Changelog for
aws-eks-init-20210526-150500.1.1.noarch.rpm :
* Fri Jun 25 2021 Update to version v20210621
* [SSM Agent] Release AMIs with SSM agent installed
* [SSM Agent] Install the SSM Agent in the EKS worker AMI
* Resolves #673 by updating eni-max-pods.txt (#676)
* Add ipvsadm (#670)- from version v20210526
* release bind CVE patch (#675)- from version v20210519
* runc cve patch for GPU AMIs (#668)- from version v20210518
* runc cve patch (#666)
* Release 1.20 AMIs (#664)
* Adding release v20210501 to Changelog (#659)
* Initialize SONOBUOY_E2E_REGISTRY variable (#655)- from version v20210512
* (no functional changes)- from version v20210504
* (no functional changes)- from version v20210501
* adding version lock on runc, containerd and docker (#654)- from version v20210414
* updating change log of v20210414 release (#651)
* pinning runc version to 1.0.0-rc92 (#650)
* Update for v20210329 release (#646)
* Enable CSIServiceAccountToken feature gate for v1.20 (#644)- from version v20210329
* Update (#641)
* Adds info on adding instance types to eni-max-pods.txt (#637)- from version v20210322
* Update (#635)
* add source_ami_filter_name to makefile PACKER_VARIABLES (#540)
* Remove the redundant conditional statement (#604)
* update log-collector-script to pull configure-multicard-interfaces logs (#631)
* Update (#633)
* Fix \'Unknown options:\' when multiple /var/log/eks_i
* files exists (#620)
* Adds to describe steps to move from AWS labs to AWS (#625)
* Create
* set kubelet klog verbosity to 2 (#629)- from version v20210310
* (no functional changes)- from version v20210302
* Add Docker tracing based on its socket and containerd logging (#619)
* files/ ensure /etc/docker exists before writing to it (#611)
* bump docker version to 19.03.13ce-1 (#624)
* Resolves #607 by adding more information to log-collector-script README (#623)
* use dynamic lookup of docker gid (#622)
* Increase fs.inotify.max_user_instances to 8192 from the default of 128 (#614)
* Fix Makefile indentation for 1.19 (#616)
* check that nvidia-smi is configured correctly before updating GPU clocks (#613)
* Adds information on 1.19 AMI (#612)- from version v20210208
* Updates change log with AMI release v20210208 (#609)
* fix for 401 issue: (#596)
* Update (#603)
* Adds more information to README on the AL2 base AMI and Linux kernel selection (#602)
* Sets the 5.4 linux kernel as default for kubernetes version 1.19 and higher (#600)- from version v20210125
* Add Support for c6gn instance type (#597)
* build ARM AMIs with m6g.large instance type (#601)
* Revert \"Sets the 5.4 linux kernel as default for kubernetes version 1.19 and higher\"
* Sets the 5.4 linux kernel as default for kubernetes version 1.19 and higher
* Adding AMI Release v20210112 to Changelog (#598)- from version v20210112
* Updating limits for memlock ulimit (#595)
* Increasing values for max_user_watches and max_map_count (#589)
* Fix permission issue for sed (#591)
* Fix position of sonobuoy e2e registry config check (#590)
* Update Makefile to support sonobuoy e2e registry config override (#588)
* Revert \"Change cgroup driver to systemd (#521)\" (#587)
* Change cgroup driver to systemd (#521)
* fix containerd_version typo in Makefile (#584)
* add support for sonobuoy e2e registry overrides (#585)
* Adding release note for AMI v20201211 (#583)
* fix syntax error in install script (#582)
* Feature flag the cleanup of the image (#522)
* Add missing instance types (#580)
