Changelog for qemu-ovmf-x86_64-debug-202302-6.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Mar 20 2023 Joey Lee - Add ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformPei-Update-ReserveEmuVariable.patch to revert 58eb8517ad7b56574f8f04b770a59a9cbed796c4 patch to prevent booting hangs when SEV + secure boot. (bsc#1209266) * Thu Mar 16 2023 Joey Lee - Removed patches which are merged to edk2-stable202302 (bsc#1209266): - ovmf-tools_def-add-fno-omit-frame-pointer-to-GCC48_-IA32-.patch tools_def: add -fno-omit-frame-pointer to GCC48_{IA32,X64}_CC_FLAGS (bsc#1199597) - 129404f6e4 edk2-stable202302~200 - ovmf-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Fix-integrity-checking-faile.patch OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Fix integrity checking failed of NvVarStore (bsc#1206078) - ceb52713b0 edk2-stable202302~226 * Wed Mar 15 2023 Joey Lee - Update to edk2-stable202302 (bsc#1209266) - Features (https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/releases): Add support for RISC-V qemu virt machine Add RPMB related commands and DCB definition for NVMe SecurityBoot - remove self-signed PK requirement in SetupMode SecurityBoot - support Authenticated SetVariable with ContentInfo TDVF Optimization - Enable Separate-Fv in OvmfPkg/IntelTdx TDVF Optimization - Pre-alloc shared memory for TDVF DMA TDVF Optimization - Enable Multi-core based lazy-accept TDVF - Fix Instruction Pointer Incrementation by TD #VE MMIO Handler TDVF - Incorrect implementation in the TDX RTMR implementation TDVF - Incorrect protocol and structure version in the TDX CC measurement TDVF - TdTcg2Dxe lives in the Ovmfpkg instead of the SecurityPkg TDVF - need measurement VMM input ACPI table before register TDVF - need integrate feature in config-B to config-A - Patches (git log --oneline --date-order edk2-stable202211..edk2-stable202302): f80f052277 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add Stack HOB 1eeca0750a UefiPayloadPkg: remove the change that get platform specific logic bc82574de4 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Fix SCT memory allocation test case failure 2c5961cccf BaseTools/tools_def.template: Update -march parameter for RISC-V 02fcfdce1e BaseTools: Update WindowsVsToolChain plugin 5c551d6d91 Maintainers.txt: Add entry for OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt 92b27c2e6a OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add build files for Qemu Virt platform e1aaef001f OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add SEC module a43a62f9b0 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add PciCpuIo2Dxe module 6d5ae344cd OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add VirtNorFlashPlatformLib library c126e3588d OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add ResetSystemLib library 6720b8e46f OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add PrePiHobListPointerLib library d78df93863 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add PlatformBootManagerLib library f13264b340 ArmVirtPkg: Fix up the location of PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe 09cd17b0de ArmVirtPkg/PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe: Move to OvmfPkg a7dec790dc UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.ci.yaml: Ignore RISC-V file c27cdc941d UefiCpuPkg: Add CpuDxeRiscV64 module 98fa877efd UefiCpuPkg: Add CpuTimerDxeRiscV64 module 705c3469b5 UefiCpuPkg: Add BaseRiscV64CpuTimerLib library cbac2c74e8 UefiCpuPkg: Add BaseRiscV64CpuExceptionHandlerLib d6017bca19 UefiCpuPkg: Add RISCV_EFI_BOOT_PROTOCOL related definitions 76e956547e MdePkg: Add BaseRiscVSbiLib Library for RISC-V 550f196e82 MdePkg/BaseLib: RISC-V: Add few more helper functions 8aeb405466 MdePkg/Register: Add register definition header files for RISC-V 38da9606f7 MdePkg: Added Call for AfterReadyToBoot Event 419c0aafa6 MdePkg: Add After Ready To Boot Event Definition from UEFI 2.9 77d6772708 MdeModulePkg/Library: PcdAcpiS3Enable set FALSE cause Assert 68c1bedbf2 MdeModulePkg/Variable: Attribute combination should return EFI_UNSUPPORTED 090642db7a MdeModulePkg/EsrtFmpDxe: Support multiple devices with 0 HardwareInstance f9c6b5134e MdeModulePkg/Pci: Display more information of PCIe devices 1b5420e807 OvmfPkg/AmdSevDxe: Close mAcceptAllMemoryEvent f67ec87704 OvmfPkg: Fix SevMemoryAcceptance memory attributes 540522fec0 .devcontainer/devcontainer.json: Add devcontainer file b3f321f2d7 .mergify/config.yml: Remove rebase_fallback attribute (deprecated) 93a21b465b MdePkg: Add NVMe boot partition header definition 069703228c MdePkg: Add RPMB related commands and DCB definition for NVMe 39254d922e RedfishPkg/RedfishRestExDxe: Two PCDs for controlling the requests 289d93b79c StandaloneMmPkg/StandaloneMmMemLib: Change max address computation 173a7a7daa OvmfPkg: Update build.sh to allow building OVMF then running QEMU f6ce1a5cd8 EmulatorPkg/PeiTimerLib: Bug fix in NanoSecondDelay b59e6fdae2 .pytool/Plugin/EccCheck: Add PACKAGES_PATH support 5db84c85c3 MdePkg:IORT header update for IORT Rev E.e spec 96192ba5bd MdeModulePkg: EfiUnacceptedMemoryType is not allowed in AllocatePool 8a763b533b MdeModulePkg: Disambiguate the meaning of PcdDxeIplSwitchToLongMode aef0061ac2 BaseTools: remove useless dependency on libuuid aea8a9c954 RedfishPkg: fix multiple SMBIOS type 42 version issue b98e2113b5 ArmPkg/ArmScmiDxe: Fix the calculation of RequiredArraySize 9d669016d9 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Update README ff8485179c SecurityPkg/TdTcg2Dxe: td-guest shall halt when CcMeasurement install fail cc18c503e0 SecurityPkg: don\'t require PK to be self-signed by default f6e4824533 OvmfPkg: require self-signed PK when secure boot is enabled 566cdfc675 SecurityPkg: limit verification of enrolled PK in setup mode 7c138e4008 EmbeddedPkg/PrePiLib: Drop unused PCD PcdPrePiCpuIoSize 4d37059d8e OvmfPkg: Support Tdx measurement in OvmfPkgX64 1f9bd937b3 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Build GuidHob for Tdx measurement 6ea50514c1 OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64: Measure TdHob and Configuration FV in SecMain d92db8a086 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Add PeiTdxHelperLib 019621d078 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Measure TdHob and Configuration FV in SecMain c0984d1ff2 OvmfPkg: Refactor ProcessHobList 852ae4cd80 OvmfPkg: Refactor MeaureFvImage f41acc651f OvmfPkg: Refactor MeasureHobList d59279f8ce OvmfPkg/PeilessStartupLib: Update the define of FV_HANDOFF_TABLE_POINTERS2 d09c1d4b88 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Add SecTdxHelperLib d3109e5f18 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Add TdxHelperLibNull 6ba931bebf OvmfPkg: Add Tdx measurement data structure in WorkArea 935343cf16 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Measure ACPI table from QEMU in TDVF 7623b4bf6a MdeModulePkg: ScsiDiskDxe: clean up comment in ScsiDisk.c 13b97736c8 UefiCpuPkg: Fix SMM code hangs when InitPaging 11f0014c0e MdePkg: Label CreateEvent NotifyFunction and NotifyContext optional ae6e470252 MdeModulePkg/Bus/Ata/AhciPei: Fix DEADCODE Coverity issue 558b37b49b ShellPkg/AcpiView: ERST Parser d375273c89 MdeModulePkg: ScsiBusDxe: Refactor DiscoverScsiDevice() bda715bf6d MdePkg: Fix UINT64 and INT64 word length for LoongArch64 2f2fd79fc4 UefiPayloadPkg: Set RTC dynamic PCD to PeiPCDdatabase 3509103132 MdePkg: Added serveral tables to MATD used by LoongArch64 c5ef1f01a1 MdePkg: Add ACPI 6.5 header 620cddb1e0 MdePkg: Add Acpi65.h to IgnoreFiles area c59230bce1 ArmVirtPkg: Remove RealView Debugger lines from ArmVirtPkg.dsc.inc 8c170ad491 ArmPkg: Remove RealView Debugger support 15f98047d2 BaseTools: Remove CYGWIN_NT-5.1-i686 ref from Scripts/PatchCheck.py cdcee3d17b BaseTools: Delete Bin/{CYGWIN_NT-5.1-i686,Darwin-i386} directories 4b384c21ad MdeModulePkg: Correct memory type in PrePiDxeCis.h bb13762548 tools_def: Remove duplicated -Os e7aac7fc13 ArmPkg: implement EFI_MP_SERVICES_PROTOCOL based on PSCI calls d1855afc6e ArmPkg: Add GET_MPIDR_AFFINITY_BITS and MPIDR_MT_BIT to ArmLib.h 0d129ef7c3 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: SEV-SNP make >=4GB unaccepted 466d8f65e3 OvmfPkg: Implement AcceptAllUnacceptedMemory in AmdSevDxe 26847fb6be OvmfPkg: Introduce the OvmfSevMemoryAcceptance protocol a00e2e5513 OvmfPkg: Add memory acceptance event in AmdSevDxe ca573b8615 ArmVirtPkg/PlatformCI: Perform build test of ArmVirtKvmTool 0eda253317 ArmVirtPkg/PlatformCI: Add CI coverage for ArmVirtQemuKernel ed1806b2c0 ArmVirtPkg/PlatformCI: Enable optional features on Qemu AARCH64 builds 01a06884a1 ArmVirtPkg/PlatformCI: factor out reusable PlatformBuildLib.py 619f077252 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: enlarge initial flash mapping 6c8a08bd8a ArmVirtPkg/PrePi: Ensure timely execution of library constructors d0ff1cae3a CryptoPkg/Library: Reinstate ARM/AARCH64 sections in SmmCryptLib.inf f25ee54763 OvmfPkg: fix BuildResourceDescriptorHob call in PlatformAddHobCB() 37d3eb026a SecurityPkg/AuthVariableLib: Check SHA-256 OID with ContentInfo present 7afef31b2b MdeModulePkg: remove garbage pixels in LaffStd glyphs e96a5734f6 ShellPkg: Export default shell delay as PCD bf5678b580 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: catch QEMU\'s CPU hotplug reg block regression c3e128a4cd OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: factor out PlatformCpuCountBugCheck() 3beb8c9654 OvmfPkg/PlatformCI VS2019: Enable temporary workaround for cpuhp bugfix 51411435d5 EmbeddedPkg: Add back FfsFindSectionData 0826808d4f EmbeddedPkg: Rename FfsFindSectionData as FfsFindSectionDataWithHook 18df11da8c MdeModulePkg: Add IpmiCommandLib ae55e9fca6 MdeModulePkg/IpmiCommandLib: Add NULL instance library bde407db51 MdeModulePkg/Include: Add IpmiCommandLib header file 426efcc374 RedfishPkg/Include: Redfish USB Interface V2 update 663e70851c RedfishPkg/Include: Add Redfish IPMI definitions cabcc6851b MdePkg/IndustryStandard: Update IPMI definitions 998ebe5ca0 OvmfPkg/CcExitLib: Initialize Status in IoExit 5c7a611353 OvmfPkg/BaseMemEncryptTdxLib: Refactor error handle of SetOrClearSharedBit e0dcfb31fb SecurityPkg/TdTcg2Dxe: Extend EFI boot variable to PCR[1] e05132aaa0 OvmfPkg/CcExitLib: Refactor TDX MmioExit c01622057c OvmfPkg/CcExitLib: Move common X86 instruction code to separate file 70d1481b55 OvmfPkg/PeilessStartupLib: Find NCCFV in non-td guest c3f4f5a949 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Enable separate-fv in IntelTdx/IntelTdxX64.fdf 066d3c8004 OvmfPkg: Add PCDs/GUID for NCCFV c673216f53 EmbeddedPkg/PrePiLib: Add FFS_CHECK_SECTION_HOOK when finding section 6c1988af76 ShellPkg: Display SMBIOS Type38 fields in smbiosview in formatted view ea382b3b21 CI: use ubuntu-22.04 image (Linux only) 7edf120150 OvmfPkg: CI: use ubuntu-22.04 vm_image (Linux only) 5f8b749c73 EmulatorPkg: CI: use ubuntu-22.04 vm_image (Linux only) 7e88204fe1 ArmVirtPkg: CI: use ubuntu-22.04 vm_image (Linux only) 84cb35232d BaseTools: remove ext_dep files for gcc 5d25638e1b .pytool: CISettings.py: don\'t add scopes for GCC 7fab007f33 OvmfPkg: CI: Use Fedora 35 container (Linux only) 32c76a8cd4 EmulatorPkg: CI: Use Fedora 35 container (Linux only) 7cddfae1e8 ArmVirtPkg: CI: Use Fedora 35 container (Linux only) ef09160098 CI: Use Fedora 35 container (Linux only) 36d7626a37 CI: Allow running in a container. becff4f473 CI: add ~/.local/bin to PATH (Linux only) 65cc189414 OvmfPkg: CI: use Python version from defaults template 7d62df623f EmulatorPkg: CI: use Python version from defaults template 89ed7e4795 ArmVirtPkg: CI: use Python version from defaults template 3579551734 CI: make Python version configurable 015a001b03 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: reorder PlatformQemuUc32BaseInitialization c0a0b9bc35 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Add PlatformReservationConflictCB 328076cfdf OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Add PlatformAddHobCB 124b765051 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Add PlatformGetLowMemoryCB e037530468 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Add PlatformScanE820 and GetFirstNonAddressCB a107ad0f62 BaseTools/tools_def CLANG38: Suppress unaligned access warning 021930d7c2 BaseTools/tools_def ARM: Make choice for soft float ABI explicit e974064303 BaseTools/tools_def ARM AARCH64: Get rid of ARCHCC and ARCHASM flags 096cd41ce7 BaseTools/tools_def RISCV: Make OpenSBI references RISCV-only d05739a3ff Fix cyclic dependency error on OptionROM build 987cc09c7c ArmVirt: don\'t use unaligned CopyMem () on NOR flash 47ab397011 MdeModulePkg/XhciPei: Unlinked XhciPei memory block be8d6ef385 MdeModulePkg/Usb: Read a large number of blocks 8147fe090f MdeModulePkg/Xhci: Initial XHCI DCI slot\'s Context value 7cd55f3009 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Return error if installing NotifyProtocol failed 66f18fde49 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Refactor QemuAcpiTableNotifyProtocol 2ef0ff39e5 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Add log to show the installed tables 165f1e4936 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Use local variable in QemuFwCfgAcpi.c f81273f7fb OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Use local variable in CloudHvAcpi.c 43b3ca6b7f OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Remove QEMU_ACPI_TABLE_NOTIFY_PROTOCOL ba08910df1 OvmfPkg: fix OvmfTpmSecurityStub.dsc.inc include 9d70d8f20d MdeModulePkg: Notify BeforeExitBootServices in CoreExitBootServices 82b0ee8354 MdePkg: Add EFI_EVENT_BEFORE_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES_GUID 59aa48bb7d OvmfPkg: Realize EfiMemoryAcceptProtocol in AmdSevDxe e5ec3ba409 OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: map flash memory as uncacheable 85fd05ab97 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: fix comment about uncacheable MTRRs fe405f08a0 NetworkPkg: Add WiFi profile sync protocol support ec54ce1f1a ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: Avoid early ID map on ThunderX 5ee17c5418 ArmVirtPkg/ArmPlatformLibQemu: Ensure that VFP is on before running C code 717f35a9f2 DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParserLib: Fix compatible string 82dd766f25 BaseTools: Reduce the LoongArch64 compiler size 2cc6d4c8ed UefiPayloadPkg: Fix debug print error level hob not save correct 33a3408fbb Revert \"UefiCpuPkg: Duplicated AsmRelocateApLoop as AsmRelocateApLoopAmd\" ae80fe997d Revert \"OvmfPkg: Add CpuPageTableLib required by MpInitLib.\" 5ef3990735 Revert \"UefiPayloadPkg: Add CpuPageTableLib required by MpInitLib.\" cbcf0cd65e Revert \"UefiCpuPkg: Has APs in 64 bit long-mode before booting to OS.\" d8d829b89d UefiPayloadPkg: Move RTC PCD to dynamic PCD 5386c9e6da Maintainers.txt: Update reviewers for OVMF/Confidential Computing 5654ce1d2c SecurityPkg: Move TdTcg2Dxe from OvmfPkg to SecurityPkg 0aca5901e3 Maintainers.txt: designate Gerd Hoffmann as UefiCpuPkg reviewer 8c2357809e .azurepipelines: Skip CodeCoverage if coverage.xml not found c32e733151 Maintainers.txt: Update NetworkPkg & MM modules Reviewer 9ce09870e7 OvmfPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: drop obsolete API implementation ff379e1b48 UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: drop obsolete API implementation d452feedf2 OvmfPkg: raise DXEFV size to 13 MB in the traditional platform FDFs 12e4043bd6 OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe/VbeShim.sh: remove end-of-options delimiter for nasm 992d5451d1 MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/XhciDxe: Reset port if status change returns an error 89c5d90003 .azurepipelines: Install code coverage tool 6bb00aa484 BaseTools/Plugin: Add coverage support for Unit Test 3701f105fa UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add code coverage support for GCC b670700ddf UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm:Fix PF issue caused by smm page table code bbd30066e1 BaseTools: Generate deps for Arm targets 3a872dac7b BaseTools: Use BUILD_CC when checking gcc version in DevicePath c5d68ef6e7 BaseTools: Fix IA32 UINT64 alignment for CLANG toolchains a086f4a63b OvmfPkg: Use NestedInterruptTplLib in nested interrupt handlers a24fbd6061 OvmfPkg: Add library to handle TPL from within nested interrupt handlers 9bf473da4c OvmfPkg: Send EOI before RestoreTPL() in timer interrupt handlers bf65d7ee88 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: pass through reservations from qemu 16acacf24c OvmfPkg: fix PlatformConfig d8d4abdff9 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix boot issue for non-universal payload 538ac013d6 ArmVirtPkg: Remove CcProbeLib from ArmVirtQemu.dsc 8cb4b429a2 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Check PcdConfidentialComputingGuestAttr ec87305f90 PcAtChipsetPkg: Move RTC PCD to dynamic PCD 129404f6e4 tools_def: add -fno-omit-frame-pointer to GCC48_{IA32,X64}_CC_FLAGS 3e8b7e1055 tools_def: remove GCC_IA32_CC_FLAGS/GCC_X64_CC_FLAGS 62031335bd CryptoPkg: Need to enable crypto functions 72a9386f67 UefiCpuPkg: Simplify the code to set smm page table as RO 0426115b67 UefiCpuPkg: Remove unused API in SmmCpuFeaturesLib.h b822be1a20 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Introduce page table pool mechanism 0b633b1494 OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: Build platform info HOB in XenPlatformPei 451521ccbc OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Implement multi-core accept memory for TDVF c55cf3f795 OvmfPkg: Enable APs to accept memory for TDVF 0547ffbf6d OvmfPkg/Sec: Move TDX APs related nasm code to IntelTdxAPs.nasm 4d8651c2fb OvmfPkg: Add TdxMailboxLibNull in some platform dsc b21fe5a8a6 OvmfPkg/TdxMailboxLib: Add NULL instance of TdxMailboxLib a00b71b009 OvmfPkg/TdxMailboxLib: Delete global variables b2d76fdd42 SecurityPkg: deprecate RpmcLib and VariableKeyLib 3c16e6fb97 UefiPayloadPkg: Fixed that The UPL info section is not aligned at 4-byte a7e722941c MdePkg: Fix typos and spacing in Library/PerformanceLib.h 4bdc41cf17 MdePkg: Fix typo of EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER in Protocol/UsbIo.h ec25e904c7 MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/XhciDxe: Check port is compatible before getting PSIV 01c2fb0d22 MdeModulePkg/XhciDxe/Xhci: Don\'t check for invalid PSIV 3f378450df UefiPayloadPkg: Add CpuPageTableLib required by MpInitLib. 4a86424224 OvmfPkg: Add CpuPageTableLib required by MpInitLib. 73ccde8f6d UefiCpuPkg: Has APs in 64 bit long-mode before booting to OS. 7bda8c6481 UefiCpuPkg: Duplicated AsmRelocateApLoop as AsmRelocateApLoopAmd 6937fc8338 UefiPayloadPkg/SerialPortLib: Enhance multi port behaviour 259e1e0462 EmulatorPkg/RedfishHostInterface: Add NULL function 2846c19da9 RedfishPkg/RedfishHostInterface: Platform Redfish HI notification ceb52713b0 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Fix integrity checking failed of NvVarStore 560f9bb063 UefiPayloadPkg: Define default values for the DynamicEX PCDs 39ba0f8dfc CryptoPkg: Need to enable crypto functions 5fb3f5723a DynamicTablesPkg: Allow for specified CPU names 05da2d24b0 UefiPayloadPkg: Move bdsdxe.inf from DXEFV to BDSFV 8bd2028f9a MdeModulePkg: Supporting S3 in 64bit PEI 6acf72901a UefiCpuPkg: Supporting S3 in 64bit PEI 4dd7b86556 Maintainers: Update OvmfPkg/IoMmuDxe 47b9521513 OvmfPkg/IoMmuDxe: Add SEV support for reserved shared memory 09f01d4efb OvmfPkg/IoMmuDxe: Rename AmdSevIoMmu to CcIoMmu c4e76d2fba OvmfPkg/IoMmuDxe: Reserve shared memory region for DMA operation 316e6df435 OvmfPkg: Add reference to new build instructions 7a548f3ea9 EmulatorPkg: Add reference to new build instructions 30697b94fd BaseTools: Add reference to new build instructions f70f493d1b ArmVirtPkg: Add reference to new build instructions 0e3e62fc2b .pytool/Readme.md: Add reference to new build instructions e254c71e9e OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Differentiate TDX case for Cloud Hypervisor 57162cb62d OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Transfer GUID Extension HOB e03b0d0672 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Differentiate TDX case for Cloud Hypervisor 0adc35fccd OvmfPkg/AmdSev/SecretDxe: Allocate secret location as EfiACPIReclaimMemory 3e3f5bb21c OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Validate SEC\'s GHCB page 01c0d3c0d5 OvmfPkg/SecTpmMeasurementLib: Fix the mapping error of PCR and RTMR index fb91d6cbd0 OvmfPkg/TdTcg2Dxe: Fix the mapping error between PCR index and MR index 19f7c63ea9 OvmfPkg/TdTcg2Dxe: Fix incorrect protocol and structure version 44fc90eb0e UnitTestFrameworkPkg/UnitTestLib: Print expected Status on ASSERT fail cda98df162 OvmfPkg/QemuFwCfgLib: remove mQemuFwCfgSupported + mQemuFwCfgDmaSupported 81bbc1452c OvmfPkg/QemuFwCfgLib: rewrite fw_cfg probe e59747bd82 OvmfPkg/DebugLibIoPort: use Rom version for PEI f6a196c7eb OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: remove mFeatureControlValue 862614e254 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: remove mPlatformInfoHob 4bc2c74851 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Verification: stop using mPlatformInfoHob 7dbb8a24d1 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: NoExec: stop using mPlatformInfoHob cc6efda777 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: MemTypeInfo: stop using mPlatformInfoHob 27874a382c OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: PeiMemory: stop using mPlatformInfoHob 00743d144b OvmfPkg/PlatformPei Q35 SMM helpers: stop using mPlatformInfoHob 9d9d15b42a OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: PeiFv: stop using mPlatformInfoHob 78c373f2a5 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: AmdSev: stop using mPlatformInfoHob 916825b84f DynamicTablesPkg: SSDT _LPI revision is incorrect d103840cfb MdePkg/UnitTestHostBaseLib: Remove HOST_APPLICATION limitation 1cd902f1f4 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Modify APIs in UnitTestPersistenceLib e986f4ce96 MdePkg/BaseCpuLib: Remove assembly for CpuFlushTlb 804e8c6566 Maintainers.txt: Change Anthony\'s github id 592bf33a29 ShellPkg/Shell: Do not set end device path if already end 1fd8d08970 ShellPkg/AcpiView: APMT Parser aa65bb4020 MdePkg/IndustryStandard: add definitions for ACPI APMT 11ce7a2de7 DynamicTablesPkg: Remove duplicated words 5890a18409 MdeModulePkg: SdMmcPciHcDxe: Fix issue that SD1.0 cards can\'t be recognized a654289439 MdeModulePkg/Ata: Fix command status reporting 4cb94f20b0 OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: use PcdFirmware * 1ef86f1201 mv OvmfPkg: move fdf include snippets to Include/Fdf 5eb973eb62 OvmfPkg: move dsc include snippet for Network support to Include/Dsc 5c25f6c67b OvmfPkg: move dsc and fdf include snippets for TPM support to subdirs 127e2c5315 OvmfPkg: Add INVD case in #VE handler 54d81d06fc MdeModulePkg/DxeCore: Use correct type for alignment mask 8a485e4bb8 EmulatorPkg: Record Argc, Argv and Envp in EmuThunk Ppi 2c284027b2 EmulatorPkg: Remove unnecessary dependency on EmbeddedPkg 22f73b6d2d EmulatorPkg: Add persistent memory in EmuThunkPpi 1c75bf3c21 UefiCpuPkg: Bug fix in 5LPage handling c14c4719f9 UefiCpuPkg: Check SMM Delayed/Blocked AP Count 4e17aba4b5 EmulatorPkg/Win: Unload DLLs before reset 2280af5ff8 UefiCpuPkg/Test: develop UEFI App and dynamic cmd for MP services UT cf3d4508b2 UefiCpuPkg/Test: Move EfiMpServiceProtocol UT in a separate function d9e7f6fe49 MdeModulePkg: Put USB DEBUGs that occur for bulk timeouts under VERBOSE ca33daafc6 RedfishPkg: Remove overlapping private include path in DEC file a639248bd0 UefiPayloadPkg: Support multiple firmware volume 7bee249891 EmulatorPkg/WinHost: Add Reset2 PPI a121165e35 EmulatorPkg/WinHost: XIP for SEC and PEI_CORE d2842bb6ec EmulatorPkg/WinHost: pre-allocate \"physical\" RAM 735a7496cb RedfishPkg: Fix typos of the .inc filenames 7de1c71dd2 CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib:time overflow 5d5be45bd1 CryptPkg: Enable CryptoPkg BaseCryptLib ParallelHash for PEI and DXE 47d988387e OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Add check to NvVarStoreFV HeaderLength a1d5723914 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Library classes private to public a8a78ef194 CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.1s beb0f8d483 MdeModulePkg: Disable PciDegrade support for LoongArch64 dd3ba82d31 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml: Add initial issue template 8aff08c817 EmbeddedPkg/MetronomeDxe: Update outdated lower bound comment b92e049522 BaseSynchronizationLib: Fix RISC-V helper name c8c978d328 ShellPkg/DpDynamicCommand: Add ResetEnd support in DP command ae3bc559f9 .github/dependabot.yml: Enable dependabot d992163da6 ShellPkg/SmbiosView: Update ProcessorUpgradeTable 85d805ed32 UefiPayloadPkg: The UPL info section is not aligned at 4-byte boundary 6ae2b6648e ArmPkg/ArmTrngLib: Remove ASSERTs in ArmTrngLibConstructor() - Removed patches which are merged to mainline: - ovmf-tools_def-add-fno-omit-frame-pointer-to-GCC48_-IA32-.patch tools_def: add -fno-omit-frame-pointer to GCC48_{IA32,X64}_CC_FLAGS (bsc#1199597) - 129404f6e4 edk2-stable202302~200 - ovmf-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Fix-integrity-checking-faile.patch OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Fix integrity checking failed of NvVarStore (bsc#1206078) - ceb52713b0 edk2-stable202302~226 - Add the following revert patches to avoid Page-Fault exception when booting with edk2-stable202302 ovmf. (bsc#1205978) ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-reorder-PlatformQemuU.patch ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformReservati.patch ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformAddHobCB.patch ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformGetLowMem.patch ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformScanE820-.patch ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-dynamic-mmio-window-s.patch - This is for workaround problem temporary. (bsc#1205978) - Removed the following revert patches because they are not work for edk2-stable202302. Those revert patches causes ovmf falls in unlimited boot loops. Because we do not have plan to upgrade ovmf of 15.4. So let\'s removed them: [#] nasm-2.14 doesn\'t support corresponding instructions. ovmf-Revert-MdePkg-Remove-the-macro-definitions-regarding.patch ovmf-Revert-UefiCpuPkg-Replace-Opcode-with-the-correspond.patch ovmf-Revert-SourceLevelDebugPkg-Replace-Opcode-with-the-c.patch ovmf-Revert-MdePkg-Replace-Opcode-with-the-corresponding-.patch ovmf-Revert-MdeModulePkg-Replace-Opcode-with-the-correspo.patch - Respin the following patches: - ovmf-gdb-symbols.patch - ovmf-disable-ia32-firmware-piepic.patch - fix-aarch64.patch - ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-Set-PcdFSBClock.patch - Rename fix-aarch64.patch to ovmf-Revert-ArmVirtPkg-make-EFI_LOADER_DATA-non-executabl.patch It\'s express purpose more clearly. (bsc#1207095) - modified ovmf-build-funcs.sh, add the following qmeu paramter: - fw_cfg