Changelog for moodle4_0-he-4.0.5-lp156.1.1.noarch.rpm :

* Tue Dec 06 2022 - 4.0.5- Update to 4.0.5 Security fixes:
* MSA-22-0029 - Course restore - CSRF token passed in course redirect URL
* MSA-22-0030 - Reflected XSS risk in policy tool
* MSA-22-0031 - Stored XSS possible in some \"social\" user profile fields
* MSA-22-0032 - Blind SSRF risk in LTI provider library
* MSA-22-0023 - Stored XSS and page denial of service risks due to recursive rendering in Mustache template helpers
* MSA-22-0024 - Remote code execution risk when restoring malformed backup file from Moodle 1.9
* MSA-22-0025 - Minor SQL injection risk in admin user browsing
* MSA-22-0026 - No groups filtering in H5P activity attempts report
* MSA-22-0021 - Upgrade Mustache to latest version (upstream)
* MSA-22-0022 - CSRF risk in enabling/disabling installed H5P libraries
* MSA-22-0027 - Quiz sequential navigation bypass using web services
* MSA-22-0015 - PostScript Code Injection / Remote code execution risk
* MSA-22-0016 - Arbitrary file read when importing lesson questions
* MSA-22-0017 - Stored XSS and blind SSRF possible via SCORM track details
* MSA-22-0018 - Open redirect risk in mobile auto-login feature
* MSA-22-0019 - LTI module reflected XSS risk - affecting unauthenticated users only
* MSA-22-0020 - Upgrade moodle-mlbackend-python and update its reference in /lib/mlbackend/python/classes/processor.php (upstream) General fixes and improvements
* MDL-68437 - Whole forum grading shows suspended students
* MDL-73624 - Chrome cannot download files when the filename in Content- Disposition contains a comma (e.g. quiz report download)
* MDL-74762 - Statistics in the Moodle 4.0 question bank use many DB queries causing performance problems
* MDL-74941 - Cannot edit 3.11 Calculated Multichoice questions in Moodle 4.0
* MDL-27570 - Quiz time limit changes are not reflected in active quiz attempts without page refresh
* MDL-66955 - Slow search in \'Search people and messages\'
* MDL-68943 - Converted PDF file does not update when submission file is overwritten
* MDL-75173 - Course is marked as completed when conditions are not met for passing grade
* MDL-61880 - Oauth2 field mappings are reset and endpoints lost when identity issuer settings saved
* MDL-75065 - Database error when creating simple calculated question
* MDL-71531 - Moodle file cache - excessive locking around cache reads
* MDL-76011 - \"Download all/selected submissions\" imposes download date on the zipped files instead of retaining submission dates
* MDL-75010 - Viewing images in email should not update last access
* MDL-74201 - Content bank files used by reference not restored on other site
* MDL-75766 - Adding indexes in h5p database table (backport of MDL-71129)
* MDL-74965 - BigBlueButton students access error
* MDL-75784 - Expand all/Collapse all button is not working when we have two more button in a page
* MDL-76169 - Various behat fixes for Question
* MDL-74468 - BigBlueButton Custom Completion Fixes
* MDL-59458 - Sorting database module entries by certain fields shows no results
* MDL-72490 - Restrict date/time: Show error if users picks incompatible date restrictions
* MDL-75985 - Standardise HTML output when comparing editor values
* MDL-76020 - Some items missing from footer in Classic theme
* MDL-76113 - Legacy grade sync always fails for LTI 2.0 consumers
* MDL-76170 - LTI legacy grade sync fails if member sync occurs before first user launch
* MDL-76041 - Exception when on the Recording Only page in BigBlueButton
* MDL-74315 - Filters dropdown with large amount of elements is not displayed correctly in report builder
* MDL-75519 - Default configuration of \"Users\" report source should sort by fullname
* MDL-76108 - Exception thrown when restoring 1.9 backup into current moodle
* MDL-75192 - \"Current week\" condition in report builder always considers Monday as start of week
* MDL-75848 - \"Cannot read properties of null\" error when using Atto editor
* MDL-75558 - BigBlueButton displays alert banner when Forced Group Mode \"No groups\" enabled
* MDL-75642 - Error deleting multiple (random) questions from quiz
* MDL-75727 - Problem with regrade for quizzes where \"each attempt builds on the last\"
* MDL-75889 - allowedemaildomains should be case insensitive
* MDL-75092 - Links for selecting all/none checkboxes lost from backup/import/restore pages (Course reuse)
* MDL-71662 - Add group-filter to H5P-activity attempts report
* MDL-70480 - get_user_submission susceptible to race condition resulting in invalid DB state
* MDL-75199 - BigBlueButton is a blocker in upgrade to 4.0
* MDL-74770 - Grader report: Unable to sort using custom profile fields
* MDL-74873 - Notification preferences should disable controls if user disabled all notifications before
* MDL-73685 - Error on /admin/roles/admins.php if email removed from identity fields
* MDL-74901 - extend_navigation_frontpage now relies on the user having course:update capabilites to view the secondary navigation
* MDL-68717 - Upcoming events block doesn\'t remove completed activities
