Fix global data source proxy timeout not added to correct http client [#15258]
* Text Panel: The text panel does no longer by default allow unsanitized HTML. [#4117]
* Dashboard: Panel property `minSpan` replaced by `maxPerRow`. Dashboard
* migration will automatically migrate all dashboard panels using the `minSpan` property to the new `maxPerRow` property [#12991]- Update to version 5.4.3
* MySQL only update session in mysql database when required [#14540]
* Alerting Invalid frequency causes division by zero in alert scheduler [#14810]
* Dashboard Dashboard links do not update when time range changes [#14493]
* Limits Support more than 1000 data sources per org [#13883]
* Backend fix signed in user for orgId=0 result should return active org id [#14574]
* Provisioning Adds orgId to user dto for provisioned dashboards [#14678]- Update to version 5.4.2
* Data Source admin: Fix for issue creating new data source when same name exists [#14467]
* OAuth: Fix for oauth auto login setting, can now be set using env variable [#14435]- Update to version 5.4.1
* Stackdriver: Fix issue with data proxy and Authorization header [#14262]
* Units: fixedUnit for Flow:l/min and mL/min [#14294]
* Logging: Fix for issue where data proxy logged a secret when debug logging was enabled, now redacted. [#14319]
* TSDB: Fix always take dashboard timezone into consideration when handle custom time ranges: Add support for alerting on InfluxDB queries that use the cumulative_sum function. [#14314]
* Embedded Graphs: Iframe graph panels should now work as usual. [#14284]
* Postgres: Improve PostgreSQL Query Editor if using different Schemas, [#14313]
* Quotas: Fix updating org & user quotas. [#14347]
* Cloudwatch: Add the AWS/SES Cloudwatch metrics of BounceRate and ComplaintRate to auto complete list. [#14401]
* Dashboard Search: Fix filtering by tag issues.
* Graph: Fix time region issues, [#14425]- Update to version 5.4.0
* Cloudwatch: Fix invalid time range causes segmentation fault [#14150]
* Cloudwatch: AWS/CodeBuild metrics and dimensions [#14167]
* MySQL: Fix `$__timeFrom()` and `$__timeTo()` should respect local time zone [#14228]
* Graph: Fix legend always visible even if configured to be hidden [#14144]
* Elasticsearch: Fix regression when using data source version 6.0+ and alerting [#14175]
* Alerting: Introduce alert debouncing with the `FOR` setting. [#7886]
* Alerting: Option to disable OK alert notifications [#12330]
* Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Adds support for configuration of max open/idle connections and connection max lifetime. Also, panels with multiple SQL queries will now be executed concurrently [#11711]
* MySQL: Graphical query builder [#13762]
* MySQL: Support connecting thru Unix socket for MySQL data source [#12342]
* MSSQL: Add encrypt setting to allow configuration of how data sent between client and server are encrypted [#13629]
* Stackdriver: Not possible to authenticate using GCE metadata server [#13669]
* Teams: Team preferences (theme, home dashboard, timezone) support [#12550]
* Graph: Time regions support enabling highlight of weekdays and/or certain timespans [#5930]
* OAuth: Automatic redirect to sign-in with OAuth [#11893]
* Stackdriver: Template query editor [#13561]
* Security: Upgrade macaron session package to fix security issue. [#14043]
* Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL data sources now per default uses `max open connections` = `unlimited` (earlier 10), `max idle connections` = `2` (earlier 10) and `connection max lifetime` = `4` hours (earlier unlimited).- Update to version 5.3.4
* Alerting: Delete alerts when parent folder was deleted [#13322]
* MySQL: Fix `$__timeFilter()` should respect local time zone [#13769]
* Dashboard: Fix data source selection in panel by enter key [#13932]
* Graph: Fix table legend height when positioned below graph and using Internet Explorer 11 [#13903]
* Dataproxy: Drop origin and referer http headers [#13328]- Update to version 5.3.3
* Fix file exfiltration vulnerability- Update to version 5.3.2
* InfluxDB/Graphite/Postgres: Prevent XSS in query editor [#13667]
* Postgres: Fix template variables error [#13692]
* Cloudwatch: Fix service panic because of race conditions [#13674]
* Cloudwatch: Fix check for invalid percentile statistics [#13633]
* Stackdriver/Cloudwatch: Allow user to change unit in graph panel if cloudwatch/stackdriver data source response doesn\'t include unit [#13718]
* Stackdriver: stackdriver user-metrics duplicated response when multiple resource types [#13691]
* Variables: Fix text box template variable doesn\'t work properly without a default value [#13666]
* Variables: Fix variable dependency check when using `${var}` format [#13600]
* Dashboard: Fix kiosk=1 url parameter should put dashboard in kiosk mode [#13764]
* LDAP: Fix super admins can also be admins of orgs [#13710]
* Provisioning: Fix deleting provisioned dashboard folder should cleanup provisioning meta data [#13280]- Update to version 5.3.1
* Render: Fix PhantomJS render of graph panel when legend displayed as table to the right [#13616]
