Changelog for python2-pymemcache-2.1.1-lp150.2.1.noarch.rpm :

* Mon Mar 18 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Trim filler wording from descriptions.
* Wed Feb 27 2019 Thomas Bechtold - update to 2.1.0:
* Check reStructuredText along with flake8
* Hotfix broken path
* fix result
* Update changelog
* Fix syntax errors
* Use byte strings after serializing with serde
* correct spelling mistake
* Remove deprecated Python version.
* Add tests for serde module
* Kill python 2.6
* Add optional support for unicode keys
* Update README to mention tox
* Fix support newbytes from future
* Final touches for 1.3.7
* Make tuple once, instead of on every call
* Use only the highest, premium quality picklers available at runtime.
* Enforce version for sphinx
* Don\'t Raise Generic Exception (#164)
* DocString: `gets` returns values, not keys
* Always send command keys in their original order
* Bump version to 1.4.3
* Bump version to 1.4.2
* Bump version to 1.4.1
* Bump version to 1.4.0
* Import Classes, Function into package level
* new Patch version for minor change
* trevor sucks
* Remove docs from being run when you\'re running tests
* Add integration environment to tox
* Remove py26 detritus from .travis.yml (#181)
* We only need to import cPickle explicitly if Python 2
* Add test for subclasses of builtin types
* Added default parameter support for \"get\" and \"gets\" methods in Client
* Always close the existing socket on _connect() (#208)
* Add support for stats cachedump
* Add test coverage for the \'cache_memlimit\' command
* Comparing ord(character) so its compatible with python 2 and 3
* Introduce some missing .set() assertions
* Add Code of Conduct and Contributing guides
* Finish preparing the 2.1.0 release
* Make serde use BytesIO for Python 3 compat
* fixed markdown syntax to rst link format (#205)
* Test against py35 and py36
* Update ChangeLog.rst
* Release 1.3.7
* Return default value instead of False when all clients are down
* Make pickle version for python_memcache_serializer adjustable
* Add virtualenv env/ and .cache/ to gitignore
* remove suggestion to use python-clandestined
* add delete and delete_multi benchmarks
* Fix typo in doc
* Bump version
* split benchmarks by method and include get_multi and set_multi
* Fixed a small typo in the doc string of the pooled client
* Add Nicholas Charriere to contributors :D
* Remove \'sudo: false\' from Travis configuration (#204)
* Update release notes for version 2.0.0
* fix return object
* ensure that client \'if not self.sock: self._connect()\' behavior is tested
* minor tweaks for an extra 7.5% gain
* Prevent pytest-warning on pytest 3.0+
* Add CODEOWNERS listing global project reviewers (#203)
* Bump docs\' the copyright year to 2018
* Improve MemcacheIllegalInputError messages
* add validation code with NOT_STORED
* Start a list of project adopters
* Improve syntax
* Bumpversion
* allow friendly imports
* removed apidoc directory from repo
* update comparison to pylibmc
* Raising MemcacheIllegalInputError when a key contains null byte, new line, or carriage return
* Fixed docs
* fix ChangeLog.rst
* Clean up some changelog links
* Use simpler Travis pip caching syntax
* refactor BaseClient._store_cmd() to handle multiple key-value pairs so set_many can work as desired
* Use a bytes string
* Add gevent to test-requirements
* Simplify README for running tests. Only tox
* Use cPickle for six.moves
* test for default_noreply for both clients
* Added changelog
* gevent 1.3 is required for Python 3.7 support
* Switch to is bytes for bytes comparision
* Improve the cache_memlimit documentation
* Renaming byte to character
* Improve serde
* typo: alwais -> always
* Update getting_started.rst
* gevent 1.3.6 has some additional Python 3.7 fixes
* Refactor _delete_many() to batch its keys
* Fixes tox six pkg ImportError #198 (#199)
* Switch to an SVG Travis-CI build badge (#207)
* added OK as acceptable response
* Test for expected flags with serde tests
* Bump version to 2.0.0
* Add UNIX domain socket support (#206)
* Changelog for 1.4.2
* Add gets_many to HashClient.
* Iterating over characters in key once
* Using bytearray
* Add that we\'re hiring on README
* Use cPickle as pickle if available
* Add cPickle change to Changelog
* Exclude well-known non-code paths from flake8
* Imports the right path in doc building step
* Make restriction wider to avoid breaking client
* Fix #117, illegal unicode character in middle of key (or value now)
* add apidoc to .gitignore
* Lint with Python 3.4 too
* Bump version to 1.3.8
* Doc about keys
* Fix flake8 issues
* Added Python 3.5 and 3.6 to the build.
* Make line length reqs explicit
* Fixed stats evictions conversion
* Reverse backwards compatible change
* Add more serde unit tests for bytes/unicode
* Add a few more serde integration tests
* Fix #99 unsanitized input
* fix failed keys
* fix pep8
* Ensure serde integration tests return the same type
* Try fix import error six
* Fix flake8 and cleanup build
* Update documentation to cover serde module
* Add changelog for 1.4.1
* Updating exception message
* Preparing for release 1.3.6: adding bumpversion config and changelog
* fix comment for set_many
* Run full benchmark test in travis
* Automate doc building
* refactor
* Fix the MockMemcacheClient implementation
* Add pypy3 to travis test matrix
* Changelog changes for 1.4.3
* Add default_noreply property to PooledClient
* Moving test cases
* Assert bytes string
* Add failing test of MockMemcacheClient serializer/deserializer
* Omit test/
* code from the coverage report
* Have MockMemcacheClient support non-ascii strings (#169)
* Start preparing the 2.1.0 release (#202)
* Use is type for type comparisons
* fix implementation HashClient
* Make serde import on Python 3
* Close client socket if it fails to connect (#165)
* Add official Python 3.7 support
* Adding test case for null character
* Fix encode/decode wrong way around
* Add integration test for serde serialization
* Improve stats parsing
* Parse version directly from pymemcache/
* Fix an issue in Travis where the build breaks because of a gevent bump
* Mention the `no_delay` connection flag
* PooledClient now use default_noreply arg set on init
* Convert readthedocs link for their .org -> .io migration for hosted projects
* simplify and speed up _check_key() performance
* fix test- Convert to singlespec
* Tue Nov 21 2017 update to 1.2.9:
* Introduced PooledClient a thread-safe pool of clients
* Sun Mar 13 2016 add LICENSE.txt
* Tue Feb 24 2015 update to 1.2.8:
* Increasing version number for pypi
* Merge pull request #30 from methane/patch-1
* Move nose to tests_requires
* Bumping version to fix upload issues with pypi
* Adding James Socol to contributors and bumping version for pypi
* Merge pull request #27 from jsocol/connect-error
* Include _connect in ignore_exc try/except block
* Adding the LICENSE.txt file to the distribution
* Fri Jun 06 2014 Initial version.
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