Changelog for python3-Pint-0.9-lp150.1.1.noarch.rpm :
* Sat Mar 30 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Fix funcsigs dependency- Remove unused devel package dep- Remove test bconds * Tue Mar 12 2019 Matej Cepl - Update to version 0.9: - Add support for registering with matplotlib’s unit handling (gh#hgrecco/pint#317, thanks dopplershift) - Add converters for matplotlib’s unit support. (gh#hgrecco/pint#317, thanks Ryan May) - Fix unwanted side effects in auto dimensionality reduction. (gh#hgrecco/pint#516, thanks Ben Loer) - Allow dimensionality check for non Quantity arguments. - Make Quantity and UnitContainer objects hashable. (gh#hgrecco/pint#286, thanks Nevada Sanchez) - Fix unit tests errors with numpy >=1.13. (gh#hgrecco/pint#577, thanks cpascual) - Avoid error in in-place exponentiation with numpy > 1.11. (gh#hgrecco/pint#577, thanks cpascual) - fix compatible units in context. (thanks enrico) - Added warning for unsupported ufunc. (gh#hgrecco/pint#626, thanks kanhua) - Improve IPython pretty printers. (gh#hgrecco/pint#590, thanks tecki) - Drop Support for Python 2.6, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2. (gh#hgrecco/pint#567) - Prepare for deprecation announced in Python 3.7 (gh#hgrecco/pint#747, thanks Simon Willison) - Added several new units and Systems (gh#hgrecco/pint#749, gh#hgrecco/pint#737) - Started experimental pandas support (gh#hgrecco/pint#746 and others. Thanks andrewgsavage, znicholls and others) - wraps and checks now supports kwargs and defaults. (gh#hgrecco/pint#660, thanks jondoesntgit) * Wed Aug 23 2017 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Implement single-spec version- Update to version 0.8.1 * Add support for datetime math. (Issue #510, thanks robertd) * Fixed _repr_html_ in Python 2.7. (Issue #512) * Implemented BaseRegistry.auto_reduce_dimensions. (Issue #500, thanks robertd) * Fixed dimension compatibility bug introduced on Registry refactoring (Issue #523, thanks dalito)- Update to version 0.8 * Refactored the Registry in multiple classes for better separation of concerns and clarity. * Implemented support for defining multiple units per define call (one definition per line). (Issue #462) * In pow and ipow, allow array exponents (with len > 1) when base is dimensionless. (Issue #483) * Wraps now gets the canonical name of the unit when passed as string. (Issue #468) * NumPy exp and log keeps the type (Issue #95) * Implemented a function decorator to ensure that a context is active (with_context) (Issue #465) * Add warning when a System contains an unknown Group. (Issue #472) * Add conda-forge installation snippet. (Issue #485, thanks stadelmanma) * Properly support floor division and modulo. (Issue #474, thanks tecki) * Measurement Correlated variable fix. (Issue #463, thanks tadhgmister) * Implement degree sign handling. (Issue #449, thanks iamthad) * Change UndefinedUnitError to inherit from AttributeError (Issue #480, thanks jhidding) * Simplified travis for faster testing. * Fixed order units in siunitx formatting. (Issue #441) * Changed Systems lister to return a list instead of frozenset. (Issue #425, thanks GloriaVictis) * Fixed issue with negative values in to_compact() method. (Issue #443, thanks nowox) * Improved defintions. (Issues #448, thanks gdonval) * Improved Parser to support capital “E” on scientific notation. (Issue #390, thanks javenoneal) * Make sure that prefixed units are defined on the registry when unplicking. (Issue #405) * Automatic unit names translation through babel. (Issue #338, thanks alexbodn) * Support pickling Unit objects. (Issue #349) * Add support for wavenumber/kayser in spectroscopy context. (Issue #321, thanks gerritholl) * Improved formatting. (thanks endolith and others) * Add support for inline comments in definitions file. (Issue #366) * Implement Unit.