name=opt/org.tianocore/X-Cpuhp-Bugcheck-Override,string=yes It can disable the checking of CPU hotplug register block misbehaves in qemu. Qemu needs dab30fbef38 patch, otherwise that ovmf will hang when booting and show a message to indicate qemu bug. (bsc#1209266) * Wed Feb 15 2023 Joey Lee - Add ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-Set-PcdFSBClock.patch to revert 71cdb91f313380152d7bf38cfeebe76f5b2d39ac patch (bsc#1205613) - 71cdb91f313380152d7bf38cfeebe76f5b2d39ac OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: Set PcdFSBClock - We are waiting better upsteam patch, revert the issue patch first. Then PcdFSBClock will back to fixed variable. - Reference: https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/topic/94891128#96077 https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4340 * Thu Jan 19 2023 Paolo Stivanin - Add fix-aarch64.patch: this fixes https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1207095 * Thu Dec 08 2022 Joey Lee - Add ovmf-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Fix-integrity-checking-faile.patch to avoid \"NvVarStore Variable header State was invalid\" issue when rebooting or booting second time. System hangs when booting. (bsc#1206078) The error message in ovmf log: Select Item: 0x19 Select Item: 0x25 Reserved variable store memory: 0x7FF7C000; size: 528kb NvVarStore Variable header State was invalid. ASSERT /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/edk2-edk2-stable202211/OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformInitLib/Platform.c(807): ((BOOLEAN)(0==1)) * Fri Dec 02 2022 Joey Lee - Add ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-dynamic-mmio-window-s.patch to avoid Page-Fault exception when booting with edk2-stable202211 ovmf. (bsc#1205978) - This is a revert patch for workaround problem temporary. * Tue Nov 29 2022 Joey Lee - In the PFLASH_CODE in ovmf-build-funcs.sh, Use readonly=on instead of readonly becuase we got the following message when building ovmf on SLE15-SP3/SP4 code base: [ 981s] qemu-system-x86_64: -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,readonly,file=ovmf-x86_64-ms-code.bin: warning: short-form boolean option \'readonly\' deprecated [ 981s] Please use readonly=on instead [ 981s] char device redirected to /dev/pts/0 (label charserial1) * Mon Nov 28 2022 Joey Lee - Update to edk2-stable202211 (jsc#PED-1410) - Features (https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/releases): CryptoPkg remove EC PCD and merge optimized openssl libs Add GoogleTest unit test support to UnitTestFrameworkPkg Add Raw algorithm support using Arm FW-TRNG interface TDVF Lazy Accept in OvmfPkg Debug code to audit BIOS TPM extend operations Add a new feature to enable LoongArch prot for EDKII CryptoPkg: Need to add additional cipher algos and TLS API to meet WPA3 IntelFsp2(Wrapper)Pkg: Support FSP 2.4 MultiPhaseInit CryptoPkg: Need to support EC and BN API due to WPA3 feature Add PCI_DEVICE_PPI support for NvmExpressPei - Patches (git log --oneline --date-order edk2-stable202208..edk2-stable202211): fff6d81270 pip-requirements.txt: Update to edk2-pytool-extensions 0.20.0 2ddc8e1b67 pip-requirements.txt: Update to edk2-pytool-library 0.12.1 93629f2c7c ArmPkg/ArmTrngLib: Remove ASSERT in GetArmTrngVersion() 0cb30c3f5e Maintainers: Update the VmgExitLib to CcExitLib 765ba5bf05 OvmfPkg/UefiCpuPkg: Add CcExit prefix to the APIs of CcExitLib a89f558d3c OvmfPkg/UefiCpuPkg/UefiPayloadPkg: Rename VmgExitLib to CcExitLib b9e702c3c9 UefiCpuPkg/ResetVector:Add Option to reserve 4K region at 4GB 6d55ad9a59 MdePkg/Test: Add port of BaseSafeIntLib unit tests to GoogleTest 31377aba8f BaseTools/Plugin/HostBaseUnitTestRunner: Enable gtest xml output 80f097711b .pytool: Add googletest submodule to CISettings.py d4586fe3ae UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/CmockaLib: Generate symbol information cef0c5c684 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add googletest submodule and GoogleTestLib c1b073a9dc MdePkg/Include/Library: Undefine _ASSERT() if already defined 933b4c333c MdePkg/Include: Update Base.h to improve C++ compatibility 3182843f3b IntelFsp2Pkg: Improvement of supporting null UPD pointer in FSP-T c8fb724046 ArmPkg/ArmTrngLib: Fix incorrect GUID reference in DEBUG() output 3b1f3414f2 .github/workflows: Update CodeQL to install Python 3.10.6 c17c3c24d8 ShellPkg:Improved Smbios Type9 data under smbiosview 342813a3f7 pip-requirements.txt: Update edk2-pytool-library to 0.12.0 b0fd309719 edk2.qls: Allow error severity results and add new queries 179efe5d69 BaseTools: Fix wrong type of arguments to formatting functions 0be81a4d83 BaseTools/Source/C: Use /Z7 instead of /Zi for host tools 6032b46dce PrmPkg/PrmSsdtInstallDxe: Update PRMT Device CID to PNP0C02. 6c1a4a376e .github: Add initial CodeQL config and workflow files c7aecf2a4f Maintainers.txt: Add .github maintainers and reviewers 50bee4cc12 CryptoPkg: Sha1 functions causing build errors 239bcf7805 PrmPkg: Use UnitTestFrameworkPkg UEFI BS library 6e8b0b6913 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add UnitTestUefiBootServicesTableLib 82e70d9ac0 CryptoPkg/Readme.md: typo and grammar fixes 35043a5ec0 MdePkg/BaseLib: Fix out-of-bounds reads in SafeString b556f2445c ArmVirtPkg: Kvmtool: Add RNG support using Arm TRNG interface 9eb5ccda50 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Add Arm support of RngDxe ff29cdb968 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Rename AArch64/RngDxe.c 6cdddccf00 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Add debug warning for NULL PcdCpuRngSupportedAlgorithm 863fe9e191 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Add AArch64 RawAlgorithm support through ArmTrngLib 4b3e9d80be SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Check before advertising Cpu Rng algo 199031b2b0 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Documentation/include/parameter cleanup 922bf317f1 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Remove ArchGetSupportedRngAlgorithms() aade3b93fe SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Replace Pcd with Sp80090Ctr256Guid 8a89747844 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Rename RdRandGenerateEntropy to generic name e00ec499c5 ArmPkg/ArmTrngLib: Add Arm TRNG library 351fe77666 ArmPkg: Add FID definitions for Arm TRNG ef4cf3d88d MdePkg/ArmTrngLib: Add NULL instance of Arm TRNG Library cbce5a1a93 MdePkg/ArmTrngLib: Definition for Arm TRNG library class interface 3d480a93de ArmPkg/ArmHvcLibNull: Add NULL instance of ArmHvcLib 9d8ed9c8ee ArmPkg: Sort HVC/SMC section alphbetically in ArmPkg.dsc aa0f522471 ArmPkg/ArmMonitorLib: Add ArmMonitorLib 9a50990cdb ArmPkg/ArmMonitorLib: Definition for ArmMonitorLib library class dcf8c79056 ArmPkg: PCD to select conduit for monitor calls cc650a0378 ArmPlatformPkg: Retire NorFlashDxe driver eff44c008d OvmfPkg/VmgExitLig: HALT on #VE when access to private memory 2695e49219 UefiPayloadPkg: Boot mode in PHIT HOB will not be updated ee3da09bb2 MdeModulePkg/Ufs :Coverity scan flags multiple issues in edk2-stable202205 eae9e51d98 MdeModulePkg/scsi :Coverity scan flags multiple issues in edk2-stable202205 b84f32ae5b IntelFsp2Pkg: FSP should support input UPD as NULL. cab1f02565 MdeModulePkg/PiSmmCore: SmmEntryPoint underflow (CVE-2021-38578) c46204e25f IntelFsp2Pkg: Update Function header to support IA32/X64. 957a15adaf UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Clean up header file inclusion in SmmStm.c ae62a6e44d UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Abstract arch dependent code ed8bfada03 UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Rename the common C file 8487ec0ee7 CryptoPkg/Test: Simplify BaseCryptLib host based unit tests b5dbf8267b pip-requirements.txt: Bump pytool extensions and library 85dba961c7 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Support FILE_GUID override in host based unit tests 720c25ab41 OvmfPkg: Call gEdkiiMemoryAcceptProtocolGuid to accept pages 7dcc2f3870 OvmfPkg: Realize EdkiiMemoryAcceptProtocol in TdxDxe 2af33db365 MdePkg: The prototype definition of EdkiiMemoryAcceptProtocol d1e41c620f OvmfPkg: Introduce lazy accept in PlatformInitLib and PlatformPei 6ca9f410d1 ShellPkg: Update shell command memmap to show unaccepted memory 43e306806e MdeModulePkg: Update Dxe to handle unaccepted memory type 502c01c502 MdePkg: Add UEFI Unaccepted memory definition 9b648112a5 OvmfPkg: Use BZ3937_EFI_RESOURCE_MEMORY_UNACCEPTED defined in MdeModulePkg 32c5a470ad MdePkg: Increase EFI_RESOURCE_MAX_MEMORY_TYPE 00bbb1e584 MdeModulePkg: Add PrePiHob.h df7ce74e6c RedfishPkg/RedfishDiscoverDxe: Fix memory free issue 66772bc852 Maintainers.txt: Add \'Pierre Gondois\' as DynamicTablesPkg reviewer e9a3613ce0 ShellPkg/AcpiView: Update PCCT fields for ACPI 6.5 c9a4df88fd DynamicTablesPkg: Readme.md: Update available tables for generation 1729fb8a82 DynamicTablesPkg/AmlLib: Allow larger AccessSize for Pcc address space 8405b1480f DynamicTablesPkg: Add PCCT Generator dab7bac94c DynamicTablesPkg: Add PCCT related objects a5672d43a6 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix Ssdt PCI generation comments 5acd6489df DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParserLib: Remove wrong comment 0bcd3cc06e DynamicTablesPkg: Remove deprecated APIs 2ef32f914a DynamicTablesPkg: Fix wrong/missing fields in CmObjParser a64cc43552 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix GTBlock and GTBlockTimerFrame CmObjParsers 3bcc2e22ef DynamicTablesPkg: Update CmObjParser for MinorRevision 44b7a856f0 DynamicTablesPkg: Update CmObjParser for IORT Rev E.d 48c6e7dbcd DynamicTablesPkg: Add PrintString to CmObjParser 020891f173 DynamicTablesPkg: Use correct print formatter 52199bf532 MdeModulePkg/ScsiDiskDxe: Update proper device name for ScsiDisk drive d98efb4682 UefiCpuPkg: Restore HpetTimer after CpuExceptionHandlerLib test 99338ef81e ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtKvmTool: Migrate to OVMF\'s VirtNorFlashDxe b92298af82 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: migrate to OVMF\'s VirtNorFlashDxe 789a723285 OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: use EFI_MEMORY_WC and drop AlignedCopyMem() 25589c4a76 OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: avoid switching between modes in a tight loop ca01e6216a OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: avoid array mode switch after each word write 83f11f9572 OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: drop block I/O protocol implementation 68d234989b OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: remove disk I/O protocol implementation 0a64106c56 OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: remove CheckBlockLocked feature c1ff81f799 OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: clone ArmPlatformPkg\'s NOR flash driver 16bf588b60 OvmfPkg: clone NorFlashPlatformLib into VirtNorFlashPlatformLib 115cebbe4d ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: Clear XIP flags instead of overriding them b6efc505e4 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: omit PCD PEIM unless TPM support is enabled 7136d5491e ArmVirtPkg/QemuVirtMemInfoLib: use HOB not PCD to record the memory size fead469a3b ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: avoid shadowing PEIMs unless necessary 75d2be4a37 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: Drop unused variable PEIM 07be1d34d9 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: enable initial ID map at early boot a26050f74d ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: use first 128 MiB as permanent PEI memory 2eff4ddc77 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: implement ArmPlatformLib with static ID map 9ca2dc7bec ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: wire up timeout PCD to Timeout variable 2997ae3873 ArmVirtPkg: make EFI_LOADER_DATA non-executable 9e2c88b16e Maintainers.txt: Update maintainers and reviewers for LoongArch64 9670f79937 Maintainers.txt: Update maintainers list 26638d2aa3 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Check header revision for MultiPhase support. 7464db4474 MdeModulePkg: Fix spelling error in PciSioSerialDxe 56035d1c8b ArmPlatformPkg/PrePeiCore: Print the firmware version early in boot db2c22633f Ps2KbdCtrller: Make wait for SUCCESS after BAT non-fatal fb493ac84e ArmPlatformPkg/PrePeiCore: permit entry with the MMU enabled b28acb22e0 ArmVirtPkg: do not enable iSCSI driver by default f4213fed34 ArmVirtPkg: remove EbcDxe from all platforms acb2acccfd BaseTools/Tests: Use quotes around PYTHON_COMMAND 4fcd5d2620 CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib: update auto-generated files 0882d6a32d CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib: Add generated flag to Accel INF d79295b5c5 CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib: Update process_files.pl INF generation 3b46a1e243 Revert \"CryptoPkg: Update process_files.pl to auto add PCD config option\" 244ce33bdd CryptoPkg: Add Readme.md 584b246e88 CryptoPkg: Fixed host-based unit tests 0c9744787e CryptoPkg: Update DSC to improve CI test coverage dfc7c3dc8c CryptoPkg: Remove PcdOpensslEcEnabled from CryptoPkg.dec a57b4c11a5 CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib: Remove PrintLib from INF files e75951ca89 CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib: Produce consistent set of APIs ea6d859b50 CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib: Combine all performance optimized INFs dd00f92b2f CryptoPkg/Library: Cleanup BaseCryptLib and TlsLib 961fadf60c CryptoPkg/Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseCryptLib: Unit test fixes 8f8372439d CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLib: Update internal functions/variables 8437368c69 CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLib: Add missing UNI file and fix format d7d9866ef4 CryptoPkg: Document and disable deprecated crypto services 4d29da411f remove GCC build warning 6fd754ec0f BaseTools: Fixed the multiple pairs brackets issue in GenFv 2355f0c09c BaseTools: Fix check for ${PYTHON_COMMAND} in Tests/GNUmakefile 913a308df9 BaseTools/Scripts/PatchCheck.py: Allow tab in Makefile c6720db5dd MdeModulePkg/XhciDxe: Add boundary check for TRB ring allocation 31b1638468 ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: Reuse XIP MMU routines when splitting entries 999c53e2ca ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: permit initial configuration with MMU enabled 0487cac09f ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: Disable and re-enable MMU only when needed ab644cfac5 ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: don\'t replace table entries with block entries 0f6eccdbf7 BaseTools: Add missing spaces for PCD expression values in AutoGenC 1d0ff11526 BaseTools: Correct initialization data size check for array PCDs d23eb3aa99 BaseTools/GenFds: Correct file type set for the PIC section 0a29933ea9 BaseTools: Support COMPAT16 section generation 225810a182 BaseTools: Add support for SUBTYPE_GUID section generation 81aeb94648 BaseTools: Correct BPDG tool error prints 09e74b81ba BaseTools/FMMT: Add Shrink Fv function 0e6db46b1b BaseTools/FMMT: Add Extract FV function b03dceb87f BaseTools: Remove duplicated words in Python tools c4663e7277 pip-requirement: Upgrade the edk2-basetools version from 0.1.29 to 0.1.39 9d6915ca91 UefiCpuPkg/Test: Add unit tests for MP service PPI and Protocol 6f1bb567aa UefiCpuPkg: Add R8/R9 etc in EccCheck ExceptionList 012e424601 UefiCpuPkg: Add Pei/DxeCpuExceptionHandlerLibUnitTest in dsc 055eaacc34 UefiCpuPkg: Add Unit tests for PeiCpuExceptionHandlerLib beabde5875 UefiCpuPkg: Add Unit tests for DxeCpuExceptionHandlerLib b8e54e15de UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib:Support PAE paging for PageTableParse a7e070808c UefiCpuPkg:Add RegisterExceptionHandler in PeiCpuExceptionHandlerLib d618fe05bf BaseTools: Remove duplicated words in C tools 8fc06b6e19 Fix bug on SRIOV ReservedBusNum when ARI enable. 4aa7e66c06 MdeModulePkg: Fixed extra 1 SR-IOV reserved bus e0200cc47a NetworkPkg: Add LoongArch64 architecture. 2ce4bfb843 MdeModulePkg/DxeIplPeim : LoongArch DxeIPL implementation. 380821a949 MdeModulePkg/CapsuleRuntimeDxe: Add LoongArch64 architecture. dad7fc29d9 MdeModulePkg/Logo: Add LoongArch64 architecture. ced203c3d5 MdePkg/BaseSafeIntLib: Add LoongArch64 architecture for BaseSafeIntLib. 104df6136f MdePkg/BaseSynchronizationLib: LoongArch cache related code. f89815a125 MdePkg/BaseCpuLib: LoongArch Base CPU library implementation. dbbb045ff1 MdePkg/BasePeCoff: Add LoongArch PE/Coff related code. 10d291f746 MdePkg/BaseIoLibIntrinsic: IoLibNoIo for LoongArch architecture. 264e930de0 MdePkg/BaseCacheMaintenanceLib: LoongArch cache maintenance implementation. cd24eb578b MdePkg/BaseLib: BaseLib for LOONGARCH64 architecture. f0a704f9b5 MdePkg/Include: LoongArch definitions. 76bf716a7a MdePkg: Add LoongArch LOONGARCH64 binding b1b5177a0c .pytool: Add LoongArch64 architecture on LoongArch64 EDK2 CI. ab9768cd46 .azurepipelines: Add LoongArch64 architecture on LoongArch64 EDK2 CI. bcdafe1179 BaseTools: Enable LoongArch64 architecture for LoongArch64 EDK2 CI. 114e6075b6 BaseTools: Add LoongArch64 binding. c53807cb7b BaseTools: Updated build tools to support new LoongArch. cb4f1dfcc1 BaseTools: Updated for GCC5 tool chain for LoongArch platfrom. 1aa311d175 BaseTools: Update GenFw/GenFv to support LoongArch platform. 082b563fc4 .python/SpellCheck: Add \"Loongson\" and \"LOONGARCH\" to \"words\" section 10daf3ee24 MdeModulePkg: Use LockBoxNullLib for LOONGARCH64 23d873f4cf MdePkg/DxeServicesLib: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture 6e1ddbab8d UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI. 78b081334e ShellPkg: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI. 711ee4103a SecurityPkg: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI. d2c0d52ed6 MdePkg/Include: Add LOONGARCH related definitions EDK2 CI. c5f4b4fd03 CryptoPkg: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI. ee2ea7868a NetworkPkg/HttpBootDxe: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI. ad8f2b7251 NetworkPkg: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI. 2067672ded FmpDevicePkg: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI. d8c073c89b FatPkg: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI. e25963d458 MdePkg: Added LoongArch jump buffer register definition to MdePkg.ci.yaml 0371178d0b MdePkg: Added file of DebugSupport.h to MdePkg.ci.yaml 5bd2dbc698 UefiPayloadPkg: Remove deprecate Crypto Service e7d7f02c8e CryptoPkg: add Unit Test for X509 new function. 22745df666 CryptoPkg: add new X509 function to Crypto Service. 8ecae3d641 CryptoPkg: add new X509 function. 190f77f8f4 CryptoPkg: add new X509 function definition. 0371032289 CryptoPkg: add unit test for EC key interface. 69a50a249b CryptoPkg: Add EC key interface to DXE and protocol f21a1d48fe CryptoPkg: Add EC key retrieving and signature interface. f80580f56b OvmfPkg/VirtioNetDxe: Check ChildHandle argument in GetControllerName 8db4e9f9a0 CryptoPkg: Add new Tls APIs to DXE and protocol bb78d969b7 CryptoPkg: Extend Tls function library cafc573ac0 MdePkg: Add Tls configuration related define 3c9e2f239a CryptoPkg: Fix integer overflow de103f1981 MdeModulePkg: Handle InitialVFs=0 case for SR-IOV 4364d66168 UefiCpuPkg: Reset a parameter when BSP Exit in CPU relaxed mode. a670f12a74 UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandlerLib: Code optimization to allow bigger stack 406ad0582a OvmfPkg: rename QemuBootOrderNNNN to VMMBootOrderNNNN 3361336607 Revert \"OvmfPkg/Microvm: no secure boot\" 8916a4f67f OvmfPkg/Microvm: add SECURE_BOOT_FEATURE_ENABLED 9e6b552b4c OvmfPkg/PciHotPlugInitDxe: reserve more mmio space ecb778d0ac OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: dynamic mmio window size bbda386d25 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: detect physical address space 8f9ef9c9a0 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: qemu cpuid physbits detection 5ff7d712d4 MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: Add Disk Info support for Ufs 710f83b79d .azurepipelines: Add SourceLevelDebugPkg to CI cf01fdd5d7 SourceLevelDebugPkg: Add package CI YAML file d6d4a81f8a SourceLevelDebugPkg: Fix spelling errors 1bd2ff1866 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Remove CI exception of PlatformMultiPhaseLib. f054beec54 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Add header for PlatformMultiPhaseLib. f931506815 .azurepipelines: Add SignedCapsulePkg to CI b3d379d188 SignedCapsulePkg: Add package CI YAML file 769879e2a6 .azurepipelines: Add IntelFsp2Pkg and IntelFsp2WrapperPkg to CI 9ecab62d40 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Add CI YAML file 7c424c28b0 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Fix code formatting errors 28b16c01cf IntelFsp2Pkg: Add CI YAML file a62bd922aa IntelFsp2Pkg/BaseFspMultiPhaseLib: Replace duplicate GUID 629709a51d IntelFsp2Pkg: Fix code formatting errors 12973359d0 EmbeddedPkg: Only run in CI for GCC5 43c1111530 EmbeddedPkg: Add CI YAML file 51e0599536 EmbeddedPkg/AcpiLib: Fix code formatting errors f01d3ee12c BaseTools/VolInfo: Update file and section type strings b6d324e06b BaseTools/VolInfo: Update copyright information 4e1133b946 BaseTools/VolInfo: Parse apriori files c24328ca62 BaseTools/VolInfo: Increase GUID base name string 8be33c6544 BaseTools/VolInfo: Fix EFI_SECTION_GUID_DEFINED parsing 9fc029ee62 BaseTools/VolInfo: Correct buffer for GenCrc32 tool 6a2b20ff97 MdeModulePkg/NonDiscoverablePciDeviceDxe: Allow partial FreeBuffer 7aa06237b8 SecurityPkg: Remove enforcement of final GoIdle transition for CRB commands b7213bbd59 OvmfPkg/QemuBootOrderLib: skip unsupported entries in StoreQemuBootOrder d63242bd69 OvmfPkg/QemuBootOrderLib: allow slash in rom filenames 2a0bd3bffc OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: q35 mtrr setup fix 3c0d567c37 UefiPayloadPkg: Provide a wrapper for UniversalPayloadBuild.py f4d539007c OvmfPkg/PeilessStartupLib: move mPageTablePool to stack b3dd9cb836 MdeModulePkg/XhciDxe: Input context update for Evaluate Context command 96f3efbd99 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Implement FSP 2.4 MultiPhase wrapper handlers. d97ee3244d CryptoPkg/Test: Add unit test for CryptoEc 2157a23a86 CryptoPkg: Add ECC related usage reference 3b382f5b38 CryptoPkg: Add EC APIs to DXE and protocol 988e4d8f5e CryptoPkg: Add EC support 0e7aa6bf9e CryptoPkg: Fix pem heap-buffer-overflow due to BIO_snprintf() 582a7c9995 CryptoPkg: Add missing library mappings to DSC file ef9974b298 EmbeddedPkg/PrePi: Check for enough space before aligning heap pointer 2500ce1011 DynamicTablesPkg: SSDT CPU _CPC generator 58350c0055 DynamicTablesPkg: AML Code generation to add _CPC entries 09c90532e7 DynamicTablesPkg: Add CM_ARM_CPC_INFO object 953438e466 ArmPkg/SmbiosMiscDxe: Get SMBIOS information from OemMiscLib e5eb0e3347 ArmPkg/SmbiosMiscDxe: Remove redundant updates in SMBIOS Type 2 7d74ea141e ArmPkg/SmbiosMiscDxe: Fix typo of \"AssetTagType02\" 130b649a8b ArmPkg/SmbiosMiscDxe: Support fetching System UUID 11b5093ce4 ArmPkg: Correct return value of \"SMCCC_ARCH_SOC_ID\" Function ID call 8467a263f9 ArmPkg/ProcessorSubClassDxe: Get processor version from OemMiscLib a8e8c43a0e CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Update generated files for native X64 4102950a21 CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Commit the auto-generated assembly files for IA32 03f708090b CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Add native instruction support for IA32 0c9d4ad788 CryptoPkg/Test: Add unit test for CryptoBn 42951543dd CryptoPkg: Add BigNum API to DXE and protocol fd0ad0c346 CryptoPkg: Add BigNum support 5f403cdc6a CryptoPkg: add UnitTest for AeadAesGcm. 022787f806 CryptoPkg: add AeadAesGcm to Crypto Service. a23f76e184 CryptoPkg: add AeadAesGcm support. acbc5747bc CryptoPkg: add AeadAesGcm function() definition. b19793a2ec CryptoPkg: add Hkdf UnitTest. e919c390e8 CryptoPkg: add new Hkdf api to Crypto Service. 11b24ef0d7 CryptoPkg: add new Hkdf api in Crypt Lib. 1336476233 CryptoPkg: add new Hkdf api definition in Crypt Lib. f3c69cb5a1 CryptoPkg: add Hmac Sha384 to host UnitTest. 3f77ccb9c8 CryptoPkg: Add new hmac SHA api to Crypto Service. cbb3b6b950 CryptoPkg: Update CryptLib inf as the file name changed. 0b1a1bdc30 CryptoPkg: Add HMAC-SHA384 cipher support. 7bb42e3249 CryptoPkg: Add new hmac definition to cryptlib 238f5f9544 RedfishPkg/JsonLib: Fix JsonLib build failure 6f340acfb1 CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib:Remove redundant init dd1e20b3c2 nasm_ext_dep.yaml: Remove leading zero in patch version 62f00dad22 BaseTools: Edk2ToolsBuild: Fixing pipeline build due to path too long 2c17d676e4 Maintainers.txt: Update email address 415fc406d6 UefiPayloadPkg/PayloadLoaderPeim: remove GCC build warning 3184e44df1 Maintainers.txt: Update maintainers/reviewers for CI and Test f46c7d1e36 IntelFsp2Pkg: Fix FspSecCoreI build failure. 981bf66d5a IntelFsp2Pkg: NvsBufferPtr is missing in Fsp24ApiEntryM.nasm 8c92a9508e DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm: Allow use of segment number as UID 45297e6c9b BaseTools: 64bit FSP FV map file cannot be created correctly 1dccbd1a38 MdeModulePkg/AhciPei: Fix MMIO base assignment 838c730fe6 MdeModulePkg SmbiosMeasurementDxe: Add Type4 CurrentSpeed to filter table db7afaee91 MdeModulePkg: Use configurable PCD for AHCI command retries 970e262949 OvmfPkg: Allow runtime control of IPv4 and IPv6 support on QEMU d933ec115b OvmfPkg: gather common NetworkComponents overrides in .dsc.inc file 477b5b7d55 OvmfPkg: Introduce alternate UefiDriverEntrypoint to inhibit driver load 34969dd260 ArmPkg, ArmVirtPkg: put SpellCheck in AuditOnly mode cdb80a281f OvmfPkg/LegacyBootManagerLib: Fix debug macro arguments 8fdb4de628 NetworkPkg/TcpDxe: Fix debug macro arguments e8a537d28d DynamicTablesPkg/AcpiPpttLibArm: Fix debug macro arguments e495b1009a SecurityPkg/SmmTcg2PhysicalPresenceLib: Add missing debug print specifier c403de7bd4 RedfishPkg/RedfishRestExDxe: Remove extra debug macro argument 1096a9b04b MdeModulePkg: Fix imbalanced debug macros b4036b52b1 FatPkg/FatPei: Remove extraneous debug message argument 917a7e3f34 ArmPlatformPkg/NorFlashDxe: Remove unused debug print specifier 7b8f69d7e1 BaseTools/GenFw AARCH64: Convert more types of explicit GOT references d82ec90f51 pip-requirement: Upgrade the edk2-basetools version from 0.1.28 to 0.1.29 8465fd59d3 OvmfPkg: Update I/O port related to ACPI devices for CloudHv 54c8d5e432 UefiPayloadPkg: Allow DxeMain.inf to consume the new SerialPortLib 11a04bb4a6 UefiPayloadPkg: Implement a new SerialPortLib instance 512042eba8 OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: fix bochs mode init 314799a926 pip-requirement: Upgrade the edk2-basetools version from 0.1.24 to 0.1.28 3d35a6c243 IntelFsp2Pkg: Adopt FSP 2.4 MultiPhase functions. 