* Stackdriver: Filter option disappears after removing initial filter [#13607]
* Elasticsearch: Fix no limit size in terms aggregation for alerting queries [#13172]
* InfluxDB: Fix for annotation issue that caused text to be shown twice [#13553]
* Variables: Fix nesting variables leads to exception and missing refresh [#13628]
* Variables: Prometheus: Single letter labels are not supported [#13641]
* Graph: Fix graph time formatting for Last 24h ranges [#13650]
* Playlist: Fix cannot add dashboards with long names to playlist [#13464]
* HTTP API: Fix /api/org/users so that query and limit querystrings works- Update to version 5.3.0
* Stackdriver: Filter wildcards and regex matching are not yet supported [#13495]
* Stackdriver: Support the distribution metric type for heatmaps [#13559]
* Cloudwatch: Automatically set graph yaxis unit [#13575]
* Stackdriver: Fix for missing ngInject [#13511]
* Permissions: Fix for broken permissions selector [#13507]
* Alerting: Alert reminders deduping not working as expected when running multiple Grafana instances [#13492]
* Annotations: Enable template variables in tagged annotations queries [#9735]
* Stackdriver: Support for Google Stackdriver data source [#13289]
* Alerting: Notification reminders [#7330]
* Dashboard: TV & Kiosk mode changes, new cycle view mode button in dashboard toolbar [#13025]
* OAuth: Gitlab OAuth with support for filter by groups [#5623]
* Postgres: Graphical query builder [#10095]
* LDAP: Define Grafana Admin permission in ldap group mappings [#2469]
* LDAP: Client certificates support [#12805]
* Profile: List teams that the user is member of in current/active organization [#12476]
* Configuration: Allow auto-assigning users to specific organization (other than Main. Org) [#1823]
* Dataproxy: Pass configured/auth headers to a data source [#10971]
* CloudWatch: GetMetricData support [#11487]
* Postgres: TimescaleDB support, e.g. use `time_bucket` for grouping by time when option enabled [#12680]
* Cleanup: Make temp file time to live configurable [#11607]
* Postgres data source no longer automatically adds time column alias when using the $__timeGroup alias.
* Kiosk mode now also hides submenu (variables)
* ?inactive url parameter no longer supported, replaced with kiosk=tv url parameter
* Dashboard: Auto fit dashboard panels to optimize space used for current TV or Monitor [#12768]
* Frontend: Convert all Frontend Karma tests to Jest tests [#12224]
* Backend: Upgrade to golang 1.11 [#13030]- Update to version 5.2.4
* GrafanaCli: Fix issue with grafana-cli install plugin resulting in corrupt http response from source error. [#13079]- Update to version 5.2.3
* Important fix for LDAP & OAuth login vulnerability- Update to version 5.2.2
* Prometheus: Fix graph panel bar width issue in aligned prometheus queries [#12379]
* Dashboard: Dashboard links not updated when changing variables [#12506]
* Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Fix connection leak [#12636]
* Plugins: Fix loading of external plugins [#12551]
* Dashboard: Remove unwanted scrollbars in embedded panels [#12589]
* Prometheus: Prevent error using \\$\\_\\_interval_ms in query [#12533]- Update to version 5.2.1
* Auth Proxy: Important security fix for whitelist of IP address feature [#12444]
* UI: Fix - Grafana footer overlapping page [#12430]
* Logging: Errors should be reported before crashing [#12438]- Update to version 5.2.0
* Plugins: Handle errors correctly when loading data source plugin [#12383]
* Render: Enhance error message if phantomjs executable is not found [#11868]
* Dashboard: Set correct text in drop down when variable is present in url [#11968]
* LDAP: Handle \"dn\" ldap attribute more gracefully [#12385]
* Dashboard: Import dashboard to folder [#10796]
* Permissions: Important security fix for API keys with viewer role [#12343]
* Dashboard: Fix so panel titles doesn\'t wrap [#11074]
* Dashboard: Prevent double-click when saving dashboard [#11963]
* Dashboard: AutoFocus the add-panel search filter [#12189]
* Units: W/m2 (energy), l/h (flow) and kPa (pressure) [#11233]
* Units: Liter/min (flow) and milliLiter/min (flow) [#12282]
* Alerting: Fix mobile notifications for Microsoft Teams alert notifier [#11484]
* Influxdb: Add support for mode function [#12286]
* Cloudwatch: Fix panic caused by bad timerange settings [#12199]
* Auth Proxy: Whitelist proxy IP address instead of client IP address [#10707]
* User Management: Make sure that a user always has a current org assigned [#11076]
* Snapshots: Fix: annotations not properly extracted leading to incorrect rendering of annotations [#12278]
* LDAP: Allow use of DN in group_search_filter_user_attribute and member_of [#3132]
* Graph: Fix legend decimals precision calculation [#11792]
* Dashboard: Make sure to process panels in collapsed rows when exporting dashboard [#12256]
* Dashboard: Dashboard link doesn\'t work when \"As dropdown\" option is checked [#12315]
* Dashboard: Fix regressions after save modal changes, including adhoc template issues [#12240]
* Elasticsearch: Alerting support [#5893]
