Changelog for workrave-1.10.50-lp156.39.6.x86_64.rpm :

* Fri Feb 02 2024 Dominique Leuenberger - Drop obsolete python-xml BuildRequires: python-xml is a python2 package, but there seems to be no trace of python2 being used in any way. Changelog mentioned in 2019 that python2 would not longer be required to build. (boo#1219306).
* Wed Apr 26 2023 Jan Engelhardt - Resolve xorg-x11-devel BuildRequire to pkgconfig(...)
* Fri Apr 01 2022 Sebastian Wagner - Update to version 1.10.50: - The \"Restbreak now\" button in the main window no longer responds to keyboard (#368) - Allow installation on Windows without administrator rights. - Fix vertical alignment of GNOME shell applet (#356) - Support GNOME Shell 42 (#396) - Restore support for Windows Vista and up (#367) - The \'Backward shoulder stretch\' exercises now plays a sound twice matching the description (#354)- remove obsolete gnome42.patch- remove obsolete gnome42-vertical-alignment.patch- remove obsolete gnome42-fixapplet.patch
* Thu Mar 31 2022 Timo Jyrinki - Add patches for GNOME 42 from upstream (boo#1197808): - gnome42.patch - gnome42-vertical-alignment.patch - gnome42-fixapplet.patch
* Wed Jan 05 2022 Sebastian Wagner - Update to version 1.10.49 - Adds support for GNOME Shell 41 (#342, Timo Jyrinki) - Inno Setup improvement (#353, Kaleb Luedtke)
* Sun Aug 15 2021 Sebastian Wagner - remove obsolete fix-wayland-gnome-crash.patch- remove obsolete support-gnome-40.patch
* Sun Aug 08 2021 Sebastian Wagner - update to version 1.10.48: - Fixed GNOME Shell applet on Ubuntu 18.04 (#281)- update to version 1.10.47: - Fixed a crash of the GNOME Shell applet (#281) - Adds support for GNOME Shell 40 (#288) - Fixed issue where the installer would fail when installing as system user (#291) - Fixed incorrect disabling of postpone/skip button (#301) - Warn if operation mode is not \'normal\' after unlocking the screen (Windows only for now)
* Thu Jun 03 2021 Timo Jyrinki - Add back the removed patches that were not included yet in the latest upstream release that was done already in March. - Add fix-wayland-gnome-crash.patch, now not needing rebasing - Add support-gnome-40.patch
* Mon May 31 2021 Sebastian Wagner - remove obsolete fix-wayland-gnome-crash.patch- remove obsolete support-gnome-40.patch- Update to version 1.10.45: - Micro breaks without a postpone button could be postponed by starting a - rest break while the break prompt window was visible and then clicking - postpone in the rest break window. The postpone button is now disabled - when the micro break is overdue, and the maximum number of break prompts - was reached. - A new sound theme calls \'Bells\' has been added (#225, Pieter De Decker) - Added support for High-DPI displays in the Windows Applet. - The Windows applet now correctly enforces a minimum size (#252) - Initial support for icon themes. - Fixes: - Fixed build issue with libayatana-indicator3 - Fixed issue where Workrave would show 2 status icons on Linux (#258) - Fixed a deprecation warning in the Gnome Shell applet (#251) - The cinnamon applet is no longer bouncing up and down (#253) - Fixed issue where the current language was always \"Unrecognized language\" - Fixed issue where activity monitoring would stop after restarting Gnome Shell - Fixed issue that caused the main window to disappear (#244, 259) - Translation updates: - Updated Chinese translation (#232, wintertee) - Updated French translation (Darialalala) - Updated Dutch translation (Matthias Huijgen) - Fixed typo in the Italian translation (#234, albanobattistella)
* Fri Apr 16 2021 Timo Jyrinki - Add support-gnome-40.patch to fix working with GNOME 40
* Thu Apr 15 2021 Timo Jyrinki - Add fix-wayland-gnome-crash.patch (boo#1184773).
