Changelog for request-tracker-4.4.4-6.141.noarch.rpm :

* Wed Oct 28 2020 Dirk Stoecker - fix build with perl 5.32
* Mon May 04 2020 - 4.4.4- replace cron scripts with systemd timer scripts on systems using systemd (boo#1115430)- enhanced README.SUSE with a section about the new timers
* Thu Mar 14 2019 - 4.4.4- update to 4.4.4: Security Updates + One of RT\'s dependencies, the Perl module Email::Address, has a denial of service vulnerability which could induce a denial of service of RT itself. We recommend updating to Email::Address version 1.912 or later. The Email::Address vulnerabilities are assigned CVE-2015-7686 and CVE-2015-12558. CVE-2015-7686 was addressed in RT with a previous update. Email::Address version 1.912 addresses both of these CVEs with updates directly in the source module. + One of RT\'s dependencies, the Perl module Email::Address::List, relies on and operates similarly to Email::Address and therefore also has potential denial of service vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities are assigned CVE-2018-18898. We recommend administrators install Email::Address::List version 0.06 or later. + An optional RT dependency, HTML::Gumbo, incorrectly escaped HTML in some cases. Since RT relies on this module to escape HTML content, it\'s possible this issue could allow malicious HTML to be displayed in RT. For RT\'s using this optional module, we recommend administrators install HTML::Gumbo version 0.18 or later.
* The version of jQuery used in RT 4.2 and 4.4 has a Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability when using cross-domain Ajax requests. This vulnerability is assigned CVE-2015-9251. RT does not use this jQuery feature so it is not directly vulnerable. jQuery version 1.12 no longer receives official updates, however a fix was posted with recommendations for applications to patch locally, so RT will follow this recommendation and ship with a patched version. EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Several new features were added to support GDPR compliance and are summarized here. See the new GDPR documentation for details on the new features.
* Provide ways to download user data to format-neutral tsv files.
* Provide ways to anonymize or remove users.
* Provide a tool to remove PII from transaction history.
* Allow self service users to optionally view and edit their personal data. General user UI
* Don\'t skip sending mail if there are attached tickets.
* Handle legacy PGP Partitioned format for Outlook-style messages.
* Improve visuals of self service \"Go to Ticket\" box (I#31794).
* Add SLA to query builder options.
* Improve message when applying/removing custom roles from queues (I#32695).
* Wipe out related transactions on custom field shred.
* Add option to disable escaping HTML in articles (I#32374).
* Add keyboard shortcuts for reply and comment on ticket display page.
* Improve message for adding/deleting a new custom field value (I#32695).
* Make each transaction in history display below previous transactions (CSS bug fix).
* Avoid overflowing ticket subject in \"Recently Viewed\" menu on ballard theme.
* Better align input boxes and login button.
* Omit disabled users and groups from dashboard subscription page.
* Don\'t return search results for disabled custom fields (I#33972).
* Add some style to web UI shredder pages.
* Render charts properly when searching with queue custom fields (#I32564).
* On user prefs page, show system default values for Timezone and Lang when unset. Administration
* Templatize and install rt-search-attributes utility.
* Allow rt-setup-fulltext-index to prompt for dba password.
* Allow rt-validator to delete txns of reminder changes if reminders don\'t exist.
* Allow rt-validator to delete txns of custom field changes if CFs don\'t exist.
* Let rt-validator check more owner change txns.
* Add default CSS in theme editor for heading font colors.
* Pass UTF-8 decoded data to Create method for rt-importer on Pg.
* Check SeeGroup on individual group admin pages.
* Standardize error message for failed dashboard load.
* Clarify email recipients in dryrun debug message for dashboard email.
* Skip disabled users when sending dashboard subscriptions. Internals
* Include only ticket lifecycles for Status = \'__Active__\'.
* Update article postfix loops from using $_ to a named variable.
* Avoid duplicated items in index.html when generating online docs.
* Don\'t endlessly try to terminate apache processes in tests.
* Provide a results array to pass messages to ListActions for asset create.
* Copy lifecycle array before iterating and possibly modifying.
