Changelog for
python310-fissix-21.11.13-9.182.noarch.rpm :
* Sat Dec 25 2021 Ben Greiner
- Update to 21.11.13
* Fix: except fixer checks against the value of a node (#42, #43)
* Improved urllib fixer to include __version__ (#44)
* Tested against Python 3.9 (#32, #45)- Release 21.6.6
* New fixer for sorted() and list.sort() (#25)
* Token helpers for LBrace, RBrace, and Colon (#34)
* Fix for long used as keyword argument name (#28)
* Fix for exceptions with \"as\" keyword (#40)
* Support for running tests outside of source tree (#31)
* Documentation for fixers, general API, and usage (#23, #24, [#29])- Fix caching interference between flavors- Build with PEP517 flit-core.
* Fri Sep 18 2020 John Vandenberg - Activate test suite- Update to 20.8.0
* include dict in iterating context
* Fixed reporting some unchanged files as needing modification
* Wed Jul 01 2020 Steve Kowalik - Update to 20.5.1:
* No upstream changelog.
* Fri Sep 13 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Initial version, needed by dephell