Changelog for
grilo-plugins-lang-0.3.11-2.1.noarch.rpm :
* Fri Apr 17 2020 Remove use of is_opensuse. Chromaprint and libdmapsharing3 are now built in SLE-15-SP2 (jsc#SLE-11723).
* Fri Feb 14 2020 Update to version 0.3.11: + tracker: - Fix crash if chromaprint plugin isn\'t installed. - Correctly escape strings on sparql updates. - Acoustid: add support for album artist. + Updated translations.- Drop tracker-fix-crash-if-chromaprint-plugin-not-installed.patch: Fixed upstream.
* Sat Jan 25 2020 No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use
* Fri Dec 06 2019 Add tracker-fix-crash-if-chromaprint-plugin-not-installed.patch: avoid crash if the chromaprint is disabled on build time (bsc#1158231 glgo#GNOME/grilo-plugins#61).
* Sat Sep 14 2019 Update to version 0.3.10: + Tracker plugin now requires >= 2.3.0. + Convert README to Markdown. + Tracker: - Implement source notification through TrackerNotifier. - Mark playlists as a container. - Use the correct property to retrieve album title. - Use tracker:ExternalReference to retrieve musicbrainz ids. + Chromaprint: Throw an error on missing decoders. + Lua-Factory: - Renamed grl-musicbrainz to grl-musicbrainz-coverart - Acoustid: . Return Multiple Results from AcoustID Plugin. . Add support for creation_date. . Return from source in case of no match. - TheAudioDB: Add the ability to retrieve artist art. + Updated translations.- Add explicit pkgconfig(tracker-sparql-2.0) BuildRequires: It is already pulled in, but since meson checks for it, we add it.
* Tue Jul 16 2019 Update to version 0.3.8: + Require Grilo >= 0.3.8. + Lua enabled by default. + Lua-Factory: - Fix parameter order in grl.fetch(). - Add Steam Store plugin. - Remove Metrolyrics plugin. - Remove Pocket plugin. - Rename grl-musicbrainz to grl-musicbrainz-coverart. + TheGamesDB: Add Sega Pico and SG-1000 MIME types. + Euronews: Use https instead of http. + Video title parsing: Fix setting empty titles. + AcoustID: - Sort records by submissions count instead of submission date. - Add support for album-disc-number, publication-date, track-number. - Add support for creation-date. - MusicBrainz Coverart: Use mb-release-id instead of mb-album-id for better accuracy. + Bookmarks: Fix adding duplicated entry. + Podcasts: Fix crash when parsing unsupported format. + Optical Media: Add \"ignored-scheme\" configuration. + Tracker: - Fix last played mapping. - Add mapping from tracker for MusicBrainz IDs. - Mark playlists as containers in Grilo. - Remove per-device-source configuration. - Rewrite tracker GrlSource notification to use TrackerNotifier. + Added translations in help. + Updated translations.
* Wed Oct 17 2018 Avoid em dashes in summaries.
* Wed Sep 26 2018 Update to version 0.3.8: + Autotools removed. + Add pkgconfig file. + meson: Fixes finding lua-5.3 in FreeBSD. + Tracker: Fixes error types (bgo#794691). + Lua-Factory: - New source: TheAudioDB cover source - AcoustID: Add support to MusicBrainz\' release and release-group. - MusicBrainz: Add support to release-group cover art. + Updated translations.- Add meson BuildRequires and corresponding macros as well as autosetup, following upstreams changes to meson buildsystem.- Add devel sub package following upstream changes.- Add fdupes BuildRequires and macro, remove duplicates.- Drop pkgconfig(gmime-3.0) BuildRequires: No longer needed, nor used.- Add grilo-plugin-upnp Provides to grilo-plugin-dleyna sub-package, Obsoletes is already in place.
* Fri Jul 27 2018 Update to version 0.3.7: + Last release with autotools + Meson: Fix Lua sourcers directory. + Lua-Factory: - Allow lua sources to register metadata-keys. - The Games DB: Add developer, publisher, coop and players metadata information with is own metata-keys.
