Changelog for cherrytree-0.38.9-123.1.noarch.rpm :

* Sun Nov 24 2019 Update to version 0.38.9: + Auto replacement of symbols as you type is now configurable in preferences dialog, tab Text. + Ctrl+Space to toggle To-Do List Item State; fixed multilevel bug. + Paste/import from html – added basic support. + In codeboxes use code font for both plain text and syntax hilighting. + Fix paste as plain text into CodeBox cause losing CodeBox content (#538). + Export to html, stylesheet revamp.- Run spec-cleaner.- Add python-xml to requires.
* Sat Mar 02 2019 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 0.38.8: + Improved implementation of deletion of recent documents entry. + Ctrl+Space to toggle To-Do List Item State. + Fix detection of missing installation of xterm required in code execution on linux (with default settings). + Horizontal rule insert without hard coded newline before (still newline after). + Updated translations.- Changes from version 0.38.7: + Bugfix: - Problem of locale.getdefaultlocale behavioural change in python. - Must not allow deletion of a node that is read only. + Allow deletion of a recent documents entry via entry submenu. + Renamed two iterated find dialog labels from Find & Find to Find Previous & Find Next. + Moved python-appindicator from Depends: to Recommends: + Export to html, include node name not working without links tree.- Changes from version 0.38.6: + Bugfix: - Do not throw error when failing to clean temporary directory. - Workaround for locale.get issues. - Import from html of table error resulting in paste from clipboard error. - Multilevel numbered lists not restarting from one. - Wrap line with a single very long word. + Todo list characters configurable in config.cfg. + Import from zim, support for codebox.
* Fri Jul 06 2018 Update to version 0.38.5: + Bugfixes: - When save on exit is enabled and write to disk fails, changes are lost (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#358). - Superscript and subscript tags not recognized when copied from external source (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#355). - Workaround for bug in locale module (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#368). + Added syntax highlighting for go language. + Implemented support for opening a text file from the command line with cherrytree.
* Mon Jul 02 2018 Recommends p7zip-full for TW as 7za binary used in cherrytree was moved there
* Thu Feb 08 2018 Update to version 0.38.4: + Support for zoom in tables with both Ctrl+Mouse Wheel or Ctrl+Plus/Minus. + Copy/paste rich text with dark background to light background, fix too light color. + Tree visible status now persistent after system tray hide/show and between sessions. + Default value changes for web link color (less bright blue) and codebox auto resize (to False). + No special chars auto replacements for code – only for rich and plain text. + Paste from rich text and import from html – support fot tag to codebox. + Tab key also valid to switch between table cell.- Changes from version 0.38.3: + Bugfix saving sqlite document (syntax error). + Plain text to have font independent from rich text. + Right click menu inside of codeboxes, added cut/copy as plain text. + Paste rich text from clipboard fix. + HTML-export IOError: \'filename too long\'. + Bugfix in export to pdf.
* Sat Sep 02 2017 Update to version 0.38.2: + Bug fixes: - In importing from cherrytree file (links broken). - In exporting to HTML (‘#’ in node name). - The problem with underscoring character in recent filenames. - The problem with importing from keynote. + Left arrow key press with focus on an already collapsed tree node, now moves the selection to the node parent. + Added right click menus cut & copy as plain text to the automatic syntax highlighting nodes.
* Wed Jan 25 2017 Update to version 0.37.6: + Added auto apply of links to nodes as you type [[node name]] in rich text nodes. + The text formatted monospace has now by default gray. + background; configurable in config.cfg. + Fixed problem causing the highlighted line to have wrong background. + Fixed crash caused by too large tooltip hovering a link. + Updated translations.- Changes from version 0.37.5: + Tthe password protected documents now use 7zip fastest compression resulting in faster save and slightly larger documents. + Added auto apply of web links as you type in rich text nodes. + Added auto apply of links to nodes as you type in rich text nodes (CamelCase nodes names only). + Added proper scrolling to cursor after pasting of multiple lines of text from the clipboard. + Added palette to the color picker dialog for the node name. + Fixed bugs related to export to pdf of tables and codeboxes. + Limited the spell check to rich text nodes after currently unresolvable problems with plain text spell check.- Changes from version 0.37.4: + Bugfix: regression since 0.37.0 for trees with more than 11 levels and cherries per node level. + Added groovy language syntax highlighting support. + Updated translations.- Changes from version 0.37.3: + Bugfix: problem with sqlite storage (ctb, ctx), bold node name and plain text node. + For the document type XML (ctd, ctz) changed the generated XML to be pretty (indented). + Change to slightly larger \'small font\' in formatted text.
* Fri Jul 15 2016 Update to version 0.37.2: + fixed problems introduced with configurability of the bulleted lists chars. + fixed problem with search in selected node and subnodes and progressbar. + the latest applied formatting is now remembered between sessions. + the Ctrl+Space shortcut now allows to enter and exit the codeboxes. + updated translations.- Changes from version 0.37.1: + bugfix: import of text documents bad decoding (added new dependency python-chardet). + bugfix: copy/paste of table row not working. + the chars used for the multi level bulleted lists are configurable editing config.cfg (editor/chars_listbul). + the chars used for the toc are configurable editing config.cfg (editor/chars_toc). + updated translations.
* Sun May 29 2016 Update to version 0.37.0: + Implemented configurability of most of the keyboard shortcuts (few of them cannot be changed). + Implemented quick access to last visited nodes with configurable number of buttons on the node name header. + Implemented the possibility to select from a list the default icon for all the (non code) nodes in the tree; code nodes have by default explicit icons related to the programming language. + Implemented the possibility for any node to set an icon from a list. + Implemented the possibility for any node to set color and boldness for the node name. + Implemented control of the vertical space around lines. + Implemented the possibility to disable the smart quotes auto replacement. + Implemented the option to have the links underlined or not. + Implemented the tree node action “move right” to make a node son of the above sibling; taking shortcut Shift+Right. + Implemented the possibility at mouse click on the node to expand it and to have the focus moved to the text. + Implemented the import from RedNotebook. + Added in the preferences dialog the possibility to reset to the default values the toolbar and the special characters.- Changes from version 0.36.9: + New icons for codebox and table, fixed icon for image. + Updated translations.- Changes from version 0.36.8: + Fixed bug in font zoom in/out on tree and text with ctrl down and mouse wheel up/down.- Changes from version 0.36.7: + Implemented font zoom in/out on tree and text with ctrl down and mouse wheel up/down. + Implemented auto replace as you type of single and double quotes with smart quotes. + Export to html: it is now possibile to override the default styles.css in the preferences dir. + Updated icons of rich text color foreground/background. + Updated translations.- Changes from version 0.36.6: + Fixes in exports to html, pdf, txt.
* Wed Feb 17 2016 Update to version 0.36.5: + Fixed color of highlighted line in rich text with light background. + Fixed generation of pdf with colors coming from dark background not suitable for white background. + Fixed missing checks in read only nodes. + Fixed problem with html pasted from clipboard. + Updated translations.