* Load RT::ObjectCustomFieldValues to prevent web installer errors.
* Add a class based on custom field name to allow for easier custom styling.
* Test lifecycle rights with optional context object to allow for role rights.
* Remove signature feature from SelfService prefs since self service users can\'t have a sig.
* Don\'t search empty attribute values in CanonicalizeUserInfoFromExternalAuth.
* Add column to transaction column map for content.
* Update AddTicket to force multipart/mixed email when attaching tickets to email.
* Require Encode::HanExtra in RT::Attachment::EncodedHeaders when necessary.
* Add caching to the queue list portlet to improve performance on RT at a glance.
* Update session testing method when testing on Oracle to avoid hanging tests Developer
* Add callbacks for modifying custom role lists.
* Add ARGSRef parameter to the IncludeArticle callback.
* Add callback \'BeforeTitle\' to change history titlebox.
* Add BeforeCreate callback for user admin page.
* Apply dynamic tr classes on NEWLINE in Row callback (thanks to Michael Friedrich).
* Add BeforeDeleteLink callback for AddAttachments. Documentation
* Add GDPR documentation.
* Add custom roles documentation.
* Update query builder docs to explain NOT NULL in CF searches.
* Update database version notes in README.
* Add and display a Synopsis for the user shredder plugin.
* Clarify failed resolver error message for user shredder plugin.- refreshed the following patches: + enable-build-as-non-root.patch + request-tracker-use_local_lib.patch- enhanced request-tracker-rpmlintrc to be a bit more generic- enhanced /etc/sysconfig/request-tracker to contain all the default directories and users/groups used by RT per default- separated the preparation done in the old init script into /usr/sbin/ which uses the variables from /etc/sysconfig/request-tracker. This allows to call the script either via systemd or sysvinit file- modified /etc/init.d/request-tracker to also use the /usr/sbin/ script during startup- added request-tracker.service file to fully support systemd- recommend perl(HTML::Gumbo), as this is an optional dependency for showing a broader set of rich text (HTML) message features- recommend perl(HTML::FormatExternal) to allow RT to use external programms to render HTML to plain text (optional feature)
* Wed Sep 12 2018 - 4.4.3- update to 4.4.3 General user UI
* Show the Ticket\'s Subject when modifying the ticket.
* Re-format RT/ so the `# loc` comment parses correctly.
* Sort saved searches alphabetically by name rather than by id.
* In Self Service, provide a path to remove attachments from the session when they are deleted from dropzone by the user (I#32663).
* Fix evaluation of set vs. unset custom fields on display for correct hiding.
* Set dropzone attachment size based on RT\'s MaxAttachmentSize configuration.
* Add a configuration option TreatAttachedEmailAsFiles to treat attached email as a file attachment instead of parsing as regular email.
* Restore email header parsing for items like email addresses when TreatAttachedEmailAsFiles is not set. This was disabled in a previous version.
* Respect default queue settings in Create linked ticket dropdown (I#32884).
* More fixes for recipient checkboxes on update. This version removes previous problematic fixes and gives a visual indication (shading) when RT is updating recipients in the background and checkboxes should not be changed (I#33027).
* Provide a way to reset personal search preferences back to the RT system default (I#32854).
* Add an Untake action to the Actions tab.
* Add active and inactive status to query builder.
* Re-add Queue to \'Order by\' dropdown in Search Builder.
* Make admin searches for queue and group case insensitive making it easier to find groups.
* When editing ticket basics, always add valid default value to queue selection, taking into account SeeQueue rights.
* Set dropzone parallelUploads to 1 to avoid losing attachments. Also set parallelUploads when the dropzone object is created.
* Correct error messages on user rights for CF admin UI.
* In ticket history, respect ShowHeaders option from request for ScrollShowHistory (I#32699).
* Fix ExtraArgs of callback ExtraShowHistoryArguments in ScrollShowHistory.
* In the ticket history with scroll set, continue to get transactions until all have been shown, even if a block has been hidden for some reason (rights, etc.).
* Add PreferDropzone config/pref option for users. Dropzone is not accessible to screen readers and this enables the previous attachments interface which is accessible.