* Tue Jul 17 2018 Update to version 0.3.6: + Gravatar plugin: Fix memory leak. + Opensubtitles: Fix memory leak. + Lua-Factory: - Replace assert() with critical messages. - Apple trailers - Fix warnings. - itunes podcast - Fix maximum items. - The Games DB: . Add support to TurboGrafx-CD . Add support to Neo-Geo Pocket Color . Add support to WonderSwan and WonderSwan Color . Add support to Famicom . Add support to Atari Lynx . Add support to Virtual Boy . Fix multiple Genres per game + Magnatue: Add cover art support. + Updated translations.
* Wed Feb 28 2018 Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner
* Thu Dec 07 2017 Disable chroma and dmapsharing when building on SLE (not available there).
* Thu Sep 14 2017 Drop SLE12 / Leap42 build conditionals, enable lua and chroma unconditionally.
* Fri Aug 25 2017 Update to version 0.3.5: + build: bgo#778858: meson: Fix library name of optical-media plugin. + dmap plugin: bgo#781278: Fix DMAP plugins not loading. + flickr plugin: bgo#707643: flickr: populate GrlMediaImage with EXIF data. + lastfm-cover plugin: bgo#766789: Use HTTPS rather then insecure HTTP. + lua-factory plugin: - bgo#778857: Building lua-factory breaks with gperf 3.1 if builddir != srcdir. - bgo#779444: Fix a few leaks in plugins. - bgo#781318: Fix lua sources path with Meson. + tracker plugin: bgo#786602: [Tracker] Use sparql1.1 \"AS ?var\" syntax.- Drop grilo-plugins-tracker-2.0.patch: Fixed upstream, following this, drop gnomec-common BuildRequires and autoreconf call, no longer needed.- Drop obsolete clean section.- Replace pkgconfig(gmime-2.6) with pkgconfig(gmime-3.0) BuildRequires: Needed for podcast support.- Pass --enable-podcasts to configure, ensure we are building podcast support.
* Fri Jul 21 2017 Add grilo-plugins-tracker-2.0.patch: Also detect tracker 2.0 as a valid option.- Add gnomec-common BuildRequires and call autoreconf, as above patch touches the buildsystem.
* Tue Feb 14 2017 Update to version 0.3.4: + General: Add support for Meson build. + Bugs fixed: bgo#775957, bgo#770959, bgo#777210, bgo#771446, bgo#771445, bgo#773702, bgo#775957, bgo#778596, bgo#775561, bgo#773310, bgo#776482, bgo#770806, bgo#774748. + Updated translations.- Add gperf BuildRequires: New \"optional\" dependency.
* Tue Jan 24 2017 Add armv7hl to conditional gstreamer1(element-chromaprint) BuildRequires: Build for armv7.
* Sat Sep 10 2016 Update to version 0.3.3: + Bugs fixed: bgo#768520, bgo#768185, bgo#768606, bgo#768093, bgo#769331, bgo#770806, bgo#769347, bgo#769349, bgo#769356, bgo#769357, bgo#769373, bgo#767684, bgo#770806.
* Fri Aug 26 2016 Conditionally disable LUA Factory on openSUSE < 13.2 (SLE and Leap 42.x). LUA 5.3 is not available and as a consequence we can\'t ship LUA Factory plugins.- Conditionally disabled chromaprint on openSUSE < 13.2 (SLE and Leap 42.x). GStreamer/chroma support is not available.
* Fri Jun 17 2016 Update to version 0.3.2: + Bugs fixed: bgo#732879, bgo#732879, bgo#764486, bgo#764077, bgo#764078, bgo#764814, bgo#764816, bgo#766678, bgo#767631, bgo#764078, bgo#764814, bgo#764600, bgo#766678, bgo#764486, bgo#761624, bgo#761869, bgo#766587.- Add pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0) and pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-bad-1.0) BuildRequires: New dependencies needed for the new chromaprint support. Also pass - -enable-chromaprint to configure to ensure the support is built.- Following the above add gstreamer1(element-chromaprint)()(64bit)/ gstreamer1(element-chromaprint) BuildRequires. This should not be needed, and future investigation if the bug is in grilo-plugins or gstreamer-plugins-bad is needed.- Drop grilo-plugins-Fix-gcc6-build.patch: Fixed upstream.