* Cherry-pick and rebase a fix from upstream git to fix a GNOME crash.
* Wed Sep 16 2020 Dirk Mueller - update to 1.0.44:
* Update Italian translation (Albano Battistella)
* Support libayatana-indicator3 (Kentaro Hayashi)
* Fixed issue on Gnome where Workrave would not detect that the user is idle (#181)
* Fix issue where a break window could disappear after a few seconds.
* Fix issie where the Gnome Shell applet would be reload on Ubuntu 18.04.
* Update Traditional Chinese translation (Yuenfu Chiu)
* Fix Gnome Shell applet compatibility issue with Ubuntu 18.04.
* Fix incomplete Gnome Shell applet menu with latest version of Gnome Shell
* Fix creation for source tarball.
* When it is time to take a micro break, Workrave may start a rest break
* instead. This happens when the rest break would start within 30 seconds of
* the micro break. If the postpone or skip buttons are disabled on the micro
* break, they will be temporarily disabled on the rest break window. A small
* progress bar indicates how long the buttons are disabled. Previously,
* Workrave would restart the micro break when pressing the skip or postpone
* button.
* Support applets on Gnome 3.35.1+ using libgnome-panel (Alberts Muktupāvels).
* Added Indonesian translation (Andika Triwidada).
* Fixed issue where Workrave was not properly terminated on reinstall.
* Show operation mode in Gnome applet.
* Fixed focus issue on rest break window that caused muted (grey) text.
* Update Irish translation (Seanán Ó Coistín)
* new Portuguese translation (pmraps)
* Non-blocking break windows are now centered on Wayland/mutter (#163)
* Support display scaling
* Mon Sep 09 2019 Bjørn Lie - Replace glibmm2-devel and libsigc++2-devel with pkgconfig(glibmm-2.4) and pkgconfig(sigc++-2.0) BuildRequires: align with what configure checks for.
* Thu Jun 13 2019 Timo Jyrinki - Add boost-devel build dep, replace python-cheetah with python3-Jinja2- Update appdata install directory- update to version 1.10.34: - Ubuntu Trusty and Xenial build fixes.- update to version 1.10.33: - Packaging fixes.- update to version 1.10.32: - Fixed a bug that caused high CPU load when the main window was open for a long time. - [internal change] Python 2 is no longer required for building Workrave. The Python2-only Cheetah dependency has been replaced by Jinja 2 (python3-jinja2). Additionally, Boost >= 1.52 is now required (libboost-dev).- update to version 1.10.31: - Add GetTimerRemaining dbus function.- update to version 1.10.30: - Prevent \"Workrave wants to inhibit shortcuts\" on Wayland - Fix timer bar text color under Wayland - Do not dim text in time bar when window is not focused.- update to version 1.10.28/29: - Fix PPA upload- update to version 1.10.27: - Fix menu in Cinnamon applet - Fix bouncing Cinnamon applet- update to version 1.10.26: - Fix Gnome Shell applet for Gnome Shell v3.30 - Reduce padding in timer window- update to version 1.10.25: - Packaging fixes- update to version 1.10.24: - Fix AppStream metadata - Update Slovak translation
* Sat Oct 13 2018 Sebastian Wagner - update to version 1.10.23: - no changelog available- update to version 1.10.22: - Fix size of Xfce applet- update to version 1.10.21: - Support MATE applet with Gtk+3 - Support Xfce applet with Gtk+3
* Tue Apr 17 2018 Redo typelib package according to other typelib packages- Un-SLPP private libraries- Remove -devel subpackage because there are no headers
* Tue Apr 17 2018 fix packaging or .a, .la files- add typelib subpackage- fix ldconfig calls
* Mon Mar 19 2018 update to version 1.10.20
* Fix activity monitoring on non-Gnome desktop environments
* Workrave 1.10.19
* Fix crash because of missing setting
* Fix Gnome Shell applet- update to version 1.10.18
* Support Gnome Shell 3.24/26- update to version 1.10.17
* Update Czech translation (Pavel Bborecki)- update to version 1.10.16
* Mark applet as compatible with GNOME 3.22 (Francois Marier)
* Fix text alignment time bar.
