Changelog for fetch-esp8266-sdk-2.1.0-5.53.noarch.rpm :

* Fri May 05 2017 Update to version 2.1.0
* System Fix and update the license; Add definitions of ROM functions; Add efuse mac crc, save efuse mac into the system parameter area of flash, as a backup mac; Implement uart_div_modify, which can support a 32-bit DivLatchValue in the SDK instead of the ROM one, and also remove uart_div_modify from the ld file; Reduce iRAM usage by transferring some functions to flash; add weak function void user_spi_flash_dio_to_qio_pre_init(void). If the dio to qio flash mode is not used, users can add an empty user_spi_flash_dio_to_qio_pre_init on the application side to reduce iRAM usage; Fix WDT in system_restart; Fix Write & Read issue in SPI overlap mode; Support 8MB & 16MB spi flash; Update boot v1.7; Support 8MB & 16MB spi flash; Try boot the first bin for 3 times. If it fails, then boot the backup bin; Fix http packet error, BBP301; Support long periods of deep sleep; Fix NMI handle crash on unaligned memory access, BBP309;
* Lwip Add set and get dns server APIs: espconn_dns_setserver espconn_dns_getserver Fix 2038 overflow bug in sntp_get_current_timestamp; Fix MTU negotiate bug;
* AT Add new commands, AT+UART? and AT+UART_DEF?; Add new command, AT+SYSRAM?; Add new commands, AT+SYSIO series; Add new command, AT+CWHOSTNAME; Add new command, AT+SYSADC?; Add new commands, AT+CIPSNTPCFG and AT+CIPSNTPTIME; Add new commands, AT+CIPDNS_CUR and AT+CIPDNS_DEF; Support a maximum of 8 stations; Modify keepalive count to 3 times; Fix scan hidden ssid issue in AT+CWLAP; Fix the issue of the UART stop bit being 0 when queried for the first time; Fix MAC addr conflict in AP+STA mode; Add new commands, AT+RFAUTOTRACE;
* WiFi Optimize the RF frequency calibration workflow, having the frequency trace disabled by default; users can call system_phy_freq_trace_enable in user_rf_pre_init to enable it; Update libphy.a to version 1134_0; Allow sending a broadcast ESP-NOW packet, but make sure that the packet is unencrypted; Fix soft queue error; Fix EVENT_STAMODE_AUTHMODE_CHANGE event mode info; Fix lmac assert; Fix bug in sniffer mode; Fix arp loss continously issue; Fix bug in WiFi event; auth mode changed event cannot be throw when station is in the process of scanning; error old auth mode and new auth mode; op mode change process cannot be blocked, so add an event to notify the caller that op mode is changed; Fix the bug in mic failure handler; Fix the bug which causes failure of connection to an AP with shared WEP; Fix the bug which causes failure of connection to an AP with hidden ssid; Fix softAP deauth; Fix reconnect policy when trying to connect to an AP that does not exist; Fix scan issue; Fix extra bytes in UDP broadcast packet, BBP310;
* Mon Apr 17 2017 Update to version 2.0.0
* Updated libphy.a to 1055, fixed an issue of large current in Light-sleep.
* Updated AT+ to 1.3.0:
* Added Light-sleep wakeup command, AT+WAKEUPGPIO;
* Fixed abnormal AT+CWDHCPS IP allocation;
* Added at_sdio demo under example directory.
* Fixed probable system default when calling cur and def interfaces.
* Fixed the issue of high current in Deep-sleep mode without disabling SPI first.
* Fixed an issue where the SDK would crash when switching from AP to Station mode by calling wifi_set_phy_mode.
* Updated secondary boot loader to v1.6:
* Supports AT + based on SDIO;
* Supports entering testing mode through GPIO.
* Added support for MXIC Flash QIO mode.
* Fixed exception caused during TCP handshake and retransmission.
* Fixed issues in ESP-NOW.
* Added ESP-PAIR (Simple-Pair) feature, for APIs please refer to ESP8266 SDK API Guide.
* wpa2-enterprise time function derivation and time check disable can be set by users.
* Support for PEAP/TTLS in wpa2-enterprise, for APIs please refer to ESP8266 SDK API Guide.
* Added mqtt demos under examples directory.
* Fri Jul 01 2016 Update to version
* Resolved an issue that RF_Init_data sector may be broken in stress test. Provided a function “user_rf_cal_sector_set” which has to be added in application by software developer. More details about user_rf_cal_sector_set refer to documentation “2C-ESP8266__SDK__API Guide”.
* Fix a potential risk that will cause rf not work after external reset.
* Fix system state mismatch when call some cur and def APIs.
* Add SDIO AT support.
* Fix a potential bug in espconn.
* Sat May 21 2016 Update to version 1.5.4
* Optimization: Updated libphy.a to version 972. Updated libpp.a to version 10.1, revised issues about frequency offset and sleep mode. Optimized IGMP function. Optimized DNS function. Optimized WPS function. Optimized DHCP server function. Optimized wifi_station_get_connect_status function. Revised the issue that API system_adc_read and system_get_vdd33 may return wrong value. Optimized API: bool espconn_secure_ca_enable(uint8 level, uint32 flash_sector); bool espconn_secure_cert_req_enable(uint8 level, uint32 flash_sector);
* Added APIs: system_adc_read_fast: ADC fast sampling. wifi_fpm_auto_sleep_set_in_null_mode: set whether enter modem-sleep mode or not when WiFi is in NULL_MODE.
* Known Issue: espconn_send returns OK of sending UDP data, even if ESP8266 station disconnects to the AP.
* Sun Apr 24 2016 Revert to version 1.5.2, 1.5.3 breaks linking
* Wed Apr 20 2016 Add MDNS patch for version 1.5.3
* Thu Mar 03 2016 Add SSL patch for version 1.5.2
* Thu Aug 13 2015 Add SSL patch for version 1.3.0
* Sun Aug 09 2015 Initial release with SDK version 1.3.0