* In the query builder, set operator to \"IS\" or \"IS NOT\" for NULL values. This fixes a regression from pre-4.4 RT behavior.
* Don\'t create ticket if user clicks \"Go\" buttons of \"Include Article\".
* Fix CF name escape for asset search\'s spreadsheet download.
* Show the user in single member custom roles even if the user is disabled (I#32949). Administration
* Stop wrapping ShowUser in tags to avoid unnecessary nested links.
* When listing group members, sort by text-only representation of the user, not HTML (I#30771)
* In the group admin page, stop pre-computing ShowUser.
* In shredder, check for both id and name mismatches when loading objects.
* Add a new rt-passwd command to make it easy to reset passwords on the command-line.
* Support custom roles in RT serializer/importer tools.
* Support catalogs and assets in RT serializer/importer tools.
* Update RT\'s module dependencies for SSL (https) to align with updates to the CPAN module ecosystem.
* Add age, batchsize, and dry-run options to rt-externalize-attachments.
* Set proper HTTP Status codes on Abort.
* The value for converting the owner dropdown to an autocomplete textbox can now be updated in configuration with DropdownMenuLimit.
* Switch to Clone::clone to copy config structures in Obfuscate callbacks. This restores support for REGEXP and CODE configuration on the System Configuration page.
* Provide a way to pass more options to Net::LDAP from LDAPImport configuration.
* Provide more debug output on connection failures in LDAPImport.
* Store log messages until RT::Logger is initialized. This means messages logged before the logger is available, like \"Change of config option...\" can now respect the configured log level.
* In shredder, check for both id and name mismatches when loading objects
* Retain scrip sort order in pagination links more on use/define _fillupdir- use systemd macros, where possible
* Mon Sep 25 2017 update to 4.4.2 Security
* RT 4.0.0 and above are vulnerable to an information leak of cross-site request forgery (CSRF) verification tokens if a user visits a specific URL crafted by an attacker. This vulnerability is assigned CVE-2017-5943. It was discovered by a third-party security researcher.
* RT 4.0.0 and above are vulnerable to a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack if an attacker uploads a malicious file with a certain content type. Installations which use the AlwaysDownloadAttachments config setting are unaffected. This fix addresses all existant and future uploaded attachments. This vulnerability is assigned CVE-2016-6127. This was responsibly disclosed to us first by Scott Russo and the GE Application Security Assessment Team.
* One of RT\'s dependencies, a Perl module named Email::Address, has a denial of service vulnerability which could induce a denial of service of RT itself. We recommend administrators install Email::Address version 1.908 or above, though we additionally provide a new workaround within RT. The Email::Address vulnerability was assigned CVE-2015-7686. This vulnerability\'s application to RT was brought to our attention by Pali Rohár.
* RT 4.0.0 and above are vulnerable to timing side-channel attacks for user passwords. By carefully measuring millions or billions of login attempts, an attacker could crack a user\'s password even over the internet. RT now uses a constant-time comparison algorithm for secrets to thwart such attacks. This vulnerability is assigned CVE-2017-5361. This was responsibly disclosed to us by Aaron Kondziela.
* RT\'s ExternalAuth feature is vulnerable to a similar timing side-channel attack. Both RT 4.0/4.2 with the widely-deployed RT::Authen::ExternalAuth extension, as well as the core ExternalAuth feature in RT 4.4 are vulnerable. Installations which don\'t use ExternalAuth, or which use ExternalAuth for LDAP/ActiveDirectory authentication, or which use ExternalAuth for cookie-based authentication, are unaffected. Only ExternalAuth in DBI (database) mode is vulnerable.
* RT 4.0.0 and above are potentially vulnerable to a remote code execution attack in the dashboard subscription interface. A privileged attacker can cause unexpected code to be executed through carefully-crafted saved search names. Though we have not been able to demonstrate an actual attack owing to other defenses in place, it could be possible. This fix addresses all existant and future saved searches. This vulnerability is assigned CVE-2017-5944. It was discovered by an internal security audit.
