Changelog for
nodejs15-15.14.0-21.29.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon May 31 2021 Use libalternatives instead of update-alternatives
* Tue May 04 2021 icu69.patch: fixes build issues with ICU69 (bsc#1185400)
* Wed Apr 07 2021 New upstream version 15.14.0:
* fs: add support for async iterators to fsPromises.writeFile
* net: + allow net.BlockList to use net.SocketAddress objects + add SocketAddress class + make net.BlockList cloneable
* net,tls: add abort signal support to connect
* readline: add AbortSignal support to interface- Changes in version 15.13.0:
* buffer: implement btoa and atob
* deps: upgrade npm to 7.7.6 This update adds workspaces support to npm run and npm exec
* doc: add legacy status to stability index
* http: add http.ClientRequest.getRawHeaderNames()- refreshed patches: fix_ci_tests.patch, npm_bundle_to_provides.js, npm_search_paths.patch
* Tue Mar 30 2021 New upstream version 15.12.0:
* crypto: + add optional callback to crypto.sign and crypto.verify + support JWK objects in create
* deps: + update to cjs-module-lexerAATT1.1.0
* fs: improve fsPromises writeFile and writeFile performance
* lib: implement AbortSignal.abort()
* node-api: define version 8
* worker: add setEnvironmentData/getEnvironmentData- fix_ci_tests.patch npm_search_paths.patch: refreshed
* Wed Mar 03 2021 New upstream version 15.11.0:
* crypto: make FIPS related options always awailable (note: don\'t forget to install the appropriate FIPS patterns as otherwise openssl will refuse)
* errors: remove experimental from --enable-source-maps- nodejs-libpath.patch, versioned.patch: refreshed
* Tue Feb 23 2021 New upstream version 15.10.0:
* CVE-2021-22883: HTTP2 \'unknownProtocol\' cause Denial of Service by resource exhaustion (bsc#1182619)
* CVE-2021-22884: DNS rebinding in --inspect (bsc#1182620)- Changes in 15.9.0:
* crypto: add keyObject.export() \'jwk\' format option
* deps: upgrade to libuv 1.41.0
* doc: refactor fs docs structure
* fs: + add + use a default callback for fs.close() + add AbortSignal support to watch
* perf_hooks: introduce createHistogram
* stream: improve Readable.from error handling
* timers: introduce setInterval async iterator
* tls: add ability to get cert/peer cert as X509Certificate object
* Wed Feb 17 2021 relax OpenSSL cipher suite policies for unit tests
* Fri Feb 05 2021 New upstream version 15.8.0:
* crypto: + add generatePrime/checkPrime + experimental (Ed/X)25519/(Ed/X)448 support
* deps: upgrade npm to 7.5.0 This update adds a new npm diff command.
* dgram: support AbortSignal in createSocket
* esm: deprecate legacy main lookup for modules
* readline: + add history event and option to set initial history + add support for the AbortController to the question method- versioned.patch: refreshed
* Tue Feb 02 2021 New upstream version 15.7.0:
* buffer: + introduce Blob + add base64url encoding option
* fs: + allow position parameter to be a BigInt in read and readSync (raisinten)
* http: + attach request as res.req + expose urlToHttpOptions utility
* Thu Jan 21 2021 New upstream version 15.6.0:
* child_process: + add \'overlapped\' stdio flag + support AbortSignal in fork
* crypto: + implement basic secure heap support + fixup bug in keygen error handling + introduce X509Certificate API + implement randomuuid
* http: set lifo as the default scheduling strategy in Agent
* net: support abortSignal in server.listen
* process: add direct access to rss without iterating pages
* v8: fix native serdes constructors versioned.patch: refreshed
* Mon Jan 04 2021 New upstream version 15.5.1:
* CVE-2020-8265: use-after-free in TLSWrap (High) bug in TLS implementation. When writing to a TLS enabled socket, node::StreamBase::Write calls node::TLSWrap::DoWrite with a freshly allocated WriteWrap object as first argument. If the DoWrite method does not return an error, this object is passed back to the caller as part of a StreamWriteResult structure. This may be exploited to corrupt memory leading to a Denial of Service or potentially other exploits (bsc#1180553)
* CVE-2020-8287: HTTP Request Smuggling allow two copies of a header field in a http request. For example, two Transfer-Encoding header fields. In this case Node.js identifies the first header field and ignores the second. This can lead to HTTP Request Smuggling ( (bsc#1180554)
* CVE-2020-1971: OpenSSL - EDIPARTYNAME NULL pointer de-reference (High) This is a vulnerability in OpenSSL which may be exploited through Node.js. (bsc#1179491)- Changes in 15.5.0:
* child_process: add signal support to spawn
* http: use autoDestroy: true in incoming message
* lib: support BigInt in querystring.stringify
* stream: support abortsignal in constructor- npm_search_paths.patch, versioned.patch: refreshed- revert_cares_caa_reply_support.patch: dropped, no longer needed
* Thu Dec 10 2020 New upstream version 15.4.0:
* child_processes: add AbortSignal support
* events: + support signal in EventTarget + graduate Event, EventTarget, AbortController
* http: enable call chaining with setHeader()
* module: add isPreloading indicator
* stream: + support abort signal + add FileHandle support to Read/WriteStream
* worker: add experimental BroadcastChannel- nodejs-libpath.patch: refreshed
* Mon Nov 30 2020 openssl_binary_detection.patch: fixes unit tests on SLE12
* Thu Nov 26 2020 New upstream version 15.3.0:
* dns: add a cancel() method to the promise Resolver
* events: add max listener warning for EventTarget
* http: add support for abortsignal to http.request
* http2: allow setting the local window size of a session
* lib: add throws option to fs.f/l/statSync
* path: add path/posix and path/win32 alias modules
* readline: add getPrompt to get the current prompt
* src: add loop idle time in diagnostic report
* util: add util/types alias module
* Thu Nov 19 2020 New upstream version 15.2.1:
* deps: Denial of Service through DNS request (High). A Node.js application that allows an attacker to trigger a DNS request for a host of their choice could trigger a Denial of Service by getting the application to resolve a DNS record with a larger number of responses (bsc#1178882, CVE-2020-8277)
* Thu Nov 12 2020 Update to 15.2.0:
* events: +getEventListeners static
* fs: + support abortsignal in writeFile + add support for AbortSignal in readFile
* stream: + fix thrown object reference revert_cares_caa_reply_support.patch: refreshed
* Thu Nov 05 2020 Update to 15.1.0:
* deps: npm updated to 7.0.8
* child_process: add ChildProcess \'spawn\' event
* dns: add setLocalAddress to Resolver
* http: report request start and end with diagnostics_channel
* http2: add updateSettings to both http2 servers
* lib: create diagnostics_channel module
* src: add --heapsnapshot-near-heap-limit option
* v8: implement v8.stopCoverage() and v8.takeCoverage()
* worker: add eventLoopUtilization()- fix_ci_tests.patch, npm_search_paths.patch, versioned.patch refreshed For details see
* Thu Oct 22 2020 Update to 15.0.1:
* crypto: fix regression on randomFillSync This fixes issue
* deps: upgrade npm to 7.0.3 (Ruy Adorno) #35724- revert_cares_caa_reply_support.patch: temporarily revert upstream patch since it requires an updated c-ares- old_icu.patch: update v8 sources to use old ICU version
* Tue Oct 20 2020 Initial release 15.0.0. For complete list of changes since 14.x codestream, see