Changelog for
python310-pydot-1.4.2-4.1.noarch.rpm :
* Tue Dec 07 2021 Dirk Müller
- skip failing tests
* Thu Apr 22 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 1.4.2: - Documentation: Basic usage examples in ``. (#141) Changed: - More detailed error message in case of Graphviz errors. (#239) - More detailed warning message in case of failure to import the DOT parser module. (#241) Deprecated: - A future pydot 2.0.0 will drop support for Python 2, 3.4 and possibly other Python versions that are end-of-life at that time. Pydot does not emit any deprecation warnings about this. Further pydot 1.x.x releases are currently not foreseen, but if there are any, should still support the mentioned Python versions. (#229) Fixed: - On Python 2, non-equality comparison (`!=`) between two separate, but equal `Edge` instances will now correctly return `False`, as it already did on Python 3. (#248) - Prevent `TypeError` in handling of DOT parser error. (#176) - Prevent `TypeError` in `graph_from_adjacency_matrix()` and `graph_from_incidence_matrix()`. (#98) - Prevent `TypeError` when creating an edge with a `Subgraph` or `Cluster` object (as opposed to name string) as an edge point. (#89) - Windows only: Fixed most failures to find Graphviz when a conda or Anaconda installation exists, but Graphviz was installed manually or through pip (`.bat`/`.exe` suffix problem). (#205) - Windows only: Fixed failure to run Graphviz related to side-by-side assembly (SxS) by now propagating the `SYSTEMROOT` environment variable. (#208)
* Tue Feb 25 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - We need the full graphviz-gd as otherwise it acts really weirdly
* Thu Apr 04 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Skip one failing test:
* pydot-skip-test.patch- Enable testsuite and add tests dependencies
* Tue Apr 02 2019 Colleen Murphy - Update to 1.4.1:
* Make graph, edge, node attributes order deterministic
* Fix string formatting after catching error (#201)
* Installation of pydot in conda env on Windows directly supported
* Fixed comparing of SHA hash in regression tests (which fail now)
* Dropped Python 2.6 support (#185)
* Move errno from os to builtin. Fixes #177 (#191, #182)
* Tue Dec 18 2018 Jan Engelhardt - Use noun phrase in summary. Grammar adjustments for the description.
* Tue Dec 04 2018 Matej Cepl - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
* Sat Jan 06 2018 specfile:
* update copyright year- update to version 1.2.4:
* ENH: propagate `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` when calling GraphViz
* API: raise `OSError` when a GraphViz executable is not found
* API: add method `__str__` to classes `Node, Edge, Graph`
* API: add arg `encoding` to `Dot` methods `create, write`
* API: quote cluster names when necessary
* API: give source and destination nodes as separate args to `Edge.__init__`
* API: never ignore `src, dst`, overwrite if `points` defined in `obj_dict`
* Wed Apr 19 2017 Implement single-spec version.
* Tue Nov 01 2016 Update source url- Remove some obsolete parts of the spec file