Changelog for python311-phonenumbers-8.13.18-45.1.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Aug 09 2023 Marcus Rueckert - Update to version 8.13.18 - Merge to https://github.com/google/libphonenumber/commit/07cd7bbb8a2f relevant code changes: - Added a check to phonenumberutil.py that the value of the `phone-context` parameter of the tel URI follows the correct syntax as defined in [RFC3966](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3966#section-3). - Metadata changes * Sun Jun 11 2023 ecsos - Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} * Mon Jan 30 2023 Marcus Rueckert - Update to version 8.13.5 * Metadata changes * Thu Dec 29 2022 Michael Ströder - Update to version 8.13.3 * Metadata changes * Tue Dec 13 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to version 8.13.2 * Prep for 8.13.2 release * Fri Dec 02 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to version 8.13.1 * Prep for 8.13.1 release- Update to version 8.13.0 * tools: don\'t use clean target in metaclean The clean target relies on the coverage tool being installed. * Sat Oct 15 2022 Michael Ströder - Update to version 8.12.57 with metadata changes * Wed Oct 12 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to version 8.12.56 * Metadata changes: - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): HR, MK, PT, SG, TT - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): BZ - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s): 31 (en), 65 (en), 385 (en), 389 (en) * Mon Sep 19 2022 Michael Ströder - update to 8.12.55: * Many updates to phone metadata * Improved tests * docs: Fix a few typos * Sat Mar 26 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 8.12.45: - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): BF, EE, JM, RE, SE, US - New geocoding data for country calling code(s): 1464 (en) - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s): 46 (en), 55 (en), 226 (en), 262 (en), 353 (en), 372 (en), 373 (en), 1345 (en) - Updated / refreshed time zone meta data. - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): AG, AI, AS, BB, BM, BS, CA, CV, DM, DO, GD, GU, JM, KN, KY, LC, MP, MS, PR, SC, SX, TC, TT, US, VC, VG, VI - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): BE, PT, SC, SE, US - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s): 61 (en), 238 (en), 1345 (en) - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s): 238 (en), 248 (en) - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): BJ, CL, GA, IS, KR, KW, LI, PA, SG, SL - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): MS - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s): 56 (en, es) - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s): 32 (en), 229 (en), 354 (en), 502 (en), 507 (en) - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): BG, BI, CF, DZ, GF, GP, HK, IR, MA, MQ, MW, PK, PL, PM, QA, TJ - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): AG, AI, AS, BB, BM, BS, CA, DM, DO, GD, GU, JM, KN, KY, LC, MP, MS, PR, SX, TC, TT, US, VC, VG, VI - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s): 61 (en), 213 (en) - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s): 45 (en), 48 (en), 57 (en), 98 (en, fa), 236 (en), 243 (en), 257 (en), 420 (en), 421 (en), 508 (en), 675 (en), 852 (en, zh), 974 (en), 992 (en) - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): EH, IL, KE, LA, MA, OM, SG - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): PY - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s): 33 (en), 65 (en), 358 (en), 383 (en), 420 (en), 502 (en), 856 (en), 966 (en), 968 (en), 974 (en) * Thu Jan 06 2022 Michael Ströder - version update to 8.12.40: New to_string() methods have been added for enum-like classes, emitting strings that describe integer values known to be enum values. * Mon Dec 13 2021 Michael Ströder - version update to 8.12.39 - New to_string() methods have been added for enum-like classes, emitting strings that describe integer values known to be enum values. - The library now includes .pyi stub files providing typing information about the API, thanks to Adam Turner. - Updated As-You-Type-Formatter to exclude patterns where some digits would be dropped in the output. This also fixes the bug where an extra country code is added in some cases to the user\'s output. b/183053929 - Changes format_out_of_country_calling_number to always use preferred intl prefix if present, not just for numbers with a non-unique IDD. This means we will output \"8~10\" as the prefix if calling formatOutOfCountryCallingNumber instead of \"810\" for some regions that have this tilde in their prefix [designates that the user should wait before continuing to dial]. * Sat Sep 19 2020 John Vandenberg - Add %doc for readme and history files- Add Provides python-phonenumberslite- Expand testing from only phonenumbertest.py to all test modules- Update to v8.12.9 * see https://github.com/google/libphonenumber/blob/master/release_notes.txt * Tue Mar 24 2020 pgajdosAATTsuse.com- version update to 8.12.0 * metadata updates * see https://github.com/google/libphonenumber/blob/master/release_notes.txt * Mon Mar 16 2020 Marketa Calabkova - Update to 8.11.5 * metadata updates * see https://github.com/google/libphonenumber/blob/master/release_notes.txt