5eeb088ad6 OvmfPkg/QemuBootOrderLib: add StoreQemuBootOrder() db463e8e9d CloudHv/arm: switch PeiMemLib to its own dba79765c4 CloudHv/arm: add PeiMemInfoLib 520ba8e306 OvmfPkg/OvmfPkg *.dsc: Increase ACPI Reclaim memory size 18b5b14932 OvmfPkg/IncompatiblePciDeviceSupportDxe: Ignore OptionRom in Sev guest f7da805b50 RedfishPkg/RedfishDiscoverDxe: Install protocol on each network interface 39596c41c8 OvmfPkg: Add build-flag SECURE_BOOT_FEATURE_ENABLED 3abaa281d3 OvmfPkg/TdxDxe: Set PcdEmuVariableNvStoreReserved 70165fa6e2 OvmfPkg/NvVarsFileLib: Shortcut ConnectNvVarsToFileSystem in secure-boot ee91d9ef24 OvmfPkg: Reserve and init EmuVariableNvStore in Pei-less Startup 58eb8517ad OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Update ReserveEmuVariableNvStore 4f173db8b4 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Add functions for EmuVariableNvStore 0e72e8762a OvmfPkg/PeilessStartupLib: Delete TdxValidateCfv fb008dbe01 EmbeddedPkg: Add AllocateRuntimePages in PrePiMemoryAllocationLib 7cc7c52670 OvmfPkg: Set default Pci PCDs in Tdx guest 1b1c58ab32 OvmfPkg: Update CcProbeLib to DxeCcProbeLib c4bc1a9498 OvmfPkg: Add SecPeiCcProbeLib c05a218a97 EmbeddedPkg/GdbSerialDebugPortLib: fix compile warning b5d1dc94d0 OvmfPkg: increase max debug message length to 512 1a24f5fb12 OvmfPkg/BhyvePkg: use correct PlatformSecureLib a4037690d9 EmbeddedPkg: Remove duplicated words 05db766bee ArmPkg: Remove duplicated words 1926702c95 ArmPlatformPkg: Remove duplicated words 6dc4ac1347 ArmVirtPkg: Remove duplicated words e87ac5ef49 OvmfPkg: Remove duplicated words 0ccf955674 StandaloneMmPkg: Remove duplicated words 22c45b7c52 ArmPlatformPkg/PrePeiCore: Invoke constructors for SEC phase 52bf4eba45 ArmPkg: Handle warm reboot request correctly aefcc91805 OvmfPkg/PlatformDxe: Handle all requests in ExtractConfig and RouteConfig 165b5bcd68 OvmfPkg/PlatformDxe: Check RouteConfig arguments for spec compliance e61f3f4ef1 OvmfPkg: Add BUILD_SHELL flag for IA32, IA32X64, X64 08522341c4 UefiPayloadPkg: To replace the libraries for the capsule driver. ec87181192 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Rename PlatformMultiPhaseLibSample. 6edd257861 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Remove duplicated words ac55fcb051 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix typo in AmlCodeGenRdMemory32Fixed doxygen comment 7719bc3f71 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix nested processor containers 0a4079ad86 DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm : Add UID to slot creation b9bb27e1ff DynamicTablesPkg: Add support to build _DSD 033ba8bb29 DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm: Added function to reserve ECAM space 5236d47854 DynamicTablesPkg: DynamicTableManagerDxe: Added check for installed tables d9c8a9cf11 DynamicTablesPkg: DynamicPlatRepoLib: Adding more token fixers b18c0905ee DynamicTablesPkg: DynamicPlatRepoLib: Fix incorrect dereferencing 2081054636 DynamicTablesPkg: DynamicPlatRepoLib: Added MemoryAllocationLib to inf 9ca7ece8b3 MdeModulePkg/NvmExpressPei: Use PCI_DEVICE_PPI to manage Nvme device 31a94f7fba IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Add FSP 2.4 MultiPhase interface. df25a5457f IntelFsp2Pkg: Add FSP 2.4 MultiPhase interface. 4b7bd4c591 UefiCpuPkg: Enhance logic in InitializeMpExceptionStackSwitchHandlers 9ab2b34dd4 UefiCpuPkg: Use Top of each AP\'s stack to save CpuMpData 76cf3d35e6 UefiCpuPkg: Simplify the implementation when separate exception stacks d1abb876f4 UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Simplify logic in SwitchBsp 76ec17526b UefiCpuPkg: Add PCD to control SMRR enable & SmmFeatureControl support 367604b2f4 UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Fix potential issue when IDT table is at above 4G 3c06953fd7 ShellPkg: Adds Local APIC parser to AcpiView 04ecdc38cd UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib/UnitTest: Add host based unit test 383d34159d .azurepipelines: Use Python 3.10.6+ 227a133a0a Maintainers.txt: Update Maintainers/reviewers for universal payload - Removed patches which are merged to mainline: - ovmf-add-exclude-shell-flag.patch to add BUILD_SHELL flag for IA32, IA32X64, X64 - e61f3f4ef1 edk2-stable202211~354 - Modified shim.spec, use BUILD_SHELL instead of EXCLUDE_SHELL - Remove \"-D EXCLUDE_SHELL\" from ovmf-x86_64 and ovmf-x86_64-smm. - Add \"-D BUILD_SHELL=FALSE\" to ovmf-x86_64 and ovmf-x86_64-smm. - ovmf-bsc1199156-OvmfPkg-IncompatiblePciDeviceSupportDxe-Ignore-Optio.patch to ovmf to ignore OptionRom in Sev guest - 18b5b14932 edk2-stable202211~328 * Sat Nov 12 2022 Joey Lee - Change the size of ovmf-x86_64 back to 2MB, and remove EFI shell to reduce the fv image size. - Originally the reason of changing the size of ovmf-x86_64 to 4MB is for preventing OBS exposes the following error: [ 266s] GenFv: ERROR 3000: Invalid [ 266s] the required fv image size 0x1afed8 exceeds the set fv image size 0x1ac000 The fv image size is too big. But we found that change ovmf-x86_64 to 4MB causes live migration problem on qemu. (bsc#1204220) - So let\'s change the size of ovmf_x86_64 back to 2MB and remove EFI shell to reduce the fv image size. If user wants to use EFI shell, they should move to ovmf-x86_64-4m image. So we add the \"-D EXCLUDE_SHELL\" build option to ovmf-x86_64 flavor in ovmf.spec. (bsc#1204220) * Thu Oct 13 2022 Joey Lee - Update to edk2-stable202208 (jsc#PED-1410) - Features (https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/releases): Add CRC16 and CRC32C to MdePkg IntelFsp2Pkg/ConfigEditor: Support FSP 2.3 header Extend SecureBootVariableLib interfaces UEFI HTTPS Boot Support for HTTP Client Authentication (Basic or Digest) Support 64bit FspResetType for X64 build IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore: Add FSP-I entry for SMM support Add PCI_DEVICE_PPI definition to EDK2 Support to assign the subject name to sign the capsule file - Patches (git log --oneline --reverse edk2-stable202205..edk2-stable202208): 7f0890776e MdeModulePkg/UniversalPayload: Align Identifier value with UPL spec b4be5f05dd UefiPayloadPkg: Align Identifier value with UPL spec dac2fc8146 UefiPayloadPkg: Align SpecRevision value with UPL spec 3ca7326b37 OvmfPkg/VirtioGpuDxe: replace struct copy with CopyMem call fa2b212d61 IntelFsp2Pkg: Add FSP 2.3 header support 11d8abcba2 IntelFsp2Pkg: FSP_TEMP_RAM_INIT call must follow X64 Calling Convention df1c7e91b4 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: FSP_TEMP_RAM_INIT call for X64 Calling Convention 62044aa99b OvmfPkg/ResetVector: Removing SEV-ES CPUID bit check 54cd0d9b2f OvmfPkg: Fix TDVMCALL error in ApRunLoop.nasm 64706ef761 OvmfPkg: Search EFI_RESOURCE_MEMORY_UNACCEPTED for Fw hoblist 81ab97b7b9 OvmfPkg/AmdSev: remove unused SMM bits from .dsc and .fdf files 0223898f3e OvmfPkg/Microvm: drop CODE and VARS files b57911c84c OvmfPkg/FdtPciHostBridgeLib: io range is not mandatory 47f44097eb OvmfPkg/Platform: unfix PcdPciExpressBaseAddress ad3bafa7d5 OvmfPkg/Microvm/pcie: no vbeshim please bd10d4e201 OvmfPkg/Microvm/pcie: mPhysMemAddressWidth tweak 632574ced1 OvmfPkg/Microvm/pcie: add pcie support 5c9f151e0c OvmfPkg: CloudHv: Fix FW_BASE_ADDRESS 43f3cfce19 OvmfPkg: Check for QemuFwCfg availability before accessing it 3129ed374c OvmfPkg: CloudHv: Rely on QemuFwCfgLibNull implementation bf25f27e00 OvmfPkg: Don\'t access A20 gate register on Cloud Hypervisor 72c5afd0b4 Security: Add HashLibTdx b1567b2e15 CryptoPkg: Add SecCryptLib dc443e4437 SecurityPkg: Add definition of EFI_CC_EVENT_HOB_GUID a708536dce OvmfPkg: Introduce SecMeasurementLib 4b0a622635 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Measure Td HobList and Configuration FV ac03c339de OvmfPkg: Add PCDs for LAML/LASA field in CC EVENTLOG ACPI table f8264e1303 MdePkg: Define CC Measure EventLog ACPI Table 57a6ee3461 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Add TdTcg2Dxe 0a4019ec9d OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Enable RTMR based measurement and measure boot 0b36dea3f8 BaseTools: Fix dependency issue in PcdValueInit 4f89e4b3e8 .pytool: UncrustifyCheck: Set IgnoreFiles path relative to package path 2818fda9bc Security: Add SecTpmMeasurementLibTdx ff0ffe5999 OvmfPkg: Implement MeasureHobList/MeasureFvImage a81a650da1 OvmfPkg: Delete SecMeasurementLibTdx ff36b2550f OvmfPkg/Sec: fix stack switch 21a9b605b8 CpuException: Avoid allocating code pages for DXE instance 34d505123e CpuException: Init global variables in-place 2fbc5ff0a5 CpuException: Avoid allocating page but using global variables 2a09527ebc CpuException: Remove InitializeCpuInterruptHandlers e7abb94d1f CpuException: Add InitializeSeparateExceptionStacks 54aeed7e00 MpInitLib: Allocate code buffer for PEI phase 76323c3145 MpInitLib: remove unneeded global ASM_PFX b4d7b9d2b5 MpInitLib: Put SEV logic in separate file 283ab9437a MpInitLib: Only allocate below 1MB memory for 16bit code ccc269756f MpInitLib: Move the Above1Mb vector allocation to MpInitLibInitialize f0b97e165e Revert \"OvmfPkg/Sec: fix stack switch\" b09ada6edc MdePkg: Remove \"assert\" from SmmCpuRendevousLibNull.c 92288f4334 MdePkg/BaseLib: Add CRC16-ANSI and CRC32c implementations e2ae0bed29 ArmPkg/ArmExceptionLib: Follow new CpuExceptionHandlerLib APIs 6676162f64 DxeMain: Fix the bug that StackGuard is not enabled 16d97fa601 OvmfPkg: Use PcdOvmfWorkAreaBase instead of PcdSevEsWorkAreaBase 05e57cc9ce SecurityPkg/HashLibTdx: Return EFI_UNSUPPORTED if it is not Tdx guest 92ab049719 BaseTools: output the intermediate library instance when error occurs cc2db6ebfb UefiPayloadPkg: Increase the PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength e8034b534a UefiPayloadPkg: Always split page table entry to 4K if it covers stack. cfe165140a UefiPayloadPkg: UniversalPayloadBuild.py to support --pcd feature b97243dea3 MdeModulePkg/XhciDxe: Check return value of XHC_PAGESIZE register 3930d1791a ArmPlatformPkg: Remove overly verbose DEBUG lines in LcdGraphicsBlt aa1bce0e5e OvmfPkg: reduce the number of dsc include files for tpm libs 6c9f218bc0 OvmfPkg/Library: Create base HardwareInfoLib for PCI Host Bridges 2b1a5b8c61 Ovmf/HardwareInfoLib: Create Pei lib to parse directly from fw-cfg a1bd79c514 Ovmf/HardwareInfoLib: Add Dxe lib to dynamically parse heterogenous data 3497fd5c26 Ovmf/PlatformPei: Use host-provided GPA end if available 3f5b1b9132 OvmfPkg/PciHostBridgeUtilityLib: Initialize RootBridges apertures with spec f304308e1c ArmPlatformPkg: Add PCD for serial debug port interrupt 4bfd668e5e UefiCpuPkg: CpuDxe: Set RW and P Attributes on Split Pages 2aee08c0b6 UefiPayloadPkg: Backward support with python 3.6 8f0722434b ArmVirtPkg: Include DxeHardwareInfoLib library class in dsc 15b25045e6 Ovmf: Include HardwareInfoLib library classes for IntelTdx b600f253b3 BaseTools/Ecc: Fix grammar in Ecc error message 7f4eca4cc2 MdeModulePkg/XhciDxe: Add access xHCI Extended Capabilities Pointer 5914128871 BaseTools: Fix the GenMake bug for .cpp source file c13377153f MdePkg/Acpi62: Add type 7 NFIT Platform Capabilities Structure support 21e6ef7522 UefiPayloadPkg: Align Attribute value with UPL spec 8d0564deaf pip-requirements.txt: Update basetools version to 0.1.24 f966093f5b OvmfPkg/PlatformCI: add IntelTdxBuild.py 70586d4e3a MdePkg/Acpi62: Add bit definitions to NFIT Platform Capabilities Structure 7861b24dc9 ArmPkg/Drivers: ArmGicIsInterruptEnabled returns incorrect value e1eef3a8b0 NetworkPkg: Add Wi-Fi Wpa3 support in WifiConnectManager 134fbd552c SecurityPkg: UefiSecureBoot: Definitions of cert and payload structures d6bee54c45 SecurityPkg: PlatformPKProtectionLib: Added PK protection interface 56c717aafa SecurityPkg: SecureBootVariableLib: Updated time based payload creator 6de7c084db SecurityPkg: SecureBootVariableLib: Updated signature list creator 6eb4079475 SecurityPkg: SecureBootVariableLib: Added newly supported interfaces fe73e9cd89 SecurityPkg: SecureBootVariableProvisionLib: Updated implementation d2a0f379d5 SecurityPkg: Secure Boot Drivers: Added common header files 5678ebb42b SecurityPkg: SecureBootConfigDxe: Updated invocation pattern dbc4e3675f SecurityPkg: SecureBootVariableLib: Added unit tests 152e37cc5a OvmfPkg: Pipeline: Resolve SecureBootVariableLib dependency f193b945ea EmulatorPkg: Pipeline: Resolve SecureBootVariableLib dependency 9ab18fec82 StandaloneMmPkg: Fix issue about SpPcpuSharedBufSize field 31d3eeb103 StandaloneMmPkg: Replace DEBUG_INFO with DEBUG_ERROR 5496c763aa StandaloneMmPkg: Fix check buffer address failed issue from TF-A e93bc6309b UefiCpuPkg/SecCore: Add debug messages to illuminate data flow 86a0f84470 ArmVirtPkg: Pipeline: Resolving newly introduced dependency c8e30482fd .gitignore: Ignore build tools build logs f6f3cc7ead UefiPayloadPkg: Add CryptoDxe driver to UefiPayload 12dd064a18 MdePkg/include: Update DMAR definitions to Intel VT-d spec ver4.0 9ab389c01b UefiCpuPkg: Update SEC_IDT_TABLE struct 470206ba7f IntelFsp2Pkg: Update SEC_IDT_TABLE struct 0d23c447d6 DynamicTablesPkg: Add support to specify FADT minor revision 07c8e5e59b UefiPayloadPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: Evenly space boot prompt 176016387f BaseTools: add \'-p\' for Linux \'cp\' command. 039bdb4d3e BaseTools: Fix DSC LibraryClass precedence rule fc4a132c0e DynamicTables: Fix DT PCI interrupt flags parsing 792ebb6374 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix generated _HID value for SBSA c966204049 IntelFsp2Pkg: Add Definition of EDKII_PEI_VARIABLE_PPI 586b4a104b Maintainers.txt: Add IntelFsp2 *Pkg Maintainer e18a5f813c Maintainers.txt: Update Maintainers/reviewers for UefiPayloadPkg e21b203911 UefiPayloadPkg: Add macro to support selective driver in UPL f0064ac3af Maintainers.txt: Update email address 6cda306da1 DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm: Correct translation value 9ac155bf0b DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm: Support UID > 0xF 19a8768365 DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm: Create support library 671b0cea51 NetworkPkg/HttpBootDxe: Add Support for HTTP Boot Basic Authentication 140446cd59 IntelFsp2Pkg: Support 64bit FspResetType for X64 build. 24eac4caf3 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Support 64bit FspResetType for X64 build. 4824924377 IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore: Add FSP-I API for SMM support. 3b8cee1781 Maintainers.txt: update Gary\'s email address 7ef91af84c EmulatorPkg/PosixFileSystem: Add NULL check on memory allocation 494f333aba MdeModulePkg/CoreDxe: Allow DXE Drivers to use untested memory 343f37b5c0 MdeModulePkg/SetupBrowserDxe:Follow spec\'d way to reconnect driver c8af26627a ArmPkg/CpuDxe: drop ARM_PROCESSOR_TABLE pseudo-ACPI table 5a3641bfcd IntelFsp2Pkg: Add FSPI_ARCH_UPD. bf1ff540d9 MdePkg/UefiDevicePathLib: Add support for PEIMs 6964b5c48c MdeModulePkg/Include: Long debug string is truncated to 104 char d32a84b5ad BaseTools: INF should use latest Pcd value instead of default value 8ee26529d1 BaseTools/VolInfo: Correct alignment attributes display c0b7679aac BaseTools/VolInfo: Increase define for highest section value fca5de51e1 BaseTools/VolInfo: Correct EFI_SECTION_VERSION display 8a5782d704 UefiCpuPkg: Fix nasm warning \"signed byte value exceeds\" a47241f133 UefiPayloadPkg: Add macro to support selection of CryptoDxe driver 69f76d0f72 Maintainers.txt: Remove OvmfPkg/XenTimerDxe reference a8c4fe23c4 Maintainers.txt: Add missing github ids 7f1c89f167 Maintainers.txt: Remove reviewer Harry Han b68d566439 BaseTools/Capsule: Support signtool input subject name to sign capsule file e3d468acb9 BaseTools/VolInfo: Show encapsulation sections 2677286307 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix RelaAddress type always mismatch in if condition f26b70cb9f UefiPayloadPkg: Add support for logging to CBMEM console 57783adfb5 OvmfPkg: Change default to disable MptScsi and PvScsi 1774a44ad9 Maintainers.txt: Remove MptScsi and PvScsi reviewers 0e7add1d75 OvmfPkg/XenHypercallLib: Fix naming of AArch64 3eca64f157 IntelFsp2Pkg: FSPI_UPD is not mandatory. 0d0bfcb457 IntelFsp2Pkg: Fix GenCfgOpt bug for FSPI_UPD support. 8a210b9ac0 ShellPkg: Acpiview: Abbreviate field names to preserve alignment 65c4f3f2be DynamicTablesPkg: Handle error when IdMappingToken is NULL f5cea604a6 DynamicTablesPkg: IORT set reference to Id array only if present 238f903e8d DynamicTablesPkg: IORT set reference to interrupt array if present 4c55f6394f MdePkg: IORT header update for IORT Rev E.d spec cd67efa1b2 ShellPkg: Acpiview: IORT parser update for IORT Rev E.d spec de200b7e2c DynamicTablesPkg: Update ArmNameSpaceObjects for IORT Rev E.d e9150618ec DynamicTablesPkg: IORT generator updates for Rev E.d spec 6f4e10d6db SecurityPkg: Add retry mechanism for tpm command 19cbfaa431 OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: Zero out PixelInformation in QueryMode a551de0d93 ArmVirtPkg: Fix KVM Guest Firmware 0dc9b78a46 Maintainers.txt: Add missing Github IDs for OvmfPkg TPM/TGC modules d219119721 UefiPayloadPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: Correct spacing in boot prompt 79aab22fca UefiPayloadPkg: Add a Macro to enable Boot Logo 444260d45e UefiPayloadPkg: Load Boot Logo into ACPI table 86757f0b47 MdeModulePkg: Add EDKII_PCI_DEVICE_PPI definition a8f59e2eb4 MdeModulePkg/AhciPei: Use PCI_DEVICE_PPI to manage AHCI device 3e599bbc10 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix using RmrNodeCount unitlitialised a0a03b5154 BaseTools/GenSec: Fix typo f5f8c08db9 BaseTools/VolInfo: Show FV section boundaries d241a09afb BaseTools/VolInfo: Parse EFI_SECTION_FREEFORM_SUBTYPE_GUID header cf02322c98 BaseTools/GenSec: Support EFI_SECTION_FREEFORM_SUBTYPE_GUID sections 1ee1622817 Basetools/GenFw: Allow AARCH64 builds to use the --prm flag 9f197e44b1 PrmPkg: Enable external visibility on PRM symbols 21200d9fe6 PrmPkg: Build Prm Samples with GCC for AARCH64 57faeb782a PrmPkg: Support AArch64 builds using GCC 1da2012d93 PrmPkg: Add details on AArch64 build to the Readme. 0f7bccf584 UefiCpuPkg: Simplify InitializeSeparateExceptionStacks 9a24c3546e MdeModulePkg: Move CPU_EXCEPTION_INIT_DATA to UefiCpuPkg f1688ec9da UefiCpuPkg: Simplify the struct definition of CPU_EXCEPTION_INIT_DATA 75e3c2435c UefiCpuPkg: Create CpuPageTableLib for manipulating X86 paging structs f336e30ba1 UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib: Return error on invalid parameters bf334513b3 CpuPageTableLib: Fix a bug when a bit is 1 in Attribute, 0 in Mask 13a0471bfd CpuPageTableLib: Refactor the logic 9cb8974f06 CpuPageTableLib: Split the page entry when LA is aligned but PA is not c16f02f776 CpuPageTableLib: Avoid treating non-leaf entry as leaf one f4c845e46b CpuPageTableLib: Fix parent attributes are not inherited properly 9f53fd4ba7 CpuPageTableLib: Fix a bug to avoid unnecessary changing to page table 927113c83b CpuPageTableLib: Fix bug that wrongly requires extra size for mapping e9e2ecab2d CpuPageTableLib: define IA32_PAGE_LEVEL enum type internally e76496530c MdePkg/Library/UefiDevicePathLib: Add back StandaloneMm INF file bd06717863 MdeModulePkg: Enhance bus scan for all root bridge instances 74f44d920a ShellPkg/SmbiosView: Display extended memory info in smbiosview -t 17 83d5871184 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Add a new mIsShadowStack flag 7b4754904e UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Remove mInternalCr3 in PiSmmCpuDxeSmm 62391b4ce9 MdeModulePkg/DxeIpl: Remove clearing CR0.WP when protecting pagetable 803ed060ee UefiPayloadPkg: Remove clearing CR0.WP when protecting pagetable a2b61de2f6 IntelFsp2Pkg: FSPM_ARCH2_UPD mismatching bug. 809b5a3d2a MdeModulePkg: Update the SMBIOS version by UPL 2812668bfc UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib/UnitTest: Add host based unit test 30d62f5e31 OvmfPkg/PlatformDxe: Check ExtractConfig and RouteConfig arguments b94836b224 OvmfPkg/VirtioGpuDxe: Check QueryMode arguments 3f282f4510 OvmfPkg/VirtioFsDxe: Check GetDriverName arguments 64a20bea97 MdeModulePkg/DumpDynPcd: Remove unsupported format specifiers 9102518d29 MdePkg: Improved Smbios Type9 table and Smbios spec v3.5.0 Changes 35d167ef3c ShellPkg: Improved Smbios Type 9 table changes in PrintInfo.c 68bf712d4f MdePkg: Added support for SMBIOS spec v3.6.0 to Smbios.h e2ac68a23b BaseTools/Source/C/GenSec: Fix EFI_SECTION_FREEFORM_SUBTYPE_GUID header d5fd86f256 ShellPkg: Adds Local APIC parser to AcpiView 2bb0020675 UefiPayloadPkg: Return PciRootBridges instead of NULL c15c9fa420 UefiPayloadPkg: Add macro to control NvmExpressDxe 938430741f RedfishPkg/RedfishDiscoverDxe: USB Redfish host interface is not supported eebef1b3b7 RedfishPkg: Redfish modules may need to use the functions which are private f2bf043aaa RedfishPkg: Redfish functions for REST requests are not fully spec complied dfdba857a6 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix Coverity report defect 4d83ee04f4 ShellPkg: Add revision check for DSDT Header on Arm 0ede7cad73 Maintainers.txt: Update maintainers list 722e03bc2e Revert \"UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib/UnitTest: Add host based unit test\" 166c49c212 Revert \"ShellPkg: Adds Local APIC parser to AcpiView\" 39ff9769ca Revert \"BaseTools: Fix DSC LibraryClass precedence rule\" ba0e0e4c6a BaseTools: Fix DevicePath GNUmakefile for macOS - Respin the following patches: ovmf-Revert-UefiCpuPkg-Replace-Opcode-with-the-correspond.patch * Mon Sep 19 2022 Joey Lee - Add patches to disable option ROM on sev (bsc#1199156) ovmf-bsc1199156-OvmfPkg-IncompatiblePciDeviceSupportDxe-Ignore-Optio.patch * Mon Sep 12 2022 Joey Lee - Modified ovmf.changes log, using PED-1410 instead of PED-1359 for pushing to SLE15-SP5. * Tue Sep 06 2022 Joey Lee - Because 5 revert patches in edk2-stable202205 for nasm-2.14 is against 15-SP4/Leap 15.4 and earlier version. So add suse_version and sle_version checking logic in ovmf.spec when applying revert patches. (jsc#PED-1410) * Tue Aug 23 2022 Joey Lee - Removed patches in ovmf-bsc1196879-sev-fix.patch which are merged to edk2-stable202205: - OvmfPkg/AmdSev: reserve snp pages - de463163d9 edk2-stable202205-rc1~292 - OvmfPkg/ResetVector: cache the SEV status MSR value - 63c50d3ff2 edk2-stable202205-rc1~291 - OvmfPkg/BaseMemEncryptLib: use the SEV_STATUS MSR - f1d1c337e7 edk2-stable202205-rc1~290 * Tue Aug 16 2022 Joey Lee - Update to edk2-stable202205 - Features (https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/releases): Support PEI 64bit in IntelFsp2Pkg and IntelFsp2WrapperPkg IntelFsp2Pkg: BaseFspCommonLib Support for X64 Build Add PrmPkg BaseTools Enhance GenFw to support PRM GCC build Enable Intel TDX in OvmfPkg Generate CloudHv target as PVH ELF binary Add parallel hash feature into BaseCryptLib Configure/Enable elliptic curve ciphers in OpenSSL Add FMMT tool into edk2 BaseTools Dynamic variable flash information cannot be passed in Standalone MM - Patches (git log --oneline --reverse edk2-stable202202~..edk2-stable202205): b24306f15d NetworkPkg: Fix incorrect unicode string of the AKM/Cipher Suite 2dbed52506 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtMemoryInitPeiLib: avoid redundant cache invalidation 54cddc3ad4 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtKvmTool: wire up configurable timeout de463163d9 OvmfPkg/AmdSev: reserve snp pages 63c50d3ff2 OvmfPkg/ResetVector: cache the SEV status MSR value in workarea f1d1c337e7 OvmfPkg/BaseMemEncryptLib: use the SEV_STATUS MSR value from workarea b1b89f9009 MdeModulePkg: Correct high-memory use in NvmExpressDxe 84338c0d49 MdeModulePkg: Replace Opcode with the corresponding instructions. d3febfd9ad MdePkg: Replace Opcode with the corresponding instructions. 7bc8b1d9f4 SourceLevelDebugPkg: Replace Opcode with the corresponding instructions. 2aa107c0aa UefiCpuPkg: Replace Opcode with the corresponding instructions. bbaa00dd01 MdePkg: Remove the macro definitions regarding Opcode. 6a890db161 BaseTools: Upgrade the version of NASM tool 497ac7b6d7 UefiPayloadPkg/PayloadLoaderPeim: Use INT64 as input parameter dc39554d58 edk2/MdeModulePkg/Debuglib: Add Standalone MM support 906242343f MdeModulePkg/GraphicsConsoleDxe: Check status to make sure no error b422b0fcf9 EmulatorPkg/EmuGopDxe: Set ModeInfo after Open successfully 589d51df26 MdeModulePkg/Usb/Keyboard.c: Don\'t request protocol before setting b909b4ad09 OvmfPkg: Make the Xen ELF header generator more flexible 0a707eb258 OvmfPkg: Xen: Use a new fdf include for the PVH ELF header 0015a4e0a8 OvmfPkg: Xen: Generate fdf include file from ELF header generator 9ac8c85d50 OvmfPkg: CloudHv: Remove VARS and CODE sections e1c7f9b4e5 OvmfPkg: Generate CloudHv as a PVH ELF binary d50d9e5549 OvmfPkg: CloudHv: Retrieve RSDP address from PVH 82bfd2e86d OvmfPkg: CloudHv: Rely on PVH memmap instead of CMOS b83d0a6438 OvmfPkg: CloudHv: Add README 4a68176cb5 UefiCpuPkg: Extend SMM CPU Service with rendezvous support. 949b8a3d97 Maintainers.txt: Add new reviewer for UefiPayloadPkg 091b6a1197 UefiPayloadPkg: Add build option for Above 4G Memory 4adc364c75 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix case of protocol 79f2734e5a MdeModulePkg: Add a check for metadata size in NvmExpress Driver af74efe494 UefiPayloadPkg: Make Boot Manager Key configurable 62fa37fe7b BlSupportSmm: fix definition of SetSmrr() 56530dec11 .pytool/Plugin/UncrustifyCheck: Output file diffs by default 2aac8bb7ef .pytool: Update to newest pytools c63ef58698 .azurepipelines: Updated python version f06941cc46 MdeModulePkg: Add bRefClkFreq card attribute programming support 2b175eeb6a RedfishPkg: fix memory leak issue 10b4c8f3b7 Maintainers: Update Maintainers.txt for edk2 Redfish modules 0fdd466c75 UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib:remove optional in declaration 52e09dcd7a UefiCpuPkg: Support FFS3 GUID in SearchForBfvBase.asm a13dfc769b MdeModulePkg/DxeIpl: Create 5-level page table for long mode c8ea48bdf9 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix serial port namespace path in DBG2 414cd2a4d5 BaseTools/GenFw: Enhance GenFw to support PRM GCC build 33438f7354 EmulatorPkg/RedfishPlatformCredentialLib: Check EFI_SECURE_BOOT_MODE_NAME 5b56c52b5c EmulatorPkg/RedfishPlatformCredentialLib: Don\'t stop Redfish service 0531f61376 IntelFsp2Pkg: BaseFspDebugLibSerialPort Support for X64 411b3ff6dd IntelFsp2Pkg: BaseFspSwitchStackLib Support for X64 b429959bb6 MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Make timeout for SD card configurable 79a705fbaf UefiPayloadPkg: Hookup SD/MMC timeout 28eeb08d86 MdePkg/Include: Smbios Specification 3.5.0 changes c1e662101a CryptoPkg: Add new hash algorithm ParallelHash256HashAll in BaseCryptLib. 