* Thu Jun 16 2016 Add grilo-plugins-Fix-gcc6-build.patch: Fix build with GCC 6, patch from upstream.
* Wed Mar 23 2016 Update to version 0.3.1: + Tracker plugin: - Fix handling of keys with underscores in their names (bgo#761168). - Fix giving back wrong type of media that was causing crashes in GNOME Videos (bgo#761168). + Lua Factory plugin: - Make containers match any supported_media (bgo#760378). - Fix double-free when handling GOA accounts (bgo#760565). - Fix warnings when the requested keys in the source table, stop lua plugins from changing input arguments, better source tracking to avoid memory leaks (bgo#753141, bgo#732879, bgo#763046). - Order thumbnails from large to small (bgo#761694). - Don\'t warn for unknown keys in source table (bgo#732879). + TheTVDB plugin: Require a newer gom that fixes migration problems (bgo#759835).
* Tue Dec 22 2015 Update to version 0.3.0: + General: - Fix tests. - Add more tests. - Remove XML descriptions. - Use the new 0.3 API. - bgo#749063: build: General and MAINTAINERCLEANFILES fixes. - bgo#754531: Make lua-factory a hard requirement. - bgo#755551: remove media specifiers as subclasses. - bgo#755702: Show better configuration information. - bgo#759295: Get rid of XML plugins descriptors. + Apple Trailers plugin: Port Apple Trailers source to Lua (bgo#752681) + Bliptv plugin: - Remove it ( service was shutdown). - Search return recent items\' RSS instead of results (bgo#725031). + Bookmarks plugin: grl-bookmarks doesn\'t notify of removals (bgo#752066). + dLeyna plugin: - Fix grl_dleyna_util_uri_is_localhost() usage (bgo#749889). - Fix incorrect properties passed to applications (bgo#749890). + DMAP plugin: Add DPAP (iPhoto sharing) plugin (bgo#746722). + Filesystem plugin: weird content-changed notifications (bgo#755181). + Freebox plugin: radios.m3u missing in the 0.2.14 tarball, build fails (bgo#745179). + Guardianvideos plugin: - fix URL format string (bgo#748224). - Fix unescaping Guardian Videos titles (bgo#750990). + Albumart plugin: - Port to Lua. - lastfm: update to new API 2.0 (bgo#700276). + Local Metadata plugin: - Remove unused variable (bgo#746776). - Don\'t crash on files named wsb.wmv (bgo#748604). - Query for media art existence (bgo#752057). - Remove title parsing from local-metadata plugin (bgo#754532). - local-metadata: Another bad TV show parsing (bgo#755464). + Lua Factory plugin: - WIP: Use lua to parse video titles (bgo#741607). - lua-factory: testing (bgo#741784). - Information leak via plain text HTTP connection (bgo#747953). - Make it easier to access the API key config (bgo#750903). - CRITICAL
*: grl_l_callback: assertion \'os != NULL\' failed (bgo#750955). - Better sandboxing (bgo#750982). - Add inspect.lua helper (bgo#750983). - Fix possible memleak if source registration fails (bgo#751786). - Add support for GOA in lua-factory (bgo#751981). - Add support for dates in Epoch format (bgo#752593). - tests: Fix lua-factory Makefile generation (bgo#752594). - Add grl.is_video_site() function (bgo#752595). - Also try convert HTML from ISO8859-1 (bgo#752895). - Re-add \"Music\" GOA support (bgo#752899). - Fix compilation