Changelog for moodle3_11-is-3.11.7-lp156.1.1.noarch.rpm :

* Tue May 10 2022 Lars Vogdt - update to 3.11.7 General fixes and improvements + MDL-69552 - Tag filter not working when adding random question from questionbank + MDL-48633 - Lesson grade handling is buggy when scales in use + MDL-58044 - Course completion report labels do not align correctly in RTL mode + MDL-74299 - Unable to delete Questions from Question bank + MDL-73979 - Timeline block views should display consistent information + MDL-74127 - Attempts remaining for lesson are only displayed when \"This page\" is set to wrong answers + MDL-74321 - Increased DB reads on forum + MDL-74486 - Background images bleed into user tours + MDL-57383 - Upload users admin tool incorrectly updates authentication method for existing users + MDL-74258 - H5P activities not searchable by global search + MDL-73874 - Drag and drop into text & Select missing words questions: form should validate \'multiple\' is on for choices used more than once + MDL-69078 - The error when importing a GIFT question file with the wrong encoding does not make the problem clear + MDL-74481 - LTI Advantage: Non-Editing Teacher has role Student + MDL-74478 - Awarded badge for activity completion, despite not receiving a passing grade + MDL-74436 - Fatal error when importing \"course\" events from ics file + MDL-74427 - Coding error detected when deleting question category- updated language packs
* Mon Mar 14 2022 Lars Vogdt - update to 3.11.6 General fixes and improvements + MDL-72762 - Backup fails if section name has only blank spaces + MDL-72246 - 3.11 Dashboard Loads Slowly (30 seconds) + MDL-72915 - Drag and Drop onto image: Issue moving draggable items with Unlimited option + MDL-73846 - \"Prepare submissions for annotation\" task tries to process the whole queue in one go + MDL-64770 - User profile fields uniqueness don\'t work while user importing + MDL-72646 - MIME type headers for theme fonts are deprecated + MDL-67428 - Performance issues with filters applied to course/category titles in navigation + MDL-73824 - Decimal comma & PHP8.0 + MDL-66940 - \'View external Criteria URL\' on Badgr links to badge awarded to somebody else + MDL-69965 - MoodleNet profile field is displayed even when MoodleNet is disabled + MDL-73915 - Bump NodeJS version, dependencies, and update JS build process, drop IE support + MDL-73827 - URL blocked during OBv2.1 user authentication + MDL-69966 - Quiz: start attempt button should be a primary button + MDL-73450 - is_antelope_file_format_no_more_supported check should return true on Aurora MySQL 8.0+ + MDL-73588 - Unexpected content in the CURLOPT_FILE output stream on redirects + MDL-73905 - Wrong coding_exception used on problems sending messages + MDL-73954 - Quiz percentage should round the percentage the same way as the other grades + MDL-73582 - Add endpoint to provide the Moodle version + MDL-73868 - Remove multiple slashes in URL image for Open Badges services + MDL-73636 - Activity \"Mark as done\" buttons contain unformatted module names + MDL-73625 - Reorder and review the mobile settings for app 4.0 + MDL-72937 - Saving a user profile Moodlenet field > 255 characters causes exception + MDL-73765 - Scheduled task are randomly allocated to 0 - 23 minutes range only + MDL-72852 - If there are no course badges, students shouldn\'t have a link to a page saying there are no badges available + MDL-73603 - Webservice token creation form throws exceptions during validation + MDL-73561 - \"Grades were set for X items\" message displayed as alert-danger Accessibility improvements + MDL-73584 - Required ARIA children role not present: group, menuitemradio, menuitem, menuitemcheckbox + MDL-70792 - CSS changes for the moremenu + MDL-72412 - aria-label attribute is invalid for informative icon fonts Security improvements + MDL-72734 - Inconsistent checks used to determine whether to run task through web UI
* Mon Jan 17 2022 Lars Vogdt - update to 3.11.5: General fixes and improvements + MDL-68944 - Workshop skips scheduled allocation + MDL-69467 - H5P attempts not recorded when multiple users have same email address + MDL-69496 - mod_quiz: Or all available attempts completed setting value lost + MDL-68773 - Adhoc tasks for backup and restore are stuck in endless fail delay loop + MDL-59115 - OAuth2 does not pass in all user mapped settings into new account + MDL-72796 - retry interval in milliseconds for redis session cache is far too high + MDL-72791 - Custom course field content for new course not found in global search + MDL-72443 - SVG files do not support the preview mode + MDL-72716 - You should not be able to add more than one instance of most blocks to your Dashboard + MDL-72925 - Forum grading separate group filter shows discussion topics in the other groups + MDL-73414 - Impossible to turn on only \"Enable web services\" from site admin page + MDL-73189 - File upload limits not always enforced if there are many simultaneous uploads in progress + MDL-69061 - Lack of files reported during upgrade to 3.9 when $CFG->admin differs from \'admin\' + MDL-73046 - HTML5 video in the mediaplugin fails when using .MOV files + MDL-72988 - PHP Notices detected in web server logs (mod_lti) + MDL-72966 - File upload: Uncaught TypeError from JavaScript when uploading a single file + MDL-73195 - mod_url: Error makes course/view.php unreachable if an invalid URL is saved + MDL-73207 - $CFG->scheduled_tasks