Changelog for python-Jinja2-vim-2.11.2-lp154.1.21.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon May 04 2020 Johannes Grassler - update to 2.11.1
* Fix a bug that caused callable objects with __getattr__, like :class:~unittest.mock.Mock to be treated as a :func:contextfunction. :issue:1145
* Update wordcount filter to trigger :class:Undefined methods by wrapping the input in :func:soft_unicode. :pr:1160
* Fix a hang when displaying tracebacks on Python 32-bit. :issue:1162
* Showing an undefined error for an object that raises AttributeError on access doesn\'t cause a recursion error. :issue:1177
* Revert changes to :class:~loaders.PackageLoader from 2.10 which removed the dependency on setuptools and pkg_resources, and added limited support for namespace packages. The changes caused issues when using Pytest. Due to the difficulty in supporting Python 2 and :pep:451 simultaneously, the changes are reverted until 3.0. :pr:1182
* Fix line numbers in error messages when newlines are stripped. :pr:1178
* The special namespace() assignment object in templates works in async environments. :issue:1180
* Fix whitespace being removed before tags in the middle of lines when lstrip_blocks is enabled. :issue:1138
* :class:~nativetypes.NativeEnvironment doesn\'t evaluate intermediate strings during rendering. This prevents early evaluation which could change the value of an expression. :issue:1186
* Wed Apr 08 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Enable testing on other archs again- Do not pull in py2 package on vim syntax
* Fri Feb 21 2020 Ondřej Súkup - disable tests on 32bit archs
* Tue Feb 18 2020 Ondřej Súkup - update to 2.11.1
* Fix a bug that prevented looking up a key after an attribute ({{ data.items[1:] }}) in an async template
* Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.3, and 3.4. This will be the last version to support Python 2.7 and 3.5.
* Added a new ChainableUndefined class to support getitem and getattr on an undefined object.
* Allow {%+ syntax (with NOP behavior) when lstrip_blocks is disabled.
* Added a default parameter for the map filter.
* Exclude environment globals from meta.find_undeclared_variables().
* Float literals can be written with scientific notation, like 2.56e-3.
* Int and float literals can be written with the ‘_’ separator for legibility, like 12_345.
* Fix a bug causing deadlocks in LRUCache.setdefault
* The trim filter takes an optional string of characters to trim.
* A new jinja2.ext.debug extension adds a {% debug %} tag to quickly dump the current context and available filters and tests.
* Lexing templates with large amounts of whitespace is much faster.
* Parentheses around comparisons are preserved, so {{ 2
* (3 < 5) }} outputs “2” instead of “False”.
* Add new boolean, false, true, integer and float tests.
* The environment’s finalize function is only applied to the output of expressions (constant or not), not static template data.
* When providing multiple paths to FileSystemLoader, a template can have the same name as a directory.
* Always return Undefined when omitting the else clause in a {{ \'foo\' if bar }} expression, regardless of the environment’s undefined class. Omitting the else clause is a valid shortcut and should not raise an error when using StrictUndefined.
* Fix behavior of loop control variables such as length and revindex0 when looping over a generator.
* Async support is only loaded the first time an environment enables it, in order to avoid a slow initial import.
* In async environments, the |map filter will await the filter call if needed.
* In for loops that access loop attributes, the iterator is not advanced ahead of the current iteration unless length, revindex, nextitem, or last are accessed. This makes it less likely to break groupby results.
* In async environments, the loop attributes length and revindex work for async iterators.
* In async environments, values from attribute/property access will be awaited if needed.
* PackageLoader doesn’t depend on setuptools or pkg_resources.
* PackageLoader has limited support for PEP 420 namespace packages.
* Support os.PathLike objects in FileSystemLoader and ModuleLoader
* NativeTemplate correctly handles quotes between expressions. \"\'{{ a }}\', \'{{ b }}\'\" renders as the tuple (\'1\', \'2\') rather than the string \'1, 2\'.
* Creating a NativeTemplate directly creates a NativeEnvironment instead of a default Environment.
* After calling LRUCache.copy(), the copy’s queue methods point to the correct queue.
* Compiling templates always writes UTF-8 instead of defaulting to the system encoding.
* |wordwrap filter treats existing newlines as separate paragraphs to be wrapped individually, rather than creating short intermediate lines.
* Add break_on_hyphens parameter to |wordwrap filter.
* Cython compiled functions decorated as context functions will be passed the context.
* When chained comparisons of constants are evaluated at compile time, the result follows Python’s behavior of returning False if any comparison returns False, rather than only the last one
* Tracebacks for exceptions in templates show the correct line numbers and source for Python >= 3.7.
* Tracebacks for template syntax errors in Python 3 no longer show internal compiler frames
* Add a DerivedContextReference node that can be used by extensions to get the current context and local variables such as loop
* Constant folding during compilation is applied to some node types that were previously overlooked
* TemplateSyntaxError.source is not empty when raised from an included template.
* Passing an Undefined value to get_template (such as through extends, import, or include), raises an UndefinedError consistently. select_template will show the undefined message in the list of attempts rather than the empty string.
* TemplateSyntaxError can be pickled.
* Mon Oct 07 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 2.10.3:
* Fix Python 3.7 deprecation warnings.