with g-o-a disabled (bgo#754895). - Add XML parser (bgo#755556). + Magnatune plugin: Magnatune plugin doesn\'t invoke the callback in search operations with 0 result (bgo#751890). + Metadata Store plugin: \"last-played-time\" declared as string, instead of date-time (bgo#686175). + Metrolyrics plugin: - Fix metrolyrics source and test (bgo#754275). - Fix parser after metrolyrics changes (bgo#759109). + Opensubtitles plugin: Opensubtitles plugin causes many warnings (bgo#754451). + Pocket plugin: Port to Lua. + Spotify plugin: - Add Spotify albumart plugin. - Implement Spotify plugin (bgo#754811). + TheTVDB plugin: - Make it possible to hit only cache (bgo#748422). - Fuzzy series name matching (bgo#748423). - use https rather than insecure http (bgo#754489). - Force updating the show name (bgo#758959). + Tracker plugin: - \"last-played-time\" declared as string, instead of date-time (bgo#686175). - rhythmbox crashes with SIGSEGV in tracker_evt_update_orphan_item_cb (bgo#733582). - Tracker plugin\'s change signal is useless (bgo#746974). - Do not advertise browse support for the Tracker extractor (bgo#748173). - Eliminate duplicates in grl-tracker search results (bgo#748539). - track number is missing from grilo information (bgo#753732). - Fix tracker serialisation (bgo#758654). + Vimeo: Fix distcheck. + Youtube plugin: - Home-made refcounting?! (bgo#741634). - Update libgdata API usage (bgo#748395). - Grilo YouTube plugin crash (bgo#754244). + Updated translations.- Update BuildRequires for grilo 0.3 port: + Removed: pkgconfig(grilo-0.2), pkgconfig(grilo-net-0.2) and pkgconfig(grilo-pls-0.2) + Added: pkgconfig(grilo-0.3), pkgconfig(grilo-net-0.3) and pkgconfig(grilo-pls-0.3)- Drop --enable-pocket configure parameter: no longer recognized after the port of the pocket plugin to LUA.- Drop --enable-raitv configure parameter: it is auto detected and we realize it missing if the file list changes.
* Sun Dec 20 2015 Update to version 0.2.17: + bgo#755702: Show better configuration information. + bgo#755181: filesystem: weird content-changed notifications. + bgo#754532: Remove title parsing from local-metadata plugin. + bgo#755464: local-metadata: Another bad TV show parsing. + bgo#700276: lastfm: update to new API 2.0. + bgo#754531: Make lua-factory a hard requirement. + bgo#754811: spotify: implement Spotify plugin. + bgo#755556: Add XML parser. + bgo#759109: metrolyrics: fix parser after metrolyrics changes. + bgo#758959: thetvdb: Force updating the show name. + bgo#746974: Tracker plugin\'s change signal is useless. + bgo#758654: Fix tracker serialisation. + Updated translations.
* Thu Sep 24 2015 Update to version 0.2.16: + lastfm: update to new API 2.0 (bgo#700276). + lua-factory: Fix compilation with g-o-a disabled (bgo#754895). + TheTVDB plugin: Fix tests.
* Thu Sep 10 2015 Update to version 0.2.15: + Lot of improvements in Lua Factory. + Removed source (service shutdown). + Apple Trailers plugin ported to Lua. + Pocket plugin ported to Lua. + General: build: General and MAINTAINERCLEANFILES fixes (bgo#749063). + Apple Trailers plugin: Port Apple Trailers source to Lua (bgo#752681).