* RT 4.0.0 and above have misleading documentation which could reduce system security. The RestrictLoginReferrer config setting (which has security implications) was inconsistent with its implementation, which checked for a slightly different variable name. RT will now check for the incorrect name and produce an error message. This was responsibly disclosed to us by Alex Vandiver. New features
* Custom fields now have a \"New values must be unique\" option.
* Custom fields now support value canonicalization (for example, automatically changing input values to be all uppercase). See the AATTCustomFieldValuesCanonicalizers config option.
* Ticket timers provide a comment box for quickly adding ticket comments to describe your time worked.
* You can now set up default values for assets on a catalog level.
* You can choose to display result counts on ticket search portlets using the new $ShowSearchResultCount config setting.
* There is now a \"Load all history\" link for the \"as you scroll\" history loading mode, to allow you to use browser-based text search.
* We now display a list of recently-viewed tickets in the Search -> Tickets -> Recently Viewed menu.
* We have made RT::Extension::AdminConditionsAndActions part of core RT, so you can now easily configure the conditions and actions of your scrips right within the admin UI. General user UI
* Avoid breaking sorting of non-ticket searches in dashboards
* Avoid duplicate one-time recipients (I#31938, I#31939)
* Suppress ticket Ccs and AdminCcs from one-time recipients
* Allow ordering assets with \"CustomField.Foo\" syntax
* Avoid divide-by-zero in charts with no data (I#32143)
* Add ability to link multiple assets to a new ticket from asset bulk update
* Add quick asset create portlet for user summary
* Add encrypt/sign controls to ticket forward page
* Fix browser-based search navigation link generation (I#32197)
* Remove self-service password change form under ExternalAuth
* Respect SetInitialCustomField right in self-service (I#32233)
* Declare page as being in user\'s language for browser spellcheck (I#32082)
* Fix error with merge tickets being used on bulk update (I#32237)
* Avoid overaggressively generating external attachment links
* Add $HideOneTimeSuggestions config to hide one-time recipient addresses behind a click
* Add \"All recipients\" checkboxes to modify people page and one-time recipients on update
* Dashboards are now displayed in alphabetically-sorted order
* Remove dashboard from menu if it can\'t be loaded (I#29719)
* Avoid wrapping one-time recipient checkbox separately from its label (I#32117)
* Use only top-level attachments for generating one-time recipient lists to avoid e.g. phishing addresses
* Fix accidental usage of server timezone for end users (I#32315)
* Add user preference for browser context menu instead of CKEditor\'s, for native spellcheck (#32274)
* QuickCreate on a dashboard no longer sends you to the homepage (I#25573)
* Respect HideTimeFieldsFromUnprivilegedUsers in correspond transactions with time worked
* Fix occasionally-missing background-color for comments
* Add a Timer column to search results for launching ticket timer
* Fix error preventing merging tickets with lazily-created watcher groups (I#32490)
* Add a __CurrentUserName__ TicketSQL placeholder
* You can now search tickets using Queue LIKE \'…\' and Queue NOT LIKE \'…\'
* Make \"Show all\" link for attachment lists more prominent (I#32459)
* Respect SetInitialCustomField for multi-valued CFs (I#32491)
* Fix bulk update for asset custom fields (I#32509)
* Add support for CF grouping in asset bulk update (#32198)
* Add \"reattach\" as an attachment warning keyword
* Sort one-time recipient addresses (I#31879)
* Fix article quicksearch degrading the article menu (#31591)
* Avoid noisy \"CF changed from 0 to 0\" messages (I#32440)
* Avoid showing a truncated list of articles due to permissions (I#31989)
* Avoid double-encoded text attachments loaded from ExternalStorage
* You can now chart tickets by SLA (I#31824)
* Add \"Show all\" button for attachments on ticket forward page
* Relabel \"Password\" portlet on user page to \"Access control\" (I#31379)