* Update systemd to always restart kubelet to support dynamic kubelet configuration (#578)
* GPU Boost clock setup for performance improvement (#573)
* ensure kubelet.service.d directory exists (#519)
* Add iptables rule count (#547)
* add SIGKILL to RestartForceExitStatus (#554)
* (bootstrap): document pause container parameters (#556)
* Missing sha256 check sum for \'else\' path (#561)- from version v20201211
* Adding containerd_version as a packer variable (#575)
* Remove 1.14 version from makefile (#576)
* Improve function documentation (#562)
* get instance id from file and fall back to ec2 metadata endpoint
* added timeout and retry
* set instance id based of file when metadata is not available
* error handling to collect instance id
* Handle a missing instance_type better in bootstrap
* Adding containerd version for v20201126 (#574)
* update change log with AMI Release v20201126- from version v20201126
* Update Makefile with the latest k8s version and binary buckets (#571)
* Updated changedlog with correct s3 bucket name (#570)
* Updated changelog for 20201117 release (#566)- from version v20201117
* Downgrades containerd to containerd-1.3.2-1.amzn2 to fix issue #563 (#564)
* Update from version v20201112
* Update eni-max-pods value for p4d.24xlarge (#558)
* Update kubelet.service (#526)
* Adding t4g instance types + some missing instances types (#552)- from version v20201007
* Including 1.18 (#549)
* Add support for p4d.24xlarge
* eni-max-pods.txt: remove extra \'for\'- from version v20201002
* (no functional changes)- from version v20200921
* Add t4g instance type
* Fix formula comment- from version v20200904
* Revert \"Allow to pass source ami owner id\" (#538)
* Allow to pass source ami owner id (#533)
* fix(install-worker): add s3 domains for isolated regions (#518)
* Making describe call only when one of or both the CA value or endpoint are missing (#534)- from version v20200821
* AMI release to get Cluster DNS IP from SCIDR for Self Managed Nodegroups (#525)
* Adding new ARM instance types- from version v20200814
* Fix typo in CNI Plugin pull command from S3 (#520)
* update pause container to use multi-arch repo (#517)
* Re-generate max-pods from API
* Update CNI plugins
* Genererate max pods file from EC2 API- from version v20200723
* Update pause container accounts for CPT/MXP (#514)
* updating logrotateConf ownership to root (#512)
* Add 1.17, update Kubernetes versions and deprecate 1.12 and 1.13 (#508)
* Gaurd rails for clean up function
* Revert \"Bump CNI plugin version to 0.8.6\" (#503)
* :lock: Use token based auth for accessing metadata
* Bump CNI plugin version to 0.8.6- from version v20200710
* (no functional changes)- from version v20200709
* (no functional changes)- from version v20200618
* Adding pause_before to right step after disconnect (#492)
* Adding GovCloud support and migrating from LaunchConfig to LaunchTemplate for the Nodegroup (#491)
* Change to use instance-identity/document to fetch region
* Set protectKernelDefaults to true (#392)
* Set readOnlyPort to 0 (#390)
* Update to get the correct $max_num_pods for instance types f1.16xlarge, g3.16xlarge, h1.16xlarge, i3.16xlarge, and r4.16xlarge (#465)
* Report consistent output filename in linux log collector
* Collect /var/run/aws-node/ipam.json- from version v20200609
* update docker to 19.03.6ce-4.amzn2 (#488)
* Collect conntrack info
* update logrotate.conf to compress rotated logs (#479)
* Moved the file copy after the execution of performs a system reboot which will remove the contents of /tmp.