* Using range in the sandboxed environment uses xrange on Python 2 to avoid memory use. :issue:`933`
* Use Python 3.7\'s better traceback support to avoid a core dump when using debug builds of Python 3.7. :issue:`1050`
* Fix a typo in Babel entry point in that was preventing installation.- Remove merged python38.patch
* Tue Sep 24 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to work with python 3.8:
* python38.patch
* Sat Apr 13 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Trim bias from descriptions. Make sure % is escaped.
* Sat Apr 13 2019 Arun Persaud - update to version 2.10.1 (bsc#1132323, CVE-2019-10906, bsc#1125815, CVE-2019-8341):
* \"SandboxedEnvironment\" securely handles \"str.format_map\" in order to prevent code execution through untrusted format strings. The sandbox already handled \"str.format\".
* Tue Feb 19 2019 John Vandenberg - Activate test suite- Add minimum build dependency to match runtime dependency
* Mon Dec 10 2018 Tomáš Chvátal - Fix fdupes call
* Tue Dec 04 2018 Matej Cepl - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
* Tue Mar 06 2018 Allows Recommends and Suggest in Fedora
* Tue Feb 27 2018 Recommends only for SUSE
* Thu Nov 09 2017 specfile:
* added README.rst to %doc section- update to version 2.10:
* Added a new extension node called \"OverlayScope\" which can be used to create an unoptimized scope that will look up all variables from a derived context.
* Added an \"in\" test that works like the in operator. This can be used in combination with \"reject\" and \"select\".
* Added \"previtem\" and \"nextitem\" to loop contexts, providing access to the previous/next item in the loop. If such an item does not exist, the value is undefined.
* Added \"changed(
*values)\" to loop contexts, providing an easy way of checking whether a value has changed since the last iteration (or rather since the last call of the method)
* Added a \"namespace\" function that creates a special object which allows attribute assignment using the \"set\" tag. This can be used to carry data across scopes, e.g. from a loop body to code that comes after the loop.
* Added a \"trimmed\" modifier to \"{% trans %}\" to strip linebreaks and surrounding whitespace. Also added a new policy to enable this for all \"trans\" blocks.
* The \"random\" filter is no longer incorrectly constant folded and will produce a new random choice each time the template is rendered. (`#478`_)
* Added a \"unique\" filter. (`#469`_)
* Added \"min\" and \"max\" filters. (`#475`_)
* Added tests for all comparison operators: \"eq\", \"ne\", \"lt\", \"le\", \"gt\", \"ge\". (`#665`_)
* \"import\" statement cannot end with a trailing comma. (`#617`_, `#618`_)
* \"indent\" filter will not indent blank lines by default. (`#685`_)
* Add \"reverse\" argument for \"dictsort\" filter. (`#692`_)
* Add a \"NativeEnvironment\" that renders templates to native Python types instead of strings. (`#708`_)
* Added filter support to the block \"set\" tag. (`#489`_)
* \"tojson\" filter marks output as safe to match documented behavior. (`#718`_)
* Resolved a bug where getting debug locals for tracebacks could modify template context.
* Fixed a bug where having many \"{% elif ... %}\" blocks resulted in a \"too many levels of indentation\" error. These blocks now compile to native \"elif ..:\" instead of \"else: if ..:\" (`#759`_)
* Tue Apr 04 2017 update for singlespec- update to 2.9.6
* fixed custom context behavior in fast resolve mode
* Wed Mar 22 2017 fix requires
* Wed Mar 15 2017 Update to 2.9.5 (bsc#1132174, CVE-2016-10745) (see the changes in /usr/share/doc/packages/python-Jinja2/CHANGES)- updated source URL
* Thu Nov 19 2015 Update to 2.8 - Added `target` parameter to urlize function. - Added support for `followsymlinks` to the file system loader. - The truncate filter now counts the length. - Added equalto filter that helps with select filters. - Changed cache keys to use absolute file names if available instead of load names. - Fixed loop length calculation for some iterators. - Changed how Jinja2 enforces strings to be native strings in Python 2 to work when people break their default encoding. - Added :func:`make_logging_undefined` which returns an undefined object that logs failures into a logger. - If unmarshalling of cached data fails the template will be reloaded now. - Implemented a block ``set`` tag. - Default cache size was incrased to 400 from a low 50. - Fixed ``is number`` test to accept long integers in all Python versions. - Changed ``is number`` to accept Decimal as a number. - Added a check for default arguments followed by non-default arguments. This change makes ``{% macro m(x, y=1, z) %}...{% endmacro %}`` a syntax error. The previous behavior for this code was broken anyway (resulting in the default value being applied to `y`). - Add ability to use custom subclasses of ``jinja2.compiler.CodeGenerator`` and ``jinja2.runtime.Context`` by adding two new attributes to the environment (`code_generator_class` and `context_class`) (pull request ``#404``). - added support for context/environment/evalctx decorator functions on the finalize callback of the environment. - escape query strings for urlencode properly. Previously slashes were not escaped in that place. - Add \'base\' parameter to \'int\' filter.- Tests are removed from the package (not distributed in the tar.gz)
* Wed Jul 22 2015 Use %python_version over %py_ver: better portability to RHEL