Changelog for
ghc-constraints-doc-0.14.2-dlh.58.4.noarch.rpm :
* Fri Jul 05 2024 Peter Simons
- Update constraints to version 0.14.2 revision 1. Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Sun May 12 2024 Peter Simons - Update constraints to version 0.14.2. 0.14.2 [2024.05.12] - ------------------
* Re-export `Log2` from `Data.Constraint.Nat`.
* Add `log2Nat` and `log2Pow` to `Data.Constraint.Nat`.
* Mon Apr 29 2024 Peter Simons - Update constraints to version 0.14.1. 0.14.1 [2024.04.29] - ------------------
* Remove an unused dependency on the `type-equality` library.
* Wed Oct 11 2023 Peter Simons - Update constraints to version 0.14. 0.14 [2023.10.11] - ----------------
* Drop support for GHCs older than 8.6.
* The `forall` function in `Data.Constraint.Forall` has been renamed to `forall_`, since a future version of GHC will make the use of `forall` as an identifier an error.
* Implement `Data.Constraint.Forall` using `QuantifiedConstraints`.
* Remove `Lifting` instances for `ErrorT` and `ListT`, which were removed in `transformers-0.6.
* Add a `c => Boring (Dict c)` instance.
* Add the `Data.Constraint.Char` module, which contains utilities for working with `KnownChar` constraints. This module is only available on GHC 9.2 or later.
* Add `unsafeAxiom` to `Data.Constraint.Unsafe`.
* Add `unsafeSChar`, `unsafeSNat`, and `unsafeSSymbol` to `Data.Constraint.Unsafe` when building with `base-4.18` (GHC 9.6) or later.
* Tue Aug 08 2023 Peter Simons - Update constraints to version 0.13.4 revision 1. Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Thu Mar 30 2023 Peter Simons - Updated spec file to conform with ghc-rpm-macros-2.5.2.
* Fri May 20 2022 Peter Simons - Update constraints to version 0.13.4. 0.13.4 [2022.05.19] - ------------------
* Correct the CPP introduced in `constraints-0.13.3` such that it works when building with `mtl-2.3.
*` or later combined with `transformers < 0.6`.
* Mon Jan 31 2022 Peter Simons - Update constraints to version 0.13.3. 0.13.3 [2022.01.31] - ------------------
* Allow building with `transformers-0.6.
*` and `mtl-2.3.
* Tue Nov 16 2021 Update constraints to version 0.13.2 revision 1. Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Thu Nov 11 2021 Update constraints to version 0.13.2. 0.13.2 [2021.11.10] - ------------------
* Allow building on GHC HEAD.
* Mon Nov 01 2021 Update constraints to version 0.13.1. 0.13.1 [2021.10.31] - ------------------
* Allow building with GHC 9.2.
* Tue Oct 19 2021 Update constraints to version 0.13 revision 1. Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Fri Feb 19 2021 Update constraints to version 0.13. 0.13 [2021.02.17] - ----------------
* `Data.Constraint.Symbol` now reexports the `GHC.TypeLits.AppendSymbol` type family from recent versions of `base` (or, on old versions of `base`, it defines a backwards-compatibile version of `AppendSymbol`). The existing `(++)` type family for `Data.Constraint.Symbol` is now a synonym for `AppendSymbol`. This is technically a breaking change, as `(++)` was previously defined like so: ```hs type family (++) :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Symbol ``` This meant that `(++)` could be partially applied. However, for compatibility with the way that `AppendSymbol` is defined, `(++)` is now defined like so: ```hs type m ++ n = AppendSymbol m n ``` As a result, `(++)` can no longer be partially applied.
* Make the `(++)` type family in `Data.Constraint.Symbol` be `infixr 5`.
* Add `implied :: (a => b) -> (a :- b)` to `Data.Constraint`, which converts a quantified constraint into an entailment. This is only available when compiled with GHC 8.6 or later.