Changelog for python310-redis-4.3.3-4.2.noarch.rpm :
* Mon Jun 13 2022 Ben Greiner - Delete unused redismod.conf, remove duplicate Source entry for tox.ini * Mon Jun 13 2022 Matej Cepl - Add redismod.conf and tox.ini as Sources to SPEC file. * Sat Jun 11 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to version 4.3.3 * Fix Lock crash, and versioning 4.3.3 (#2210) * Async cluster: improve docs (#2208)- Release 4.3.2 * SHUTDOWN - add support for the new NOW, FORCE and ABORT modifiers (#2150) * Adding pipeline support for async cluster (#2199) * Support CF.MEXISTS + Clean bf/commands.py (#2184) * Extending query_params for FT.PROFILE (#2198) * Implementing ClusterPipeline Lock (#2190) * Set default response_callbacks to redis.asyncio.cluster.ClusterNode (#2201) * Add default None for maxlen at xtrim command (#2188) * Async cluster: add/update typing (#2195) * Changed list type to single element type (#2203) * Made sync lock consistent and added types to it (#2137) * Async cluster: optimisations (#2205) * Fix typos in README (#2206) * Fix modules links to https://redis.io/commands/ (#2185) * Tue May 10 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to version 4.3.1 * Allow negative `retries` for `Retry` class to retry forever * Add `items` parameter to `hset` signature * Create codeql-analysis.yml (#1988). Thanks AATTchayim * Add limited support for Lua scripting with RedisCluster * Implement `.lock()` method on RedisCluster * Fix cursor returned by SCAN for RedisCluster & change default target to PRIMARIES * Fix scan_iter for RedisCluster * Remove verbose logging when initializing ClusterPubSub, ClusterPipeline or RedisCluster * Fix broken connection writer lock-up for asyncio (#2065) * Fix auth bug when provided with no username (#2086)- Release 4.1.3 * Fix flushdb and flushall (#1926) * Add redis5 and redis4 dockers (#1871) * Change json.clear test multi to be up to date with redisjson (#1922) * Fixing volume for unstable_cluster docker (#1914) * Update changes file with changes since 4.0.0-beta2 (#1915)- Release 4.1.2 * Invalid OCSP certificates should raise ConnectionError on failed validation (#1907) * Added retry mechanism on socket timeouts when connecting to the server (#1895) * LMOVE, BLMOVE return incorrect responses (#1906) * Fixing AttributeError in UnixDomainSocketConnection (#1903) * Fixing TypeError in GraphCommands.explain (#1901) * For tests, increasing wait time for the cluster (#1908) * Increased pubsub\'s wait_for_messages timeout to prevent flaky tests (#1893) * README code snippets formatted to highlight properly (#1888) * Fix link in the main page (#1897) * Documentation fixes: JSON Example, SSL Connection Examples, RTD version (#1887) * Direct link to readthedocs (#1885)- Release 4.1.1 * Add retries to connections in Sentinel Pools (#1879) * OCSP Stapling Support (#1873) * Define incr/decr as aliases of incrby/decrby (#1874) * FT.CREATE - support MAXTEXTFIELDS, TEMPORARY, NOHL, NOFREQS, SKIPINITIALSCAN (#1847) * Timeseries docs fix (#1877) * get_connection: catch OSError too (#1832) * Set keys var otherwise variable not created (#1853) * Clusters should optionally require full slot coverage (#1845) * Triple quote docstrings in client.py PEP 257 (#1876) * syncing requirements (#1870) * Typo and typing in GraphCommands documentation (#1855) * Allowing poetry and redis-py to install together (#1854) * setup.py: Add project_urls for PyPI (#1867) * Support test with redis unstable docker (#1850) * Connection examples (#1835) * Documentation cleanup (#1841)- Release 4.1.0 * OCSP stapling support (#1820) * Support for SELECT (#1825) * Support for specifying error types with retry (#1817) * Support for RESET command since Redis 6.2.0 (#1824) * Support CLIENT TRACKING (#1612) * Support WRITE in CLIENT PAUSE (#1549) * JSON set_file and set_path support (#1818) * Allow ssl_ca_path with rediss:// urls (#1814) * Support for password-encrypted SSL private keys (#1782) * Support SYNC and PSYNC (#1741) * Retry on error exception and timeout fixes (#1821) * Fixing read race condition during pubsub (#1737) * Fixing exception in listen (#1823) * Fixed MovedError, and stopped iterating through startup nodes when slots are fully covered (#1819) * Socket not closing after server disconnect (#1797) * Single sourcing the package version (#1791) * Ensure redis_connect_func is set on uds connection (#1794) * SRTALGO - Skip for redis versions