__deepcopy__. (Issue #357, thanks noahl) * Allow changing shape for Quantities with numpy arrays. (Issue #344, thanks tecki) * Fri Jun 03 2016 tbechtoldAATTsuse.com- update to 0.7.2: - Fixed backward incompatibility problem when parsing dimensionless units. - Use NIST as source for most of the unit information. - Added message to assertQuantityEqual. - Added detection of circular dependencies in definitions. - Added Systems and groups. - Implemented references for wraps decorator. - Added check decorator to UnitRegistry. - Added compact conversion. - Added compact formating code. - New Unit Class. - Refactor UnitRegistry. - Move definitions, errors, and converters into their own modules. - UnitsContainer is now immutable - New parser and evaluator. - Added support for Unicode identifiers. - Added m_as as way top retrieve the magnitude in different units. - Added Short form for magnitude and units. - Improved deepcopy. - Improved testing infrastructure. - Improved docs. - Fixed short names on electron_volt and hartree. - Fixed definitions of scruple and drachm. - Fixed troy ounce to 480 \'grains\'. - Added \'quad\' as a unit of energy (= 10 * *15 Btu). - Added \"hectare\" as a supported unit of area and \'ha\' as the symbol for hectare. - Added peak sun hour and Langley. - Added photometric units: lumen & lux. - A fraction magnitude quantity is conserved - Improved conversion performance by removing unnecessart try/except. - Added to_tuple and from_tuple to facilitate serialization. - Fixed support for NumPy 1.10 due to a change in the Default casting rule - Infrastructure: Added doctesting. - Infrastructure: Better way to specify exclude matrix in travis.- Use gzip tarball instead of zip * Tue Nov 11 2014 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Update to 0.6 - Fix operations with measurments and user defined units. (Issue #204) - Faster conversions through caching and other performance improvements. (Issue #193, thanks MatthieuDartiailh) - Better error messages on Quantity.__setitem__. (Issue #191) - Fixed abbreviation of fluid_ounce. (Issue #187, thanks hsoft) - Defined Angstrom symbol. (Issue #181, thanks JonasOlson) - Removed fetching version from git repo as it triggers XCode installation on OSX. (Issue #178, thanks deanishe) - Improved context documentation. (Issue #176 and 179, thanks rsking84) - Added Chemistry context. (Issue #179, thanks rsking84) - Fix help(UnitRegisty) (Issue #168) - Optimized \"get_dimensionality\" and \"get_base_name\". (Issue #166 and #167, thanks jbmohler) - Renamed ureg.parse_units parameter \"to_delta\" to \"as_delta\" to make clear. that no conversion happens. Accordingly, the parameter/property \"default_to_delta\" of UnitRegistry was renamed to \"default_as_delta\". (Issue #158, thanks dalit) - Fixed problem when adding two uncertainties. (thanks dalito) - Full support for Offset units (e.g. temperature) (Issue #88, #143, #147 and #161, thanks dalito) * Mon Jul 07 2014 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Update to 0.5.1 - Implemented a standard way to change the registry used in unpickling operations. (Issue #148) - Fix bug where conversion would fail due to caching. (Issue #140, thanks jdreaver) - Allow assigning Not a Number to a quantity array. (Issue #127) - Decoupled Quantity in place and not in place unit conversion methods. - Return None in functions that modify quantities in place. - Improved testing infrastructure to check for unwanted warnings. - Added test function at the package level to run all tests. * Thu May 08 2014 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Update to 0.5.0 - Improved test suite helper functions. - Print honors default format w/o format(). - Fixed sum() by treating number zero as a special case. - Improved behaviour in ScaleConverter, OffsetConverter and Quantity.to. - Reimplemented loading of default definitions to allow Pint in a cx_freeze or similar package. - Implemented parsing of pretty printed units. - Fixed representation of dimensionless quantities. - Raise error when invalid formatting code is given. - Default registry to lazy load, raise error on redefinition. - Added condensed format. - Added UnitRegistry () operator to parse expression replacing []. - Optional case insensitive unit parsing. - Change the Quantity mutability depending on magnitude type. - Implemented API to list compatible units. - Implemented cache of key UnitRegistry methods. - Rewrote the Measurement class to use uncertainties. * Thu Mar 27 2014 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Update to 0.4.2 - Python 2.6 support - Fixed symbol for inch. - Stop raising AttributeError when wrapping funcs without all of the attributes. - Fixed warning appearing in Py2.x when comparing a Numpy Array with an empty string. - Add links to AUR packages in docs. - Fixed garbage collection related problem. * Tue Feb 04 2014 toddrme2178AATTgmail.com- Initial version (0.4.1)