267a92fef3 MdePkg/AcpiXX.h: Update Error Severity type for Generic Error Status Block ec0b54849b IntelFsp2Pkg: BaseFspCommonLib Support for X64 5d8d8b5148 MdeModulePkg/NvmExpressDxe: fix check for Cap.Css 69218d5d28 MdeModulePkg/NvmExpressPei: fix check for NVM command set bf9230a9f3 BaseTools: Add the FeatureFlagExpression usage to the Source Section 3115377bf0 BaseTools: Remove the redundant __FLEXIBLE_SIZE from PcdValueInit.c 4a2e1000a1 CryptoPkg: update openssl submodule to 1.1.1n 355515a06a CryptoPkg? Redefinition bug in CrtLibSupport.h. 7b005f344e BaseTools: fix gcc12 warning 85021f8cf2 BaseTools: fix gcc12 warning 22130dcd98 Basetools: turn off gcc12 warning ec30a4a0c3 BaseTools:Support decimal version number in ECC check 3ef2071927 UefiCpuPkg: Update BFV searching algorithm in VTF0 691b178667 ShellPkg/AcpiView: Adds ACPI_PARSER bitfield parser 40004ff9d5 ShellPkg/AcpiView: PrintFormatter for FADT Flags field 7456990e8e MdeModulePkg/Ufs: bRefClkFreq attribute be programmed after fDeviceInit 237c966396 UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.ci.yaml: Remove duplicated entry 76191052fd UefiPayloadPkg: Fix build error 449eb01a8d UefiPayloadPkg: Fix architecture in the build instruction c248802e40 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix PciHostBridgeLib 2b4b8013fe UefiPayloadPkg/Library/PlatformBootManagerLib: Remove broken VGA detection 55637a2894 UefiPayloadPkg: Make Boot Timeout configurable 2268920afc .azurepipelines: Use Python 3.8 c3ca70669e .azurepipelines: Use windows-2019 VM image 3b0de44759 EmulatorPkg: Use windows-2019 VM image 75628d27c0 OvmfPkg: Use windows-2019 VM image b328bb54c6 BaseTools/Bin: Update GCC ARM compiler version 3f0c788a5f MdePkg: Add Tdx.h 77228269e7 MdePkg: Update Cpuid.h for Tdx 818bc9596d MdePkg: Introduce basic Tdx functions in BaseLib c3001cb744 MdePkg: Add TdxLib to wrap Tdx operations eddcba40b5 UefiCpuPkg: Extend VmgExitLibNull to handle #VE exception daf8f642f3 OvmfPkg: Extend VmgExitLib to handle #VE exception de327f7d8a UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandler: Add base support for the #VE exception ab9d790901 MdePkg: Add helper functions for Tdx guest in BaseIoLibIntrinsic b6b2de8848 MdePkg: Support mmio for Tdx guest in BaseIoLibIntrinsic d74e932681 MdePkg: Support IoFifo for Tdx guest in BaseIoLibIntrinsic 3571fc906f MdePkg: Support IoRead/IoWrite for Tdx guest in BaseIoLibIntrinsic 7bed7ae6c5 UefiCpuPkg: Support TDX in BaseXApicX2ApicLib d983b102b3 MdePkg: Add macro to check SEV / TDX guest 88da06ca76 UefiCpuPkg: Enable Tdx support in MpInitLib 352eabdcd5 OvmfPkg: Add IntelTdx.h in OvmfPkg/Include/IndustryStandard 6a608255bb OvmfPkg: Add TdxMailboxLib 57bcfc3b06 OvmfPkg: Create initial version of PlatformInitLib 102cafedad OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Add hob functions 9a9b33b3d6 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Move global variables to PlatformInfoHob 5a2574a82e OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Refactor MiscInitialization 6d2ce5fd5c OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Refactor MiscInitialization for CloudHV 3dd47f9544 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Refactor AddressWidthInitialization 432e4acd87 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Refactor MaxCpuCountInitialization f3801cf26c OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Refactor QemuUc32BaseInitialization e510326245 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Refactor InitializeRamRegions 12e860a1e8 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Refactor MemMapInitialization cec82a64cf OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Refactor NoexecDxeInitialization f53f449f15 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Refactor MiscInitialization 10460942ff OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Create MemDetect.c 96047b6663 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Move functions to Platform.c b22ac35b75 OvmfPkg: Update PlatformInitLib to process Tdx hoblist ccca1c2d5d OvmfPkg/Sec: Declare local variable as volatile in SecCoreStartupWithStack 2b80269d98 OvmfPkg: Update Sec to support Tdx 6b27c11690 OvmfPkg: Check Tdx in QemuFwCfgPei to avoid DMA operation bec9104201 MdeModulePkg: Skip setting IA32_ERER.NXE if it has already been set fd306d1dbc MdeModulePkg: Add PcdTdxSharedBitMask cc3620f304 UefiCpuPkg: Update AddressEncMask in CpuPageTable e23f8f52fd OvmfPkg: Update PlatformInitLib for Tdx guest cf17156d7d OvmfPkg: Update PlatformPei to support Tdx guest 9fdc70af6b OvmfPkg: Update AcpiPlatformDxe to alter MADT table 5aa8018639 OvmfPkg/BaseMemEncryptTdxLib: Add TDX helper library fae5c1464d OvmfPkg: Add TdxDxe driver 07c721fea7 OvmfPkg/QemuFwCfgLib: Support Tdx in QemuFwCfgDxe 2520182122 OvmfPkg: Update IoMmuDxe to support TDX c2e7be4055 OvmfPkg: Rename XenTimerDxe to LocalApicTimerDxe 299c44cd4f UefiCpuPkg: Setting initial-count register as the last step c37cbc030d OvmfPkg: Switch timer in build time for OvmfPkg 580a6b616b OvmfPkg: Add TdxWorkArea definition 75942a52ae OvmfPkg: Add PrePiHobListPointerLibTdx 4fe2678411 OvmfPkg: Add PeilessStartupLib 1f29de4d20 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Add Sec to bring up both Legacy and Tdx guest 55fda68a80 OvmfPkg: Update TdxDxe to set TDX PCDs f674fa9cde OvmfPkg: Update DxeAcpiTimerLib to read HostBridgeDevId in PlatformInfoHob 149ed8e421 OvmfPkg/IncompatiblePciDeviceSupportDxe: Refine the configuration c477b2783f OvmfPkg/IncompatiblePciDeviceSupportDxe: Ignore OptionRom in Td guest cb8349f01a MdeModulePkg: Update PciEnumeratorSupport to ignore OptionRom if needed 44a53a3bdd OvmfPkg: Introduce IntelTdxX64 for TDVF Config-B 7fda517c3d OvmfPkg: Add dependency of VariableSmm driver to make it work normally. b953265a27 UefiPayloadPkg: Add a new DebugPrintErrorLevelLib instance 0023e35cf4 UefiPayloadPkg: Change some configuration of the payload 3e130e40fc UefiPayloadPkg: Consume the new added DebugPrintErrorLevelLib instance f16b05a13b .pytool/Plugin/UncrustifyCheck: Update func to return absolute paths dbfbaedb21 .pytool/Plugin/UncrustifyCheck: Add ignore file support d932199d39 OvmfPkg: Revert Uncrustify formatting in VbeShim.h files ad6816c319 OvmfPkg: Do not check VbeShim.h formatting with Uncrustify d2998af211 PrmPkg: Add package and include headers 5f76c3e471 PrmPkg: Add PrmConfig protocol interface e189e01af2 PrmPkg/PrmContextBufferLib: Add initial library instance 3f7af17c6b PrmPkg/PrmConfigDxe: Add initial driver 9276e0d2b9 PrmPkg: Add initial PrmSamplePrintModule c63905aba7 PrmPkg: Add initial PrmSampleMemoryAllocationModule 27b1a840e4 PrmPkg: Add initial PrmSampleHardwareAccessModule 7c41ec47ca PrmPkg: Add initial PrmSampleContextBufferModule 97ab54c1b1 PrmPkg: Add initial package DSC file d2cb6e67a4 Readme.md: Add initial content e846797662 PrmPkg: Add ALLOCATE_CONTEXT_BUFFER_IN_FW build option a6f8946bc9 PrmPkg: Enable variable growth for the PRM_MODULE_EXPORT macro ef05955996 PrmPkg: Publish PRM operation region to support PRM ACPI _DSM invocation f96517f4d0 PrmPkg: Export major/minor version in PRM module PE COFF header 50e1432a40 PrmPkg: Add initial PrmSsdtInstallDxe module a409f4b67d PrmPkg: Remove PRM Module Update Lock 0797989c5d PrmPkg: Remove ALLOCATE_CONTEXT_BUFFER_IN_FW build flag 0b469caff6 PrmPkg/PrmContextBuffer.h: Add ACPI parameter support structures be2c927d7c PrmPkg/PrmLoaderDxe: Add ACPI parameter buffer support c1a7a50f67 PrmPkg/PrmSampleContextBufferModule: Remove OS debug print requirement 4c8486fd72 PrmPkg/PrmSampleHardwareAccessModule: Add non-print PRM handlers 7217263514 PrmPkg/SampleAcpiParameterBufferModule: Add initial module fec018624c PrmPkg/HardwareAccessModuleConfigLib: Add initial library d10b8dc5d8 PrmPkg/Samples/Readme.md: Add initial file 6b7dde7cdd PrmPkg: Refactor some PrmLoaderDxe functionality into libraries 4348c72ad0 PrmPkg/Application/PrmInfo: Add initial application e10c776487 PrmPkg: Enforce stricter types 2e55b0cd9e PrmPkg/Test/PrmPkgHostTest.dsc: Add initial file 3599f5479d PrmPkg/Test/UnitTest/Library: Add initial UEFI Boot Services test lib 82d15dc6c1 PrmPkg/Library/DxePrmContextBufferLib: Add host-based unit tests 68ee42c991 PrmPkg/DxePrmModuleDiscoveryLib: Add initial host-based unit tests c040831cf9 PrmPkg: Add PlatformGuid a9302b89a9 PrmPkg: Update PRM OpRegion f8e68587e2 Readme.md: Add iASL note and QEMU sample link 4a4aeaa446 PrmPkg: Replace PcdPrmPlatformGuid with EDKII_DSC_PLATFORM_GUID 17b2d64ced PrmPkg/Samples: Remove PrmSampleMemoryAllocationModule 050b2ba27d PrmPkg/Samples: Remove PrmSamplePrintModule 88f3d734f5 PrmPkg: Remove the concept of OS services deea4e58b0 Readme.md: Add a link to PRM Specification f3c11224b5 PrmPkg: Changes for edk2 repo transition a298a84478 PrmPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 94f905b3bf MdeModulePkg/HiiDatabase: Fix Setup numeric default value incorrect issue b8c5ba2337 BaseTools: efi_debugging.py: Add debugger agnostic dbg Python Classes 0d7fec9f79 BaseTools: Scripts/efi_gdb.py: Add gdb EFI commands and pretty Print 4f4afcd288 BaseTools: Scripts/efi_lldb.py: Add lldb EFI commands and pretty Print bfefdc2c49 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix PciHostBridgeLib 676084303d UefiPayloadPkg: Support IA32 Build 63e155f24d UefiPayloadPkg: Add dependency of VariableSmm driver. dab96cf02e UefiPayloadPkg: Add --quiet argument to Universal Payload build script 35a4b63247 NetworkPkg: Add PCDs for HTTP DNS RetryCount and RetryInterval 38a9afd0fb NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Decofigure Tcp4 before reconfiguring 3974aa539e NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Decofigure Tcp6 before reconfiguring c43ff5188d NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Add ConnectionClose flag fo HTTP_PROTOCOL 753fd319e2 NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Detect \'Connection: close\' header 12a50c9ce1 NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Detect HTTP/1.0 servers 5576b17363 BaseTools: Fix DevicePath tool build failure issue 4352d115c4 CryptoPkg/CrtLibSupport: add fcntl.h 3b4b49cf00 CryptoPkg/CrtLibSupport: add strstr() 58771f4b2d CryptoPkg/CrtLibSupport: add INT_MIN 2759e42fbc CryptoPkg/CrtLibSupport: add UINT_MAX fd5f347c84 CryptoPkg/CrtLibSupport: add MODULESDIR 03951e5645 CryptoPkg/CrtLibSupport: add off_t fab6285a73 CryptoPkg/CrtLibSupport: fix strcpy f5508a91e3 CryptoPkg/UnitTest: fix DH testcase c411566fad pip-requirements.txt: Update basetools version to 0.1.17 8a5727c7a8 Maintainers.txt: Add Michael Kubacki as UnitTestFrameworkPkg maintainer 1a49e2aa3c CryptoPkg: Add instrinsics to support building ECC on IA32 windows efc39e65e5 CryptoPkg: Reconfigure OpensslLib to add EC algorithms 0c901fcc20 CryptoPkg: Make EC source file config-able f3da13461c CryptoPkg/TlsLibNull: Remove MU_CHANGE comment markers 4cfb28f12a UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the build failure 9bf7291d63 ShellPkg: Update smbiosview type 41 with SMBIOS 3.5 fields 630df8c86e IntelFsp2Pkg: X64 compatible changes to support PEI in 64bit 6f219bef55 IntelFsp2Pkg: Add FSPx_ARCH2_UPD support for X64 d40965b987 IntelFsp2Pkg: Update FSP_GLOBAL_DATA and FSP_PLAT_DATA for X64 00aa71ce20 IntelFsp2Pkg: FspSecCore support for X64 6bec5a66ea IntelFsp2Pkg: SecFspSecPlatformLibNull support for X64 4a6ed7e46a IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Adopt FSPM_UPD_COMMON_FSP24 for X64 86a2f3c439 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: BaseFspWrapperApiLib support for X64 91a03f78ba IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: SecFspWrapperPlatformSecLibSample support for X64 3d97733f44 MdePkg: Add CC_GUEST_TYPE in ConfidentialComputingGuestAttr.h d020ac55b6 OvmfPkg: Replace GUEST_TYPE with CC_GUEST_TYPE 74a3eb975d MdePkg: Add CcProbeLibNull 2f44d77c68 OvmfPkg: Add CcProbeLib 2a7e1e890d OvmfPkg: Add CcProbeLib in *.dsc 7012cb73c4 MdePkg: Probe Cc guest in BaseIoLibIntrinsicSev 76fda1def3 OvmfPkg: Call CcProbe in SecMain.c instead of TsIsEnabled 532bd4ec38 CryptoPkg/Crt: fix strcpy build on older VS compilers 6d2baf9dfb PrmPkg/DxePrmContextBufferLib: Fix unit test GCC compilation errors 892787fed5 OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64: Adjust load sequence of TdxDxe and AmdSevDxe driver b06a007b64 CryptoPkg: Declare PcdEcEnabled in Library consuming OpensslLib fdfbf1fdab MdePkg: Update smbiosview type 9 with SMBIOS 3.5 fields a85ae8d964 ShellPkg: Update smbiosview type 9 with SMBIOS 3.5 fields 2306555bf9 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix IA32 entry build failure f4dfec6ca1 BaseTools: Move gPlatformFinalPcd to Datapipe and optimize size ee582858c4 .azurepipelines: Add NOOPT to all package builds 2d9d605714 .pytool/Plugin/UncrustifyCheck: Add Azure DevOps UI debug instructions b807174fec MdeModulePkg/GraphicsConsoleDxe: add modes 5a17629902 OvmfPkg: clear PcdConOut{Row,Column} 96e1d337e0 ArmVirtPkg: clear PcdConOut{Row,Column} 483d3bb716 ShellPkg: Update smbiosview type 0 with SMBIOS 3.5 fields ecc79b092e OvmfPkg/VirtioGpuDxe: add VirtioGpuSendCommandWithReply 182122914c OvmfPkg/VirtioGpuDxe: add GetDisplayInfo to virtio-gpu spec header. 82c07f2cc7 OvmfPkg/VirtioGpuDxe: add VirtioGpuGetDisplayInfo 5f6ecaa398 OvmfPkg/VirtioGpuDxe: use GopQueryMode in GopSetMode 86de090b99 OvmfPkg/VirtioGpuDxe: move code to GopInitialize 916f90baa5 OvmfPkg/VirtioGpuDxe: query native display resolution from host d372ab585a BaseTools/Conf: Fix Dynamic-Library-File template cabd96ad03 OvmfPkg: restore CompatImageLoaderDxe chunk 4092f1d397 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: add support for QemuFwCfg daa6cd8763 ArmPlatformPkg: Fix error message in Scripts/Ds5/edk2_debugger.py 5299568ce6 ArmPlatformPkg: Fix target initialisation in cmd_load_symbols.py 101f4c7892 ArmPlatformPkg: Fix EDK2_DSC check in Scripts/Makefile a64b944942 BaseTools: Add FMMT Python Tool 826527c9db UefiPayloadPkg: Add definition for PayloadCommandLine HOB d4eef3fe7c MdePkg: Add CpuLib to module INFs that depend on UefiCpuLib. a63b086e69 IntelFsp2Pkg: Add CpuLib to module INFs that depend on UefiCpuLib 3afa0a2096 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Add CpuLib to module INFs that depend on UefiCpuLib. 1783b099d3 OvmfPkg: Add CpuLib to module INFs that depend on UefiCpuLib. 86d41c077e UefiCpuPkg: Add CpuLib to module INFs that depend on UefiCpuLib. 2434f6f206 UefiPayloadPkg: Add CpuLib to module INFs that depend on UefiCpuLib. 247a0fc65e OvmfPkg: Add README for TDVF 8079d4dc4f MdePkg: add SmmCpuRendezvousLib.h and SmmCpuRendezvousLibNull implement. 1a6c837638 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the UPL build failure 29ae55a0b8 PcAtChipsetPkg: Change the flow of PcRtcInit() a658ed30e5 MdeModulePkg/PCD: Pcd initialize DXE have assert 0e31124877 .pytool: Fix python command error in self introduction doc 43613b2fe8 CryptoPkg: Rename PCD about openssl EC configuration f753c36209 CryptoPkg: Separate auto-generated openssl config and edk2 openssl config 499b0d5fa5 CryptoPkg: Update process_files.pl to automatically add PCD config option a332ffb6ef CryptoPkg/openssl: update generated files 9dd964f5e5 CryptoPkg/openssl: disable codestyle checks for generated files b5cd30a79b UefiCpuPkg: Revert \"UefiCpuPkg: Enable Tdx support in MpInitLib\" ad629b5c5a OvmfPkg: Add MpInitLibDepLib related PPI/Protocol definitions 2f06e5af47 OvmfPkg: Add MpInitLibDepLib b63a49e056 OvmfPkg/Sec: Install MpInitLibDepLib PPIs in SecMain.c 73d6d41de0 OvmfPkg/TdxDxe: Install MpInitLibDepLib protocols deee7a100b OvmfPkg: Enable 2 different CpuMpPei and CpuDxe drivers 17702186b5 MdeModulePkg: PiSmmCore: Inspect memory guarded with pool headers d0efa681b6 UefiPayloadPkg: Simplify code logic 57ebb2994d UefiPayloadPkg: Add Serial IO device path according to related protocol ef01d63ef3 UefiPayloadPkg: Connect all root bridge in PlatformBootManagerBeforeConsole 35d9b7ea2d ArmPkg: Remove RVCT support b55b6d33e4 ArmPlatformPkg: Remove RVCT support e9eeb0ad2b CryptoPkg: Remove RVCT support 48b919cb14 MdePkg: Remove RVCT support 5621d81edf FatPkg: Remove RVCT support cc070e9e0c NetworkPkg: Remove RVCT support a744199470 ArmVirtPkg: Remove RVCT support b7a446f224 EmbeddedPkg: Remove RVCT support 57c84113a1 OvmfPkg: Remove RVCT support 708620d29d BaseTools: Remove RVCT support 2d1138a1a8 .azurepipelines: Fix cspell version to v5.20.0 7b126978e1 .pytool/plugin/SpellCheck: Allow compound words 2189c71026 .pytool/plugin/SpellCheck: Add more common words 0903042b66 MdeModulePkg: Add Variable Flash Info HOB 60b519456c MdeModulePkg/VariableFlashInfoLib: Add initial library 4dbebc2d10 MdeModulePkg/Variable: Consume Variable Flash Info 8db39c60cd MdeModulePkg/FaultTolerantWrite: Consume Variable Flash Info 524a15c1fa ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirt.dsc.inc: Add VariableFlashInfoLib a69eac7578 EmulatorPkg: Add VariableFlashInfoLib a7d3d4e7c4 OvmfPkg: Add VariableFlashInfoLib 1f026ababf UefiPayloadPkg: Add VariableFlashInfoLib a72d552f19 OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64: Use different CcProbeLib when SMM is on or off a21a3438f7 OvmfPkg: Make an Ia32/X64 hybrid build work with SEV 9c733f0b90 OvmfPkg: TdxDxe: Fix AsmRelocateApMailBoxLoop 07c0c2eb0a OvmfPkg: fix PcdFSBClock 16779ede2d Removed prefix to match AsmRelocateApMailBoxLoopStart - Removed patches in ovmf-bsc1196879-sev-fix.patch which are merged to mainline: - OvmfPkg/AmdSev: reserve snp pages - de463163d9 edk2-stable202205-rc1~292 - OvmfPkg/ResetVector: cache the SEV status MSR value - 63c50d3ff2 edk2-stable202205-rc1~291 - OvmfPkg/BaseMemEncryptLib: use the SEV_STATUS MSR - f1d1c337e7 edk2-stable202205-rc1~290- Add the following patches for building edk2-stable202205 with nasm-2.14 on SLE15-SP3/SP4 and Leap 15.3/15.4. Those patches add marco back because nasm-2.14 doesn\'t support corresponding instructions. (jsc#PED-1410) - ovmf-Revert-MdePkg-Remove-the-macro-definitions-regarding.patch ovmf-Revert-UefiCpuPkg-Replace-Opcode-with-the-correspond.patch ovmf-Revert-SourceLevelDebugPkg-Replace-Opcode-with-the-c.patch ovmf-Revert-MdePkg-Replace-Opcode-with-the-corresponding-.patch ovmf-Revert-MdeModulePkg-Replace-Opcode-with-the-correspo.patch - Then reverted 5 patches in 84338c0d49~..bbaa00dd01 MdeModulePkg: Replace Opcode with the corresponding MdePkg: Replace Opcode with the corresponding SourceLevelDebugPkg: Replace Opcode with the UefiCpuPkg: Replace Opcode with the corresponding MdePkg: Remove the macro definitions regarding Opcode.- Change the size of ovmf-x86_64 to 4MB, otherwise OBS exposes the following error: [ 266s] GenFv: ERROR 3000: Invalid [ 266s] the required fv image size 0x1afed8 exceeds the set fv image size 0x1ac000 - [ovmf-x86_64]=\"-p OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64.dsc -D FD_SIZE_4MB\" * Tue Jun 21 2022 Jiri Slaby - add ovmf-tools_def-add-fno-omit-frame-pointer-to-GCC48_-IA32-.patch. It fixes crashes when linked using gcc 12 (bsc#1199597). * Mon May 02 2022 jleeAATTsuse.com- Respin amd-sev and amd-sev-es features After more testing, we found that not all descriptors can support both amd-sev with amd-sev-es. So we removed all amd-sev and amd-sev-es feature tags but only keep them in ovmf-x86_64-2m.json and 60-ovmf-x86_64.json. (bsc#1198246#c75) * Sat Mar 26 2022 Martin Liška - Add GCC 12 workaround (ovmf-ignore-spurious-GCC-12-warning.patch) that handles: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3816 The same patch is already included in qemu package. * Tue Mar 15 2022 Fabian Vogt - TPM_ENABLE got renamed to TPM2_ENABLE and TPM_CONFIG_ENABLE removed (except on ARM for some reason) (boo#1197104) * Thu Mar 10 2022 jleeAATTsuse.com- Update to edk2-stable202202 - Features (https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/releases): OvmfPkg Add new target for Cloud Hypervisor Add TDVF to OvmfPkg Add new APIs to UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuLib Add AMD Secure Nested Paging Support Add SSDT PCI generator in DynamicTablesPkg Support ACPI 6.4 PPTT changes Add FdtHwInfoParser library Add DynamicPlatRepo library Make package and platform builds reproducible across source format changes Add Uncrustify CI Plugin Apply uncrustify changes to all package C and H files - Patches (git log --oneline --reverse edk2-stable202111~..edk2-stable202202): bb1bba3d77 NetworkPkg: Fix invalid pointer for DNS response token on error ef9a059cdb EmulatorPkg/Win/Host: Update CC_FLAGS 69877614fd .pytool/Plugin/EccCheck: Remove RevertCode() 854462bd34 .pytool/Plugin/EccCheck: Remove temp directory on exception 3019f1bbab .pytool/Plugin/EccCheck: Add performance optimizations 99f84ff473 .pytools/Plugin/LicenseCheck: Use temp directory for git diff output 76a1ce4d5f .azurepipelines/templates: Update max pipeline job time to 2 hours 365dced2c3 ArmPkg: Update YAML to ignore specific ECC files/errors 1939fc9569 ArmPlatformPkg: Update YAML to ignore specific ECC files/errors c97fee87f0 ArmVirtPkg: Update YAML to ignore specific ECC files/errors d5744ecba8 CryptoPkg: Update YAML to ignore specific ECC files/errors d7d30e8f21 EmulatorPkg: Update YAML to ignore specific ECC files/errors 9deb937076 MdeModulePkg: Update YAML to ignore specific ECC files/errors df790cd6b3 MdePkg: Update YAML to ignore specific ECC files/errors 60fa40be45 SecurityPkg: Update YAML to ignore specific ECC files/errors 9944508e85 ShellPkg: Update YAML to ignore specific ECC files/errors c30c40d6c6 StandaloneMmPkg: Update YAML to ignore specific ECC files/errors c057347977 UefiPayloadPkg: Update YAML to ignore specific ECC files/errors f0f3f5aae7 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Update YAML to ignore specific ECC files/errors dfafa8e453 MdeModulePkg/DxeCorePerformanceLib:Variable Initial a4a582e180 ArmPkg: Change use of EFI_D_ * to DEBUG_ * 1d2482e1e3 ArmPlatformPkg: Change use of EFI_D_ * to DEBUG_ * c5b3a56e4f ArmVirtPkg: Change use of EFI_D_ * to DEBUG_ * a1878955b2 EmbeddedPkg: Change use of EFI_D_ * to DEBUG_ * 9c7da8d804 EmulatorPkg: Change use of EFI_D_ * to DEBUG_ * 917e98f3e5 FatPkg: Change use of EFI_D_ * to DEBUG_ * 87000d7708 MdeModulePkg: Change use of EFI_D_ * to DEBUG_ * 5f289f3ae3 MdePkg: Change use of EFI_D_ * to DEBUG_ * c49ca4a29e NetworkPkg: Change use of EFI_D_ * to DEBUG_ * 47719926e8 OvmfPkg: Change use of EFI_D_ * to DEBUG_ * ca56749b0e PcAtChipsetPkg: Change use of EFI_D_ * to DEBUG_ * e905fbb05a SecurityPkg: Change use of EFI_D_ * to DEBUG_ * 4a1aee13d8 ShellPkg: Change use of EFI_D_ * to DEBUG_ * 586fda4800 SourceLevelDebugPkg: Change use of EFI_D_ * to DEBUG_ * 96e1cba5c1 UefiCpuPkg: Change use of EFI_D_ * to DEBUG_ * 1871d28eaf ArmPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style 2863ba97ca ArmPlatformPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style 9607597a74 ArmVirtPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style c8f46130f8 CryptoPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style fe2d81892f DynamicTablesPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style 792433088c EmbeddedPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style c69fc80c80 EmulatorPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style 9c721071d3 FmpDevicePkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style e3917e22e7 MdeModulePkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style d0e2f8232a MdePkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style 8874fa199d NetworkPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style 79d49e162e OvmfPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style 237295f46d PcAtChipsetPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style dc8fe5ec95 RedfishPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style 12710fe93b SecurityPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style 9b8507cabe ShellPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style 18908e6131 SignedCapsulePkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style f9c9215b55 SourceLevelDebugPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style 902e76de19 StandaloneMmPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style 4ec586b9f6 UefiCpuPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style e35dd32821 UefiPayloadPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style 78bc3bdd2a UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Change OPTIONAL keyword usage style ea85f0fe13 ArmVirtPkg: Change complex DEBUG_CODE() to DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN/END() e3b855f283 CryptoPkg: Change complex DEBUG_CODE() to DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN/END() 4a9d411662 DynamicTablesPkg: Change complex DEBUG_CODE() to DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN/END() db52c7f755 MdeModulePkg: Change complex DEBUG_CODE() to DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN/END() 098307e082 MdePkg: Change complex DEBUG_CODE() to DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN/END() ed7f7c9168 NetworkPkg: Change complex DEBUG_CODE() to DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN/END() 8e875037bf OvmfPkg: Change complex DEBUG_CODE() to DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN/END() deba54761a PcAtChipsetPkg: Change complex DEBUG_CODE() to DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN/END() f9f4fb2329 SecurityPkg: Change complex DEBUG_CODE() to DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN/END() 7c2a6033c1 UefiCpuPkg: Change complex DEBUG_CODE() to DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN/END() 429309e0c6 ArmPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 40b0b23ed3 ArmPlatformPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 2b16a4fb91 ArmVirtPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 7c34237831 CryptoPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 731c67e1d7 DynamicTablesPkg: Apply uncrustify changes e7108d0e96 EmbeddedPkg: Apply uncrustify changes a550d468a6 EmulatorPkg: Apply uncrustify changes bcdcc4160d FatPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 45ce0a67bb FmpDevicePkg: Apply uncrustify changes 111f2228dd IntelFsp2Pkg: Apply uncrustify changes 7c7184e201 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 1436aea4d5 MdeModulePkg: Apply uncrustify changes 2f88bd3a12 MdePkg: Apply uncrustify changes d1050b9dff NetworkPkg: Apply uncrustify changes ac0a286f4d OvmfPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 5220bd211d PcAtChipsetPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 39de741e2d RedfishPkg: Apply uncrustify changes c411b485b6 SecurityPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 47d20b54f9 ShellPkg: Apply uncrustify changes b878648967 SignedCapsulePkg: Apply uncrustify changes c1e126b119 SourceLevelDebugPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 91415a36ae StandaloneMmPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 053e878bfb UefiCpuPkg: Apply uncrustify changes e5efcf8be8 UefiPayloadPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 7c0ad2c338 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Apply uncrustify changes dc453b5164 .pytool/Plugin/UncrustifyCheck: Add Uncrustify CI plugin 1832eb15aa UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.fdf: Update DXE Apriori list ca78281c25 UefiPayloadPkg/PayloadEntry: Inherit 4/5-level paging from bootloader b2f7ee2ded UefiPayloadPkg: Increase SystemMemoryUefiRegionSize from 32M to 64M 94e0a7bddb UefiPayloadPkg: Add missing Guid gUefiAcpiBoardInfoGuid 2527723de9 