greater than 7.0.0 (#1831) * Documentation updates (#1822) * Add CI action to install package from repository commit hash (#1781) (#1790) * Fix link in lmove docstring (#1793) * Disabling JSON.DEBUG tests (#1787) * Migrated targeted nodes to kwargs in Cluster Mode (#1762) * Added support for MONITOR in clusters (#1756) * Adding ROLE Command (#1610) * Integrate RedisBloom support (#1683) * Adding RedisGraph support (#1556) * Allow overriding connection class via keyword arguments (#1752) * Aggregation LOAD * support for RediSearch (#1735) * Adding cluster, bloom, and graph docs (#1779) * Add packaging to setup_requires, and use >= to play nice to setup.py (fixes #1625) (#1780) * Fixing the license link in the readme (#1778) * Removing distutils from tests (#1773) * Fix cluster ACL tests (#1774) * Improved RedisCluster\'s reinitialize_steps and documentation (#1765) * Added black and isort (#1734) * Link Documents for all module commands (#1711) * Pyupgrade + flynt + f-strings (#1759) * Remove unused aggregation subclasses in RediSearch (#1754) * Adding RedisCluster client to support Redis Cluster Mode (#1660) * Support RediSearch FT.PROFILE command (#1727) * Adding support for non-decodable commands (#1731) * COMMAND GETKEYS support (#1738) * RedisJSON 2.0.4 behaviour support (#1747) * Removing deprecating distutils (PEP 632) (#1730) * Updating PR template (#1745) * Removing duplication of Script class (#1751) * Splitting documentation for read the docs (#1743) * Improve code coverage for aggregation tests (#1713) * Fixing COMMAND GETKEYS tests (#1750) * GitHub release improvements (#1684)- Release 4.0.2 * Restoring Sentinel commands to redis client (#1723) * Better removal of hiredis warning (#1726) * Adding links to redis documents in function calls (#1719)- Release 4.0.1 * Removing command on initial connections (#1722) * Removing hiredis warning when not installed (#1721)- Release 4.0.0 * FT.EXPLAINCLI intentionally raising NotImplementedError * Restoring ZRANGE desc for Redis < 6.2.0 (#1697) * Response parsing occasionally fails to parse floats (#1692) * Re-enabling read-the-docs (#1707) * Call HSET after FT.CREATE to avoid keyspace scan (#1706) * Unit tests fixes for compatibility (#1703) * Improve documentation about Locks (#1701) * Fixes to allow --redis-url to pass through all tests (#1700) * Fix unit tests running against Redis 4.0.0 (#1699) * Search alias test fix (#1695) * Adding RediSearch/RedisJSON tests (#1691) * Updating codecov rules (#1689) * Tests to validate custom JSON decoders (#1681) * Added breaking icon to release drafter (#1702) * Removing dependency on six (#1676) * Re-enable pipeline support for JSON and TimeSeries (#1674) * Export Sentinel, and SSL like other classes (#1671) * Restore zrange functionality for older versions of Redis (#1670) * Fixed garbage collection deadlock (#1578) * Tests to validate built python packages (#1678) * Sleep for flaky search test (#1680) * Test function renames, to match standards (#1679) * Docstring improvements for Redis class (#1675) * Fix georadius tests (#1672) * Improvements to JSON coverage (#1666) * Add python_requires setuptools check for python > 3.6 (#1656) * SMISMEMBER support (#1667) * Exposing the module version in loaded_modules (#1648) * RedisTimeSeries support (#1652) * Support for json multipath ($) (#1663) * Added boolean parsing to PEXPIRE and PEXPIREAT (#1665) * Add python_requires setuptools check for python > 3.6 (#1656) * Adding vulture for static analysis (#1655) * Starting to clean the docs (#1657) * Update README.md (#1654) * Adding description format for package (#1651) * Publish to pypi as releases are generated with the release drafter (#1647) * Restore actions to prs (#1653) * Fixing the package to include commands (#1649) * Re-enabling codecov as part of CI process (#1646) * Adding support for redisearch (#1640) Thanks AATTchayim * redisjson support (#1636) Thanks AATTchayim * Sentinel: Add SentinelManagedSSLConnection (#1419) Thanks AATTAbdealiJK * Enable floating parameters in SET (ex and px) (#1635) Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis * Add warning when hiredis not installed. Recommend installation. (#1621) Thanks AATTadiamzn * Raising NotImplementedError for SCRIPT DEBUG and DEBUG SEGFAULT (#1624) Thanks AATTchayim * CLIENT REDIR command support (#1623) Thanks AATTchayim * REPLICAOF command implementation (#1622) Thanks AATTchayim * Add