* Fix UI for bulk update of \"List\"-type select-multiple CFs (I#32562)
* Avoid discarding checkbox changes in Recipients panel (I#32290)
* Clean up article custom fields display (I#32641)
* Add SLA field to bulk update if any queues have SLA enabled
* Include the new Request Tracker logo
* Fix overly-large bookmark star on mobile UI (I#32727)
* Stop double-escaping HTML which is made into links (I#31169)
* Fix keyboard shortcut UI for selecting tickets on old themes (I#32748)
* Add Reports menu with several predefined reports Command-line
* Fix rt-ldapimporter --debug logging output (I#32196)
* Improve rt-ldapimporter documentation
* Produce output from etc/upgrade/upgrade-assets Email
* Avoid overaggressively trimming whitespace from MIME encoded-words
* Add config option $OverrideMailPrecedence to help avoid out-of-office autoreplies
* Fix issues with encrypted attachments being unreadable/absent Database
* Skip DBA password prompt on SQLite
* Avoid warnings when upgrading old saved searches (I#32235)
* … and fix up those old saved searches (I#16856)
* Restart asset and catalog ID sequences for Pg and Oracle in etc/upgrade/upgrade-assets
* Add index on Attachments table column Filename (I#32033)
* Replace deprecated NOCREATEUSER with NOSUPERUSER for Postgres 9.6 (I#32511)
* Avoid deadlock in SetOwner race condition which we believe affected only MySQL (I#32381)
* The previous may have caused inconsistent ticket ownership, and so the 4.4.2 upgrade step will find and fix such issues
* Add rt-validator rules for possible issues around ticket owner rt-serializer/rt-importer
* Fix several incorrect references in output (I#31803, I#31804, I#31805, I#31808)
* Add --exclude-organization option (I#31812, I#31813)
* Add --limit-queues and --limit-cfs options
* Suppress semi-unmigrated link relationships by default
* Add --hyperlink-unmigrated option
* Fix queue change transactions to mention unmigrated queues by name
* Support for dashboards in menu preference (I#31810)
* Support for RT at a Glance preference (I#31809)
* Don\'t skip RT->System searches
* Avoid breaking rights granted to users (I#31806) Web Administration
* Add checkbox for selecting all custom field values in admin UI
* Log a history entry when adjusting whether a user is Privileged
* Log history entries when adding/removing a group member both to the group and to the member
* Hide disabled scrips by default, adding a \"include disabled scrips\" checkbox (I#30131)
* Add missing timezone field on user create/modify (I#29977)
* Add RT extension names and versions to System Configuration page (I#31482)
* Add a \"SetCustomFieldToNow\" scrip action whose Argument is CF name
* Fix default values config when CustomFieldGroupings introduces duplicate CFs (I#32441)
* Fix ExternalAuth failure after viewing System Configuration page (I#32469)
* Support custom field groupings for groups
* User searches can now be sorted by user CF For more, please have a look at: refreshed patches
* Wed May 17 2017 Added two more packages to Requires: perl(CSS::Minifier::XS) and perl(JavaScript::Minifier::XS)
* Fri May 05 2017 update to 4.4.1: New features:
* Administrators and users can now choose to place signatures above the quoted message in replies (RT_Config setting \"SignatureAboveQuote\" and the similarly named user preference). This also improves the specific spacing between quotes and signatures in all configurations. (I#31877)
* Users may now choose to suppress dashboard email when all of its searches have no results. This is controlled by the new \"Suppress if empty\" checkbox on the subscription page. (I#30078)
* The Dashboard subscription recipient options have been greatly expanded from a single text field (which happened to support multiple email address separated with a comma) to a robust user/group search.
* Users may now select a specific language for each dashboard email subscription. Administrators can customize the method by which dashboard email language is chosen (including specifying an ultimate fallback other than English) with the AATTEmailDashboardLanguageOrder RT_Config option.