has incorrect order for dayofweek and months in cron spec + MDL-72701 - Expand unit test coverage defaults + MDL-73128 - Image caption warning for external badges + MDL-73155 - Essay qtype: Error message is displayed when Allow attachments field is reset to \'No\' + MDL-73256 - Disabling \"Require email verification\" doesn\'t persist properly the first time + MDL-73086 - User profile fields are broken when having uppercase in shortname + MDL-73153 - External badge image not displayed in some cases + MDL-72992 - Cannot enter feedback from grader report when feedback was previously deleted from assign grader + MDL-72785 - Can\'t delete course category + MDL-73176 - JS exception filtering course participants for keyword containing quotes + MDL-73402 - Admin bookmarks block is too aggressive at cleaning bookmarked section + MDL-72870 - Quiz attempt navigation buttons misaligned + MDL-73039 - Double encoding of site/course name in course download + MDL-73140 - Badly formatted lists in the grade history report + MDL-72982 - Data request email breaks organisation signature + MDL-61671 - Admin mobile certificate check can return errors on valid certificate + MDL-72789 - Improve filtering by component in eventlist report + MDL-72908 - Purge all caches only purges the selected cache if selected + MDL-73074 - Course autocomplete duplicated in report condition/filter + MDL-73255 - User Participants filter leaves invalid group filter row if no groups are present Accessibility improvements + MDL-70274 - The WCAG (cynthia.exe) validator links in the footer is no longer available + MDL-73026 - Focus outline for modal close button is clipped and has insufficient colour contrast + MDL-70721 - Need a Mustache helper method for html entities + MDL-73142 - File extension in Essay accepted file type list is failing accessibility color contrast limits For developers + MDL-73175 - Add behat generators for glossary entries and categories + MDL-73202 - Add behat generators for forum discussions and posts + MDL-72846 - Create default block generator for testing + MDL-73269 - Add PHP version and required/optional extensions to composer.json Security improvements + MDL-72096 - New helper function for cleaning SQL ORDER BY clauses + MDL-73295 - sesskey is exposed in url for /user/managetoken.php- updated language packs
* Tue Nov 09 2021 Lars Vogdt - update to 3.11.4: General fixes and improvements + MDL-66203 - The submission status stays \"Submitted for grading\" after a submission is removed by or for the student + MDL-65943 - RecordRTC Content Does Not Playback in iOS (multiple browsers) + MDL-26633 - Unable to randomly allocate more than 30 reviews per submission / reviewer + MDL-72566 - Activity information performance enhancement could cause \'invalidcoursemodule\' exception + MDL-64576 - Course completion activity dates are incorrect if course completion criteria have been edited + MDL-71344 - Drag and drop question type: does not work correctly with multiple questions on one page + MDL-72607 - Domain restricted Vimeo videos require an updated URL format to load correctly + MDL-72316 - SVG files being downloaded instead of served in SCORM activities + MDL-71970 - Fatal error with H5P due to incompatible \"Declaration of core_h5p\\framework::fetchExternalData\" + MDL-72590 - When unenrolling from a course with self enrolment, the course name does not pass filters + MDL-71750 - File upload: Submit buttons aren\'t disabled when upload multiple files + MDL-72743 - Make question restore more fault tolerant of missing user data in course backups + MDL-72621 - Drop support for $CFG->admin + MDL-72515 - Plugins overview page calls curl unnecessarily + MDL-72507 - Quiz auto-save does not detect uploaded files + MDL-51165 - Trailing slash in URL supplied to URL Resource causes extra click to open + MDL-72884 - Inserting an SVG file using the \"Insert image\" doesn\'t work well with \"Auto-size\" + MDL-56773 - Atto equation editor textarea input should be left aligned in RTL mode + MDL-72013 - Add jsdoc validation checks + MDL-72064 - Too easy to accidentally change your answer to a multiple-choice questions + MDL-72060 - LTI gradebookservice is user gradable in course not working as expected + MDL-72599 - Cannot configure or delete blocks added to admin/index.php + MDL-39324 - Adding custom video dimensions to a URL resource reverts media icon back to default + MDL-71306 - Error when cancelling add cohort_sync enrolment method + MDL-72767 - Forum digests may not be sent to a user if new posts made near to the digest send time + MDL-72275 - Timeline block \"sort by courses\" sometimes fetches incorrect or no results for time periods + MDL-71785 - Empty quiz section name behaves like new page + MDL-72342 - Group import from CSV is broken by byte order mark + MDL-72110 - Admin home page preference not respected + MDL-72309 - Course creation without category + MDL-71137 - File upload: The progress bars are displaying error when drag-and-drop multiple files sequentially + MDL-68325 - \'Complete another course\' allows to select courses that has completion tracking disabled + MDL-71961 - Disable quiz navigation buttons while file uploads are in progress + MDL-72857 - Issued badge page doesn\'t filter site/course names (e.g. multi-lang content) Accessibility improvements + MDL-72673 - Duplicate element IDs in Glossary + MDL-72669 - Invalid HTML in multi-answer (Cloze) questions: blank