Changelog for
ruby3.3-rubygem-rubocop-0_71-0.71.0-3.120.i586.rpm :
* Tue Jun 25 2019 Josef Reidinger
- updated to version 0.71.0 for changes see rubocop webpage
* Fri Jul 08 2016 updated to version 0.41.2 no changelog found
* Tue Jun 28 2016 updated to version 0.41.1 no changelog found
* Sun Jun 26 2016 updated to version 0.41.0 no changelog found
* Tue May 10 2016 updated to version 0.40.0 no changelog found
* Wed Apr 06 2016 updated to version 0.39.0 no changelog found
* Thu Mar 10 2016 updated to version 0.38.0 no changelog found
* Wed Mar 02 2016 updated to version 0.37.2 no changelog found
* Wed Feb 10 2016 updated to version 0.37.1 removed upstream
* Fri Feb 05 2016 updated to version 0.37.0 see installed [#]# 0.37.0 (04/02/2016) [#]## New features
* [#2620]( New cop `Style/ZeroLengthPredicate` checks for `object.size == 0` and variants, and suggests replacing them with an appropriate `empty?` predicate. ([AATTdrenmi][])
* [#2657]( Floating headers in HTML output. ([AATTmattparlane][])
* Add new `Style/SpaceAroundKeyword` cop. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2745]( New cop `Style/MultilineHashBraceLayout` checks that the closing brace in a hash literal is symmetrical with respect to the opening brace and the hash elements. ([AATTpanthomakos][])
* [#2761]( New cop `Style/MultilineMethodDefinitionBraceLayout` checks that the closing brace in a method definition is symmetrical with respect to the opening brace and the method parameters. ([AATTpanthomakos][])
* [#2699]( `Performance/Casecmp` can register offenses when `str.downcase` or `str.upcase` are passed to an equality method. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2766]( New cop `Style/MultilineMethodCallBraceLayout` checks that the closing brace in a method call is symmetrical with respect to the opening brace and the method arguments. ([AATTpanthomakos][]) [#]## Bug fixes
* [#2723]( Fix NoMethodError in Style/GuardClause. ([AATTdrenmi][])
* [#2674]( Also check for Hash#update alias in `Performance/RedundantMerge`. ([AATTdrenmi][])
* [#2630]( Take frozen string literals into account in `Style/MutableConstant`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* [#2642]( Support assignment via `||=` in `Style/MutableConstant`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* [#2646]( Fix auto-correcting assignment to a constant in `Style/ConditionalAssignment`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* [#2614]( Check for zero return value from `casecmp` in `Performance/casecmp`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* [#2647]( Allow `xstr` interpolations in `Lint/LiteralInInterpolation`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* Report a violation when `freeze` is called on a frozen string literal in `Style/RedundantFreeze`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* [#2641]( Fix crashing on empty methods with block args in `Perfomance/RedundantBlockCall`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* `Lint/DuplicateMethods` doesn\'t crash when `class_eval` is used with an implicit receiver. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2654]( Fix handling of unary operations in `Style/RedundantParentheses`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2661]( `Style/Next` doesn\'t crash when auto-correcting modifier `if/unless`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2665]( Make specs pass when running on Windows. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2691]( Do not register an offense in `Performance/TimesMap` for calling `map` or `collect` on a variable named `times`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2689]( Change `Performance/RedundantBlockCall` to respect parentheses usage. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2694]( Fix caching when using a different JSON gem such as Oj. ([AATTstormbreakerbg][])
* [#2707]( Change `Lint/NestedMethodDefinition` to respect `` and ``. ([AATTowst][])
* [#2701]( Do not consider assignments to the same variable as useless if later assignments are within a loop. ([AATTowst][])
* [#2696]( `Style/NestedModifier` adds parentheses around a condition when needed. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2666]( Fix bug when auto-correcting symbol literals in `Lint/LiteralInInterpolation`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2664]( `Performance/Casecmp` can auto-correct case comparison to variables and method calls without error. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2729]( Fix handling of hash literal as the first argument in `Style/RedundantParentheses`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2703]( Handle byte order mark in `Style/IndentationWidth`, `Style/ElseAlignment`, `Lint/EndAlignment`, and `Lint/DefEndAlignment`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2710]( Fix handling of fullwidth characters in some cops. ([AATTseikichi][])
* [#2690]( Fix alignment of operands that are part of an assignment in `Style/MultilineOperationIndentation`. ([AATTjonas054][])
* [#2228]( Use the config of a related cop whether it\'s enabled or not. ([AATTmadwort][])
* [#2721]( Do not register an offense for constants wrapped in parentheses passed to `rescue` in `Style/RedundantParentheses`. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2742]( Fix `Style/TrailingCommaInArguments` & `Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral` for inline single element arrays. ([AATTannih][])
* [#2768]( Allow parentheses after keyword `not` in `Style/MethodCallParentheses`. ([AATTlumeet][])
* [#2758]( Allow leading underscores in camel case variable names.([AATTmmcguinn][]) [#]## Changes
* Remove `Style/SpaceAfterControlKeyword` and `Style/SpaceBeforeModifierKeyword` as the more generic `Style/SpaceAroundKeyword` handles the same cases. ([AATTlumeet][])
* Handle comparisons with `!=` in `Performance/casecmp`. ([AATTsegiddins][])
* [#2684]( Do not base `Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment` on the version of Ruby that is running. ([AATTrrosenblum][])
* [#2732]( Change the default style of `Style/SignalException` to `only_raise`. ([AATTbbatsov][])