* The \"hide unset fields\" preference now also hides unset custom fields, obsoleting RT::Extension::CustomField::HideEmptyValues. Additionally there is now a toggle button at the top right of the ticket display page for quickly toggling whether unset fields are hidden or shown. (I#31523)
* There is a new SetInitialCustomField right that permits setting custom field values on records (tickets, assets, articles) while you are creating them. It does not permit modifying custom field values of existing records. Users with SetInitialCustomField but without ShowCustomField will still be able to specify a custom field value at create time but not see it afterwards. (I#14974)
* Administrators and users can now choose to display queue dropdowns as an autocomplete field (RT_Config setting \"AutocompleteQueues\"), much like is available for Owners. If your RT instance has many queues this option improves performance and usability. (I#31291)
* New config for hiding time worked, time estimated, and time left from unprivileged users in the self-service interface (RT_Config setting \"HideTimeWorkedForUnprivilegedUsers\"). This also adds a hook point RT::Ticket::CurrentUserCanSeeTime for further customization. (I#31302)
* Long attachment lists can now be truncated to show only the X newest attachments, with an AJAX \"Show all\" link, (RT_Config setting \"AttachmentListCount\"). This should improve the performance and usability of both ticket display and ticket reply pages. General user UI:
* Eliminate console errors from Preview Scrip Recipients panel when there are no recipients
* Avoid URL length errors from Preview Scrip Recipients panel when the messagebox has lots of content (I#31874)
* Include MessageBoxRichText in JavaScript config to fix compatibility for RT::Extension::QuoteSelection
* Support autocomplete custom fields in bulk update (I#15259)
* Hint to the user that not all CF types are supported by bulk update, instead of silently excluding them (I#15259)
* Exclude One-Time Cc and One-Time Bcc addresses from squelching (I#31386)
* Restore behavior of $EditCustomFieldsSingleColumn config (I#18555)
* Improve \"reuse existing attachments\" UI to match existing attachments UI (I#31709)
* Improve ticket timer text-overflow styling (I#31713)
* Switch from generating an explicit list of statuses to Status = \'__Active__\' and Status = \'__Inactive__\' throughout the UI, both improving performance and simplifying TicketSQL queries (I#31695 etc)
* Switch queue search from queue ID to queue name for better usability
* Fix keyboard shortcut ? command in self-service UI (I#31535)
* Support / keyboard shortcut in self-service UI
* Add ticket SLA to display columns for search results (I#31831)
* Modernize UI of Articles display and modify
* Display creator, created, and updated metadata on Articles pages
* Fix searching for people associated with Assets (I#31546)
* Support 4.4 attachment uploader in self-service UI (I#31845)
* Fix bulk update check/clear all checkboxes (I#31667)
* Fix poor rendering of \"create [relationship] ticket in [queue]\" when there are no existant links (I#31871)
* Fix a regression with time zones in datetime custom fields (I#31674)
* Ticket timers no longer pause when JavaScript stops running (I#31707)
* Show the \"include attachments\" label on ticket reply only if there are attachments to include
* Avoid showing an empty custom fields panel on ticket edit pages when user can see custom fields but cannot edit them
* Fix new and existing charts that fail to render on dashboards (I#31557)
* Fix certain attachment links containing HTML metacharacters from double escaping (I#31751)
* Avoid failure to create tickets due to custom role rights (I#32069)
* Avoid SQL errors when using article quicksearch (I#31987) Command-line:
* Add new sbin/rt-search-attributes script for searching for attributes matching criteria specified as Perl code (I#31294)
* Fix issues around incorrect recipients in rt-crontool invocations with multiple actions Database:
* Add $MaxFulltextAttachmentSize RT_Config option (default: 0 meaning no limit) for tuning how very large attachments are included in the full-text index
* Avoid indexing EmailRecord transactions as they duplicate content already available in the original Create, Correspond, and Comment transactions. This improves both indexing time and index size considerably.