* Build: Crosscompile and packages Grafana on arm, windows, linux and darwin [#11920]
* Login: Change admin password after first login [#11882]
* Alert list panel: Updated to support filtering alerts by name, dashboard title, folder, tags [#11500]
* Dashboard: Modified time range and variables are now not saved by default [#10748]
* Graph: Show invisible highest value bucket in histogram [#11498]
* Dashboard: Enable \"Save As...\" if user has edit permission [#11625]
* Prometheus: Query dates are now step-aligned [#10434]
* Prometheus: Table columns order now changes when rearrange queries [#11690]
* Variables: Fix variable interpolation when using multiple formatting types [#11800]
* Dashboard: Fix date selector styling for dark/light theme in time picker control [#11616]
* Discord: Alert notification channel type for Discord, [#7964]
* InfluxDB: Support SELECT queries in templating query, [#5013]
* InfluxDB: Support count distinct aggregation [#11645]
* Dashboard: JSON Model under dashboard settings can now be updated & changes saved. [#1429]
* Security: Fix XSS vulnerabilities in dashboard links [#11813]
* Singlestat: Fix \"time of last point\" shows local time when dashboard timezone set to UTC [#10338]
* Prometheus: Add support for passing timeout parameter to Prometheus [#11788]
* Login: Add optional option sign out url for generic oauth [#9847]
* Login: Use proxy server from environment variable if available [#9703]
* Invite users: Friendlier error message when smtp is not configured [#12087]
* Graphite: Don\'t send distributed tracing headers when using direct/browser access mode [#11494]
* Sidenav: Show create dashboard link for viewers if at least editor in one folder [#11858]
* SQL: Second epochs are now correctly converted to ms. [#12085]
* Singlestat: Fix singlestat threshold tooltip [#11971]
* Dashboard: Hide grid controls in fullscreen/low-activity views [#11771]
* Dashboard: Validate uid when importing dashboards [#11515]
* Alert list panel: Show alerts for user with viewer role [#11167]
* Provisioning: Verify checksum of dashboards before updating to reduce load on database [#11670]
* Provisioning: Support symlinked files in dashboard provisioning config files [#11958]
* Dashboard list panel: Search dashboards by folder [#11525]
* Sidenav: Always show server admin link in sidenav if grafana admin [#11657]- Update to version 5.1.4
* Permissions: Important security fix for API keys with viewer role [#12343]- Update to version 5.1.3
* Scroll: Graph panel / legend texts shifts on the left each time we move scrollbar on firefox [#11830]- Update to version 5.1.2
* Database: Fix MySql migration issue [#11862]
* Google Analytics: Enable Google Analytics anonymizeIP setting for GDPR [#11656]- Update to version 5.1.1
* LDAP: LDAP login with MariaDB/MySQL database and dn>100 chars not possible [#11754]
* Build: AppVeyor Windows build missing version and commit info [#11758]
* Scroll: Scroll can\'t start in graphs on Chrome mobile [#11710]
* Units: Revert renaming of unit key ppm [#11743]- Update to version 5.1.0
* Folders: Default permissions on folder are not shown as inherited in its dashboards [#11668]
* Templating: Allow more than 20 previews when creating a variable [#11508]
* Dashboard: Row edit icon not shown [#11466]
* SQL: Unsupported data types for value column using time series query [#11703]
* Prometheus: Prometheus query inspector expands to be very large on autocomplete queries [#11673]
* MSSQL: New Microsoft SQL Server data source [#10093]
* Prometheus: The heatmap panel now support Prometheus histograms [#10009]
* Postgres/MySQL: Ability to insert 0s or nulls for missing intervals [#9487]
* Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Fix precision for the time column in table mode [#11306]
* Graph: Align left and right Y-axes to one level [#1271]
* Graph: Thresholds for Right Y axis [#7107]
* Graph: Support multiple series stacking in histogram mode [#8151]
* Alerting: Pausing/un alerts now updates new_state_date [#10942]
* Alerting: Support Pagerduty notification channel using Pagerduty V2 API [#10531]
* Templating: Add comma templating format [#10632]
* Prometheus: Show template variable candidate in query editor [#9210]
* Prometheus: Support POST for query and query_range [#9859]
* Alerting: Add support for retries on alert queries [#5855]
* Table: Table plugin value mappings [#7119]
* IE11: IE 11 compatibility [#11165]
* Scrolling: Better scrolling experience [#11053]
* Folders: A folder admin cannot add user/team permissions for folder/its dashboards [#11173]
* Provisioning: Improved workflow for provisioned dashboards [#10883]
* OpsGenie: Add triggered alerts as description [#11046]
* Cloudwatch: Support high resolution metrics [#10925]
* Cloudwatch: Add dimension filtering to CloudWatch `dimension_values()` [#10029]
* Units: Second to HH:mm:ss formatter [#11107]
* Singlestat: Add color to prefix and postfix in singlestat panel [#11143]
* Dashboards: Version cleanup fails on old databases with many entries [#11278]
* Server: Adjust permissions of unix socket [#11343]
* Shortcuts: Add shortcut for duplicate panel [#11102]