* Update eni-max-pods.txt (#483)
* Added --dereference flag to copy symlink logs
* Add a new manifest containing the AMI name (#471)
* Adding 1.16 to Makefile (#459)
* updated ipamd information files extension to json (#451)- from version v20200507
* update source AMI owner and ECR repo for govcloud (#458)
* Add a flag that allows CNI packages to be pulled from S3 instead of Github. (#457)
* Removed AssociatePublicIpAddress setting from NodeLaunchCongig and added NodeSecurityGroup dependency to SG Ingress/Egress (#450)- from version v20200423
* Add inf1 instance family in EKS AMI packer configuration
* fix(amazon-eks-nodegroup): add ec2 service principals for isolated regions
* Adding support to upgrade kernel while building AMI (#447)
* Revert \"Removing dependency on Authenticator binary (#440)\" (#446)
* Reducing memory allocated in kubeReserved (#419)
* Removing dependency on Authenticator binary (#440)- from version v20200406
* Fix useradd to run with privileges
* Force create the group id (#437)
* Move compressed file to /var/log (#436)
* Consistent Docker GID version in Image (#430)
* Fixed amazon-eks-nodegroup.yaml lint issues
* Fix URL for 1.15 binaries (#429)- from version v20200312
* (no functional changes)- from version v20200228
* Added 1.15 support and removed --allow-privileged flag from all EKS supported versions (1.12+). (#428)
* Remove mutating calls and ignore collection of unknown logs
* Update and eks-worker-al2.json (#402)
* Remove invalid target 1.11 (#421)
* add scripts folder (#413)
* add ability to use precreated security group (#412)
* validate_yum (#411)
* update binaries to use latest ones (#408)
* Fix retries in from version v20200122
* fix tls suit to be recommended by cis bench (#403)
* kubelet.service should wait for iptables lock (#401)
* adding support for china regions (#398)
* add ability to specify aws_region & binary_bucket_region & source_ami_owners (#396)
* Script for collecting window and ubuntu worker logs (#354)
* TLS Ciphersuite: restrict to TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
* Support docker-in-docker by only returning the oldest dockerd process
* Fixed setting of DNS_CLUSTER_IP in (#226)- from version v20191213
* Revert \"Make \'kube-bench\' happy.\" since there are changes being concerned (#381)
* Adding new instance types (m6g) (#378)
* add support for c5d.12x/c5d.24x/c5d.metal
* Make \'kube-bench\' happy.
* Remove the ec2-net-utils package (#368)- from version v20191119
* Updating Docker version (#373)
* Set kubeReserved dynamically and evictionHard statically (#367)
* #361 - custom pause container image support (#362)
* Output the autoscaling group name
* Set a minimum evictionHard and kubeReserved
* Remove snowflake for kubelet secret-polling config (#352)
* Add support for m5n/m5dn/r5n/r5dn instances
* Add 1.14 to the EKS Makefile and update older versions (#336)- from version v20190927
* Add change log for AMI Release v20190927 (#345)
* Add G4DN instance family to node group template
* Add support for g4 instance family
* sync nodegroup template to latest available (#335)
* Add Change log for AMI Release v20190906 (#329)- from version v20190906
* Adding new directory and file for 1.14 and above by removing --allow-privileged=true flag (#327)
* add support for me-south-1 region (#322)
* Update list of instance types (#320)- from version v20190814
* v20190814 release (#316)
* update S3_URL_BASE environment variable in
* change the amiName pattern to use minor version (#307)
* 2107 allow private ssh when building (#303)
* add support for ap-east-1 region (#305)
* Fix t3a.small limit
* Add new m5 and r5 instances
* Add c5.12xlarge and c5.24xlarge instances
* refactor packer variables
* Install ec2-instance-connect- from version v20190701
* Added CHANGELOG for v20190701
* remove kubectl dependency (#295)
* Update URL on readme
* Moving log collector script to Amazon eks ami repo (#243)- from version v20190614
* add changelog for 20190614
* Fix issue with 1.10 build
* Change clocksource only if using xen
* files/kubelet: specify \"TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256\"
* Retry if AWS API returns None (#274)
* Add a docker daemon restart after custom daemon.json
* Making tsc the clock source (#272)
* Use kubernetes minor version to choose kubelet config
* Update nodegroup values
* Add new instance types
* Restrict kubelet to only use TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 for tls cipher suites
* add build spec for amazon\'s internal build process
* add options to configure packer/aws binary
* Allow custom config for docker daemon
* Add ARM support
* Updated and instructions to currently existing release info location - /etc/eks/release (#242)
* Correct version numbers in Changelog
* Bump CNI plugin default value
* Update eni-max-pods.txt (#231)- Drop -f parameter from %service_del_preun and %service_del_postun
* Thu Jun 13 2019 Initial build + Version 20190327- Include custom service file to run bootstrap script + aws-eks-init.service