* Avoid creating transactions for, and bumping Last Updated of, tickets when migrating RT::Extension::SLA custom field values to the core SLA field (I#31924)
* Add the new RT 4.4 Queue SortOrder column sooner in the 4.4 upgrade process to improve extension compatibility
* Avoid errors during `make initdb` when ExternalAuth is enabled (I#32009) Web Administration:
* Add EscapeURI and EscapeHTML functions for use in email templates (I#31442)
* Add RT::Action::AddPriority action for use with rt-crontool which simply increments the priority by $Argument every invocation Server Administration:
* Avoid DateTime::Locale version 1.01
* Have ./configure test whether to use GNU-style syntax or BSD-style syntax for `find -perm`
* Several fixes around 4.0 and 4.2 upgrade scripts running under 4.4
* Fix migration of \"SLA Disabled\" for queues in the upgrade-sla script (I#31703)
* Avoid overloading error caused by certain versions of Email::Address on Preview Scrips Recipients (I#31712)
* Add explicit Pod::Select dependency since it was removed from Perl 5.18 (I#31873)
* Add documentation for the now-core ExternalAuth and LDAPImport options in RT_Config (I#31464)
* Automatically enable ExternalAuth when the ExternalSettings config option is declared, obviating the need for an explicit `Set($ExternalAuth, 1);` (I#31689)
* Remove unnecessary dependencies on FCGI::ProcManager and Net::LDAP::Server::Test (I#31872)
* Many cleanups in and improvements to our CPAN dependency install toolchain Developer:
* Remove unused RT::Shredder::Record
* Add RT::Date->Strftime method (I#31435)
* If content_like (or similar) tests fail, output the page content to a tmp file for debugging (I#31408)
* Make autocomplete infrastructure more generic and extensible
* Add missing %ARGS to ShowHistoryPage call in ShowHistory, improving RTIR compatibility
* Fix missing CurrentUser parameter in RT::Interface::Email::Gateway to improve RT::Extension::CommandByMail compatibility
* Fix Queue SLADisabled _CoreAccessible metadata to match schema\'s default value of 1 (I#31822)
* Switch \"hide unset fields\" to be implemented with CSS for additional flexibility
* Add CSS classes (for example `.admincc`) for many basic fields on ticket display
* Allow setting SLA in RT::Queue->Create, which can be used in initialdata files (I#31823)
* Improve ShowHistory compatibility with RTIR
* Add stubs for the fields that had been removed from queues in 4.4 to improve compatibility with extensions and customizations (I#32019)
* Fix tests to enable ExternalAuth
* Added infrastructure for deprecating specific callbacks, as we consider them to be part of our stable API (RT::Interface::Web::Request %deprecated)
* Deprecated callbacks: /Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html AfterUpdateCustomFieldValue
* New callbacks: /Ticket/Update.html RightColumnBottom /Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html EndOfPage /Elements/CollectionAsTable/Row EachField /Dashboards/Subscription.html SubscriptionFormEnd, SubscriptionFields, and MassageSubscriptionFields /Elements/SelectOwnerDropdown ModifyOwnerListRaw and ModifyOwnerListSorted /Helpers/Autocomplete/Owners ModifyOwnerAutocompleteSearch /Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments BeforeAttachment
* Improved callbacks: /Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html Initial adds $Results /Elements/MessageBox Default adds $DefaultRef and $MessageRef
* Adjust TicketHistoryPage to reuse existing callbacks for TicketHistory Documentation:
* Add documentation for 4.4\'s $ShowHistory scroll option in RT_Config (I#31705)
* Fix UPGRADING-4.2\'s description of PostgreSQL full-text search using GiST; it uses GIN indexes (I#31844)
* Link to RT::Authen::ExternalAuth as a local document like the rest of RT\'s core modules, rather than as an external link to metacpan like we do for extensions (I#31957)
* Update docs/authentication.pod to reflect RT::Authen::ExternalAuth and RT::LDAPImport (previously RT::Extension::LDAPImport) becoming part of core RT (I#31861)
* Fix broken link in SLA documentation
* Improve the upgrading documentation around migrating from RT::Extension::SLA to core SLA
* Third-party source code packaging improvements (I#31900)
* Link to our new RT wiki at Internationalization:
* Fix broken attachment upload UI for Catalan language (I#31864)
* Fix JS compile errors for translations with apostrophes (specifically French) under infinite scroll (I#32090)
* Update translations for: Finnish, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, Turkish, and UK English.
* Fri May 05 2017 make a man page rt-mysql2pg-contrib a bit nice
* Fri May 05 2017 Added missing man page for rt-mysql2pg-contrib
* Fri May 05 2017 Added missing man page- clean up duplicate files