* AuthProxy: Support IPv6 in Auth proxy white list [#11330]
* SMTP: Don\'t connect to STMP server using TLS unless configured. [#7189]
* Prometheus: Escape backslash in labels correctly. [#10555]
* Variables: Case-insensitive sorting for template values [#11128]
* Annotations (native): Change default limit from 10 to 100 when querying api [#11569]
* MySQL/Postgres/MSSQL: PostgreSQL data source generates invalid query with dates before 1970 [#11530]
* Kiosk: Adds url parameter for starting a dashboard in inactive mode [#11228]
* Dashboard: Enable closing timepicker using escape key [#11332]
* Data Sources: Rename direct access mode in the data source settings [#11391]
* Search: Display dashboards in folder indented [#11073]
* Units: Use B/s instead Bps for Bytes per second [#9342]
* Units: Radiation units [#11001]
* Units: Timeticks unit [#11183]
* Units: Concentration units and \"Normal cubic meter\" [#11211]
* Units: New currency - Czech koruna [#11384]
* Avatar: Fix DISABLE_GRAVATAR option [#11095]
* Heatmap: Disable log scale when using time time series buckets [#10792]
* Provisioning: Remove `id` from json when provisioning dashboards, [#11138]
* Prometheus: tooltip for legend format not showing properly [#11516]
* Playlist: Empty playlists cannot be deleted [#11133]
* Switch Orgs: Alphabetic order in Switch Organization modal [#11556]
* Postgres: improve `$__timeFilter` macro [#11578]
* Permission list: Improved ux [#10747]
* Dashboard: Sizing and positioning of settings menu icons [#11572]
* Dashboard: Add search filter/tabs to new panel control [#10427]
* Folders: User with org viewer role should not be able to save/move dashboards in/to general folder [#11553]
* Influxdb: Don\'t assume the first column in table response is time. [#11476]- Update to version 5.0.4
* Dashboard Fix inability to link collapsed panels directly to [#11114]
* Dashboard Provisioning dashboard with alert rules should create alerts [#11247]
* Snapshots For snapshots, the Graph panel renders the legend incorrectly on right hand side [#11318]
* Alerting Link back to Grafana returns wrong URL if root_path contains sub-path components [#11403]
* Alerting Incorrect default value for upload images setting for alert notifiers [#11413]- Update to version 5.0.3
* Mysql: Mysql panic occurring occasionally upon Grafana dashboard access (a bigger patch than the one in 5.0.2) [#11155]- Update to version 5.0.2
* Mysql: Mysql panic occurring occasionally upon Grafana dashboard access [#11155]
* Dashboards: Should be possible to browse dashboard using only uid [#11231]
* Alerting: Fix bug where alerts from hidden panels where deleted [#11222]
* Import: Fix bug where dashboards with alerts couldn\'t be imported [#11227]
* Teams: Remove quota restrictions from teams [#11220]
* Render: Fix bug with legacy url redirection for panel rendering [#11180]- Update to version 5.0.1
* Postgres: PostgreSQL error when using ipv6 address as hostname in connection string [#11055]
* Dashboards: Changing templated value from dropdown is causing unsaved changes [#11063]
* Prometheus: Fix bundled Prometheus 2.0 dashboard [#11016]
* Sidemenu: Profile menu \"invisible\" when gravatar is disabled [#11097]
* Dashboard: Fix a bug with resizable handles for panels [#11103]
* Alerting: Telegram inline image mode fails when caption too long [#10975]
* Alerting: Fix silent failing validation [#11145]
* OAuth: Only use jwt token if it contains an email address [#11127]- Update to version 5.0.0
* oauth Fix GitHub OAuth not working with private Organizations [#11028]
* kiosk white area over bottom panels in kiosk mode [#11010]
* alerting Fix OK state doesn\'t show up in Microsoft Teams [#11032]
* Permissions Fix search permissions issues [#10822]
* Permissions Fix problem issues displaying permissions lists [#10864]
* PNG-Rendering Fix problem rendering legend to the right [#10526]
* Reset password Fix problem with reset password form [#10870]
* Light theme Fix problem with light theme in safari, [#10869]
* Provisioning Now handles deletes when dashboard json files removed from disk [#10865]
* MySQL: Fix issue with schema migration on old mysql (index too long) [#10779]
* GitHub OAuth: Fix fetching github orgs from private github org [#10823]
* Embedding:Fix issues with embedding panel [#10787]
* Dashboards: Dashboard folders, [#1611]
* Teams User groups (teams) implemented. Can be used in folder & dashboard permission list.
* Dashboard grid: Panels are now laid out in a two dimensional grid (with x, y, w, h). [#9093]
* Templating: Vertical repeat direction for panel repeats.
* UX: Major update to page header and navigation
* Dashboard settings: Combine dashboard settings views into one with side menu, [#9750]
* Persistent dashboard url\'s: New url\'s for dashboards that allows renaming dashboards without breaking links. [#7883]
* dashboard.json files have been replaced with dashboard provisioning API.
* Config files for provisioning data sources as configuration have changed from /etc/grafana/conf/datasources to /etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources.