* Fix resuming microbreak after postponing restbreak- update to version 1.10.15
* Fix crash when no shutdown/hibernate options are available.
* Updated traditional Chinese translation (Kevin Kuan)- update to version 1.10.14
* Fixed issue where pressing the down key during a restbreak would lock the screen (bug #1242)- update to version 1.10.13
* Use button instead of combobox if only \'Lock\' is available in restbreak window (pedantic-git)
* Update german translation (rsnitsch)
* Support Gnome Shell 3.20 (Francois Marier)- update to version 1.10.12
* Updated Catalan translation (Jordi Mallach)
* Fixed Gnome Shell applet (Amir Mohammadi)- update to version 1.10.11
* Improved security of network protocol. NOTE: this is a backward incompatible change. This version of Workrave will no longer connect to older Workrave versions.
* Minor improvements- update to version 1.10.9
* UI tweak- update to version 1.10.8
* Extra statistics - Weekly usage statistics (Rob Caelers) - Monthly usage statistics (Denis Nikolaenko)
* Fix gtkmm 3.18 compilation (Javier Tia, Denis Nikolaenko)
* Support Gnome 3.16- update to version 1.10.7
* Update translations: - Spanish (Fco. Javier Serrador)- update to version 1.10.6
* Improved screen lock and shutdown in break window (Mateusz Jończyk)
* Add suspend/hibernate option to break window on Linux (Mateusz Jończyk)
* Gnome applet updated to work with latest Gnome 3 flashback (Dmitry Shachnev)
* Applets added for Cinnamon, XFCE and MATE.
* Bug fixes: - Break window was transparent when blocking mode was set to \'input and screen\' - Text background in exercises window was black, making the text unreadable. - In some cases the timers were shown twice in the panel- update to version 1.10.5
* Updated tranlations: - Danish (Frederik Svarre)
* Updates Desktop files (Francois Marier, Mike Manger)- update to version 1.10.4
* Fix gnome-shell applet for Gnome 3.12.- update to version 1.10.3
* Bug fixes - bug 1114: Closing timer window closes program. - bug 1120: make the GNOME shell extension compatible with GNOME 3.8 - bug 1136: Status window always appears on startup - bug 1137: Make Workrave start up optional - bug 1146: dconf changes not honored for /org/workrave/general/operation-mode - bug 1147: Suspend timer during screensaver - bug 1148: Double deallocation causes crashes during Workrave shutdown - Fix Workrave icon on Unity - Fix size of prelude window - Fix size of unity indicator timebar - Fixed compatibility with gnome-shell 3.10 - Allow Gnome Shell status icon to be enabled/disabled- update to version 1.10.1
* nothing relevant.- update to version 1.10
* Split \"show \'postpone\' and \'skip\'\" checkbox into two checkboxes. (Egbert Teeselink)
* Add the capability to delete all stored statistics (Ray Satiro)
* Workrave now offers a Gnome 3 applet. Applets for both Gnome 3 classic and the Gnome shell are available.
* Workrave now offers an application indicator (applet) in Unity.
* On Unix, Workrave adds a new activity monitoring method that can be used instead of the XRECORD based monitoring. XRECORD monitoring appear be causing X crashes for some people (See
* Infrastructure update. Workrave now supports: - Gtk3/Gtkmm3 (only on Gnome 3; Gtk2/Gtkmm2 is still used on Gnome 2) - Configuration in GSettings (instead of GConf) - GIO based DBus (instead of DBus)
* Obsolete KDE3 support has been droppped.
* Translation updates
* Plus many small fixes and improvements- remove obsolete workrave-1.9.901-gnome3-panel-makefile.patch- remove unused workrave-kde-errors.patch