* MDL-74969 - When short forms are disabled the sections headers change style
* MDL-75311 - Error when send report schedules by schedule task manager
* MDL-74749 - Import recording button shown when feature disabled in BigBlueButton
* MDL-75040 - Course completion details page contains incorrect course navigation
* MDL-62959 - Changing a course event to a user event results in an error
* MDL-74947 - As Admin, when creating an external tool (LTI), \"Shared secret\" is truncated at < character
* MDL-69251 - LTI enrol method wrongly unenrols users due to bad task internal state
* MDL-68843 - LTI Tools don\'t get deleted when linked activity module is deleted from course
* MDL-74681 - Reads directly after writes to a table are stale when using read replicas if the update takes too long
* MDL-75386 - Editor stylesheets does not include stylesheets for subplugins
* MDL-75083 - Login form double submission leads to invalid login
* MDL-74768 - Change category for a question in bank affects quizzes using random questions
* MDL-74492 - Atto editor wrongfully creates UL tags inside SVG
* MDL-75205 - Resetting report filters need to include original parameters
* MDL-75181 - Exception when both completion setting \"student view\" and custom settings are enabled
* MDL-73215 - Undefined variable error when online text assignment submission deleted
* MDL-74784 - Related system badges causing badge rendering issue
* MDL-75185 - Custom report sources selection is not ordered consistently
* MDL-74826 - Add new \"Disabled feature\" within Mobile app settings for the new Reports option introduced in 4.0
* MDL-74282 - Outcomes report should not be available if outcomes are disabled
* MDL-74964 - Page enrol/index.php should not have secondary navigation
* MDL-74595 - Cannot navigate back to the main calendar page from import/export calendars page
* MDL-72430 - Editing events results in changing the type of event and removing the Course option
* MDL-56923 - Assignment, Add new criterion icon should be aligned to the right, in RTL mode (theme:boost)
* MDL-68867 - Group override does not appear on user calendar
* MDL-74632 - Cannot link to image in Atto
* MDL-74752 - Question versioning: regrading does not work for all question types (including multiple choice)
* MDL-69400 - Moodle Core Forum Due Dates not restoring on backup and restore
* MDL-67966 - Error writing to database when adding example submission to Workshop
* MDL-74449 - Error in gradebook with PHP 8.0
* MDL-74764 - Activity is not in alphabetical order when the name is lowercase
* MDL-69756 - Nextcloud error when moving/copying access controlled link file over existing file having the same name
* MDL-72324 - Plugin incompatible check is backwards in upgradelib
* MDL-74718 - All files from Nextcloud instance are not shown in Moodle
* MDL-74533 - Activity completion calculating with old passing grade requirement when that completion condition is modified
* MDL-74906 - Adding multiple LTI activities via content selection is failing silently when global search is enabled
* MDL-74790 - Description for File resource not displayed if it only contains an image
* MDL-73898 - Site participants listing page shows the guest user account
* MDL-72555 - All activities are being created in frontpage when \"Main menu\" block is added to the frontpage
* MDL-74597 - Incorrect URLs in the user menu for messages and calendar
* MDL-74929 - Assignment overrides page gets hidden by the footer
* MDL-74715 - Report builder UI not always responding
* MDL-74358 - Error in availability code when importing activity from old course using PHP 8.0
* MDL-74516 - Create a quiz with passing grade completion causing error
* MDL-74577 - login_failed_count_since_success isn\'t counted correctly
* MDL-74886 - Cast both value and units to int for configduration write_setting
* MDL-74605 - Videojs lost the feature of adjusting playback rate in 4.0
* MDL-73225 - Exception when BigBlueButton server does not respond
* MDL-74505 - Cannot edit questions in question bank if you do not have the \'question/move\' capability
* MDL-74710 - BigBlueButton setting link is broken on manage activities page Accessibility improvements
* MDL-74887 - \"Available, but hidden on course page\" in Label
* MDL-74814 - Some accessibility issues in the edit profile page
* MDL-74740 - Skip links not showing up on blocks drawer
* MDL-74800 - HTML validator errors on course homepage
* MDL-74742 - Fix colour contrast issues on the course homepage
* MDL-74812 - Accessibility issues found on assignment with rubrics
* MDL-74802 - Notification close button does not have meaningful label
* MDL-74701 - Notification popover elements are focusable even when hidden
* MDL-74813 - Filepicker drag and drop gif animation lasts for more than 5 secs
* MDL-74815 - Colour contrast issues on the site homepage
* MDL-75055 - Notification alert close button is misaligned
* MDL-72885 - Languages in language selection menu are missing lang attribute
* MDL-74741 - Accessibility issues regarding the move block modal
* Tue May 10 2022 - 4.0.1- initial version based on moodle3_11 package