* Pagerduty notifier now defaults to not auto resolve incidents. More details at [#10222]
* `GET /api/alerts` property dashboardUri renamed to url
* New grid engine for positioning dashboard panels
* Alerting: Add support for internal image store [#6922]
* Data Source Proxy: Add support for whitelisting specified cookies to be be passed through to the data source when proxying [#5457]
* Postgres/MySQL: add \\_\\_timeGroup macro for mysql [#9596]
* Text: Text panel are now edited in the ace editor. [#9698]
* Teams: Add Microsoft Teams notifier as [#8523]
* Data Sources: Its now possible to configure data sources with config files [#1789]
* Graphite: Query editor updated to support new query by tag features [#9230]
* Dashboard history: New config file option versions_to_keep sets how many versions per dashboard to store, [#9671]
* Dashboard as cfg: Load dashboards from file into Grafana on startup/change [#9654]
* Prometheus: Grafana can now send alerts to Prometheus Alertmanager while firing [#7481]
* Table: Support multiple table formatted queries in table panel [#9170]
* Security: Protect against brute force (frequent) login attempts [#7616]
* Graph: Don\'t hide graph display options (Lines/Points) when draw mode is unchecked [#9770]
* Alert panel: Adds placeholder text when no alerts are within the time range [#9624]
* Mysql: MySQL enable MaxOpenCon and MaxIdleCon regards how constring is configured. [#9784]
* Cloudwatch: Fix broken query inspector for cloudwatch [#9661]
* Dashboard: Make it possible to start dashboards from search and dashboard list panel [#1871]
* Annotations: Posting annotations now return the id of the annotation [#9798]
* Systemd: Use systemd notification ready flag [#10024]
* GitHub: Use organizations_url provided from github to verify user belongs in org. [#10111]
* Backend: Fix bug where Grafana exited before all sub routines where finished [#10131]
* Azure: Adds support for Azure blob storage as external image stor [#8955]
* Telegram: Add support for inline image uploads to telegram notifier plugin [#9967]
* Sensu: Send alert message to sensu output [#9551]
* Singlestat: suppress error when result contains no datapoints [#9636]
* Postgres/MySQL: Control quoting in SQL-queries when using template variables [#9030]
* Pagerduty: Pagerduty don\'t auto resolve incidents by default anymore. [#10222]
* Cloudwatch: Fix for multi-valued templated queries. [#9903]
* RabbitMq: Remove support for publishing events to RabbitMQ [#9645]
* API: GET /api/dashboards/db/:slug deprecated, use GET /api/dashboards/uid/:uid
* API: DELETE /api/dashboards/db/:slug deprecated, use DELETE /api/dashboards/uid/:uid
* API: `uri` property in GET /api/search deprecated, use `url` or `uid` property
* API: `meta.slug` property in GET /api/dashboards/uid/:uid and GET /api/dashboards/db/:slug deprecated, use `meta.url` or `dashboard.uid` property
* Fri Jun 05 2020 Add CVE-2020-13379.patch
* Security: fix unauthorized avatar proxying (bsc#1172409, CVE-2020-13379)- Refresh systemd-notification.patch- Fix declaration for LICENSE
* Thu Apr 30 2020 Add 0002-CVE-2020-12052-bsc1170657-XSS-annotation-popup-vulnerability.patch
* Security: Fix annotation popup XSS vulnerability (bsc#1170657)
* Tue Sep 10 2019 Add CVE-2019-15043.patch (SOC-10357, CVE-2019-15043, bsc#11483483)
* Adds authentication to a few rest endpoints see:
* Thu Aug 22 2019 Update to version 4.6.5:
* release 4.6.5 CVE-2018-19039 (jsc#SOC-9976) File Exfiltration vulnerability Security fix
* Updated version to 4.6.4. CVE-2018-558213/CVE-2018-558213 (jsc#SOC-9980) Important fix for LDAP & OAuth login vulnerability
* Updated version to 4.6.4.
* sql: added code migration type
* release 4.6.3
* fix default alias
* fixes broken alert eval when first condition is using OR
* fix: alert list panel now works correctly after adding manual annotation on dashboard, fixes #9951
* fix: fix for avatar images when gzip is turned on, fixes #5952
* sets version to 4.6.2
* prom: add support for default step param (#9866)
* build: fixed jshint error
* fix: Html escaping caused issue in InfluxDB query editor, could not pick greater than or less then operators, fixes #9871
* heatmap: fix tooltip in \"Time series bucket\" mode, #9332 (#9867)
* fix cloudwatch ec2_instance_attribute (#9718)
* colorpicker: fix color string change #9769 (#9780)
* changes version to 4.6.1
* fix: panel view now wraps, no scrolling required, fixes #9746
* plugins: fix for loading external plugins behind auth proxy, fixes #9509
* fix: color picker bug at series overrides page, #9715 (#9738)
* tech: switch to golang 1.9.2
* tech: add missing include
* save as should only delete threshold for panels with alerts
* fix: graphite annotation tooltip included undefined, fixes #9707
* build: updated version to v4.6.0
* plugins: added backward compatible path for rxjs
* ux: updated singlestat default colors
* prometheus: fixed unsaved changes warning when changing time range due to step option on query model was changed in datasource.query code, fixes #9675
* fix: firefox can now create region annotations, fixes #9638
* alerting: only editors can pause rules
* fix: another fix for playlist view state, #9639
* fix: fixed playlist controls and view state, fixes #9639
* prom: adds pre built grafana dashboard
* bump version for
* update version to 4.6.0-beta3
* plugins: expose dashboard impression store
