Changelog for
ghc-cardano-ledger-shelley-ma-devel- :
* Thu Dec 10 2020 Mark Stopka
- Update to version
* Allegra to Mary tx translation preserves encoding
* rename ValidityInterval accessors
* rename Metadata to AuxiliaryData
* Parameterise MetaDataHash over the crypto instead of era
* Parameterise era-independent types over the crypto instead of era
* Fix Value deserialisation.
* Update ormolu version.
* MetaData -> Metadata
* Allow UInt64 and NInt64 tokens for coins.
* Use previous hashing prefix for timelock scripts
* Added CBOR roundtrip tests for Shelley Allegra and Mary Eras.
* Test era translation preserves bytes
* Prune the generated multi-asset values
* Sun Nov 29 2020 Update to version
* - Move `ShelleyEra` and associated definitions to `Cardano.Ledger.Shelley`. - Define `Core` instances in the `ShelleMA` era module.
* Replace \'forge\' with \'mint\'.
* Drop the Eq instance for CompactForm via unCompact.
* Different serializations for Value
* Add tests for Metadata serialisation.
* Implement Metadata for Shelley MA.
* Fix the min-ada calculation (#2004)
* Proper Compactible instance for Value
* fix minUTxOValue check
* correct use of asset ID vs Name
* fix timelock upper bound evaluation
* Removed StrictMaybe from Timelock constructors RequireTimeStart and RequireTimeExpire
* Consistent naming convention for self-serialising data.
* \"Added Sparse serialisation to Cardano.Ledger.ShelleyMA.TxBody
* Redid Timelock in a style suggested by Duncan. Improved the Coders library. Added a Serialisation directory in the shelley-ma tests. Added many serialization tests to test Coders.hs and Timelocks.hs, including rountdrip, embedding MultiSig into Timelock, and preservation of of serialisation bytes when translating MultiSig to Timelock.
* Translations Allegra -> Mary
* Extended Coder.hs to handle redefining TxBody as sparse encoded MemoBytes.
* fix ValueNotConservedUTxO in Shelley-MA
* Fill out translation Shelley->Allegra
* \"Added the TxBody type with validity intervals and forge fields. Tied this together with the Timelocks scripts. TxBody is newtype wrapped around a MemoBytes. It exports a set of HasField instances appropriate for a TxBody. Also created a test file with a minumum number of test, testing the HasField use and roundtripp CBOR properties. Cleaned up and extended Jareds idea of using EraIndependentTxBody. Extended this to all types with a HashAnnotated instance, which now adds an associated type family HashIndex. Made all uses consistent with this approach, Removed the function eraIndTxBodyHash, which can be replaced hashAnnotated.\"
* Sat Oct 31 2020 Mark Stopka - Initial package