UefiPayloadPkg: Add performance measurement feature ffdde9d719 UefiPayloadPkg: Skip ModuleInfo HOB in Payload 965292135b UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.dsc:Add BootManagerLib for BootManagerMenuApp 85a678bf76 UefiPayloadPkg: Add integration instruction for coreboot common error 7b28310008 BaseTools: Increase the DevicePath length for support more PCD value. d25b803e51 MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/UhciDxe: Fix the UsbHc memory allocate and free issue c82ab4d8c1 BaseTools/VfrCompile: Correct Bit Field Flags for numeric/one of 2ddacfb6b8 OvmfPkg/SecMain: move SEV specific routines in AmdSev.c e2289d19d8 UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: move SEV specific routines in AmdSev.c 2fe8edfe55 OvmfPkg/ResetVector: move clearing GHCB in SecMain 3053183d41 OvmfPkg/ResetVector: introduce SEV metadata descriptor for VMM use 707c71a01b OvmfPkg: reserve SNP secrets page cca9cd3dd6 OvmfPkg: reserve CPUID page f2dc28f0b6 OvmfPkg/ResetVector: pre-validate the data pages used in SEC phase 34819f2cac OvmfPkg/ResetVector: use SEV-SNP-validated CPUID values d9822304ce OvmfPkg/MemEncryptSevLib: add MemEncryptSevSnpEnabled() 7c3b2892ea OvmfPkg/SecMain: register GHCB gpa for the SEV-SNP guest d2b998fbdc OvmfPkg/VmgExitLib: use SEV-SNP-validated CPUID values a19b648952 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: register GHCB gpa for the SEV-SNP guest 19914edc5a OvmfPkg/AmdSevDxe: do not use extended PCI config space ade62c18f4 OvmfPkg/MemEncryptSevLib: add support to validate system RAM d706f8fec2 OvmfPkg/MemEncryptSevLib: add function to check the VMPL0 11b15336f0 OvmfPkg/BaseMemEncryptSevLib: skip the pre-validated system RAM d39f8d88ec OvmfPkg/MemEncryptSevLib: add support to validate > 4GB memory in PEI phase 202fb22be6 OvmfPkg/SecMain: validate the memory used for decompressing Fv 8eb79b5f4f OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: validate the system RAM when SNP is active 26210f9436 MdePkg: Define ConfidentialComputingGuestAttr 504ae26b80 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: set PcdConfidentialComputingAttr when SEV is active b95908e043 UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: use PcdConfidentialComputingAttr to check SEV status f4e3ce5f53 UefiCpuPkg: add PcdGhcbHypervisorFeatures f5a6e1bab5 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: set the Hypervisor Features PCD 2c354252be MdePkg/GHCB: increase the GHCB protocol max version 9c703bc0f1 UefiCpuPkg/MpLib: add support to register GHCB GPA when SEV-SNP is enabled d4d7c9ad5f UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: use BSP to do extended topology check b928eb44d5 OvmfPkg/MemEncryptSevLib: change the page state in the RMP table b7b8872031 OvmfPkg/MemEncryptSevLib: skip page state change for Mmio address ea3a12d970 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: mark cpuid and secrets memory reserved in EFI map 67484aed69 OvmfPkg/AmdSev: expose the SNP reserved pages through configuration table 06544455d0 UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Use SEV-SNP AP Creation NAE event to launch APs 0f1d7477c0 OvmfPkg: Remove unused print service driver (PrintDxe) 30631f0a26 MdePkg: Add missing Cache ID (in)valid define 0077c22f6d MdePkg: Remove PPTT ID type structure a50b65ce22 ShellPkg: Update Acpiview PPTT parser to ACPI 6.4 8cf2bdfcfb ShellPkg: Add Cache ID to PPTT parser b2bbe3df54 DynamicTablesPkg: Remove PPTT ID structure from ACPI 6.4 generator e139829dd6 DynamicTablesPkg: Update PPTT generator to ACPI 6.4 e81a81e584 DynamicTablesPkg: Add CacheId to PPTT generator 9afcd48a94 OvmfPkg: Handle Cloud Hypervisor host bridge 2ccefa32a6 OvmfPkg: Create global entry point for SMBIOS parsing d8ef774346 OvmfPkg: Retrieve SMBIOS from Cloud Hypervisor 66bce05f6d OvmfPkg: Generalize AcpiPlatformDxe 7594c5bfe2 OvmfPkg: Install ACPI tables for Cloud Hypervisor f6df289a1c OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: Fix Xen build 2b20a34fd5 OvmfPkg-EmuVariableFvbRuntimeDxe: Support Access To Memory Above 4G d5efc875ef MdePkg: Introduce CcMeasurementProtocol for CC Guest firmware a124cd4ef9 SecurityPkg: Support CcMeasurementProtocol in DxeTpm2MeasureBootLib 8c06c53b58 SecurityPkg: Support CcMeasurementProtocol in DxeTpmMeasurementLib adf070ff56 OvmfPkg/Microvm: add PcdConfidentialComputingGuestAttr 2686468c43 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: add MemEncryptSevLib 61be49e0f7 OvmfPkg/PlatformCI: factor out PlatformBuildLib.py 21ee379407 OvmfPkg/PlatformCI: add QEMU_SKIP 64bccda534 OvmfPkg/PlatformCI: add BhyveBuild.py 04eacd3943 OvmfPkg/PlatformCI: add MicrovmBuild.py 8b8ae609a7 OvmfPkg/PlatformCI: add AmdSevBuild.py 2722856a87 OvmfPkg/PlatformCI: dummy grub.efi for AmdSev 1203eba58e OvmfPkg/PlatformCI: add XenBuild.py 64ef0dd1d3 OvmfPkg/Microvm/fdt: add device tree support 79dcaf7054 OvmfPkg/Microvm/fdt: load fdt from fw_cfg c802f8935c OvmfPkg/Microvm/fdt: add empty fdt 2a68abf6ee OvmfPkg/Microvm/virtio: add virtio-mmio support e07d27e24d OvmfPkg/Microvm: add README 7f1861be2b DynamicTablesPkg: AML Code generation for memory ranges 0e7147fe75 DynamicTablesPkg: AML Code generation to create a named Package() fd5fc4bbb7 DynamicTablesPkg: AML Code generation to create a named ResourceTemplate() b2b8def4e3 DynamicTablesPkg: AML Code generation to add _PRT entries 69ddfee1c3 DynamicTablesPkg: Add AmlAttachNode() ce306e48eb DynamicTablesPkg: Add Pci related objects e35a746cf5 DynamicTablesPkg: SSDT Pci express generator ec37fd9c1f DynamicTablesPkg: Fix multiple objects parsing 557dede8a6 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: ScanOrAdd64BitE820Ram improvements 759e3c6d21 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: prefer etc/e820 for memory detection 41d8bb3038 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: stop using cmos for memory detection 7a6e6ae933 EmulatorPkg: Update lldbefi.py to work with current lldb which uses python3 4d30352445 ArmPkg: Add SMC helper functions c039fa7ff0 ArmPkg: Update SMC calls to use the new ArmCallSmc0/1/2/3 functions 90ad4b3b34 DynamicTablesPkg: Definition for HwInfoParser interface d59c5a20f8 DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParser: CM Object descriptor helper 5d8b5d171c DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParser: Add FDT utility functions 8d2691c3d5 DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParser: Add Boot Arch parser 3ebe1ff5c9 DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParser: Generic Timer Parser 51941f7558 DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParser: Add Serial port parser e366a41ef0 DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParser: Add GICC parser 0fa1217726 DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParser: Add GICD parser b04cf355a0 DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParser: Add MSI Frame parser d250d408cf DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParser: Add ITS parser 7b6c8b30a5 DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParser: Add GICR parser 26bf034a59 DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParser: Add GIC dispatcher c67bf628c8 DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParser: Add PCI config parser deb01dfd7f DynamicTablesPkg: Add FdtHwInfoParser library 9006967c8d DynamicTablesPkg: Handle 16550_WITH_GAS id b2d0ed20fd DynamicTablesPkg: Definition for DynamicPlatRepoLib interface 2e2db65e39 DynamicTablesPkg: DynamicPlatRepo: Add TokenGenerator 740e3bb634 DynamicTablesPkg: DynamicPlatRepo: Add TokenFixer 5fe5b6f94f DynamicTablesPkg: DynamicPlatRepo: Add TokenMapper 38f6d78c3b DynamicTablesPkg: Add DynamicPlatRepo library f14fff5135 StandaloneMmPkg/FvLib: Support large file with EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER2. 3a72ec71cd OvmfPkg: remove unused TPM options from MicrovmX64.dsc b47575801e OvmfPkg: move tcg configuration to dsc and fdf include files 5711ff4d0b OvmfPkg: drop TPM_CONFIG_ENABLE b819388772 OvmfPkg: create Tcg12ConfigPei.inf 4de8d61bce OvmfPkg: rework TPM configuration e6ea1464a8 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Revert \"stop using cmos for memory detection\" a6c0418651 ArmPkg/SmbiosMiscDxe: Remove duplicate HII string definition 45e3842970 ArmPkg/SmbiosMiscDxe: Get full SMBIOS strings from OemMiscLib b451c69088 ArmPkg/ProcessorSubClassDxe: Get serial and part number from OemMiscLib 8ed8568922 SecurityPkg: Debug code to audit BIOS TPM extend operations 195f011973 SecurityPkg: Reallocate TPM Active PCRs based on platform support ab5ab2f603 SecurityPkg: TPM must go to Idle state on CRB command completion c63a10ecb7 EmbeddedPkg/AcpiLib: Add more helper functions f129b1f06f OvmfPkg/Bhyve: fix tls-enabled build ee1f8262b8 OvmfPkg: Call PlatformInitializeConsole for GPU passthrough case de9e5b7dc7 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg : FSPM/S UPD data address based on Build Type 9ec2cc1f31 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg : Remove EFIAPI from local functions. ae8272ef78 MdeModulePkg/UsbBusDxe: fix NOOPT build error 15c596aeeb OvmfPkg: Bhyve: Delete unused AcpiTables/Ssdt.asl file 6612ff8561 UefiCpuPkg: Extend measurement of microcode patches to TPM e910f076ad BaseTools: Fix the bug of --cmd-len build option 7935be0fbd IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore: ExtendedImageRevision was not printed. c095122d4b MdeModulePkg/PciBusDxe: Enumerator to check for RCiEP before looking for RP d463c56ddd MdeModulePkg: Replace with UFS_UNIT_DESC to fix timeout problem 45920941d9 MdeModulePkg: Refactoring UFS DME request and fix timing problem 13d9e8ec98 MdeModulePkg: Put off UFS HCS.DP checking to fix timing problem 079a58276b OvmfPkg/AmdSev/SecretPei: Mark SEV launch secret area as reserved 9dd14fc91c MdePkg: Add registers of boot partition feature 14a731096d UnitTestFrameworkPkg: CI YAML: Grant cmockery spell check exception 6062002bd5 MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Add break to handle invalid LBA0 in MBR 7438a85bf1 BaseTools: Fix wrong variable header size c712ce2bb1 OvmfPkg/CloudHv: Add new target for Cloud Hypervisor a2da72b2ca OvmfPkg/CloudHv: Replace legacy 8254 PIT with local APIC timer 6ecdda71fe OvmfPkg/CloudHv: Connect serial console 1552050ce7 OvmfPkg/CloudHv: Remove legacy 8259 PIC support fdcea7ff6f OvmfPkg/CloudHv: Remove Q35 specifics 71082d3d1b OvmfPkg/CloudHv: Reduce dependency on QemuFwCfg 196be601f9 OvmfPkg/CloudHv: Remove video support 7b6cbe0a81 OvmfPkg/CloudHv: Remove USB support e73d1bf96a OvmfPkg/CloudHv: Remove CSM support b66056ef21 OvmfPkg/CloudHv: add Maintainers.txt entry 5302bd81d9 OvmfPkg: Add CloudHvX64 to the CI 59c48c9314 UefiPayloadPkg: Change the user interface name of the Uiapp 5801910013 UefiPayloadPkg: Not use BaseCpuTimerLib by default. 772c5bb8dc FmpDevicePkg/FmpDxe: Update FmpDeviceCheckImageWithStatus() handling 7709988dd8 RedfishPkg/RedfishRestExDxe:Simplify status check 21320ef669 MdeModulePkg/Variable: Make only EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE invalid 7e5c603cba MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Robust improvements for SD card 1.8V switch ee67067f17 MdeModulePkg: VariableSmmRuntimeDxe: Fix Variable Policy Message Length 5b39832e18 MdePkg: MmCommunication2: Update MM communicate2 function description ce37f45955 ArmPkg: MmCommunicationDxe: MM communicate function argument attributes 541a077bd1 ArmPkg: MmCommunicationDxe: Update MM communicate `CommBuffer * *` checks 1aa1ec4574 ArmPkg: MmCommunicationDxe: Update MM communicate `CommSize` check 8cc5590eab ArmPkg: MmCommunicationDxe: Update MM communicate `MessageLength` check 6777e67383 EmbeddedPkg: Fix a build error in FwVol.c in X64 arch a867f3a704 UefiPayloadPkg: Use BaseCpuTimerLib for Universal Payload by default f4b7b473b4 MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: Convert BmLoadOption to Variable Policy 76b3d45b75 ShellPkg: Add the missing VariablePolicyHelperLib in ShellPkg.dsc 8542fc5f95 NetworkPkg: Add the missing VariablePolicyHelperLib in NetworkPkg.dsc ae35314e7b Maintainers.txt: Add Sami Mujawar as reviewer for ArmPkg 862ea6e836 OvmfPkg: change qemu default resolution to 1280x800 e95b44c90e ArmVirtPkg: change qemu default resolution to 1280x800 929804b172 OvmfPkg: add PcdVideoResolutionSource 7f25ddbc03 OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: simplify InitializeBochsGraphicsMode 336da55ca8 OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: drop QEMU_VIDEO_BOCHS_MODES->ColorDepth 55c05427b9 OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: factor out QemuVideoBochsAddMode 49a2d8cbf5 OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: parse edid blob, detect display resolution ba79becd55 OvmfPkg/BaseCachingPciExpressLib: Migrate BaseCachingPciExpressLib 103fa647d1 ArmPkg: Replace CoreId and ClusterId with Mpidr in ARM_CORE_INFO struct 742dafd2cc DynamicTablesPkg: Print specifier macro for CM_OBJECT_ID 13136cc311 DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParserLib: Parse Pmu info 5751d60821 DynamicTablesPkg: AmlLib: AmlAddPrtEntry() to handle GSI 5816bd3eab DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm: Remove link device generation dc1118fa0d ArmVirtPkg: Add cspell exceptions 0dbd356983 ArmVirtPkg/Kvmtool: Add DSDT ACPI table 312ef7a0a4 ArmVirtPkg/Kvmtool: Add Configuration Manager 17a02163bd ArmVirtPkg/Kvmtool: Enable ACPI support 5b3c682d91 ArmVirtPkg/Kvmtool: Enable Acpiview 017564d637 ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: avoid EL0 accessible mappings 45b1612659 DynamicTablesPkg: Add Memory32Fixed function 007a95055b DynamicTablesPkg: Remove redundant cast in AmlCodeGenReturn 33189f0527 DynamicTablesPkg: Add AmlCodeGenMethodRetInteger function a4b7aa362d MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/PciBusDxe: Support platform PCI ROM override 6fb09da89f ShellPkg: Fix incorrect PPTT FlagName dereference c09dbc92e9 BaseTools/Conf: Add new macro for customizing dll file reduction. d4ac53aa91 BaseTools: Fix error leg in DscBuildData.py f78b937c95 MdeModulePkg/RuntimeDxe: clear mVirtualMapMaxIndex 96b8b5fd10 MdeModulePkg/UiApp: Fix spelling of \'FRONTPAGE\' bd676f080a Maintainers.txt: add missing github IDs to OvmfPkf/Fdt reviewers 1f54eaa725 Maintainers.txt: update email for Leif Lindholm b360b0b589 Maintainers.txt: Update email address c9b7c6e0cc BaseTools: Update CLANG{35,38}_WARNING_OVERRIDES to ignore unused vars 42af706dfb BaseTools: Update brotli submodule 1193aa2dfb MdeModulePkg: update brotli submodule 85589ddbf6 OvmfPkg/VmgExitLib: Fix uninitialized variable warning with XCODE5 c28e376edc OvmfPkg/FvbServicesSmm: use the VmgExitLibNull 8a57673316 ShellPkg: Fix Ping GetTimerPeriod API failure b24306f15d NetworkPkg: Fix incorrect unicode string of the AKM/Cipher Suite- Add amd-sev-es to the following descriptors because James Fehlig tested them (bsc#1196879): 60-ovmf-x86_64.json 60-ovmf-x86_64-2m.json 60-ovmf-x86_64-ms.json 60-ovmf-x86_64-2m-ms.json- Backported patches in ovmf-bsc1196879-sev-fix.patch for fixing SEV: de463163d9 OvmfPkg/AmdSev: reserve snp pages 63c50d3ff2 OvmfPkg/ResetVector: cache the SEV status MSR value in workarea f1d1c337e7 OvmfPkg/BaseMemEncryptLib: use the SEV_STATUS MSR value from workarea * Thu Feb 17 2022 Bernhard Wiedemann - Sort file lists for reproducible build results * Mon Jan 03 2022 Joey Lee - Modified gdb_uefi.py.in for python3 (bsc#1192126) - change \'long\' to \'int\' - using print (\' instead of print \" * Thu Dec 23 2021 jleeAATTsuse.com- Removed useless patch files because they are merged to edk2-stable202111 - ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-Fix-build-with-QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe.patch - ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-add-QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe.patch - ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-set-PcdAcpiS3Enable-at-initializatio.patch- Updated URL to the edk2 repo on github- Use downloaded edk2-edk2-stable%{version}.tar.gz instead of the URL for Source0 because the edk2-edk2-stable202111 tarball is broken in tianocore repo which can not pass the \"osc service runall download_files\" testing. - We ill change it back to the following setting when upstream fixed tarball: Source0: https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/releases/download/edk2-stable%{version}/edk2-edk2-stable%{version}.tar.gz * Tue Dec 21 2021 Joey Lee - Update to edk2-stable202111 - Features (https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/releases): Add SSDT CPU topology generator Support ACPI 6.4 in GTDT parser and generator Support ACPI 6.4 in DynamicTables FADT parser Support ACPI 6.4 in Acpiview PCCT parser Support ACPI 6.4 in Acpiview HMAT parser Add support for the microvm machine type (qemu) OVMF/ArmVirt: add support for virtio-mmio 1.0 IntelFsp2Pkg: adopt FSP 2.3 specification UefiCpuPkg VTF0 X64: Build page tables using Linear-Address Translation to a 1-GByte Page Enable wildcard host name matching in HTTPS/TLS implementation Add QuickSort function into BaseLib Add SMM NV variable support in universal UEFI payload Add TDVF to OvmfPkg Make package and platform builds reproducible across source format changes - Patches (git log --oneline --reverse edk2-stable202108~..edk2-stable202111): 7b4a99be8a CryptoPkg: BaseCryptLib fix incorrect param order 82f7e315d6 MdeModulePkg/PeiCore: Remove MigrateSecModulesInFv() 8b15024dc7 Maintainers: Add kraxel as Reviewer to ArmVirtPkg and OvmfPkg 80e67af9af OvmfPkg: introduce a common work area ab77b6031b OvmfPkg/ResetVector: update SEV support to use new work area format b9af5037b2 OvmfPkg/ResetVector: move the GHCB page setup in AmdSev.asm a82bad9730 ArmPkg/GicV3Dxe: Don\'t signal EOI on arbitrary interrupts 94e465e5cb OvmfPkg/Virtio10: Add virtio-mmio 1.0 defines 08293e43da OvmfPkg/VirtioMmioDeviceLib: Add virtio 1.0 detection. 212a2b9bb8 OvmfPkg/VirtioMmioDeviceLib: virtio 1.0: Fix SetPageSize. 537a724421 OvmfPkg/VirtioMmioDeviceLib: virtio 1.0: Fix SetQueueAddress 6a3e9576b8 OvmfPkg/VirtioMmioDeviceLib: virtio 1.0: Add default QueueNum ae12188cf8 OvmfPkg/VirtioMmioDeviceLib: virtio 1.0: Adapt feature bit handling 77d5fa8024 OvmfPkg/VirtioMmioDeviceLib: enable virtio 1.0 b04453d36b MdeModulePkg/EbcDxe: Mitigate memcpy intrinsics dc995ce906 MdeModulePkg: Add BootDiscoveryPolicyOld variable. 443300be46 MdePkg:Update IndustryStandard/Nvme.h with Nvme amdin controller data 0f11537548 MdeModulePkg:Increase Nvme capacity display cae735f613 ArmPkg: Enable boot discovery policy for ARM package. cb0d24637d OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: set PcdAcpiS3Enable at initialization 28152333bc OvmfPkg/LockBoxLib: use PcdAcpiS3Enable to detect S3 support 52e2dabc0f OvmfPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: use PcdAcpiS3Enable to detect S3 support 5b5f10d746 OvmfPkg/SmmControl2Dxe: use PcdAcpiS3Enable to detect S3 support 9f3eda177a OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: add QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe f0fe55bca4 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the build error when enable Core ci for UefiPayloadPkg 5d34cc49d5 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Update mPatchCetSupported set condition cdda3f74a1 UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry: Fix memory corruption 3b3f882288 MdeModulePkg/PiSmmCore: Drop deprecated image profiling commands b170806518 UefiCpuPkg: Clean up save state boundary checks and comments. 12e33dca4c IntelFsp2Pkg: Support Config File and Binary delta comparison 63fddc98e0 UefiPayloadPkg: Create .yaml file in UefiPayloadPkg e3ee8c8dbd .azurepipelines: Add UefiPayloadPkg in gate-build-job.yml and CISetting.py b6bc203375 MdeModulePkg/HiiDatabaseDxe:remove dead code block c5e805ffe1 MdeModulePkg: Fix typo of \"memory\" in RamDiskDxe debug message 81d71fb86e Maintainers.txt: Update maintainer/reviewer roles in MdeModulePkg edf8bc6d24 SecurityPkg/MemoryOverwriteControl: Add missing argument to DEBUG print 4473834e7d OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: Fix build with QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe a7cf2c5664 RedfishPkg: Fix various typos 851785ea67 UefiPayloadPkg: Include more modules in UefiPayloadPkg. d248516b3a UefiPayloadPkg: Include Network modules in UefiPayloadPkg. 6c7d6d4a5e UefiCpuPkg: ResetVector Tool Support for Python 3 cf7c650592 UefiCpuPkg: ResetVector Tool additional debug prints d96df7e993 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the bug in dump guid HOB info functions dcd3d63f4f UefiPayloadPkg: Dump hob info from gEdkiiBootManagerMenuFileGuid 610d8073f2 SecurityPkg/TPM: Import PeiDxeTpmPlatformHierarchyLib.c from edk2-platforms 4d5f39cd22 SecurityPkg/TPM: Fix bugs in imported PeiDxeTpmPlatformHierarchyLib ebbc8ab2cd SecrutiyPkg/Tcg: Import Tcg2PlatformDxe from edk2-platforms 2906e572c6 SecurityPkg/Tcg: Make Tcg2PlatformDxe buildable and fix style issues f108178c56 SecurityPkg: Introduce new PCD PcdRandomizePlatformHierarchy a4867dea2a SecurityPkg/Tcg: Import Tcg2PlatformPei from edk2-platforms 2fa89c8e11 SecurityPkg/Tcg: Make Tcg2PlatformPei buildable and fix style issues 3b69fcf5f8 SecurityPkg: Add references to header and inf files to SecurityPkg 6c80564b89 MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei: Fix typo in function descriptions 6f501a7c9b MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei: Make migrated PEIM message verbose c19d18136e MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei: Fix pointer size mismatch in EvacuateTempRam() f4e72cf9d6 UefiPayloadPkg: Add script to build UniversalPayload in UefiPayloadPkg bda3546c55 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the warning when building UefiPayloadPkg with IA32+X64 010753b7e7 UefiCpuPkg: Refactor initialization of CPU features during S3 resume 89f7ed8b29 UefiCpuPkg: Prevent from re-initializing CPU features during S3 resume 60d8bb9f28 UefiCpuPkg: VTF0 Linear-Address Translation to a 1-GByte Page till 512GB ac6388add4 ArmPkg/ProcessorSubClassDxe: Fix the format of ProcessorId e3e47d7963 UefiCpuPkg: SecCoreNative without ResetVector 542cba73d2 SecurityPkg: Add debug log for indicating IBB verified OBB successfully f334c5a41d IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Make PcdFspModeSelection dynamic 79019c7a42 OvmfPkg: set a default value for the WorkAreaHeader PCD fdeff3fdae EmbeddedPkg: Remove duplicate libfdt.h include f2a7e24e38 EmbeddedPkg: AndroidBootImgBoot error handling updates c0cd26f43c EmbeddedPkg: Install FDT if UpdateDtb is not present 7ea7f9c077 EmbeddedPkg: Add LoadFile2 for linux initrd d60915b751 UefiPayloadPkg: Add Macro to enable or disable some drivers. 46b4606ba2 MdeModulePkg/PciBusDxe: Improve the flow of testing support attributes f57040b038 MdeModulePkg/BootManagerMenuApp: Limit string drawing within one line b0f1b1c5fd MdePkg: Fix DEVICE_SECURITY_EVENT_DATA_HEADER version definition cc5a67269e UefiPayloadPkg: Build a HOB from bootloader ACPI table dc430ccf3f UefiPayloadPkg: Use dummy constructor for PlatformHookLib 4a1899dd79 UefiPayloadPkg: Add \".upld_info\" in universal payload 2ea0a0a414 BaseTools: Switch to downloading the ARM compiler from Arm\'s site 1ce6ceb75b BaseTools: Switch to downloading the AARCH64 compiler from Arm\'s site c214128a38 BaseTools/GenMake: Use ToolDefinition as fallback option 259c184c8f BaseTools/build: Set MakefileName 445c39f757 BaseTools: Remove Makefile/MakefileName fields c7d5b046d9 BaseTools: Remove hard-coded strings for target and tools_def 442e46d3b6 UefiPayloadPkg: Update maximum logic processor to 256 499c4608b1 OvmfPkg/TPM PPI: Connect default consoles for user interaction b8675deaa8 OvmfPkg: Handle TPM 2 physical presence opcodes much earlier 8ab8fbc016 OvmfPkg: Reference new Tcg2PlatformDxe in the build system for compilation bd298d7593 OvmfPkg: Reference new Tcg2PlatformPei in the build system f86de75862 MdePkg: MmCommunication: Added definition of MM Communication PPI 8b4bb94f64 MdePkg: CI YAML: Added new GUID to ignore duplicate list 9e950cda6a MdeModulePkg: CI YAML: Added new GUID to ignore duplicate list 2273799677 SecurityPkg: Fix SecureBootDefaultKeysDxe failed to start 422e5d2f7f UefiPayloadPkg: Remove asm code and sharing libraries 0875443f7e DynamicTablesPkg: Extract AcpiHelperLib from TableHelperLib 20775950c6 DynamicTablesPkg: Update TableHelperLib.inf 1ad5182500 DynamicTablesPkg: Rename single char input parameter 653113412f DynamicTablesPkg: Add HexFromAscii() to AcpiHelperLib 72ab552554 DynamicTablesPkg: Add AmlGetEisaIdFromString() to AcpiHelperLib 96e006b37e DynamicTablesPkg: Add Configuration Manager Object parser 235ff9fcd1 DynamicTablesPkg: Use %a formatter in AmlDbgPrint 7a8c037e9e DynamicTablesPkg: Update DynamicTablesPkg.ci.yaml 691c5f7762 DynamicTablesPkg: Deprecate Crs specific methods in AmlLib 22873f58c4 DynamicTablesPkg: Rework AmlResourceDataCodegen.c/h 4cc1458dbe IntelFsp2Pkg: Adopt FSP 2.3 specification. c49cb8f30e ArmPkg: SmbiosMiscDxe: Don\'t populate ExtendedBiosSize when size < 16MB 282122ec5f ArmVirtPkg/TPM: Add a NULL implementation of TpmPlatformHierarchyLib b3685956d2 ArmVirtPkg: Reference new TPM classes in the build system for compilation c806b76865 ArmVirtPkg: Disable the TPM2 platform hierarchy 606340fba3 OvmfPkg/Microvm: copy OvmfPkgX64 files as-is 4932f05a00 OvmfPkg/Microvm: rename output files, fix includes 2a49c19b9e OvmfPkg/Microvm: no smm 60d55c4156 OvmfPkg/Microvm: no secure boot 0569c52b15 OvmfPkg/Microvm: no tpm 06fa1f1931 OvmfPkg/Microvm: no sev 6073bf6cd8 OvmfPkg/Microvm: no csm b9dd64b80e OvmfPkg/Microvm: no emulated scsi 27de86ae41 OvmfPkg/Microvm: use MdePkg/Library/SecPeiDxeTimerLibCpu 76602f45dc OvmfPkg/Microvm: use XenTimerDxe (lapic timer) 6a8e9ad24b OvmfPkg/Microvm: PlatformPei/MemDetect tweaks 8583b57c5c OvmfPkg/Microvm: PlatformPei/Platform memory map tweaks bf02d73e74 OvmfPkg/Microvm: PlatformPei/Platform: add id. 1d3e89f349 OvmfPkg/ResetSystemLib: add driver for microvm 2c467c9be2 OvmfPkg/Microvm: BdsPlatform: PciAcpiInitialization tweak. 