Changelog for tint2-17.1.3-40.10.i586.rpm :

* Fri Mar 29 2024 Christian Ludwig - Added glib.patch: Fix segfault of tint2 with new version of glib2. See
* Fri Feb 23 2024 Andrea Manzini - Update to 17.1.3
* Activated task had chance to lose activation if it\'s on other desktop, with multi-desktop taskbar- Update to 17.1.2
* Fixed multi-taskbar size distrubution (border width was not counted)
* Scale was not counted sometimes
* Updated russian translation- Update to 17.1.1
* Report XShm status on start
* Prints X11 errors when they occur
* Long versions for some command line options
* Extended help text
* Small optimizations
* Reduced load from events spam with shrinking on
* tint2-send: Stdin daemon mode
* Fixed widgets redraw after they were hidden
* Fixed panel flicker if mouse was over during panel start
* Current desktop was set to first instead of current, on start
* Tray subwindow had no PID set, which broke cyrrent owner PID report by
* Desktop launcher parsing is now more freedesktop-compliant
* Fixed some X11 errors
* Fixed some memory leaks- Update to 17.1
* Added option \"rounded_corners\" to disable rounding for separate corners
* Added option to use continuous executor process as command sink for its own action commands
* \"tput clear\" command in executors is possible without \"-T\" option (TERM is set to better value than \"dumb\")
* Enhanced API documentation comment style to look more like documentation right in code (resemble doxygen output)
* tint2conf: spacing option for buttons and executors, enable negative spacing for task icon and text
* Small optimizations
* Found few regressions, possibly introduced between versions 17.0.2 and 17.0.3
* GTK2 was still listed among current dependencies in few places
* snprintf sometimes could overwrite terminating null in fixed buffers, resulting to unpredictable possible crashes
* Last possible artifacts in area / tooltip draw (try thick border lines with rounding)
* Task icon placing did not use spacing in centered mode, resulting to half of spacing moved to padding
* tint2conf + Colors had channel values decremented when saved to config and used wrong required precision + Background image in the editor looked different than on the panel- Update to 17.0.3
* Added command to refresh executors (issue #747) (Arash Rohani)
* Tooltip: live update, remove truncation by hardcoded value, don\'t wrap multiline text
* Never activate battery support without enabled battery applet
* Color tinting: try to preserve perceived lightness
* tint2conf: Don\'t auto-start theme editor with empty TINT2_CONFIG variable
* tint2conf: More convenient editor switcher sidebar with independed scrolling
* tint2conf: Colors, saved to config, use minimum required length (3, 6 or 12 hexdigits)
* Various optimizations and little cleanup
* Manual: Executor examples use \'stdbuf -oL\' and continuous processes in more places
* Interpret negative \"execp_continuous\" value as false (0)
* init_timer: Did not ensure resulting name null-terminated, introducing indirect bug (possible security issue)
* Border radius was not confined by widget size, breaking shape in some cases (e.g. tray without icons)
* Fixed output format for time in logs - could easily take form of 0:0:0s instead of expected 0:00:00s
* Fixed subtle artifacts, resulting from incorrect border & background stiching
* Applet size and content position with negative icon<->text distance
* Fix parsing for color hexstrings with other format, than #FFFFFF (e.g. 1 or 4 hexdigits per channel)
* tint2conf: Theme context menu did not follow right-clicked theme if it was not selected before
* tint2conf: Delay opening theme context menu
* tint2conf: Much faster editor start due to optimized themes loading (bug #792)- changed repo from after end-of-life announce
* Thu Mar 03 2022 Michael Vetter - Dont recommend lang package- Install uncompressed manpage- Change file installation
* Tue Mar 01 2022 Michael Vetter - Update to 17.0.2: Fixes:
* On dual monitor, when minimizing Chrome window it minimizes on the wrong monitor panel (issue #818)
* Thu Jun 03 2021 Asterios Dramis - Update to 17.0.1: Fixes:
* Crash on panel cleanup in single-monitor execp (issue #801) From 17.0: Fixes:
* Crash when a window icon is large (issue #786) (santouits)
* Minute clock doesn\'t update (issue #786)
* Scrollbars in tint2conf (issue #796)
* Preserve item order when skipping executors (issue #799)
* Image memory leak (issues #704, #721) (Adam M. Trofa)
* Incorrect timeout microsecond computation leading to high CPU usage (issue #800) Enhancements:
* Port tint2conf to gtk3 (issue #380)
* execp_monitor config (issue #799)
* Improved executor examples (Nikita Zlobin)- Updated build requirements from GTK-2 to GTK-3.- Use pkgconfig() for most build requirements.
* Tue Jul 23 2019 Update to 16.7: Fixes:
* Fix spacing around icons in executor without text in vertical panels (issue #716)
* Fix Bug: Clock Only Updates Every Minute With Format %s (issue #724)
* Fix markup drawing when font shadow enabled (issue #709)
* Struts pivoting: workaround for panel positioning between monitors in mutter (Chris Billington) Enhancements:
* Blink battery when discharging and low (issue #723)
* Add support for battery percentage without % sign (issue #730)
* Expand leading ~ in icon paths
* Tue Aug 28 2018 Update to 16.6.1:
* Fix packaging regression for debian (issue #715)- Changes from 16.6:
* Fix regression in task icon brightness (issue #714)- Changes from 16.5:
* Add new build script
* Add option to sort taskbar by application name
* Fix regression in image loading
* Thu Aug 02 2018 Update to 16.4:
* Update AUTHORS
* Fix leak in image loading (issue #704)
* Fix executors no longer log unless env var DEBUG_EXECUTORS is set
* Fix layout in executor (issue #695)
* Fix Other small issues
* Tue Jan 23 2018 Update to 16.2:
* Proper fix for having too much space between virtual desktop taskbar (issue #688)
* Fix bad word wrapping (issue #693)
* Preliminary high DPI support
* Thu Jan 11 2018 Update to 16.1:
* Executor: updated tooltip documentation (issue #676)
* Systray: warn on duplicate config option systray_name_filter (issue #652)
* Taskbar: thumbnail support in tooltips
* Taskbar: `taskbar_distribute_size = 1` now playes well with `task_align = center` and `task_align = right` (issue #6
* Fixed several use-after-free errors in the timer code
* Task, Button, Executor: add a bit of slack in the pango text layout, to avoid wrapping due to rounding errors- Add ifdef around post/postun