* modify $__timeGroup macro so it can be used in select clause (#9527)
* plugins: fixes path issue on Windows
* prometheus: enable gzip for /metrics endpoint
* fix: fixed save to file button in export modal, fixes #9586
* mysql: add usage stats for mysql
* pluginloader: esModule true for systemjs config
* Fix heatmap Y axis rendering (#9580)
* fix vector range
* prometheus: add builtin template variable as range vectors
* fix: fixed prometheus step issue that caused browser crash, fixes #9575
* fix: getting started panel and mark adding data source as done, fixes #9568
* Fixes for annotations API (#9577)
* bump packagecloud script
* build: added imports of rxjs utility functions
* prepare for v4.6.0-beta2 release
* fix template variable expanding
* annotations: quote reserved fields (#9550)
* ux: align alert and btn colors
* fix: fixed color pickers that were broken in minified builds, fixes #9549
* textpanel: fixes #9491
* csv: fix import for saveAs shim
* plugins: expose more util and flot dependencies
* alert_tab: clear test result when testing rules
* (cloudwatch) fix cloudwatch query error over 24h (#9536)
* show error message when cloudwatch datasource can\'t add
* update packagecloud script for 4.6.0-beta1
* changelog: adds note about closing #9516
* alerting: add count_non_null reducer
* Update
* fix: can now remove annotation tags without popover closing
* tech: add backward compatibility for
directive (#9510)
* fix: fixed links on new 404 page, fixes #9493
* logging: dont use cli logger in http_server
* oauth: raise error if session state is missing
* oauth: provide more logging for failed oauth requests
* prepare for 4.6.0-beta1 release
* docs: updated whats new article
* docs: initial draft release v46
* graph: fix y-axis decimalTick check. Fixes #9405
* minor docs update
* docs: annotation docs update
* changelog: adds note about closing #7104
* changelog: adds note about closing #9373
* metrics: disable gzip for /metrics endpoint (#9468)
* Annotation docs (#9506)
* Update
* Update
* Update
* Update
* Fixed link issue in CHANGELOG
* Create
* changelog: adds note about closing #9371,#5334,#8812
* ds_edit: placeholder should only be cert header
* fixed minor styling issus (#9497)
* fix: alert api limit param did not work and caused SQL syntax error, fixes #9492
* annotations: add endpoint for writing graphite-like events (#9495)
* Update unsaved_changes_modal.ts
* fix: set lastSeenAt date when creating users to then years in past insteasd of empty date, fixes #9260
* ux: minor ux fix
* Retain old name for TLS client auth
* Return error if datasource TLS CA not parsed
* Datasource settings: Make HTTP all caps
* Datasource HTTP settings: Add TLS skip verify
* Make URL capitalisation consistent in UI
* Alias macron package in app_routes.go
* Verify datasource TLS and split client auth and CA
* Tidy spacing in datasource TLS settings
* Tests: Clarify what InsecureSkipVerify does
* postgres: add missing ngInject decorator
* docs: initial docs for new annotation features, #9483
* Adds note for #9209 to changelog
* Postgres Data Source (#9475)
* tech: expose more to plugins, closes #9456
* Fix NaN handling (#9469)
* snapshots: improve snapshot listing performance, #9314 (#9477)
* mysql: fix interpolation for numbers in temp vars
* Added docs for Kafka alerting
* Fixed failing go tests
* gofmt fixes
* Added tests
* Kafka REST Proxy works with Grafana
* added insrtuctions for oauth2 okta bitbucket (#9471)
* Unified Color picker fixes (#9466)
* Show min interval query option for mixed datasource (#9467)
* gzip: plugin readme content set explicitly
* ignore pattern for vendored libs
* fix: escape metric segment auto complete, fixes #9423
* Corrected a PostgreSQL SELECT statement. (#9460)
* tests: found the unhandled promise issue in the dash import tests
* testing: fixing tests
* annotations: minor change to default/edit annotation color
* Create annotations (#8197)
* OAuth: Rename sslcli
* OAuth: Separate TLS client auth and CA config
* OAuth: Check both TLS client cert and key
* Always verify TLS unless explicitly told otherwise
* fix: threshold\'s colors in table panels (#9445) (#9453)
* singlestat: fix sizing bug #9337 (#9448)
* Revert \"Fix coloring in singlestat if null value (#9438)\" (#9443)
* Fix coloring in singlestat if null value (#9438)
* fix: missing semicolon
* changed jsontree to use jsonexplorer (#9416)
* docs page for authproxy (#9420)
* Update codebox (#9430)
* Series color picker fix (#9442)
* fix type in readme
* removed commented line
* changelog: adds note about closing #9110
* Fixed typo
* Change empty string checks and improve logging
* changelog: adds note about closing #9208
* Fix spelling on 404 page.
* Lint fix
* Update kbn.js
* Add Norwegian Krone denominator for currency
* fixed layout for column options, changed dropdown for date format kept old code
* build: add noUnusedLocals to tsc parameters
* build: install go based on env variable
* changes go version to 1.9.1
* changelog: adds note about closing #9226
* changelog: add note about closing #9429
* changelog: adds note about closing #9399
* Fix formatting issue
* Add milliseconds format in table panel\'s config
* support for s3 path (#9151)
* Remove apparently unnecessary .flush() calls.
* Fix empty message and toolong attribute names Use default state message if no message is provided by the user Slice attribute name to maximum of 50 chars
* Address review comments.