* plugin: bliptv: Search return recent items\' RSS instead of results (bgo#725031). + Bookmarks plugin: grl-bookmarks doesn\'t notify of removals (bgo#752066). + dLeyna plugin - bgo#749889: Fix grl_dleyna_util_uri_is_localhost() usage. - bgo#749890: Fix incorrect properties passed to applications. + DMAP plugin: Add DPAP (iPhoto sharing) plugin (bgo#746722). + Freebox plugin: radios.m3u missing in the 0.2.14 tarball, build fails (bgo#745179). + Guardian Videos plugin: - BGO#748224: fix URL format string. - BGO#750990: Fix unescaping Guardian Videos titles. + Local Mmetadata plugin: - bgo#746776: Remove unused variable. - bgo#748604: Don\'t crash on files named wsb.wmv. - bgo#752057: Query for media art existence. + Lua Factory plugin: Bugs fixed: bgo#741607, bgo#741784, bgo#747953, bgo#750903, bgo#750955, bgo#750982, bgo#750983, bgo#750990, bgo#751786, bgo#751981, bgo#752593, bgo#752594, bgo#752595, bgo#752681, bgo#752895, bgo#752899. + Magnatune plugin: - Magnatune plugin doesn\'t invoke the callback in search operations with 0 result (bgo#751890). + Metrolyrics plugin: Fix metrolyrics source and test (bgo#754275). + OpenSubtitles plugin: Opensubtitles plugin causes many warnings (bgo#754451). + TheTVDB plugin: - bgo#748422: Make it possible to hit only cache. - bgo#748423: Fuzzy series name matching. - bgo#754489: use https rather than insecure http. + Tracker plugin: - bgo#733582: rhythmbox crashes with SIGSEGV in tracker_evt_update_orphan_item_cb. - bgo#748173: Do not advertise browse support for the Tracker extractor. - bgo#748539: Eliminate duplicates in grl-tracker search results. - bgo#753732: track number is missing from grilo information. + YouTube plugin: - bgo#741634: Home-made refcounting?! - bgo#748395: Update libgdata API usage. - bgo#754244: Grilo YouTube plugin crash. + Updated translations.
* Wed Feb 18 2015 Update to version 0.2.14: + General: - bgo#724308: Make it possible to pass \"flags\" to \"remove(). - bgo#725148: Automatic network awareness. - bgo#740942: core: Fix excessive ref\'ing when registering new keys. - bgo#740943: core: Add register_keys plugin function. - bgo#741207: Minor fixes at local-metadata and thetvdb. - bgo#743449: Use HTTPS whenever possible. + Bookmarks plugin: - Fix thumbnail URL not getting saved. - Fix updating bookmarks. - Emit \"item-removed\" only when item is actually removed. + dLeyna plugin: Crash in the dLeyna plugin (bgo#740052). + Euronews source: Folder icons for Euronews and The Guardian Videos (bgo#736548). + Flickr plugin: Small fixes. + Freebox plugin: core: Add \"audio-track\" property (bgo#744168). + Local Metadata plugin: - bgo#740927: Add support for getting gibest hash. - bgo#741562: Broken title with another TV episode format. + Lua Factory plugin: - bgo#725147: Support embedded resources. - bgo#729680: Some HTML entities not unescaped by grl.unescape(). - bgo#737169: Avoid warning if fetching an item failed. - bgo#739508: Warn when dates are in an invalid format. - bgo#740761: Correct \"file size\" metadata key. - bgo#740765: Fix use-after-free. - bgo#740928: Add support for boolean media properties. - bgo#742523: Work-around websites that still use ISO8859-1. - bgo#744353: may_resolve doesn\'t handle media being NULL. + OpenSubtitles plugin: opensubtitles: Add plugin (bgo#740871). + Podcasts plugin: Fix crasher when DB could not be opened (bgo#741258). + Radiofrance source: - Support EPG down. - Added icon. + TheTVDB plugin: Unset \"title-from-filename\" when changing title (bgo#740763). + TMDb plugin: - bgo#739502: Don\'t try to resolve TV series. - bgo#740763: Unset \"title-from-filename\" when changing title. - bgo#743316: Add libsoup as dependency to tmdb plugin in + Tracker plugin - bgo#740707: Add range filter support. - bgo#740756: Correctly set \"title-from-filename\". - bgo#740761: Correct \"file size\" metadata key. + The Guardian Videos source: - bgo#736548: Folder icons for Euronews and The Guardian Videos. - bgo#737176: Update for new API. + YouTube plugin - Small fixes. - bgo#744015: Remove code supporting libgdata < 0.9.1. + Updated translations.- Enable pkgconfig(libmediaart-2.0) BuildRequires: upstream ported the code completely.
* Sat Jan 31 2015 Disable make check for PPC64 and PPC64le arches (boo#915682). Fixes build for PPC arches on a temporarly basis.
* Sat Dec 20 2014 Replace pkgconfig(libmediaart-1.0) for pkgconfig(libmediaart-2.0) BuildRequirs, but disabled for now, as upstream has not ported to the new api.