support to NX XX and CH to GEOADD (#1605) Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis * Add support to ZRANGE and ZRANGESTORE parameters (#1603) Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis * Pre 6.2 redis should default to None for script flush (#1641) Thanks AATTchayim * Add FULL option to XINFO SUMMARY (#1638) Thanks AATTagusdmb * Geosearch test should use any=True (#1594) Thanks AATTAndrew-Chen-Wang * Removing packaging dependency (#1626) Thanks AATTchayim * Fix client_kill_filter docs for skimpy (#1596) Thanks AATTAndrew-Chen-Wang * Normalize minid and maxlen docs (#1593) Thanks AATTAndrew-Chen-Wang * Update docs for multiple usernames for ACL DELUSER (#1595) Thanks AATTAndrew-Chen-Wang * Fix grammar of get param in set command (#1588) Thanks AATTAndrew-Chen-Wang * Fix docs for client_kill_filter (#1584) Thanks AATTAndrew-Chen-Wang * Convert README & CONTRIBUTING from rst to md (#1633) Thanks AATTdavidylee * Test BYLEX param in zrangestore (#1634) Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis * Tox integrations with invoke and docker (#1632) Thanks AATTchayim * Adding the release drafter to help simplify release notes (#1618). Thanks AATTchayim * BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Removed support for end of life Python 2.7. #1318 * BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: All values within Redis URLs are unquoted via urllib.parse.unquote. Prior versions of redis-py supported this by specifying the ``decode_components`` flag to the ``from_url`` functions. This is now done by default and cannot be disabled. #589 * POTENTIALLY INCOMPATIBLE: Redis commands were moved into a mixin (see commands.py). Anyone importing ``redis.client`` to access commands directly should import ``redis.commands``. [#1534], #1550 * Removed technical debt on REDIS_6_VERSION placeholder. Thanks AATTchayim #1582. * Various docus fixes. Thanks AATTAndrew-Chen-Wang #1585, #1586. * Support for LOLWUT command, available since Redis 5.0.0. Thanks AATTbrainix #1568. * Added support for CLIENT REPLY, available in Redis 3.2.0. Thanks AATTchayim #1581. * Support for Auto-reconnect PubSub on get_message. Thanks AATTluhn #1574. * Fix RST syntax error in README/ Thanks AATTJanCBrammer #1451. * IDLETIME and FREQ support for RESTORE. Thanks AATTchayim #1580. * Supporting args with MODULE LOAD. Thanks AATTchayim #1579. * Updating RedisLabs with Redis. Thanks AATTgkorland #1575. * Added support for ASYNC to SCRIPT FLUSH available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTchayim. #1567 * Added CLIENT LIST fix to support multiple client ids available in Redis 2.8.12. Thanks AATTchayim #1563. * Added DISCARD support for pipelines available in Redis 2.0.0. Thanks AATTchayim #1565. * Added ACL DELUSER support for deleting lists of users available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTchayim. #1562 * Added CLIENT TRACKINFO support available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTchayim. #1560 * Added GEOSEARCH and GEOSEARCHSTORE support available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFine Redis. #1526 * Added LPUSHX support for lists available in Redis 4.0.0. Thanks AATTchayim. #1559 * Added support for QUIT available in Redis 1.0.0. Thanks AATTchayim. #1558 * Added support for COMMAND COUNT available in Redis 2.8.13. Thanks AATTchayim. #1554. * Added CREATECONSUMER support for XGROUP available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis. #1553 * Including slowly complexity in INFO if available. Thanks AATTian28223 #1489. * Added support for STRALGO available in Redis 6.0.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis. #1528 * Addes support for ZMSCORE available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATT2014BDuck and AATTjiekun.zhu. #1437 * Support MINID and LIMIT on XADD available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis. #1548 * Added sentinel commands FLUSHCONFIG, CKQUORUM, FAILOVER, and RESET available in Redis 2.8.12. Thanks AATTotherpirate. #834 * Migrated Version instead of StrictVersion for Python 3.10. Thanks AATTtirkarthi. #1552 * Added retry mechanism with backoff. Thanks AATTnbraun-amazon. [#1494] * Migrated commands to a mixin. Thanks AATTchayim. #1534 * Added support for ZUNION, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis. #1522 * Added support for CLIENT LIST with ID, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTchayim. #1505 * Added support for MINID and LIMIT with xtrim, available in Reds 6.2.0. Thanks AATTchayim. #1508 * Implemented LMOVE and BLMOVE commands, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTchayim. #1504 * Added GET argument to SET command, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATT2014BDuck. #1412 * Documentation fixes. Thanks AATTenjoy-binbin AATTjonher937. #1496 [#1532] * Added support for XAUTOCLAIM, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis. #1529 * Added IDLE support for XPENDING, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis. #1523 * Add a count parameter to lpop/rpop, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTwavenator. #1487 * Added a (pypy) trove classifier for Python 3.9. Thanks AATTD3X. [#1535] * Added ZINTER support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis. #1520 * Added ZINTER support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis. #1520 * Added ZDIFF and ZDIFFSTORE support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis. #1518 * Added ZRANGESTORE support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis. #1521 * Added LT and GT support for ZADD, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTchayim. #1509 * Added ZRANDMEMBER support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis. #1519 * Added GETDEL support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis. #1514 * Added CLIENT KILL laddr filter, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTchayim. #1506 * Added CLIENT UNPAUSE, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTchayim. #1512 * Added NOMKSTREAM support for XADD, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTchayim. #1507 * Added HRANDFIELD support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis. #1513 * Added CLIENT INFO support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis. #1517 * Added GETEX support, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTAvitalFineRedis. #1515 * Added support for COPY command, available in Redis 6.2.0. Thanks AATTmalinaa96. #1492 * Provide a development and testing environment via docker. Thanks AATTabrookins. #1365 * Added support for the LPOS command available in Redis 6.0.6. Thanks AATTaparcar #1353/#1354 * Added support for the ACL LOG command available in Redis 6. Thanks AATT2014BDuck. #1307 * Added support for ABSTTL option of the RESTORE command available in Redis 5.0. Thanks AATTcharettes. #1423- Drop account-defaults-redis.patch merged upstream * Fri Jul 16 2021 Matej Cepl - Add account-defaults-redis.patch which fixes failing tests by taking into consideration redis defaults, not overwriting them (gh#andymccurdy/redis-py#1499). * Wed Mar 10 2021 Matej Cepl - Skipp two tests because of gh#andymccurdy/redis-py#1459. * Mon Aug 03 2020 Marketa Calabkova - update to 3.5.3 * Restore try/except clauses to __del__ methods. These will be removed in 4.0 when more explicit resource management if enforced. #1339 * Update the master_address when Sentinels promote a new master. #847 * Update SentinelConnectionPool to not forcefully disconnect other in-use connections which can negatively affect threaded applications. #1345 3.5.2 * Tune the locking in ConnectionPool.get_connection so that the lock is not held while waiting for the socket to establish and validate the TCP connection. 3.5.1 * Fix for HSET argument validation to allow any non-None key. Thanks AATTAleksMat, #1337, #1341 3.5.0 * Removed exception trapping from __del__ methods. redis-py objects that hold various resources implement __del__ cleanup methods to release those resources when the object goes out of scope. This provides a fallback for when these objects aren\'t explicitly closed by user code. Prior to this change any errors encountered in closing these resources would be hidden from the user. Thanks AATTjdufresne. #1281 * Expanded support for connection strings specifying a username connecting to pre-v6 servers. #1274 * Optimized Lock\'s blocking_timeout and sleep. If the lock cannot be acquired and the sleep value would cause the loop to sleep beyond blocking_timeout, fail immediately. Thanks AATTclslgrnc. #1263 * Added support for passing Python memoryviews to Redis command args that expect strings or bytes. The memoryview instance is sent directly to the socket such that there are zero copies made of the underlying data during command packing. Thanks