8456785986 OvmfPkg/Microvm: use PciHostBridgeLibNull 55f47d2299 OvmfPkg/Microvm: wire up serial console, drop super-io 862e814de4 OvmfPkg/Microvm: add Maintainers.txt entry 06a326caf1 DynamicTablesPkg: Update FADT generator to ACPI 6.4 f09dbf20b9 DynamicTablesPkg: Rename SBSA generic watchdog 942c9bd357 ShellPkg: Update Acpiview GTDT parser to ACPI 6.4 80e67bcb23 ShellPkg: Update Acpiview PCCT parser to ACPI 6.4 b4da6c29f1 ShellPkg: Add Type 5 PCC Subspace Structure parser 5ece2ad36c MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe: Add lock protection in CoreLocateHandleBuffer() 30400318a2 ShellPkg: Update Acpiview HMAT parser to ACPI spec version 6.4 71c3c9c0c4 DynamicTablesPkg: Remove unnecessary includes 25cf58a163 DynamicTablesPkg: Add missing parameter check bfaf7c8b9e DynamicTablesPkg: Add AddSsdtAcpiHeader() 28b2df475f DynamicTablesPkg: Add AmlRdSetEndTagChecksum() 74addfeab6 DynamicTablesPkg: Add AmlSetRdListCheckSum() 7b2022d39e DynamicTablesPkg: Set EndTag\'s Checksum if RdList is modified 2dd7dd3952 DynamicTablesPkg: Clear pointer in node creation fcts 37bd08176c DynamicTablesPkg: Update error handling for node creation 6d2777d85f DynamicTablesPkg: Make AmlNodeGetIntegerValue public f995f8672b DynamicTablesPkg: AML Code generation for Register() 9454d1ebcb DynamicTablesPkg: AML Code generation for Resource data EndTag 1e33479b39 DynamicTablesPkg: AML code generation for a Package 12e65fd258 DynamicTablesPkg: Helper function to compute package length ce15936f2f DynamicTablesPkg: AML code generation for a ResourceTemplate de62ccbf4f DynamicTablesPkg: AML code generation for a Method e2d7b4950b DynamicTablesPkg: AML code generation to Return a NameString 3e958e93ce DynamicTablesPkg: AML code generation for a Method returning a NS 018a962d92 DynamicTablesPkg: AML code generation for a _LPI object a5e36ad9bc DynamicTablesPkg: AML code generation to add an _LPI state f17ef10e63 DynamicTablesPkg: Add CM_ARM_LPI_INFO object 769e63999f DynamicTablesPkg: SSDT CPU topology and LPI state generator 19ee56c4b3 UefiPayloadPkg: Add a macro to select the SecurityStubDxe driver. 782d018703 MdePkg: Add ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA4677 from SMBIOS 3.5.0 ba4ae92234 ShellPkg: Support ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA4677 from SMBIOS 3.5.0 f22feb0e3b CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Eliminate extra buffer copy in Pkcs7Verify() 4225a464c6 MdePkg/BaseLib: Add QuickSort function on BaseLib 6ed6abd6c1 BaseTools: Change RealPath to AbsPath 978d428ec3 UefiPayloadPkg: Add PCI root bridge info hob support for SBL 43b3840873 MdeModulePkg/Sd: Corrections for Extra.uni files a7fcab7aa3 MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe: Acquire a lock when iterating gHandleList e40fefafa9 ArmVirtPkg/FdtClintDxe: Move FdtClientDxe to EmbeddedPkg fb759b8b73 MdePkg: Add PcdPciIoTranslation PCD 7d78a86ecf ArmPkg: Use PcdPciIoTranslation PCD from MdePkg 77e9b3a7c6 ArmVirtPkg/FdtPciPcdProducerLib: Relocate PciPcdProducerLib to OvmfPkg d881c6ddf5 ArmVirtPkg/HighMemDxe: Relocate HighMemDxe to OvmfPkg 47bd85e9f9 OvmfPkg/HighMemDxe: Add RISC-V in the supported arch. f8d0501ded ArmVirtPkg/QemuFwCfgLib: Relocate QemuFwCfgLib to OvmfPkg 26aa241d2f OvmfPkg/QemuFwCfgLibMmio: Add RISC-V arch support c6770f4b88 MdePkg: Add PcdPciMmio32(64)Translation PCDs 9a7509e465 ArmVirtPkg/FdtPciHostBridgeLib: Relocate FdtPciHostBridgeLib to OvmfPkg/Fdt b21c6794de OvmfPkg/FdtPciHostBridgeLib: Add RISC-V in the supported arch. e0c23cba5e ArmVirtPkg/VirtioFdtDxe: Relocate VirtioFdtDxe to OvmfPkg/Fdt f2400e06db BaseTools: add edk2-test repo to SetupGit.py 785cfd3305 UefiPayloadPkg: Use SECURITY_STUB_ENABLE to control the SecurityStubDxe 7e43d3e086 ArmPkg/Smbios: Fix max cache size 2 wrong issue f10a112f08 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the build issue for coreboot 2108698346 StandaloneMmPkg: Support CLANGPDB builds 11a4af85a4 Ovmfpkg: update Ia32 build to use new work area 36b561623a OvmfPkg/AmdSev: update the fdf to use new workarea PCD 91a978ce7e UefiPayloadPkg: Replace MEMROY_ENTRY by MEMORY_ENTRY 6ef5797447 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix ECC reported issues 90246a6d9f UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the build failure for non-universal payload 37a33f02aa UefiCpuPkg: Cpu feature data stored in memory may be migrated 4fdf843c75 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix unitialized variable use 6893865b30 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix void pointer arithmetic 99325a8b65 MdeModulePkg/SortLib: Add QuickSort function on BaseLib 305fd6bee0 UefiCpuPkg/CpuCacheInfoLib: Add QuickSort function on BaseLib 2f286930a8 ShellPkg: Parse I/O APIC and x2APIC structure bd5ec03d87 NetworkPkg/HttpBootDxe: make file extension check case-insensitive 6254037223 ArmPkg: Implement PlatformBootManagerLib for LinuxBoot f079e9b450 OvmfPkg: Copy Main.asm from UefiCpuPkg to OvmfPkg\'s ResetVector 5a2411784b OvmfPkg: Clear WORK_AREA_GUEST_TYPE in Main.asm c9ec74a198 OvmfPkg: Add IntelTdxMetadata.asm 8b76f23534 OvmfPkg: Enable TDX in ResetVector 87a34ca0cf UefiPayloadPkg: Add a common SmmAccessDxe module e7e8ea27d4 UefiPayloadPkg: Add a common SMM control Runtime DXE module bed990aae6 UefiPayloadPkg: Add bootloader SMM support module 1d66480aa4 UefiPayloadPkg: Add SpiFlashLib 04714cef46 UefiPayloadPkg: Add FlashDeviceLib ae8acce8ae UefiPayloadPkg: Add a common FVB SMM module 242dcfe30f UefiPayloadPkg: Add a SMM dispatch module b80c17b62d UefiPayloadPkg: Add SMM support and SMM variable support 2f6f3329ad FmpDevicePkg/FmpDxe: Use new Variable Lock interface 9a95d11023 IntelFsp2Pkg/SplitFspBin.py: adopt FSP 2.3 specification. bb146ce32d MdePkg Cpuid.h: Define CPUID.(EAX=7,ECX=0):EDX[30] 1bc232aae3 RedfishPkg: Update link to staging/RedfishClientPkg in Readme.md e7663fdd82 UefiPayloadPkg: Remove SystemTableInfo GUID. 91b772ab62 RedfishPkg: Add more information to Readme.md c8594a5311 SecurityPkg/FvReportPei: Remove the ASSERT to allow neither M nor V 939c2355da IntelFsp2Pkg SplitFspBin.py: Correct file name in file header 6f9e83f757 NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Enable wildcard host name matching for HTTP+TLS. b258f12889 BaseTools/VrfCompile: Fix uninitialized field from unnamed field 0f4cdad25b DynamicTablesPkg: Add missing BaseStackCheckLib instance e13e53cb2f NetworkPkg/NetworkPkg.dsc: Add RngLib mapping for ARM and RISCV64 c1f2287635 SecurityPkg/SecurityPkg.dsc: Add missing RngLib for ARM and RISCV64 b0a03ca4a9 SignedCapsulePkg/SignedCapsulePkg.dsc: Add RngLib mapping 15e635d1b5 UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib/UnitTest: Fix 32-bit GCC build issues 4050c873b5 MdeModulePkg/Variable/RuntimeDxeUnitTest: Fix 32-bit GCC builds d79df34beb BaseTools: Fix StructurePcd offset error. b5d4a35d90 MdeModulePkg/XhciSched: Fix missing DEBUG arguments 48452993ad MdePkg/Include: Enhance DebugLib to support reproduce builds 5948ec3647 MdePkg: Reproduce builds across source format changes f331310a10 ArmPkg: Reproduce builds across source format changes 77dcd03ecf MdeModulePkg: Reproduce builds across source format changes 45137bca2f NetworkPkg: Reproduce builds across source format changes d939a25d41 SecurityPkg: Reproduce builds across source format changes fd42dcb1fc OvmfPkg: Reproduce builds across source format changes 8c1b1fe634 ShellPkg: Add comment that ItemPtr is set after validation d6e6337cd6 MdePkg: Fix ACPI memory aggregator/device type mismatch c974257821 MdeModulePkg AtaAtapiPassThru: Always do S.M.A.R.T. check if device support aab6bb3d32 MdeModulePkg/DxeCapsuleLibFmp: Capsule on Disk file name capsule a7b35aae13 MdeModulePkg\\UfsBlockIoPei: UFS MMIO address size support both 32/64 bits f826b20811 UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuLib: Add GetCpuFamilyModel and GetCpuSteppingId 8c8867c5da MdeModulePkg/DxeCapsuleLibFmp: Use new Variable Lock interface 22c3b5a865 BaseTools: Add authenticated variable store support a92559671a OvmfPkg/Xen: Fix VS2019 build issues 4c495e5e3d OvmfPkg/Bhyve/PlatformPei: Fix VS2019 X64 NOOPT build issue 466ebdd2e0 MdeModulePkg/FPDT: Lock boot performance table address variable at EndOfDxe 455b0347a7 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Use SMM Interrupt Shadow Stack e1e7306b54 OvmfPkg/Library/ResetSystemLib: Fix Microvm VS2019 NOOPT build issue 4c7ce0d285 MdeModulePkg AtaAtapiPassThru: Skip the potential NULL pointer access bb1bba3d77 NetworkPkg: Fix invalid pointer for DNS response token on error - Removed patches which are merged to mainline: - ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-set-PcdAcpiS3Enable-at-initializatio.patch to fix the S3 detection in ovmf-xen - cb0d24637d edk2-stable202111-rc1~220 - ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-add-QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe.patch to add QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe to ovmf-xen to load kernel from qemu fw_cfg - 9f3eda177a edk2-stable202111-rc1~216 - ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-Fix-build-with-QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe.patch - 4473834e7d edk2-stable202111-rc1~203 - The edk2-stable202111 includes the following patches for bsc#1192126 to fix unlimited reset. (bsc#1192126) 80e67af9af OvmfPkg: introduce a common work area ab77b6031b OvmfPkg/ResetVector: update SEV support to use new work area format b9af5037b2 OvmfPkg/ResetVector: move the GHCB page setup in AmdSev.asm * Wed Dec 08 2021 jleeAATTsuse.com- For preparing push to SLE15-SP4, add more notes: - Drop upstreamed ovmf-jscSLE-16075-SEV-ES-fixes.patch from 15-SP4 - All patches in the above big patch are in edk2-stable202011 - Some changes in ovmf.spec file of 15-SP4: - brotli-v1.0.7-17-g666c328-c.tar.xz and \"add brotli\" section be removed because ovmf-disable-brotli.patch. - Using %{_prefix} instead of /usr hard code. - Redundant %defattr(-,root,root) are removed. - BuildRoot be removed because factory doesn\'t have it. - Sync some differences in the change log between 15-SP3 with openSUSE TW since \"Wed Jan 24 06:31:21 UTC 2018\": - Add TLS and IPv6 supports for ArmVirtQemu. - ovmf-bsc1119454-additional-scsi-drivers.patch to support more SCSI drivers (PvScsi, MptScsi, and LsiScsi) (bsc#1119454) - already in edk2-stable202008 - Drop the build requirement of python2 * Mon Dec 06 2021 Guillaume GARDET - cross-i386-binutils and cross-i386-gcc have been dropped from Factory, so use only cross-x86_64- * - boo#1193424 * Fri Dec 03 2021 jleeAATTsuse.com- Merge the difference from SLE for pushing back to SLE15-SP4 - Add/Update 50-xen-hvm-x86_64.json in descriptors.tar.xz - Add the json descriptor for xen-hvm (bsc#1180050) - Add \"nvram-template\" and change the firmware file to ovmf-x86_64-ms-4m.bin (bsc#1180050, bsc#1181264) - The following patches in SLE are already in edk2-edk2-stable202108 in factory, so they will be removed from 15-SP4 - ovmf-bsc1177789-cryptopkg-fix-null-dereference.patch to fix the potential NULL dereference in AuthenticodeVerify() (bsc#1177789, CVE-2019-14584) - 26442d11e620a9 edk2-stable202011~124 - ovmf-bsc1180079-amd-sev-es-mitigation.patch to mitigate the potential AMD SEV-ES security issues (bsc#1180079) - a91b700e385e74 edk2-stable202102~181 - ovmf-jscSLE-16075-SEV-ES-use-physical-address.patch as the follow-up patch for SEV-ES to fix the flash writing (jsc#SLE-16075) - 3a3501862f7309 edk2-stable202102~105 - ovmf-bsc1183578-lzma-catch-4GB.patch to fix the possible heap corruption (bsc#1183578, CVE-2021-28211) - e7bd0dd26db7e5 edk2-stable202011~7 - ovmf-bsc1183579-fix-fv-recursion.patch to fix unlimited FV recursion (bsc#1183579, CVE-2021-28210) - b9bdfc72853fe9 edk2-stable202011~9 - Add ovmf-bsc1186151-fix-iscsi-overflows.patch to fix the possible overflows in IScsiDxe (bsc#1186151) - 83761337ec91fb edk2-stable202108-rc0~171 * Mon Nov 08 2021 Guillaume GARDET - Update rpmlintrc (fixes aarch64 build) * Tue Oct 26 2021 jleeAATTsuse.com- Removed patches which are merged to mainline: ovmf-bsc1186151-fix-iscsi-overflows.patch ovmf-xen-relocate-shared_info_page-map.patch- Removed patches because replaced: ovmf-fix-xen-s3-detection.patch -> ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-set-PcdAcpiS3Enable-at-initializatio.patch ovmf-xen-add-qemu-kernel-loader-fs.patch -> ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-add-QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe.patch * Fri Oct 22 2021 jleeAATTsuse.com- Removed edk2-stable202105.tar.gz because we updated to edk2-stable202108 * Thu Oct 14 2021 jleeAATTsuse.com- Update to edk2-stable202108 - Features (https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/releases): OvmfPkg: remove Xen support from OvmfPkg *.dsc, in favor of OvmfXen.dsc Add CLANGDWARF toolchain for generating ELF+DWARF NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: remotely exploitable buffer overflows NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: add sha256 support to CHAP Create header files and multiple Hobs for Universal Payload Add search feature in config editor Add additional build option to treat Dynamic Pcd as DynamicEx Pcd Add a new MicrocodeLib for microcode loading Implement key enrolment from default key variables StandaloneMm support for 32bit Arm machines Add firmware support for Cloud Hypervisor on arm64 Support architecture-specific openssl acceleration Support measured AMD SEV boot with kernel/initrd/cmdline Add ACPI 6.4 header Add new BootDiscoveryPolicyUiLib - Patches (git log --oneline --reverse edk2-stable202105~..edk2-stable202108): e1999b264f ArmPkg/ArmGic: Fix maximum number of interrupts in GICv3 b8ed8c0fb2 Maintainers.txt: add Sami Mujawar as top-level ArmVirtPkg reviewer dbc22a1785 UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Allocate a separate SEV-ES AP reset stack area 0095070e70 MdePkg/Register/Amd: expand the SEV MSR to include the SNP definition f828fc9876 MdePkg/Register/Amd: realign macros with more space for future expansion 34e16ff883 MdePkg/Register/Amd: define GHCB macros for hypervisor feature detection f0983b2074 MdePkg/Register/Amd: define GHCB macro for Register GPA structure 4665fa6503 MdePkg/Register/Amd: define GHCB macro for the Page State Change dfd41aef78 MdePkg/Register/Amd: define GHCB macros for SNP AP creation 5a7cbd54a1 MdePkg/BaseLib: add support for PVALIDATE instruction 2b5b2ff04d MdePkg/BaseLib: add support for RMPADJUST instruction 901a9bfc3a OvmfPkg/BaseMemEncryptSevLib: introduce MemEncryptSevClearMmioPageEncMask() c394fa4c9e OvmfPkg/AmdSevDxe: use MemEncryptSevClearMmioPageEncMask() to clear EncMask 8ee4e52ba8 OvmfPkg/QemuFlashFvbServicesRuntimeDxe: use Mmio helper to clear enc mask b4a8de5d27 OvmfPkg/TpmMmioSevDecryptPei: use MemEncryptSevClearMmioPageEncMask() adfa3327d4 OvmfPkg/BaseMemEncryptSevLib: remove Flush parameter fe5da0927a IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Remove microcode related PCDs d3ff5dbe1d MdePkg: MmControl: Fix function and structure definition mismatches 197e27c90a MdePkg: Add new 16550-compatible Serial Port Subtypes to DBG2 fdf3666f01 MdePkg: Update DBG2 and SPCR header with NVIDIA 16550 Subtype b233eb1849 EmbeddedPkg/RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe: Improve GetWakeupTime b5379899b3 MdeModulePkg/Xhci: Fix TRT when data length is 0 039e07f626 MdePkg/MdeModulePkg: Move AML_NAME_SEG_SIZE definition 1f515342d8 DynamicTablesPkg: Use AML_NAME_SEG_SIZE define 75e9154f81 OvmfPkg/VirtioMmioDeviceLib: Add EFIAPI to VirtioMmioSetQueueAddress c410ad4da4 MdePkg/BaseLib: Fix AsmReadSs() with GCC toolchain c1aa3bab12 BaseTools: Add ClangBase.lds for CLANG8 tool chain with max-page-size c6b872c6ab BaseTools GenFw: Support CLANG8ELF with conversion ELF to PE/COFF image cf9959adff BaseTools: Update build_rule to skip CLANG resource section generation 4b56ad2049 BaseTools: Add new CLANG8ELF tool chain for new LLVM/CLANG8 e1636fe18f BaseTools: Update ClangBase.lds to keep dynamic section 924c2b847f BaseTools: Change CLANG8ELF to CLANGDWARF e25566cd2b OvmfPkg: remove the Xen drivers from the IA32, IA32X64, and X64 platforms aa7f19f480 OvmfPkg: remove the Xen drivers from the AmdSev platform 7bc04a75a7 OvmfPkg: switch IA32, IA32X64, X64 to the fw_cfg-only ACPI platform driver d697037446 OvmfPkg: switch the AmdSev platform to the fw_cfg-only ACPI platform driver ae4aa4a346 OvmfPkg/README: bump minimum QEMU version to 1.7.1, machine types to 1.7 2a85d9b07e OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: fix header file warts 180f1908b3 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: sort #includes and [LibraryClasses] 6d1e56e715 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe/QemuLoader.h: remove QemuFwCfgLib class dependency 747b1ef725 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: move \"QemuLoader.h\" to IndustryStandard cc302b799e OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: consolidate #includes and [LibraryClasses] c9bba52fc7 OvmfPkg/XenAcpiPlatformDxe: create from AcpiPlatformDxe a31fcb5096 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: remove the \"AcpiPlatformDxe.inf\" driver 4115840c28 OvmfPkg/XenAcpiPlatformDxe: remove the QEMU ACPI linker/loader client d6ba8aa6ef OvmfPkg/XenAcpiPlatformDxe: remove QEMU fw_cfg dependency 3f975ee570 OvmfPkg/XenAcpiPlatformDxe: remove the InstallAcpiTable() helper function 8f8d3d90c5 OvmfPkg/XenAcpiPlatformDxe: remove OVMF\'s built-in ACPI tables 4174c5c787 OvmfPkg/Bhyve/AcpiPlatformDxe: fix file path typo in comment d491c88a0c OvmfPkg/AcpiTables: remove unused module e7641171b6 OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: make \"PcdPciDisableBusEnumeration\" Fixed-at-Build 3357ac7380 OvmfPkg/XenAcpiPlatformDxe: remove delayed ACPI table installation d06eb2d1d9 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: remove Xen support 8899e3fe6a OvmfPkg: drop PcdPciDisableBusEnumeration from the IA32, IA32X64, X64 DSCs 2833589ad0 OvmfPkg: drop PcdPciDisableBusEnumeration from the AmdSev platform e43cca74ad OvmfPkg/Bhyve: make \"PcdPciDisableBusEnumeration\" Fixed-at-Build b005f9f1f5 OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: remove IncompatiblePciDeviceSupport DXE driver 8c8f886f27 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: remove IncompatiblePciDeviceSupport DXE driver 984c93ece3 OvmfPkg/IncompatiblePciDeviceSupportDxe: remove PcdPciDisableBusEnumeration 32fef03563 OvmfPkg/PciHostBridgeLib: consolidate #includes and INF file sections e120c962f5 OvmfPkg/PciHostBridgeLibScan: create from PciHostBridgeLib c2f24ba321 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: consume PciHostBridgeLibScan 307763c3da OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: consume PciHostBridgeLibScan 242678da2a OvmfPkg/PciHostBridgeLib: remove Bhyve and Xen support 33d4f3e39e OvmfPkg/PciHostBridgeLibScan: remove QEMU (fw_cfg) support 4c81178cf0 OvmfPkg/PciHostBridgeLibScan: remove PcdOvmfHostBridgePciDevId 8af38170b5 OvmfPkg/PciHostBridgeLibScan: clean up file names and file-top comments 7e25086a00 OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: clean up #includes and INF 5072593738 OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: return EFI_NOT_FOUND if there is no SMBIOS data 4db374562f OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: locate SMBIOS protocol in InstallAllStructures() a8ab14424e OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: split GetXenSmbiosTables() decl. to new header 9d84e74ca0 OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: declare InstallAllStructures() in header file d4a8aaee73 OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: create Xen-specific module INF file ce270905bf OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: split Xen entry point from QEMU entry point 51adb689e1 OvmfPkg: restrict XenPlatformLib to BdsDxe in the IA32, IA32X64, X64 DSCs ddb3fdbef3 BaseTools GenFw: Fix regression issue to convert the image to ACPI data 558d83ab1a OvmfPkg/README: Fix typo in README beb443fde0 ShellPkg: Fix typo 702ba436ed OvmfPkg/PlatformCI: bump QEMU choco package version to 2021.5.5 83761337ec NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: wrap IScsiCHAP source files to 80 characters 29cab43bb7 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: simplify \"ISCSI_CHAP_AUTH_DATA.InChallenge\" size 95616b8661 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: clean up \"ISCSI_CHAP_AUTH_DATA.OutChallengeLength\" e8f28b09e6 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: clean up library class dependencies cf01b2dc8f NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: fix potential integer overflow in IScsiBinToHex() d90fff40cb NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: assert that IScsiBinToHex() always succeeds dc469f1371 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: reformat IScsiHexToBin() leading comment block 47b76780b4 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: fix IScsiHexToBin() hex parsing 54e90edaed NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: fix IScsiHexToBin() buffer overflow b8649cf2a3 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: check IScsiHexToBin() return values 288bd74a22 Pytool: SpellCheck: Fix incorrect file mask across package matrices 1ad794b627 MdeModulePkg: Fix device path when boot manager menu is from different FV 11b1c1d4b9 SecurityPkg: TcgStorageOpalLib: Initialize SupportedAttributes parameter. d58016b768 UefiPayloadPkg: Get platform specific logic via protocol for BDS d8c18ba3f4 MdeModulePkg: Add Universal Payload general definition header file b597b6e24c MdeModulePkg: Add new structure for the PCI Root Bridge Info Hob 99de2e7e03 UefiPayloadPkg: UefiPayload retrieve PCI root bridge from Guid Hob 9d53e01efe MdeModulePkg: Add new structure for the Universal Payload SMBios Table Hob 70e8c9c3bc MdeModulePkg/Universal/SmbiosDxe: Scan for existing tables 302a8f353c UefiPayloadPkg: Create gUniversalPayloadSmbiosTableGuid Hob 75293330ea MdeModulePkg: Add new structure for the Universal Payload ACPI Table Hob 761329ee27 MdeModulePkg/ACPI: Install ACPI table from HOB. 8c0d678063 UefiPayloadPkg: Create gUniversalPayloadAcpiTableGuid Hob fa24b6ed26 UefiPayloadPkg: Use DynamicEx instead of Dynamic to pass PCD across binary c511426abe MdeModulePkg/UniversalPayload: Add definition for extra info in payload fe471d4a57 UefiPayloadPkg: Add PayloadLoaderPeim which can load ELF payload ab2b389e7a PeiCore: Remove assertion when failing to load PE image 1b380aa603 BaseTools GenFw: Keep read only alloc section as text when convert ELF 9cf9de668f StandaloneMmPkg: Core: Spelling error in comment 610385fa3b ArmPlatformPkg: SpellCheck: Switch spellcheck CI to AuditOnly 04ddd1271e ArmPkg: SpellCheck: Update valid acronyms in ExtendedWords cdf7544703 MdeModulePkg PciBusDxe: Increase the width of data read during oprom shadow 2847c72fda Maintainers.txt: Add Reviewers for Universal Payload definitions 1162ae8297 Maintainers.txt: Add reviewers for ACPI and SMBIOS modules a63914d3f6 ArmPkg: Move cache defs used in Universal/Smbios into ArmCache.h 6cfeeb71c4 UefiCpuPkg/CpuCommonFeaturesLib: Correct the CPU location check d9a7612f8d MdeModulePkg/BdsDxe: Update BdsEntry to use Variable Policy 5959879e92 ArmVirtPkg: Add PCIe host bridge utility lib for ArmVirtPkg 4dda0f7ab4 ArmVirtPkg: Enable PCIe support for Kvmtool 1e5e58d39b UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry: Improve bootloader memrange parsing 7471751a4d UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry: Remove 4GB memory WA 20ca528828 CryptoPkg: BaseCryptLib: Update Salt length requirement for RSA-PSS scheme. 18b2272e4d Azurepipeline: SpellCheck: Enforce Node dependency to use version 14.x eba32695ee CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Enabled CryptSha512 for Smm/Runtime drivers 12e34cd2f7 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: clean up TPM_ENABLE remnants 82f727c4af UefiPayloadPkg: Add HobLib for UniversalPayload ea0bd5f6a7 MdeModulePkg: Add new structure for the Universal Payload Serial Port Info a75c029f60 UefiPayloadPkg: Add a separate PlatformHookLib for Universal Payload d63595c3c9 UefiPayloadPkg: Update the function definition of HobConstructor 0ff6de9358 UefiPayloadPkg: Create separate Payload Entry for UniversalPayload b208d37c73 UefiPayloadPkg: Get and enter DxeCore for Universal Payload 27cb64fffc UefiPayloadPkg: Fix up UPL Pcd database 6b69f73b59 UefiPayloadPkg: Include UniversalPayLoad modules in UefiPayloadPkg.dsc 86e6948cfb UefiPayloadPkg: Remove assert when reserve MMIO/IO resource for devices 2db0ed93ff UefiPayloadPkg: Add macro to enable and disable some drivers 3eb72b308a UefiPayloadPkg: Add PcdInstallAcpiSdtProtocol feature in UefiPayloadPkg caa139fe17 UefiPayloadPkg: Add PcdResetOnMemoryTypeInformationChange in UefiPayloadPkg 8efd912baf UefiPayloadPkg: Add new structure for BootManagerMenuFile HOB 19a541d70e UefiPayloadPkg: consume the BootManagerMenuFile HOB 333a866106 BaseTools: Remove check for Split.exe in toolset.bat f0a3f6d9c3 BaseTools: Fix spelling of \"overwrite\" and \"overwriting\" in toolset.bat 17143c4837 BaseTools: Reset ERRORLEVEL in toolsetup.bat after edk2basetools check abfff7c45d BaseTools GenFw: Add support for RISCV GOT/PLT relocations 27b8a52957 MdePkg: MmConfiguration: Move definition of EFI_MM_RESERVED_MMRAM_REGION d1fc3d7ef3 MdePkg: MmConfiguration: Added definition of MM Configuration PPI 5a2e030f73 OvmfPkg/GenericQemuLoadImageLib: plug cmdline blob leak on success 932449710c OvmfPkg/X86QemuLoadImageLib: plug cmdline blob leak on success 24b0e9d128 Revert \"OvmfPkg/QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe: don\'t expose kernel command line\" cf20302474 OvmfPkg/GenericQemuLoadImageLib: Read cmdline from QemuKernelLoaderFs 9421f5ab8d OvmfPkg/X86QemuLoadImageLib: State fw_cfg dependency in file header b37cfdd280 OvmfPkg/XenPlatformPei: Relocate shared_info page mapping 55dee4947b MdePkg : Add IPMI Macro and Structure Defintions to resolve build errors 580b11201e IntelFsp2Pkg: Add Config Editor tool support 939ed3a592 UefiPayloadPkg/PayloadLoader: Fix bug in locating relocation section 3cde0d553d UefiPayloadPkg/PayloadLoader: Remove assertion 49eeda113a NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: re-set session-level authentication state before login 7eba9f698e NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: add horizontal whitespace to IScsiCHAP files 7b6c2b2a26 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: distinguish \"maximum\" and \"selected\" CHAP digest sizes 903ce1d8f8 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: support multiple hash algorithms for CHAP 47fea2abcb NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: support SHA256 in CHAP bb33c27fbe NetworkPkg: introduce the NETWORK_ISCSI_MD5_ENABLE feature test macro 8697dc60cc Maintainers.txt: Update Maintainers and reviewers for UefiPayloadPkg fea7901dba UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the build failure 1e0c441c92 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: add USB support 44ced03798 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: use static PCI32Base address b3db0cb1f8 MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Ignore PMBR BootIndicator per UEFI spec 0a6b303dce UefiCpuPkg/ExceptionLib: Conditionally clear shadow stack token busy bit d10e058016 MdeModulePkg/RegularExpressionDxe: Fix memory assert in FreePool() 4c051c2c65 MdeModulePkg: Update YAML file to fix CI error 31fcee6d99 ArmVirtPkg: Add PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe for Cloud Hypervisor c28fc8ab3b ArmVirtPkg: Install Acpi tables for Cloud Hypervisor 0e3b6bd0ee ArmVirtPkg: support Cloud Hypervisor in edk2 b560e9d9b6 IntelFsp2Pkg: PatchFv parseInfFile function modification f47c4676dd Pytool: SpellCheck: Defer path expansion in cspell parameters cc89d245f9 Maintainers.txt: remove Laszlo Ersek\'s entries 84af6ea320 BaseTools/Scripts: Ignore Mergify merge commits in PatchCheck.py b491eace37 .mergify: Simplify Mergify rules using GitHub status checks 5ef08a49e3 .azurepipelines: Remove FINISHED and FAILED states ad1009ec62 MdePkg/Include: Add STATIC_ASSERT for L\'\' and L\"\" strings 3de3c24755 BaseTools: Remove non-ascii character of StructurePcd comment 40a9066439 BaseTools: Enable the flag to treat dynamic pcd as dynamicEx 22fe311bd2 .pytool/EccCheck: Locate BaseTools dir with EDK_TOOLS_PATH a050c599df .pytool/EccCheck: Rename edk2_path as workspace_path 50672d2692 .pytool/EccCheck: Check ecc_csv exists fb5b6220a9 .pytool/EccCheck: Set PACKAGES_PATH env var in Ecc fda5226aa3 UefiPayloadPkg: Dump hob information from boot loader 7d748705b1 MdeModulePkg: Change the PldHeader to Header in ExtraData.h 9bf4aee734 UefiPayloadPkg: Assign the length of UniversalPayload ExtraData d0b6596b8e MdeModulePkg/RamDiskDxe: Init list head before registering RamDisk protocol 91f5d3b410 IntelFsp2Pkg: BaseCacheLib EfiProgramMtrr MtrrNumber Should be UINT32 be282b1493 UefiPayloadPkg: Add PCD_DYNAMIC_AS_DYNAMICEX and set to True cac83b6f3b IntelFsp2Pkg: Add search function for Config Editor 4bac086e8e UefiPayloadPkg: Add FV Guid for DXEFV and PLDFV fddb8d24ec ArmPlatformPkg/Scripts: Infer dll load address from console output 885efcd3f9 MdePkg/Include: Smbios Specification 3.4.0 changes 83b43c4cb1 MdeModulePkg PCD: Print which PCD was unable to be found c32c5911c4 BaseTools GenFw: Add support for R_RISCV_PCREL_LO12_S relocation 097aeeb119 MdePkg/BaseLib: Add MemoryFence implementation for RiscV64 391cffcb61 MdeModulePkg PiSmmCore: Change MemoryAttributes message to DEBUG_VERBOSE 8781b143de BaseTools/Scripts: Fix GetMaintainer.py line endings 28ef05ce10 BaseTools/Scripts: Allow GitHub ID at end Maintainers.txt lines 2f5ad3f451 Maintainers.txt: Add GitHub IDs 332632abf3 Maintainers.txt: Add Jiewen Yao as OvmfPkg Maintainer 4d28a1c2fd BaseTools: Remove COMMON section from the GCC discard list 878a92a887 CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Add native instruction support for X64 147f34b56c CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Commit the auto-generated assembly files for X64 ac70e71b1f NetworkPkg: Making the HTTP IO timeout value programmable with PCD ab796d3e2a NetworkPkg: Add HTTP Additional Event Notifications b461d67639 OvmfPkg/ResetVector: move SEV specific code in a separate file 7f05102f65 OvmfPkg/ResetVector: add the macro to invoke MSR protocol based VMGEXIT dc485c556d OvmfPkg/ResetVector: add the macro to request guest termination f05eb2dfe5 OvmfPkg/AmdSev/SecretDxe: fix header comment to generic naming 35e267cb34 OvmfPkg/AmdSev: use GenericQemuLoadImageLib in AmdSev builds a26a08dc1f OvmfPkg: PlatformBootManagerLibGrub: Allow executing kernel via fw_cfg 0cb48007f7 OvmfPkg: add library class BlobVerifierLib with null implementation c73e31f54d OvmfPkg: add BlobVerifierLibNull to DSC 6bf5580a3d ArmVirtPkg: add BlobVerifierLibNull to DSC d10ad8444f OvmfPkg/QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe: call VerifyBlob after fetch from fw_cfg 5ace477f34 OvmfPkg/AmdSev/SecretPei: build hob for full page 0deeab36d1 OvmfPkg/AmdSev: reserve MEMFD space for for firmware config hashes 385b9d80a0 OvmfPkg/AmdSev: add BlobVerifierLibSevHashes 514b3aa08e OvmfPkg/AmdSev: Enforce hash verification of kernel blobs 8e6bb64fe4 EmbeddedPkg/VirtualRealTimeClockLib: Fix SetTime issues 610bcc69ed ArmVirtPkg: Remove meaningless comment 3445058aea MdeModulePkg/CapsuleApp: Fix typo in error message 2e1fb41339 build: Fix python3.10 threading DeprecationWarnings 0b1b0a9674 python: Replace distutils.utils.split_quotes with shlex.split fc50df0d8e BaseTools: Drop check for distutils.utils 03e77558d4 BaseTools: use shutil.copyfile instead shutil.copy2 2b47aaecef MdeModulePkg: Add BootDiscoveryPolicyUiLib. bb806a6e88 SecurityPkg: Create SecureBootVariableLib. 