Changelog for
R-knitr-1.27-1.48.i586.rpm :
* Fri Jan 31 2020 Pierre Bonamy
- Update to 1.27
* The chunk option message = FALSE can now be used to suppress the message \"running: command ...\" when the language engine is a command
* options(\'width\') no longer affects caching.
* write_bib() also includes all citation entries in the package\'s CITATION file if provided.
* Office outputs (e.g., rmarkdown::word_document) supports the following chunk options out.width, out.height, out.extra.
* The chunk option fig.process can be specified by a function with the options argument to read chunk options
* The input argument of knitr::knit() must be a file path (a character string). It can no longer be connections.
* The encoding argument of knitr::knit() is ignored.
* The LaTeX package framed.sty is no longer bundled with the knitr package.
* Added chunk options class.error, class.warning, and class.message to customize the CSS classes for errors, warnings, and messages in R Markdown output, respectively
* Added styler support.- Cleaned up spec file and removed unneeded dependencies using R2spec and spec-cleaner
* Tue Aug 27 2019 John Vandenberg - Add missing build dependency R-stringr
* Mon Jul 02 2018 Update to new upstream release 1.20
* Added a roxygen_comments parameter to read_chunk() in order to control whether trailing commentary is stripped from code chunks; default behaviour is to keep roxygen comments with roxygen_comments = TRUE (thanks, AATTruaridhw, gh#yihui/knitr#1484).
* knit_filter() does not work for R Markdown input files (thanks, AATTomahdi, gh#yihui/knitr#1498).
* Tue Apr 03 2018 removed Recommends/BuildRequires based on Suggests
* Sun Dec 31 2017 Update to 1.1.8
* Tue Oct 17 2017 Update to 1.1.7- Run spec-cleaner
* Thu Oct 09 2014 updated source to latest release
* Mon May 07 2012 initial package for OpenSuSE