* changelog: add note about closing #7175
* plugin_loader: expose app_events to plugins
* Add the missing comma
* colorpicker: refactoring the new unififed colorpicker, #9347
* Unified colorpicker (#9347)
* fix missing column headers in excel export (#9413)
* build: remove clean plugin from dev build
* build: fixed broken elastic unit test
* shore: cleanup unused stuff in common.d.ts
* Build URL for close alert request differently
* some restyling (#9409)
* Docs text fixes (#9408)
* Checkbox fixes (#9400)
* fix: ensure panel.datasource is null as default
* plugibs: expose more to plugins
* properly parse & pass upload image bool from config
* break out slack upload into separate function
* tech: minor npm scripts update
* build: fixed build
* refactoring: minor refactoring of PR #8916
* Update script to make it use OpsGenie\'s REST API
* docs: minor docs fix
* Merge branch \'master\' of
* build: minor webpack fix
* docs: updated building from source docs
* playlist: play and edit should use same width
* shore: fixed html indentation, #9368
* tech: updated yarn.lock
* shore: minor cleanup
* Webpack (#9391)
* fixing json for CI
* adding support for token-based slack file.upload API call for posting images to slack
* changelog: adds note about closing #8479
* changelog: adds note about closing #8050
* changelog: adds note about closing #9386
* change pdiff to percent_diff for conditions
* panel: rename label on csv export modal
* add diff and pdiff for conditions
* fix, add targetContainsTemplate()
* fix cloudwatch alert bug
* add debug log
* move extend statistics handling code to backend
* fix assume role
* improve cloudwatch tsdb
* refactor cloudwatch code
* remove obsolete code
* move cloudwatch crendential related code
* remove old handler
* fix annotation query
* fix time
* fix dimension convertion
* re-implement annotation query
* fix parameter format
* fix alert feature
* fix parameter format
* refactor cloudwatch to support new tsdb interface
* refactor cloudwatch frontend code
* refactor cloudwatch frontend code
* fix test
* re-implement dimension_values()
* fix error message
* remove performEC2DescribeInstances()
* re-implement ec2_instance_attribute()
* re-implement ebs_volume_ids()
* import the change,
* fix conflict
* fix test
* remove obsolete GetMetricStatistics()
* fix test
* move test code
* fix conflict
* porting other suggestion
* re-implement get regions
* move the metric find query code
* (cloudwatch) move query parameter to \'parameters\'
* parse duration
* remove offset for startTime
* cache creds for keys/credentials auth type
* fix test
* fix invalid query filter
* count up metrics
* (cloudwatch) alerting
* add brazil currency
* tech: upgrade of systemjs to 0.20.x working
* tech: reverted to systemjs
* tech: migrating elasticsearch to typescript
* changelog: add note about using golang 1.9
* change go version to 1.9
* changelog: adds note about closing #9367
* tech: systemjs upgrade
* made a text-panel page, maybe we don\'t need it
* cleaned up html/sass and added final touches
* Enable dualstack in every net.Dialer, fixes #9364
* jaeger: capitalize tracer name
* jaeger: logging improvement
* tech: systemjs upgrade
* Have include intervalFactor in its calculation, so always equal to the step query parameter.
* alertlist: toggle play/pause button
* updated css and html for recent state changes for alert lists
* Fix export_modal message (#9353)
* s3: minor fix for PR #9223
* internal metrics: add grafana version
* changelog: adds note about closing 5765
* Update latest.json
* typescript: stricter typescript option
* prom_docker: give targets correct job name
* testdata: add bucket scenarios for heatmap
* dev-docker: add grafana as target
* changelog: add note ablout closing #9319
* introduce smtp config option for EHLO identity
* changelog: note about closing #9250
* go fmt
* new page for text, needs more work
* replaced img in graph, created alert list page
* docs: update docs
* Update
* changelog: adds note about closing #5873
* replaced image
* Docs new updates (#9324)
* Update
* Update latest.json
* cleanup: removed unused file
* tech: remove bower and moved remaining bower dependencies to npm
* tech: cleanup and fixed build issue
* tech: upgraded angularjs and moved dependency from bower to npm, closes #9327
* follow go idiom and return error as second param
* tech: updated tsconfig
* docker: adds alertmanager to prometheus fig
* tech: more tslint rules
* another img update
* tech: removing unused variables from typescript files, and making tslint rules more strict
* deleted old shortcuts instruction
* text uppdates for dashlist and singlestat(+img). updated the keyboard shortcuts
* context is reserved for go\'s context
* make ds a param for Query
* remove batch abstraction
* rename executor into tsdbqueryendpoint
* remove unused structs
* refactor response flow
* tech: removed test component
* ux: minor singlestat update
* singlestat: minor change
* Update
* Singlestat time (#9298)
* tech: progress on react poc
* adds note about closing #9213
* Update _navbar.scss
* replaced images, updating text(not finished)
* fix: close for \'Unsaved Changes\' modal, #9284 (#9313)
* Initial graphite tags support (#9239)
* tech: initial react poc
* Make details more clean in PD description
* bug: enable HEAD requests again
* Add `DbClusterIdentifier` to CloudWatch dimensions (#9297)
* templating: fix dependent variable updating (#9306)
* Fix adhoc filters restoration (#9303)
* Explicitly refer to Github \'OAuth\' applications
* config bucket and region for s3 uploader
* fixes bug introduced with prom namespaces
* fixing spelling of millesecond -> millisecond
* fixing spelling of millesecond -> millisecond
* Remove duplicate bus.AddHandler() (#9289)
* Update
* use same key as mt
* tag alert queries that return no_data
* updated error page html+css, added ds_store to ignore (#9285)
* public/app/plugins/panel/graph/specs/graph_specs.ts: relax tests to be \"within\" instead of \"equal\", so they won\'t fail on i686 (#9286)
* Fix path to icon (#9276)
* adds note about fix in v4.5.2
* skip NaN values when writing to graphite
* addded mass units, #9265 (#9273)
* Fully fill out nulls in cloudfront data source (#9268)
* make it possible to configure sampler type
* mark >=400 responses as error
* change port for jaeger dev container
* logwrapper for jaeger
* make samplerconfig.param configurable
* adds custom tags from settings
* use route as span name
* add trace headers for outgoing requests
* docker file for running jaeger
* better formating for error trace
* attach context with span to
* add traces for datasource reverse proxy requests
* trace failed executions
* use tags instead of logs
* use opentracing ext package when possible
* set example port to zipkin default
* adds codahale to vendor
* makes jaeger tracing configurable
* add trace parameters for outgoing requests
* adds basic traces using open traces
* require dashboard panels to have id
* fix: jsonData should not be allowed to be null, fixes #9258
* packaging: reduce package size
* Update (#9263)
* Added --pluginUrl option to grafana-cli for local network plugin installation
* adds note about closing #1395
* add locale format
* update changelog
* fixes broken tests :boom:
* minor code adjusetments
* pass context to image uploaders
* remove unused deps
* Reduced OAuth scope to read_write
* GCS support via JSON API
* gofmt fixes
* Added GCS support #8370
* move more known datasources from others
* Remove alert thresholds on panel duplicate, issue #9178 (#9257)
* 4.5.1 docs + update version to 5.0.0-pre1
* update for 4.5.1
* Update
* docs: updated changelog
* packaging: reducing package size be only including public vendor stuff we need
* docs: update download links
* allow ssl renegotiation for datasources
* check args for query
* add test for completer
* fix
* follow token name change
* (prometheus) support label value completion
* (prometheus) support label name completion
* get s3 url via aws-sdk-go, fix #9189
* Prometheus: Rework the interaction between auto interval (computed based on graph resolution), min interval (where specified, per query) and intervalFactor (AKA resolution, where specified, per query). As a bonus, have and reflect the actual interval (not the auto interval), taking into account min interval and Prometheus\' 11k data points limit.