AATTCody-G. #1265, #1285 * HSET command now can accept multiple pairs. HMSET has been marked as deprecated now. Thanks to AATTlaixintao #1271 * Don\'t manually DISCARD when encountering an ExecAbortError. Thanks AATTnickgaya, #1300/#1301 * Reset the watched state of pipelines after calling exec. This saves a roundtrip to the server by not having to call UNWATCH within Pipeline.reset(). Thanks AATTnickgaya, #1299/#1302 * Added the KEEPTTL option for the SET command. Thanks AATTlaixintao #1304/#1280 * Added the MEMORY STATS command. #1268 * Lock.extend() now has a new option, `replace_ttl`. When False (the default), Lock.extend() adds the `additional_time` to the lock\'s existing TTL. When replace_ttl=True, the lock\'s existing TTL is replaced with the value of `additional_time`. * Add testing and support for PyPy. * Thu Mar 19 2020 pgajdosAATTsuse.com- version update to 3.4.1 * 3.4.1 * Move the username argument in the Redis and Connection classes to the end of the argument list. This helps those poor souls that specify all their connection options as non-keyword arguments. #1276 * Prior to ACL support, redis-py ignored the username component of Connection URLs. With ACL support, usernames are no longer ignored and are used to authenticate against an ACL rule. Some cloud vendors with managed Redis instances (like Heroku) provide connection URLs with a username component pre-ACL that is not intended to be used. Sending that username to Redis servers < 6.0.0 results in an error. Attempt to detect this condition and retry the AUTH command with only the password such that authentication continues to work for these users. #1274 * Removed the __eq__ hooks to Redis and ConnectionPool that were added in 3.4.0. This ended up being a bad idea as two separate connection pools be considered equal yet manage a completely separate set of connections. * 3.4.0 * Allow empty pipelines to be executed if there are WATCHed keys. This is a convenient way to test if any of the watched keys changed without actually running any other commands. Thanks AATTbrianmaissy. [#1233], #1234 * Removed support for end of life Python 3.4. * Added support for all ACL commands in Redis 6. Thanks AATTIAmATeaPot418 for helping. * Pipeline instances now always evaluate to True. Prior to this change, pipeline instances relied on __len__ for boolean evaluation which meant that pipelines with no commands on the stack would be considered False. #994 * Client instances and Connection pools now support a \'client_name\' argument. If supplied, all connections created will call CLIENT SETNAME as soon as the connection is opened. Thanks to AATTHabbie for supplying the basis of this change. #802 * Added the \'ssl_check_hostname\' argument to specify whether SSL connections should require the server hostname to match the hostname specified in the SSL cert. By default \'ssl_check_hostname\' is False for backwards compatibility. #1196 * Slightly optimized command packing. Thanks AATTDeneby67. #1255 * Added support for the TYPE argument to SCAN. Thanks AATTnetocp. #1220 * Better thread and fork safety in ConnectionPool and BlockingConnectionPool. Added better locking to synchronize critical sections rather than relying on CPython-specific implementation details relating to atomic operations. Adjusted how the pools identify and deal with a fork. Added a ChildDeadlockedError exception that is raised by child processes in the very unlikely chance that a deadlock is encountered. Thanks AATTgmbnomis, AATTmdellweg, AATTyht804421715. #1270, [#1138], #1178, #906, #1262 * Added __eq__ hooks to the Redis and ConnectionPool classes. Thanks AATTbrainix. #1240- deleted patches - 0001-fix-tests-with-redis-pre-5.0.0.patch (upstreamed) * Fri Dec 13 2019 Matthias Fehring - Fix tests with redis pre 5.0.0: * 0001-fix-tests-with-redis-pre-5.0.0.patch * Sun Nov 24 2019 Arun Persaud - specfile: * be more specifc in %files section- update to version 3.3.11: * Further fix for the SSLError -> TimeoutError mapping to work on obscure releases of Python 2.7.- changes from version 3.3.10: * Fixed a potential error handling bug for the SSLError -> TimeoutError mapping introduced in 3.3.9. hanks AATTzbristow. #1224- changes from version 3.3.9: * Mapped Python 2.7 SSLError to TimeoutError where appropriate. Timeouts should now consistently raise TimeoutErrors on Python 2.7 for both unsecured and secured connections. Thanks AATTzbristow. #1222