9732659698 SecurityPkg: Create library for enrolling Secure Boot variables. 12a4d0cb9d ArmVirtPkg: add SecureBootVariableLib class resolution 3d427c5f83 OvmfPkg: add SecureBootVariableLib class resolution b926956418 EmulatorPkg: add SecureBootVariableLib class resolution db959018b6 SecurityPkg: Remove duplicated functions from SecureBootConfigDxe. a97e9e327e ArmPlatformPkg: Create include file for default key content. 94e065582b SecurityPkg: Add SecureBootDefaultKeysDxe driver 19107590b6 SecurityPkg: Add EnrollFromDefaultKeys application. 45f3dd2ce9 SecurityPkg: Add new modules to Security package. 55266a9b8a SecurityPkg: Add option to reset secure boot keys. 6355287206 Maintainers.txt: Add new maintainer and reviewer to EmbeddedPkg/ 9abc60f9f7 EmbeddedPkg/libfdt: Add strcmp and strncpy to libfdt_env.h 0856cdc89e MdePkg: add definition of LINUX_EFI_INITRD_MEDIA_GUID 97fdcbda4e OvmfPkg: Remove Initrd LINUX_EFI_INITRD_MEDIA_GUID 4de77ae989 UefiCpuPkg/CpuCacheInfoLib: Sort CpuCacheInfo array 3c6107758b SecurityPkg: Fix GetSupportedAndActivePcrs counter calculation b40bdd6ecd UefiPayloadPkg: Add Fixed PCDs and use Macro to define the default value. d497eace3b UefiPayloadPkg: define some PCD as DynamicEX PCD ac6e5d6b41 UefiPayloadPkg: change the default value of some PCDs. 672bd1c711 UefiPayloadPkg: Add a macro to enable or diable the serial driver. d02dbb53cd UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the non-ascii character in UniversalPayloadEntry.c a7ddc7847c RedfishPkg/JsonLib: Add more JsonLib functions 5963ce5d28 MdePkg: Add ACPI 6.4 header file 4d7137f261 MdePkg: Increment FADT version d910e83299 MdePkg: Rename SBSA Generic Watchdog to Arm Generic Watchdog ad3dea9861 MdePkg: Update PMTT to ACPI 6.4 ced4cb7609 MdePkg: Add SPA Location Cookie field to SPA Range structure c82d6dd4a3 MdePkg: Remove DPPT table 357383bc4f MdePkg: Add flags and MinTransferSize to Generic Initiator 7b17bcd9a0 MdePkg: Add \'Type 5\' PCC structure 0938f9235c MdePkg: Add Multiprocessor Wakeup structure 75c4a8e10d MdePkg: Add the Platform Health Assessment Table (PHAT) 1803757a9b MdePkg: Add Secure Access Components in the SDEV table 605c4a1ff2 MdePkg: Add Cache ID to PPTT 3d359ff905 MdePkg: Fix broken coding style in Acpi64.h 7311e96417 RedfishPkg/RefishCrtLib: Public RefishCrtLib 03e19e6bc8 ArmPkg/IndustryStandard: 32b/64b agnostic FF-A, Mm SVC and Std SMC IDs aee0098faf ArmPkg: prepare 32bit ARM build of StandaloneMmPkg ca1773878d GenFv: Arm: support images entered in Thumb mode b7f0226a46 StandaloneMmPkg: fix pointer/int casts against 32bit architectures a776bbabd9 StandaloneMmPkg: build for 32bit arm machines ac826886c9 MdeModulePkg/UefiSortLib:Add UefiSortLib unit test 6fdd1c13a7 MdeModulePkg PCD: Reinstall PCD service PPIS when memory available ef56f55d19 EmbeddedPkg/NonCoherentDmaLib: Avoid dereferencing unset Map field 8dd4fc5be6 UefiCpuPkg/CpuCacheInfoLib: Correct logical for identifying cache type 7b4a99be8a CryptoPkg: BaseCryptLib fix incorrect param order - Removed patches which are merged to mainline: ovmf-bsc1186151-fix-iscsi-overflows.patch ovmf-xen-relocate-shared_info_page-map.patch - Updated patches ovmf-fix-xen-s3-detection.patch -> ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-set-PcdAcpiS3Enable-at-initializatio.patch ovmf-xen-add-qemu-kernel-loader-fs.patch -> ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-add-QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe.patch - Added patches ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-Fix-build-with-QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe.patch * Fri Jul 09 2021 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Add ovmf-fix-xen-s3-detection.patch to fix the S3 detection in ovmf-xen- Add ovmf-xen-add-qemu-kernel-loader-fs.patch to add QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe to ovmf-xen to load kernel from qemu fw_cfg * Fri Jul 02 2021 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Add ovmf-xen-relocate-shared_info_page-map.patch to fix the save/restore/migrate in ovmf-xen * Wed Jun 09 2021 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Add ovmf-bsc1186151-fix-iscsi-overflows.patch to fix the possible overflows in IScsiDxe (bsc#1186151) * Thu Jun 03 2021 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Correct the path to copy the Xen flavor * Mon May 31 2021 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Update to edk2-stable202105 * MdeModulePkg/UfsPassThruDxe: Improve Device initialization polling Loop * MdePkg: MmUnblockMemoryLib: Added definition and null instance * OvmfPkg: resolve MmUnblockMemoryLib (mainly for VariableSmmRuntimeDxe) * MdeModulePkg: VariableSmmRuntimeDxe: Added request unblock memory interface * SecurityPkg: Tcg2Smm: Switching from gSmst to gMmst * SecurityPkg: Tcg2Smm: Separate Tcg2Smm into 2 modules * SecurityPkg: Tcg2Smm: Added support for Standalone Mm * SecurityPkg: Tcg2Acpi: Added unblock memory interface for NVS region * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Use NASM struc to avoid hardcode offset * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Remove unused Lock from MP_CPU_EXCHANGE_INFO * UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Move multi-instance function decl to header * UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Rename SmmCpuFeaturesLib.c * UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Cleanup library constructors * UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Abstract PcdCpuMaxLogicalProcessorNumber * UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Add Standalone MM support * UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpu: Don\'t allocate Token for SmmStartupThisAp * RedfishPkg/Library: RedfishLib * OvmfPkg/CpuHotplugSmm: refactor hotplug logic * OvmfPkg/CpuHotplugSmm: collect hot-unplug events * OvmfPkg/CpuHotplugSmm: add Qemu Cpu Status helper * OvmfPkg/CpuHotplugSmm: introduce UnplugCpus() * OvmfPkg: define CPU_HOT_EJECT_DATA * OvmfPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: init CPU ejection state * OvmfPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: call CPU hot-eject handler * OvmfPkg/CpuHotplugSmm: add EjectCpu() * OvmfPkg/CpuHotplugSmm: do actual CPU hot-eject * OvmfPkg/SmmControl2Dxe: negotiate CPU hot-unplug * EmbeddedPkg/PrePiHobLib: replace duplicate GUID * MdePkg/UefiLib: Correct the arguments passed to IsLanguageSupported() * UefiCpuPkg/CpuCacheInfoLib: Collect cache associative type * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: avoid printing debug messages in AP * UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: Rename variables to follow EDKII coding standard * UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: Guarantee GDT is below 4GB * BaseTools/Ecc: Make Ecc only check first include guard * ShellPkg/SmbiosView: add more items for smbiosview -t 3 * MdePkg: Support standalone MM Driver Unload capability * OvmfPkg/X86QemuLoadImageLib: Handle allocation failure for CommandLine * ShellPkg/Pci: Add valid check for PCI extended config space parser * CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.1j * OvmfPkg: strip build paths in release builds * MdeModulePkg: Initialize local variable value before they are used * UefiCpuPkg/SmmCommunication: Remove out-dated comments * MdePkg: use CpuPause() in CpuDeadLoop() * MdePkg/Include: EFI Redfish Discover protocol * ShellPkg/UefiHandleParsingLib: Support EFI Redfish protocols * MdePkg/Include/Protocol: EFI_HII POPUP_PROTOCOL duplicate declaration * MdePkg/Include/Protocol: EFI_RESET_NOTIFICATION_PROTOCOL duplicate * CryptoPkg/Private/Protocol/Crypto.h: Remove duplicate function type * MdePkg/BaseLib: Add support for the XSETBV instruction * MdeModulePkg/PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Rename mAcpiS3Enable to avoid dup symbol * MdePkg/IoLib: Filter/trace port IO/MMIO access * MdePkg/Baseib: Filter/trace MSR access for IA32/X64 * UefiCpuPkg: Remove PEI/DXE instances of CpuTimerLib. * UefiCpuPkg: Add MicrocodeLib for loading microcode * OvmfPkg: Add MicrocodeLib in DSC files. * UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.dsc: Consume MicrocodeLib * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Consume MicrocodeLib to remove duplicated code * UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Support detect SMM shadow stack overflow * ShellPkg: Fix smbiosview system enclosure type table * UefiCpuPkg/CpuTimerLib: Update LIBRARY_CLASS of Base instance. * RedfishPkg/RedfishDiscoverDxe: EFI Redfish Discover Protocol * RedfishPkg/RedfishConfigHandler: EDKII RedfishConfigHandler Protocol * UefiCpuPkg: PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Check buffer size before accessing * BaseTools/Conf: Fix MAKE_FLAGS typos in tools_def.template * MdeModulePkg: Initialize temp variable in VarCheckPolicyLib * SecurityPkg/Tcg2Smm: Initialize local Status variable * DynamicTablesPkg: add validation for PcdNonBsaCompliant16550SerialHid * OvmfPkg/XenResetVector: Silent a warning from nasm * MdePkg: Allow PcdFSBClock to by Dynamic * OvmfPkg/IndustryStandard/Xen: Apply EDK2 coding style to XEN_VCPU_TIME_INFO * OvmfPkg/IndustryStandard: Introduce PageTable.h * OvmfPkg/XenPlatformPei: Map extra physical address * OvmfPkg/XenPlatformPei: Calibrate APIC timer frequency * OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: Set PcdFSBClock * DynamicTablesPkg: Re-order GicItsIdentifierArray struct * DynamicTablesPkg: Remove EArmObjExtendedInterruptInfo * MdePkg: Fix AsmReadMsr64() and AsmWriteMsr64() with GCC toolchain * BaseTools/PlatformAutoGen: MAKE_FLAGS and MAKE_PATH fixes * RedfishPkg/RestJsonStructureDxe: Fix typo in function header * MdePkg/Include: Allow CPU specific defines to be predefined * CryptoPkg/Library/Include: Allow CPU specific defines to be predefined * ArmPlatformPkg: Fix Ecc error 8001 * ArmPlatformPkg: Fix Ecc error 9001 * ArmPlatformPkg: Remove package dependency in NorFlashStandaloneMm * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8001 in Chipset * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8001 in SemihostLib * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8001 in ArmArchTimerLib * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 9005 in CpuDxe * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 10006 in ArmPkg.dsc * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 10016 in StandaloneMmMmuLib * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 10014 in ArmScmiDxe * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 10014 in GenericWatchdogDxe * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 10014 in MmCommunicationDxe * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 10014 in SemihostLib * ArmPkg: Remove ArmGic/ArmGicSecLib.c * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 5003 in ArmExceptionLib * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 6001 in MmCommunicationDxe * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 6001 in ArmSoftFloatLib * ArmPkg: Rename include guard in ArmGicLib.h * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 7008 for SCMI_CLOCK_RATE * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 7008 for OPTEE_MESSAGE_PARAM * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005/8007 in ArmDisassemblerLib * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_PROTOCOL_ID * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_MESSAGE_TYPE * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_STATUS * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_MESSAGE_ID * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_MESSAGE_ID_BASE * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_MESSAGE_ID_CLOCK * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_CLOCK_RATE_FORMAT * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_MESSAGE_ID_PERFORMANCE * RedfishPkg: Add EDK2 Redfish Foundation diagrams * SecurityPkg/FvReportPei: remove redundant sizeof * ShellPkg: Rename Address Size to Access size * DynamicTablesPkg: Add access size to CM_ARM_SERIAL_PORT_INFO * DynamicTablesPkg: Set the Access size for the SPCR table * DynamicTablesPkg: Set the Access size for the DBG2 table * UefiCpuPkg: PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Not to Change Bitwidth During Static Paging * MdePkg/Cpuid.h: Define new element in CPUID Leaf(07h) data structure. * SecurityPkg: Add constraints on PK strength * ArmPkg: Allow platforms to supply more data for SMBIOS Type3 record * ArmPkg: Allow platforms to report their boot status via OemMiscLib call * ArmPkg: Fix calculation of offset of chassis SKU Number in SmbiosMiscDxe * ArmPkg: Fix typo of Manufacturer in comment in SmbiosMiscDxe * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8003 * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 3002 in StandaloneMmMmuLib * ArmPkg: Add missing library headers to ArmPkg.dec * ArmPlatformPkg: Document libraries in ArmPlatformPkg.dec * ArmPkg: Add OemMiscLibNull library to ArmPkg.dsc * ArmPkg: Correct small typos * ArmPlatformPkg: Add ArmPlatformPkg.ci.yaml * OvfmPkg/VmgExitLib: Properly decode MMIO MOVZX and MOVSX opcodes * OvmfPkg/VmgExitLib: Add support for new MMIO MOV opcodes * OvmfPkg: Define a new PPI GUID to signal TPM MMIO accessability * OvmfPkg/TpmMmioSevDecryptPei: Mark TPM MMIO range as unencrypted for SEV-ES * OvmfPkg/Tcg2ConfigPei: Update Depex for IA32 and X64 * ArmPkg: Update SCMI Base Protocol version to 0x20000 * MdePkg/BaseRngLib: Add support for ARMv8.5 RNG instructions * SecurityPkg: Add support for RngDxe on AARCH64 * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Properly cast from PCD to SEV-ES jump table pointer * BaseTools: Add support for version 3 of FMP Image Header structure * CryptoPkg: BaseCryptLib: Add RSA PSS verify support * ShellPkg/UefiShellCommandLib: suppress incorrect gcc warning * OvmfPkg/VirtioFsDxe: suppress incorrect gcc warnings * UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandler: Add missing comma to exception name array * UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpu: Remove hardcode 48 address size limitation * MdeModulePkg: Retrieve boot manager menu from any fv * ShellPkg/HttpDynamicCommand: Fix possible uninitialized use * MdeModulePkg/PciBusDxe: Fix possible uninitialized use * CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Fix possible uninitialized use * MdeModulePkg/PlatformDriOverrideDxe: Fix overflow condition check * MdeModulePkg/VariableLock: downgrade compatibility warnings to DEBUG_WARN * ArmPkg/ArmGic: Fix maximum number of interrupts in GICv3- Update openssl to 1.1.1j- Drop upstreamed patch: ovmf-bsc1184801-fix-sev-with-tpm.patch- Add the new Xen flavor for x86_64 + Update 50-xen-hvm-x86_64.json to use ovmf-x86_64-xen-4m.bin as the default firmware for Xen * Tue May 04 2021 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Update the descriptors to add \"acpi-s4\" tag to allow libvirt enable hibernation (bsc#1182886#c31) * Mon May 03 2021 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Add ovmf-bsc1184801-fix-sev-with-tpm.patch to fix SEV-ES guest crash with TPM (bsc#1184801) * Mon Apr 19 2021 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Build ovmf-x86_64-smm against Ia32X64 to enable S3 support (bsc#1184938)- Update ovmf-add-exclude-shell-flag.patch to include Ia32X64 * Tue Apr 06 2021 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Add ovmf-disable-brotli.patch to remove brotli since there is no real user and it requires extra effort to maintain the brotli submodule tarball + Drop ovmf-bsc1183713-fix-gcc10-brotli-errors.patch and brotli-v1.0.7-17-g666c328-c.tar.xz * Fri Mar 26 2021 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Add ovmf-bsc1183713-fix-gcc10-brotli-errors.patch to fix the gcc10 error from brotli (bsc#1183713) * Thu Mar 11 2021 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Update to edk2-stable202102 * ArmVirtPkg: support extra pci root bridges (pxb) * SEV Encrypted Boot for Ovmf (remote attestation) * virtio-fs driver for OvmfPkg and ArmVirtPkg * Apply SEV-ES mitigations for encryption bit position and MMIO * Add Core CI support for StandaloneMmPkg * Update LZMA module to LZMA SDK latest version 19.00 * Port open source JSON library (jansson) * add file buffering to the UEFI shell\'s COMP command * Shell: pathname / filename sorting * Extend support of peripheral x64 MM_STANDALONE drivers * BaseTools: Convert the Split tool from C language to Python * ArmPkg: Add Universal/Smbios * Move to Pip based Basetools python * Add support for use of FF-A callsw- Drop upstreamed patches: + ovmf-jscSLE-16075-SEV-ES-use-physical-address.patch + ovmf-bsc1180079-amd-sev-es-mitigation.patch * Thu Jan 28 2021 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Add ovmf-jscSLE-16075-SEV-ES-use-physical-address.patch as the follow-up patch for SEV-ES to fix the flash writing (jsc#SLE-16075)- Update 50-xen-hvm-x86_64.json to add \"nvram-template\" and change the firmware file to ovmf-x86_64-ms-4m.bin (bsc#1180050, bsc#1181264)- Refresh ovmf-bsc1180079-amd-sev-es-mitigation.patch + Use \"git format-patch --no-renames\" to generate the patch to avoid confusing quilt with the renamed files * Mon Jan 11 2021 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Add ovmf-bsc1180079-amd-sev-es-mitigation.patch to mitigate the potential AMD SEV-ES security issues (bsc#1180079)- Add the json descriptor for xen-hvm (bsc#1180050) * Fri Nov 27 2020 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Update to edk2-stable202011 * MdeModulePkg/VariablePolicyLib: Fix runtime panic in ValidateSetVariable() * CryptoPkg: BaseCryptLib: Fix buffer double free in CryptPkcs7VerifyEku * Revert \"SecurityPkg: Add RPMC Index to the RpmcLib\" * MdeModulePkg/LzmaCustomDecompressLib: catch 4GB+ uncompressed buffer sizes (bsc#1183578, CVE-2021-28211) * MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe: limit FwVol encapsulation section recursion (bsc#1183579, CVE-2021-28210) * MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe: assert SectionInstance invariant in FindChildNode() (bsc#1183579, CVE-2021-28210) * SecurityPkg: Add RPMC Index to the RpmcLib * BaseTools: Resolve index out of range errors. * UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Reflect page table depth with page table address * UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Correct the Cr3 typo * CryptoPkg: Make the MD5 disable as default for security * NetworkPkg/Defines: Make iSCSI disable as default * OvmfPkg/OvmfXen.dsc: Enable MD5 while enable iSCSI * OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64.dsc: Enable MD5 while enable iSCSI * OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgIa32X64.dsc: Enable MD5 while enable iSCSI * OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgIa32.dsc: Enable MD5 while enable iSCSI * ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemuKernel.dsc: Enable MD5 while enable iSCSI * ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu.dsc: Enable MD5 while enable iSCSI * NetworkPkg: Enable MD5 while enable iSCSI * CryptoPkg/dsc: Enable MD5 when CRYPTO_SERVICES enable MD5 * SecurityPkg/Hash2DxeCrypto: Remove SHA1 support * SecurityPkg/Hash2DxeCrypto: Remove MD5 support * MdeModulePkg: Drop VarLock from RuntimeDxe variable driver * MdeModulePkg: Change TCG MOR variables to use VariablePolicy * SecurityPkg: Allow VariablePolicy state to delete authenticated variables * MdeModulePkg: Allow VariablePolicy state to delete protected variables * MdeModulePkg: Connect VariablePolicy business logic to VariableServices * ArmVirtPkg: Add VariablePolicy engine to ArmVirtPkg platform * OvmfPkg: Add VariablePolicy engine to OvmfPkg platform * BaseTools: Fix BrotliCompress tool issue * MdePkg/BaseRngLibDxe: Add DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER class to RngLib * MdeModulePkg DisplayEngineDxe: Correct the local variable name. * MdeModulePkg/AtaAtapiPassThru: Trace ATA packets * MdeModulePkg/AtaAtapiPassThru: Restart failed packets * MdeModulePkg/AtaAtapiPassThru: Add SATA error recovery flow * MdeModulePkg/AtaAtapiPassThru: Check IS to check for command completion * MdeModulePkg/DriverSampleDxe: Add HII sample options * MdeModulePkg/Library: Revise HiiLib to check REST_STYLE * BaseTools/VfrCompile: VFR compiler supports REST_STYLE in HII option * MdePkg: Add GUID for REST Style Formset * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: For SEV-ES guest, set stack based on processor number * UefiCpuPkg, OvmfPkg: Disable interrupts when using the GHCB * OvmfPkg/QemuFlashFvbServicesRuntimeDxe: Fix erase blocks for SEV-ES * OvmfPkg/QemuFlashFvbServicesRuntimeDxe: Set the SwScratch valid bit * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Set the SW exit fields when performing VMGEXIT * OvmfPkg/VmgExitLib: Set the SwScratch valid bit for MMIO events * OvmfPkg/VmgExitLib: Set the SwScratch valid bit for IOIO events * OvmfPkg/VmgExitLib: Set the SW exit fields when performing VMGEXIT * OvmfPkg/VmgExitLib: Implement new VmgExitLib interfaces * UefiCpuPkg/VmgExitLib: Add interfaces to set/read GHCB ValidBitmap bits * MdePkg: Clean up GHCB field offsets and save area * BaseTools: Limit command line length. * BaseTools: Update report map file format * BaseTools: Add image type into generate map file * BaseTools: Incremental build issue for included ASI file\'s deletion. * MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe: log memory base and length, after lib ctors again * BaseTools: Fix BaseTools nmake cleanall hang issue * ShellPkg:Fix bug in FileBuffer.c * BaseTools: Enable Module Scope Structure Pcd * MdeModulePkg/Gcd: Check memory allocation when initializing memory * BaseTools: Remove the dependency on the build intermediate file * DynamicTablesPkg: Add SSDT CMN-600 Table generator * MdePkg: Definitions for Extended Interrupt Flags * BaseTools: Update the FV Space Information to display decimal and Hex * MdePkg/Include: Definitions of EFI REST JSON Structure Protocol * MdeModulePkg/XhciDxe: Retry device slot init on failure * MdeModulePkg/AcpiTableDxe: use pool allocation for RSDP if possible * MdeModulePkg/AcpiTableDxe: use pool allocation for RSDT/XSDT if possible * MdeModulePkg/AcpiTableDxe: use pool allocations when possible * MdePkg: Fix SmBios.h PROCESSOR_CHARACTERISTIC_FLAGS to be UINT16 * MdePkg: Update SmBios.h to add SMBIOS 3.4.0 ARM64 SoC ID field * ShellPkg: Add ARM64 SoC ID to Processor Characteristics in smbiosview * ShellPkg: Fix smbiosview string definition name for \"boot from CD\" * ShellPkg: Fix a couple of typos in smbiosview * MdeModulePkg/Core: Support standalone MM in FV2 protocol GetNextFile(). * MdePkg/SystemResourceTable.h: Add vendor range values * MdePkg/Include: Fix wrong spelling in http11.h * BaseTools/Ecc: Fix ECC check MetaFile Copyright information issue * MdeModulePkg/XhciDxe: Error handle for USB slot initialization failure * ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: Explicitly cast function pointer argument * ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: Explicitly cast UINT32 data conversions * DynamicTablesPkg: SsdtSerialPortFixupLib fix ECC errors * DynamicTablesPkg: AmlEncoding change debug macro * DynamicTablesPkg: AmlLib\\AmlDbgPrint fix ECC error * DynamicTablesPkg: AmlLib fix ECC errors * DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSratLibArm fix ECC error * DynamicTablesPkg: SsdtSerialPortLibArm fix ECC error * DynamicTablesPkg: Fix order of assert checks * CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: fix NULL dereference (CVE-2019-14584) (bsc#1177789) * Revert \"MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Fix the incorrect LBA size in child ...\" * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Reduce reset vector memory pressure * SecurityPkg/Tcg2PhysicalPresenceLib: Fix incorrect TCG VER comparision * CryptoPkg: BaseCryptLib: Add unit tests (Host and Shell based) * ArmVirtPkg: Add kvmtool to package dictionary * ArmVirtPkg: Package dependency for MC146818 RTC * ArmVirtPkg: Support for kvmtool virtual platform * ArmVirtPkg: Add Kvmtool Platform Pei Lib * ArmVirtPkg: 16550 UART Platform hook library * ArmVirtPkg: GUID Hob for 16550 UART base address * MdeModulePkg: Fix constructor invocation ordering * ArmVirtPkg: Add Kvmtool NOR flash lib * ArmVirtPkg: kvmtool platform memory map * ArmVirtPkg: Add kvmtool platform driver * ArmPlatformPkg: Dynamic flash variable base * ArmVirtPkg: Add Kvmtool RTC Fdt Client Library * PcAtChipsetPkg: Add MMIO Support to RTC driver * MdePkg/Include: Add HTTP definitions * BaseMemoryLibSse2: Take advantage of write combining buffers * RedfishPkg/Include: PCD definitions of Host Interface EFI device path * MdePkg/Include: Definitions of EFI REST EX Protocol * ShellPkg/SmbiosView: Add DDR5 support * MdePkg/BaseLib: Fix invalid memory access in AArch64 SetJump/LongJump * BaseTools: Add EDKII_DSC_PLATFORM_GUID MACRO * MdeModulePkg: Remove code wrapped by DISABLE_NEW_DEPRECATED_INTERFACES * MdePkg: Remove code wrapped by DISABLE_NEW_DEPRECATED_INTERFACES * BaseTools Build_Rule: Add the missing ASM16_FLAGS for ASM16 source file * BaseTools: Move C tool flags before the common flags * BaseTools: Copy PACKED definition from MdePkg Base.h * MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe: expose SP and CRYPTO capabilities in UEFI memmap * MdePkg/UefiSpec: separate page access bitmask from SP and CRYPTO caps * MdePkg: SMBIOS 3.4.0 Update \"adding DDR5 definitions\". * NetworkPkg: Fix possible infinite loop in HTTP msg body parser * NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: TlsChildHandle is not cleared when reset * NetworkPkg: Add RngLib entry to .dsc file. * MdeModulePkg/HiiDatabase: Do not modify CONST string * OvmfPkg: enable HttpDynamicCommand * ArmVirtPkg: enable HttpDynamiCommand * ShellPkg/DynamicCommand: add HttpDynamicCommand * CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: add crypto algorithms needed by variable protection * BaseTools: Add RISCV64 binding * MdeModulePkg/XhciDxe: Fix Broken Timeouts * BaseTools: Set section alignment as zero if its type is Auto * BaseTools: Remove CanSkip calling for incremental build * BaseTools: Normalize case of pathname when evaluating Macros. * BaseTools: Clean the ffs folder before generating files in it * BaseTools: Add included files to deps_target file. * OvmfPkg/README: HTTPS Boot: describe host-side TLS cipher suites forwarding * MdeModulePkg/NonDiscoverablePciDeviceDxe: Add NULL pointer check * CryptoPkg: OpensslLib: Use RngLib to generate entropy in rand_pool * ArmVirtPkg: Add RngLib based on TimerLib for CryptoPkg * OvmfPkg: Add RngLib based on TimerLib for Crypto * MdePkg: BaseRngLibDxe: Add RngLib that uses RngDxe * MdePkg: TimerRngLib: Added RngLib that uses TimerLib * MdePkg: Correct EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL_REVISION3 value * OvmfPkg: drop redundant VendorID check in VirtioMmioDeviceLib * MdePkg: PciExpressLib support variable size MMCONF * UefiPayloadPkg: Store the size of the MMCONF window * SecurityPkg/PeiTpmMeasurementLib: remove gEfiTpmDeviceSelectedGuid * BaseTools: update IASL extdep to more modern version * UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Support MpServices2 only case. * BaseTools: Sort the Pcd set when generating the VPD binary * SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: Disable SHA1 base on MACRO- Refresh ovmf-add-exclude-shell-flag.patch- Drop upstreamed ovmf-jscSLE-16075-SEV-ES-fixes.patch * Thu Nov 26 2020 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Cosmetic changes in the spec file suggested by spec-cleaner * Tue Nov 17 2020 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Add ovmf-jscSLE-16075-SEV-ES-fixes.patch to merge upstream SEV-ES fixes (jsc#SLE-16075) * Thu Nov 05 2020 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Update the json descriptors to address all x86_64 firmware files (jsc#SLE-15915)- Remove the executable bit from brotli source code files * Fri Oct 30 2020 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Add _constraints to request at least 6GB disk (bsc#1178244)- Remove the build files after finishing the build to reduce the disk usage (bsc#1178244) * Mon Sep 07 2020 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Update to edk2-stable202008 + MdeModulePkg/Library: add PEIM and SEC module type to TpmMeasurementLibNull + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: catch alignment overflow (CVE-2019-14562) (bsc#1175476) + OvmfPkg/CpuHotplugSmm: fix CPU hotplug race before and after SMI broadcast + SecurityPkg/Tcg2: handle PRE HASH and LOG ONLY + MdePkg/Include: Add missing definition of SMBIOS type 42h in SmBios.h + MdePkg: UefiFileHandleLib: fix buffer overrun in FileHandleReadLine() + OvmfPkg: Add SEV-ES support + MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Fix the incorrect LBA size in child hander + MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Revert changes for the special MBR + MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Put the UDF check ahead of MBR + ShellPkg: smbiosview - Change some type 17 field values format + CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.1g + MdeModulePkg: Upon BootOption failure, Destroy RamDisk memory before RSC. + OvmfPkg/LsiScsiDxe: Add support for LSI 53C895A + MdeModulePkg/DisplayEngine: Add Debug message to show mismatch menu info + Add New Memory Attributes + MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Add already start check for child hanldes + MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Skip the MBR that add for CD-ROM + MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Correct the MBR last block value + MdeModulePkg/Variable/RuntimeDxe: Fix return status from Reclaim() + SecurityPkg/Tcg2Pei: Add missing PCRIndex in FvBlob event. + SecurityPkg/Tcg2Dxe: Add PcdTcgPfpMeasurementRevision in SpecId event. + CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Add MARCO to disable the deprecated SHA1 and MD5 + ArmVirtPkg/NorFlashQemuLib: disable NOR flash DT nodes upon discovery + UefiCpuPkg/SecCore: Add pre-memory AP vector + OvmfPkg: End timer interrupt later to avoid stack overflow under load + ArmPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: regenerate boot options on boot failure + MdeModulePkg/StatusCodeHandler: do not output \ \\r for string data + Revert \"OvmfPkg: use generic QEMU image loader for secure boot enabled ...\" + ArmVirtPkg/PrePi: use standard PeCoff routines for self-relocation + ArmVirtPkg: add FDF rule for self-relocating PrePi + ArmPkg/ArmExceptionLib: use static buffer for sp_el0 + MdeModulePkg/SetupBrowserDxe: Do not reconnect driver with form-update + OvmfPkg/X86QemuLoadImageLib: handle EFI_ACCESS_DENIED from LoadImage() + OvmfPkg/Tcg2ConfigPei: generalize TPM2-only file-top comments + ArmPkg: only attempt buildin MmCommunicationDxe for AArch64 + ArmPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: don\'t connect all devices on each boot + ArmPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: hide UEFI Shell as a regular boot option + MdeModulePkg/BootManagerUiLib: show inactive boot options + ArmPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: fall back to the UiApp on boot failure + ArmPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: register \'s\' as UEFI Shell hotkey + ArmPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: connect non-discoverable USB hosts + ArmPkg/ArmSvcLib: prevent speculative execution beyond svc + ArmPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: reject \'default\' parity and stop bit count + ArmPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: use static assertion for console type- Update openssl to 1.1.1g- Drop openssl-fix-syntax-error.patch + The new openssl already includes the fix.- Refresh ovmf-pie.patch and ovmf-disable-ia32-firmware-piepic.patch * Wed Jul 22 2020 Kai Liu - Fixed TPM support. TPM2_ENABLE & TPM2_CONFIG_ENABLE build flags were changed to TPM_ * since upstream commit 07952a962a40. * Tue Jun 09 2020 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Use the reduced source tarballs since ovmf only needs a portion of the code. + brotli-v1.0.7-17-g666c328.tar.xz -> brotli-v1.0.7-17-g666c328-c.tar.xz - We only need the \"c\" directory, not the whole tarball. + oniguruma-v6.9.4_mark1.tar.xz -> oniguruma-v6.9.4_mark1-src.tar.xz - We only need the \"src\" directory, not the whole tarball. * Fri Jun 05 2020 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Update to edk2-stable202005 + RegularExpressionDxe: Use submodule way to access third party Oniguruma + BrotliCustomDecompressLib: Use submodule way to access third party brotli + BaseTools: Use submodule way to access third party brotli + RISC-V architecture on EDK2 + Disabling safe string constraint assertions + ArmVirtPkg Implement support for TPM2 measured boot + OVMF Implement support for Linux v5.7+ initrd and mixed mode loading + OVMF Use loadimage/startimage for loading the kernel passed via the QEMU command line + OVMF Support booting from Fusion-MPT SCSI controllers + OVMF Support booting from VMware PVSCSI controllers + OVMF RFE: VCPU hotplug with SMM + OVMF PEI phase variable driver / MemoryTypeInfo tracking + ArmVirtPkg, OvmfPkg: Pass parameter from QEMU to control PXE IPv4/v6 boot + Remove deprecate APIs in BaseCryptLib + Add UEFI 2.8/2.8a definition in MdePkg + Add PI1.7/PI1.7a definition into MdePkg + BaseCryptoLib MD4, ARC4, TDES, AES ECB MODE, HMAC MD5, HMAC SHA1 API have been deprecated. + SecurityPkg Tcg2PhysicalPresenceLib library class removes two macros TCG2_BIOS_TPM_MANAGEMENT_FLAG_DEFAULT and TCG2_BIOS_STORAGE_MANAGEMENT_FLAG_DEFAULT.- Add 2 tarballs from the submodules of edk2: + brotli-v1.0.7-17-g666c328.tar.xz + oniguruma-v6.9.4_mark1.tar.xz- Refresh patches: + ovmf-add-exclude-shell-flag.patch + ovmf-gdb-symbols.patch- Drop upstream patch: ovmf-bsc1163927-fix-ping-and-ip6dxe.patch- Drop ovmf-bsc1171643-workaround-outline-atomics.patch since upstream fixed it in another way. * Thu May 21 2020 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Add ovmf-bsc1171643-workaround-outline-atomics.patch to disable gcc10 outline-atomics in AArch64 (bsc#1171643) * Mon Apr 20 2020 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Build all non-native firmware files on x86_64 and aarch64 with cross-compilers (bsc#1159134) + Exclude i586 and armv7hl due to the availability of cross-compilers + Move some bash functions to ovmf-build-funcs.sh- Clean up PKG_TO_REMOVE + Only EmulatorPkg still exists. * Mon Apr 06 2020 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Add ovmf-bsc1163927-fix-ping-and-ip6dxe.patch to fix crash and hang in ShellPkg and Ip6Dxe (bsc#1163927, CVE-2019-14559) * Fri Mar 06 2020 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Update to edk2-stable202002 + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Skip reading PlatformId on AMD processors. + BaseTools: Remove invalid leading space before !INCLUDE in Makefile + OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: unbreak \"secondary-vga\" and \"bochs-display\" support + NetworkPkg/ArpDxe: Recycle invalid ARP packets (CVE-2019-14559) + ShellPkg: acpiview: Prevent infinite loop if structure length is 0 + CryptoPkg/BaseHashApiLib: Change PcdHashApiLibPolicy type to FixedAtBuild + CryptoPkg/BaseHashApiLib: Align BaseHashApiLib with TPM 2.0 Implementation + MdeModulePkg: Make retval in UninstallMultipleProtocol follow Spec + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: change IsCertHashFoundInDatabase name (CVE-2019-14575) + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: Differentiate error/search result (2) (CVE-2019-14575) + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: plug Data leak in IsForbiddenByDbx() (CVE-2019-14575) + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: tighten default result (CVE-2019-14575) + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: Differentiate error/search result (1) (CVE-2019-14575) + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: refactor db/dbx fetching code (CVE-2019-14575) + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: avoid bypass in fetching dbx (CVE-2019-14575) + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: fix wrong fetch dbx in IsAllowedByDb (CVE-2019-14575) + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: reject CertStack.CertNumber==0 per DBX (CVE-2019-14575) + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: Fix memory leaks (CVE-2019-14575) + NetworkPkg/Ip4Dxe: Check the received package length (CVE-2019-14559). + ShellPkg: acpiview: Validate ACPI table \'Length\' field + ShellPkg: acpiview: Remove duplicate ACPI structure size definitions + UefiCpuPkg RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Match data type and format specifier + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Fix double PciIo Unmap in TRB creation (CVE-2019-14587) + MdeModulePkg/DisplayEngine: Zero memory before free (CVE-2019-14558) + MdeModulePkg/String.c: Zero memory before free (CVE-2019-14558) + MdeModulePkg/HiiDB: Remove configuration table when it\'s freed (CVE-2019-14586) + MdePkg: Remove FIT table industry standard header file. + UefiCpuPkg: Remove FIT based microcode shadow logic from MpInitLib. + UefiCpuPkg/CpuFeature: Introduce First to indicate 1st unit. + UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Rename [Before|After]FeatureBitMask + UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Delete CPU_FEATURE_[BEFORE|AFTER] + MdePkg: Add PCCT table signature definition + BaseTools: Fixed build failure when using python38 + BaseTools:fix Ecc tool issue for check StructPcd + BaseTools: Remove caret in NASM_INC macro + BaseTools: Rationalise makefile generation + MdePkg: Add PCI Express 5.0 Header File + MdePkg: Disable EBC for unit tests in MdePkg.dsc + MdePkg/SmBios.h: Add two additional DWORD for smbios 3.3.0 type17 + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Not pass microcode info between archs in CPU_MP_DATA + Revert UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Relocate microcode patch fields in CPU_MP_DATA + ShellPkg: acpiview: Validate global pointers before use + ShellPkg: acpiview: Validate System Locality count + ShellPkg: acpiview: Set ItemPtr to NULL for unprocessed table fields + ShellPkg: Document UpdateArgcArgv returns EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER + ShellPkg: Document ParseCommandLineToArgs returns EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER + ShellPkg/UefiShellAcpiViewCommandLib: Fix FADT Parser + SecurityPkg: Fix incorrect return value when File is NULL + BaseTools: Fixed a Incremental build issue + CryptoPkg/CryptoPkg.dsc: Add build of Crypto libraries/modules + CryptoPkg/Library: Add BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi instances + CryptoPkg/Driver: Add Crypto PEIM, DXE, and SMM modules + CryptoPkg: Add EDK II Crypto Protocols/PPIs/PCDs + CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Add X509ConstructCertificateStackV(). + MdeModulePkg/PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Fix potential numeric truncation (CVE-2019-14563) + MdeModulePkg/Capsule: Remove RT restriction in UpdateCapsule service. + SecurityPkg/TcgPhysicalPresenceLib: Replace the ASSERT with error code + BaseTools/PcdValueCommon: Fix 64-bit host compiler error + BaseTools/Build: Do not use Common.lib in Structured PCD app + MdeModulePkg/BaseSerialPortLib16550: Fix Serial Port Ready + BaseTools: Script for converting .aml to .hex + MdeModulePkg: Perform test only if not ignore memory test + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Always get CPUID & PlatformID in MicrocodeDetect() + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: detect SMRAM at default SMBASE (for real) + OvmfPkg: introduce PcdCsmEnable feature flag + OvmfPkg/SmmAccess: close and lock SMRAM at default SMBASE + OvmfPkg/SEV: don\'t manage the lifecycle of the SMRAM at the default SMBASE + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: reserve the SMRAM at the default SMBASE, if it exists + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: assert there\'s no permanent PEI RAM at default SMBASE + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: detect SMRAM at default SMBASE (skeleton) + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: factor out Q35BoardVerification() + OvmfPkg/IndustryStandard: add MCH_DEFAULT_SMBASE * register macros + OvmfPkg/IndustryStandard: increase vertical whitespace in Q35 macro defs + OvmfPkg: introduce PcdQ35SmramAtDefaultSmbase + CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLibNull: Add missing HkdfSha256ExtractAndExpand() + BaseTools/DscBuildData: Fix PCD autogen include file conflict + CryptoPkg/BaseHashApiLib: Implement Unified Hash Calculation API + CryptoPkg: Add CryptoPkg Token Space GUID + BaseTools/Conf/gitattributes: fix \"--function-context\" for C source code + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: fix \"defer\" vs. \"deny\" policies + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: fix imgexec info on memalloc fail + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: fix retval for (FileBuffer==NULL) + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: eliminate \"Status\" variable + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: unnest AddImageExeInfo() call + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: remove superfluous Status setting + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: fix retval on memalloc failure + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: narrow down PE/COFF hash status + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: keep PE/COFF info status internal + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: remove \"else\" after return/break + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: simplify \"VerifyStatus\" + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: rewrite MaxCpuCountInitialization() for CPU hotplug + OvmfPkg/IndustryStandard: define macros for QEMU\'s CPU hotplug registers + OvmfPkg/OvmfXen.dsc: remove PcdCpu * dynamic defaults + CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: remove HmacXxxGetContextSize interface + CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: replace HmacXxxInit API with HmacXxxSetKey + BaseTools: Fixed a incremental build bug + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Fix possible uninitialized \'InitFlag\' field + FmdDevicePkg/FmpDxe: Support Fmp Capsule Dependency. + MdeModulePkg/CapsuleApp: Enhance CapsuleApp for Fmp Capsule Dependency + MdePkg: Add definition for Fmp Capsule Dependency. + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Add retries for async commands + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Add retries for sync commands + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Refactor command error detection + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Fix DAT lane SW reset + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: fix 2M->4K page splitting regression for PDEs + MdeModulePkg/Variable: Fix VarErrorFlag RT cache offset calculation + MdePkg Base.h: Use correct style to check the defined macro + ShellPkg: acpiview: Update SRAT parser to ACPI 6.3 + BaseTools/Capsule: Add capsule dependency support + MdeModulePkg/Setup: Update opcode number variable type to UINTN + ArmPlatformPkg/PrePeiCore: enable VFP at startup + ArmPkg/ArmSmcPsciResetSystemLib: remove EnterS3WithImmediateWake () + NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: fix 32-bit truncation in HTTPS download + MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: log reserved mem allocation failure + BaseTools/Scripts/PatchCheck: Address false error conditions + BaseTools:Fix GenFds issue for BuildOption replace GenFdsOption + BaseTools:Change the case rules for ECC check pointer names + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Fix unknown doxygen tag error + ArmVirtPkg: remove EnterS3WithImmediateWake () from ResetSystemLib + OvmfPkg: remove EnterS3WithImmediateWake () from ResetSystemLib + UefiPayloadPkg: remove EnterS3WithImmediateWake () from ResetSystemLib + PcAtChipsetPkg: remove EnterS3WithImmediateWake () from ResetSystemLib + MdeModulePkg: remove EnterS3WithImmediateWake () from ResetSystemLib + UefiCpuPkg: Shadow microcode patch according to FIT microcode entry. + MdePkg: Add header file for Firmware Interface Table specification. + UefiCpuPkg/CpuCommonFeaturesLib: SMXE bit of CR4 should set + MdePkg BaseLib.h: Update IA32_CR4 strut to include all public fields + MdePkg: Do not use CreateEventEx unless required + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Add missed comments for parameter. + OvmfPkg: use HII type PCDs for TPM2 config related variables + OvmfPkg: reorganize TPM2 support in DSC/FDF files + BaseTools/PatchCheck.py: Ignore CR and LF characters in subject length + MdeModulePkg: Add EDK2 Platform Boot Manager Protocol + CryptoPkg: Support for SHA384 & SHA512 RSA signing schemes + UefiCpuPkg: Always load microcode patch on AP processor. + UefiCpuPkg: Remove alignment check when calculate microcode size. + Revert \"UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Fix buffer overflow issue.\" + MdeModulePkg/UsbMouseAbsolutePointer: Fix endpoint selection + MdeModulePkg/Usb/UsbMouse: Fix endpoint selection + MdeModulePkg/Usb/EfiKey: Fix endpoint selection + SecurityPkg/Tcg2Pei: Add TCG PFP 105 support. + MdeModulePkg/Smbios: Add TCG PFP rev 105 support. + MdeModulePkg/dec: add PcdTcgPfpMeasurementRevision PCD + MdeModulePkg/Smbios: Done measure Smbios multiple times. + SecurityPkg/Tcg2Dxe: Add Tcg2Dxe to support 800-155 event. + SecurityPkg/Guid: Add TCG 800-155 event GUID definition. + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Add function to start SD clock + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Hook SwitchClockFreq after SD clock start + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Pre-allocate PROCEDURE_TOKEN buffer + UefiPayloadPkg/BootManager: Add PS2 keyboard support + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Remove redundant microcode fields in CPU_MP_DATA + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Relocate microcode patch fields in CPU_MP_DATA + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Produce EDKII microcode patch HOB + UefiCpuPkg: Add definitions for EDKII microcode patch HOB + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Reduce the size when loading microcode patches + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Collect processors\' CPUID & Platform ID info + BaseTools/Scripts: Add sendemail.transferEncoding to SetupGit.py + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Fix buffer overflow issue. + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Remove dependence between APs + edksetup.bat stuck on unicode locale Windows + MdePkg/Tcg: Add new definition in TCG PFP spec. + MdePkg: Use __builtin_offset with CLANGPDB toolchain + MdePkg PciExpress21: PCI_REG_PCIE_DEVICE_CONTROL2 struct has 17 bits + ShellPkg/ShellProtocol: Return error code while fail parsing cmd-line + MdePkg/Spdm: fix Nonce structure error. + BaseTools: Resolve a issue of Incremental build + Maintainers.txt: Update email address and role + BaseTools:replaces the two offending quotes by ascii quotes + BaseTools: Fix build failure when multiple build targets given + MdePkg/Include: Add DCC and BCM2835 SPCR UART types + ArmPkg/MmCommunicationDxe: relay architected PI events to MM context + SecurityPkg/Tcg2Smm: Measure the table before patch. + BaseTools: Remove redundant binary cache file + BaseTools: Leverage compiler output to optimize binary cache + BaseTools: enhance the CacheCopyFile method arg names + BaseTools: store more complete output files in binary cache + BaseTools: Enhance Basetool for incremental build + BaseTools: Update build_rule.txt to generate dependent files. + BaseTools: Generate dependent files for ASL and ASM files + BaseTools: Add build option for dependency file generation + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Avoid allocate Token every time + BaseTools: Avoid \"is\" with a literal Python 3.8 warnings + ArmPkg: Dispatch deferred images after EndOfDxe + ShellPkg/UefiHandleParsingLib: Fix error allocate pool + ShellPkg/edit: typo \"%d Lines Wrote\" + ShellPkg: acpiview: IORT Spec Rev D updates + ShellPkg: acpiview: Add support for parsing FACS + MdeModulePkg: Add ARM/Aarch64 support which were missing + MdeModulePkg: LzmaCustomDecompressLib.inf don\'t support EBC anymore + BaseTools:Enhance the way to handling included dsc file + UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.uni: Add missing strings for PCD + NetworkPkg/NetworkPkg.uni: Add missing strings for PCD + MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.uni: Add missing strings for PCD + NetworkPkg: Fixes to static code analysis hits + CryptoPkg/OpensslLib.inf: list OpenSSL local header \"ms/uplink.h\" + CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: improve INF file consistency + MdeModulePkg/VariableSmmRuntimeDxe.inf: list local header \"Variable.h\"- Drop upstreamed fixes + ovmf-bsc1163927-fix-ip4dxe-and-arpdxe.patch + ovmf-bsc1163959-PiDxeS3BootScriptLib-fix-numeric-truncation.patch + ovmf-bsc1163969-fix-DxeImageVerificationHandler.patch- Refresh ovmf-gdb-symbols.patch * Mon Feb 24 2020 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Add ovmf-bsc1163969-fix-DxeImageVerificationHandler.patch to fix dbx signature check (bsc#1163969, CVE-2019-14575) + Also change the order of several patches to distinguish the openssl patch- Add ovmf-bsc1163927-fix-ip4dxe-and-arpdxe.patch to fix memory leakage in Ip4Dxe and ArpDxe (bsc#1163927, CVE-2019-14559) * Tue Feb 18 2020 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Add ovmf-bsc1163959-PiDxeS3BootScriptLib-fix-numeric-truncation.patch to fix the numeric truncation to avoid the potential memory corruption (bsc#1163959, CVE-2019-14563) * Mon Feb 03 2020 Gary Ching-Pang Lin - Build the unified firmware with preloaded keys for backward compatibility (bsc#1159793)