* minor fix
* (prometheus) support instant query for table format, use checkbox to switch query type
* (prometheus) instant query support
* Add thumbnail to card
* Add values to the hipchat card
* Reorder editorconfig
* Enable datasources to be able to round off to a UTC day properly
* Include triggering metrics to pagerduty alerts
* Thu Jun 14 2018 Add 0001-fix-XSS-vulnerabilities-in-dashboard-links.patch (bsc#1096985)
* Mon Dec 18 2017 Changed go build require to go1.9
* Tue Dec 05 2017 Add systemd-notification.patch (sends systemd notification once Grafana is ready to serve since database migrations can take a few seconds). This fixes the following upstream issue:
* Sat Nov 11 2017 mark %{_datadir}/%{name}/conf/defaults.ini as %conf instead of %doc, grafana-server won\'t start without this file.
* Tue Oct 24 2017 Create /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/
* Tue Oct 17 2017 Create plugin directory and clean up (create in %install, add to %files) handling of /var/lib/grafana/
* and /var/log/grafana.
* Mon Sep 18 2017 Update to version 4.5.1: + New Features:
* Table panel: Render cell values as links
* Elasticsearch: Add ad hoc filters directly by clicking values
* MySQL: New rich query editor with syntax highlighting
* Prometheus: New rich query editor with syntax highlighting + Enhancements:
* GitHub OAuth: Support for GitHub organizations with 100+ teams
* Graphite: Calls to Graphite api /metrics/find now include time range
* Graphite: Added new graphite 1.0 functions
* Elasticsearch: Ad-hoc filters now use query phrase match filters + Breaking change:
* InfluxDB/Elasticsearch: The panel & data source option named \"Group by time interval\" is now named \"Min time interval\" and does now always define a lower limit for the auto group by time. + Other changes:
* InfluxDB: Change time range filter for absolute time ranges to be inclusive instead of exclusive
* InfluxDB: Added paranthesis around tag filters in queries + Bug Fixes: - Modals: Maintain scroll position after opening/leaving modal - Templating: You cannot select data source variables as data source for other template variables - MySQL/Postgres: Fix for max_idle_conn option default which was wrongly set to zero which does not mean unlimited but means zero. + See /usr/share/doc/packages/grafana/ for more details
* Thu Jun 22 2017 Fix spec file to create and own /var/{lib,log}/grafana (bsc#1044933)
* Fri Jun 16 2017 Require phantomjs package at runtime instead of shipping prebuilt x86_64 phantomjs binary (bsc#1044444)
* Tue May 02 2017 Make %fdupes create hardlinks, not symlinks (symlinks result in grafana not being able to load plugins, and the UI breaking)
* Fri Apr 28 2017 Moved build of frontend assets from RPM %pre and %posttrans to Makefile, so this piece of work can be done by the packager, rather than at installation time.
* Thu Mar 23 2017 Update to version 4.2.0- Refactoring based on new packaging proposal
* Mon Sep 05 2016 Update to 3.1.1:
* see: /usr/share/doc/packages/grafana/CHANGELOG.txt
* Wed Jun 01 2016 Update to 3.0.4:
* see: /usr/share/doc/packages/grafana/CHANGELOG.txt
* Wed May 25 2016 Update to 3.0.3:
* see: /usr/share/doc/packages/grafana/CHANGELOG.txt
* Tue May 17 2016 Update to 3.0.2
* see: /usr/share/doc/packages/grafana/CHANGELOG.txt- Enable dependency auto-generation- Don\'t use npm install -g grunt-cli- Spec file cleanup
* Fri Apr 01 2016 Add golang(
* Thu Mar 31 2016 Remove static libraries
* Tue Mar 29 2016 Add _service file to control the URL used by %% pre
* Tue Feb 23 2016 Use BuildRequires when a development branch becomes stable
* Mon Jan 25 2016 Fix buid error: don\'t use %%goinstall (golang-macros.rb is not stable)
* Tue Jan 05 2016 Fix build error: change GOPATH- Copy the vendor folder after installation of package
* Fri Dec 11 2015 Update to 2.6.0:
* see: /usr/share/doc/packages/grafana/CHANGELOG- Create a new spec file for building RPM
* Fri May 08 2015 initial package