Changelog for python3-papermill-2.3.3-lp154.3.1.noarch.rpm :

* Sun Sep 19 2021 Ben Greiner - Add papermill-pr624-gcsfs.patch -- gh#nteract/papermill#624
* Sat Apr 10 2021 Ben Greiner - Update to 2.3.3
* Fixed language check to catch non-v3-backwards compatible notebook specs
* Builds updated for python 3.6.12 / travis support
* README updated to reflect supported python versions- release 2.3.2
* Fixed code of conduct link
* Fixed codify for matlab kernels
* Added support for sparkmagic kernels- release 2.3.1
* Added minimum version pin for nbformat- release 2.3.0
* Notebooks that are loaded with papermill now upgrade the document to the latest spec version (to support cell-id assignments).
* Empty yaml files are now accepted as parameter files
* Binder typo fix for example notebook
* Entry point documentation improvements
* Code of Conduct documentation link cleanup
* Tox change for local doc builds- release 2.2.1
* Allow `pathlib.Path`s in `execute_notebook` and `inspect_notebook`- release 2.2.0
* Provide help for Python notebooks by inspecting the `parameters` cell, via `--help-notebook`
* Support added for parameterizing Powershell kernels- release 2.1.3
* Removed jupyter_client dependency in requirements to avoid confusing pip on the actual version requirements.
* Parameterized commenting so that once can pass a `comment` argument to assign the comment string in injected cells.- release 2.1.2
* Expand Usage Docs for JupyterLab
* Support `nan` and `inf` in Python translator
* Added fix for required async loop registration in python 38 on windows- Skip python36: no python36-pandas on TW
* Tue Jun 09 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 2.1.1:
* Support for python 3.5 has been dropped
* Error cells injected at the top of failed notebooks look nicer now as markdown.
* DeadKernelExceptions, usually from OOM, now exit with a status code of 138 from the CLI.
* Error cell at the top of failed notebook has been made better. It now also has a link to an injected cell where the error occurred.
* Updated a deprecated function to the new function name for nbclient dependency.
* Wed May 20 2020 Petr Gajdos - %python3_only -> %python_alternative
* Thu Apr 23 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Remove py2 code as upstream says it is py3 only compatible
* Mon Feb 24 2020 Todd R - Update to version 2.0.0
* Papermill is now Python 3.5+ only
* Mon Nov 18 2019 Todd R - Initial version